Maths. An Art, Science or Tool
Maths. An Art, Science or Tool
Maths. An Art, Science or Tool
block of science rather than being an actual science itself. However after doing a bit of research I was
persuaded into believing that Maths proves itself to be more of an art than a science, given its
historical authenticity and the creativeness that Mathematicians portray in their works. Mathematics
and art have a long historical relationship. Artists have used mathematics since 4th Century BC when
the Greek sculptor Polykleitos wrote his Canon in which he prescribed proportions based on the ratio
1:sqrt2 for the ideal male nude. Another Italian painter developed Euclid’s ideas on perspective in
treatises such as De Prospectiva Pingendi, and in his paintings.
So why is Maths not a Science? Maths and Sciences have very different goals. The sciences seek
explanations of facts and they call these explanations hypotheses and theories. The theories are
often accepted just for being ‘good enough’ rather than needing to be proven to be true. Rather,
they constantly amend their theories as new facts come in. Mathematicians come up with
conjectures or theorems and then seek the prove these to be true. Even when a theorem is proven
true, mathematicians keep seeking other proofs. Mathematics is the pursuit of a certain kind of
beauty; like architecture. A building should be beautiful, but if it also has to stand up. It is also like
the structured form of poetry. A sonnet should be beautiful, but it also has to follow a specific rhyme
scheme and scansion. A Mathematical theorem should be beautiful, but you also have to prove it as
Mathematician G. H. Hardy said: “Beauty is the first test. There is no permanent place in the world
for ugly mathematics.”
Mathematicians are always seeking new theorems and more beautiful proofs of theorems, just as
artists seek new forms for art and more beautiful expressions of old forms. Another way that math
differs from science is that math uses old work however science tends to ignore it. Mathematicians
still learn theorems like the Pythagorean theorem, even though it was known as far back as 1600
BCE. However scientists do not study Aristotles ideas of physics or chemistry. Here, again, maths is
more like an art than a science as Artists will study old art, going all the way back to cave paintings
analysing them. Old art and old mathematics do not become obsolete, old science does. [Peter Flom.
For me it is obvious that Maths cannot be a science as maths is the foundations of Science. Maths is
a tool used to create Science and much like a baker would not be considered part of their cake, the
cake would not exist without the baker. Therefore the same goes for maths and science. Betrand
Russell, whose work was immensely influential in both mathematics and philosophy, echoed these
feelings saying: “Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty- a
beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature,
without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern
perfection such as only the greatest art can show. [Mihai Andrei. 2023] Hence why overall I believe
that Maths is an Art.
F lom, P. (2021). Why Math is an Art, Not a Science. [online] Medium. Available at:
[Accessed 21 Sep. 2023].