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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
School Lubang Vocational High School Grade 12
Teacher Krizzle C. Carzon Subject Animal Production NC II
Poultry Chicken
Date November 6-10, 2023 Quarter 2
Time 9:00-12:00 Week 2

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

11-06-23 11-07-23 11-08-23 11-09-23 11-10-23
I. Objectives -Makes DLL
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate -Assists the
understanding of processing understanding of processing understanding of processing farm understanding of processing Canteen
farm waste farm waste waste farm waste Manager
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to
process farm waste according to process farm waste according process farm waste according to process farm waste according to
industry requirement and DENR to industry requirement and industry requirement and DENR industry requirement and
regulations DENR regulations regulations DENR regulations
C. Learning competency 1. Know the different kinds of 1. Build the nursery house 1. Build the nursery house 1. Build the nursery house
farm wastes 2. Recognize the tools and 2. Recognize the tools and 2. Recognize the tools and
2. Collect farm wastes materials to be used in the materials to be used in the activity materials to be used in the
3. Value the collection of farms activity 3. Identify the wastes produced activity
wastes 3. Identify the wastes produced during the activity 3. Identify the wastes produced
during the activity 4. Value time management during the activity
4. Value time management 4. Value time management


22 22 22 22
II. Content Collect farm wastes
III. Learning Resources CG page 15 CG page 15 CG page 15 CG page 15
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Guide
3. Textbook
B. Other Resources Tablet, Internet, PPT Tablet, Internet, PPT Tablet, Internet, PPT Tablet, Internet, PPT
Presentation, Blackboard Presentation, Blackboard, PPE, Presentation, Blackboard, PPE, Presentation, Blackboard, PPE,
tools and materials tools and materials tools and materials
IV. Procedure

A. Reviewing the Previous Review about the past days and Review of the previous lesson Review of the previous activity Review of the previous activity
Lesson lessons
Unlocking of difficulties Definition of terms
B. Establishing the Purpose of 1. Know the different kinds of 1. Build the nursery house 1. Build the nursery house 1. Build the nursery house
The Lesson farm wastes 2. Recognize the tools and 2. Recognize the tools and 2. Recognize the tools and
2. Collect farm wastes materials to be used in the materials to be used in the activity materials to be used in the
3. Value the collection of farms activity 3. Identify the wastes produced activity
wastes 3. Identify the wastes produced during the activity 3. Identify the wastes produced
during the activity 4. Value time management during the activity
4. Value time management 4. Value time management

C. Presenting Examples/ Presentation of the lessons and

Instances of The Lesson pictures of farm wastes
D. Discussing New Concept Discussion
and Practicing New Skills 1
E. Discussing New Concept Performance Activity 1 Performance Activity 2 Performance Activity 2 Performance Activity 2
and Practicing New Skills Collect Farm Wastes Build a Nursery House Build a Nursery House Build a Nursery House

F. Developing Mastery Group activity: What are the farm wastes you What are the farm wastes you What are the farm wastes you
Fact or Bluff produced/observed during the produced/observed during the produced/observed during the
activity? activity? activity?
F. Finding Practical What is the importance of Why is it important to collect How did you collect the farm What did you realize during
Application of Contents knowing the different kinds of farm wastes after your activity? wastes? How did you dispose your activity?
and Skills in Daily Living farm wastes? What did you realize during them? Did you produce more farm
Why do you need to collect farm your activity? What did you realize during your wastes? Explain how you
wastes? activity? dispose them.
G. Generalization I learned that___. Group leaders will report the Group leaders will report the Group leaders will report the
things happened during the things happened during the things happened during the
Assignment: activity. activity. activity.
Collect farm wastes at the
farm/backyard and send the
pictures in our group chat.
H. Evaluation Quiz 1-20
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
a. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
c. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
d. No. of learners who
continue to require
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Master teacher I

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