Educational Internship Report
Educational Internship Report
Educational Internship Report
At first, I am grateful to the Almighty for His blessings and giving me this opportunity. I would
like to thank the Principal of Al-Hayan Grammar High School, Mr. Mudassir Sohail; CEO Al-
Hayan Grammar High School, as he permitted me to do my internship there. I would like to
express my sincere gratitude to my Respected Supervisor, Dr. Majeeda Rasheed for her patience
and enormous contribution throughout my internship. Without her guidance it would not be
possible for me to complete my internship successfully. I would like to say special thanks to Dr.
Ammara Riaz, Head of Department of Life Sciences Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
2. Executive Summary
Al-Hayan Grammar High School is situated in Jinnah Park Town. It is located in a town that is
near to my home. Initially, it was a primary school then it became a middle school. Later it
became a high school. At present, its principal is Mr. Mudassir Sohail. This school is affiliated
with BISE BWP Board. Current principal and vice principal, both are working cooperatively to
improve and minimize the reading and writing difficulties at all modes of education. They are
intentionally working for the development and betterment of the school.
During the session of scheduled learning I focused to develop the good moral, confidence and
firm belief of students on the Almighty Allah. To me teaching is not only a profession but it is
can groom up a new generation. They had to inoculate and train the students in such a manner
that they prove beneficial for the society and country through their behavior and best-teaching.
In short, I had a great time during this internship. This proved to be useful in developing
confidence and improving communication skills. It was a great chance to step up. I really
appreciate KFUEIT to organize this program.
This internship was a professional learning experience that offered meaningful, practical work
related to my field of study and career interest. This internship gave me the opportunity for
career exploration and development, and to learn new skills.
4. Daily Timetable
School Timing:
Sunday – Off
5. Weekly Routine
When I was given Biology I have isolated the sections into parts for solace to under studies.
According to day I needed to take one times of Biology in 9th and 10th class. First I read the line
world by word and afterward make an interpretation of it into Urdu. At the end of the week I lead
trial of the accompanying part scholarly in this week. At the point when I was giving the talk of
chemistry in 9th 10th class article every one of the enquiry is and their strategies exhaustively
and direct the test towards the finish of activity and further more towards the finish of chapter.
By leading test I thought about the under studies which are shared. In the following week I
concentrated on frail under studies.
At the end of every week tests are directed to assess the advancement of under studies. Amazing
under studies are valued by giving prizes and powerless under studies are urged to accomplish
more advancement. Result synopsis of under studies of every week is given to their folks for
data. Towards the finish of every month a parent teacher meeting was held so that parents could
assess the work studies of their child.
6. Effective teaching
Effective teaching includes the utilization of showing instruments procedures and strategy. A
comprehension of how under studies realize how they measure data, what rouses them to realize
more and what hinders the realizing interaction? The establishing of successful learning
conditions where under studies are effectively taking an interest and coordinated with material.
Ask questions, encouraged students to ask question, engage students in individual, pair or small
group activities.
Discussion is an excellent way to engage students in thinking and examine and defending any
issue. Students respond to one another better than interacting only with the teachers.
Interactive demonstration
Developing and environment of fun and demonstration in class energizing students interest and
Role play
Students learn by acting and observing. Some act out a story line and other watch and discuss.
Cooperative learning
Students work together in small groups. Students corporate with one another during this work. It
maximize is their learning and they cats the learning objectives through communal dialogues.
Inquiry-based teaching
It enables students to frame questions, gather information, examine it and draw conclusion.
These are the some plan of action by using these plans of action we can make effective learning
for students rather than just crammer. So to avoid mentor we have to make sure to follow the
above mentioned plan of action.
7. Benefits of Internship
I got a feel of work environment. By doing this internship, I gain valuable work experience. It
boosted up my confidence. It helped me to make connection with professional people, which
gave me an edge in the job market. It increased my motivation. It helped me a lot in developing
and refining my skills like communication, punctuality and management. It will be beneficial for
my CV as well.
8. Conclusion
As a teacher I gave a valiant effort. Yet in addition I felt some short comes, as I, at some points,
act amicable. To me educating is respectable calling, I consider instructor the most significant
and magnificent individual of the society.
This internship was really a useful experience. I have found out what my strengths and
weaknesses are. I gained new knowledge and skills and met many new people. I achieved many
of my learning goals, however for some the conditions did not permit to achieve them as I
wanted. I got insight into the work of an NGO.