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Grade 7 Practical Exercies

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Cambridge International Schools

Computing Practical Exercises

Stage 7
1) Create a new folder on the desktop and name it (Your name G7A) for example if you
are in Grade 7A.
The answer is:

2) ) Open the Paint Program and recreate the image below. Once you have finished, save
your file on the desktop inside your folder (Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it
‘Question 1.
Create folders and subfolders!
In the chart below you can see the World Continents and some European countries

My name

Programs Exams Exercises

Excel files Term 1

Word files Term 2

Term 3
Now, create folders & subfolders in order to create the above structure:
(Each chart’s rectangle is a folder on your computer.)

On Desktop create a new folder with the name “Your Name”.

Inside the folder “Your Name” create three new subfolders with the names:

“Programs”, “Exams”, and “Exercises”

Then, open the “Programs” folder and inside it create three more subfolders with the names “Excel Files” ,

“Word files” and ”PowerPoint files”.

Then, open the “Exercises” folder and inside it create three more subfolders with the names “Term 1” , “Term

2” and ”Term 3”.

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 2.
4) Copy the following paragraph Format it exactly as it is shown below:

The Earth's climate is changing

Our world is always changing. Look out your window long enough and you might see the
weather change. Look even longer, and you'll see the seasons change. The Earth's climate is
changing, too, but in ways that you can't easily see.

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder (Mohammed Akar
G7A) and name it ‘Question 4A.

5) Copy the following paragraph Format it exactly as it is show below:

• Water vapor (H20) occurs naturally in the atmosphere.
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced naturally when people and animals breathe.
• Methane (CH4) comes from cattle as they digest their food.
• Nitrous oxide (NxOy) is produced when plants die and rot.

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 4B.
6) Copy the following paragraph Format it exactly as it is show below:

All about Carbon Dioxide

C a r b o n is an element that's found all over the world and in
every living thing. Oxygen is another element that's in the air we breathe.
When carbon and oxygen bond together, they form a colorless,
odorless gas called carbon dioxide, which is a heat-trapping
greenhouse gas.

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 4C.

A- Copy the following paragraph and style it the way it looks like.

Today's Climate Change

More then 100 years go, people around the world
started berning large amounts if coal, oil, and natural
Insert any gas to power their home, factories, and vehicles.
picture or
any shape
Today, most of the world relies on that fossil fuels
for the energy needs. Burning fossil fuels releases
curbon dioxide, a heat-traping gas, into the
atmosphere, which is the one main reasons why the
climate is changing.

7) Type the following lines below and style it the way it looks like.
(“The quick red fox jumps over the lazy dog”)
(“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”)

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 6.
• Write the next line and style it the it looks like here:

In a galaxy full of stars, you are the brightest.

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 7.

• Add the following shape and put your name in it.

Your Name
Grade – 7

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 8.
• A / Recreate this table with a Microsoft word:

Country Capital Population Official Language

Argentina Buenos Aires 42,192,494 Spanish
Australia Canberra 21,015,576 English
Japan Tokyo 127,368,088 Japanese

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 9A.

• B / Recreate this table with a Microsoft word:



8.00 To 8.45 Math P.E Computing English Science
8.45 To 9.30 English Art Math Science Computing
Break 15 minutes Science Math Computing English Art
9.45 To 10.30 Science P.E English Computing Math
10.30 To 11.15 Computing English Science Math P.E

Once you have finished, save your file on the desktop inside your folder
(Mohammed Akar G7A) and name it ‘Question 9B.

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