CaneBot - FertiSpray - Chapter 1-3 (With Patent)

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A CpE Practice and Design Project

Presented to the Faculty of the Computer Engineering

College of Computer Studies


Bongabong Campus

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in the Course

CpE 416 – Practice and Design 1

For the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE)


Collamar, Abiegail R.

Faigmani, Mark Kliem Well M.

Hernandez, Gio Del F.

Robiso, John Dave R.

August 2023


This chapter presents the background of the study,

purpose and description, objectives, significance, scope,

and limitations of the study.


Sugarcane industry is a global agricultural sector

focused on the cultivation and processing of sugarcane.

Historically rooted in ancient civilizations, sugarcane is

primarily processed to produce sugar, a staple diet

worldwide. This industry serves as a crucial means in

meeting global sweetening needs and generating employment.

Aside from the sugar, the industry also produces by-products

like molasses, bagasse and ethanol. Specifically, ethanol

produced by sugar cane is a significant biofuel in countries

such as Brazil [1]. The role of sugar cane industry in the

global economy and its potential for producing renewable

energy solutions make it a vital sector.

In the Philippines, sugarcane industry plays a vital

role in its economy. Sugarcane is one of the crops that was

being cultivated in the country since the ancient times. It

is one of agricultural products that Philippines are

exporting back in days. As a matter of fact, between July

and December 2022, 158.55 thousand hectares of sugar cane

was being cultivated [2]. This proves that sugarcane

industry is still alive in the country and is one of the

people’s source income.

However, over the years of Philippines sugarcane

industry it faced a lot of challenges. Due to different

factors such as the change in climate and soil degradation

the sugarcane production decreases [3]. To address this

problem, developing a machine that will automate the

fertilizer application to the soil is proposed in the

sugarcane plantation. This proposed machinery aims to

answer the problem of soil degradation in sugarcane

plantations. Its objective is to increase the soil quality

in the plantation which will definitely affect the level and

overall quality of the production.

The mechanization of fertilizer application is

necessary in improving the land yields. It will help in

increasing productivity and efficiency. It will also lessen

the time consumption in farming as well as the manual labor

needed in the sugarcane industry. Moreover, introducing farm

mechanization in the local sugarcane industry will be

beneficial not only in the sugarcane plantation owner but

also in the environmental quality that is necessary in the

development of sugarcane farming.

This project aims to integrate the soil analysis

technique into the mechanized fertilizer application method

and build a smart controlled fertilizer sprayer machine

offering a real-time view of the plantation, the current

level of soil moisture and the soil nitrogen, potassium and

phosphorus level that will enhances the soil quality of the


Furthermore, solar panels will also be integrated into

the system to harness solar energy and power the smart

controlled fertilizer sprayer machine. This sustainable

approach not only reduces energy costs but also aligns with

the principles of eco-friendly and environmental


Additionally, this project will go beyond the

automation of the fertilizer application itself by

integrating the remote-control technique for the usability

of the project. By incorporating the power of the wireless

connection, sugarcane industry will have the opportunity to

transform the traditional way of applying fertilizer,

overcome man-power limitations, and generating improved

products. User, in turn, will benefit from the decrease of

labor cost and appropriate data generated by the design


Therefore, creating a smart controlled fertilizing

machine with a real-time view of the plantation, solar

panels, and integrating the remote control by the used of

smartphone, the developers aim to optimize the sugarcane

plantations production, improve product quality, and reduce

manual labor. This project aligns with the sustainable

development goals of renewable energy usage, innovation in

traditional practices, and economic empowerment of the

country sugarcane industry.

Background of the Study

Sugarcane industry is not very common in Oriental

Mindoro. However, the Lagang’s Family currently have three

plantations in Bansud, Oriental Mindoro, one of those

plantations is located at Proper Tiguisan, Bansud.

Figure 1. Location Map of the Proposed Design Project

The Lagang family are currently using fertigation as a

method of their fertilizer application throughout their

plantations. Fertigation is a modern agricultural technique

that combines water and fertilizer application through

irrigation [4]. The Lagang family are using a lengthy hose

placed in the spaces between each row of the sugarcane

plant. This hose is attached to the pump which is also

placed in a drum where the fertilizer was dissolved. This

dissolved fertilizer is a type of a solid fertilizer which

they chose based on their preferences only which they also

get by how they are currently seeing their plantation.

Additionally, they are using a diesel-powered generator to

provide electricity to the fertigation system.

However, fertigation system is associated with a high

cost because of its construction. This high cost typically

involves the purchase of tanks, injectors, backflow

prevention valves and power generator. It also needs a

consistent care as even a small flaw in the fertigation

system may lead to inconsistent growth and equipment damaged

which may result to products quantity loss [5].

In this context, the developers seek to address these

challenges by introducing a smart controlled fertilizer

sprayer machine powered by the solar energy. This machine

will be developed with a structure of a common carrier

machine that has wheels, place for carrying materials in

which in this project, it will carry the tank where the

fertilizers will be placed and its motors. It will also have

the structure of a sprayer which has nozzle and hose. In

addition, this machine will also use microcontroller to

enable the machine to run with the use of android

application that will serve as its remote control. This

machine will use different types of modules such as Wi-Fi

module to create connection with every other component. This

machine will have a huge role in increasing the sugarcane

productivity and decreasing human labor in sugarcane


Statement of the Requirements

This project design aims to develop a Canebot

Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer.

Specifically, it aims to achieve the following


1. To design a smart controlled machine for sugarcane

plantation that covers the soil analyzer, and

fertilizer sprayer.

2. To develop a single machine that will be capable of

generating an accurate basis in applying fertilizer.

3. To integrate an intelligent, solar-powered, and

remotely operated machine tailored for sugarcane


4. To test the smart controlled fertilizing machine with

soil analyzer in terms of its performance,

functionality, accuracy, safety and reliability.

5. To implement the smart controlled fertilizing machine

with soil analyzer at Lagang’s Sugarcane Plantations.

Significance of the Study

Below are the lists of significant contributions of the


Local farmers/owners. This will help sugarcane farmers and

owners that can lead to increased efficiency, cost savings,

and improved crop yields, which can ultimately lead to

increased food production and sustainability. This project

can help local farmers and owners.

Sugar Regulatory Administration. This will help the

department for ensuring the sugar industry’s viability and

competitiveness in the global market while maintaining

environmental and quality standards.

Department of Agriculture. This will benefit the agency for

the potential to revolutionize sugarcane farming by making

efficient and sustainable. It can benefit the department in

promoting and supporting the adaption of such smart farming

technology for the betterment of the entire industry.

Society. Through this study, locals will have received

additional knowledge that can understand the advantage of

the development of the sugarcane fertilizing robot.

Future Researchers. This study will be a big help for future

researchers, this would serve as a reference and guide in

making their own study or research related to this project.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The design project covers the design and development of

a smart controlled fertilizing machine with soil analyzer.

This project aims to automate the fertilizer application in

sugarcane plantation. It will be comprised of an android

application that will serve as controller, the actual

machine that will be used in applying liquid fertilizer, and

the soil analyzer that will be attached to the machine. The

android application will allow the sugarcane farmer to

remotely control the fertilizing machine. The farmer will

have a real-time view of the plantation with the use of

camera. It will also enable the farmer to control the soil

analyzer sensors that will be attached to the machine.

The fertilizer machine on the other hand, will be

developed to carry the container, sensor, and electrical

components that are necessary for it to be functional. It

will be designed to fit the rough terrain of the sugarcane.

Moreover, this machine will be using solar energy as its

power source. This machine will be able to communicate with

the android application through wireless connection. While

the soil analyzer that will be attached to the machine will

be comprised of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium sensor and

the soil moisture sensor. This design project will be

conducted at Lagang’s Sugarcane Plantation located at Proper

Tiguisan, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro.

However, due to some design architecture the project

needs signal and connectivity. The range of the embedded wi-

fi in ESP32 which will be used as the microcontroller of the

project is limited to 50 meters only. Though it can also

send data up to 1 kilometer line of sight, considering the

nature of sugarcane it will be impossible not to face some

problem with connectivity. In addition, this design project

is also limited by the time. This project must be completed

within four months which might affect some of the features

of the final product.

Furthermore, the fertilizer machine will be designed to

be used for sugarcane only and will not be suitable to be

used for other agricultural crops. It will also be developed

to apply liquid fertilizer to the sugarcane which means that

the machine will not be capable of applying solid fertilizer

to the soil. In addition, the container will only be capable

of carrying 20 liters of liquid fertilizer.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are conceptually defined for a

better understanding.

AutoCAD. It is a computer-aided drafting program used for

the sketch and design of the prototype project of CaneBot


Arduino IDE. An Arduino Integrated Development Environment

is a software used to program, write and upload codes to the

Arduino micro-controller boards to run the system.

Arduino Mega. It is a programmable micro-controller board

that connects the PIR sensor as input into multiple end

devices that serves purposely as alarm device.

Diphargm Pump. It is a perfect equipment for handling a

range of water treatment application including fertilizer

and chemical for pH control.

Electronic Components. These are components required for an

embedded system which helps the system to function properly.

Fertilizer. It is a chemical substance applied to the crops

to increase growth and productiveness of the sugarcane.

Fertilizing Machine. It is a compact machine that is

suitable for the distribution of chemical, granulated,

powdery, and pellet fertilizer on the soil.

Industrial Crops. This refers to a crop that provides raw

material and a basic substance for making products.

MIT App Inventor. An intuitive, visual programming that

allows to functions the apps for smartphone and devices.

Monitoring System. It is a combination of hardware and

software components is responsible for supervising the

farmhouse property.

NodeMCU- ESP8266. It is an open-source software and hardware

development environment built around an inexpensive system-

on-a chip.

Soil Analyzer. It is a set of various process that initiate

the test for soil, pH level and fertility.

Smart Controlled Devices. This refers to a smart device that

are connected to each bond that access one central point; it

helps to automate processes and controls.

Sugarcane. It is a giant tropical grass that stalks the

particular capacity of a crystallizable sugar



This chapter discusses the relevant research,

techniques, and studies that contribute to the design

project Canebot Fertispray: An Android Controlled Sugarcane

Fertilizing Machine. This chapter will also include an

overview of the findings for a better understanding of the



The “Canebot Fertispray” project aims to design

and develop a smart controlled fertilizing machine with soil

analyzer for sugarcane plantation to help increase the

production of sugarcane in the chosen beneficiary’s

sugarcane plantation. It will be tested for functionality,

reliability, and user-friendliness under various conditions,

ultimately benefiting the Lagang Family Sugarcane Plantation

in Proper Tiguisan, Oriental Mindoro. This technical survey

reviews express existing technologies, methodologies, and

studies relevant to the Canebot Fertispray, provide

validation and build a comprehensive understanding of the

landscape and informing the design decisions of the project.

1. Smart Farming: Internet of Things (Iot)-Based

Sustainable Agriculture

Smart farming is a development that has emphasized

information and communication technology used in machinery,

equipment, and sensors in network-based hi-tech farm

supervision cycles. Innovative technologies, the Internet of

Things (IoT), and cloud computing are anticipated to inspire

growth and initiate the use of robots and artificial

intelligence in farming. Such groundbreaking deviations are

unsettling current agriculture approaches, while also

presenting a range of challenges. Furthermore, this

technical knowledge is helpful to growers during crop

periods from sowing to harvest; and applications in both

packing and transport are also investigated.

1.1 Global Positioning System (GPS)

Global Positioning System (GPS) [6] receivers provide

a method for determining location anywhere on the earth.

Accurate, automated position tracking with GPS receivers

allows farmers and agricultural service providers to

automatically record data and apply variable rates of inputs

to smaller areas within larger fields.

1.2 Soil and Plant Sensors

Sensor technology, a significant constituent of

precision agriculture, provides soil properties information,

fertility, and water status. Hence, new sensors have been

developed based on desirable features and established apart

from currently available sensors. Soil sensors and plant

wearables monitor real‐time physical and chemical signals in

soil, such as moisture, pH, temperature, and pollutants, and

provide information to optimize crop growth conditions,

fight against biotic and abiotic stresses, and increase crop

yields. Soil organic matters (SOMs), nitrogen (N),

phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are the most important

nutrients for crop production [7].

1.3 Rate Controllers

Rate Controllers [8] are designed to control the

delivery rate of inputs by monitoring the speed of vehicles

across the field, and altering the flow rate of material on

a real‐time basis at the target rate. Rate controllers are

commonly used as stand‐alone systems.

1.4 Yield Monitor

Yield monitors [9] are the combination of sensors and

components, including a data storage device, a computer, and

user interface, that control integration and interaction

com‐ ponents. The sensor measures yield continuously by

evaluating the force of mass or volume of grain flow. The

mass flow sensor was based on the principle of transmitting

mi‐ crowave energy beams and measuring the energy that

bounces back after hitting. In yield monitors, GPS receivers

create yield maps based on the location yield data.

1.5 Geographic Information System (GIS)

Geographic Information System (GIS) [10] a tool that

creates visual representations of data and performs spatial

analyses in order to make informed decisions. It is a

technology that combines hardware, software, and data. GIS

is very functional in traditional map making, to plot things

like fire hydrants along a road, or to draw boundaries, like

the area of different crop fields on a farm.

Smarter and more efficient crop production

methodologies are needed to address the issues of shrinking

arable land and the food demands of an increasing world

population. There is a necessity for everyone to be aware of

food security in terms of sustainable agriculture. The

growth of new technologies for increasing crop yield and

encouraging the adoption of farming by innovative young

people as a legitimate profession. The current challenges

faced by the industry and future prospects are noted to

guide scholars and engineers. Hence, every piece of farmland

is important to enhance crop production by dealing with

every inch of land using sustainable IoT-based sensors and

communication technologies [11].

2. Agriculture Supply Chain Management Based Android


Android platform is launched by Google which is a new

generation of smart mobile phone platform. Android provides

the support for mobile map and provides facility to link

multiple website links, which is probably a concern of vast

numbers of developers. Android is free and open source,

providing an easy-to-use development kit containing real

time information update and facility to link websites. Argo

Supply Chain will be an advisory and information system for

the farmers. Argo Supply Chain will be available on mobile

phones, which will be designed for farmers to help them stay

on track, avoid troubles, manage their expenses in

cultivation, receive all the latest and updated information,

government schemes and strategies related to the field of

agriculture along with supplier’s details for sugarcane. The

advisory system will enable its users to receive real-time

and interactive advices and alerts on crop. Different alerts

will be provided for plantation, insects, diseases and

nutrition. Farmers will also receive regular pest, disease

alerts and market price information to support on-farm

decision making.

2.1 Agricultural Application

Agri-App [12] is a revolutionizing Android mobile

application. It enables farmers to access large pool of

relevant information related to agriculture and some of its

related topics, at just a click of button There are numerous

features of this application with a simple to use interface,

which makes it much adoptable. Farmers in turn are able to

utilize most of the features effectively.

2.2 Farm Manager

Farm Manager [13] is an application that lets you

manage your farms from mobile devices (Smartphones) with

Android operating system. It is the modern tool for the

farmer for directly, correctly and timely management of

fields, operations and functions directly from the tractor

up. It takes advantage of modern technology and with a

simple, direct and practical way offers a mobile office

which monitors and informs the farmer for each stage of


2.3 Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology [14] agriculture can track all

types of information about plants, such as seed quality,

crop growth, and even the travel of a plant after it

leaves the farm. This data can improve supply chain

transparency and eliminate concerns associated with

illegal and unethical operations. They can also help track

contamination or other issues back to their source in the

case of a recall. The major aim of these technologies is

sustainability and food security.

2.4 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing [15] is often used to gather, analyze,

and store data about agriculture. Cloud-connected wireless

sensors collect data from the field, which is then analyzed

by machine learning algorithms in real-time to give farmers a

better idea of how their crops is doing. Precision

agriculture uses technology to keep track of and get the most

out of everything, from tools and fertilizer to water and


2.5 Drones and Remote Sensing

Drones and remote sensing technologies are used for

monitoring crop health, detecting diseases, and assessing

the need for interventions. Remote sensing can help provide

information about building locations and other obstacles

that can hamper and endanger drone operations within a

particular area [16]. Information about trees that can grow

to become obstructions, wetlands in potential construction

areas, or vegetation that can attract birds are critical for

safe drone flight operations.

All information (data, operations, crops) can be

managed easily from your mobile phone. Supports electronic

cartographic managing farms with the help of Google Maps.

The android application is the complete package for farmers

who want to do farming on sugarcane and obtain good

production with proper management [17].

3. Smart Sugarcane Crop Growth Monitoring System Using

Iot And Image Processing

The “Smart sugarcane crop growth monitoring system

based on IOT and image processing” is one of the best ways

to increase crop yields. A large portion of farming and

agricultural activities are based on the predictions, which

at times fail. Diseases occurred to the sugarcane plant can

affect the yield of sugarcane.


High-resolution cameras, such as RGB or multispectral

cameras, are used to capture images of the sugarcane crops.

Ground-based observations of crop growth provide fast, real-

time, nondestructive, automatic, and relatively inexpensive

information about crop status. This information can

significantly increase yields by allowing growers to

properly time fertilizer application, irrigation,

cultivation, harvest, and pest control [18].

3.2 Image Processing and Computer Vision Sensor

Image processing algorithms [19] are applied to the

images collected from the cameras. It expands from raw data

recording into techniques and ideas combining digital image

processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and

computer graphics. Computer vision helps scholars to analyze

images and video to obtain necessary information, understand

information on events or descriptions, and scenic pattern.

It used method of multi-range application domain with

massive data analysis.

3.3 LoRA

LoRa [20] chipsets connect sensors to the Cloud and

enable real-time communication of data and analytics that

can be utilized to enhance efficiency and productivity. LoRa

devices enable smart IoT applications that solve some of the

biggest challenges facing our planet: energy management,

natural resource reduction, pollution control, and

infrastructure efficiency.

3.4 Tractor-Mounted Sensors

Tractor- Mounted [21] sensors measure plant reflectance

to determine chlorophyll content, which correlates to

nitrogen concentration in the leaf. This non-destructive,

non-contact measurement method provides accurate, stable

readings with repeatable values.

3.5 RFID

Automated alert systems can send notifications to

farmers or agronomists when certain conditions or anomalies

are detected in the field. It is used in several commercial

and industrial applications, from tracking items along a

supply chain to keeping track of items checked out of a

library [22].

The system saves 70%-80% water requirement and also it

reduces the time and efforts of the farmer. This system can

be installed by any individual who doesn’t have the proper

knowledge about farming. It also increases rate of growth of

plant. The system can detect the disease occurred to

sugarcane crop and farmers can take actions accordingly. It

also helps for maintain the level of nutrients in the soil.

Farmers can get everything notified with the help of mobile


4. Solar Powered Seed Sowing and Fertilizer Spraying

Robot with Wireless Control

The Solar Powered Seed Sowing and Fertilizer Spraying

Robot with Wireless Control is a project that focused on an

agriculture seed sowing and fertilizer spraying process

using android application. The integral construction of the

robot is made simple to use. The new technology should also

be economically feasible and hence the behavior of the

technology and its role in the society is an important

consideration before developing a new product or process.

4.1 ATV & UTV Spreader

ATV / UTV Fertilizer Spreaders & Seeders [23] are a

self-contained, towable implement that can be towed by

smaller vehicles such as ATVs and garden tractors. These

units have a ground driven, cast iron, oil bath gearbox that

can be disengaged when transporting. Ideal for spreading

seed, fertilizer.

4.2. EZV-B V4/2 WIFI Controller

EZ-B V4 WiFi Robot Controller [24] can be controlled

over Wi-Fi using the graphical ez-builder software on your

PC or mobile device, without needing to program. The less

time you need to spend with compilers, hardware programmers,

and debuggers, the more time you can spend building and

designing robotic projects.

4.3 PhilSolar Panel

PhilSolar Panel [25] is one component of

a photovoltaic system. They are constructed out of a series

of photovoltaic cells arranged into a panel. They come in a

variety of rectangular shapes and are installed in

combination to generate electricity.

4.4 Pylontech Phantom-S Lithium Solar Battery

Phantom-S [26] is the latest HESS battery system

provided by Pylontech. It’s long-life character, highest

energy and power density in the industry, fashionable

design, easiness of installation and expansion, all reflect

the real

requirements of end users and strongest technical capability

of Pylontech.

4.5 Bio-Chopper Compact

Bio- Chopper Compact [27] was specially developed for

its own handle and offers a large capacity. Th clever auger

technique, the Compact can handle both long and short crops.

Tomato, cucumber, pepper, strawberry and it shreds it to as

much as 20% of its original volume. Includes binding

materials and coconut substrates.

5. Automatic Sprayer for Crops Using Arduino and


Crop yield is reduced by mainly due to attack of pests,

diseases and weed. Chemical control is the popular method

adopted for controlling most insects, weed and diseases. The

chemicals are applied either by spraying, sprinkling or on

the crop with help of pump or dusting. Spraying is one of

the most effective and efficient techniques for applying

small volume of spray liquid to protect crops.

5.1 Spray Master 200

Spray master 200 [28] is a user-friendly regulation

system that has been designed for the accurate application

of liquid spray products proportional to the forward speed

of the vehicle. It is suitable for manual and electrically

operates systems.

5.2 Mist Dust Sprayer

Mist Dust Sprayer [29] is a kind of knapsack power

sprayer which is used to spray liquid chemical in mist form

and urea in granule form. Ideal for quick spraying

operations in orchards, tea, coffee estates & other crops.

It can spray dust powder form pesticides also.

5.3 HTP Sprayer

HTP Sprayer [30] is a horizontal triple piston pump

with brass head, mainly used for uniform spraying with high

pressure all over the operation land, it is used for

multipurpose like commercial usage and agricultural usage.

Its main benefit is having long operation life and power


5.4 Orchard Sprayers

Orchard Sprayer [31] are used to apply pesticides,

plant growth regulators and foliar nutrients to orchard

trees. It is a tractor mounted equipment suitable for large

area lands. The high durability of the ceramic material

makes this nozzle extensively used in orchard / mist blower

applications at high working pressure or when applying

abrasive materials.

5.5 Knapsack Power Sprayer

Knapsack Power Sprayer [32] has motor engine operated

by using petrol engine 2 stroke and 4stroke engine type. It

has the separate chemical tank and also has hand held


6. Case Studies and Implementations:

7. Patent and Innovations:

The remotely controlled fertilizer sprayer and method

of controlling it is designed to spray a fertilizer or seeds

in the ideal state by accurately adjusting the amount of

spray and the its speed using a wireless remote controller.

The main components of this innovation include a shutter

which is used for adjusting the opening and closing of a

fertilizer guide hole. It also includes an electric motion

cylinder which is used for adjusting the opening and closing

angle of the fertilizer guide hole. Moreover, it also had a

fertilizer spray rotation plate place in the lower portion

of the fertilizer exhaust valve and a motor for rotating it.

This invention helps in preventing waste of a

fertilizer by precisely adjusting and spraying amount of

fertilizer in optimal state at predetermined area.

Furthermore, the availability that this invention provides

to the farmer to apply fertilizer remotely helps in

improving the safety of the farmers.

However, this invention requires a travelling means

such as tractor or cultivator. it was designed to be mounted

into other machine for it to be able to performed its

desired output. In addition, a shutter that opens and close

an exhaust port of the fertilizer sprayer had a defect which

led to the fertilizer waste since it cannot know whether a

fertilizer is adjusted as well as its amount.

Figure 2. Remotely Controlled Fertilizer Sprayer

Mounted into a Cultivator

The aforementioned invention can be used in a wide

field such as corn field. Since corn field requires

cultivation after every harvest this invention can be used

to this specific field. However, it is not suitable to used

in the sugarcane plantation since it does not require

cultivation after every harvest.

In comparison to the invention of vehicle for applying

an agrochemical mixture to a working area of a field which

is designed to separately apply the solid fertilizer and a

liquid fertilizer the remotely controlled fertilizer sprayer

is far mor advantageous as it offers remote control feature

in applying the fertilizer although both of these inventions

required to be mounted in a moving means [34][35].

[34] Wan Soo Kim, "Remotely Controlled Fertilizer Sprayer, and Method for Controlling
Same". United States Patent US 2013/0186973 A1, 25 July 2013.

[35] M. S. a. G. P. Wolfram Zerulla, "Method and Vehicle for Applying An Agrochemical

Mixture to a Working area of a Field". United States Patent US 11,246,258 B2, 15 February 2022.


The CaneBot Fertispray: An Android Controlled Sugarcane

Fertilizing Machine is a study to find the best solutions of

this problems by designing and fabricating the sugarcane

fertilizing machine which will be economical and efficient

for small scale farmers. In agricultural fertilizing,

irequires maximum man power, ample money and also it is more

time-consuming process. In doing fertilization process it

faces various problems and this are not easily solved. The

crop that responds to fertilizer variety and manure

shortages had severely reduced soil fertility, resulting a

secondary agricultural insect issue that are causing the

yield to stagnate, [33] stated that the productivity of

sugarcane is affected by many factors, one of them is soil

nutrients, the imbalance of which constraints the cane

productivity. Fertilizer, though one of the most essential

inputs for increasing agricultural production, is a leading

cause of nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture,

contributing significantly to global warming. Therefore,

understanding factors affecting farmers’ use of fertilizers

is crucial to develop strategies to improve its efficient

use and to minimize its negative impacts. Using data from

2528 households across the Indo-Gangetic Plains in India,

Nepal, and Bangladesh, this study examines the factors

affecting farmers’ use of organic and inorganic fertilizers

for the two most important cereal crops – rice and wheat.

Together, these crops provide the bulk of calories consumed

in the region [34].

Achieving food security, addressing climate change, and

halting environmental and natural resource degradation are

among the key challenges the agricultural sector faces in

efforts to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs1) and

the Paris Agreement to limit the global temperature increase

to below 2 °C [35]. However, excessive inorganic fertilizer

uses during and post GR caused a number of environmental and

ecological problems such as soil acidification, degradation,

and water eutrophication, severely undermining the

sustainability of agriculture [36]. The loss of applied

nutrients into the environment resulted in the fertilizer-

induced emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from agricultural

production, a major source of anthropogenic greenhouse gas

emissions [37].

Realization of the benefits of improved fertilizer and

organic matter management depends on the extent to which

farmers are aware of and able to implement new appropriate

agronomic management techniques. Farmers’ use of different

management practices is difficult to predict and depends

largely on the socio-economic and cultural context under

which they operate [38]. Understanding farmer behavior

toward use of inorganic and organic fertilizers is crucial

because improving N fertilizer use efficiency can

substantially lower the carbon footprints of agriculture.

Though methods to improve the NUE continue to be developed,

inefficient use of fertilizer persists. To date, relatively

little is known about farmers’ behavior toward fertilizer.

The application of organic fertilizer (manures) contributes

to the retention of inorganic fertilizer N and reduction of

losses, mainly through gradual improvements in soil

structure and ability to store nitrogen for slow release

from soil organic matter. Additionally, the understanding of

the farmers’ behavior regarding the use of organic and

inorganic fertilizers is crucial for designing fertilizer

use policy that can address the climate change and related

environmental issues in agriculture [39].

Rangelands are open areas for communal and unrestricted

grazing which degrades vegetation and declines productivity,

and reduces the resilience of the ecosystem. Press

management of rangelands will become increasingly important

as the climate changes, yet rangeland dynamics are still a

challenge to dryland ecologists. Breaking this vicious cycle

for sustainable management of both cultivated soils and

rangelands requires global, holistic, and integrated

approaches. Efficient management of soil fertility and land

should be innovative and integrate individual fields of

farmers and the farming systems at the community level. The

big challenge is to manage both cultivated soils and land

resources under human and animal pressure in a global

approach. Increasing demand for food and land and incapacity

of farmers to afford new technologies results in land

degradation, deforestation, and desertification. Few

approaches have really tackled this vicious cycle. The ISFM

is defined as a set of soil fertility management practices

of fertilizer, organic inputs, and improved germplasm.

Combined with the knowledge of how to adapt practices to

local conditions, the ISFM aims to maximize agronomic use

efficiency of the applied nutrients and improve crop

productivity [40].

Cropping systems greatly impact the productivity and

resilience of agricultural ecosystems. However, we often

lack an understanding of the quantitative interactions among

social, economic and ecological components in each of the

systems, especially with regard to crop rotation. Current

production systems cannot guarantee both high profits in the

short term and social and ecological benefits in the long

term. It is combined statistic and economic models to

evaluate the comprehensive effects of cropping systems on

rice production using data collected from experimental

fields between 2017 and 2018 [41]. Aerobic composting is a

method that uses oxygen to help decompose and breakdown the

organic materials. These bacteria and microbes that help

breakdown waste efficiently use the input of oxygen to

survive and thrive. Oxygen can be introduced into a compost

pile in ways such as not coving the pile, turning the pile

to expose all parts of it to oxygen, or even placing tubes

into the pile to allow for oxygen to flow into unexposed

parts of the pile [42].

Integrated Nutrient Management is the combined uses of

chemical fertilizers, organic manure, crop residue,

biofertilizers inclusion of legume and other crops in

cropping system. INM holds great promise in meeting the

growing nutrient demands of intensive sugarcane agriculture

and maintaining productivity at higher levels with overall

improvement in the quality of resource base. Efforts should

be made to utilize the crop residues and factory wastes

along with biofertilizers for sustaining the high

productivity levels and develop agro-ecology specific and

practically feasible integrated nutrient management packages

for different situations of sugarcane farming. To maximize

the fertilizer, use efficiency and to reduce the cost of

fertilizers, a sound fertilizer management programmed should

be followed. The following steps may be adopted to improve

nutrient use efficiency of sugarcane. Testing the soil for

nutrient status is to determine the amounts of additional

nutrients needed to reach the designated yield goals. Base

fertilizer applications on soil test results, realistic

yield goals, moisture availability, crop requirements, past

fertilization practices and previous cropping history.

Additionally, time nitrogen applications are a way to

correspond closely with crop uptake patterns, moisture

availability to increase NUE and minimize leaching and

runoff losses, place fertilizers to increase accessibility

of fertilizer nutrients to plant roots, reduce losses due to

volatilization of ammonia, erosion and runoff. The foliar

application during drought and fertigation with drip

irrigation may be followed. Use animal manures and organic

materials to improve soil tilth, water holding capacity, CEC

and soil structure and to reduce the need for inorganic

fertilizers. Rotate crops and include legumes in the

cropping systems to improve total nutrient recovery with

different rooting patterns, reduce erosion and runoff.

Lastly, the control nutrient losses in erosion and runoff by

using appropriate structural controls, adopting conservation

tillage practices, management of crop residues, land

leveling etc [43].


To assess the viability of a technology, many factors

must be taken into thought in every design effort. The

following are the main challenges that could arise during

design and implementation of Canebot Fertispray: An Android

Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine.

Environmental Constraints

The project design will be used to provide

fertilization of the sugarcane. Therefore, the project will

be implemented in Lagang’s Sugarcane Plantation. To ensure

the project’s durability, the materials are required to be

excellent quality.

Cost Constraints

The cost of this project is a vital factor. Every

member of the group has financial limit that must be taken

into account. The project’s financial commitment, which

includes the money required to complete on its timeline is

based on the resources involved. The development of the

project is expected to be expensive it is one of the factors

to be taken into account when planning the project.

Safety Constraints
The developers of the project should be sufficiently

knowledgeable in handling potentially harmful substances to

prevent unnecessary accidents during development. The

project may fail throughout the development and testing

stages without using of electrical power. Developers could

face significant damage from improper component handling.


Canebot Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Fertilizing

Machine with Soil Analyzer is a design project that will be

built with different tradeoffs. These tradeoffs will be a

vital factor in the process of this project. Performance,

cost, feasibility, scalability and user experience and

maintenance are the general tradeoffs of this design


The performance of this design project is expected to

be in accordance with the available components in the local

market. In exchange, with the ease of acquiring the

necessary components and initiate the final performance of

the project will be affected. However, the project cost and

maintenance will be minimized because of the current

available components in the local market with the use of the

already obtainable sensors and other necessary components in

market, the proponents will be capable of developing the

design project.
Moreover, to increase the user’s experience of the

proposed project, an android controller will be created

together with the actual machine. It will offer, the user an

experienced of easily controlling the machine with a real-

time view of the sugarcane plantation. On the other hand,

the scalability of this design project is limited. This

project is will be design to fit the nature of sugarcane

plantation only. On the otherhand, the only one crop

feasibility of the project scale of the project will be

clearly define.
Chapter III


This chapter discuss the project design and methodology

of CaneBot FertiSpray: An Android Controlled Sugarcane

Fertilizing Machine. This involved the project analysis,

project management, project design and description and

project cost analysis made for the purpose of supporting the

entire project.

Project Analysis

Project analysis is a requirement for the developers to

achieve the objectives of the design project. As stated in

the main objectives, the proponents aim to develop a Canebot

Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer that has the main goal of transforming

the traditional way of applying fertilizer in farms and


Before the development of the project, the complexity

of the development will be analyzed and examined by the

developers in order to complete the design project and make

it feasible. Moreover, proponents should have knowledge of

hardware requirements as well as software requirements

before integration. The hardware components, such as

microcontrollers, sensor modules, and other microelectronic

components, will be integrated and associated with the

software requirements for the project to be successful.

In building the soil analyzer, developers need to be

knowledgeable in terms of circuitry as well to avoid

accidents and further troubles upon building the system.

Likewise, in building the fertilizer sprayer the proponents

need to be well informed in terms of the project knowledge,

software and hardware requirements. Learning these

requirements and specifying them will be useful in terms of

the developer’s path and step to successfully build the

proposed design project.

The difficulties in building the project will be

analyzed and studied before the development of the project

by the developers of these project who are the students of

Computer Engineering. The project design should be finished

by the end of the school year 2023-2024 upon implementation.

System Flowchart

This figure shows a graphical representation of a

process. It is a diagram that illustrates the workflow

required to complete a task or a set of tasks with the help

of symbols, lines, and shapes.


Turn ON Canebot

Open Mobile Controller


Drive The Machine Inside

The Plantation

Bring Down Sensors (NPK
Soil NPK and
And Moisture)
Moisture Level

Bring Up Sensors (NPK

And Moisture)

Drive The Machine To

Return Outside The

Turn OFF Canebot Exit Mobile

Controller End
Figure 2 shows the system flowchart of soil analyzer of

the proposed project design. The soil analyzer will be used

to measure the current nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus

level of the soil using NPK sensor it will also measure the

soil moisture using soil moisture sensor. After turning on

the machine the user will open the mobile controller

application and drive the machine inside the sugarcane

plantation. When the machine arrived to the user desired

location the sensors can be bring down through the mobile

controller. After 30 seconds to 60 seconds the NPK meter

display and LCD can display the current soil NPK and

Moisture level and the user can bring up the sensors. Then

the machine can be drive to go back to the user through the

mobile controller to look on the result of measurements.

When the user saw the result of the measurements the machine

can be turned off and start mixing the fertilizer according

to the data gathered by the NPK and moisture sensors.


Turn ON Canebot

Does the
Yes Container Contain

Open Mobile Controller Formulate The Liquid

Application Fertilizer Based On The
Result Of The Sensors

Turn ON the Pump

Pour Liquid Fertilizer

into the Container
Drive The Machine Inside
The Plantation


A2 Does Liquid
No Fertilizer
Detected Empty? Yes

Drive The Machine To

Return Outside The


Yes Done Applying No


Drive The Machine To

Return Outside The

Turn OFF Canebot Exit Mobile

FertiSpray Controller

The 4.
figure above shows the system flowchart of

fertilizer sprayer of the CaneBot FertiSpray: A Smart

Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil Analyzer.

Upon turning on the machine it must already have the liquid

fertilizer inside the container. Then the user can open the

mobile controller application where the pump can be turned

on remotely. However, before turning on the pump the machine

must be driven inside the sugarcane plantation first.

The liquid container will have a water level sensor

inside it to enable the user to monitor the current level of

the liquid fertilizer. The real time value of the water

level will be display on the mobile controller application

as well and when the liquid fertilizer level reached empty

the user must drive the machine back in order for it to be

refilled again. However, if the container still has liquid

fertilizer in it the user can continue applying the

fertilizer through the mobile controller application. Then

if the user is done applying fertilizer the machine must be

driven back to where the user is and turn off the machine.

Project Management
Rapid Application Development Cycle (RAD) is the

methodology that will be used in developing the CaneBot

FertiSpray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer. Rapid application development (RAD) is a

development approach focusing on designing and prototyping

stage for the purpose of getting instant user feedback.

Unlike traditional development models with initial planning

and further execution RAD implies more flexibility. Constant

iterations of user feedback and quick incremental updates

help to achieve better result at the end of the day. This

also helps ensure that desired output is more quality-

focused and associated with the end users’ requirements.

Figure 5. Rapid Application Development Cycle of CaneBot
FertiSpray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing
Machine with Soil Analyzer

The developers will use the most appropriate

methodology for the project development of CaneBot

FertiSpray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer which is the Rapid Application

Development Cycle (RAD). Rapid Application Development (RAD)

is a development model that is composed of four phases

starting with requirements planning, followed by user

design, construction, and design implementation and release.

Developers will use rapid application development to make

multiple adjustments and upgrades to the project without

needing to start again the development schedule from scratch

each time.
Requirement Specifications

All the specifications that must be established for a

project's design and verification are listed in the

requirements specification. For the system to be properly

developed, all needs must be sufficiently specific. Canebot

Fertispray: An Android Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing

Machine requires knowledge, software, and hardware

requirements. The developers should provide these

requirements to achieve the desired output of the device.

Knowledge Requirements

The developers should be knowledgeable and skilled in

electronics, hardware, circuitry, and programming. For the

project to be more accurate, the developers should first be

knowledgeable about sugarcane farming. When planning a

project that includes a fertilizer application and video

surveillance system, the developers should take into account

the location and health of the intended beneficiaries. Last

but not least, the developers need to be knowledgeable and

skilled in electrical and electronic aspects to prevent

breaking down of the components and accidents.

Software Requirements

Arduino IDE

Figure 6. Arduino IDE

The Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code

and upload it to the board offline. The IDE application is

suitable for different operating systems such as Windows,

Mac OS X, and Linux. The developers use Arduino version

2.2.1 that will be used for the development of the project

to execute commands and functionalities.

MIT APP Inventor

Figure 7. MIT APP Inventor

App Inventor lets you develop applications for Android

phones using a web browser and either a connected phone or

emulator. The App Inventor servers store your work and help

you keep track of your projects.

Autodesk AutoCAD

Figure 8. Autodesk Autocad

AutoCAD is a general drafting and design application

used in industry by architects, project managers, engineers,

graphic designers, city planners and other professionals to

prepare technical drawings. The developers used AutoCAD 2020

version 30.1.51 to sketch and plan the proposed project.

Hardware Requirements

In accomplishing the project, the developers were use

the following hardware components in order to generate the

desired output. The following are the detailed specification

of each component:

ESP32 Microcontroller
Figure 9. ESP32 Microcontroller

The ESP32 is a microcontroller board that is part of

the Espressif Systems family of microcontrollers. It is a

low-cost, low-power device that is widely used in IoT

projects and other applications that require Wi-Fi and

Bluetooth connectivity. The ESP32 can pull as much as 250mA

during RF transmissions, but we've generally measured it to

consume around 150mA -- even while actively transmitting

over WiFi. The ESP32 will be use for running the main

application and the other for running the Wi-Fi and

Bluetooth protocols

Solar Panel

Figure 10. 12v- 24v Solar Panel

Solar panels, also called photovoltaics collect

energy. The solar panels are rated between 250 and 200
watts. Higher wattage generally means a system will be more

efficient and require fewer modules. The developers used

photovoltaics solar panel with a capacity of 12-24 volts.

Solar Charge Controller

Figure 11. Solar Charge Controller

The function of an inverter is to convert Direct

Current (DC) into Alternating Current (AC). The solar

charge controller will be used to keep the battery from

overcharging by regulating the voltage and current coming

from the solar panel to the battery. It is programmed at 15-

A/200-W unit and uses MPPT (maximum power point tracking) to

accelerate solar charging of the battery up to 30% per day.

24V-12V Step-Down Converter

Figure 12. 24V-12V Step-Down Converter

A DC-to-DC converter 24V to 12V is a crucial

electronic device used to step down the voltage from 24

volts to a stable 12V output. This type of converter is

commonly used in various applications where a lower

voltage is required from a 24V power source.

12V-5V Step-Down Converter

Figure 13. 12V-5V Step-Down Converter

This buck converter 12v to 5v converts the DC 8-20V

into DC 5V. Low power consumption. Voltage input: DC 8-20V,

output: DC 5V. Max Current: 5A 25W. The output voltage is

set at the front that the DC/DC converter can be used for

many purposes.

Figure 14. ESP32-Camera

ESP32CAM is an image recognition development board. It

features an ESP32 (4M Flash + 520K RAM) chip and 2-Megapixel

camera (OV2620). It also supports image transmission via Wi-

Fi and debugging through USB Type-C port. The ESP32-CAM is

a very small camera module with the ESP32-S.

Water Level Sensor

Figure 15. Water Level Sensor

The water level sensor is a device that measures the

liquid level. The Water Level Depth Detection Sensor will

be used for Arduino it has operating voltage DC3-5V and

Operating current less than 20mA. The sensor is the analog

type which produces analog output signals according to the

water pressure with its Detection Area of 20x16mm.

Arduino Mega
Figure 16. Arduino Mega

Arduino Mega 2560 is a development electronic board

based on the Atmega2560 microcontroller. It has 54 digital

input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs),

16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz

crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP

header, and a reset button.

NPK Sensor

Figure 17. NPK Sensor

The soil NPK sensor is suitable for detecting the

content of NPK in the soil. he NPK Sensor has 4 wires. The

brown one is VCC which needs a 9V-24V Power Supply. The GND

pin which is black in color, it is connected to the GND of


Figure 18. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

A liquid-crystal display (LCD) is a flat-panel

display or other electronically modulated optical. A 16x2

LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used

in various devices and circuits. A 16x2 LCD means it can

display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines.

Moisture Sensor

Figure 19. Moisture Sensor

Soil moisture sensors measure or estimate the amount of

water in the soil. It consists of 4 pins in which the VCC
and GND. The operating voltage is 3.3-5 volts and ADC-DAC
of 3.3- 5 volts with the current consumption of 32mA.

2-Channel Relay

Figure 20. 2-Channel Relay

The 2 Channels Relay Module is a convenient board

which can be used to control high voltage, high current

load such as motor, solenoid valves, lamps and AC load.

It uses a low-level triggered control signal (3.3-5VDC) to

control the relay. t is an automatic switch to control a

high-current circuit with a low-current signal.5V relay

signal input voltage range, 0-5V. VCC power to the system.

Servo Motor

Figure 21. Servo Motor

Servos are mainly used on angular or linear position

and for specific velocity, and acceleration. The servo

motor is compact and lightweight and outputs high power.

Rated Output Power: 200 W (1/4 HP) Motor Frame Size: 60 mm

(2.36 in.)

Figure 22. Wires

Electrical wires consist of a single conductor, and

cables hold multiple wires inside them. Insulation can

cover the metal part of the wire so that it doesn't make

contact with outside sources. The project will use of at

least 50- 100 pieces of wires.


Figure 23. 24V Motor

24V DC Motors are electric motors that run on 24

volts of direct current. They are used in various

applications, from electric vehicles to industrial

machinery, where they convert electrical energy into

mechanical energy.

Diaphragm Pump
Figure 24. Diaphragm Pump

Diaphragm pumps are capable of handling liquids with

various levels of viscosity as well as liquids with

suspended solids. Capable of safely and efficiently

handling particularly aggressive chemicals.

Conceptual Framework

Knowledge PROCESS
 Sugarcane Identification
Farming Project Planning
 Soil
Analyzer Requirement
CaneBot: A
 Sprayer Specification
Mechanism Project Design Controlled
 Electronic Sugarcane
Components Project
Machine with
Project Testing Soil
h Project
 Arduino IDE
 Soil
Analyzer Project
Mobile Evaluation

 NodeMCU
 NodeMCU
Figure 25. Conceptual Framework of CaneBot: A Smart
Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil

The figure above shows the different requirements and

processes necessary to successfully develop the Smart

Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil Analyzer.

These requirements are knowledge requirements, software

requirements and hardware requirements. Knowledge

requirements is consisting of sugarcane farming since the

researchers target area is the sugarcane farming, acquiring

knowledge about how it is done is important specifically,

identifying the diverse fertilizer application technique as

well as how it is performed. Software requirements on the

other hand include Arduino IDE, Soil Analyser Application

and MIT App Inventor. These software’s will play a vital

role in developing the project. Moreover, in order for the

researchers to build the project, hardware requirements are

specified. It will be consisting of NodeMCU ESP8266

microcontroller, NodeMCu ESP8266 baseboard, soil analyzer,

diaphragm pump, ESP32 camera, relay and servo.

Furthermore, this project is also consisting of

processes which are necessary for the developers to be able

to monitor the progress of the aforementioned project.

Problem identification, project planning, requirements

specification, project design, project development, project

testing, project implementation, and project evaluation are

the processes that the researchers will perform to develop

the project. The researchers started by identifying an

existing problem before coming up with the idea of

developing a smart controlled fertilizing machine with soil

analyzer. Project planning then followed where the draft of

the project was created and identifying the specific

requirements needed by the project came afterwards. The

project design will be then created where the project

development will be based on. After developing the project,

it will be implemented and evaluated by the chosen

beneficiaries. The evaluation will be used to determine if

the researchers successfully created the project.

Integration and Interoperability

The developers identified the necessary components that

will be used for the development of automated sugarcane

fertilizing machine. The visual or 3D design created with

the use of AutoCAD application including the color,

measurement, and the materials that supports for the

development of the project. Additionally, the developers

ensures that the components are fit for the desired output.

The entire project has gone through a demonstration to

ensure that the components are fit for purpose and

functioning properly based on the required output. This

allows developers to improve the device's capabilities prior

to testing in an actual-environment. The testing of the

project is conducted through an evaluation of the machine

with its specified requirements. The purpose of this phase

is to ensures that there is no variability between the

components that are integrated.

Interoperability and integration of sugarcane

fertilizing robot with various systems, sensors and software

to create a comprehensive solution that enhances

agricultural productivity and sustainability. It is designed

with scalability and ease of use in mind for the benefit of


Project Design and Description

This section presents the basis of the design of

CaneBot FertiSpray: An Android Controlled Sugarcane

Fertilizing Machine.

Project Design

This section presents the basis of the design of

Canebot Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing

Machine with Soil Analyzer


The figure above shows the overall design of Canebot

Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer. The base of the project will be created

using metal. While wheels that the proponents will be using

are solid rubber tires which will fit the uneven terrain of

the sugarcane plantation. The project dimension will be

100cm long and 70cm wide and the container that will be used

in the project will have a capacity of 40 liters.

6 9

Major 2
Parts 1
10 11

The figure shows the major components and parts of Canebot
Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer. This proposed project will be needing

all of these components in the success of the project. Each

and every components specified in the figure above will be

used to generate the desired output of the benefeciary. The

name and coresponding number of the parts and components are

listed in the table 2 below.

Table 2. Name of the Major Parts and Components

No. Name of the Major Parts and/or Components

1 Solar Panel
2 Liquid Fertilizer Container
3 Components and Wires Enclosure
4 Nozzle
5 Hose
6 Camera
7 Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus(NPK)
8 Moisture Sensor
9 Solar Charge Controller
10 NPK Meter Display
11 Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)

The table above shows the list of specific names of the

numbered parts of the Canebot Fertispray: A Smart Controlled

Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil Analyzer. There are

some components that are not possible to show as it will be

inside the metal components and wiring enclosure. These

components include the battery, Arduino mega microcontroller

for the soil analyzer and the ESP 32 microcontroller for the

fertilizer application. In addition, the water level sensor

is also not shown in the specified major parts and

components of the project as it will be placed inside the

liquid fertilizer container.

System Block Diagram

Solar Charge 24V 2 Channel

Solar Panel
Controller Battery 24V Relay

24V/12V to 24V to 12V 24V

5V Step Down Step Down Motor
Converter Converter

Moisture NPK Meter

Sensor Display
Arduino Mega
LCD Diaphragm
Pump NPK
Servo for NPK
ESP 32 Relay
Servo for
Moisture Sensor

ESP 32 Camera

Smart Controller
Water Level Sensor

Figure 27. System Block Diagram of Canebot Fertispray: A

Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil

This figure shows the block diagram of Canebot

Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer. The developers used solar energy as the

power source of the proposed project. The energy gathered

from the solar panel is controlled by the solar charge

controller and stored into the 24 volts lithium-ion battery.

The step-down converter converts the voltage needed for the

Arduino Mega Microcontroller and ESP 32 microcontroller.

There will two-channel relay connected to the battery which

will be used to connect to the 24 volts motor for the wheels

and the NPK meter display which will give power to the NPK


The diaphragm pump will be powered by the 12 volts

converter. While, the ESP 32 microcontroller will receive

the data from the water level sensor and esp32 camera. The

livestream from the ESP 32 camera will be sent to the smart

controller application.

Schematic Diagram

Figure 29. Schematic Diagram of Canebot Fertispray: A Smart

Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine with Soil Analyzer.
The schematic diagram showed in figure 27 presents the

connection of all the hardware components of the design

project. The solar panel which will power up the entire

project will be connected to the charge controller which

will then be also connected to the 24V battery. This battery

will supply power to the diaphragm pump, NPK meter display

and the microcontrollers.

This project will be using two microcontroller which

are the Arduino mega which comes with the soil analyzer and

the ESP32 microcontroller which will be used to control the

fertilizer sprayer mechanism of the project. The ESP32

microcontroller will control the motor which will also be

connected to the wheels of the project. Also, it will

control the diaphragm pump and the water level sensor that

will be used in the project.

Performance Evaluation

Evaluation is one of the important processes in

developing this project to know what are the weaknesses of

the machine. Moreover, the developers may enhance the

functionalities, features and capabilities of the project

for the satisfaction of its user.

The device will be evaluated according to its

reliability, functionality, usability, performance

efficiency, compatibility, maintainability, & portability.

The table below shows the Likert Scale that will be used to

evaluate and determine the quality of the machine.

Table 3. Likert Scale of the Project

Verbal Interpretation Rating

Excellent 4.50-5.00

Very Good 3.50- 4.49

Good 2.50-3.49

Fair 1.50-2.49

Poor 1.00-1.49

Ethical and Safety Considerations

Ethical Considerations:

1. Environmental Impact:

Use of fertilizers can have a significant environmental

impact, including soil and water pollution. Ethical

considerations include the responsible application of

fertilizers to minimize runoff and contamination. Implement

precision agriculture techniques to reduce overuse and

minimize the environmental footprint.

2. Sustainable Agriculture:

The robot promotes sustainable agriculture practices, such

as crop rotation and soil conservation, to maintain the

long-term health of the land. Ethical farming involves

taking care of the land for future generations

3. Accessibility:

Ensure that the technology is accessible and affordable

for small-scale farmers as well, not just large agricultural

operations. Ethical agriculture should support farmers of

all sizes.

4. Ecosystem Impact:

Consider the broader impact on local ecosystems and

wildlife. Ethical agriculture should aim to minimize harm to

non-target species and maintain biodiversity.

5. Long-Term Sustainability:

Ethical farming considers the long-term sustainability

of agricultural practices. This includes responsible water

use, soil health, and the conservation of natural resources.

Safety Considerations:

1.Electrical Safety:

The machine is electrically powered, ensure that all

electrical components are properly insulated, grounded, and

regularly inspected for safety.

2. Visibility:

Ensure that the users have a clear visibility of the working

area, especially if the machine has large or obstructed

blind spots.

3. Chemical Exposure:

Minimizing the users for the exposure to fertilizers

and chemicals by using closed handling systems and proper


4. Emergency Response:

Have a well-defined emergency response plan in place,

including procedures for chemical spills, fire, or other


5. Maintenance:

Following the maintenance options to keep the machine

in optimal working condition, reducing the risk of

unexpected failures.
Project Cost Analysis

This table shows the total cost of the materials used

in the project. It includes materials itself, quantity, cost

and total.

Table 4. Project Cost Analysis of CaneBot Canebot

Fertispray: A Smart Controlled Sugarcane Fertilizing Machine

with Soil Analyzer.

Materials Quantity Cost Total

Wheels 4 pcs. 448 1,792

Motor 1 pc 727 727

ESP32- Microcontroller 1 pc 344 344

Solar Panel 1 pc 1,393 1,393

Buck Converter 1 pc 207 207

Diaphragm Pump 1 pc 268 268

Nozzle 2 pcs. 92 92

Hose 1 pc 60 60

24/12v to 5v Converter 1 pc 93 93

ESP32- Web Camera 1 pc 220 220

Water Level Sensor 1 pc 75 75

Steel Chassis 3 pcs. 1,200 3,600

Container 1 pc 204 204

Wires 5 set 20 200

2-Channel Relay 1 pc 175 175

Servo Motor 1 pc 200 200

TIP122 NPN Power Transistor 1 pc 130 130

TOTAL 30 pcs. 7,039 9980

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