Ridgewood School of Caloocan, Inc
Ridgewood School of Caloocan, Inc
Ridgewood School of Caloocan, Inc
Prepared by:
Teacher Aira
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
a. define and calculate work
b. identify situations in which work is done and situations in which no work is
c. site situations in which work is done in everyday life
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Work
b. Subtopic: Work where force and the work done are in the same direction
c. Materials: Online gadget, internet, and GIF
d. References:
Science Blast 8
By: Aaron Joseph L. Villaraza, PhD
pp. 20-22
Science Links 8
By: Estrellita A. Mdriaga, Meliza P. Valdoz, Marites D. Aquino,
Mary Anne B. Castillo
pp. 49-50
2. Review
“’Last time, we have discussed
Centripetal Force and Rotational
Kinematics, to check if you really
understand the lesson yesterday, I have
here a short activity.”
“Correct. Next.”
“Correct. Next.”
“Is there any other question regarding the “None, Teacher Aira.”
previous lesson?”
3. Lesson Proper
A. Engage
“Is there someone who is working here?” “students will answer the question…
some may answer that they are
working and some may not”
“Do you have any idea about work? Will “students will give their opinion…”
you share your thoughts about it?” “work – activity involving mental and
physical effort done in order to
achieve a purpose or result.”
“work – a task or tasks to be
undertaken, something a person or
thing has to do.”
B. Explore
“Now, I have here an activity. Read the
“Directions: Describe and compare
the two scenarios shown.”
“Okay, I am going to show two scenarios “Yes, Ma’am!”
in which you are going to describe and
compare them from one another. Is the
direction clear?”
“Okay, let’s have the first scenario.” “Ma’am, based from the given
Scenario 1: scenario, the boy pushes the block.”
Scenario 2
“Ma’am, based from the given
scenario, the boy pushes the block
which causes it to move from one
place to another.”
“Very good! Did he also apply force “Yes, Teacher Aira.”
to the object?”
“You have also noticed that the block “The force applied by the boy to the
or the object move from one place to object causes it to move from one
another when being pushed, what place to another.”
does that mean?”
“Exactly! This means that the force “Distance is the length of path
can move the object to cover a travelled by a moving object measured
distance. So, what do you mean by in meters.”
distance based from your previous
“Correct! So, how will you compare “The first scenario shows the
the first and second scenario?” application of force to the object
without moving the object, while the
second scenario shows the application
of force to the object causing it to
move and cover a distance.”
“Very good!”
“Scenario 2 shows the application of
force to the object causing it to move
and cover a distance which known as
“ Today’s objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the
learners should be able to do the
a. define and calculate work
b. identify situations in
which work is done and
situations in which no
work is done
c. site situations in which
work is done in everyday
C. Explain
“Class, based from the activity, how “Work is the product of force acting
will you describe work?” upon an object causing it to move from
one place to another.”
250 N
D. Elaborate
“Again, what do you mean by work?”
“Work is a quantity that exists
whenever a force that acts upon an
object causes it to move and cover a
“Very good!”
E. Evaluation
Direction: Type the letter of the correct
answer and send it to the Google Meet
chat room.
5. Assignment
Make a research about the different cases
of work in your book. Science Blast 8 page