Pre-Assessment – I will teach and assess my students using only one learning
environment (at their desks in the classroom). Prior to the pre-assessment, students
will only be allowed to work at their desks.
Post-Assessment – Prior to the post assessment, I will allow students to learn and
work in various areas of the classroom using flexible seating. They will also have the
opportunity to learn the same material on an online digital environment.
Inquiry Focus/Special Emphasis
• What is your inquiry focus and/or special emphasis? Lesson Plan – Looking for Deeper Meaning in Text
• How will you incorporate the inquiry focus and/or * Students will take turns reading Chapter 7 of The Lemonade War in the literature
special emphasis into the lesson? circles.
• What specific feedback do you want from your ME? * Teacher will stop at various times and ask what the deeper meaning is in the text
(figurative language, symbolism, personification, etc.)
* Students will write the quotes from the books and give an explanation of the
deeper meaning. This can be done independently or in groups. Students have the
option of working with a worksheet or doing their work on a device and type out
their answers there.
* Students and teacher will share quotes and meanings at the end of literature
* At the end of the week, students will be tested on their reading comprehension.
Students will have the option of having a written test on paper, or an online
assessment. The questions will remain the same.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 4
Feedback – I would like feedback on the lesson plan, specially how to help students
recognize figurative language. Some students are very comfortable with figurative
language and are familiar with reading them and making sense of them. However,
other students have a difficult time even recognizing figurative language and often
get lost in the text. How can I teach all students about the deeper meaning of a text?
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
M is in 3rd grade and is younger than all of her
classmates – she is not yet 8 years old.
E is in 4th grade and is believed to be on the According to her age, she is supposed to be in
N is in 4th grade and has been an English Learner since Kindergarten.
autism spectrum. He has difficulty socializing 2nd grade this year, but she was admitted into
He struggles with using grammatically correct sentences in speech
with the other students in our class and prefers Kindergarten early. She struggles with even
and writing. He is very active and loves collaborative work.
to work alone most of the time. the simplest concepts, such as adding single-
CTP Testing Results
CTP Testing Results
Verbal Reasoning - 12 percentile
Verbal Reasoning - 7 percentile CTP Testing Results
Auditory Comprehension – 49 percentile
Focus Students Auditory Comprehension – 69 percentile Auditory Comprehension – 99 percentile
Reading Comprehension – 28 percentile
• Summarize critical needs and Reading Comprehension – 35 percentile Reading Comprehension – 99 percentile
how you will address them Writing Mechanics – 43 percentile
Writing Mechanics – 71 percentile Word Analysis – 98 percentile
during this lesson. Writing Concepts & Skills – 55 percentile
Writing Concepts & Skills – 73 percentile Writing Mechanics – 99 percentile
Quantitative Reasoning – 24 percentile
Quantitative Reasoning – 40 percentile Mathematics – 88 percentile
Mathematics 1 & 2 – 25 percentile
Mathematics 1 & 2 – 28 percentile
M is a struggling reader, so I will be helping
I will be scaffolding the lesson for N, giving him hints about where he
In order to help E with this lesson and her read the text to her reading group. In
can find various figurative language. I will also be reading the
assignment, I will be helping him read the text to addition, M has a hard time comprehending
chapter closely with him when he reads aloud to the group, helping
his reading group and stopping him to ask the text, so I will be stopping at various times
him pronounce certain words and asking probing questions about
various questions about the text to ensure that during the reading to ask students to
the text to ensure that he is comprehending the text.
he is comprehending the text. summarize the page or pages to ensure that
M and the other students understand what is
happening in the text.
I would like feedback on how I can scaffold the lesson to help my students. I The biggest thing for EL students it the vocabulary. As students
• What specific feedback regarding your focus students
especially need feedback on how to help my EL students understand the text during are reading, I would suggest going over a lot of vocabulary to
do you want from your ME?
literature circles. make sure that they are understanding the words.
I feel that there are plenty of accommodations and scaffolding
that you have provided to your students. With reading, it can be
Specific Feedback I would like to know if I’m teaching in a way that’s best for all of my students and if difficult to help students comprehend what they are reading.
• What additional specific feedback do you want from
I’m providing enough scaffolding and accommodations for my focus students. Helping students read fluently and helping to summarize and
your ME regarding lesson implementation?
retell the story in their own words often helps students think
about the test and therefore helps them understand it better.
Opening – Open the lesson by reviewing the story from last week’s literature circles.
Teacher will ask students to summarize the events of last week’s chapter and ask
other discussion questions involving the theme, symbolism, figurative language, etc.
Body – Students will take turns popcorn-reading today’s chapter while the teacher
monitors each student’s reading and pauses to ask discussion questions.
Instructional Planning
• How is the lesson structured (opening, body, and Closing – At the end of the literature circle, the teacher will hand out a worksheet This seems like a good lesson plan. It seems structured so that
closing)? with various comprehension questions. Students will take turns reading, discussing, all students will know what is required of them. I like that you
• What varied teaching strategies and differentiated and answering the reading comprehension questions. are pausing to stop and ask students various discussion
instruction will help students meet lesson goals? questions, helping them to understand the text at a deeper
• What progress monitoring strategies will be used? Teacher Strategies/Differentiated Instruction – The teacher will monitor each level.
How will results inform instruction? student’s ability to read carefully and provide scaffolding when needed.
Progress Monitoring Strategies – The teacher will use the reading comprehension
questions and answers to assess how well or poorly the students comprehended the
story. Depending on the answers, the teacher may have to go back and re-discuss
the chapter with the students, perhaps going back to specific pages to look for
Relevance – The teacher will make the lesson relevant to the students in that the
main theme of the story is a pretty general one – sibling rivalry. Within each
chapter, there are several instances where the characters in the story are having
issues getting along. By taking the main theme of the book, students are able to
Student Engagement/Learning Going over the main theme of the book will definitely help
make connections to the characters or make connections from this text to another
• How will you make the lesson relevant to all the students make stronger connections to the book and therefore
text that they have read at school or at home.
students? help them understand the text better. It’s also a good idea to
• How will students show progress towards master of have students not only make connections from text to self, but
Progress – The teacher will assess the students’ reading fluency and comprehension
lesson objectives? from text to self and text to world.
with the literature circles. Each week, there are different comprehension questions
and vocabulary and spelling words. Progress will be evident when students are able
to retell the chapters, summarize the main events of the chapter and the book, and
discuss the book in a way that shows that they comprehend the reading.
Positive Learning Environment – I use Class Dojo as part of my classroom
management. At the beginning of the school year, I went over the class rules and
Classroom Management talked about what kind of behavior is expected of my students. When they are
• How will you maintain a positive learning caught following the class rules, they are rewarded with Class Dojo Points, and if I like that you use Class Dojo for classroom management. I
environment with a welcoming climate of caring, they break rules, I take away points or give more harsh consequences, depending on might suggest focusing on the positive behaviors of your
respect, and fairness? the behavior. This promotes a caring, respectful, and fair class. There are times students rather than the negative behaviors. Students tend to
• Identify specific classroom procedures and strategies when students do not always follow the classroom rules. First, I give them a warning learn through positive reinforcement.
for preventing/redirecting challenging behaviors. and make sure they understand what they have done wrong. The second time they
break the rule, I take away Dojo points. If the behavior continues again, I take away
half of the student’s recess so that I may confer with him/her.
Lesson Closing – To end the literature circle, I will go around the circle and have each
The weekly comprehension tests seem like a great idea to keep
student state something that resonated with them in the chapter. This can be a
each student accountable for their own knowledge about the
Closure summary of the chapter, something that stood out, an important detail, or a
chapters. I’m wondering what type of assessment you will give
• How will you close your lesson? prediction of what will happen in the next chapter.
your students. For example, is there a chance that some
• How will you assess student learning and prepare students may have different thoughts about the chapter than
them for the next lesson? Assessment and Preparation for Next Lesson – To assess my students, I have a
weekly reading comprehension test scheduled for every Friday. This test assesses
students on their knowledge of the vocabulary that was used in the chapter, as well
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 4
as questions that pertain to the chapter that was discussed during the week. To I also like that you have students predict what will happen next.
prepare my students for the next lesson, I have them think of predictions of what This gives them an opportunity to think beyond the text into the
they might think will happen in the next chapters. next chapter(s).
CSTP 3: Organizing
Subject Matter
• What actions of the NT I feel like I addressed CSTP 3 pretty well in this
contributed to student lesson. If students seemed to be struggling in
assimilation of subject finding a particular response, I guided them to
matter? Teacher re-taught and built on prior teaching
No misconceptions were presented. the correct page number or part of the story to
• How did students • “You remember…”
Students reviewed answers whole group refresh their memory. In the future, I want
construct knowledge of • “We’ve learned…”
students to cite what page they found their
subject matter?
answers on so that they will have some reference
• What misconceptions did
students have and how
when checking their answers.
were they addressed by
the teacher?
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 3 of 4
CSTP 5: Assessing
Student Learning
• How did students
achievement of lesson Some students misunderstood the questions so I
objectives? Teacher asked for multiple responses, highlighting exemplary Students received multiple tries to attempt a correct tried to go back and guide them to the correct
• In what ways did answers. answer (modeling). answers. In future lessons, I’ll have to carefully
students struggle or She guided students through the text to find unknown answers. Most students were on track and engaged. form the questions so that students completely
demonstrate limited understand what is being asked.
• What teacher actions
contributed to student
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
E did not contribute much to the discussion when
To what degree did focus the class talked about the different questions and
N did very well in this lesson and gave very insightful answers during
students achieve lesson answers in this chapter. After reading his M participated in answering each of the
the class discussion. He was able to carefully cite each of his
objectives? responses, I found that E misunderstood a few questions and did a very good job answering
responses and had carefully thought out answers to each of the
questions and gave incorrect answers. However, each question and providing text evidence.
questions that were in the reading comprehension packet.
his ability to cite evidence was mastered in this
What would you do differently In future lessons, I want the students to lead the discussion instead of me leading the discussion. I may be able to do this by appointing a discussion leader in future reading
next time? comprehension lessons.
First, I think my ability to scaffold helped the students in answering each of the comprehension questions. Whenever I felt like students were stuck or unsure of the answer, I
What were three top Lesson lead them in the right direction. Another strength in this lesson was having students provide evidence on how they knew if each answer was correct. I made sure students
Strengths? went back to the text to make sure they found the correct answer. Third, I believe that tapping into my students’ prior knowledge helped to refresh some memories, which
then helped students answer the comprehension questions.
One area for improvement is my ability to formulate well-thought out questions for my students to answer to help them better understand the text and the story in each
chapter. Some students misunderstood some questions and it was partly my fault for not being clear in the questions I gave them. Second, one of my weaknesses in this
What were three top areas for lesson was always having the need to lead the discussion among my students. I felt that the discussion was very one-sided and students only gave direct answers, rather
improvement? than discussing different answers and finding a solution together. Another area for improvement is the organization of the lesson itself. Because I gave some students a
paper copy of the comprehension questions and other students a document in which to type their answers, it became difficult for some students to find the different
questions and answers. Some students had difficulty typing their answers in a document online.
In future lessons, I want to try appointing a discussion director so that I can be a facilitator in these chapter discussions. I believe this will help more of my students get
What are next steps?
engaged in discussing the book and give my class as a whole more reasonability to provide input in each discussion.
Other Comments/Notes
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 4 of 4