New Safety Interviwe 150 Q-A .
New Safety Interviwe 150 Q-A .
New Safety Interviwe 150 Q-A .
They contain manufacturer contact information, hazardous ingredients, fire safety, explosion
and reactivity data, health hazards, precautions for safe handling, and use and control
measures, such as protection for skin, eyes or lungs.
Any Man-made cut, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth removal. Or excavation is
a process of digging hole in ground by removing soil, rock, sand etc.
Classification: Internal Use
Unsafe Act - is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in an
incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.
Unsafe activities are the actions of the person, which is possible or certainly leads to accidents
or increase the risk of accidents. Unsafe conditions are the condition of equipment or
environment that is considered to be unsafe and possibly leads to an accident in a workplace.
1. Stay Alert.
2. Wear The Right Clothes.
3. Use The Right Tools.
4. Learn How To Lift.
5. Don't Be A Prankster.
6. Be Tidy.
7. Reporting Is Important.
8. Get First Aid Immediately.
9. Never Take A Chance.
A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), or Residual Current Device (RCD) is a type of circuit
breaker which shuts off electric power when it senses an imbalance between the outgoing and
incoming current. ... A circuit breaker protects the house wires and receptacles from overheating and
possible fire.
A ground fault circuit interrupter: is the only protection device designed to protect people against
electric shock from an electrical system.
Compressed gases can cause fires, explosions, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, toxic gas
exposures as well as the innate physical hazard associated with cylinders under high pressure.
Properly secure cylinders in a well ventilated, and protected area away from heat, flames, and the
sun. Segregated cylinders by hazard classes while in storage. Discontinue use of the cylinder when
it has at least 25 psi remaining; close valve to prevent air and moisture from entering.
flash arrestor is a gas safety device most commonly used in oxy-fuel welding and cutting to stop
the flame or reverse flow of gas back up into the equipment or supply line. It protects the user
and equipment from damage or explosions.
Steps of JSA: Identified the hazards associate with each step, determine control for each hazard,
discussed with workers. (JSA)
The 4 basic steps that are used for writing a JSA are:
Flammable substances are those gases, liquids and solids that will ignite and continue to burn in air if
1. below 73°F (23°C) below 100°F (38°C) diethyl ether, pentane, ligroin, petroleum ether.
2. below 73°F (23°C) at or above 100°F (38°C) acetone, benzene, cyclohexane, ethanol
A potentially explosive atmosphere exists when a mixture of air gases, vapors, mists, or dusts
combines in such a way that it can ignite under certain conditions.
include oil refineries, chemical plants, LNG plants, paint manufacturers, sewerage treatment
plants, distilling, wharves and offshore drilling rigs. These are all environments where hazardous
gas vapors may be present.
Zone Classification:
Zone 0: Harmful and toxic gasses are always present in normal condition.
(Also known as Brown Field) Example: 30 Meters radius of live flare.
Unclassified - Area free from Harmful & Toxic gasses. (Also known as green field)
Any place having a limited means of access or egress, which subject to the hazards like deficiency of
oxygen, toxic or flammable gasses or substance, dust etc.
30. Differentiate between oxygen-deficient and oxygen-enriched atmosphere?
(a) Oxygen deficient. An atmosphere less than 19.5% by volume at sea level.
(b) Oxygen enriched atmosphere. Oxygen level is more than 23.5% by volume more than
the atmosphere constant supply of 21%.
32. Different between first aid incident & lost time accident?
(a) First aid incident.
Any injury or illness that required first aid only, with no necessary follow up visit to the
medical facilities.
1. Accident.
An unplanned, unwanted event that leads to injuries, damage or loss.
2. Incident.
All event that have resulted in or have the potential of resulting in an accident. or
An undesired, unplanned, unexpected event that results, or has the potential to result, in
physical harm to a person or damage to property (loss or no loss).
3. Near miss.
An unplanned, unwanted, event that had the potential to lead to injury, damage or loss (but
did not actually do so)
4. Occupational illness.
Classification: Internal Use
(Contribution) Work activities need to be assessed and controlled to prevent problems, which cover
hazards analysis and risk assessment. The only way to remove the risk of harm is to remove or
minimize the hazard to as low as reasonably achievable.
35. Minimum requirement for safe handling, storage and proper use of
compressed gas cylinder?
1. Do physical check before using gas cylinder.
2. Label each cylinder.
3. When empty, close the valve, secure the safety cap and tag “Empty” remain in place.
4. Tag leaking cylinder, move to well-ventilated area and inform vendor for assistance.
5. Keep away cylinder from ignition source.
6. Open valve by hand, stand on one side when opening.
7. Keep cylinder in upright position, secure with chain at the upper 1/3 of the body.
8. Do not use oil or grease on compressed gas cylinder.
9. Do not refill empty cylinder.
10. Do not use gas cylinder inside confined space.
11. Do not smoke around compressed gas cylinder.
12. Store oxygen cylinder at least 6-meters away from cylinder containing combustible gasses or
other flammable materials.
Classification: Internal Use
13. Secure cylinder with chain into trolley when moved from place to place.
14. Use cylinder lifting cage when lifted into elevated work areas.
36. Define unsafe act and unsafe condition and explain what shall be done to
eliminate them?
Unsafe Act-is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in an
incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.
Unsafe Condition-is the existence of chemical, physical or biological hazards in the work
To Eliminate them- HSE training & awareness, audit and constant. monitoring shall be done; craft
foreman & supervisor has to play an important role and shall be held accountable with regards to the
health and safety of their workman.
37. What meant by color-coding system used for scaffolding materials, lifting
tools and tackles and why is it necessary?
Standard Safety Requirement as per procedure- all scaffolding components shall be inspected
every 6-month and identifying color will be used on materials to indicate completed inspections have
been done,
Standard Safety Requirement as per procedure- all lifting tackle will have a service color painted
on the item to indicate that tackle has been inspected in the last 6-month period.
Why is it necessary? - compliance to procedure and making sure all scaffold components and lifting
tackle are inspected and in good condition and safe to use.
37. What is Lockout and Tag-out?
Log out-Tag out, for servicing or maintenance of live equipment’s or pipelines, where the unexpected
energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolating device to
avoid uncontrolled operation and give off the lockout schedule.
38. Explain how do you overcome the language barrier of workforce to make
them understand the HSE massage? how we can minimize the language
it can be done by utilizing their countrymen for translation and by developing a training module using
a very common and simple English which are easy to understand and also by using more
pictures/photo in every slide, “pictures speak more than a million words”
39. What is a risk assessment?
Risk assessment is a method of estimating the rate of risk of an activity, by classifying actual and
potential consequence and finding out mitigation action to limit that risk.
Identify Hazards+ Evaluating.
Eliminating or Control.
=An Acceptable level.
The prevention of accidents and ill-health.
40. what is the accident causing factors?
Basic cause, Direct cause, Indirect cause.
41. Underlying (basic) cause of an accident?
1. Poor management, safety police & decision.
2. Personal factor.
3. environment factor.
4. Human behavior. 5. Equipment.
42. List Immediate or direct cause of an accident?
1. Slips, Trip, Fall.
Classification: Internal Use
2. Caught in.
3. Run over.
4. Chemical exposure.
5. Unplanned release of energy and/or hazards.
43. List of indirect cause of accident?
1. Unsafe Acts.
2. Unsafe Conditions.
44. What is the electrical safety? Hazards and Precaution.
1. Check power cable, socket and portable tools condition daily for any damage.
2. Don’t use damaged cable, socket and faulty power tools.
3. Don’t place the cable on wet floor.
4. Check the welding cable connectors and the metallic parts is not be exposed.
5. Welding cable are to be tightly connected in welding machine to prevent spark generation
due to lost connection.
6. Don’t repair any electrical tools. return it to electrical department if found defective.
7. Don’t work in live electrical system obtain and follow LOTO procedure.
8. Use rubber mat while energization/de-energization in activities.
Hazards: Improper grounding, expose electrical parts, overloaded circuit, wet condition.
Precaution: proper signboard, during thunderstorm don’t stand under tree.
There are three basic types of soil: sand, silt and clay.
57. Types of sloping classification?
Soil type - Height: Depth ratio- Slope angle
Stable Rock - Vertical - 90°
Type A - ¾:1 - 53°
Type B - 1:1 - 45°
Type C - 1½:1 - 34°
Type A(short-term) - ½:1 - 63°
(For a maximum excavation depth of 12 ft)
58. What is NFPA? Explain the NFPA diamond?
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
4 Deadly
3 Extreme Danger
2 Hazardous
1 Slightly Hazardous
0 Normal Material
4 Below 73 °F
3 Below 100 °F
2 Above 100 °F
Not Exceeding 200 °F
1 Above 200 °F
0 Will Not Burn
4 May Detonate
3 Shock and Heat; May Detonate
2 Violent Chemical Change
1 Unstable if Heated
0 Stable
ACID – Acid
ALK – Alkali
COR – Corrosive
OXY – Oxidizer
– Radioactive
W – Use No Water
59. What is the emergency evacuation procedure?
1. Don’t get panic on hearing alarm.
2. Switch off all the equipment and energized circuits.
3. Observe the direction of wind low-proceed out in the cross-wind direction to the plant
boundary fence
4. and then proceed up wind.
5. Obey further instruction from emergency response team.
6. Resume work after getting clearance only?
60. What is the tandem lifting and how many riggers required for it?
Tandem lifting is a critical lifting. The lifting that is carried out by using TWO cranes. That is called
tandem lifting. Only one rigger is required for the tandem lifting.
Classification: Internal Use
A permit to work (PTW) is a formal written safety control system that is implemented to help prevent
accident or injury to personnel, prevent damage to plant/machinery and to prevent damage to a
product or to a client site.
68. What is work permit?
Work permit is a written document authorizing a person or group to perform an identified work subject
to specific condition and precaution.
69. What is the Hot work and Cold work?
Any work which have any ignition sources call Hot work.
Any work which have no ignition sources call cold work.
70. How many types of excavation protection system?
types of protective systems are: shoring, shielding, sloping, and benching,
Shoring involves placing boards or other bracing against the excavation walls and maintaining separation
between the boards with a post, screw jack, or hydraulic cylinder.
Trench boxes are the most common form of shielding. Trench boxes are rated for a specific
maximum load.
Sloping, and benching,
sloping or benching the trench walls will offer excellent protection without any additional equipment.
71. How many types of respirator?
There are Two major categories of Respirators.
1. Air Purifying Respirators.
These types of respirators include:
1. Air Purifying Disposable Particulate Masks;
2. Air Purifying Half Mask Respirators;
3. Air Purifying Full Face Mask Respirators;
4. Gas Masks; and
5. Powered Air Purifying Respirators.
2. Supplied Air Respirator.
These types of respirators include:
1. Airline Respirators;
2. Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus; and
3. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA
72. What is safety behavior?
improving safety by monitoring and changing the behavior of the people involved.
Safety Behavior:
1. Learn to work safety and take all rules seriously.
2. Recognize hazards and avoid them.
3. Report all accident, injuries and illness to supervisor immediately.
4. inspect tools before use to avoid injury.
5. wear all assigned personal protective equipment.
73. What is difference between WLL (working load limit) and SWL (safe working load)?
“WLL” stands for “working load limit” while “SWL” stands for “safe working load.” The
main differences between safe working load from working load limit is that “SWL” is the
older term. Today, SWL is not used anymore because it has been completely replaced by
the term WLL.
74. Definition of LOTO and isolation?
Classification: Internal Use
LOTO- Log out tag out, for servicing or maintenance of live equipment’s or pipelines, where the
unexpected energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolation
device uncontrolled operation and give details of the lockout schedule.
Isolation- A system to ensure that equipment is properly de-energized (isolated) prior to conducting
work on it.
75. What is a safety agenda?
A safety agenda must include topics regarding safety issues, recent events, and rules
on safety measures. The agenda must also have a purpose and a clear set of
76. What is the safety policy?
A health and safety policy is a written statement by an employer stating the company's commitment
for the protection of the health and safety of employees and to the public. It is an endorsed
commitment by management to its employees regarding their health and safety.
Unsafe conditions: -is the existence of chemical, physical, or biological hazards in the work
Unsafe Act: - is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in
an incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.
Statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall health and safety
performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its health and safety objectives
and targets.
1. To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work
2. activities;
3. To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
4. To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
5. To ensure safe handling and use of substances;
6. To provide information instruction and supervision for employees;
7. To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate
Classification: Internal Use
8. training;
9. To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
10. To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
11. To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
91. List the requirement to be met for approving hot work permit?
1. Fire watch.
2. Fire extinguisher.
3. Fire blankets.
4. Combustible floors are to be wet,
5. Area should be proper barricade.
6. wearing suitable PPE.
92. How to investigation accident/incident reports?
Find root cause, Observe, Analysis, identifying.
Step one: Gathering the information
Step two: Analyzing the information
Step three: Identifying risk control measures
Step four: The action plan and its implementation
1. Gather information. (Get a brief overview of the situation from witnesses and employees directly
involved in the incident).
2. Search for and establish facts. (Examine the accident scene).
3. Establish essential contributing factors. (Contributing factors include environmental
factors, design factors, systems and procedures, and human behavior)
4. Find root causes. (There are almost always multiple causes that contribute to an
5. Determine corrective actions. (Once you know what happened and why it happened)
6. Implement corrective actions. (Put your corrective actions into place and follow up to
make sure that they were sufficient to mitigate the hazard and/or address the issues)
93. What is the isolation?
Isolation involves disconnecting or separating the energy source, to protect the health and safety of
people and also equipment and machinery damage.
94. What is the (SSOW) safe system of work?
A safe system of work is a formal procedure which result from systematic examination of a task in
order to identify all the defines safe method to ensure that hazards are eliminated or risks
95. What are the steps of safe system of work?
5 Step of safe system of work.
1. Assess the task.
2. Define safe method
3. Implement the system.
4. Monitor the system.
96. What is the risk assessment mathematic formula of risk?
Risk=Likelihood (probability) x consequence (severity)
Likelihood is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur.
Classification: Internal Use
Consequence is the outcome of the hazardous event.
1. Extremely unlikely.
2. Unlikely.
3. Possible,
4. Likely.
5. Very probable.
1. Very minor injury.
2. First-Aid injury.
3. Lost-Time injury.
4. Hospital Treatment.
5. Disabling injury.
Risk Rating.
4 or below- Acceptable (If simple action can reduce further then must be done within one week)
5 to 8-Tolerable (Must be reduce to below 5 within one week)
9 to 14 – Tolerable (Additional control must be introduced as soon as possible and no later than 24
hours after assessment)
15 to above – Unacceptable (Work may not start. additional control must be introduced to reduce below)
1. Electrocution (fatal)
2. Electric shock
3. Burns.
4. Falls caused as a result of contact with electrical energy.
Classification: Internal Use
2. All operating areas shall be barricaded off with suitable barriers to prevent accidental
entry of unauthorized personnel. Signs should have wording to the effect - DANGER
ONLY. Red and white bunting or tape and signs are to be used.
3. Entry into the area must be authorized by the Responsible Person.
4. Appropriate personal protective equipment shall be worn when operating high pressure
water jet equipment. The PPE shall include:
• safety helmet,
• goggles and face shield,
• PVC full protective overalls, or PVC jacket and PVC trousers,
• suitable gloves, and - safety footwear.
5. All high-pressure equipment shall be isolated and depressurized before being left
Poor domestic and personal hygiene practices can help the transmission of disease-causing germs:
• directly by the faecal-oral route, or by person to person or pet to person contact
• indirectly by vectors coming into contact with people or their food, people breathing in airborne droplets
of moisture which contain germs or eating contaminated food.
3. oxygen-(smothering)
• Put your feet around the load and your body over it (if this is not feasible, try to keep your body as
close possible to the load and in front of it)
• Use the muscles of your legs when lifting • Keep your back straight
• Pull the load as close as possible to your body
• Lift and carry the load with straight arms.
128. Types of scaffolding?
1. Tube & coupler scaffolds. (is a type of scaffold whose scaffold components are
connected by coupler) (Adjustable swivel. right-angle coupler, bearer coupler, joint pin,
girder coupler, sleeve coupler.
2. System scaffolding. (is a type of scaffolding whose scaffold components are connected
by fixed connectors) (types of system scaffolding, cup lock, kiwi stage, rosette
connection, wedge connections).
3. Frame or Fabricated.
4. Suspension scaffolding.
5. Mobile scaffolding.
6. Bracket scaffolds.
7. Under Hung scaffold.
8. Out rigger scaffolding.
9. Birdcage scaffolding.
129. What are the occupational health hazards?
Chemical, Physical, Biological, Psycho-Social, Ergonomic.
130. What is the chemical hazards?
A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm, primarily to people.
Dust, Gas, Vapors, Fibers etc.
= 1x100.000 = 5
Total number of man-hours worked
= Man days work x work hours x Number of employee worked.
= 25 x 8 x 100.
= 1 x 1000 = 10
= (First day) +
100 100
(Second day)
= 200 =100
Classification: Internal Use
= 2 x 1000 =0.1
= 2 x 100 = 20