Iso 45001

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BS iso 45001:2018
Bs en iso 14001:2015

Classification: Confidential
Contents Page Numbers

1. Introduction 3

2. Scope 3

3. Occupational Health and Safety Policy 4

Environmental Policy 6

4. OHSE Roles, Responsibilities, Accountability and Authority 7

1. Introduction 7
2. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 7
3. The Executive Team 7
4. Health, Safety & Environmental Co-ordination Group (HSECG) 8
5. Senior Managers – Corporate Real Estate 8
5.1 Head of Corporate Real Estate 8
5.2 Facilities Manager 9
5.3 Commercial Manager 9
5.4 Global Relationship Manager 10
5.5 Global Capital Projects Manager 10
5.6 Real Estate Manager 10
6. Risk Manager 11
7. Catering Manager 12
8. Managers 13
9. Employees 14
10. Tenants / Underwriters 15
11. Visitors 15
12. Contractors 15


Appendix 1 Continual Improvement of OHSE Performance 16

Appendix 2 Management Communication Channels 17

Appendix 3 Interested Parties 18

Appendix 4 List of Main Health & Safety Subjects and 20

Designated Lead Persons

Appendix 5 Health, Safety & Environmental Co-ordination Group 21

(HSECG) Constitution and Terms of Reference

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1. Introduction
Lloyd’s is the world’s specialist insurance market. Unlike many other insurance brands, Lloyd’s is
not a company; it’s a market where our members join together as syndicates to insure risks. Much
of Lloyd’s business works by subscription, where more than one syndicate takes a share of the
same risk. Business is conducted face-to-face between brokers and underwriters in the
Underwriting Room.

There are two distinct parts to Lloyd’s. The market, which is made up of many independent
businesses, and the Corporation of Lloyd’s, which is there – broadly speaking – to oversee the
market. These parts are distinct, but far from independent. Both work closely to maintain high
standards of performance across the market.

The Lloyd’s market is home to over 50 managing agents and over 80 syndicates, which offer an
unrivalled concentration of specialist underwriting expertise and talent.

The Corporation of Lloyd’s oversees and supports the Lloyd’s market, ensuring it operates
efficiently and retains its reputation as the market of choice for specialist insurance and
reinsurance risk.

It comprises many different teams, from International Markets and Business Development to
Claims and Market Operations. These teams work together to promote Lloyd’s around the world,
raise performance and manage Lloyd’s worldwide licenses. The Corporation has more than 800
employees worldwide.

2. Scope
The scope of Lloyd’s occupational health, safety & environmental (OHSE) management system is:
The provision of specialist and property insurance services to independent businesses by the
Corporation of Lloyd’s. This applies to the following two Lloyd’s premises within the UK:

The Lloyd’s Building Fidentia House

1 Lime Street Walter Burke Way
London Chatham Maritime
EC3M 7HA Chatham
Kent ME4 4RN

Not within the scope are in-house service partners, tenants and market participants, and external
contractors as they will be expected to have their own health and safety management systems in
place. However, they will be expected to comply with Lloyd’s arrangements whilst working within
Lloyd’s premises listed above.

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Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The Corporation of Lloyd’s (Lloyd’s) recognises and accepts its responsibility to provide a safe and
healthy working environment for all its employees, tenants, contractors and visitors who use its
premises in order to prevent injury and ill health, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work
etc. Act 1974 and its associated regulations.
Lloyd’s approach to Occupational Health and Safety (“OH&S”) is based on the key clauses of BS
Lloyd’s recognises the need to focus on continual improvement of its OH&S management and
performance. Our aim is to encourage a positive health and safety culture. To ensure this is
achieved OH&S is actively promoted throughout the organisation through the provision of
information, training, instruction and supervision.
Lloyd’s operates a ‘low blame’ culture whereby employees are openly encouraged to report
hazards, including near misses, without fear of reprisal to ensure the root causes of accidents are
identified thus enabling measures to be put in place to eliminate recurrence.
Emphasis is placed on effective management ensuring a systematic approach to the identification
of risks and the allocation of financial and physical resources to control them. The aims and
intended outcomes of the ISO 45001 management system are to:

i) Prevent work related injury and ill health to workers.

ii) Provide safe & healthy workplaces.
iii) Eliminate hazards and minimise OH&S risks by taking effective preventative and
protective measures.
iv) Ensure continual improvement of OH&S performance.
v) Ensure fulfilment of legal and other requirements.
vi) Ensure achievement of OH&S objectives.
vii) Provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to
avoid hazards and to contribute positively to the health and safety of themselves and
others whilst at work.
viii) Ensure participation and consultation with employees on issues relating to OH&S.
ix) Ensure access to competent health and safety advice.
x) Commit to reporting OH&S performance within Lloyd’s annual report.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) takes overall responsibility for health and safety including the
formulation, development and implementation of the OH&S Policy within Lloyd’s and requires the
co-operation and support of all managers, employees, tenants, contractors and visitors in its
implementation. The CEO will ensure that the OHSE Policy is reviewed periodically, at least every
two years, to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation. This OH&S
Policy will be communicated to all persons working under the control of the organisation and will
be made available to interested parties on request.

John Neal
Chief Executive Officer
January 2020

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Environmental Policy
The Corporation of Lloyd’s (“Lloyd’s”) recognises and accepts our responsibility to establish,
implement and maintain an environmental policy. We will:
• provide a framework for setting environmental objectives in line with our identified
significant environmental aspects, these include: management and maintenance of
facilities plant and equipment, managing emissions from our activities, waste management
and energy management.
• commit to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other
specific commitment(s) relevant to the context of the organisation, which includes
sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and protection of
biodiversity and ecosystems;
• commit to fulfil our compliance obligations;
• commit to continual improvement of the environmental management system to enhance
environmental performance.

The aims and intended outcomes of the ISO 14001 (the “International Standard”) management
system are :
i) protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts;
ii) mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organisation;
iii) assisting the organisation in the fulfilment of legal and other requirements;
iv) enhancing environmental performance;
v) controlling or influencing the way the organisation’s products and services are designed,
manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed of by using a life cycle perspective
that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere
within the life cycle;
vi) achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing
environmentally sound alternatives that strengthen the organisation’s market position;
vii) communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties.
viii) ensuring achievement of environmental objectives.

Lloyd’s recognises that the success of an environmental management system depends on

commitment from all levels and functions of the organisation, led by top management. The Chief
Operating Officer (COO) shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are
assigned and communicated within the organisation. This includes:
a) ensuring that the environmental management system conforms to the requirements of this
International Standard;
b) reporting on the performance of the environmental management system, including
environmental performance, to the Board and the Executive Committee.

John Neal
Chief Executive Officer
January 2020

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OHSE Roles, Responsibilities, Accountability and Authority
1. Introduction:
Senior managers within Lloyd’s (Directors / ExCo Members) shall demonstrate leadership and
commitment with respect to the Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental management
system by:
a) taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-related injury and
ill health, as well as the provision of safety and healthy workplaces and activities;
b) taking accountability for the effectiveness of the environment management system;
c) ensuring that the OHSE policy and related OHSE objectives are established and are
compatible with the strategic direction of the organisation;
d) ensuring the integration of the OHSE management system requirements into the
organisation’s business processes;
e) ensuring that the resources needed to establish, implement, maintain and improve the
OHSE management system are available;
f) communicating the importance of effective OHSE management and of conforming to the
OHSE management system requirements;
g) ensuring that the OHSE management system achieves its intended outcome(s);
h) directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the OHSE
management system;
i) ensuring and promoting continual improvement;
j) supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to
their areas of responsibility;
k) developing, leading and promoting a culture in the organisation that supports the intended
outcomes of the OHSE management system;
l) protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, hazards, risks and
m) ensuring the organisation establishes and implements a process(es) for consultation and
participation of workers;
n) supporting the establishment and functioning of health and safety committees.
The CEO is committed to establishing a pro-active approach to OHSE across Lloyd’s. An
important part of this is the clear definition of responsibilities and relationships which promote a
positive OHSE culture. In this way the implementation and continued development of the OHSE
Policy and support documentation will form an integral part of the management process.
Lloyd’s aims to fulfil our obligations to meet all relevant requirements of health, safety and
environmental legislation and to organise our activities to ensure full compliance. In addition, we
encourage environmental initiatives and environmental friendly behaviours. This applies to all
Lloyd’s offices and associated activities both within the UK and Overseas. Responsibility for
health, safety and environmental management lies with management and employees at all levels.

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2. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
On behalf of the Executive Team, the CEO will be accountable for the management of health,
safety, environmental management and welfare, including fire safety, relating to Lloyd’s business
activities and the manner in which they are conducted including:
a) ensuring the availability of resources essential to establish, implement, maintain and
improve the OHSE management system;
b) receiving reports and, where applicable, recommendations from designated managers
and the Health, Safety & Environmental Co-ordination Group (“HSECG”) and ensuring
that, through the delegation of authority, the OHS and Environmental Policies are
effectively implemented;
c) reporting annually to the Executive Team on the effectiveness of the OHSE Policies and
the specific arrangements for their implementation and monitoring; and
d) identifying managers and other competent persons to delegate certain specific duties to
ensure the safety of employees and others who use Lloyd’s premises.
e) The CEO has delegated responsibility to the COO (Chief Operating Officer) for
environmental management.

3. The Executive Team:

The ultimate responsibility for the OHS & Environmental Policies in Lloyd’s rests with the
Executive Team. The CEO is nominated to undertake the lead role in overseeing health and safety
and environmental governance within Lloyd’s.
The Executive Team will receive a quarterly progress report and an annual report from the
HSECG outlining how appropriate and effective are the health and safety management systems
operating across Lloyd’s premises and associated activities both within the UK and Overseas.

4. Health, Safety & Environmental Co-ordination Group (HSECG)

The HSECG is responsible for the co-ordination of health and safety matters and fire safety
matters in the Corporation as a whole, including the formulation of general policy, arrangements
for training and, through managers, the dissemination of guidance and information, plus necessary
monitoring and review. The Terms of Reference of the HSECG is contained in Appendix 5

5. Senior Managers – Corporate Real Estate

All Senior Managers within Corporate Real Estate have the responsibility to bring to the Risk
Manager’s attention any OHSE issue, which they become aware of during their day-to-day work
activities. This can be undertaken formally through the Accident/Incident Reporting process,
meetings (minutes) and email, or informally in general conversation.
Specific focus should be placed on building projects and high-risk maintenance work taking place
on any of Lloyd’s premises, especially where contractors are engaged. This is to ensure safe
systems of work (SSOW) are operating and individuals are competent to undertake their specialist
activities. Where an issue is identified, the Senior Manager concerned should discuss with the
Risk Manager the need for a compliance or operational audit of the procedure or work activity to
be carried out.

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Within Lloyd’s global offices the local manager will be responsible for liaising with premises
management and ensuring the provision of health and safety as outlined in Sections 14 – 17 of the
Overseas Network Control Framework (ONCF) document.
Within Lloyd’s UK premises, the day-to-day operational management of the cleaning, security,
front of house, catering and electrical / mechanical engineering provision are the responsibility of
each service partner manager. Service level agreements (SLAs) are in place to ensure each
service partner carries out their specific roles and responsibilities, which includes those associated
with occupational health and safety and environmental management.
Specific roles and responsibilities include:

5.1 Head of Corporate Real Estate

The Head of Corporate Real Estate will:
a) ensure that the OHSE management system is established, implemented and maintained
in accordance with the ISO45001 and ISO4001 standards.;
b) ensure that reports on the performance of the OHSE management system are presented
to the Executive Team for review and used as a basis for improvement of the OHSE
management system;
c) in conjunction with the Risk Manager and Facilities Manager receive reports of defects
and hazards in the fabric of the premises or fixed installations, determine appropriate
action and make arrangements for hazards and defects to be eliminated so far as is
reasonably practicable;
d) oversee, in consultation with the Risk Manager, appropriate Senior Manager, and, where
necessary, the relevant statutory authority, the siting and installation of new equipment,
building and structures, and services, and ensure compliance with applicable statutory
e) chair the HSECG meetings and ensure minutes of each meeting are circulated to the
Executive Team and uploaded onto MyLloyd’s for access by all employees;
f) in accordance with the Fire Safety in Buildings Policy Guidance Note, ensure the
maintenance of all fire equipment throughout Lloyd’s, and ensure that approved fire
instructions and any other necessary safety signs are displayed in all appropriate Lloyd’s
g) assume responsibility for and promoting through the CRE senior management team:
• cleaning;
• waste management and education of the waste hierarchy;
• promoting the flights policy;
• providing input into carbon reporting and offsetting;
• promoting environmental considerations when undertaking supplier selection and
management recommendations;
• renewable energy and building initiatives;
• employee education and engagement initiatives;
• role modelling, championing environmentally friendly initiatives and behaviours.

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h) ensure that in all premises, cleaning and associated operations, including the proper
disposal of wastes are carried out in accordance with statutory requirements;
i) in conjunction with the Risk Manager and Facilities Manager, be responsible for testing
fire alarms and emergency lighting installations, and ensure that regular emergency
evacuation drills are held and evaluated; and
j) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk
Manager, in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures.

5.2 Facilities Manager:

The Facilities Manager will, within UK premises:
a) ensure that the procedures for evacuation of premises and other emergency procedures
are in place, and that procedures for evacuation are disseminated to managers and staff
on Lloyd’s premises;
b) ensure the effective planning, control, monitoring and reviewing of risks, opportunities and
protective measures on Lloyd’s premises and be responsible for the provision of
information to employees and others to ensure their health and safety; and
c) ensure, in consultation with the service partner managers, that defects and hazards
observed or reported in the fabric of the premises or fixed installations are acknowledged
and that appropriate action is determined and carried out;
d) ensure that appropriate systems are in place so that no building work can be carried out
on the premises without first receiving approval from the electrical / mechanical service
e) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk
Manager, in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures;
f) ensure the effective implementation of the environmental aspects outlined within 5.1
paragraph (g) (Head of CRE);
g) ensure OHSE issues are discussed with in-house service partners during formal contract
performance meetings;
h) ensure OHSE performance is discussed with potential in-house service partners / sub-
contractors before any formal appointment is made; and
i) attend the HSECG meetings and act as chair in the absence of the Head of Corporate
Real Estate.

5.3 Commercial Manager:

The Commercial Manager will:
a) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk Manager,
in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures;
b) ensure OHSE issues are discussed with in-house service partners during formal contract
performance meetings; and
c) ensure OHSE performance is discussed with potential contractors before any formal
appointment is made.

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5.4 Global Relationship Manager:
The Global Relationship Manager will:
a) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk Manager,
in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures;
b) chair the Building User Group meetings on a quarterly basis and ensure OHSE issues are
formally discussed as a standing agenda item;
c) ensure OHSE issues are discussed with tenants and market participants as a matter of
routine during both formal and informal meetings; and
d) ensure OHSE issues are formally raised with any potential tenant / market participant prior
to any tenancy agreement being signed.

5.5 Global Capital Projects Manager:

The Global Capital Projects Manager will:
a) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk Manager,
in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures;
b) ensure no works involving contractors / sub-contractors are to commence prior to
appropriate site-specific risk assessments and method statements being submitted to the
Project Manager.
c) ensure the requirements of the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations
2015 are adhered to where appropriate, and the spirit of CDM Regulations is complied with
overseas where reasonably practicable.
d) ensure OHSE performance is formally discussed with contractors during site meetings; and
e) ensure OHSE performance is formally discussed with potential contractors / sub-
contractors before any formal appointment is made.

5.6 Real Estate Manager:

The Real Estate Manager will:
a) ensure any accident or incident he/she becomes aware of is reported to the Risk Manager,
in accordance with Lloyd’s procedures;
b) ensure OHSE issues are formally discussed with landlords during lease review meetings
and at any subsequent meetings.
c) ensure OHSE issues are formally discussed with potential landlords prior to the signing of
any formal lease agreement.

6. Risk Manager:
The Risk Manager is deemed to be the ‘competent person’ as required under Regulation 7 of the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. He / she will provide advice and
assistance to the CEO and where appropriate the Executive Team, to enable Lloyd’s to fulfil its
requirements imposed by the relevant statutory provisions. This appointment does not absolve
those officers undertaking a management or supervisory function from their duties and
responsibilities as set out in the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act, 1974 and associated

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The Risk Manager will:
a) formulate, disseminate and monitor appropriate health, safety and environmental
arrangements in relation to risk assessments, environmental aspects assessments, first
aid, and other relevant health, safety, environmental and welfare matters to enable
Lloyd’s to fulfil the requirements imposed by the relevant statutory provisions, and revise
such policies as may be necessary from time to time;
b) identify and implement appropriate health, safety and environmental training programmes
for staff, including the keeping of training records;
c) ensure that adequate first aid equipment and facilities, adequately trained personnel,
including the training of personnel in first aid are provided and that such arrangements are
published to all staff and suitably displayed at all sites;
d) ensure that procedures for the reporting of accidents, environmental incidents, dangerous
occurrences, accident investigation and the evacuation of premises and other emergency
procedures are in place, and ensure that such procedures are disseminated to managers
and staff;
e) ensure, in liaison with senior managers, the effective planning, control, monitoring and
reviewing of risks, opportunities and protective measures. The Risk Manager will also
ensure that, where appropriate, health surveillance is provided and undertaken;
f) provide safety and environmental advice to managers, employees and tenants, and
identify competent persons to undertake suitable and sufficient workplace risk
assessments and support environmental aspects assessments;
g) in liaison with the Head of Corporate Real Estate, obtain all relevant health, safety and
environmental publications and ensure a health, safety and environmental reference
section is maintained;
h) liaise where necessary with the London Fire Brigade and keep fire precautions and
procedures under review;
i) in liaison with the HSECG, draw up and monitor systems in respect of safety audits,
inspections, accident investigation and other appropriate health, safety, environmental
and welfare matters; and
j) in liaison with the HSECG, produce a quarterly report and an annual report for the
Executive Team outlining how appropriate and effective is the OHSE management

7. Catering Manager (Catering Contractor):

The Catering Manager will:
a) as the Venue Licensee at Lloyd’s Lime Street premises, ensure adherence to The
Theatres Act 1968 & 1972, The Miscellaneous Provisions (Public Entertainments
Licensing) Act 1982 and The Liquor Licensing Act 1964 in direct liaison with the Chief
Executive and Lloyd’s legal advisers;
b) ensure that all the statutory requirements of the above Acts are implemented and
disseminated to all personnel with direct or indirect involvement with the venue, either
within a Lloyd’s building or at a location off-site;
c) implement reporting procedures and audit trails required by the Licensing Authority and
nominate and train in a formal manner recorded with the authority Duty Managers and
other legally required nominated persons for places of public entertainment;
d) identify and report hazard and risk situations as and when they arise;
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e) ensure that fire safety, emergency and disaster planning and evacuation training as
required for places of public entertainment are carried out at the frequency required by the
applicable legislation. In liaison with Corporate Real Estate harmonise this with Lloyd’s
procedures where applicable;
f) ensure the inspection and certification of plant, equipment and infrastructure continues at
the frequency required by the applicable legislation, and that under health and safety and
licensing legislation the certification is available for inspection by authorised officers; and

g) ensure that all users of the venue whether Lloyd’s pass holders, professional visiting
companies or community users, are aware of and comply with, all matters pertaining to
any of the licences referred to above and that they are suitably inducted to safety
awareness and emergency procedures, regardless of their period or frequency of use of
the venue.

8. Managers (Departmental Workers’ Representatives)

Managers are people with line management responsibility and/or overall responsibility for
departments, as determined within their job description. Managers have a general duty of care for
their staff to ensure that Lloyd’s OH&S Policy, Environmental Policy and relevant OHSE
arrangements are implemented. All those with management responsibility shall demonstrate their
commitment to the continual improvement of OHSE performance. This includes:
a) making themselves familiar with any documentation and/or procedures and/or instruction
referring to the health, safety and environmental arrangements for employees and other
persons carrying out work on behalf of Lloyd’s;
b) ensuring appropriate and adequate risk assessments and evaluation of environmental
aspects are carried out within their sphere of work and areas of responsibility, for both
operations and work practices, and ensuring that records of assessments are kept and
made available to employees and their representatives. They will also ensure that, where
hazards and significant aspects are identified, appropriate action and advice is taken to
remove or minimise such hazard or risk to the environment or the health and safety of any
person under their control, and that all plant and machinery under their control is regularly
inspected and maintained, and records kept in accordance with relevant statutory
provisions. They will also ensure that risk assessments are updated regularly;
c) ensuring that health and safety matters are taken into account when new methods,
equipment or change are being considered or planned; seeking and using advice, from
the Risk Manager, identify competent persons to undertake suitable and sufficient
workplace risk assessments and aspects assessments, and ensure that such competent
persons are provided with sufficient time, training and resources to enable them to
undertake their duties effectively;
d) ensuring that all managers and staff under their control are aware of first aid facilities,
evacuation of premises and other emergency procedures, appointing and training Fire
Marshals and ensuring that agreed procedures on the reporting of accidents, dangerous
occurrences and accident investigation are followed;
e) ensuring that all managers and staff under their control are fully aware of their health,
Safety and environmental responsibilities, support them in the carrying out of such
associated duties and that workplaces are maintained in a tidy and safe condition;
f) ensuring that suitable and adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) and storage
facilities, where appropriate, are made available or obtained for identified staff, and
ensuring that PPE is properly used;

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g) ensuring that all staff receive suitable training or are adequately trained in health, safety
and environmental aspects relating to their duties, including offsite visits and activities and
that new starters receive appropriate health, safety and environmental induction training
on their first day of employment;
h) encouraging consultation and staff input to health and safety and fire safety matters. In
this context, the inclusion of health and safety in regular departmental and other meetings
will do much to ensure that necessary communication is occurring, and that health and
safety information received from the HSECG is appropriately distributed; and

i) managers also have responsibilities towards third parties (i.e. visitors, tenants and
contractors), who are in their area of working on their behalf. All such persons should be
made aware of:
• OH&S and Environmental Policies and relevant procedures
• The emergency procedures
• Any hazards or environmental risk which may arise from work they may be doing.

To summarise, the key health, safety and environmental responsibilities for Managers include:

i) undertaking risk assessments relating to key tasks and activities, which include the use of
equipment, hazardous substances and methods of working;
ii) establishing, maintaining and monitoring safe working practices;
iii) safety inspections of the premises, plant and work activities, and ensuring that workplaces,
work equipment and the control and use of substances comply with relevant statutory
iv) identification and implementation of appropriate health, safety and environmental training
programmes for staff;
v) the provision of information to employees and others to ensure their health and safety and
protection of the environment;
vi) ensuring that, where appropriate, health surveillance is provided and undertaken;
vii) the recording, reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents in the workplace; and
viii) consultation with employees on health and safety issues.
ix) promoting and encouraging environmental arrangements and initiatives with employees
and other interested parties.

9. Employees
All Lloyd’s employees must ensure that they undertake the work they are required to do with due
regard for their safety and that of their colleagues, tenants, contractors and visitors. They will take
responsibility for aspects of OH&S and environment over which they have control, including
adherence to the organisation’s applicable OHSE requirements and they will:
a) take reasonable care for their own health and safety and protection of the environment
and that of other persons that may be affected by their acts and omissions at work;
b) co-operate fully with Lloyd’s on all matters, rules, advice and instructions relating to health
and safety and environmental management and comply with all relevant statutory
provisions. Employees will be expected to either provide input into environmental aspects
assessment, risk assessments or, having been provided with the appropriate training,
conduct specific risk assessments relating to their work activities;
c) ensure that, where appropriate, they use personal protective clothing and equipment;

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d) report any defect or hazard involving buildings, equipment, systems or procedures, or any
accident or incident in accordance with Lloyd’s established reporting procedure;
e) be satisfied when using electrical equipment or other machinery that it is not defective,
and it is suitable for the task and where there is doubt, refer the matter to a supervisory
member of staff;
f) notify the HSECG via line-management, or directly if they believe that health and safety,
environmental conditions or fire safety obligations have not been fulfilled;
g) be familiar with fire safety procedures, including emergency evacuation, co-operate to
ensure the workplace is safe from fire and its effects and not do anything to place
themselves or other people at risk; and

h) ensure they access the DSE on-line training and risk assessment programme; complete
the modules within one month of joining the organisation and conduct a review of their
DSE risk assessment periodically, e.g. every two years or following changes in their
working environment. Any areas of concern should be reported immediately to their line
manager or the Risk Manager.

i) Participating in the environmental arrangements and initiatives within Lloyd’s. This

includes demonstrating environmentally friendly behaviours, such as travelling only when
necessary, using the waste management facilities, efficient use of energy, and efficient
use of resources e.g. reduction in printing and use of plastic.

j) Be proactively involved in identifying relevant internal and external issues through

participation in the various consultation and communication channels established within
Lloyd’s. Thus, ensuring they are contributing ideas that feed into the OHSE Management
System to enable continual improvement.

10. Tenants / Underwriters

All tenants / underwriters will ensure that while operating on Lloyd’s premises they take
responsibility for aspects of OH&S and Environmental management over which they have control,
including adherence to the organisation’s applicable OHSE requirements. This includes:
a) obeying all safety procedures and instructions and taking reasonable care for their own
health and safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts and
omissions whilst on Lloyd’s premises;
b) reporting all accidents/incidents in accordance with Lloyd’s Incident/Accident Reporting
c) tenants providing appropriate numbers of Fire Marshals and First Aiders within their office
areas and ensuring that all their employees are familiar with the building’s fire evacuation
procedures and first aid arrangements;
d) tenants and underwriters familiarising themselves with “Guidance Note for the
appointment of Contractors in the Lloyd’s Building by Tenants and Underwriters” before
they appoint a contractor to carryout work within their area of control;
e) ensuring that all their employees have a copy of the Lloyd’s Building Health and Safety
f) Adopting environmentally friendly behaviours through use of recycling facilities and
efficient use of resources and energy.

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11. Visitors
Visitors are non-Lloyd’s pass holders and include members of the public, school parties, students
and persons attending events and meetings on Lloyd’s premises.
Lloyd’s accepts responsibility towards members of the public and visitors and will ensure, in
conjunction with any additional licensing regulations where applicable, adequate provision is made
for their health and safety when using or visiting Lloyd’s premises.
Visitors and other persons working on Lloyd’s premises must observe the health, safety and
environmental rules and instructions laid down in Lloyd’s OH&S and Environmental Policies.
Those intending to work will not be permitted to do so until they have accepted such relevant rules.
All visitors will be issued with a Visitor’s Pass on signing in at Reception and are required to
display them at all times while on Lloyd’s premises. Details regarding procedures to follow in the
event of an emergency are printed on the back of each pass.

12. Contractors
Contractors will take responsibility for aspects of OHSE over which they have control, including
adherence to Lloyd’s applicable OHSE requirements.
Any contractor or sub-contractor engaged to carry out work for Lloyd’s will be required to operate
to standards of health and safety and protect the environment, not less than those set out in the
OH&S and Environmental Policies. They are required to supply copies of their company’s health
and safety and environmental policies with safe working procedures and appropriate risk
assessment documentation, prior to commencing work.
Contractors are required to consider the environmental impact of their activities e.g. waste arising
from maintenance activities, and ensure they follow Lloyd’s waste management procedures or
make suitable arrangements for the materials to be taken off-site and disposed of responsibly.
It will be the responsibility of contractors when working for Lloyd’s, on or about Lloyd’s premises, to
take all necessary steps to ensure not only the health, safety and welfare of his or her own
employees and subcontractors, but also to protect the environment and other persons not in their
employment who may be affected by any works under their control. Such persons may include the
occupants of any premises including employees, tenants and all other visitors. They are required
to discuss with the Lloyd’s Senior / Project Manager any risks associated with the work and
provide details of any assessments;
All contractors must ensure that they have been issued with a copy of the “Safety Rules for Works
on Lloyd’s Premises” document before they commence work.
All contractors will be issued with a Visitor’s Pass on signing in at Reception; this contains details
regarding procedures to follow in the event of an emergency.

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Appendix 1: Continual Improvement of OHSE Performance
Scope & Boundaries of Certification (Lime Street & Chatham)

Context of the Organisation (4)

Relevant internal and External Issues
Needs & Expectations of Workers & Interested Parties

Leadership (5)

Environmental Organisational Consultation &
Health & Safety
Policy Statement Responsibilities Participation of
Policy Statement
Continual Improvement of OHSE Performance (10.3)

(5.2) (5.3) Workers (5.4)


Management System Planning Procedures (6)

Environmental Hazard
Legal & Other Objectives &
Aspects Identification &
Requirements Programmes
Assessments Risk Assessment
(6.1.3) (6.2)
(6.1.2) (6.1.2)

Support & Operation (7, 8)

Communication Control of
OHSE Training & Awareness of Documented
(7.2) OHSE Information
(7.3, 7.4) (7.5)

Management System Performance Assessment Procedures (9)

Workplace Accident
H&S Monitoring
Inspections & Reporting /
& Measurement
Audits Recording
(9.1, 9.2) (10.2)

Health, Safety & Environmental Coordination Group Meetings

Management Review (9.3)

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Appendix 3: Interested Parties

Identified Interested Example Identified Needs & Relevant Compliance

Party Expectations Obligations
Market participants Brokers Provision of a safe Policies
Underwriters place to work Procedures
Tenants Tenants (under lease) Provision of a safe Policies
in building place to work Procedures
Lloyds Board Chairman, ExCo Provision of a safe Policies
Members and Non- place to work. Procedures
Executive Directors Access to OHS

Lloyds Executive CEO and Lloyd’s Provision of a safe Policies

Committee (ExCo) Directors place to work. Procedures
Access to OHS

Lloyds employees Employee Provision of a safe Policies

engagement groups place to work. Procedures
Global sustainability Access to OHS
champions (overseas support.
Visitors Events Safe site to visit. HSAWA 1974
Schools Competent guides. MHSWR 1999
Tours Visitor information
Public Members of the public Being a good HSAWA 1974
Local community neighbour. No noise, MHSWR 1999
Neighbouring nuisance or
organisations environmental health
concerns or
dangerous activities
Supply Chain - Internal Engineering Provision of a safe Terms and conditions
Catering (inc. wine bar place to work. of contract
/ coffee shop
Front of House
Supply Chain - Sub-contractors Provision of a safe Terms and conditions
External Specialists place to conduct of contract
Training Providers activities.
Carbon Smart
Suppliers Goods and materials Opportunity to build Terms and conditions
mutually beneficial of supply
relationships / expand
service offering
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Regulators / HSE Compliance with All identified OHS laws
Compliance bodies relevant OHS (See Legal register)

EA Compliance with All identified

relevant environmental laws

City of London - Local Emergency planning Premises Licence


English Heritage Consultation on any Building Regulations

proposed changes to
grade 1 listed building
Emergency Services London Fire Brigade Liaison on emergency Regulatory Reform
COL Police exercises / major (Fire Safety) Order
London Ambulance incident scenarios 2005
Insurers RSA Adequate cover Insurance law

Charities Lloyds patriotic Financial contributions Charity Commission

charities Media coverage Rules

Certification Bodies BSi Compliance with ISO14001

GLA relevant ISO and GLA ISO45001
standards. London Healthy
Workplace award
Media Press Access to Lloyds point None
Journalists of contact for news
Commentators stories / press

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Appendix 4:
List of Main Health, Safety & Environmental Subjects and Designated
Lead Persons
It is stressed that the information shown here does not supplant responsibilities specified in the main body of
this document. There is an inevitable over-lap of responsibilities in certain areas, but in cases of doubt
employees should contact one of the Responsible Persons, who will ensure that the problem/query is dealt
with appropriately.

Subjects Lead Person

Environmental and Health & Safety Matters Risk Manager
(Includes Fire/Bomb – First Aid – DSE – Training – Facilities ext 5098
Incident/Accident Reporting – Risk Assessment) Mobile: 07795 576356

Security Arrangements UK Security Operations Manager

Facilities ext 6340
Mobile: 07747 481892 or
Security Control ext 5905

Furniture – Flooring – Cleaning Customer Services Manager

Facilities ext 6379
Mobile: 07769 678470

Via Lloyd’s Helpdesk ext 6666

Food Hygiene – Catering Matters General Catering Manager

Ext 5046

Welfare Facilities All Line Management – HR Dept

Computer Equipment LONDON, CHATHAM, KSP

IT Customer Support Centre ext 5333

Reporting of urgent health, safety hazards / issues Lloyd’s Helpdesk ext 6666
& environmental concerns / incidents

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Appendix 5:




1. Title

The Group is known as the Health Safety and Environmental Co-ordination Group (HSECG)
and will adhere to the duties and guidelines as laid down in the Health and Safety at Work Act
1974 and in both Lloyd’s Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Policy, Environmental Policy
and Lloyd’s Security Policy

The HSECG is committed to seeking continual improvement in the OHSE and security
management systems across Lloyd’s UK and Overseas’ premises and activities. The HSECG
will also ensure a regular, at least annual, review of Lloyd’s health, safety, environmental and
security performance.

2. Purpose

ExCo believes that a safe, healthy and secure working environment will only be fully achieved
with the full and active participation of its managers, employees and their elected
representatives in the workplace. Through the HSECG, ExCo fully accepts the requirements of
the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977, and the Health and
Safety Consultation with Employees Regulations 1996. The key purposes are to:

➢ Identify the need for risk reduction strategies and monitor their implementation;

➢ Set health, safety, security and environmental strategy, discuss progress on

implementation and review;

➢ Review Lloyd’s health, safety, security and environmental strategy, objectives and plans
in line with the requirements of BS ISO45001:2018, BS EN ISO14001:2015, local
policies and recognised best practice; and

➢ Ensure a positive health, safety, security and environmental culture is encouraged and
best practices developed across the Corporation and the market.

3. Terms of Reference

The HSECG’s role is to:

➢ Advise the Chief Executive Officer on matters relating to health, safety, environment,
security and welfare in the Corporation and make recommendations as to amendments to
Lloyd’s OH&S, Environmental and Lloyd’s Security Policies;

➢ Receive reports from Lloyd’s site representatives and other competent persons with regard
to risk assessment and other safety matters, and determine and recommend appropriate

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➢ Keep under review the measures taken to provide a positive working environment to
ensure the health, safety, security and welfare at work of all employees, tenants,
contractors and visitors including persons with disability;

➢ Draw up and monitor systems in respect of safety audits, inspections, accident

investigation and other appropriate health, safety, environmental, security and welfare

➢ Review and approve the OHSE Quarterly and Annual Report, the OHSE Executive
Summary Report and the Annual Security Report.

➢ Ensure that security issues are raised as a standing agenda item at each of its
quarterly meetings. This will provide a platform for the formal identification of
operational security incidents and associated risks and ensure such issues are
recorded and actioned accordingly.

➢ Advise the Risk Manager on appropriate library provision of health, safety and
environmental publications, and oversee the dissemination of relevant legislation,
Approved Codes of Practice and guidance to line managers;

➢ Identify strategic training needs and ensure that a training plan is drawn up and regularly
monitored to reflect these needs; and

➢ Promote and monitor the procedures and guidance for:

o Identification, and management of hazards, risks and opportunities and potential

security breaches;

o Analysis of all incident/accidents and near misses to identify trends and produce
information for management review and action; and

o Production of codes for safe working.

o A positive environmentally friendly work culture and engagement initiatives to

educate employees, including those based overseas.

4. Membership:

The HSECG shall contain management and staff representatives. Each representative is
required to have a sound knowledge of health, safety, security and/or environmental
considerations and take a proactive role in developing a positive culture across the
Corporation. The HSECG shall be constituted as follows:

❑ Head of Corporate Real Estate (Chair)

❑ Facilities Manager – Corporate Real Estate (Deputy Chair)
❑ Risk Manager – Corporate Real Estate
❑ Senior Manager (IT)
❑ HR Representative
❑ Legal Department Representative
❑ Overseas Representative
❑ Business Continuity Representative
❑ Risk Management Representative
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❑ Procurement Representative
❑ Responsible Business Representative
❑ Innovation Representative

Minutes are also sent to:

• Council Secretariat

Where members are unable to attend, they may appoint deputies to attend in their absence.
Where appropriate, other representatives may be invited to attend at the discretion of the

A quorum of 6 people from the membership will be required in order that a meeting can take

The Risk Manager will take minutes of the meeting.

5. Meetings:

There will be quarterly meetings occurring in January, April, July and October.

The first meeting of the year will focus on management review of the BS ISO45001 and
ISO14001 standards. The following agenda items must be included;

➢ The status of actions from previous management reviews;

➢ Changes in:
o External and internal issues that are relevant to the OHSE management system;
o the needs and expectations of interested parties, including compliance obligations;
o Lloyd’s significant environmental aspects;
o Risks and opportunities;
o The extent to which OHSE objectives have been achieved;

➢ Information on Lloyd’s OHSE performance, including trends in:

o Incidents, nonconformities and corrective actions and continual improvement;
o Monitoring and measurement results;
o Fulfilment of its compliance obligations;
o Audit results;
o Consultation and participation of workers
o Risks and opportunities

➢ Adequacy of resources for maintaining effective OHSE performance;

➢ Relevant communication(s) from interested parties (including complaints);

➢ Opportunities for continual improvement.

Special meetings may also be called if issues arise within the Group’s Terms of Reference,
which require special attention.

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6. Agenda:

Items, which must relate to the terms of reference, may be included on the agenda at the
request of any members of the HSECG; these should be submitted one week before the
date of a meeting.

7. Minutes:

Minutes, which shall include a record of all proceedings and resolutions, shall be kept and
circulated to all members of the HSECG.

Minutes will include decisions related to:

➢ The continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the OHSE management system
in achieving its intended outcomes;
➢ Continual improvement opportunities;
➢ Any need for changes to the OHSE management system;
➢ Resources needed;
➢ Actions, if needed when OHSE objectives have not been achieved;
➢ Opportunities to improve integration of the OHSE management system with other Lloyd’s
➢ Any implications for the strategic direction of the Corporation.

A copy of the minutes shall be circulated to the Board and posted on My Lloyd’s.

The minutes will be circulated to all members of the HSECG within two weeks of the

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