Class6 Science Basics of Biology Worksheet
Class6 Science Basics of Biology Worksheet
Class6 Science Basics of Biology Worksheet
Science-Biology Body
Did you know that the human nose can detect about 1 trillion smells? And The foot is one of the most ticklish parts
of the body? You don’t have to verify tickling fact now, we have an interesting exercise for you.
Can you finding 8 body parts that are hidden in the word gym?
Some hints:
Can you find the hidden Invertebrates and vertebrates in word gym?
Invertebrates: Cockroach, Snail, Earthworm, Starfish, Squid
Vertebrates: Bat, Shark, Sea Horse, whale, dolphin
Borborygmi, or stomach rumblings, are the result of peristalsis in the stomach and small
intestines — that is, they are due to normal digestion as food, fluid and gases pass
through your gastrointestinal tract. When the tract is empty, however, borborygmi are
louder because there is nothing in there to muffle the sound.
In the word cloud, there are two organs from each of the category. Can you find them
all and add it to the right group?
Circulatory Excretory
1) __________ 1) _________
2) ___________ 2) __________
1) _________
2) _________ 1) __________
2) __________
1) _________
2) _________