Technical Report-Taman Tasik Sri Serdang
Technical Report-Taman Tasik Sri Serdang
Technical Report-Taman Tasik Sri Serdang
5.1 THE WHAT 13
5.2 THE WHY 13
5.3 THE HOW 14
Recreational areas and parks are amenities and facilities that are available for leisure,
amusement, and recreational activities. Public spaces and amenities such as parks, nature
preserves, open space areas, greenways, trails, and man-made buildings for sport and leisure are
examples of resources. The recreational area is the vital heart of the community. This is due to
the fact that recreational parks enhance community wellness, clearing the air, especially in urban
areas, providing connection space, encouraging activity in children, conserving wild areas, and
creating safe gathering places.
The selected area of study is Tasik Sri Serdang in Selangor. It is a lake with a recreational
park with a children's playground and exercise equipment funded by the National Landscape
Department. Near the pond lies a residential area called Taman Tasik Sri Serdang, as well as a
food court. Furthermore, the Town Council has received allocations from the Malaysian Ministry
of Culture, Arts, and Tourism to supplement the existing components in the area, such as waqf,
the provision of chairs and picnic tables, the provision of a concrete bridge to connect the two
lakes, pedestrian spaces, and light decorations around the lake. Taman Tasik Sri Serdang has
adequate infrastructure for social and physical activities.
The purpose of this technical report is to examine environmental issues that can be found
in the study area by carrying out surveys and data collection. This report will also look at
practical methods to improve environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures and address
serious environmental and human rights problems. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and
ecosystem damage and degradation have a profound impact on people's lives, reducing our
ability to work, participate in leisure activities, and maintain good health. fundamental rights and
environmental conservation are inextricably linked because a healthy environment allows people
to exercise their fundamental rights fully. At the same time, exercising human rights contributes
to environmental protection. Following the survey and data analysis, we must identify the
environmental issues that must be addressed. It is critical to recognize issues that may cause
harm or discomfort to residents or visitors. Examples include odor pollution, water pollution,
garbage pollution, and soil pollution. Finally, to develop a proposal or action plan to reduce
environmental degradation.
Sri Serdang lake is located at the township of Sri Serdang and about 2.7km from
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Sri Serdang Lake is one of the reactional place for the
residents around. Usually they will be jogging, do some exercise, and walk around. There’s also
food court beside the lake that produce a lot of waste like food waste, plastic waste and more at
the area. Sri Serdang water resource from Kuyoh River and connected to the end of Anak Kuyoh
River which is the tributary of the main Kuyoh River. Additional, Sri Serdang Lake connected
with residential area, school, commercial area and institution. As we know community will
produce waste and rubbish. In research, the size of Sri Serdang Lake is about 18000 m2 and the
deepest part is about 5 meter depth. This lake has a variety of type pollution sources of water
pollution surrounded by the study area are wastewaters from residential, commercial,
institutions, sewage treatment and the recreational area itself. In research, the land use around Sri
Serdang Lake are agriculture, commercial, educational, institution or office, lake, recreational,
residential, sewerage treatment plant and water body.
Figure 2.1 picture of water quality at Sri Serdang Lake
Figure 2.4 picture of water quality at Sri Serdang Lake
In research, the water quality of Sri Serdang Lake for Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) are at class V referred to National Inland Water
Quality Standard (NIWQS). The Total Suspended Solid, pH and Turbidity are not critical. The
result shows that Sri Serdang Lake is polluted in Class IV according to the National Inland Water
Quality Standard (NIWQS).
In our observation, Sri Serdang Lake is in a bad condition of water quality. This is
because there is a lot of rubbish and waste, especially plastic, around the lake. There are also a
lot of fish dead and oil spill in the water. The smells at the lake are so bad due to the rubbish that
comes from the drain connected to the residential and food court. A lot of waste that comes from
the food court such as the food waste that causes the bad smells.
According to the questionnaire that we have done for the students that have been to Sri
Serdang Lake, residents of Taman Sri Serdang and outsiders. Most of them went to Sri Serdang
Lake for jogging, walking around and eating at the food court.
Most of the respondents are agree that the water quality of the lake not in good condition
which is 87.5% did not agree that lake in good condition and 12.5% said lake in a good condition
Majority of the respondents chose that Sri Serdang Lake has a bad odor which is 87.5%
said Yes and 12.5% said No. That means there is odor pollution at Sri Serdang Lake.
Most of the respondents choose cloudy which is 87.5% while clear is 12.5%
Majority of the respondents agree that the causes of the pollution from waste, plastic, and
food waste which is 58.3% agree for all above, 12.5% agree for waste food court, 25% choose
plastic and 4.2% said food waste.
Majority of the respondents agree that the water pollution comes from agriculture, stall,
institution, food court which is 62.5%. While the food court is 33.3% and the Institution 4.2%.
Environmental issue found in Sri Serdang Lake is water pollution. The Water quality
assessment of Sri Serdang Lake, Malaysia by Nurlailah Abdillah and Fang Yenn Teo is used in
this report to aid interpretation. The largest land cover is agricultural area followed by institution
or office, road, residential, sewerage treatment plant, recreation or open space, educational, water
body and commercial area. Subsequent to pollution inventory studies, the main sources of water
pollution surrounded by the study area are wastewaters from residential, commercial, institutions
and sewage treatment plants. This includes untreated or under-treated effluents from smaller food
stalls or establishments with inadequate sewage facilities, sullage directly disposed to drains
from houses and restaurants, wastewater from markets, stalls and laundries.
The water quality data obtained by Nurlailah Abdillah and Fang Yenn Teo in Water
quality assessment of Sri Serdang Lake, Malaysia is compared against the National Inland Water
Quality Standards. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N)
are the most critical parameters that contribute to the water pollution problems. Biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) represents the concentrations of organic loading in the lake. These
concentrations are very high, which is Class V refers to National Inland Water Quality Standards
(NIWQS). The high levels indicate high organic loading in the lake. It is possible that the main
point sources of water pollution are the untreated domestic discharges from the residential area
and food stalls and also from the agricultural and livestock activities.
From the results, Ammoniacal Nitrogen concentration was high at every station but the
main sources of pollution are coming from sewage treatment plants. Flow discharge data is
correlated with pollutant load directly. Higher discharge will cause higher pollutants load into the
lake from the respective inlet. The Water Quality Index (WQI) results were compared against the
acceptable limit specified in the National River Water Quality Standards for Malaysia
(NRWQSM). The result shows that Sri Serdang Lake is polluted, which is in Class IV. Twenty
four hours sampling result also shows that the trend is almost the same. It is possible that the
pollution was discharged consistently and no treatment or remediation approach had been taken.
The field surveys and samplings from them have shown that the Sri Serdang Lake is
heavily polluted by discharges from the catchment. Water quality status of Sri Serdang Lake is
within Class IV. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) are
the most critical parameters that contribute to the water pollution problems for the study area.
Data obtained from the project was put into a GIS system. The GIS database can provide
comprehensive information for integrated lake basin management and provide guidance for
decision makers and other related agencies in evaluating development proposals and their
possible impact throughout the entire catchment. Based on the Water quality assessment of Sri
Serdang Lake, Malaysia by Nurlailah Abdillah and Fang Yenn Teo, it can be clearly explained
and proved that the environmental issues found in Sri Serdang Lake is water pollution.
From our group questionnaire of Sri Serdang Lake, there are 24 respondents in the
questionnaire. The 21 years old is one of the most numerous in this questionnaire, which is as
many as 10 people (41.7%). Then, most of them are students who have been to Sri Serdang
Lake, which is 58.3%. The main activity that is done by the responses at Sri Serdang Lake is
jogging. 87.5% of respondents view the quality of the area is no in good condition, the lake water
smells bad and categorize the color of the lake water as cloudy. In their opinions, 58.3% of
respondents think the causes of pollution in Sri Serdang Lake are food waste, plastic, and waste
from the food court. Beside that, 62.5% of responses think the water pollution is coming from
agriculture, stalls, institutions, schools and food courts. Thus, we can know that Sri Serdang
Lake has a water pollution issue and its roots.
The issue that is happening in Sri Serdang Lake is the occurrence of water pollution.
This can be seen through the condition of the water in the lake where there are dead fish on the
surface of the lake and turbidity in the water of the lake. To combat the water pollution, a public
awareness campaign will be planned to raise awareness to the community about the
environmental problems in Tasik Sri Serdang. It also aims to boost community’s enthusiasm and
support, encourage action and self-mobilization, and deploy local expertise and resources.
Based on the search results, the specific cause of Sri Serdang Lake pollution is not clear
but there are several possible causes of the pollution including industrial activities. There are
several industrial activities close to the Tasik Sri Serdang area. Pollution occurred because of
improper domestic waste disposal including sewage and garbage. In addition, other causes are
due to illegal dumping, agricultural activities, and transport activities. Other than that, what
causes this is that the residents that live nearby Sri Serdang Lake, especially the close residents
of Taman Sri Serdang are typically not as aware of their surroundings to litter all around the lake
area itself. Additionally, there are also parks and as well as a restaurant nearby where the
residents typically go and eat there. It also makes it easier to buy food and drinks that may be
brought on the go and eaten at the nearby park benches and tables.
The way to give awareness about the pollution of Sri Serdang Lake is to use social
media. The parties who can share awareness on social media are the forestry and environment
faculty and local authorities. There are several social media platforms that can be used as a
sharing medium to local residents and the community. such as TikTok, Instagram, youtube and
Facebook so that they get awareness about Tasik Sri Serdang which is polluted. In addition, the
media can give awareness to the public. Therefore, the responsible party needs to work with the
media to be able to give awareness to people many through newspapers, tv stations, and radio
Public awareness is made to give awareness to the public and visitors who have leisure at
Tasik Sri Serdang so that they do not throw garbage in the lake area. In addition, it gives
awareness to manufacturers who carry out industrial activities so that they can manage domestic
waste more efficiently. The following parties can be involved in raising public awareness about
water pollution in Tasik Sri Serdang. Local community. Local communities living near Lake Sri
Serdang can play an important role in raising awareness about water pollution and its effects.
They can organize community events, workshops, and seminars to educate people about these
issues. Next, government agencies such as the Department of Environment and local councils
can be responsible for developing and implementing public awareness campaigns to educate the
public about water pollution and ways to reduce it. Finally, media outlets such as newspapers,
TV stations and radio stations can help raise awareness of water pollution by covering the issue
and its effects. They can also interview experts and community members to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the issue.
This report contains our possible solutions to the issue of water pollution found in Sri
Serdang Lake and it has outlined the issue of water pollution, the area of study, our survey of the
area itself, finding out the environmental issues in the area, and our proposals to minimize the
environmental deterioration that the pollution has caused. We have found out that the Sri Serdang
Lake was marginally polluted around its surroundings and we wish to come up with a solution to
alleviate the issue that is considered unpleasant to see.
Overall, the survey of the area provides an understanding of the impact that water
pollution has had on the area. Among the issues ranging from trash being thrown through the
jogging path to the drainage system discharging wastewater into the lake itself. It also allowed us
to brainstorm these solutions that we propose that could benefit the lake as well as the
demographic of the park that is affected by the pollution.