SS304 Hardening Behaviour
SS304 Hardening Behaviour
SS304 Hardening Behaviour
926 to 929
#2009 The Japan Institute of Metals RAPID PUBLICATION
The hardening behavior of a 304 stainless steel containing deformation-induced martensite during static strain ageing was investigated.
Tensile strength increased with the increase of aging temperature. The results of DSC measurements showed that the aging mechanisms would
be related to carbon diffusion to dislocations in 0 -martensite and carbon diffusion in austenite. It is found that the increase of strength during
strain aging would be attributed to hardening of austenite as well as 0 -martensite. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.MRP2008416]
(Received November 7, 2008; Accepted January 19, 2009; Published March 4, 2009)
Keywords: strain aging, austenitic stainless steel, mechanical property, kinetics
500 0.0070
Temperature, °C
Strength, MPa
Delatation, µm
30 0.0066
Tensile Strength
Yield Strength
Volume Fraction of α -martensite
300 0.0060
0 200 400 600 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Aging Temperature, °C Time, sec
Fig. 1 Effect of aging temperature on mechanical properties and the Fig. 2 Dilatation curves, showing the increase of the amount of 0 -
amount of 0 -martensite in cold rolled 304 stainless steels received 40% martensite with annealing time during heating at 450 C.
reduction. Samples were aged for an hour.
Fig. 3 TEM micrographs of a 304 austenitic stainless steel deformed at room temperature with 40% reduction.
the kinetics during heating, stainless steel sheets were heated calculated from Ferritescope readings increases from 45.5%
to the desired temperatures at a rate of 4 C/min and then for a cold rolled sample to 50% for a sample aged at 450 C.
rapidly cooled in water. According to the methods,11,12) the Additionally, the occurrence of the dilatation during aging at
heating rate (B), the apparent activation energy of the process 450 C in Fig. 2 also supports the increase in the amount of
(Q), and the maximum temperature of the peak Tp are related 0 -martensite with aging. This increase in the amount of 0 -
by the equation martensite with aging provides the evidence for the addi-
Q tional formation of 0 -martensite during aging.5–7) However,
lnðÞ ¼ þC ð2Þ it is difficult to conclude that only the increased amount of 0 -
kB T p
martensite contributes to the increase of tensile strength in
where kB is the Boltzmann’s constant and C is an integration aged samples. Assuming that the increased amount of 0 -
constant. martensite, 4.5%, causes the increment of tensile strength,
140 MPa, during aging at 450 C, the calculated contribution
3. Results and Discussion of aged austenite to tensile strength would become ignored.
Thus, there must be other factors on tensile strength of aged
3.1 Mechanical properties samples.
Figure 1 shows the effect of aging temperature on tensile Figure 3 shows the typical microstructure of the 40%
strength, yield strength and the amount of 0 -martensite in deformed 304 austenitic stainless steel, revealing micro-
304 stainless steels cold rolled and aged for 1 h. The variation structures of 0 -martensite with high density of dislocations
of yield strength with aging temperature is similar to that of (Fig. 3(a)) and deformed austenite with micro-twins
tensile strength, except for the peak temperature of 300 C. (Fig. 3(b)). The closer examination of the XRD patterns of
Tensile strength increases continuously up to the aging a 304 stainless steel deformed 40% and aged at various
temperature of 450 C, and then decreases rapidly due to the temperatures reveals that phase transformation does not
reverse transformation of 0 -martensite to austenite.13) The occur during strain aging up to 450 C. To understand the
similar shapes of tensile strength and the amount of 0 - behavior of austenite and 0 -martensite during aging, hard-
martensite in Fig. 1 indicates that the increment of tensile ness of each phase was measured using a nano-indenter
strength during aging must be closely related to the variation (Fig. 4). Hardness of 0 -martensite increases from 4.6 GPa
in the amount of 0 -martensite. The amount of 0 -martensite (cold rolled) to 5.4 GPa (aged at 450 C) by 17.4%, while that
928 S. H. Lee, J. Y. Choi and W. J. Nam
γ -Austenite 1.2 2
a=b/ Tp
α -Martensite
kln(α), 10 eVk
Hardness, GPa
510 kJ/mol 133 kJ/mol 67 kJ/mol
0.6 a=b/ Tp
5.34eV 1.43eV 0.73eV
0.2 516 kJ/mol 138 kJ/mol 70 kJ/mol
Heat Flow, mW/mg
peak 1 5.5
peak 2 peak 3 α -Martensite
Hardness, GPa
4.5 Austenite
-0.009 4.0
0 150 300 450 600
Temperature, °C
0 100 200 300 400 500
Fig. 5 DSC curves of a 40% cold rolled sample and a reheated sample,
with the heating rate of 4 C/min. Aging temperature, °C