Not 20 Kas 2023

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The Professions of Dentistiry

Dentistry Field of medicine concered about health of the teeth

Lentist One whose profession is dentistry

Carrers in Dentistiry
1 Private BItYniYYiatTasiIiE'dentist
atleast two dental units
Oral and Dental Health Center at least five dental units
Private hospital
2Public Heath Sgiyice oral andDental Healthhospitals Ordland Dental Health centers
Hospitals providing Dental healthcare
3 Universitief An academic career ADVANTAGES Follow developments Communication
keep in touchwithlecturers
4 Para Medical Fieldsgzorganization Producing and Marketing Dental Products or material

Advanced Dentistiry Education


3 u years Reference
SpecialistDentist PhDstudent

Types ofDental Specialists

Oral and maxillofacialsurgery 4 orthodontics 4
Radiology3 Periodontology 3
Pedodontics3 Prosthetic Dental treatments
Endodontics3 Restorative Pentistiy3
Organization of the Dental professions

World Health organization ADALAmericanDental Association

IDI World Dental Federation ooEROLEuropean Regional Organization
international Dental Journal

MÜTTB TürkDişHekimleri açbid Ağız veCene cerrahisi birliği

edad EstetikDişHekimliği AkademisiDerneği oral Diagnoz ve maksillofasiyal Radyoloji
Turkish Assiocciation of oral and maxxilofacial surgery Derneği
Restoratif Dişhekimliği Derneği RDD Türk EndodontiDerneği TürkOrağippeğitoloji
The Practice of Public Health Dentistry percieved asa limited to only
the treatment Howeverthe main focus is to protectpeople from diseases
Preventative servicesare also valid for dentistry
ÖLÜYÜ stopillnesses before forming

Prevention is betterthan cure repair or doing nothing

Levels of Prevention
primordial Primery Seda

ofbuilding sprtaenion of
bad habits sothat the risk factors
won't form of the illnesses
at theearly
stages and
when it's beyond

son things istvied

Education is main Done in healty early diagnoses to limit the illnesses
method mass education
Mati used chronic tests screening etc and the disabilities
Mt adoptiB bad
Gabitlschild it's Sto prevent to Make a more
diseases fonkenceretayony ivreversibble fealty lifestyle
menyadırts streyiewith theelemenationor pathologicalchanges oto min the suffering
obesity hypertension etcthese modificationsofthe rehabilation
illnesses for from young riskfactor
age andbeofthe lifestyle
thatis learned at that
age primoridel is toprevent
any bad behaviors before

Health and Disease Health differ
Asa portottheir auture au communities navetheITönöpis
of Health
Hearth is often taken granted untilit's
gone value is not tubunderstood
Concept of health and diseases
often understood diffirently among healtcere
professionals and othersin the society

Health is taught to be absence ofdisease until it bothers them

his is not true the simplestcomplaints matter

health is focus all

Theconditions of being healty or sick differs cinsley to the sack and

hecamic status
Themain causeof many inaude social factors such as living in a
corrupt environment wrong beliefs lack of education poor nutrion due to
economic inadequacies and the inability to getenough health care

Deeming withthese negativefactors and trying to eliminate the

effects on the health of person and society should be considered
duties of the health care workers

Everyoneshould tryto protecttheir own health first self responsibility

People should be ekatesindorder to create consciousness in people

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