Exam Withdrawal
Exam Withdrawal
Exam Withdrawal
dear colleagues,
our dean's office has expressed its concern about the current development of the
" [...] the incidence figures are currently declining slightly, but they are still
at a high level. At the same time, the omicron variant of the corona virus, which
can hardly be estimated, is on the advance. Numerous students and employees are on
the riseHowever, they have not been vaccinated for the third time before the
upcoming tests and are therefore in a phase of waning immunization. With regard to
the planning security for the students and for the teachers, we consider an early
decision to forego face-to-face exams in the first examination period, the current
winter semester 2021/22, to be the only sensible way to go. [...]
Against this background, please note the following information on the upcoming
examination phases of the current winter semester 2021/22:
At the request of the Dean's Office on November 16, 2021, the examination boards of
all courses in our department decided:
All exams of the current winter semester 2021/22 will be carried out "online" in
the first examination period. This decision applies to both written and oral exams.
Exceptions are possible for "smaller" modules if the number of students to be
examined does not exceed 10 (corresponding exceptions will be communicated
A corresponding change in the form of the examination for the second examination
period of the current winter semester 2021/22 has been kept open for the time being
and has therefore not yet been decided .
You will receive information on the specific types of examinations for your courses
from the lecturers responsible for the module in a timely manner. Please note that
additional changes to the type of examination can be announced at short notice at
any time. This can affect all circumstances of the test, such as time, form, scope.
In the current version of the 7th amendment to the "Corona Epidemic University
Ordinance" of December 7, 2021, the regulations for withdrawing from examinations
in Section 6 "Examinations" continue to apply until the end of the examination
period of the winter semester 2021/22:
Students can withdraw from the examination without giving a reason until the
examination is submitted. In the case of oral examinations, withdrawal is possible
until the end of the examination interview. The resignation
must be declared.
To cancel until immediately before the exam date , please use the form linked
with the name: fbinf_Antrag_auf_Pruefungsruecktritt_mit_Attest
and send it to the Examinations Office by email before the examination date (a
certificate is not required):
Tests FB 02 <pruefungenfb02@h-brs.de>
To withdraw from an exam , please proceed as follows:
In the case of written examinations, express your wish to withdraw
in good time before the end of the processing time (the upload phase is no longer
considered a processing phase) to the supervisor and make sure that your request
for withdrawal has actually been recorded by the supervisor
and please mark the cover sheet clearly with "WITHDRAWAL" and cross out all
following pages to be on the safe side
and upload the appropriately labeled cover sheet during the upload phase.
In the case of oral examinations, express your wish to withdraw to the examiners
well before the announcement of the assessment.
Please note in this context :
In the current version of the 7th amendment to the "Corona Epidemic University
Ordinance" of December 7th, 2021, the regulations for counting attempts in §6
"Examinations" continue to apply until the end of the examination period of the
winter semester 2021/22:
Ein Nichterscheinen ohne explizite Abmeldung gilt als Fehlversuch und wird
entsprechend mit NE = 5,0 verbucht oder es wird die Einreichung eines Attestes
des Fachbereichs
Informatik wünschen
Ihnen frohe Weihnachten
im neuen Jahr
Viele Grüße,
Ihre Prüfungsausschüsse
- Bachelor Informatik
- Bachelor Informatik (dual)
- Bachelor Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Bachelor Cyber Security & Privacy
- Master of Computer Science
- Master Autonomous Systems
- Master in Visual Computing and Games Technology
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