(54) HUBLESS WHEEL SYSTEM FOR MOTOR 6,813,979 B2 * 1 1/2004 Caorle ...................... B2.5%
VEHICLES 6,839,939 B2 1/2005 Donakowski
7,568,541 B2 8, 2009 Pfei1 et al.
(71) Applicant: Ahmed Y. A. Mothafar, Safat (KW) 7,798,512 B2 9, 2010 kn al
9,120,195 B2* 9/2015 Veldman
(72) Inventor: Ahmed Y. A. Mothafar, Safat (KW) 2002/0005303 A1* 1/2002 Haringer .............. A01B 51/026
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2008/0185905 A1* 8/2008 Fujita ........................ BG:
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2012/0215389 A1* 8/2012 Perry ....................... B60K648
U.S.C. 154(b) by O days. TO1/22
2013,000945.0 A1 1/2013 Suzuki ................. B6OK 7/OOO7
(21) Appl. No.: 15/018,715 301/6.5
2013/0057048 A1 3/2013 Ishikawa .............. B6OK 7/OOO7
1-1. 301/6.5
(22) Filed: Feb. 8, 2016 2014/0058600 A1 2/2014 Hoffmann et al.
(51) Int. Cl 2014/0358369 A1 12/2014 Anderfaas
B60B 25/00 (2006.01) WO WO 90,05070 A1 5.1990
B60B 2/08 (2006.01) * cited by examiner
B60B II/02 (2006.01) y
is: At 98. Primary Examiner — Toan. To
(52) U.S. Cl (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Richard C. Litman
CPC ............... B60B 19/00 (2013.01); B60B II/02 (57) ABSTRACT
(2013.01); B60B 21/08 (2013.01); B60B 25/00
(2013.01); B60K 17/043 (2013.01); B62K5/01 The hubless wheel system includes an inner ring assembly
(2013.01) having a main stationary ring and a plurality of inner ring
(58) Field of Classification Search mounting brackets positioned within the main stationary
CPC B6OK 7/OOO7: B6OK 177046 B6OK 1 FOO: ring, a first bearing and a second bearing mounted onto the
B60K 2007/0038. B6OK 2007/0092. H02K main stationary ring, a side plate positioned in communi
7/16. H02k 7/14. H02K5/18. FIGH cating relation with the second bearing, a middle ring
2001/3258. B6OL 2220/44. Yo2T 10/641 assembly mounted onto the bearings of the inner ring
USPC s 180721: 301/65 66. 6.7 6.8 assembly, and an outer ring mounted on the middle ring
See application file for complete search history. assembly. The middle ring assembly has a middle ring and
a brake disc positioned in communicating relation with the
(56) References Cited middle ring. The outer ring has an inner portion and a
plurality of outer ring mounting brackets positioned on the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS inner portion of the outer ring, and a bracket assembly
positioned within the main stationary ring. The hubless
4,702,843 A * 10/1987 Oswald ................. B60C 23,003 wheel system can include a drive assembly, a step-lock
4,923,257 A * 5/1990 Purcell ............... B62D 55,0655 assembly, a side wheel assembly, and a suspension assem
18O, 9.1 bly.
6,101,911 A * 8/2000 Newell ..................... B23B5/04
82/112 20 Claims, 29 Drawing Sheets
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Fig. 3A
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Fig. 5C
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1. 2
HUBLESS WHEEL SYSTEM FOR MOTOR outer ring used in connection with a first embodiment of a
VEHICLES hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, according to the
present invention.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 3A is a front perspective view of a second embodi
ment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, accord
1. Field of the Invention ing to the present invention.
The present invention relates to vehicle wheels, and FIG. 3B is a rear perspective view of a second embodi
particularly to a hubless/center-less wheel system for motor ment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, accord
vehicles. ing to the present invention.
2. Description of the Related Art 10 FIG. 4A is an exploded view of the inner ring assembly,
Currently, there are a variety of hubless wheel systems for a drive assembly, and another bracket assembly used in
motor vehicles. However, conventional hubless wheel sys connection with a second embodiment of a hubless wheel
tems are typically very expensive to manufacture, difficult to system for motor vehicles, according to the present inven
install and repair, Such as for end users, and are improperly tion.
balanced so as to adversely impact the handling of a vehicle. 15 FIG. 4B is an exploded view of the middle ring assembly
Further, the gears, bearings, and other mechanical parts of and another bracket assembly used in connection with a
conventional hubless wheel systems are typically exposed to second embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor
the elements, such as water and dirt, causing them to break vehicles, according to the present invention.
down frequently and require costly repairs. FIG. 4C is a view of the inner ring assembly positioned
Thus, a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles solving inside the middle ring assembly exploded away from an
the aforementioned problems is desired. outer ring used in connection with a second embodiment of
a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, according to the
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION present invention.
FIG. 5A is a side view of a motorcycle having a third
The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles includes an 25 embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles
inner ring assembly, a middle ring assembly rotatably positioned within a front motorcycle tire and a fourth
mounted on the inner ring assembly, an outer ring mounted embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles
on the middle ring, and a bracket assembly positioned within positioned with a rear motorcycle tire, according to the
the inner ring. The inner ring assembly includes a main present invention.
stationary ring including an outer track and an inner track, 30 FIG. 5B is a front view of a motorcycle illustrating a front
a plurality of inner ring mounting brackets positioned within motorcycle tire having a side wheel assembly, according to
the main stationary ring, a first bearing mounted on the inner the present invention.
track, a second bearing mounted on the outer track, and a FIG. 5C is a rear view of a motorcycle illustrating a rear
side plate positioned in communicating relation with the motorcycle tire having a side wheel assembly, according to
second bearing. The middle ring assembly is mounted onto 35 the present invention.
the bearings of the inner ring assembly. The middle ring FIG. 6A is a side, perspective view of a front motorcycle
assembly has a middle ring and a brake disc positioned in tire having the third embodiment of a hubless wheel system,
communicating relation with the middle ring. The outer ring according to the present invention.
is mounted on the middle ring assembly, the outer ring FIG. 6B is an exploded view of an inner ring assembly
having an inner portion and a plurality of outer ring mount 40 and a side wheel assembly used in connection with the third
ing brackets positioned on the inner portion of the outer ring. embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles,
The hubless wheel system can include a drive assembly, a according to the present invention.
step-lock assembly, a side wheel assembly, and a suspension FIG. 6C is a view illustrating the middle ring assembly
assembly. The hubless wheel system can be compact, light mounted onto the inner ring assembly having a side wheel
weight, and easy to install. 45 assembly positioned inside the inner ring assembly exploded
These and other features of the present invention will away from an outer ring used in connection with a third
become readily apparent upon further review of the follow embodiment of a hubless wheel system for a front motor
ing specification and drawings. cycle tire, according to the present invention.
FIG. 7A is an exploded view of a side wheel assembly
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 50 used in connection with the third and fourth embodiments of
a hubless wheel system, according to the present invention.
FIG. 1A is a front perspective view of a first embodiment FIG. 7B is an exploded view of a lower portion of another
of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, according to bracket assembly used in connection with a third embodi
the present invention. ment of a hubless wheel system, according to the present
FIG. 1B is a rear perspective view of the first embodiment 55 invention.
of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, according to FIG. 7C is an exploded view of a suspension assembly
the present invention. used in connection with third and fourth embodiments of a
FIG. 2A is an exploded view of an inner ring assembly hubless wheel system, according to the present invention.
and a bracket assembly used in connection with a first FIG. 8A is a side, perspective view of a front motorcycle
embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, 60 tire having a third embodiment of a hubless wheel system,
according to the present invention. according to the present invention.
FIG. 2B is an exploded view of a middle ring assembly FIG. 8B is an exploded view of a step-lock assembly for
and a bracket assembly used in connection with a first use in connection with a third embodiment of a hubless
embodiment of a hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, wheel system, according to the present invention.
according to the present invention. 65 FIG. 8C is a view illustrating a side wheel assembly
FIG. 2C is a view of the inner ring assembly positioned wherein the motorcycle tire is on a level surface with the
inside the middle ring assembly exploded away from an side wheels, according to the present invention.
US 9,440,488 B1
3 4
FIG. 8D is a view illustrating a side wheel assembly Referring to FIG. 2A, the main stationary ring 110 of the
wherein the motorcycle tire is on a higher surface than the inner ring assembly 105 includes a given width, as well as
side wheels, according to the present invention. an outer track 115 and an inner track 120, and a plurality of
FIG. 8E is a view illustrating a side wheel assembly inner ring mounting brackets 125 within the main stationary
wherein the motorcycle tire is on a lower surface than the ring 110. The inner ring assembly 105, further, includes a
side wheels, according to the present invention. first bearing 130 that can be mounted, e.g., rotatably
FIG. 8F is a view illustrating a side wheel assembly mounted, on the inner track 120 of the main stationary ring
wherein the side wheels and the motorcycle tire are on an 110 and a second bearing 135 that can be mounted, e.g.,
upward sloping Surface, according to the present invention. rotatably mounted, on the outer track 115 of the main
FIG. 8G is an illustration of the side wheels of a side 10 stationary ring 110, and a side plate 140 positioned in
wheel assembly leaning toward the left, according to the communicating relation with the second bearing 135. A seal
present invention. ring 145 can be positioned between the side plate 140 and
FIG. 8H is an illustration of the motorcycle tire and the the second bearing 135 to prevent any elements, such as
side wheels of a side wheel assembly leaning toward the left, water, mud, sand, and/or dirt, from coming into contact with
according to the present invention. 15 the second bearing 135. Further, the inner ring assembly 105
FIG.8I is an illustration of the side wheels of a side wheel can include a plurality of thread holes 117.
assembly leaning toward the right, according to the present Referring to FIGS. 2B-2C, the middle ring assembly 159
invention. includes a middle ring 160 including an outer side 162 and
FIG. 8J is an illustration of the motorcycle tire and the an inner side 164, the inner side 164 having a plurality of
side wheels of a side wheel assembly leaning toward the mounting tabs 166. Each mounting tab 166 can have an
right, according to the present invention. opening 168. A brake disc 170 can be positioned in com
FIG.9A is an illustration of a steering mechanism coupled municating relation with the inner side 164 of the middle
to a third embodiment of a hubless wheel system positioned ring 160. The brake disc 170 can have a plurality of primary
within a front motorcycle tire, wherein the front motorcycle openings 172 and a plurality of secondary openings 175.
tire is turning to the right, according to the present invention. 25 Each of the plurality of primary openings 172 of the brake
FIG.9B is an illustration of a steering mechanism coupled disc 170 can be aligned with corresponding openings 168 of
to a third embodiment of a hubless wheel system positioned the plurality of mounting tabs 166 to facilitate securing the
within a front motorcycle tire, wherein the front motorcycle brake disc 170 to the inner side 164 of the middle ring 160
tire is turning to the left, according to the present invention. using Suitable fasteners, such as screws. For example, a
FIG. 10 is a side, perspective of a rear motorcycle tire 30 screw can be threaded through one of the plurality of
having the fourth embodiment of a hubless wheel system, primary openings 172 of the brake disc 170 and into the
according to the present invention. corresponding opening 168 in the corresponding mounting
FIG. 11A is an exploded view of an inner ring assembly tab 166 until the brake disc 170 is secured, such as substan
and another drive assembly for use in connection with a tially secured, to the middle ring 160. Some of the mounting
fourth embodiment of a hubless wheel system, according to 35 tabs 166 can be left unattached to the brake disc 170 for
the present invention. reasons which will be described in detail below. The plu
FIG. 11B is an exploded view of the inner ring assembly rality of secondary openings 175 in the brake disc 170 can
and another bracket assembly for use in connection with a be configured to provide cooler operation and powerful
fourth embodiment of a hubless wheel system, according to stable braking to the brake disc 170. Further, the size of the
the present invention. 40 brake disc 170 can contribute to a cooler operation, such as
FIG. 11C is a view illustrating a middle ring assembly when the brakes are applied, and, in turn, to a longer
coupled to the inner ring assembly having a side wheel working brake disc 170.
assembly exploded away from an outer ring used in con The middle ring assembly 159 can also include at least
nection with a fourth embodiment of a hubless wheel one disc brake caliper 174 in communicating relation with
system, according to the present invention. 45 the brake disc 170. The at least one disc brake caliper 174
Similar reference characters denote corresponding fea can be activated by a braking system (not shown). Upon
tures consistently throughout the attached drawings. activation, the at least one disc brake caliper 174 can
Squeeze a pair of pads (not shown) against the brake disc 170
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE So as to stop the vehicle tire T from rotating and, in turn, stop
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 50 the vehicle. It is to be understood that the middle ring
assembly 159 of first embodiment 100a can include two disc
FIGS. 1A-11C depict various embodiments of a hubless brake calipers 174 as illustrated in FIGS. 1A-2C.
wheel system according to the present teachings. Referring The outer ring 176 can have a width equal to about twice
to FIGS. 1A-2C, a first embodiment of the hubless wheel the given width of the main stationary ring 110. The outer
system, generally designated 100a, is shown. The hubless 55 ring 176 can be positioned within a tire, such as a car tire T
wheel system 100a includes an inner ring assembly 105 or a motorcycle tire MT. The outer ring 176 includes an
having a main stationary ring 110, a bracket assembly 150a inner portion 177 and a plurality of outer ring mounting
positioned within the main stationary ring 110, a middle ring brackets 178 positioned within the inner portion 177 of the
assembly 159 configured to be mounted onto the inner ring outer ring 176. Each of the outer ring mounting brackets 178
assembly 105, and an outer ring 176 adapted to fit within a 60 are configured to align with a corresponding one of the
vehicle tire T, such as a car tire, wherein the middle ring remaining (unattached) mounting tabs 166 of the middle
assembly 159 can be mounted onto the inner ring assembly ring assembly 159, i.e. the mounting tabs that are not
105. The middle ring assembly 159, having the inner ring attached to the brake disc 170, as described above.
assembly 105, can be positioned within the outer ring 176, Continuing with reference to FIGS. 2A-2B, a bracket
Such as in a coaxial arrangement, as illustrated in FIG. 2C. 65 assembly 150a of the first embodiment 100a can include a
The outer ring 176 can be secured within a tire T of a bracket or X-shaped member 151 having a plurality of ends
vehicle, such as a car, truck, van, or motorcycle. 153 (desirably four ends 153). The X-shaped member 151
US 9,440,488 B1
5 6
can be a unitary member. Each of the plurality of ends 153 having the first embodiment 100a to a vehicle, such as a car,
of the member 151 can include a plurality of primary the driver of the vehicle can attach the advertisement, brand,
openings 155 and a plurality of secondary openings 154. The or logo, such as the Audi R, to the advertising section 152 of
plurality of primary openings 155 are configured for receiv the bracket assembly 150a of the first embodiment 100a and
ing fasteners for securing the bracket assembly 150a within 5 secure the advertisement, brand, or logo onto the advertising
the main stationary ring 110 of the inner ring assembly 105, section 152. Such as by inserting any type of Suitable
Such as onto each of the plurality of inner ring mounting fastener(s) through the advertisement, brand, or logo and
brackets 125. The plurality of secondary openings 154 are into each of the plurality of openings 157 of the advertising
configured for receiving fasteners for securing the at least Section 152.
one disc brake caliper 174 to the bracket assembly 150a of 10 Mounting the middle ring assembly 159 onto the bearings
the first embodiment 100a. For example, each of the plu 130, 135 on the inner ring assembly 105 can provide the
rality of ends 153 of the bracket assembly 150a of the first necessary rotating ability to allow the vehicle tire T to rotate
embodiment 100a can be mounted to one of the plurality of freely (i.e. passive rotation) about the bracket assembly 150a
mounting brackets 125 positioned within the main stationary of the first embodiment 100a without rotating the X-shaped
ring 110 and secured to the corresponding mounting bracket 15 member 151 of the bracket assembly 150a of the first
125. Such as by inserting a fastener, Such as a screw, through embodiment 100a. For example, vehicle tires T having the
each of the plurality of primary openings 155 and into the first embodiment 100a can be attached to the front of a rear
corresponding mounting bracket 125. wheel drive car or to the rear of a front wheel drive car, such
It is to be noted that the bracket assembly 150a of the first that the tires having the first embodiment can be passively
embodiment 100a can also include an advertising section rotated by the rear wheels in a rear wheel drive car or the
152 configured for displaying an advertisement, brand, or front wheels in a front wheel drive car. Such an arrangement
logo, such as the AudiR logo, as illustrated in FIGS. 1A, 2B, can also allow the advertisement, brand, or logo to be seen
and 2C. It is to be noted that the advertisement, brand, or as the vehicle passes, since the advertising section 152 will
logo can have any Suitable shape, Such as a generally oval not be rotating.
shape, a generally rectangular shape, a generally circular 25 FIGS. 3 A-4C depict a second embodiment of the hubless
shape, or a generally square shape. The advertising section wheel system, generally designated as 100b. The hubless
152 can have a plurality of openings 157 for receiving wheel system 100b is substantially similar to the first
fasteners to secure the advertisement, brand, or a logo to the embodiment 100a, described herein except that the hubless
advertising section 152. It is to be noted that a monitor (not wheel system 100b includes a bracket assembly 150b having
shown). Such as a water/dust proof monitor, displaying an 30 an upper portion 200a including an upper Suspension arm
advertisement, a logo, or a brand, such as an aftermarket 205, and a lower portion 200b having a lower suspension
brand, can be secured to the advertising section 152 of the arm 207, and a drive assembly 210. The bracket assembly
first bracket assembly 150a. The monitor can be covered so 150b of the second embodiment 100b can be positioned
as to keep any dust, dirt, and/or water away from the panel within the main stationary ring 110. The hubless wheel
or monitor. 35 system 100b is adapted for attachment onto a vehicle, such
By way of operation, once the bracket assembly 150a of as a car, truck, motorcycle, or van, by any conventional
the first embodiment 100a is secured to the plurality of inner means known in the art.
ring mounting brackets 125 within the main stationary ring The drive assembly 210 can be attached to the outer ring
110, the inner ring assembly 105 can be inserted into the 176, such that a vehicle tire T can be positively rotated. For
middle ring 160 of the middle ring assembly 159 (FIG. 2C). 40 example, the hubless wheel system 100b can be positioned
For example, the middle ring 160 can be mounted onto the within the front vehicle tires T of a front wheel drive vehicle,
bearings 130, 135, which are mounted onto the inner track such as a car, or inside the rear vehicle tires T of a rear wheel
120 and the outer track 115, respectively, of the main drive vehicle so that the vehicle tires T having the hubless
stationary ring 110. The brake disc 170 can be attached and wheel system 100b can be positively rotated, such as by a
secured to the middle ring 160, as described above. Mount 45 power source (not shown). Such as a motor.
ing the middle ring assembly 159 onto the bearings 130, 135 Referring to FIG. 4B, the upper portion 200a of the
on the main stationary ring 110 can allow the middle ring bracket assembly 150b is configured for mounting onto
160 and the brake disc 170 to rotate freely about the main inner ring mounting brackets 125 positioned within the main
stationary ring 110 of the inner ring assembly 105. stationary ring 110. The upper portion 200a includes a
The at least one disc brake caliper 174 can be positioned 50 plurality of primary upper openings 202a, a plurality of
in communicating relation to the brake disc 170 and secured upper coupling members 203a (desirably two upper cou
to the bracket assembly 150a positioned within the main pling members 203a), and a plurality of secondary upper
stationary ring 110 by attaching the at least one disc brake openings 204a. Each of the plurality of upper coupling
caliper 174 to the member 151 by any suitable means known members 203a is configured for pivotally coupling onto the
in the art. The middle ring assembly 159, having the inner 55 upper suspension arm 205. Each of the plurality of primary
ring assembly 105, can then be positioned within and upper openings 202a is configured to receive a fastener for
secured to the outer ring 176 so as to form a vehicle wheel attachment to a respective inner ring mounting bracket 125.
as illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B. Attaching the at least one Each of the plurality of secondary upper openings 204a is
disc brake caliper 174 to the bracket assembly 150a of the configured to receive a fastener to attach to the at least one
first embodiment 100a positioned within the main stationary 60 disc brake caliper 174, so that the at least one disc brake
ring 110 can allow the at least one disc brake caliper 174 to caliper 174 can be positioned in communicating relation to
stop the vehicle tire T, mounted on the middle ring assembly the brake disc 170 and operate as described above.
159, from rotating, as described above. The lower portion 200b of the bracket assembly 150b is
The vehicle wheel, as illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B, configured for mounting onto an inner ring mounting
having the first embodiment 100a can then be attached to a 65 bracket 125 positioned within the main stationary ring 110.
vehicle. Such as a car, Such as by any conventional means The lower portion 200b of the bracket assembly 150b
already known in the art. After attaching the vehicle tire T includes a plurality of primary lower openings 202b, a
US 9,440,488 B1
7 8
plurality of lower coupling members 203b configured for is to be noted that the gear box 222 can be filled with
pivotally coupling onto the lower Suspension arm 207, and lubricating oil so as to maintain the gear 214 and the
a plurality of secondary lower openings 204b. Each of the bearings 218 lubricated and reduce friction between the gear
plurality of primary lower openings 202b configured to 214 and the annular rack 216.
receive a fastener to secure the lower portion 200b to the 5 By way of operation, after the inner ring assembly 105
inner ring mounting bracket 125. Each of the plurality of and the middle ring assembly 159 have been assembled and
secondary lower openings 204b is configured to receive a inserted into the outer ring 176, Such as in a coaxial
fastener to attach to the at least one disc brake caliper 174, arrangement, and the bracket assembly 150b secured to the
so that the at least one disc brake caliper 174 can be main stationary ring 105. Such as in a similar fashion as in
positioned in communicating relation with the brake disc 10 the first embodiment 100a (FIGS. 3A and 3B), the drive
170 and operate as described above. shaft 212 of each vehicle tire T having the second embodi
The bracket assembly 150b of the second embodiment ment 100b can be connected to the power source, such as an
100b can be attached and secured to the inner ring assembly engine, configured to rotate the drive shaft 212. The rotating
105 in a similar fashion as the bracket assembly 150a in the drive shaft 212 can, in turn, rotate the gear 214 So as to rotate
first embodiment 100a, described above. The suspension 15 the annular rack 216 attached to the outer ring 176 coupled
arms 205, 207 can be formed from any suitable material, to the vehicle tire T, such as in a forward direction or in a
Such as a light-weight metal, and can be pivotally coupled to rearward direction, about the main stationary ring 105.
the plurality of upper coupling members 203a and to the FIGS. 5A-11C depict a third embodiment 100c and a
plurality of lower coupling members 203b, respectively, fourth embodiment 100d of the hubless wheel system,
Such as by any Suitable means known in the art so that each generally designated as 100c and 100d, respectively. The
of the suspension arms 205, 207 can swing, such as in an hubless wheel system 100c and 100d are substantially
upward and downward direction so as to provide stability similar to the first embodiment 100a and to the second
and allow the vehicle tires T to move, such as in an upward embodiment 100b, respectively, however, the third embodi
direction and/or in a downward direction, along the Surface ment 100c and the fourth embodiment 100d are adapted for
of a road. 25 attachment onto a motorcycle. Such as in connection with a
It is to be noted that, similar to the first embodiment 100a, front motorcycle tire FMT and a rear motorcycle tire RMT,
the bracket assembly 150b can be configured for displaying respectively, as illustrated in FIGS. 5A-5C.
an advertisement, logo, or brand, or for mounting a monitor Referring to FIGS. 6A-8B, similar to the first embodiment
(not shown). Such as a water/dust proof monitor, configured 100a and the second embodiment 100b described above, the
for displaying an advertisement, logo, or brand. Such as an 30 third embodiment 100c includes the inner ring assembly 105
aftermarket brand. For example, the advertisement, logo, or having the main stationary ring 110, the middle ring assem
brand or the monitor can be coupled to the upper portion bly 159, and the outer ring 176. However, the third embodi
200a and to the lower portion 200b, such as by any suitable ment 100c also includes a bracket assembly 150c, and a side
means, so that the advertisement, logo, or brand can be wheel assembly 500, as well as a suspension assembly 520
displayed to individuals as the vehicle passes in a similar 35 and a step-lock assembly 530 positioned in communicating
fashion as the first embodiment 100a described above. relation with side wheel assembly 500, wherein the side
The drive assembly 210 of the second embodiment 100b wheel assembly 500 can be positioned within the bracket
is configured for rotating the vehicle tire T. The drive assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c positioned
assembly 210 includes a drive shaft 212 and an annular rack within the front motorcycle tire FMT.
216 that can be mounted on the inner portion 177 of the outer 40 Similar to the bracket assembly 150b, the bracket assem
ring 176. The drive shaft 212 has a gear 214, such as a pinion bly 150c (FIG. 7A) of the third embodiment 100c can be
gear, positioned in fluid communication with the annular positioned within the main stationary ring 110 and includes
rack 216. The annular rack 216 is configured to provide a two members, such as an upper portion 300a and a lower
rotating force to the vehicle tire T so that the vehicle tire T portion 300b. The upper portion 300a includes a plurality of
rotates on the bearings 130,135 about main stationary ring 45 upper openings 302a, a plurality of primary upper attach
110 of the inner ring assembly 105. It is to be noted that the ment members 304 (preferably two primary upper attach
drive assembly 210 can also include a plurality of bearings ment members 304) configured for securing the at least one
218. Such as ball bearings configured to aid in the rotation disc brake caliper 174, and a plurality of secondary upper
of the drive shaft 212. attachment members 309 (preferably two secondary upper
Referring to FIG. 4A, the drive assembly 210 can include 50 attachment members 309) (FIGS. 6C, 7A, and SA) config
a cover 220 configured to cover the annular rack 216 and ured for mounting an advertising plate AP as illustrated in
prevent, such as Substantially prevent, any elements, such as FIG. 5A. The lower portion 300b includes a plurality of
dirt, mud, and/or water, from coming into contact with and lower openings 302b and a plurality of lower attachment
damaging the annular rack 216. The cover 220 can include members 305 (FIG. 7B) (preferably two lower attachment
a gear box 222 so as to protect, Such as Substantially protect, 55 members 305) configured for securing the side wheel assem
the drive shaft 212, the gear 214, and the bearings 218 from bly 500, as described further below. The lower portion 300b
any elements, such as dirt, mud, and/or water. The gearbox of the bracket assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c
222 can include a drive shaft opening 224 through which the can also include an attachment member 307 configured to
drive shaft 212 can extend so as to communicate with the mount onto the suspension assembly 520, such as for
power source. Such as the engine, that can rotate the drive 60 additional Support. Each of the plurality of upper openings
shaft 212 so that the vehicle tire T can be actively rotated. 302a and lower openings 302b can be mounted onto a
For example, as the power Source (not shown) rotates the corresponding inner ring mounting bracket 125 positioned
drive shaft 212, the drive shaft 212 can rotate the gear 214 within the main stationary ring 110 So as to secure the upper
that can, in turn, rotate the annular rack 216. Such as through portion 300a and the lower portion 300b, respectively, of the
a channel 225 within the cover 220, so as to rotate the 65 bracket assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c.
vehicle tire T about the main stationary ring 105 having the The side wheel assembly 500 positioned within the
bracket assembly 150b of the second embodiment 100b. It bracket assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c can
US 9,440,488 B1
9 10
include a plurality of side wheels 510 (preferably two side assembly 520 to the corresponding wheel fork, such as to the
wheels 510), a plurality of wheel forks, such as a first wheel first wheel fork 515a and to the second wheel fork 515b,
fork 515a and a second wheel fork 515b, each wheel fork respectively, as illustrated in FIGS. 8C-8J.
515a, 515b configured to hold one of the plurality of side It is to be understood that in a closed position the distance
wheels 510, a plurality of leaning arms, such as first leaning between the first towarm 540a and the second towarm 540b
arm 545a having a first inner side 546a and a first outer side can be at a minimum (as opposed to an open position as for
547a and a second learning arm 545b having a second inner many conventional Suspension assemblies where the dis
side 546b and a second outer side 547b, configured to tance is at a maximum) so that when the side wheels 510 are
pivotally connect each of the plurality of wheel forks 515a, forced apart due to road conditions the resilient member 570
515b to the lower portion 300b of the bracket assembly 150c 10 will expand accordingly and Subsequently contract so as to
of the third embodiment 100c, as illustrated in FIGS. 8A and pull the side wheels 510 back to the initial position in which
8B, and a plurality of tow arms, such as a first towarm 540a the resilient member 570 is compressed and the distance
having a first inner end 541a and a first outer end 542a and between the first towarm 540a and the second towarm 540b
second tow arm 540b having a second inner end 541b and is at a minimum. This can allow the side wheels 510 to tilt
a second outer end 542b, configured to pivotally connect 15 in the same direction as the front motorcycle tire FMT and
each of the plurality of wheel forks 515a, 515b to the the rear motorcycle tire RMT, such as to the left (FIGS.
suspension assembly 520. 8G-8H) and/or to the right (FIGS. 8I-8J). Further, by main
For example, the first inner side 546a of the first leaning taining a given distance between the side wheels 510, the
arm 545a and the second inner side 546b of the second suspension assembly can aid the side wheels 510 in turning
leaning arm 545b can each be pivotally coupled to one of the along with the front motorcycle tire FMT, such as to the right
plurality of lower attachment members 305 of the lower (FIG.9A) and/or to the left (FIG. 9B).
portion 300b of the bracket assembly 150c of the third The step-lock assembly 530 (FIGS. 8A-8B) includes a
embodiment 100C and the first Outer side 547a of the first locking member 532, e.g., a stepped-lock-Solenoid that can
leaning arm 545a and the second outer side 547b of the be electronically controlled in relation to the motorcycle's
second leaning arm 545b can each be pivotally coupled to a 25 speed. The locking member 532 can be fully locked when
corresponding wheel fork 515a, 515b. For example, the first the motorcycle is in a stopped position or can be partially
outer side 547a of the first leaning arm 545a can be pivotally locked when the motorcycle is moving at low speed. The
coupled to the first wheel fork 515a and the second outer step-lock assembly 530 has a first end 534 coupled to the
side 547b of the second leaning arm 545b can be pivotally lower portion 300b of the bracket assembly 150c of the third
coupled to the second wheel fork 515b. 30 embodiment 100c and a second end 536 positioned in
It is to be noted that once pivotally coupled the lower communicating relation with side wheel assembly 500, such
portion 300b of the bracket assembly 150c of the third as the second leaning arm 545b. The step-lock assembly 530
embodiment 100c the leaning arms 545a, 545b can only can control the tilting of each side wheel 510, such as in a
move in an upward or downward direction and, as such, the semi-lock position, so the driver can maneuver more con
leaning arms 545a, 545b can be configured to put sufficient 35 fidently by reducing the risk of falling over when making
downward pressure on each of the plurality of side wheels turns at low speeds. Further, the step-lock assembly 530 can
510 so as to maintain a better grip on the pavement despite also prevent, such as Substantially prevent, the motorcycle
whether the motorcycle tire MT is traveling on a level from tipping over when the motorcycle is fully stopped. Such
surface S with the side wheels 510 (FIG. 8C), on a higher as in a full-lock position.
surface S than the side wheels 510 (FIG. 8D), or on a lower 40 By way of operation, once the upper portion 300a and the
surface S than the side wheels (FIG. 8E). The leaning arms lower portion 300b of the bracket assembly 150c of the third
545a, 545b can also aid the side wheels 510 in maintaining embodiment 100c have been secured to the main stationary
a better grip on an upward sloping surface S (FIG. 8F). By ring 110 of the inner ring assembly 105 and the inner ring
keeping the side wheels 510 firmly on the surface S, the assembly 105 has been positioned within the middle ring
leaning arms 545a, 545b can improve maneuverability at 45 assembly 159, as described above, the side wheel assembly
both lower and higher speeds, as well as the ride on wet 500 can be secured to the lower portion 300b of the bracket
and/or sandy Surfaces. assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c, such as by any
Referring to FIGS. 7A and 7C, the suspension assembly suitable means, the suspension assembly 520 can be pivot
520 can include a first portion 560a that can be pivotally ally attached to the first wheel fork 515a and to the second
coupled to the first inner end 541a of the first towarm 540a, 50 wheel fork 515a, and the step-lock assembly 530 can be
a second portion 560b that can be pivotally coupled to the attached, such as by any Suitable means, to the lower portion
second inner end 541b of the second tow arm 540b, the 300b of the bracket assembly 150c of the third embodiment
second portion 560b having an adjustment slot 562, the first 100c, as illustrated in FIG. 6C. Subsequently, the middle
portion 560a being positioned within the second portion ring assembly 159 can be inserted and secured to the outer
560b, a resilient member 570, such as a coil spring or a leaf 55 ring 176, such as the outer ring 176 of the front motorcycle
spring, positioned on the second portion 560b of the sus tire FMT in a similar fashion as the first embodiment 100a
pension assembly 520, and a damper 565, such as a shock and the second embodiment 100b, described above.
absorber, having a first side 567 coupled to the first portion Referring to FIGS. 9A and 9B, the front motorcycle tire
560a and a second side 569 coupled to the second portion FMT having the third embodiment 100c (or the fourth
560b so as to maintain the suspension assembly 520 in a 60 embodiment 100d, described below) can then be attached to
closed. Such as in a Substantially closed position. The shock a steering mechanism H of the motorcycle M. Such as by a
absorber 565 being configured to reduce, such as substan connection mechanism 900. For example, the connection
tially reduce, any impacts from obstacles, such as rocks and mechanism 900 can connect the steering mechanism H to
tree limbs, on the road so as to make the ride as Smooth as the front motorcycle tire FMT by attaching onto the upper
possible. It is to be noted that the first outer end 542a of the 65 portion 300a and the lower portion 300b of the bracket
first tow arm 540a and the second outer end 542b of the assembly 150c of the third embodiment 100c, as illustrated
second tow arm 540b can pivotally couple the suspension in FIGS. 9A and 9B, so that the front motorcycle tire FMT
US 9,440,488 B1
11 12
can be controlled by the steering mechanism H. Similar to RMT can rotate about the bracket assembly 150d in a similar
the first embodiment 100a, the front motorcycle tire FMT fashion to the second embodiment 100b.
having the third embodiment 100c (or fourth embodiment However, the drive assembly 600 of the fourth embodi
100d) can be passively rotated, such as by the force provided ment 100d also includes a support member 608 configured
by the rear motorcycle tire RMT. Moreover, it is to be noted, 5 to house and protect, Such as Substantially protect, the drive
that the steering mechanism H. Such as through the connec shaft 605 from being damaged. The support member 608
tion mechanism 900, can be configured to activate the at having a front end 610 that can be attached to the motorcycle
least one brake disc caliper 174. Such as through a braking and a back end 615 having an upper arm 620 and a lower
system 910, to stop the rotation of the front motorcycle tire arm 625 configured for mounting onto the bracket assembly
FMT. The braking system 910 can be any suitable braking 10 150d of the fourth embodiment 110d, as described below. It
system known in the art. It is to be understood that the brake is to be noted that the support member 608 can include an
disc 170 (FIG. 6B) may be positioned in the center of the opening 602 through which the drive shaft 605 can extend
outer ring 176 to eliminate, such as Substantially eliminate, So as to communicate with a power source (not shown). Such
as an engine, configured to rotate the drive shaft 605, which,
any Swerving, wobbling, or imbalance of the front motor 15 in turn, can rotate the gear 607 so as to rotate the rear
cycle time FMT when the braking system 910 is applied. motorcycle tire RMT, such as in a forward direction or in a
It is to be noted that similar to the first embodiment 100a rearward direction.
and the second embodiment 100b, the bracket assembly Similar to the bracket assemblies 150b, 150c of the
150c of the third embodiment 100c can include an adver second embodiment of the hubless wheel system 100b and
tisement assembly, such as the attachment plate AP (FIG. the third embodiment of the hubless wheel system 100c,
5A), displaying an advertisement, a logo, or a brand, or a respectively, the bracket assembly 150d of the fourth
monitor (not shown). Such as a water/dust proof monitor, embodiment of the hubless wheel system 100d is configured
displaying an advertisement, a logo, a brand, such as an for mounting onto inner ring mounting brackets 125 posi
aftermarket brand coupled to each secondary upper attach tioned within the main stationary ring 110 in a similar
ment member 309 of the upper portion 300a of the bracket 25 fashion as with the other embodiments 100a-100C. The
assembly 150c. For example, the advertising plate AP (or the fourth embodiment of the hubless wheel system 100d
monitor) coupled to the upper portion 300a of the bracket includes two members, such as an upper portion 400a and a
assembly 150c of the front motorcycle tire FMT can display lower portion 400b. The upper portion 400a of the fourth
a logo. Such as the AudiR logo, to individuals as the bracket assembly 150d can include a plurality of primary
motorcycle passes by, as illustrated in FIG. 5A, in a similar 30 upper openings 402a, each of the plurality of primary upper
fashion as the first embodiment 100a and second embodi openings 402a configured for receiving fasteners for mount
ment 100b, described herein. Further, the advertisement ing onto a corresponding inner ring mounting bracket 125
plate AP positioned on the upper portion 300a of the bracket positioned within the main stationary ring 110 in a similar
assembly 150c of the front motorcycle tire FMT can serve fashion as with the other embodiments 100a-110c, a plural
to act as a counterweight for the front motorcycle tire FMT. 35 ity of upper coupling members 403a (desirably two upper
Such as when the motorcycle M is being turned so as to assist coupling members 403a), each of the plurality of upper
in balancing the motorcycle M. It is to be understood that the coupling members 403a of the bracket assembly 150d of the
upper bracket 300a of the bracket assembly 150c for the rear fourth embodiment 100d configured for attaching onto the
motorcycle tire RMT can be similarly configured with upper arm 620 of the support member 608 of the drive
secondary upper attachment members to attach a second 40 assembly 600, such as with any suitable type of fastener,
advertising plate (not shown) displaying a logo, brand, or Such as a screws, a plurality of secondary upper openings
advertisement. 404a, each of the plurality of secondary upper openings
Referring to FIGS. 10-11C, similar to the third embodi 404a configured for receiving a fastener to secure the at least
ment 100c, the fourth embodiment 100d also includes the one disc brake caliper 174, as described above, and a
inner ring assembly 105 having the main stationary ring 110. 45 plurality of tertiary upper openings 409 configured for
the middle ring assembly, and the outer ring 176. Further, mounting the advertising plate AP as illustrated in FIG. 5A.
similar to the third embodiment 100c, the fourth embodi The lower portion 400b of the bracket assembly 150d of
ment 100d includes the wheel assembly 500, the suspension the fourth embodiment 100d includes a plurality of primary
assembly 520, and the step-lock assembly 530. However, the lower openings 402b, each of the plurality of primary lower
fourth embodiment 100d also includes a drive assembly 600 50 openings 402b configured for mounting onto a correspond
positioned in communicating relation with the outer ring ing inner ring mounting bracket 125 positioned within the
176, such that the rear motorcycle tire RMT having the main stationary ring 110 (as described above), a plurality of
fourth embodiment 100d can be actively rotated, and a lower coupling members 403b configured for attaching onto
bracket assembly 150d (FIG. 11B). the lower arm 625 of the support member 608 of the drive
Similar to the drive assembly 210 of the second embodi 55 assembly 600, such as with any suitable type of fastener,
ment 100b, the drive assembly 600 of the fourth embodi Such as a screws, and a plurality of lower attachment
ment 100d includes the annular rack 216 that can be members 405 (preferably two lower attachment members
mounted on the inner portion 177 of the outer ring 176 405) configured to attach onto the side wheel assembly 500,
positioned within the rear motorcycle tire RMT, a drive shaft as described above.
605, such as a substantially elongated drive shaft suitable to 60 By way of operation, once the upper portion 400a and the
actively rotate the rear motorcycle tire RMT, a gear 607, lower portion 400b of the bracket assembly 150d of the
Such as a pinion gear, positioned in fluid communication fourth embodiment 100d have been secured to the main
with the annular rack 216, and a plurality of bearings 630, stationary ring 110 of the inner ring assembly 105 and the
Such as ball bearings, configured to aid in the rotation, Such inner ring assembly 105 has been positioned within the
as the smooth rotation, of the drive shaft 605. It is to be noted 65 middle ring assembly 159, as described above. The side
that the annular rack 216 can provide rotating force to the wheel assembly 500 can be secured to the lower portion
rear motorcycle tire RMT so that the rear motorcycle tire 400b of the bracket assembly 150d of the fourth embodi
US 9,440,488 B1
13 14
ment 100d. The suspension assembly 520 can be pivotally portion of the outer ring, the middle ring being posi
attached to the first wheel fork 515a and the second wheel tioned within the outer ring; and
fork 515a, and the step-lock assembly 530 can be attached, a bracket assembly positioned within the main stationary
such as by any suitable means, to the lower portion 400b of r1ng,
the bracket assembly 150d of the fourth embodiment 100d, 5 wherein the inner ring assembly, the middle ring assem
as illustrated in FIG. 11C. Subsequently, the middle ring bly, and the outer ring assembly of the hubless wheel
assembly 159 can be inserted and secured to the outer ring system for motor vehicles are arranged in a coaxial
176, such as the outer ring 176 of the rear motorcycle tire arrangement.
RMT, in a similar fashion as the second embodiment 100b. 2. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
The drive shaft 605 of the drive assembly 600 of the 10 to claim 1, further comprising a drive assembly positioned
fourth embodiment 100d positioned within the rear motor in communicating relation with the outer ring, the drive
cycle tire RMT can then be attached to a power source (not assembly having an annular rack mounted on the inner
shown) similar to the second embodiment 100b. For portion of the outer ring and a drive shaft including a gear,
example, the drive shaft 605 can be connected to the power the gear positioned in fluid communication with the annular
Source. Such as an engine, configured to rotate the drive shaft 15 rack.
605. The rotating drive shaft 605 can, in turn, rotate the gear 3. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
214 so as to rotate the annular rack 216 attached to the outer to claim 1, wherein the middle ring assembly further com
ring 176 coupled to the rear motorcycle tire RMT, such as in prises at least one disc brake caliper being positioned in
a forward direction or in a rearward direction. communicating relation with the brake disc.
It is to be noted that similar to the third embodiment 100c, 4. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
the bracket assembly 150d of the fourth embodiment 100d to claim 1, wherein the bracket assembly comprises a
can include an advertisement assembly, Such as the adver bracket having a plurality of ends, the bracket configured for
tising plate AP (FIG. 5A), displaying an advertisement, a attachment to the main stationary ring and the at least one
logo, or a brand, or a monitor (not shown). Such as a disc brake caliper.
water/dust proof monitor, displaying an advertisement, a 25 5. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
logo, a brand, Such as an aftermarket brand coupled to each to claim 4, wherein the bracket comprises an advertising
tertiary upper attachment member 409 of the upper portion section configured for displaying an advertisement.
400a of the bracket assembly 150d. For example, the 6. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
advertising plate AP (or the monitor) coupled to the upper to claim 1, wherein the bracket assembly comprises an upper
portion 400a of the bracket assembly 150d of the front 30 bracket portion and a lower bracket portion spaced from the
motorcycle tire FMT. Such as by any Suitable means, can upper bracket portion.
display a logo, such as the AudiR logo, to individuals as the 7. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
motorcycle passes by, as illustrated in FIG. 5A, in a similar to claim 6, wherein the bracket assembly further includes an
fashion as the first embodiment 100am, the second embodi upper Suspension arm positioned in communicating relation
ment 100b, and the third embodiment 100c, described 35 with the upper portion and a lower Suspension arm posi
herein. Further, the advertisement plate AP positioned on the tioned in communicating relation with the lower portion.
upper portion 400a of the bracket assembly 150d of the front 8. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
motorcycle tire FMT can serve to act as a counterweight for to claim 6, further comprising a side wheel assembly
the front motorcycle tire FMT, such as when the motorcycle coupled to the lower portion of the bracket assembly, the
M is being turned so as to assist in balancing the motorcycle 40 side wheel assembly having a plurality of side wheels.
M. It is to be understood that the upper bracket 400a of the 9. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles according
bracket assembly 150d for the rear motorcycle tire RMT can to claim 8, wherein the side wheel assembly comprises a
be similarly configured, such as with tertiary upper attach Suspension assembly.
ment members, so as to attach a second advertising plate 10. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord
(not shown) (or a monitor) displaying a logo, brand, or 45 ing to claim 8, comprising a step-lock assembly including a
advertisement. member having a first end coupled to the lower portion of
It is to be understood that the present invention is not the bracket assembly and a second end positioned in com
limited to the embodiments described above, but encom municating relation with the side wheel assembly.
passes any and all embodiments within the scope of the 11. A hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, compris
following claims. 50 1ng:
I claim: an inner ring assembly including a main stationary ring
1. A hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, comprising: having an inner track and an outer track and a plurality
an inner ring assembly including a main stationary ring of inner ring mounting brackets positioned within the
having an inner track and an outer track and a plurality main stationary ring, a first bearing rotatably mounted
of inner ring mounting brackets positioned within the 55 on the inner track, a second bearing rotatably mounted
main stationary ring, a first bearing rotatably mounted on the outer track, and a side plate positioned in
on the inner track, a second bearing rotatably mounted communicating relation with the second bearing;
on the outer track, and a side plate positioned in a middle ring assembly mounted onto the first and second
communicating relation with the second bearing; bearings of the inner ring assembly, the middle ring
a middle ring assembly mounted onto the first and second 60 assembly having a middle ring and a brake disc secured
bearings of the inner ring assembly, the middle ring to the middle ring, the middle ring including an inner
assembly having a middle ring and a brake disc secured side and an outer side, the inner side having a plurality
to the middle ring, the middle ring including an inner of mounting tabs connected to the brake disc;
side and an outer side, the inner side having a plurality an outer ring having an inner portion and a plurality of
of mounting tabs connected to the brake disc; 65 outer ring mounting brackets positioned on the inner
an outer ring having an inner portion and a plurality of portion of the outer ring, the middle ring being posi
outer ring mounting brackets positioned on the inner tioned within the outer ring:
US 9,440,488 B1
15 16
a bracket assembly positioned within the main stationary of inner ring mounting brackets positioned within the
ring, the bracket assembly having an upper bracket main stationary ring, a first bearing mounted on the
portion and a lower bracket portion spaced from the inner track, a second bearing mounted on the outer
upper bracket portion; and track, and a side plate positioned in communicating
a drive assembly positioned in communicating relation 5 relation with the second bearing;
with the outer ring, the drive assembly having an a middle ring assembly mounted onto the first and second
annular rack mounted on the inner portion of the outer bearings of the inner ring assembly, the middle ring
ring and a drive shaft including a gear, the gear posi assembly having a middle ring and a brake disc secured
tioned in fluid communication with the annular rack, to the middle ring, the middle ring including an inner
wherein the inner ring assembly, the middle ring assem 10
side and an outer side, the inner side having a plurality
bly, and the outer ring assembly of the hubless wheel of mounting tabs connected to the brake disc;
system for motor vehicles are arranged in a coaxial an outer ring having an inner portion and a plurality of
12. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord outer ring mounting brackets positioned on the inner
ing to claim 11, further comprising a side wheel assembly 15 portion of the outer ring, the middle ring being posi
coupled to the lower portion of the bracket assembly, the tioned within the outer ring:
side wheel assembly having a plurality of side wheels. a bracket assembly positioned within the main stationary
13. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord ring, the bracket assembly having an upper bracket
ing to claim 12, wherein the side wheel assembly comprises portion and a lower bracket portion;
a Suspension assembly. a drive assembly positioned in communicating relation
14. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord with the outer ring, the drive assembly having an
ing to claim 12, further comprising a step-lock assembly annular rack mounted on the inner portion of the outer
including a member having a first end coupled to the lower ring and a drive shaft including a gear, the gear posi
portion of the bracket assembly and a second end positioned tioned in fluid communication with the annular rack;
in communicating relation with the side wheel assembly. 25 a side wheel assembly being coupled to the lower portion
15. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord of the bracket assembly, the side wheel assembly
ing to claim 11, wherein the middle ring assembly further having a plurality of side wheels; and
comprises at least one disc brake caliper positioned in a Suspension assembly,
communicating relation with the brake disc. wherein the inner ring assembly, the middle ring assem
16. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord 30
bly, and the outer ring assembly of the hubless wheel
ing to claim 11, wherein the bracket assembly further system for motor vehicles are arranged in a coaxial
includes an upper suspension arm positioned in communi arrangement.
cation relation with the upper portion and a lower Suspen 19. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord
sion arm positioned in communicating relation with the
lower portion. 35 ing to claim 18, wherein the drive assembly further includes
17. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord a Support member configured for housing the drive shaft, the
ing to claim 11, wherein the drive assembly further includes Support member having a front end and a back end having
a Support member configured for housing the drive shaft, the an upper arm and a lower arm.
Support member having a front end and a back end having 20. The hubless wheel system for motor vehicles accord
an upper arm and a lower arm. 40 ing to claim 18, further comprising a step-lock assembly
18. A hubless wheel system for motor vehicles, compris including a member having a first end coupled to the lower
1ng: portion and a second end positioned in communicating
an inner ring assembly including a main stationary ring relation with the side wheel assembly.
having an inner track and an outer track and a plurality k k k k k