New Safety Interviwe 150 Q-A .

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Classification: Internal Use


1. List major hazards in a confined space?

1. Oxygen Deficiency.
2. Oxygen Enrichment.
3. Welding & cutting (fumes vapor).
4. Toxic Atmosphere, Flammable or Explosive Atmospheres.
5. Excessive Heat.
6. Limited entry/exit.
7. Engulfment.
2. Define work at height?
Any work above 2 meters from ground is caused work at height. or
Working at height' means working in a place where a person could be injured by falling from it,
even if it is at or below ground level. Working at Height Regulations applies to all work at
height where there is a risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury.
3. List 4 steps of risk assessment?
• Identified the hazards.
• Identify the people who might be harm and how.
• Evaluate the risk and decide on precaution.
• Record your finding and implement them.
• Review your assessment and update if necessary.
4. (a) What are required documents for a critical lifting other than work permit?
Approved Critical lifting plan, JSA/JHA or Risk Assessment, WMS (work method of statement),
operator medical fitness report, crane operator & rigger should be approved by 3rd party certified,
SAG license, all lifting gear must be 3rd party certified. Crane daily inspection checklist.
(b) List 4 precaution needed during crane lifting activity?
• Know the safe working load of the equipment and tackle being used. Never exceed this
• Determine the load weight before rigging it.
• Examine all hardware, equipment’s, tackle, and sling before using them and survey
defective components.
• Discard equipment may be used by someone not aware of the hazards or defects.
5. What is the difference between risk and hazards?
A hazard is something that has the potential to harm you.
Risk is the likelihood of a hazard causing harm.
6. How to chemical can enter inside our body or routes of entry into body? How
we control it?
There are four major routes by which a chemical may enter the body:
1. Inhalation (breathing)
2. Skin (or eye) contact.
3. Swallowing (ingestion or eating)
4. Injection.
Can control by hierarchy of controls: Elimination/Substitution, Administrative and Work
Practice Controls, Personal Protective Equipment
Classification: Internal Use

7. What is the advantage of grounding and electrically operating equipment?

Advantages of proper grounding include.
1. Eliminates shock hazard.
2. Protects equipment from voltage.
3. Prevents electrical fires.
4. Reduces equipment repair cost.
8. What is LOTO? It is required to protect workers from which type of energy?
Log out tag out, for servicing or maintenance of live equipment’s or pipelines, where the unexpected
energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolation device
uncontrolled operation and give details of the lockout schedule.
9. (a) What is PPM?
Parts per million
(b) PPM is used to measure what?
is commonly used as a dimensionless measure of small levels (concentrations) of pollutants in
air-contaminants-limits, mass of a chemical or
This measurement is the mass of a chemical or contaminate per unit volume of water.
10. What is MSDS? What information will you give from MSDS to workers going to
enter a tank for housekeeping with hazards chemical?
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
1. Physical and chemical properties.
2. Health hazards.
3. Precaution for use.
4. Safe handling information.
5. Emergency procedure.
6. Disposal.
7. First aid procedures.
8. Firefighting measure.
9. Control measure.
10. Other information.

They contain manufacturer contact information, hazardous ingredients, fire safety, explosion
and reactivity data, health hazards, precautions for safe handling, and use and control
measures, such as protection for skin, eyes or lungs.

11. How we can minimize the language barrier?

It can be done by utilizing their countrymen for translations and by developing a training module using a
very common and simple English which are easy to understand and also by using more pictures/photos in
every slide. “pictures speak more than a million words”

12. What is excavation?

Any Man-made cut, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth removal. Or excavation is
a process of digging hole in ground by removing soil, rock, sand etc.
Classification: Internal Use

13. List the hazards of excavation?

1. Falling into pit.
2. Earth collapse.
3. Contact with buried electric cable, Gas / Oil Pipelines.
4. Flooding due to excessive rain / underground water.
5. Cave-in or slides.
6. Flooding due to hydro-static testing.
7. Noise pollution.
8. Working in the vicinity of live-electricity.
9. Movement of vehicles / equipment close to the edge of cut.
10. Oxygen deficient environments.
14. Define the roles and responsibilities of safety professional?
1. Communicate the safety rules and standard to all employees.
2. Collect daily reports and raise in safety meeting.
3. Following up work permit system as per client requirement.
4. Coordinate with safety manager discussed and implement safety procedure.
5. Inspect daily workers, equipment’s, tools, at job site as per client procedure.
6. Conduct daily safety toolbox talk.
15. What is unsafe act and unsafe condition? Give some examples?
Unsafe conditions: is the existence of chemical, physical or biological hazards in the work
1. Defective tools, equipment or supplies
2. Inadequate supports or guards
3. Congestion in the workplace
4. Inadequate warning systems
5. Fire and explosion hazards
6. Poor housekeeping
7. Hazardous atmospheric conditions
8. Electrical hazards like frayed cords.
9. Missing ground pins.
10. Improper wiring.

Unsafe Act - is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in an
incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.

1. Disregarding posted warning signs.

2. Failure to wear a hard hat.
3. Smoking near flammables or explosives.
4. Working too close to power lines.
5. Handling chemicals or other hazardous materials improperly.
6. Putting your body or any part of it onto or into shafts or openings and lifting.
7. Operating equipment without qualification or authorization
8. Lack of/or improper use of PPE
9. Operation equipment at unsafe speeds
10. Failure to warn
11. Bypass or removal of safety devices
Classification: Internal Use

12. Using defective equipment

16. What is difference between unsafe act and unsafe condition?

Unsafe activities are the actions of the person, which is possible or certainly leads to accidents
or increase the risk of accidents. Unsafe conditions are the condition of equipment or
environment that is considered to be unsafe and possibly leads to an accident in a workplace.

17. List five safety violation?

The most common safety violations within workplaces include.

1. failure to provide fall protection,

2. failure to effectively communicate the risks of workplace hazards,
3. And failure to place sufficient protective equipment between workers and dangerous
4. Working w/o valid work permit.
5. Walking under suspended load from the crane.
6. Driving w/o valid driving license.
7. Disabling safety-critical equipment w/o proper obtain authorization.
8. Enter confined space w/o authorization.
9. Fall Protection.
10. Hazard Communication.
11. Scaffolding – General Requirements.
12. Respiratory Protection.
13. Control of Hazardous Energy – Lockout/Tag-out.
14. Ladders.
15. Powered Industrial Trucks.
16. Fall Protection – Training Requirements.
17. Machine Guarding– General Requirement.
18. Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment – Eye and Face Protection.

19. What is the basic and general safety rules?

Basic safety Rules.

1. Stay Alert.
2. Wear The Right Clothes.
3. Use The Right Tools.
4. Learn How To Lift.
5. Don't Be A Prankster.
6. Be Tidy.
7. Reporting Is Important.
8. Get First Aid Immediately.
9. Never Take A Chance.

General Safety Rules.

Classification: Internal Use

1. Report all work injuries and illnesses immediately.

2. Report all Unsafe Acts or Unsafe Conditions to your Supervisor.
3. Use seat belts when on Company business in any vehicles.
4. Only authorized and trained Employees may repair or adjust machinery and equipment.
5. Only qualified and trained Employees may work on or near Exposed Energized Electrical Parts or
Electrical Equipment.
6. Only authorized and trained Employees may enter a posted Confined Space.
7. Only authorized and trained Employees may dispense or use chemicals.
8. Keep work areas clean and aisles clear. Do not block emergency equipment or exits.
9. Wear and use the prescribed Personal Protective Safety Equipment.
10. Smoking is permitted only in the designated "Smoking Areas".
20. What is IDLH?
immediately dangerous to life or health.
21. What is GFCI? Describe how it works?

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI), or Residual Current Device (RCD) is a type of circuit
breaker which shuts off electric power when it senses an imbalance between the outgoing and
incoming current. ... A circuit breaker protects the house wires and receptacles from overheating and
possible fire.

A ground fault circuit interrupter: is the only protection device designed to protect people against
electric shock from an electrical system.

22. what is the use of GFCI?

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) can help prevent electrocution if a person is body starts
to receive a shock, the GFCI senses this and cuts off the power before he/she can get injured.
23. What are the hazards/risks of compressed gas cylinder? How can we
control this risk/hazards?

Compressed gases can cause fires, explosions, oxygen-deficient atmospheres, toxic gas
exposures as well as the innate physical hazard associated with cylinders under high pressure.

Properly secure cylinders in a well ventilated, and protected area away from heat, flames, and the
sun. Segregated cylinders by hazard classes while in storage. Discontinue use of the cylinder when
it has at least 25 psi remaining; close valve to prevent air and moisture from entering.

24. What is the use of flashback arrestor?

flash arrestor is a gas safety device most commonly used in oxy-fuel welding and cutting to stop
the flame or reverse flow of gas back up into the equipment or supply line. It protects the user
and equipment from damage or explosions.

25. What is whiplash arrestor and flashback arrestor?

Whiplash arrestor-To prevent serious injury due to hose or coupling failure.
Flashback arrestor-To stop the flam from burning back up into the equipment and causing damage
or equipment.
26. Define JSA?
The procedure of analysing job for the specific purpose finding the hazard and developing.
Classification: Internal Use

Steps of JSA: Identified the hazards associate with each step, determine control for each hazard,
discussed with workers. (JSA)

The 4 basic steps that are used for writing a JSA are:

1. Selecting the job to be analysed.

2. Breaking the job down into a sequence of steps.

3. Identifying potential hazards.

4. Determining preventive measures to overcome these hazards.

27. What are a flammable materials and flashpoint?

Flammable substances are those gases, liquids and solids that will ignite and continue to burn in air if

exposed to a source of ignition.

1. below 73°F (23°C) below 100°F (38°C) diethyl ether, pentane, ligroin, petroleum ether.

2. below 73°F (23°C) at or above 100°F (38°C) acetone, benzene, cyclohexane, ethanol

28. Describe Hazardous Area?

A hazardous area is a place where a potentially explosive atmosphere can occur.

A potentially explosive atmosphere exists when a mixture of air gases, vapors, mists, or dusts
combines in such a way that it can ignite under certain conditions.

include oil refineries, chemical plants, LNG plants, paint manufacturers, sewerage treatment
plants, distilling, wharves and offshore drilling rigs. These are all environments where hazardous
gas vapors may be present.

29. What is the Zone classification?

Zone Classification:

Zone 0: Harmful and toxic gasses are always present in normal condition.
(Also known as Brown Field) Example: 30 Meters radius of live flare.

Zone 1: Harmful toxic gasses are occasionally present in Normal condition.

Classification: Internal Use

Zone 2: Harmful & Toxic gasses are present in Abnormal condition.

Example: in case of live pipe rupture.

Unclassified - Area free from Harmful & Toxic gasses. (Also known as green field)

28. What is a confined space?

Any place having a limited means of access or egress, which subject to the hazards like deficiency of
oxygen, toxic or flammable gasses or substance, dust etc.
30. Differentiate between oxygen-deficient and oxygen-enriched atmosphere?
(a) Oxygen deficient. An atmosphere less than 19.5% by volume at sea level.

(b) Oxygen enriched atmosphere. Oxygen level is more than 23.5% by volume more than
the atmosphere constant supply of 21%.

31. Identify any five-safety violation?

1. working w/o valid work permit.
2. Walking under suspended load from a crane.
3. Driving w/o valid driving license.
4. Disabling a safety-critical equipment’s w/o obtaining proper authorization.
5. Entering a confined space w/o authorization.

32. Different between first aid incident & lost time accident?
(a) First aid incident.
Any injury or illness that required first aid only, with no necessary follow up visit to the
medical facilities.

(b) Lost time accident.

Any injury or illness because of which the employee is unable to work the next day regardless
of whether or not the employee was scheduled to work on those days.
33. Define an accident, incident, near miss, occupational illness, and
occupational injury, Health, Safety, Welfare, Dangerous occurrence,
Hazard, Risk and injury?

1. Accident.
An unplanned, unwanted event that leads to injuries, damage or loss.
2. Incident.
All event that have resulted in or have the potential of resulting in an accident. or
An undesired, unplanned, unexpected event that results, or has the potential to result, in
physical harm to a person or damage to property (loss or no loss).

3. Near miss.
An unplanned, unwanted, event that had the potential to lead to injury, damage or loss (but
did not actually do so)
4. Occupational illness.
Classification: Internal Use

Any abnormal condition or disorder, resulting from an occupational injury, caused by

exposure to factors associated with work environment.
5. Occupational injury.
Physical harm to employee that resulted from single exposure event to chemical, physical, or
biological agents in the work environment.
6. Health.
Health the absence of disease or ill health.
7. Safety.
Safety the absence of risk of serious personal injury. or safety the protection of people from
physical injury. (slip, trip, fall, falls from height, struck by vehicle, contact with electricity.
8. Welfare.
welfare access to basic facilities including toilet and rest area, hygiene and first aid provision.
9. Dangerous occurrence.
Dangerous occurrence a specified event that may have to be reported to the relevant
authorize by law.
10. Hazard.
Hazard something with the potential to cause harm.
11. Risk.
Risk the likelihood that hazard will cause harm in combination with the severity of injury,
damage, loss they might occur.
12. Injury:
Injury it is defined as a harmful condition, sustained by the body as a result of an accident.
34. How incidents can be prevented? what contributions you think you can
make to create SADAF a better and injury-free company?
(Prevention) HSE & Trade-wise refresh course to be conducted-To inculcate in the mind of
employees regarding specific and various job hazards they are exposed to, and to help them develop
the right attitude by adopting techniques in handling the jobs.

(Contribution) Work activities need to be assessed and controlled to prevent problems, which cover
hazards analysis and risk assessment. The only way to remove the risk of harm is to remove or
minimize the hazard to as low as reasonably achievable.
35. Minimum requirement for safe handling, storage and proper use of
compressed gas cylinder?
1. Do physical check before using gas cylinder.
2. Label each cylinder.
3. When empty, close the valve, secure the safety cap and tag “Empty” remain in place.
4. Tag leaking cylinder, move to well-ventilated area and inform vendor for assistance.
5. Keep away cylinder from ignition source.
6. Open valve by hand, stand on one side when opening.
7. Keep cylinder in upright position, secure with chain at the upper 1/3 of the body.
8. Do not use oil or grease on compressed gas cylinder.
9. Do not refill empty cylinder.
10. Do not use gas cylinder inside confined space.
11. Do not smoke around compressed gas cylinder.
12. Store oxygen cylinder at least 6-meters away from cylinder containing combustible gasses or
other flammable materials.
Classification: Internal Use

13. Secure cylinder with chain into trolley when moved from place to place.
14. Use cylinder lifting cage when lifted into elevated work areas.
36. Define unsafe act and unsafe condition and explain what shall be done to
eliminate them?
Unsafe Act-is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in an
incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.
Unsafe Condition-is the existence of chemical, physical or biological hazards in the work
To Eliminate them- HSE training & awareness, audit and constant. monitoring shall be done; craft
foreman & supervisor has to play an important role and shall be held accountable with regards to the
health and safety of their workman.
37. What meant by color-coding system used for scaffolding materials, lifting
tools and tackles and why is it necessary?
Standard Safety Requirement as per procedure- all scaffolding components shall be inspected
every 6-month and identifying color will be used on materials to indicate completed inspections have
been done,
Standard Safety Requirement as per procedure- all lifting tackle will have a service color painted
on the item to indicate that tackle has been inspected in the last 6-month period.
Why is it necessary? - compliance to procedure and making sure all scaffold components and lifting
tackle are inspected and in good condition and safe to use.
37. What is Lockout and Tag-out?
Log out-Tag out, for servicing or maintenance of live equipment’s or pipelines, where the unexpected
energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolating device to
avoid uncontrolled operation and give off the lockout schedule.
38. Explain how do you overcome the language barrier of workforce to make
them understand the HSE massage? how we can minimize the language
it can be done by utilizing their countrymen for translation and by developing a training module using
a very common and simple English which are easy to understand and also by using more
pictures/photo in every slide, “pictures speak more than a million words”
39. What is a risk assessment?
Risk assessment is a method of estimating the rate of risk of an activity, by classifying actual and
potential consequence and finding out mitigation action to limit that risk.
Identify Hazards+ Evaluating.
Eliminating or Control.
=An Acceptable level.
The prevention of accidents and ill-health.
40. what is the accident causing factors?
Basic cause, Direct cause, Indirect cause.
41. Underlying (basic) cause of an accident?
1. Poor management, safety police & decision.
2. Personal factor.
3. environment factor.
4. Human behavior. 5. Equipment.
42. List Immediate or direct cause of an accident?
1. Slips, Trip, Fall.
Classification: Internal Use

2. Caught in.
3. Run over.
4. Chemical exposure.
5. Unplanned release of energy and/or hazards.
43. List of indirect cause of accident?
1. Unsafe Acts.
2. Unsafe Conditions.
44. What is the electrical safety? Hazards and Precaution.
1. Check power cable, socket and portable tools condition daily for any damage.
2. Don’t use damaged cable, socket and faulty power tools.
3. Don’t place the cable on wet floor.
4. Check the welding cable connectors and the metallic parts is not be exposed.
5. Welding cable are to be tightly connected in welding machine to prevent spark generation
due to lost connection.
6. Don’t repair any electrical tools. return it to electrical department if found defective.
7. Don’t work in live electrical system obtain and follow LOTO procedure.
8. Use rubber mat while energization/de-energization in activities.
Hazards: Improper grounding, expose electrical parts, overloaded circuit, wet condition.
Precaution: proper signboard, during thunderstorm don’t stand under tree.

45. What is the ERICPD (Risk control hierarchy)?

1. Elimination.
2. Reduction.
3. Isolation.
4. Control measures.
5. P.P.E
6. Discipline.
46. What is a safety sign?
Safety signs are a type of sign designed to warn of hazards, indicate mandatory actions or required use
of Personal protective equipment, prohibit actions.

FOUR types of safety signs:

1. Prohibition and fire.

2. Mandatory.
3. Caution.
4. Safe Condition.
47. What is a Lifting?
Any movement of load or personal, with including A chance of height. or
the action of moving something from a lower to a higher position.
48. What is the main or basic components of scaffolding?
The basic elements of scaffolding parts include three general components:
standards, ledgers, transoms.

49. How many types of an accident?

There are 4 types of accidents.
1. Near miss accident-escape.
Classification: Internal Use

2. No lost time reported 48hrs-before.

3. Lost time-reported 48hrs-after.
4. Fated-death.
50. Write a brief about classification of fire?
There are 5 mainly types of fire,
Class A Fire- (wood, rubber, cloths, and paper)
Class B Fire- (oil, grease, paint, petroleum)
Class C Fire- (acetylene, ethane, methane, etc)
Class D Fire- (Magnesium, sodium, Potassium)
Class E Fire- (Electric equipment’s)
51. Control measure of work at height?
1. Use safety belt with proper anchoring above head.
2. Special training must be given before starting the job.
3. All scaffolding must be erected by skill person.
4. No work after sunset.
5. Every platform should be free from unnecessary obstruction.
6. Grease, mud, paint removed from working platform.
52. What is the scaffolding?
Scaffolding is A temporary elevated platform used to support people and materials in construction or
repair activities.
53. What are the hazards of scaffolding?
1. Falls from elevate.
2. Electrocution.
3. Scaffold collapse.
4. Bad planking.
5. Falling object (tools, debris, etc)
6. Wind speed above 65km/h (40 Mph)
7. Guardrail missing & platform gaps.
8. Over scaffolding.
54. What is the forklift?
Fork lift truck designed to handle heavy load.
55. Types of excavation?
According to Type of Material Excavated.
1. Topsoil excavation.
2. Earth excavation.
3. Muck excavation.
4. Unclassified excavation.

According to Purpose of Work

1. Stripping.
2. Roadway excavation.
3. Drainage excavation or structure excavation.
4. Bridge excavation.
5. Channel excavation.
6. Footing excavation.
7. Borrow excavation.
56. Types of soil?
Classification: Internal Use

There are three basic types of soil: sand, silt and clay.
57. Types of sloping classification?
Soil type - Height: Depth ratio- Slope angle
Stable Rock - Vertical - 90°
Type A - ¾:1 - 53°
Type B - 1:1 - 45°
Type C - 1½:1 - 34°
Type A(short-term) - ½:1 - 63°
(For a maximum excavation depth of 12 ft)
58. What is NFPA? Explain the NFPA diamond?
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
4 Deadly
3 Extreme Danger
2 Hazardous
1 Slightly Hazardous
0 Normal Material
4 Below 73 °F
3 Below 100 °F
2 Above 100 °F
Not Exceeding 200 °F
1 Above 200 °F
0 Will Not Burn
4 May Detonate
3 Shock and Heat; May Detonate
2 Violent Chemical Change
1 Unstable if Heated
0 Stable
ACID – Acid
ALK – Alkali
COR – Corrosive
OXY – Oxidizer
– Radioactive
W – Use No Water
59. What is the emergency evacuation procedure?
1. Don’t get panic on hearing alarm.
2. Switch off all the equipment and energized circuits.
3. Observe the direction of wind low-proceed out in the cross-wind direction to the plant
boundary fence
4. and then proceed up wind.
5. Obey further instruction from emergency response team.
6. Resume work after getting clearance only?

60. What is the tandem lifting and how many riggers required for it?
Tandem lifting is a critical lifting. The lifting that is carried out by using TWO cranes. That is called
tandem lifting. Only one rigger is required for the tandem lifting.
Classification: Internal Use

61. What if the difference between Risk assessment and JSA?

The main difference between a JSA and risk assessment is scope. A JSA involves specific job risks
and typically focuses on the risks associated with each step of that task. A risk assessment gives a
higher-level or broader view of all operational risks across an entire business, project or type of
62. What is the LEL and UEL?
Minimum concentration of a flammable gas in air which will ignite if a source of ignition is
present. Concentration which are below the LEL are TOO “Lean to Burn “below 5% its LEL
on initial entry.
Maximum concentration of gas in air which will support combustion concentration which are above
the UEL are Too “Rich to Burn” 10% of its LEL or one shall remine in the confined space.
63. What is the TLV, TWA, STEL?
The threshold limit value. (three categories of threshold limit values)
The Threshold Limit Value (TLV(R) ) of a chemical substance establishes the reasonable level to
which a worker may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, over a working lifetime without adverse
health effects.
A Time Weighted Average (TWA) is a TLV(R) based on a 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek.
For example, the TWA for carbon monoxide is 25 ppm. This means that an average of 25 ppm is
considered to be the safe TLV(R) for an 8-hour workday.
A Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL) is a TLV(R) based on a 15-minute average.
A Ceiling is a TLV that should not be exceeded during any part of the work experience.
64. What is the PEL?
Permissible exposure limit (PEL) is a regulatory limit on the amount or concentration of a
substance in the air. This is usually based on an eight-hour time weighted average (TWA), although
some are based on short-term exposure limits (STEL).
65. What is ASPHYXIANTS?
An asphyxiant gas is a nontoxic or minimally toxic gas which reduces or displaces the normal oxygen
concentration in breathing air. Breathing of oxygen-depleted air can lead to death
by asphyxiation (suffocation).
Examples include nitrogen, argon, helium, methane, propane, carbon dioxide.
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless,
2. Nitrogen gas (N2) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless,
3. Propane Propane (C3 H8 ), which is both colorless and odorless in its gaseous,
4. Hydrogen Cyanide Cyanides (CN- ) are utilized in mining operations,
5. Carbon monoxide (CO) is, after carbon dioxide,
6. Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) is a colorless, flammable gas.
66. What is the safety toolbox?
A Toolbox Talk is an informal group discussion that focuses on a particular safety issue.
A Toolbox Talk is an informal safety meeting that focuses on safety topics related to the specific job,
such as workplace hazards and safe work practices.

67. What is permit to work?

Classification: Internal Use

A permit to work (PTW) is a formal written safety control system that is implemented to help prevent
accident or injury to personnel, prevent damage to plant/machinery and to prevent damage to a
product or to a client site.
68. What is work permit?
Work permit is a written document authorizing a person or group to perform an identified work subject
to specific condition and precaution.
69. What is the Hot work and Cold work?
Any work which have any ignition sources call Hot work.
Any work which have no ignition sources call cold work.
70. How many types of excavation protection system?
types of protective systems are: shoring, shielding, sloping, and benching,
Shoring involves placing boards or other bracing against the excavation walls and maintaining separation
between the boards with a post, screw jack, or hydraulic cylinder.
Trench boxes are the most common form of shielding. Trench boxes are rated for a specific
maximum load.
Sloping, and benching,
sloping or benching the trench walls will offer excellent protection without any additional equipment.
71. How many types of respirator?
There are Two major categories of Respirators.
1. Air Purifying Respirators.
These types of respirators include:
1. Air Purifying Disposable Particulate Masks;
2. Air Purifying Half Mask Respirators;
3. Air Purifying Full Face Mask Respirators;
4. Gas Masks; and
5. Powered Air Purifying Respirators.
2. Supplied Air Respirator.
These types of respirators include:
1. Airline Respirators;
2. Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus; and
3. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA
72. What is safety behavior?
improving safety by monitoring and changing the behavior of the people involved.
Safety Behavior:
1. Learn to work safety and take all rules seriously.
2. Recognize hazards and avoid them.
3. Report all accident, injuries and illness to supervisor immediately.
4. inspect tools before use to avoid injury.
5. wear all assigned personal protective equipment.
73. What is difference between WLL (working load limit) and SWL (safe working load)?
“WLL” stands for “working load limit” while “SWL” stands for “safe working load.” The
main differences between safe working load from working load limit is that “SWL” is the
older term. Today, SWL is not used anymore because it has been completely replaced by
the term WLL.
74. Definition of LOTO and isolation?
Classification: Internal Use

LOTO- Log out tag out, for servicing or maintenance of live equipment’s or pipelines, where the
unexpected energizing or release of energy could cause injury, lock & tag are placed on the isolation
device uncontrolled operation and give details of the lockout schedule.
Isolation- A system to ensure that equipment is properly de-energized (isolated) prior to conducting
work on it.
75. What is a safety agenda?
A safety agenda must include topics regarding safety issues, recent events, and rules
on safety measures. The agenda must also have a purpose and a clear set of
76. What is the safety policy?
A health and safety policy is a written statement by an employer stating the company's commitment
for the protection of the health and safety of employees and to the public. It is an endorsed
commitment by management to its employees regarding their health and safety.

There are generally three sections in a safety policy, which include:

Statement of the policy, Responsibility, Arrangements or procedures.
It may also include details about the following:
1. Employee training
2. Use of administrative controls, hazard isolation, locking, warnings, signs and symbols
marking hazards, etc.
3. Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
4. Removing hazardous materials or replacing them with less harmful alternatives
5. Improved lighting and working environment
6. Prevention of slip, trip, and fall incidents
77. Name 10 types of hazards?
1. Slips, trips, and falls.
2. Electrical
3. Fire
4. Working in confined spaces
5. Physical hazards
6. Ergonomic hazards
7. Chemical hazards
8. Biological hazards
9. Asbestos
10. Noise
78. List the main cause of accident with suitable example?

Unsafe conditions: -is the existence of chemical, physical, or biological hazards in the work

1. Defective tools, equipment or supplies

2. Inadequate supports or guards
3. Congestion in the workplace
4. Inadequate warning systems
5. Fire and explosion hazards
6. Poor housekeeping
7. Hazardous atmospheric conditions
Classification: Internal Use

8. Electrical hazards like frayed cords.

9. Missing ground pins.
10. Improper wiring.

Unsafe Act: - is usually committed by people whether intentional or unintentional that could result in
an incident and injury to himself or to others, damage to property or to the environment.

1. Disregarding posted warning signs.

2. Failure to wear a hard hat.
3. Smoking near flammables or explosives.
4. Working too close to power lines.
5. Handling chemicals or other hazardous materials improperly.
6. Putting your body or any part of it onto or into shafts or openings and lifting.
7. Operating equipment without qualification or authorization
8. Lack of/or improper use of PPE
79. What is deference LMI and Anti block two device?
LMI. (Load Movement Indicator).
The indicator LMI basically measure the bearing force and moment in the crane arm during case of exceeding the maximum.
Anti-two-block device: (To prevent the over haul ball from contacting the boom sheaves).
An anti-block system is preventing or warn the operator of a two-block condition a crane. Two
blocking is the dangerous condition where the lower hook block is raised until it contacts any part of
the boom tip hardware.

80. What is PASS in the use of fire extinguisher?

Pull the pin.
Aim at the base of fire.
squeeze the lever.
Sweep side to side.

81. What are the roles and responsibilities stand by man?

1. Maintain an account count of all person within the confined space.
2. The standby/observer needs to be competent in gas detection procedure to ensure of
workers in the space if required.
3. Prevent entry of unauthorize person into the confined space.
4. Order evacuation of the confined space if necessary.
5. Initiate the rescue plan and notify emergency service.
6. Supervisor the rescue without entering the confined space.
82. What is requirement of confined space?
1. Confined space work permit and hot work permit and barricade the area and provide safety
2. Gas test must be done.
3. Qualified & experience standby man wearing reflecting west with horn.
4. Log in & Log out procedure should be followed.
5. Provide the barricade and safety sign.
6. Provide the air mover.
7. Oxygen level should be 19.5 – 23.5.
Classification: Internal Use

8. Provide the fire extinguisher.

9. LEL should be zero.
10. Person will be performing the job inside wearing full PPE.
11. Electric voltage should be less than 24v and 110 and exposure proof bulb.
83. What is the difference between JSA and STA?
(JSA)-Job safety analysis.
The procedure of Analyzing job for the specific purpose of finding the hazards and developing.
(STA) Safety Task Assignment.
The safety task assignment is a procedure used to make an effective safety audit for a task before it
is assigned. It is usually carried out at the beginning of each shift and often at the beginning of each
84. What are the points to be consider for an excavation safety inspection?
1. Traffic
2. Proximity and physical condition of nearby structures
3. Soil classification
4. Surface and ground water
5. Location of the water table
6. Overhead and underground utilities
7. Weather
8. Quantity of shoring or protective systems that may be required
9. Fall protection needs
10. Number of ladders that may be needed
11. Other equipment needs.

85. List the safety requirement for working at height?

1. Working at Training.
2. Use of a full arrest harness and attachment device.
86. List the working at height hazards?
1. Fragile roof.
2. Sloping (Pitched) roofs.
3. Flat roof.
4. Falling from height.
5. Falling object.
87. What is CABA and SCABA?
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
A compressed air breathing apparatus (CABA)
88. List the documents to be checked during Administrative Audit
1. qualifications, skills, knowledge, competency and certifications;
2. induction and training;
3. inspection and test reports;
4. audit reports;
5. internal management system review reports;
6. minutes of management review meetings;
7. incident reports/accident reports and investigations;
8. minutes of health and safety meetings, including health and safety executive meetings relating to
health and safety
9. statistical analysis of health and safety data;
Classification: Internal Use

10. health and safety action plans;

11. safety equipment records;
89. What do you understand by 100% tie off? A
100% tie-off mean a harness+ shock absorb with double lanyard.
90. List the documents to be audited during HSE audit?
1. Site organization chart (Workplace Safety & Health)
2. Workplace Safety & Health policy statement
4. Duties & responsibilities / job descriptions
5. Certificate of registration of factory
6. Risk Assessment Records
7. Record of Safe Work Procedure
9. List of main and subcontractors’ qualified personnel with certificate
10. Records/Evidence of site personnel who had attended safety training
11. Records/Evidence of site personnel who are currently undergoing safety training.
12. Example of relevant certificates • Lifting Supervisor • Standby (Manhole) • Scaffold Supervisor •
Safety Management Course • Safety Committee Members Course • First Aid Course • Forklift
Operator, Crane Operator etc.
13. Roles and representatives of committee
14. Minutes of committee meetings & coordination meeting
15. Records of tool box meetings
16. Accident investigation procedures
17. Accident investigation reports / records
18. In-house Safety & Health rules and regulations
19. Disciplinary and commendation policies
20. Permit-to-work system
21. Personal protective equipment issue records
22. Safety inspection checklists, registers and other records of inspections carried out
23. Statutory test certificates of site machinery and equipment
24. Machinery preventive maintenance records
25. Certificate of competency and authorization of machinery operators
26. Chemical safety procedures
27. Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
28. Emergency Plan
29. Occupational Health Programs & records
30. Previous Safety Audit Reports and Action Plane

91. Explain HSE polices statement?

Statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall health and safety
performance which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its health and safety objectives
and targets.

1. To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work
2. activities;
3. To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
4. To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
5. To ensure safe handling and use of substances;
6. To provide information instruction and supervision for employees;
7. To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate
Classification: Internal Use

8. training;
9. To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
10. To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
11. To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
91. List the requirement to be met for approving hot work permit?
1. Fire watch.
2. Fire extinguisher.
3. Fire blankets.
4. Combustible floors are to be wet,
5. Area should be proper barricade.
6. wearing suitable PPE.
92. How to investigation accident/incident reports?
Find root cause, Observe, Analysis, identifying.
Step one: Gathering the information
Step two: Analyzing the information
Step three: Identifying risk control measures
Step four: The action plan and its implementation

1. Gather information. (Get a brief overview of the situation from witnesses and employees directly
involved in the incident).
2. Search for and establish facts. (Examine the accident scene).
3. Establish essential contributing factors. (Contributing factors include environmental
factors, design factors, systems and procedures, and human behavior)
4. Find root causes. (There are almost always multiple causes that contribute to an
5. Determine corrective actions. (Once you know what happened and why it happened)
6. Implement corrective actions. (Put your corrective actions into place and follow up to
make sure that they were sufficient to mitigate the hazard and/or address the issues)
93. What is the isolation?
Isolation involves disconnecting or separating the energy source, to protect the health and safety of
people and also equipment and machinery damage.
94. What is the (SSOW) safe system of work?
A safe system of work is a formal procedure which result from systematic examination of a task in
order to identify all the defines safe method to ensure that hazards are eliminated or risks
95. What are the steps of safe system of work?
5 Step of safe system of work.
1. Assess the task.
2. Define safe method
3. Implement the system.
4. Monitor the system.
96. What is the risk assessment mathematic formula of risk?
Risk=Likelihood (probability) x consequence (severity)

Likelihood is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur.
Classification: Internal Use

Consequence is the outcome of the hazardous event.

1. Extremely unlikely.
2. Unlikely.
3. Possible,
4. Likely.
5. Very probable.
1. Very minor injury.
2. First-Aid injury.
3. Lost-Time injury.
4. Hospital Treatment.
5. Disabling injury.

Risk Rating.
4 or below- Acceptable (If simple action can reduce further then must be done within one week)
5 to 8-Tolerable (Must be reduce to below 5 within one week)
9 to 14 – Tolerable (Additional control must be introduced as soon as possible and no later than 24
hours after assessment)
15 to above – Unacceptable (Work may not start. additional control must be introduced to reduce below)

Risk Assessment Form-Task = working on scaffolding.

1. What is the hazard = Fall from height?

2. Who might be harmed= Workers?
3. How might people harm = injury or fatal accident.
4. Existing risk measure = Full body harness.
5. Risk rating-C-R= 2x3=6.
6. Additional control= Guard rail.
7. New risk rating (Residual)= L-C-R -1x2=2.
8. Action monitored by whom = Safety officer.
9. Action monitored by when = 10.00 am
97. What is the electricity common hazards, injuries, and accident?
1. Overhead Power Lines
2. Damaged Tools and Equipment.
3. Exposed Electrical Parts.
4. Improper Grounding.
5. Damaged Insulation.
6. Wet Conditions.

1. Electrocution (fatal)
2. Electric shock
3. Burns.
4. Falls caused as a result of contact with electrical energy.
Classification: Internal Use


1. Unsafe equipment or installation

2. Unsafe environment or
3. Unsafe work practices
4. Unsafe system of work
5. Inadequate information
6. No training
7. Inadequate isolation
8. Unsafe Rules
9. Poor control of work activities
10. Working Live
11. Unsuitable test equipment
12. Poor maintenance
13. Failure to manage work
14. Person not competent
15. Uninsulated electrical wiring
98. Details of signage color?
There are five types of Safety Signs:
1. Prohibition Signs - a sign prohibiting behaviour likely to increase or cause danger (eg ‘no
access for unauthorized persons’);
2. Warning Signs - a sign giving warning of a hazard or danger (eg ‘danger: electricity’);
3. Mandatory Signs- a sign prescribing specific behaviour (eg ‘eye protection must be worn’);
4. Emergency esca or First -Aid Sign- a sign giving information on emergency exits, first aid, or
rescue facilities (eg ‘emergency exit/escape route’;

5. Fire Safety Signs.

99. What is SREDIM (job safety analysis)?

Select, Record, Evaluate, Develop, Implement, Maintain.

100. What is the hydro jetting?

Hydro jetting is the process of using a high -pressure flow of water to scour the interior surface of the
plumbing pipes, removing scale, grease and other debris that’s build up inside the pipe walls over
Classification: Internal Use

101. What are the hydro jetting hazards?

1. Water jet piercing the skin.
2. Being hit by flying debris and exposure to noise.
3. Respirator and Eye hazard.
4. Electric shock and potential exposure to hazardous chemical.
5. Other hazards associated with high pressure water jetting include working in confined space.

102. What is the precaution of hydro jetting?

1. A Responsible Person shall be designated for controlling all work involving hydro jetting.

2. All operating areas shall be barricaded off with suitable barriers to prevent accidental
entry of unauthorized personnel. Signs should have wording to the effect - DANGER
ONLY. Red and white bunting or tape and signs are to be used.
3. Entry into the area must be authorized by the Responsible Person.
4. Appropriate personal protective equipment shall be worn when operating high pressure
water jet equipment. The PPE shall include:
• safety helmet,
• goggles and face shield,
• PVC full protective overalls, or PVC jacket and PVC trousers,
• suitable gloves, and - safety footwear.
5. All high-pressure equipment shall be isolated and depressurized before being left

102. What is sandblasting?

Sandblasting”, is the operation of forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a
surface under high pressure to smooth a rough surface, roughen a smooth surface, shape a
surface, or remove surface contaminants.
103. What is sandblasting hazards and precaution?
1. High levels of dust and noise.
2. Silica sand (crystalline) can cause silicosis, lung cancer, and breathing problems in exposed
1. Never attempt sandblasting without being fitted with a standard air breathing apparatus.
2. Never take off your air breathing apparatus until you have moved well clear of the work area.
3. Always wear the proper safety gear whenever you are in the sandblasting work area, even if you
are just passing through. This includes wearing gloves, safety goggles, boots and coveralls. Make
sure that your safety gear has been approved for use with sandblasting,
4. Select an appropriate area of the workplace for sandblasting to be undertaken.
5. Only allow people who have been properly trained to operate sandblasting equipment.
6. Untrained people should not be granted access to the space.
7. Area should be complete barricade with safety signages.
104. What is requirement of during lifting by mobile crane?
1. Operator is in possession of SAG+3rd party certificates.
2. Rigger is certified by 3rd party.
Classification: Internal Use

3. Crane is certified by 3rd party.

4. Crane valid inspection sticker.
5. lifting or critical lifting plane.
6. Work permit (Hot work permit) + JSA/Risk assessment.
7. Out rigger full extend.
8. Wooden pad provides.
9. Crane is leveled.
10. Radius area complete barricade.
11. Warning sign.
12. Tow tag line provide control the load.
13. Wind speed 32kmh or 20 Mph.
14. Wind speed 48.27 or 30 Mph stopped lifting.
15. Inspection all rigging gears (web sling. wire ropes. shackle all color coding by competent
105. What is the HIRA?
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment.
106. How to identify the hazards?
Observing how work tasks are being performed
Assessing the equipment workers are using, and considering how that equipment is being used
Analyzing the design and layout of the work areas
107. What is the likelihood (probability) and consequence (severity)?
➢ Likelihood is a measure of the chance that the hazardous event will occur.
➢ Consequence is the outcome of the hazardous event.

108. What is risk rating?

Risk Rating.
4 or below- Acceptable (If simple action can reduce further then must be done within one week)
5 to 8-Tolerable (Must be reduce to below 5 within one week)
9 to 14 – Tolerable (Additional control must be introduced as soon as possible and no later than 24
hours after assessment)
15 o above – Unacceptable (Work may not start. additional control must be introduced to reduce
109. What are the occupational hazards?
There are many types of occupational hazards, such as.
1. biohazards,
2. chemical hazards,
3. physical hazards,
4. psychosocial hazards.
110. What are the occupational safety hazards?
1. Contact with electricity.
2. Hit by moving object/equipment.
3. Manual handling of machinery parts.
4. Fall from height.
5. Fall of object.
6. Use of hand tools/pneumatic.
7. Splash of liquid/materials.
Classification: Internal Use

8. Contact with hot materials.

9. Contact with hazardous chemicals.
10. Contact with hazards west.
111. What are the general hazards?
1. Working at height.
2. Working at or near gas line.
3. Hazards in materials handling.
112. What is ill-health?
Ident able adverse physical or mental condition raised during an event of work.
113. What is acceptable risk?
The term "acceptable risk" describes the likelihood of an event whose probability of occurrence is
small, whose consequences are so slight,
114. Types of hygienic.
1. Personal hygiene
2. Environmental hygiene
115. What is the hygienic and non-hygienic?
Hygiene is the practice of keeping yourself and your surroundings clean, especially in order to
prevent illness or the spread of diseases.

Poor domestic and personal hygiene practices can help the transmission of disease-causing germs:
• directly by the faecal-oral route, or by person to person or pet to person contact
• indirectly by vectors coming into contact with people or their food, people breathing in airborne droplets
of moisture which contain germs or eating contaminated food.

116. What is the fire and fire triangle?

Fire is a chemical chain reaction, were required three elements. Heat, fuel, oxygen.
117. Types/Classification of fire?
Class A
Class A fires are fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and many
Class B
Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids such as gasoline, petroleum greases, tars, oils, oil-based
paints, solvents, alcohols. Class B fires also include flammable gases such as propane and butane.
Class B fires do not include fires involving cooking oils and grease.
Class C
Class C fires are fires involving energized electrical equipment such as computers, servers, motors,
transformers, and appliances. Remove the power and the Class C fire becomes one of the other
classes of fire.
Class D
Class D fires are fires in combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium,
lithium, and potassium.
Class K
Class K fires are fires in cooking oils and greases such as animal and vegetable fats.
118. What is the principle of fire?
1. Heat- (cooling)
2. fuel – (starvation)
Classification: Internal Use

3. oxygen-(smothering)

119. what is the method of fire extinguish?

Three way to extinguish a fire.
1. Cooling- it to remove the heat.
2. Starvation-it of fuel.
3. Smothering-it to cut off the supply of oxygen.
120. Types of fire extinguishers?
There are 5 main fire extinguisher types.
Water, Foam, Dry Powder, CO2 and Wet Chemical.
121. What is Job Hazards Analysis (JHA)?
A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards
before they occur.
122. List 7 items of PPE required on construction site?
1. Safety for The Head-Helmet,
2. Protect Your Eyes-Safety Glasses,
3. Hearing Protection-Earplugs
4. Maintain A Good Respiration-Mask
5. Protect Your Hands with The Right Gloves-Hand Gloves
6. Protection for The Feet-Safety Shoes
7. Wear the Correct Work Clothing-High-Visibility Jacket
123. What is emergency planning?
Emergency planning can define as a control measure. it can control the accident safe guard
people and provide information to media.

124. What is the work permit system?

Work permit is a written document for permission to undertake a job by area in charge or it is
written document issued by the area in charge to the performer to undertake the specific job.
125. What is requirement of hot work?
Hot work permit, fire watch, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, area barricade with singes,
126. What is the manual handling?
Manual handling is any transporting or supporting of a load by one or more workers. It includes the
following activities: lifting, holding, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving of a load.1 The
load can be an animate (people or animals) or inanimate (boxes, tools etc) object. Manual handling is
also sometimes called ‘manual material handling’ (MMH).
127. What is the manual lifting?
Correct handling techniques Lifting Before lifting the load, you should plan and prepare for
the task. Make sure that:
• You know where you are going
The area around the load is clear of obstacles
• Doors are open and there is nothing on the floor that could trip someone or make them slip
• You have a good grip on the load • Your hands, the load and any handles are not slippery
• If you are lifting with someone else, both of you know what you are doing before you start.
You should adopt the following technique when lifting the load:
Classification: Internal Use

• Put your feet around the load and your body over it (if this is not feasible, try to keep your body as
close possible to the load and in front of it)
• Use the muscles of your legs when lifting • Keep your back straight
• Pull the load as close as possible to your body
• Lift and carry the load with straight arms.
128. Types of scaffolding?
1. Tube & coupler scaffolds. (is a type of scaffold whose scaffold components are
connected by coupler) (Adjustable swivel. right-angle coupler, bearer coupler, joint pin,
girder coupler, sleeve coupler.
2. System scaffolding. (is a type of scaffolding whose scaffold components are connected
by fixed connectors) (types of system scaffolding, cup lock, kiwi stage, rosette
connection, wedge connections).
3. Frame or Fabricated.
4. Suspension scaffolding.
5. Mobile scaffolding.
6. Bracket scaffolds.
7. Under Hung scaffold.
8. Out rigger scaffolding.
9. Birdcage scaffolding.
129. What are the occupational health hazards?
Chemical, Physical, Biological, Psycho-Social, Ergonomic.
130. What is the chemical hazards?
A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm, primarily to people.
Dust, Gas, Vapors, Fibers etc.

131. What is the physical hazards?

A physical hazard is type of occupational hazard that involves environment hazard that can cause
harm with or without contact.
Noise, Vibration, Heat, Radiation etc.
132. What is the Biological hazards?
Biological hazards also know as biohazards, refer to biological substance that pose a threat to the
health of living organisms.
source of biological hazards may include Bacteria, Viruses, Insects, Plant, Birds. Animals and
Bacteria, Fungus, Virus etc.
133. What is the Psycho-social hazards?
A psycho-social hazard is any hazard that affect the mental well-being or mental health of the workers
by overwhelming individual coping mechanisms and impact the workers ability to work in a healthy
and safe manner.
Stress, Substance misuse, Violence at work etc.
134. What is the Ergonomic hazards?
An Ergonomic hazard is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculoskeletal
system. Ergonomic hazards include themes such as Repetitive moment, manual handling, work place
job, task design, uncomfortable workstation, height and poor body positioning.
Repetitive movement, Manual handling, Poor body position, Uncomfortable workstation etc.
Classification: Internal Use

135. What is the west management?

Waste management are the activities and actions required to manage waste from its
inception to its final disposal. This includes the collection, transport, treatment and disposal
of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the waste management process.
136. Definition of HSE?
What dose Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) (EH&S) Mean?
Heath, Safety and Environmental (HSE or EHS) is the department in a company or an organization
tasked with ensuring that the work undertaken by the company does not cause under environment
damage, put the workers health and safety at high risk, complies with applicable legislation, and
follows best practices.
137. Electrical Area Classification. High Voltage. Medium Voltage. Low
Class-1. Division 1 – High Voltage – 650V
Class-1. Division 2 - Medium Voltage 250V-650V
Unclassified - Low Voltage – 250V.
138. What is According to NEBOSH Accident frequency Rate, Accident
incident Rate, Accident Severity Rate and Ill Health Prevalence Rate?

1. Accident Frequency Rate: = Number of worker related injuries x 100.000

Total number of man-hours worked

= 1x100.000 = 5
Total number of man-hours worked
= Man days work x work hours x Number of employee worked.
= 25 x 8 x 100.

2. Accident Incident Rate = Number of work related injuries x 1000

Average number of persons employed

= 1 x 1000 = 10

Average number of persons employed.

= (First day) +
100 100
(Second day)
= 200 =100
Classification: Internal Use

3. Accident Severity Rate = Total number of days lost x 1000

Total number of man hours worked

= 2 x 1000 =0.1

4. Ill-Health Prevalence = The total number of cases of ill-health

in the population x 100
The number of persons at risk

= 2 x 100 = 20

How do I identify workplace hazards?

A job hazard analysis is an exercise in detective work. Your goal is to discover the following:

▪ What can go wrong?

▪ What are the consequences?
▪ How could it arise?
▪ What are other contributing factors?
▪ How likely is it that the hazard will occur?
Classification: Internal Use
Classification: Internal Use
Classification: Internal Use

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