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(6) Byrn, S.; Pfeiffer, R. R.; Ganey, M.; Hoiberg, C.; Poochikian, G. Pharm. (11) Burger, A., Henck, J.-O., Hetz, S., Rollingere, J. M., Weissnicht, A. A.
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384 • Vol. 4, No. 5, 2000 / Organic Process Research & Development 10.1021/op000058y CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society and The Royal Society of Chemistry
Published on Web 09/15/2000
dimorphic system in Figure 2, using the desirable nomen-
clature in which polymorph I is the high melting form and
polymorph II is the low melting one.4 This representation is
capable of subsuming the monotropic case by altering the
temperature scale so that the transition point X lies below
absolute zero or above the melting point of either of the
forms. Indeed enantiotropic systems in which the transition
point is far removed from room temperature behave for all
practical purposes as monotropic systems. For clarity the
initial diagram has been restricted to the dimorphic case, as
a trimorphic or polymorphic representation would have
rendered the diagram unintelligible. No issue of the general
principles to be discussed is lost thereby, but some further
considerations relating to solvate formation and highly
unstable monotropic forms are presented in Figures3 and 4.
Let us now consider the effect of cooling hot, undersatu-
rated, solutions of various concentrations, A, B, C, D, E, F,
and G as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. System of two polymorphs. Solution at point of (A) If a solution of initial concentration A is cooled, it
spontaneous nucleation with initial supersaturation (ci - cI)/cI will reach saturation and then pass through the metastable
with respect to polymorph I and supersaturation (cII - cI)/cI zone to a point A1 at which it will spontaneously nucleate
of polymorph II with respect to polymorph I. After Cardew
and Davey.10 and crystallise. If the rate of cooling is controlled so that
the combined regime of cooling and desaturation due to the
complicated than the above simplistic description would crystallisation does not take the concentration to the left of
suggest, as has been shown by Cardew and Davey.12 They the solubility curve of polymorph II (and it cannot lie to the
analysed theoretically the effect of crystallisation of a simple right of the solubility curve of polymorph I), the crystalline
dimorphic system at a constant temperature, illustrated in product must consist entirely of polymorph I at this stage
Figure 1. By consideration of the supersaturation of the initial (A2), having followed the path from A1 to A2. The product
solution with respect to the two forms and by making could be filtered off, or it could be cooled further, relying
reasonable assumptions about the interfacial tension they on the massive area of crystal surface of polymorph I and
were able to derive relative nucleation rates. They were also of nuclei of polymorph I in solution to bring down the rest
able to formulate equations describing the relative growth of the product as polymorph I. Provided that the transforma-
rates. Three types of behaviour were recognised, dependent tion of I f II is not rapid, this procedure will reliably produce
on the total variation of nucleation and crystal growth rate. polymorph I. If under these circumstances, polymorph I does
These were (a) the more stable form would crystallise transform to polymorph II, then there is no polymorphism
preferentially at all concentrations, (b) the less stable form issue as only polymorph II can be obtained and kept.
would crystallise preferentially only at high concentrations, The ratio of the solubility of two polymorphs in any
(c) the less stable form would crystallise preferentially only solvent is a constant at any given temperature, provided the
at intermediate concentrations. Presumably, this intermediate solutions are ideal, as this solubility ratio is a thermodynamic
concentration could be moved at least marginally towards invariant, being a measure only of the relative thermody-
the lower concentration region by a suitable choice of namic stability (Gibbs energy) of the polymorphs at that
parameters. Hence, there is the whole range of possible temperature.4,13 Therefore, the result of changing the solvent
behaviours with concentration in respect of the polymorphic will only be to transform the concentration axis linearly. If
expectations. Cardew and Davey describe the system as the solutions are non-ideal, then the concentration axis will
monotropic, because of their subsequent considerations of need to be re-scaled in a nonlinear fashion. The temperature
the transformation kinetics, but it is in fact completely axis and the diagram itself will remain precisely the same.
general, and indeed the diagram as drawn could represent The result remains the same for any solvent. The solvent
an enantiotropic situation. plays no part in the polymorphic outcome other than in
The system discussed applies either to an evaporative determining the numerical values on the ordinate.
crystallisation which has reached a given concentration or (B) When a solution of concentration B is cooled to B1
to a cooling crystallisation which has reached a given and seeded with polymorph I, it will behave exactly as
temperature (most probably room temperature) and then described under A above. The difference between A and B
begins to crystallise. To generalise the analysis and to make is that B cannot reach the spontaneous crystallisation zone
it more applicable to common practice it is necessary to of polymorph I before passing into the metastable zone of
consider a solution being cooled through the nucleation and polymorph II. Thus, for any solution crystallising within the
crystallisation temperature. This is set out for an enantiotropic area jkXn of the diagram, between the solubility curves for
(12) Cardew, P. T.; Davey, R. J. Tailoring of Crystal Growth; Institution of (13) Grant, D. J. W.; Higuchi, W. I. Solubility Behavior of Organic Compounds.
Chemical Engineers: Rugby, England, 1982, ISBN 0-9066-3623-X. In Techniques in Chemistry; Wiley: New York, 1980; Vol. XXI.
Figure 3. Solubility curves for a polymorphic system with two enantiomorphically related polymorphs and a solvate. Tx, transition
temperature between polymorphs. Ts, transition temperature between solvate and polymorph I.
polymorph I and polymorph II, the solvent does not influence polymorph I immediately, then on passing the metastable
the outcome. And for any solution crystallising initially and zone curve of polymorph II it reaches the spontaneous
substantially within this area, but then moving into another crystallisation region of polymorph II whilst still above the
region of the diagram, the solvent is unlikely to influence transition temperature. Which polymorph will be obtained
the outcome. will depend on the relative nucleation and crystallisation rates
(C) When a solution of concentration C is cooled, it of the two polymorphs. Since polymorph I on the premise
crosses the solubility curve of polymorph II before leaving just set out does not nucleate readily, it is likely that
the metastable zone of polymorph I. If it fails to nucleate as polymorph II will preferentially crystallise despite the
386 • Vol. 4, No. 5, 2000 / Organic Process Research & Development
Figure 4. Solubility curves for a polymorphic system with two accessible enantiomorphically related polymorphs I and II plus two
possible but highly unstable polymorphs III and IV. Parts of the metastable zone limits have been drawn in as dashed lines. III and
IV are monotropic in relation to I and II, but may be enantiotropically related to each other.
circumstance that the temperature lies above the transition- that a mixture of polymorphs (“concomitant polymorphs”)14
point. Solvent is important in this case as it can accelerate is likely to be formed. Apart from the solvent, the temper-
the formation of one polymorph at the expense of the other. ature is rightly regarded as the most significant parameter
(D) Cooling a solution of concentration D to the point controlling polymorph formation, but it is clear from this
D1 produces an even more surprising situation. Although analysis that the transition temperature cannot be regarded
the temperature corresponding to point D1 lies below the as a sharp watershed for the determination of polymorph
transition temperature, polymorph II is still in its metastable formation. Rather, there is a broad temperature range either
zone, whilst polymorph I has already reached its spontaneous side of the transition point within which kinetic effects driven
crystallisation zone. Hence, the expectation is for polymorph by solvent specifics and external conditions, such as stirring
I to be favoured, although the role of solvent could again be and material of vessel construction, are likely to dominate.
critical. The crystallisation behaviour implied by circum- It can be seen that the analysis presented by Cardew and
stances C1 and D1 needs to be contrasted with the result of Davey refers to the behaviour of solutions at points B2 or
equilibrating the products by heating an excess in solvent at C1.
those temperatures. Polymorph I will always be formed on (F) F mirrors the situation presented under B above, so
equilibrating above the transition temperature, whilst poly- that seeding will reliably produce polymorph II, irrespective
morph II will always be formed below it, and this will be of the solvent of crystallisation. It is worth noting that seeding
irrespective of the solvent used. The reason for this potential of polymorphs is by no means always a reliable procedure.10
discrepancy between crystallisation and equilibration behav- Seeding may not produce the desired polymorphic result
iour is that the latter is under thermodynamic control, whilst when carried out in the regions described under C, D, and E
the former may be dominated by the kinetics, which in some above.
cases, as just detailed, can even lead to the reversal of (G) Cooling a solution of concentration G is absolutely
formation of the expected polymorph with temperature. safe in terms of producing polymorph II, irrespective of any
(E) Cooling a solution E to any point (E1, E2) within the kinetic considerations. At no point does the horizontal line
area klmX, within which both polymorphs remain within cut the solubility curve for polymorph I. The remarks about
their metastable zones, will again lead to a situation in which change of solvent in respect of concentration A apply here
the polymorphic outcome is dependent on kinetics and also, but with even more certainty. Since no transformation
especially on accidental seeding. The specific relation of the is possible, any solvent will produce polymorph II.
temperature of solution to the transition temperature is likely The impression may be gained that the differences in the
to be of little import. The polymorphic result need not be behaviour of the solutions of different concentrations A-G
erratic, although it could be, but it is almost certainly and particularly of C-E are an artifact of the drawing of
unpredictable. The solutions considered under C and D will the diagram and that for example the solubility differences
move into this region soon after the onset of crystallisation, indicated by the curves for the two polymorphs are exag-
which may lead to changed driving forces for the formation (14) Bernstein, J.; Davey, R. J.; Henck, J.-O. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 1999, 38,
of each of the polymorphs. Hence, it is just in this region 3440-3461.