De La Torre Pop Cycle
De La Torre Pop Cycle
De La Torre Pop Cycle
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle (In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
NT pedagogical skills Skills are Skills are applied Skills are refined as Skills are polished
are newly formed and developing as NT as NT makes NT combines as NT expands
just coming into investigates and increased elements into a ability to add new
prominence examines relevant and cohesive and unified methods and
pedagogical suitable use pedagogical strategies into
practices of repertoire pedagogical
pedagogical repertoire
CS Elem Initial Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating
T ent Rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
Connecting subject matter to 2 Explore using additional real-life connections to subject matter in single lessons on
1.3 meaningful, real-life contexts sequence of lessons to support understanding. Sudents make use of real-
life connections provided in single lessons or sequence of lessons to support students
on subject matter.
3.3 curriculum to facilitate student under 2
standing of the subject matter
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your
Summarize critical Learner w/ILP/504 Choice
needs and how
you will address Destiny Ireno Ana Casimiro Dave Luna
them during this
Inquiry I want students to reflect on how policies Having students make connections to
Focus/Special passed during the Imperialism era are still their experiences to historical events
Emphasis will make the lesson meaningful to
affecting American lives today.
What is your inquiry focus them.
and/or special emphasis? The specific feedback I want from my ME is
How will you incorporate the how to help guide our specific student
inquiry focus and/or special population to think critically on how US Our student population typically wants
emphasis into the lesson? to know
imperialism has affected the economy and day
What specific feedback do why do I have to do this” or “how is this
to day lives of people around the globe.
you want from your ME?
relevant to me”? To help students make
these connections you could show them
examples of laws and practice through
the decades leading up to today and
ask them to give examples.
Inquiry Focus/Students I would like to know how to keep students Keeping our students attention is
What specific feedback focused in a classroom setting when most of challenging. The use of short video clips
regarding your focus our demographic completes history through
students do you want from to engage them visually is a good
independent studies.
your ME? practice. Also the use of contemporary
music and then playing music from the
past will help keep them engaged.
Specific I would like to know how I can switch up my The information that I shared in the previous
Feedback lesson when I see that students are beginning response should help with this. Embedding
What additional specific to lose focus. clips or sound throughout the lesson will help
feedback do you want
with reengagement.
from your ME regarding
lesson implementation?
Instructional Planning I start class with an opening/essential Your instructional planning, lesson content,
How is the lesson question, go into lecture while students follow and checking for understanding looks well
structured (opening, along with guided notes, and end class with an designed.
body, and closing)?
What varied teaching
strategies and differentiated Providing students with copies of notes so they
instruction will help students can follow along, I play videos to bring history
meet lesson goals? What to life, and stop to check for understanding at
progress monitoring
various points of my lecture.
strategies will be used? How
will results inform instruction? Results of check for understanding will allow
me to rephrase lecture and reteach a concept
if needed.
Classroom Management During lecture I will walk around to ensure Good, if needed you can use specific
How will you maintain a students are staying focused on the task at seating/grouping to address behavioral issues.
positive learning hand. I will also have students share a little
about themselves during our opening question This type of setting arrangement could also
environment with a
of the day. ensure that the student population’s needs are
welcoming climate of
caring, respect, and met.
fairness? Lesson will be closed by having students
complete a summary of their guided notes,
complete a graphic organizer, having students
identify causes of imperialism, and
introduction of the gilded age.
Identify specific classroom
procedures and strategies for
preventing/redirecting Looks good.
challenging behaviors.
How will you close your
How will you assess
student learning and
prepare them for the next
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery Part 3B: NT Reflection
on Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions
Engaging All Students
In what ways were
students engaged?
If possible stretch your lesson I would suggest asking the students The lesson that was observed was
out to give students the questions after a video clip to essentially two lessons in one. At
opportunity to connect and ensure that they are engaged. our program, we only see our
What information
absorb the material. There were students twice a week. I teach US
can you provide a couple of instances where the history on Tuesday and Thursday.
the NT students were making great Due to the Halloween observation,
regarding connections to the material and Tuesday’s class was canceled and
requested special tying it to science concepts (for therefore Thursday served as a
feedback? example) makeup day. I agree that pacing and
asking questions after every video,
would help with engagement.
Q1< NT shared some lesson Q1< based on the NT’s lesson Anytime a student is willing to
information in lecture and video students were able to come up participate, I applaud them for their
Organizing Subject
format and then introduced with their own examples of bravery. We tend to have a
Matter some ideas/current events for relationships between past and population of students that tend to
What actions of the NT students to make their own current events. they were also close off. I believe that encouraging
contributed to connections. At other parts of able to make inferences to their them to guess, even if it’s wrong, is
student assimilation of the lesson, NT introduced a own community experiences a great way to reduce anxiety in the
subject current event and then tied it classroom setting.
matter? back to the historical events, so
How did students students could see the
construct knowledge of relationship between the two.
matter? Q1 one of the students made
What misconcepti ons an incorrect inference during a
did students have and discussion. NT thanked the
student for the response and
them made sure to share the
were they correct information for all
addressed by the students. The other students
teacher? did not point out the incorrect
inference. They respected the
student’s response, which
displays the classroom culture
that they have created
The classroom environment The students were able to use I have learned that providing the
and seating arrangement their Chromebooks to complete students with the notes as I am
Learning Experiences
allows all students to the lesson and classwork. This presenting them tends to lead to
How were students participate and learn safely. allowed students to work at their better retention of the material. As I
supported through Students were able to work in own pace, whether it was faster or lecture, students are writing their
differentiated groups and pairs. Students that slower for remediation notes at their own pace.
instruction? needed more support were
How did students seated toward the front, but still
participate? members of the groups.
How did the NT NT explained clearly the lesson
contribute to student topic, expected learning
learning? outcomes, and individual
homework assignment
NT presented the lesson with
both visual and auditory
components. She has also
fostered groups where
students can help each other
and she can spend more time
to re-teach concepts.
NT ensured students were The students participated in the I was very surprised the level of
following along with the lesson by lesson and were able to answer student engagement and interaction
Assessing Student asking questions to check for NT’s questions regarding with materials was high even after
Learning understanding of concepts. historical events. Students were such a long presentation. I usually
How did students also able to make connections to only lecture an average of 10-12
demonstrate their own lives & current events to minutes. This time however, I
achievement of lesson material in the lesson. lectured a little over 30 minutes.
objectives? Students did not lose focus and
In what ways did From my observation the lesson were asking questions. I believe
students struggle or was successful. I believe that overall the lesson was successful.
demonstrate limited struggle/limited understanding will
understanding? be best observed after unit
What teacher assessment
actions contributed to
student achievement?
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
To what degree did
students achieve I believe about 80% of the students were able to answer the essential question clearly
lesson objectives? based on their summary of the guided notes.
To what degree did focus Focus Student 1: Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your
students achieve English Learner w/ILP/504 Choice
lesson objectives?
D.I. was able to achieve A.C. was able to achieve the D.L was able to achieve the
the lesson objective 95% lesson objective 80% lesson objective 100%
independently. Student independently. Student asked for independently. Student asked
asked for clarification assistance from me and her me for clarification once.
from her classmate about classmate about 4-5 times.
two times. .
What would you do
Next time I will shorten the lecture portion of class and ask questions after each short video clip to ensure
differently next time?
students are connecting the video to the lesson.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
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