Chapter9 Evaporation System
Chapter9 Evaporation System
Chapter9 Evaporation System
Course: Food Engineering 2 – CH3047
GV: TS Nguyễn Thị Lê Liên
Khoa: KT Hóa Học – BM Quá Trình & Thiết Bị
- Liquid feed to an evaporator is relatively dilute.
=> viscosity is low, and heat-transfer coefficient high.
- As evaporation proceeds, the solution becomes concentrated.
=> So viscosity increases and heat-transfer coefficient drops.
=> Density and the boiling point of solution also increase.
As the concentration increases, the viscosity and density
increases thereby the boiling point of solution increases
Adequate circulation and/or turbulence must be present to keep the
coefficient from becoming too low.
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Factors effecting evaporation
- As solution is heated, concentration of the solute in the
solution increases => crystals may form =>determines the
maximum concentration of the solute.
-In most cases, the solubility of the solute increases with
temperature. When a hot concentrated solution from an
evaporator is cooled to room temperature, crystallization
may occur.
Temperature sensitivity of materials:
- Pharmaceuticals products, fine chemicals and foods are damaged when heated to moderate
temperatures for relatively short times. E.g.milk, orange juice, and vegetable extracts
- So special techniques are employed to reduce temperature of the liquid and time of heating
during evaporation 4
Factors effecting evaporation
Foaming or frothing:
• In some cases, materials composed of caustic solutions, food solutions such as skim
milk, and some fatty-acid solutions form a foam or froth during boiling.
• This foam accompanies the vapor coming out of the evaporator and entrainment
losses occur.
Scale deposition and materials of construction
• Some solutions deposit solid materials called scale on the heating surfaces.
=> the overall heat-transfer coefficient decreases, and the evaporator must eventually
be cleaned.
• The materials used in construction of the evaporator should be chosen to minimize
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Open kettle & pan evaporator
Used for both small scale & large scale operation. Heat economy is less.
Simple in construction and easy to operate. Not suitable for heat sensitive materials.
Low maintenance & installation cost. Heat decreases on product concentration.
Wide variety of materials Since, open type so vapor passes to
Once through evaporator
• The feed liquor passes through the tube only
once, releases the vapor, and leaves the unit
as thick liquor.
• All the evaporation is accomplished in a single
• The evaporators are well adopted to multiple
effect operation
• Agitated film evaporators are always operated
once- through falling film and climbing film
evaporators can also be operated in this way.
• Once through evaporators are specially useful
for heat-sensitive materials. Falling film Rising film
External heater External heater
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Once through evaporator
Falling film
2/2/2020 Internal heater 9
Circulation evaporators
•In circulation evaporators a pool of liquid is held within the
•Incoming feed mixes with the liquid from the pool, and the
mixture passes through the tubes.
•Unevaporated liquid discharged from the tubes returns to
the pool so that only part of the total evaporation occurs in
one pass.
•All forced circulation evaporators are operated in this way;
These are adapted to single-effect evaporation.
•These are not suited for heat-sensitive materials.
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Circulation evaporators
External heater Rising
2/2/2020 Internal
24 heater
Type of evaporators
Group 1: mainly used to concentrate fairly dilute solution, low viscosity, ensuring natural
circulation of solution easily through the heat transfer surface. The ratio of the pipe length
H/d is less than 50. Especially the short pipe H/d < 30.
Group 2: pump for forced convection, reach the speed of 1.5-3.5 m/s at the heat transfer
surface area. The main advantage of this group is to increase the heat transfer coefficient
k; can be used for fairly dense solution, with relatively high viscosity, reducing the
deposition or partial crystallization on the heat transfer surface. There is a type that uses a
stirrer placed in the center of the combustion chamber to circulate solution.
Group 3: Only allow solution to flow as a film (thin film or liquid-vapour film) through the heat transfer
surface once (forward or reverse) to avoid long-term temperature effects that degrade some
components of solution (such as smoothies, juices, yeast ...)
If solution boils produce a lot of hard-to-break foam, use a type V film device with a backflow
(rising) film, and for boiling solution with little foaming and fragile foam, use a forward-flow (falling)
film device.
Evaporation of Biological Materials
• Biological materials such as pharmaceuticals, milk, citrus juices, and vegetable extracts are usually quite
heat-sensitive and often contain fine particles of suspended matter in solution. The amount of degradation
of biological materials on evaporation is a function of the temperature and length of time.
• Many biological materials in solution exhibit only a small boiling-point rise when concentrated.
• To keep the temperature low, the evaporation must be done under vacuum, which reduces the boiling
point of the solution.
• To keep the time of contact low, the equipment must provide for a low holdup time (contact time) for the
material being evaporated.
• Typical types of equipment used and some biological materials processed:
• Long-tube vertical evaporator: condensed milk
• Falling-film evaporator: fruit juices
• Agitated-film (wiped-film) evaporator: rubber latex, gelatin, antibiotics, fruit juices
• Heat-pump cycle evaporator: fruit juices, milk, pharmaceuticals
TS. Nguyễn Thị Lê Liên_BM QTTB_Khoa KTHH_ĐHBK
Mechanical Vapor-Recompression Evaporator
• The vapor coming overhead does not go to a condenser but is sent to a centrifugal or positive-
displacement compressor driven by an electric motor or steam. This compressed vapor or steam is
sent back to the heat exchanger or steam chest.
• The compressed vapor condenses at a temperature higher than the boiling point of the hot liquid in
the effect, and a temperature difference is set up. Vapor is again generated and the cycle repeated.
Hv = 2590 + 1.884(89.5 – 48.9) = 2667 kJ/kg The boiling point of pure water at 11.7
kPa from the steam tables as 48.9°C
The vapor space of the evaporator is at 101.325 kPa (1.0 atm abs) and the steam
supplied is saturated at 150 kPa. The overall coefficient U = 1704 W/m2.K.
Calculate the amounts of vapor and liquid products and the heat- transfer area
required. Assumed that, since it its dilute, the solution has the same boiling point
as water.
- The boiling point of a solution also depends on the depth (height) of the solution.
- The boiling point increases gradually downward due to the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid
- Difference between the boiling point at a depth with hydrostatic pressure p+Δp and the
boiling point at the open surface p is called the temperature loss due to the hydrostatic head
(boiling temperature rise):
to(p+Δp) – to(p) = Δ”
Δp=ρ’gh, N/m2 with the solution density in the foam state ρ’=0,5ρ;
ρ -density of solution, kg/m3;
h-depth from the open surface to the center of the heat pipe
Δ’ and Δ” causes the boiling point of the solution to increase -> the temperature between
the hot steam and the solution decreases -> more area is needed for the same heat
Vapor pressure drop
• The presence of a component (a solid or a non-volatile liquid) in solution reduces the equilibrium
vapor pressure on the open surface of solution compared with that of the pure solvent. According
to Raoult's law, the decrease in solvent vapor pressure on the open surface of solution is
proportional to the concentration of solute in the solution:
P”dm và p”dd : saturated vapor pressure of pure solvent and solution respectively
Nct, Ndm- moles of solute and moles of solvent in 1 kg solution.
Solvent is water
Δ’=Tb-Tb0 All solvent: Δ’=t-ts
The increase in boiling point due to concentration-
Boiling Point Elevation
Interpolation method: the basis of this method is based on the results already
available at a certain pressure - temperature (from reference or experimental
This method is applicable to both pure solvents or solution (liquid-liquid, liquid-
o Bratii Em A.
oDuhring's method
oPapo method
Duhring method
There is no straightforward method of
predicting the extent of the boiling-point
elevation in the concentrated solutions that
are met in some evaporators in practical
• Many solutions have their boiling points at
some concentrations tabulated in the
literature, and these can be extended by the
use of a relationship known as Duhring's rule.
• Duhring's rule states that the ratio of the
temperatures at which two solutions (one of
which can be pure water) exert the same
vapour pressure is constant.
The ratio of the vapor pressures of two substances at the same temperature remains constant
Babo rule: The relative decrease in the saturation vapor pressure of the solvent above
the solution at a given concentration is a constant quantity, independent of the boiling
point: (Ps-P)/Ps = const or P/Ps=const
-> Knowing the boiling point of a solution at a certain pressure, it is possible to
determine the boiling point at another pressure
Note: Babo's rule only applies to dilute solutions, if the solution is thick, add the number to adjust
Boiling Point Elevation by Babo law
Example: know that the solution is at P=1 bar, boils at 110oC, determine the boiling point at
Solvent (steam) at 110oC has saturation pressure Ps = 1,46Bar, so:
𝑃 1
= = 0,685
𝑃𝑠 1,46
𝑃′ 0,75
With P’=0,75Bar the saturation pressure of the solvent (vapour) is respectively Ps’: ′ = ′ =
𝑃𝑠 𝑃𝑠
0,685 → Ps’= = 1,095Bar
At Ps’ The boiling point of the solvent (water vapor) is ts’=102,0oC
P’ = 0,75, boiling point t’=91,2oC
→Evelation Δ’ = ts’-t’ =102-91,2 = 10,8oC
Note: Babo's rule only applies to dilute solutions, if the solution is thick, add the number to adjust
Calculate the boiling point of the solution
M: mol of solute
m: mass of solute (g/l)
N: mol of solule mol/l
T: boiling point of solute, K
r: latent heat at working pressure, J/kg
- Continuous line
- Liquid level
- Concept: combustion steam,
condensate, secondary steam
Continuous single effect
• Single effect can operate in either
Continuous or batch mode
• Multiple pots in series
• Steam for pot 1, secondary steam for
the following pots
• Vapor and liquid flow in opposite
• Pressure booster pump is needed,
because the liquid moves from the
low-pressure side to the high pressure
• End pot in vacuum
Parallel-feed multiple-effect evaporators
• Parallel feed in multiple-effect evaporators
involves the addition of fresh feed and the
withdrawal of concentrated product from
each effect.
• The vapor from each effect is still used to
heat the next effect.
• This method of operation is mainly used
when the feed is almost saturated and solid
crystals are the product, as in the
evaporation of brine to make salt.
• Multiple pots connected in series
• Steam for pot 1, secondary steam for
the following pots
• The solution moves forward and
backward through the pots
• Need booster pump in reverse
bottom pot at vacuum
• Applicable when the solution is
highly viscous at high concentration
Multi effect evaporator system
Two effect
Three effect
For parallel multi effect:
Effect 1
Effect 2
Effect n Four effect
After determining the working pressure pi in the pots and the steam
pressure in the first pot pD => calculate the useful temperature
difference in the pots ti.
If ti between pots is not much difference (< 5%)=> accept
If ti between the pots is much different => adjust the pressure
between the pots
❖Specific evaporation intensity WFi, kg secondary vapor/m2.h
Is the amount of secondary steam generated for 1 m2 of heat transfer surface in one hour
in the control equipment.
Depends on many operating factors of the device and the properties of solution (working
pressure, liquid level depth h, boiling point tsdm, tsdd, specific heat capacity qF,
thermophysical properties of solution) and solvent, solution concentration, etc.)
TS. Nguyễn Thị Lê Liên_BM QTTB_Khoa KTHH_ĐHBK
Steam consumption
Steam consumption for pot i: W1, i1 W2, i2 W3, i3 W4, i4
m1=D/W1; m2=W1/W2;
…, mn=Wn-1/Wn; 𝐺ሶ đ, xđ,tđ
p1 p2 p3 p4
Specific steam consumption for whole system with n pots:
𝐷 1 1
d n = σ𝑛 = 𝑊𝑖 = σ𝑛 D, PD,TD
𝑖=1 𝑊𝑖 σ𝑛
𝑖=1 𝐷 𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖