Concepts and Challenges
Concepts and Challenges
Concepts and Challenges
First time in 1989, the world bank used the term "good governance " which focussed to action
oriented programmes to curb the corruption in its client countries . Where as the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asian and the pacific refer it as " the process of
decision making and the process by which decisions are implemented ( or not implemented).
For Mahatma Gandhi , it means sarvodaya the concept of actions for the commune good
beneficial to all . According to Kautilya ( c. 340- 293 BCE) a king is the servant of the state who
could harbour no personal likes . In the happiness of the subject , lies his happiness. The king
should surrender his individuality in the interest of his duties . Kautaliya's king is a constitutional
slave , unlike Plato's philosopher king who had absolute power . Kautaliya's king acts in concert
with the seven or the organs of the state and values their advice . But, Kautaliya also wants that
not only the ruler , but also the people have to live with in constrains , otherwise , there will be
no civil society .
According to Kautaliya , rulers and their officials must be subjected to a vigorous difficult life
and an elaborate code of conduct . Good governance means governing by the rule of law with
the equality before law and equal production under law. To ensure the people's welfare which is
the objective of good governance there must be properly guided public servants and
bureaucracy .
Thus good governance means happiness and welfare of all through limited government ,
properly guided bureaucracy , disciplined rulers , fixed salaries , maintenance of law and order ,
curbing corruption and uniformity in administration.
The modern concept of good governance emerged in the past cold war era as a result of
deliberation by the World Bank and Organisation for Economic Corporation and Development
countries upon development , Particularly in developing countries . Good governance is
associated with efficient administration in a democratic frame work , an administration that is
considered to be citizen friendly , caring and responsive .Government must be efficient ,
effective , economical and also ethical. The governing process must be just , reasonable , fare
and emphatic . Good governance is in no way based on fragile doctrines and dogmas : rather ,
it has a constitutional base . further , it must be pointed out that good governance it not simply
something that governments could achieve , do by themselves.
Instead, it depends on the cooperation and involvement of a large number of citizens and
organisations . Precisely , the good governance relates to political and institutional l processes
and out comes that are perquisites for achieving the goals of development . Therefore ,good
governance is applicable to all sections of society such as the government , legislature ,
judiciaries , the media , the private sector , the corporate sectors the cooperatives , the society
registered under the society registration Act and NGOs
The preliminary condition for good governance is the establishment of the rule of law, which,
ultimately, supplants the rule of whims and caprices of those in power. Good governance
demands that government must be not only representative, but responsive, as well, to the
needs of governed. A strong sense responsiveness and commitment to serve the governed is
required on the part of the government. It emphasises on the effective delivery of services to the
satisfaction of the people. It provides moral legitimacy, apart from constitutional validity and
credibility to the goals, as well as instrumentalities of government. It comprehends within itself
all sections of governance and all sections and regions of society.
The main constituents of the good governance are rule of law; honesty, or probity in public
affairs; independence of judiciary and human rights; people's participation; equality of treatment;
absence of discrimination on the basis of colour, creed, caste, race, language, sex, region,
ability; administrative responsiveness; social sensitivity; ethical approach or conduct; willingness
to learn, and an urge to improve, as well as to evolve the capability to anticipate the nature and
direction of change; to cope with challenges as they arise, from time to time.
Good governance depends on a range of factors that include administrative capacity, country's
stage of development, the external conditions that it faces, and the state of information and
technology (1.T) available to it, for taking decisions.
The World Bank has identified a number of challenges to good governance which assume
significance for developed and the developing countries. These factors deal with the following
political and administrative aspects.
Political accountability, including the acceptability of the political system by the people, and
regular elections to legitimize the exercise of political power.
There should be freedom of associations and participation by various religious, social, economic
and cultural and professional groups in the process of governance .
An established legal framework based on the rule of law and independence ,I of judiciary to
protect human rights, secure social justice and safeguards against exploitation and the abuse of
A sound administrative system should lead to efficiency and effectiveness. This, in turn, means
value for money and cost effectiveness.
Lastly, there is a greater need of cooperation among government and civil society organizations.
3. Criminalization of politics
5.Weak legislators with criminal records, poor knowledge about development issues and low
level of education .
9.Poor coordination among the political, administrative and community level organizations and