Pop Cycle Semester 3 - Valdez

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Teacher Induction Program

Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form (POP)

Revised 4.20.23

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

1. New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation
2. Minimum three days before lesson delivery, NT prepares POP Cycle Form.
3. NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
4. NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
5. Minimum 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A: New Teacher Reflection; completes
Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback.
6. ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference. Lesson plan is adjusted as needed and finalized for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
7. During lesson delivery, ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and
Student Actions.
8. Prior to Post-Observation Conference, NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery.
Post Observation Conference Directions:
9. Within 48 hours, NT and ME share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes; complete Section 4. All parts should
be transcribed into one document and submitted to course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information

New Teacher Em Subject Area Grade

ail Level
Briana Valdez bvaldez@gabri.org Multiple Subject 2

Mentor Em School/District Date

Almarosa Ulloa aulloa@gabri.org Gabriella Charter School 11/27/28

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Lesson

Topic Title
2.OA.1 Use addition and Use story problems to solve Add and Subtract Within Add or Subtract to Solve Story
subtraction within 100 to solve addition and subtraction 100. Problems
one- and two-step word problems within 100.
problems involving situations
of adding to, taking from,
putting together, taking apart,
and comparing, with
unknowns in all positions,
e.g., by using drawings and
equations with a symbol for
the unknown number to
represent the problem.
2.NBT.5 Fluently add and
subtract within 100 using
strategies based on place
value, properties of
operations, and/or the
relationship between addition
and subtraction.

CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)

1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills Skills are Skills are applied Skills are refined as Skills are polished
are newly formed and developing as NT as NT makes NT combines as NT expands
just coming into investigates and increased elements into a ability to add new
prominence examines relevant and cohesive and unified methods and
pedagogical suitable use pedagogical strategies into
practices of repertoire pedagogical
pedagogical repertoire
CS Elem Initial Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating
T ent Rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
T- T - Utilizes a variety of strategies including culturally responsive
1.4 Using a variety of instructional Applyi
pedagogy, resources, and technologies during ongoing
strategies, resources, and ng
S- instruction to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
technologies to meet students’
Applyi S - Students participate in instruction using strategies,
diverse learning needs. ng
resources, and technologies matched to their learning needs.

1.5 Promoting critical thinking through T - Exploring

inquiry, problem solving, and S - Exploring T- Includes questions in single lessons that require students to
reflection. recall, interpret, and think critically.
S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to
promote comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or
a sequence of lessons.
2.7 Use instructional time to T- T - Paces instruction with students to provide adequate time for
optimize learning Applying instruction, checking for understanding, completion of learning
S- activities, and closure.
S - Students participate and complete a variety of learning
activities in the time allotted with options for extension and

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your
Summarize critical Learner w/ILP/504 Choice
needs and how you
will address them JL is a hard working, attentive RO is easily distracted, so I LUM is beginning to better
during this lesson. student. She is working on place him with students that understand how to use place
building her knowledge of help him to focus. The math value to add double digit
place value and applying that manipulatives help engage numbers together. She will
knowledge to addition and him, so I will provide him with benefit from a place value mat
subtraction problems. I will base 20 blocks to help him and base 10 blocks to help her
provide her with base 10 work out the problems. add and subtract.
blocks to help her visualize
the work.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the Provide feedback on lesson plan reflection.
lesson plan.

Inquiry How can the use of manipulatives help Manipulatives are a kinesthetic tool to
Focus/Special students to better conceptualize adding and support the conceptualization of adding and
Emphasis subtracting double-digit numbers. One thing
subtracting double digit numbers?
 What is your inquiry focus to ensure that the tools are practical is to
and/or special emphasis? Students will work with a partner for the have them accessible during the lesson and
 How will you incorporate majority of the lesson and will use base 10 for students to know how to use them
the inquiry focus and/or appropriately.
blocks to help them solve the problems.
special emphasis into the Partner work is a great way to help students
lesson? Are there any better strategies you know of for stay engaged and accountable to the task
 What specific feedback do you helping students understand how to add and presented. As students work in partnership,
want from your ME? subtract numbers within 100? you can monitor the conversations and take
informal data of students' understanding or

Inquiry Focus/Students Are there any ways I can better accommodate The pacing of the lesson will significantly
 What specific feedback any of my focus students? How to best helps influence the focus of your focus students and
regarding your focus students that only pay attention for short overall class. A sand timer for RO might be a
students do you want from
amounts of time and who are frequently off helpful tool for the student to be more
your ME?
task? accountable for completing work in a time
chunk that the student will feel successful with.

Specific Is there any part of my instruction that I need As you continue to learn your standards, you
Feedback to improve on? Is there anything I need to will see that standards will overlap, and
 What additional specific change in my teaching instruction so students students' math skills can be reflected in many
feedback do you want from
are activating more critical thinking skills? ways. Seeing that word, problems can have
your ME regarding lesson
implementation? different entry points will allow students to
think more critically.
A specific example might be removing the
numbers from a word problem and having
students use their skills as readers to
decipher what the problem is telling them
what to do. Afterward, you can plug in
subsets of numbers that may be easy,
medium, or hard, and students can choose
the number pairs they want to solve. Early
finishers can then be tasked to complete the
other number pairs.

Instructional Planning The lesson will open with a number talk warm How does the warm-up set students up to
 How is the lesson up. access the questions in their math groups?
structured (opening, When the warm-up connects, you can take
body, and closing)? Students will break up into their math groups
informal data and anticipate what students
 What varied teaching with their workbooks and base 10 blocks. I will
may need more support during group work.
strategies and differentiated project the questions on the board and
instruction will help students students will begin to identify the type of word Math manipulatives and place value mats are
meet lesson goals? problem and will work together to solve it. very helpful tools! As students are in groups,
 What progress monitoring
you may consider pulling math groups and
strategies will be used? How Students will have access to base 10 blocks
will results inform instruction? having students bring their materials/tools to
and place value mats to work through the
the rug to discuss how they were solving the
problems together.
problem. You can use this to identify what
As students work with their group mates, I will trends or misconceptions are rising within
walk around to check their work and ask them math groups. You can also teach explicitly to
questions about their findings. Students will students who may need support or a reteach.
complete an individual exit ticket at the end.
Do students have an opportunity to practice
individually before completing an exit ticket?

Students have been enjoying using base 10

Student Engagement/Learning This is really great! I agree that the warm up is
 How will you make the blocks to solve and are highly engaged when designed to get them thinking about the tens
lesson relevant to all identifying tens and ones in numbers. Our and ones. A great tool is documenting on chart
the students? warm up is designed to get them thinking paper in what ways were student's thinking
 How will students show about 10s and 1s as they look at an image of about tens and ones. Doing this may allow
progress towards master of student's entry points they can reference when
base 10 blocks on the screen. working in their groups. For example, some
lesson objectives? Students will show progress toward lesson may attempt solving the word problem using a
objectives by using what they know about 100’s chart or number line instead of the base
story problems and place value to answer
10 blocks.
questions. If they are able to do this, I will
determine who is progressing and who needs
additional support.

Classroom Management I use positive reinforcement to encourage Positive reinforcement is important to come
 How will you maintain a students who are on task and trying their best. from both the teacher and students. Students
positive learning When I see students who are stuck, I ask
them questions to guide them toward the might be able to say a word or phrase or share
environment with a
answer, while offering new strategies when a positive nonverbal action when a peer
welcoming climate of
necessary. I use equity sticks to get a variety shares their thinking, so one can celebrate
caring, respect, and
fairness? of student voices to share, however, students students' taking risks.
are able to ask a friend to help them if they are
unsure of how to answer. This creates a safe, Another consideration is the type of probing
non-judgemental environment for students questions you ask your students to support
who do not feel comfortable sharing.
their thinking. Asking questions to guide them
toward the answer can be an issue of equity
since you may not be tapping into the
strengths they already bring. Students will also
become dependent and not experience being
in a productive struggle.

 Identify specific classroom

procedures and strategies for Students work in differentiated learning groups
preventing/redirecting during math. They are places with other
challenging behaviors. How often do you change your learning groups?
students who will keep them accountable and
focused. Students who are struggling to Are they grouped in a homogeneous or
complete work are usually the students who heterogeneous grouping?
struggle the most with the subject. In this case,
I reteach the lessons in a small group for For student accountability and misbehaviors,
students. must-dos and may-dos can support. All students
are expected to complete a specific task, and
then early finishers can work on may-do’s. These
may do’s can consist of an independent math

Closure I will end my lesson with an exit ticket. The exit ticket can help you see trends within
 How will you close your student understanding for the lesson. One thing
lesson? Based on the responses from the exit ticket, I
to be mindful of is seeing how the information of
 How will you assess will assess if I need to reteach any of the
the exit ticket addresses if students are
student learning and concepts of the lesson, or I will determine if
prepare them for the next demonstrating the access they have towards
they are ready for the next lesson.
lesson? the target standard.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
The teacher had most students
EXAMP Student's were tracking the Students were engaged, and
at the rug and some sitting at
LE teacher and most were the use of the equity sticks
CSTP 1: their tables during the lesson.
engaged when prompted to helped me to ensure multiple
Engaging One student supported leading
turn and talk. Student's called students had opportunities to
All the math lesson slides. The
to share were able to share share their observations and
Students  teacher monitored her teacher
their thinking in different ways. thinking. At table groups, most
In what talk and provided ample
Student's who struggled used students were engaged and
ways were opportunities for turn and talks.
the option to ask a friend. were working together to
students Teacher coordinated with
Student's eagerly shared their solve the math problems in
engaged? classroom instructional aide
ideas when prompted by the their workbooks.
and resource specialist to
support specific students who
may have needed more In groups, the majority of
support during the lesson. The students worked on the word
teacher provided student's with problems and checked in with
manipulatives and place value tablemates. Some student's
support maps to support their used the manipulatives and
thinking. During group work, the mats.
the teacher circulated the
classroom and checked in with
each group.
As the teacher sets up the word Students can become more invested Next time, I can try to engage
problem, what opportunities of real in the learning if they can make learners by asking them if any of
world connections can be made to more relevant connections. them have been on a bus before. I
engage students in the lesson? sometimes struggle with knowing how
much of the language to change in a
 What
*The example referred to a bus and lesson and how much to remain the
informati many students might take a city bus same. Maybe I can make
on can to come to school* adjustments to the language by using
you terms and experiences in story
provide Be consistent with your visual timer problems that are relevant to the
the NT so students can see how much time student backgrounds in my class.
regardin they have to work on problems.
The teacher had most students Most students were eager to share Math groups seem to be successful
CSTP 1: their ideas during the math lesson. for engaging learners and it provides
at the rug and some sitting at
Engaging Student's shared a variety of ideas. opportunities for them to explain their
their tables during the lesson.
All thinking, provides opportunities to
One student supported leading
Students Student's were able to access their practice academic language, and to
the math lesson slides. The
 In what base 10 blocks and place value use the resources around them to
teacher monitored her teacher
ways were mats when working in math groups. help them solve problems. Some
students talk and provided ample
Student's worked closely with their groups finished earlier than others. I
engaged? opportunities for turn and talks.
math groups and shared their ideas should offer other activities relevant
How were showing eachother their respective to the activity students are completing
students not The teacher used her equity workbooks. to give them additional practice and
engaged? sticks to call on student's to the prevent behavioral challenges.
 How did share out loud. Some student's finished early but
students did not know what to do next.
contribute to The teacher asked questions
their to prompt students to discuss Student's responded well to
and think about the math teachers' positive praise.
 How did problems.
and/or The teacher provided student's
students with manipulatives and place
monitor value support maps to support
learning?  their thinking. During group
How were work, the teacher circulated
the focus the classroom and checked in
students with each group.
d and
support The teacher provided a
ed positive narration of what she
throughout saw student's doing well during
the the whole group and small
lesson? group part of the lesson.

The teacher had student's

work in small groups so the
student's can remain engaged
and support one another.
The teacher created intentional tools Students participated in Students know the math routines
CSTP 2: for the math lesson. The teacher opportunities to share their thinking well. One way I think I can improve
Effective provides clear instructions and in partners and whole group. the learning environment is by
Learning engages students through different providing students with work to do
Environme opportunities to work with their Most students treat each other with when they finish early, so they may
nt classmates. Students have familiarity kindness and respect. continue practicing independently
 How did with math instruction structure during before we synthesize the lesson.
students whole group and small group Students used math tools to support
and instruction. their thinking.
contribute to

The teacher created tools for Student's were able to show their I try to provide students with multiple
student's to use when solving the thinking in ways different from what resources to support different
lesson math problems. The teacher was modeled by the teacher. When I understandings, learning styles, and
Subject also referenced previous lessons to checked in with student's, some strategy preferences. One practice I
Matter bridge student's knowledge of adding were able to solve the problem would like to continue is breaking
 What and subtracting numbers. This action using a number line. Another apart word problems, since
actions of the supported student's to make student used a number sentence comprehending what the word
NT connections of number values which with a missing addend to show her problem is asking is a difficult skill for
contributed to ultimately helped them to ensure thinking. many students in class. One thing I
student they were subtracting correctly and need to improve is the pacing of the
assimilation helped address the misconception in lessons in terms of how much time is
of subject the moment. The teacher read the allotted for group practice,
matter? word problem out loud to the class independent practice, and lesson
 How did and chunked each part for an synthesis at the end. Sometimes it
students opportunity for short discussions with feels rushed, and I want to make sure
construct classmates. Having these there is adequate time for all parts of
knowledge of conversations pieced the problems the lesson structure.
into more manageable steps. The
teacher circulated the classroom
which provides formative data for
 What student understanding,
misconce misconceptions and progress.
ptions did
have and
by the
Instruction was differentiated based Students participated in the lesson I provided various scaffolds and
on the support that was given during through whole group instruction and walked around to various groups to
small groups. The resource specialist math team groups. Student's were ask about strategies they were using
Experienc teacher and classroom aide also eager and actively participated in to solve the problem.Other support
es provided instructional support by turns and talks. staff who were with me were able to
 How reinforcing the use of manipulative or offer extra support to students during
were place value mat. work time as well. Everyone used the
students manipulatives provided to them and
supported their group.
 How did
 How did
the NT
to student
The teacher provided ample Student's demonstrated I demonstrated my thought process
opportunities for students to process achievement to the lesson when going over the initial word
Assessing with classmates. The teacher also objectives when using a strategy to problem to show how to interpret
Student explicitly modeled her thinking when solve the math word problem. every bit of information provided.
Learning solving the example word problem. Some students struggled to get Some groups have been struggling to
 How did The teacher used informal started on the word problem and get started, that is telling me there are
studentsde observations and checks for were given support and redirection. skills they need to build to figure out
monstrate understanding to monitor student where to begin when solving a
achieveme progress. The teacher created an problem. I also may adjust some of
nt of emotionally and physically safe the math groupings and provide more
lesson environment to maximize student opportunity for independent practice.
objectives achievement.
 In what
ways did
struggle or
 What

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
Many students met the lesson objective to use story problems to solve addition and subtraction problems within 100. There
To what
are some students who need additional practice with breaking down various components of a word problem, including how
degree did to identify the type of question they are answering.
To what degree Focus Student 1: English Learn Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your
did focus (JL) w/ILP/504 (RO) Choice (LUM)
students JL met the learning objective to use With prompting, color coding, and With prompting and support, LUM
achieve story problems to add and subtract support from RSP staff, RO was able to was able to meet the learning
lesson within 100. She needed some support at meet the learning objective to solve objective. When asking prompting
objectives? the beginning, but she continues to story problems. questions, she was able to find
build her academic language to improve solutions to problems in chunks.
her performance.
Next time, I would like to provide more independent work time to students as an extra element to the lesson. I also would
What would you
like to pull a small group of students who need additional support to reteach skills or elements of the lesson they need help
do differently next
My three strengths were how I modeled my thinking, engaging students through various means, such as turn and talk or
What were
group work, and informally evaluating how well students were understanding and clarifying misconceptions as they came
three top
Three areas to improve is to add more independent practice opportunities for learners, to reteach students I am noticing are
What were
having more difficulties in small group instruction, and pacing my lesson instruction to comfortably fit all the elements of the
three top
areas for
I will make new math groupings based on needs I am seeing, work with students in small groups that need additional skill
What are next
practice, and finding resources to provide students with independent work time.
Other Comments/Notes
Overall the lesson went well, the adjustments that need to be made are manageable. The feedback is extremely helpful and will be implemented to help
me better plan for future instruction.

All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document
and submitted to course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized
on the NT ILP as appropriate.

POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
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