Sliding Pressure Operation
Sliding Pressure Operation
Sliding Pressure Operation
depending on grid conditions and in case of low demand have to operate
at part load to maintain the required grid frequency.
The requirement of such part load operation of units which may become
quite prevalent in future, makes it necessary that such operation should be
efficient. Provision of sliding pressure operation capability in the unit
makes it more efficient at part load operation with following benefits:
4.0 From the above, it is clear that in order to cater to sliding pressure
operation capability, the steam generator and its auxiliaries must be
properly designed. However, whether such a steam generator is operated
under sliding pressure operation or not will depend on various factors such
as the prevalent grid conditions, effective regulatory norms and owner’s
commitment to follow them. In case of Chinese reference plant for Barh
STPP, the owner of the plant has indicated that they preferred to operate
the plant at base load, may be because of the demand situation in China.
The short term operation of the Suizhong Power Plant only indicate that
owner only wanted to judge the capability of the plant to operate under
sliding pressure. However, he had no intention of doing such operation on
long term basis.
constant pressure (depending upon the throttle reserve specified by the
owner of the plant to cater to the grid conditions). In case the load falls
below such throttle reserve level, in case of the sliding pressure operation,
the operating pressure of the boiler will come down whereas in case of
constant pressure operation it will remain same. In case of Chinese plant,
it is seen from the discussions of the Assessment Committee, that the
owner of the Chinese plant like to keep the throttle reserve of 20% to take
care of any grid fluctuations. Further, their units have been generally
operating in the lower range of the 80 – 100% which effectively means
that they never had necessity to go to variable pressure operation mode
and that is why they have not operate it under such conditions.
In addition, any additional data, if required for verification of QR, the same
can also be sought by the Tender Evaluation Committee.
The same procedure has been followed during evaluation of bids for Barh
STPP SG package also.
7.0 Bidder while furnishing the technical details of the boiler at Cl. No. 2,
Sheet 5&6 of Vol-III has indicated as under:
“The given boiler type is being designed for the first time, however, the
company has a reference and vast experience in the field of designing,
running in, optimization and final adjustment of the boiler plants operated
at supercritical steam parameters for 250, 300, 800 and 1200 MW power
units firing different fuel types.”
It is quite clear from the above, that the bidder is trying to emphasize that
he has experience of designing 250, 300, 800 & 1200 MW units firing
different fuel types and therefore he will not have any difficulty in designing
the boiler of 660 MW size for Barh coal which he could be designing for
the first time. This is only general information and not any basis for
checking QR, compliance which is done based on specific information &
documents sought for this purpose as indicated in the above paragraphs.