Hbse 103

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Shamita C.

Bongalon 2nd year – BS Social Work

Teenage Pregnancy / Early Pregnancy

We all know that even before the pandemic, we had this social issue concerning
the youth. In 2019, there is an issue about giving students a condom and distributing it
in school to lessen our problem of teenage pregnancy, but many people, especially the
Catholic Church, disagree about this new practice of distributing condoms in school.

Given that the Philippines had the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the
ASEAN region, this is not surprising. According to data from the Commission on
Population and Development, births among girls who are 15 years old or younger
increased by 7% in 2019. There were 62,510 Filipino minors who gave birth in 2019, up
from 62,341 in 2018. 2,411 very young adolescents, or roughly seven every day,
between the ages of 10 and 14, gave birth in 2019. Due to today's teenagers'
preference for watching websites, social media has a role to play in this rise. They are
intrigued by what they have observed and eager to put it to use in their daily lives.
It has been a year since the world came to a complete standstill. Businesses
closed their doors to employees, countries closed their borders, and people were
compelled to stay inside and lock their doors to strangers. Everything appears to be still
and unmoving as a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic that we are currently
experiencing. Surprisingly, however, more children are being born to unprepared young
mothers. Teenage pregnancies are becoming more common over time.

I chose this issue because I also wanted to give my opinion and try to reduce this
problem among youth. In my opinion, why teenage pregnancy? First, many youths face
depression, anxiety, and feeling lonely, especially since we can't go out and see our
friends. They are scared that this pandemic will never end. That is why they want
someone to be beside them and comfort them. Next is that the youth want to find
distractions and entertain them. Some young people are more focused on gadgets and
exploring social media. Some youths are liberated and some young people's reasons
include the fact that "this is a trend" and they simply want to be a part of it. Finally, they
are deficient in They will need information and advice from their parents or guardians
because, as we all know since the pandemic started, our parents are the ones that will
answer our questions about this issue, and they are the ones that should educate their
teenage children that we shouldn't do this thing. because we are not old enough to do
this and it is for married people only.

Early childbirth may have negative health effects and pose a risk to the nation's
ability to grow economically. Teenagers who are pregnant have lower lifetime earnings
potential and a lower likelihood of completing higher education, which costs the nation
money. The percentage of young women who have started having children is lower in
urban areas than in rural areas. Compared to young women with higher education
levels and those from wealthier households, young women with only a basic education
and those from the poorest households are more likely to have started having children.

A higher risk of health issues like preeclampsia, anemia, contracting STDs

(sexually transmitted diseases), premature delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, and poor
mental health outcomes is also linked to teenage pregnancy. Violence and depression
are more prevalent in teenage mothers, which can raise the risk of mental disorders.
With inadequate complementary feeding and breastfeeding, frequent infections,
inadequate food, health, and care, mothers who are in poor maternal health are more
likely to have low birth weight babies. The cycle continues through the generations as
the low-birth-weight baby grows into a stunted child, teenager, and finally a
malnourished pregnant woman who has another low-birth-weight baby. Their body may
contend for nutrition and space with growing fetuses while they are being carried.

In order to inform the teen age groups about the effects of being a teenage
mother on both themselves and their children, proper education is required. The
inclusion of sex education in the module aids in raising awareness of the effects of
having sex at a young age.

And as a social work student, I think to reduce the rate of this problem, it should
start in our home, our family. Our elders should make an effort to understand and care
for the youth. We should make the youth realize that the attention and love they are
seeking can be found in the arm of their family, and that even if we leave and lose
everything and everyone we love and trust, our family will always welcome us with the
warmest hug and the comfort we deserve.

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