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Sliding Pressure Operation

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0 The technical specification for Steam Generators of Barh STPP stipulates

that steam generator should have capability to operate under Sliding
Pressure Operation. The continuous operation of the plant under two
shifts and cyclic mode during certain periods of the year is also envisaged.
The design of steam generator and its auxiliaries are required to cater to
enable the above operating conditions.

In view of the above, operating requirements of the steam generator while

grading the qualifying requirements for the steam generator package, it
was considered that the qualified bidder for the package must have
experience of designing, engineering, manufacturing, etc. of a steam
generator of certain minimum stipulated capacity and such steam
generator must be capable of operating under sliding pressure operation.
Accordingly the qualifying requirement for Barh STPP steam generator
package in its main route stipulate as under:


“The bidder should have designed, engineered, manufactured,

erected/supervised erection, commissioned/supervised commissioning of
at least one (1) no. of coal fired supercritical steam generator having rated
capacity of 1500 tonnes of steam per hour or above of the type specified,
i.e., with single pass (tower type) or two pass type using either spiral
wound (inclined) or vertical plain/rifled type water wall tubing, having a
rated pressure not less than 225 kg/sq.cm. (gauge) at superheater outlet,
provided with evaporator suitable for variable pressure operation (sub-
critical and super-critical pressure ranges), which is in successful
operation for a period of not less than one (1) year as on the date of bid
opening. The bidder shall offer only the type of steam generator and type
of water wall tubing for which he is qualified.“


2.0 It may be mentioned here that above provision of technical specification

and qualifying requirements have emanated from following:

The power station which is being conceived now is expected to be

operational up to a period of next 30-35 years. By that time the supply
and demand situations may be drastically different and units, depending
on demand and their efficiency, may be called upon to back down or
operate at part loads. Even current CERC norms and prevalent Indian
Electricity Grid Code stipulate provisions of generation scheduling which
may call upon the units either to operate at part loads or even at house
load conditions in case of two shifting. Even internationally the units have
been required to operate under Free Governor Mode of Operation
(FGMO) as per which the units have to be automatically change the load

depending on grid conditions and in case of low demand have to operate
at part load to maintain the required grid frequency.

The requirement of such part load operation of units which may become
quite prevalent in future, makes it necessary that such operation should be
efficient. Provision of sliding pressure operation capability in the unit
makes it more efficient at part load operation with following benefits:

a) Reduced power consumption at part load, as boiler feed pump at

such low load is required to operate at lower pressure.
b) Reduces the thermal stresses on the pressure parts. Further, as
the pressure parts are operating at lower than designed pressure,
the expected life is more.
c) Throttling losses at turbine control valves are reduced.

3.0 The capability of steam generator to cater to sliding pressure operation

requirement requires certain specific design and control provisions.
Perhaps this is why in Russia where the units were traditionally designed
for base load operation, in 1988 specific guidelines were made for sliding
pressure design and which are required to be followed for all future new
boiler design.

4.0 From the above, it is clear that in order to cater to sliding pressure
operation capability, the steam generator and its auxiliaries must be
properly designed. However, whether such a steam generator is operated
under sliding pressure operation or not will depend on various factors such
as the prevalent grid conditions, effective regulatory norms and owner’s
commitment to follow them. In case of Chinese reference plant for Barh
STPP, the owner of the plant has indicated that they preferred to operate
the plant at base load, may be because of the demand situation in China.
The short term operation of the Suizhong Power Plant only indicate that
owner only wanted to judge the capability of the plant to operate under
sliding pressure. However, he had no intention of doing such operation on
long term basis.

In case of stipulated QR for Barh STPP steam generator package, the

requirement is only that the evaporator of the reference steam generator
should be suitable for variable pressure operation, compliance to this
requirement has been checked by way of verification of technical
documentation and discussions that Technical Assessment Committee
had with the owner of the reference plant and also by way of even short
term operation of variable pressure operation.

5.0 The variable pressure operation of the unit is described by means of

curves enclosed at Annexure-I. From the curves it can be seen that while
reducing the unit load, operation up to a certain reduced load is done on

constant pressure (depending upon the throttle reserve specified by the
owner of the plant to cater to the grid conditions). In case the load falls
below such throttle reserve level, in case of the sliding pressure operation,
the operating pressure of the boiler will come down whereas in case of
constant pressure operation it will remain same. In case of Chinese plant,
it is seen from the discussions of the Assessment Committee, that the
owner of the Chinese plant like to keep the throttle reserve of 20% to take
care of any grid fluctuations. Further, their units have been generally
operating in the lower range of the 80 – 100% which effectively means
that they never had necessity to go to variable pressure operation mode
and that is why they have not operate it under such conditions.

6.0 The compliance to the stipulated QR requirements is checked through the

details furnished by the bidder in Attachment-3A of his bid proposal and
through certificate furnished by the bidder from the owner of the reference
plant regarding its satisfactory performance.

In addition, any additional data, if required for verification of QR, the same
can also be sought by the Tender Evaluation Committee.

The same procedure has been followed during evaluation of bids for Barh
STPP SG package also.

In addition an Assessment Committee also visited the manufacturer in

Russia and the reference plant in Chine to satisfy itself to the compliance
of QR.

7.0 Bidder while furnishing the technical details of the boiler at Cl. No. 2,
Sheet 5&6 of Vol-III has indicated as under:

“The given boiler type is being designed for the first time, however, the
company has a reference and vast experience in the field of designing,
running in, optimization and final adjustment of the boiler plants operated
at supercritical steam parameters for 250, 300, 800 and 1200 MW power
units firing different fuel types.”

It is quite clear from the above, that the bidder is trying to emphasize that
he has experience of designing 250, 300, 800 & 1200 MW units firing
different fuel types and therefore he will not have any difficulty in designing
the boiler of 660 MW size for Barh coal which he could be designing for
the first time. This is only general information and not any basis for
checking QR, compliance which is done based on specific information &
documents sought for this purpose as indicated in the above paragraphs.


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