Math 102 Final Exam Spring2016

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Math 102, Final Exam

May 5, 2016

Name: UNL Student ID Number:

Indicate your section/instructor.

Question Points Score
1 15
2 12
3 12
4 16
 Section 001 Kelly  Section 002 Parmelee
5 16
 Section 003 Poppelreiter  Section 005 Bukoski
6 16
 Section 101 Eckman
7 12
8 15
9 18
10 18
Total: 150

Answer the questions in the spaces provided on the question sheets. If you run out of
room for an answer, continue on the back of the page. Show an appropriate amount of
work (including appropriate explanation) for each problem, so that graders can see not
only your answer but also how you obtained it. Include units in your answer when
possible. You may receive 0 points for a problem where you show no work.

Instructions: 8. All cell phones and electronic devices (other

1. Do not open this exam until you are told to do than calculators) should be turned off and put
so. away during the exam.

2. No books or notes may be used on the exam. 9. Do not separate the pages of this exam. If they
do become separated, write your name on every
3. Credit or partial credit will be given only when page and point this out to your instructor when
the appropriate explanation and/or algebra is you hand in the exam. You do not need to turn
shown. in the last page.
4. Make sure your answer is clearly marked.
10. You may only use an approved calculator on the
5. Read and follow directions carefully. exam. If you have a problem with your calcu-
6. This exam has 10 questions, for a total of 150 lator, raise your hand.
points. There are 10 pages. Make sure you have
11. If you use graphs or tables to find an answer,
them all.
be sure to include an explanation and sketch of
7. You will have 120 minutes to complete the the graph, and to write out the entries of the
exam. table that you use.
Math 102 Final Exam May 5, 2016

1. [15 points] Find the exact values of each of the following (You should have some of these memorized
and will have to use identities for some of the others.):
(a) cos(0)

(b) cos(π/6)

(c) cos(π/4)

(d) cos(π/3)

(e) cos(11π/12)

Page 1 of 10
2. [12 points] Find the exact (x, y) coordinates of a point lying at an angle of 7π/6 on a circle of radius 4,
centered at the origin.

3. [12 points] Convert the following angles from radians to degrees:

(a) 3 rad

(b) 19 rad

(c) 6 rad

Page 2 of 10
4. [16 points] Consider the graph of a periodic function f (ϑ), shown below:
f (ϑ)



5 ,5

π 2π
3 3

(a) Find the period, amplitude, and midline for the function above.

(b) Write a formula for f (ϑ).

Page 3 of 10
5. [16 points] The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is not a perfect circle. However, for the purpose of
this exercise you can assume it is a perfect circle. Furthermore, you may assume that the Earth makes
one full revolution around the sun in exactly 360 days instead of 365 days. The Earth is 93 million miles
from the sun. Suppose that January 1 corresponds exactly with an angle of zero degrees.


93 million miles

(a) How many miles has the Earth traveled in 45 days? Be sure to write your answer in complete
sentences being sure to include units.

(b) How many days would it take for the earth to travel 1.438 million miles? Round to the nearest
whole day. Be sure to write your answer in complete sentences being sure to include units.

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6. [16 points] A construction worker is trying to determine how high his 17ft extension ladder can actually
reach. For safety the worker is required to place the ladder so that the base of the ladder makes an angle
of 70◦ with the ground.
(a) How high off the ground can the ladder reach? Write your answer in a complete sentence, being
sure to include units.

(b) How far horizontally, from the base of the wall should the worker place the ladder? Write your
answer in a complete sentence, being sure to include units.

Page 5 of 10
7. [12 points] The tip of a typical tuning fork used to help a piano tuner vibrates rapidly producing sound.
The tip of the tuning fork will move back and forth 0.01 millimeters to each side 440 times per second.
Let P (t) give the position of the tip of the tuning fork t seconds after being struck. Then p(t) = a sin(bt),
where a and b are constants.
(a) Find a possible formula for P = f (t).

(b) Sketch a reasonable graph of P = f (t) over one 220 of a second, labeling both of your axes. Make
the period, midline, maximum, and minimum clear on your graph.

0.01 mm

0.01 mm

Page 6 of 10
8. [15 points] Solve the following trigonometric equations exactly, for all possible solutions.

(a) cos(ϑ) = 2

(b) −4 cos(4ϑ) + 2 = −1

(c) cos(ϑ + 1) + 2 =

Page 7 of 10
9. [18 points] Prove the following identities. You may assume any fractions have non-zero denominators.
Be sure to indicate clearly where any identities are used. Your grade is dependent on the thoroughness
of your explanation.
1 1
(a) 2 2
= sec(ϑ)
2 cos(ϑ)(sin (ϑ) + cos (ϑ)) 2

(b) (sec(t) + tan(t))(1 − sin(t)) = cos(t)

(c) = cos(ϑ) + sin(ϑ)
cos(ϑ) − sin(ϑ)

Page 8 of 10
10. [18 points] A major league base ball diamond is formed by orienting a square with side length 90ft. The
pitching mound is placed on a line between home plate and 2nd base exactly 60.5 feet from home plate.
(Note: this is almost but not quite in the center)
2nd base

1st base
60.5 feet


Home Plate
(a) Write down the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines.

(b) Sometimes a pitcher will try to get an out by throwing directly to first base. How far is it from the
pitchers mound to first base?

(c) How far is it from the pitchers mound to second base?

Page 9 of 10
Additional Materials: This page contains a list of identities for you to reference, as well as a blank copy
of the unit circle, which you may fill in if you wish. No component of this page will count towards your
grade on the exam. You may separate this page from the exam.

Pythagorean Identity sin2 (ϑ) + cos2 (ϑ) = 1

2 tan(ϑ)
Double-Angle Formulae sin(2ϑ) = 2 sin(ϑ) cos(ϑ) cos(2ϑ) = cos2 (ϑ) − sin2 (ϑ) tan(2ϑ) =
1 − tan2 (ϑ)
1 1
Half-Angle Formulae sin2 (ϑ/2) = (1 − cos(ϑ)) cos2 (ϑ/2) = (1 + cos(ϑ))
2 2
Angle-Sum Formulae sin(A + B) = sin(A) cos(B) + cos(A) sin(B)
cos(A + B) = cos(A) cos(B) − sin(A) sin(B)

Angle-Difference Formulae sin(A − B) = sin(A) cos(B) − cos(A) sin(B)

cos(A − B) = cos(A) cos(B) + sin(A) sin(B)

(0, 1)
 √   √ 
3 3
− 12 , 2
2, 2
 √ √  √ √ 
2 2 2 2
− 2 , 2 2 , 2

2π π
 √  3 3 √ 
3 1 3 1
− 2 , 2 2 , 2

5π π
3π π
6 6
4 4

(−1, 0) (1, 0)
π 2π

5π 7π
7π 11π
4 4
6 6

 √  2 √ 
3 1 3 1
− 2 , −2 2 , −2
4π 5π
3 3
 √ √  √ √ 
2 2 2 2
− 2 ,− 2 2 , − 2
 √   √ 
3 3
− 12 , − 2
2 , − 2

(0, −1)

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