POP Cycle #3 Cosio, Melissa
POP Cycle #3 Cosio, Melissa
POP Cycle #3 Cosio, Melissa
NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire
CSTP Initial Rating Rating Description (Identify both teacher and student rating for
Element CSTP 1 and 2.)
T- Explores additional instructional strategies, resources, and technologies in single lessons or sequence of
1.4 Using a variety of instructional strategies, T- Exploring lessons to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
resources, and technologies to meet S- Exploring S- Students participate in single lessons or sequence of lessons related to their interests and experiences.
students’ diverse learning needs.
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504 (B)
(J) (A)
needs and how you
will address them For this semester, my ELL student is J. J is My second focus student needs help My focus student (A) would benefit from
during this lesson. good in math but sometimes needs extra focusing and showing mastery of concepts in being challenged and by providing this
guidance and support. J would benefit from an allotted time. B struggles with transitions, student with additional problems that are
being my focus student because I have and it can be difficult for him to show me challenging will allow them to extend their
noticed that although she understands a what he knows when working learning and not think everything is easy.
concept, she occasionally works too quickly independently. B also gets distracted, and I Adapting what they get for work and how
and needs to slow down to get the correct check in on him more so he can remember they show what they know is essential. I
answer. I sometimes ask her a few what I am teaching. When redirected, the will address this student’s needs by giving
questions for her to understand or show student often knows the answer but them challenges that will get them to think.
what she means. Breaking down this unit sometimes needs clarification. B also speaks Perhaps even adapting the work they
into sections and checking in more often quietly, so sometimes it's hard to hear him. I provide to show understanding. This way I
may help J grasp and understand how to am working closely with this student this can get an idea how much they know and
quickly count numbers starting from 5. I year, and I hope to help them understand where they need extra practice or help to
also plan to use many visuals and hands-on and master all Kindergarten concepts. comprehend. For this student, I can also
items to help her achieve success and add some more numbers to challenge him
understand concepts. with tally marks.
Closure I will close my lesson by having students work The closing activity sounds interactive and
How will you close your independently at their desks to complete a tally engaging. Seesaw work allows the teacher to
How will you assess mark seesaw activity. I will assess student review it at a later time if needed.
student learning and learning by asking comprehension questions
prepare them for the next throughout my lesson and checking for student
input while also checking their SeeSaw work
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 1 of 3
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Delivery Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student
NT did a lot of call and
EXAMPLE CSTP 1: Students had popsicle I liked having various call and
Engaging All Students response phrases to response phrases to get
sticks and were able to
In what ways were ensure all students were students attention. I also
show tally marks when
students engaged? paying attention. NT
the NT would give a noticed that using popsicle
allowed each student to sticks got students engaged
number. Having
have their own
individual sets of sticks and wondering what we
manipulatives so that
increased student would be doing with them.
everyone could Some students wondered if
participation as they
participate. ice cream would be involved
all had something to
since popsicle sticks were
being used.
Specific Feedback I liked my mentor’s feedback on
What information can NT had a great flow to her Students understood the reminding students that if they have a
you provide the NT lesson with multiple quick lesson objective. They also question or do not understand
regarding requested activities allowing students to understood what they were something, they can always ask those
special feedback? move and stay engaged. supposed to do to complete around them or a friend.
Incorporating technology was their independent work on
successful since students were Seesaw. I realized that although I hope or
already familiar with Seesaw. want to help everyone, it is good for
Sometimes Seesaw gets students to use each other for guidance
difficult when students get lost and support when I am not able to.
or forget how to navigate and
they all try to ask questions at
the same time. A tip to use is
to remind students before
excusing them, that if they
have a question on Seesaw, to
sit at their desk and raise a
quiet hand and you will get to
them when you can or they
can ask a friend at their table
clump. This will help lessen the
amount of students needing
teacher help.
Engaging All Students Majority of students were Students were engaged
engaged during whole group throughout whole group Students showed engagement in the
In what ways were
instruction. There were a select instruction and even more lesson by how they were sitting and
students engaged? How
few who got distracted a few engaged in their their responses to my questions. I also
were students not engaged?
times, but by using tone of voice independent work on their took note of where students' eyes were
and visuals, NT was able to iPads. and if they were following along.
How did students
regain the attention of all
contribute to their learning?
students numerous times Students that needed For the students who needed more
throughout the lesson. support raised their hand support or were not engaged, I made
How did teacher and/or sure to do a call and repeat to get their
and waited for NT to
students monitor learning? attention and redirect them back to the
Students contributed to their approach them. Students
own learning by displaying tally knew how to navigate lesson.
How were the focus
marks after the teacher gave Seesaw and what to do
students engaged and I monitored learning by asking
them a number. when or if they finished
supported throughout the questions throughout, checking for
lesson? understanding and seeing what student
NT did check-ins with the focus
students whether it was a responses were. For my high-flyers, I
verbal check in or progress challenged them to higher-level
monitoring throughout the thinking questions, while for the
lesson and the independent students who needed more support, I
work time. kept an extra eye on them and
reviewed more.
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017. Page 2 of 3
After completing this lesson and its supplementary activities, students were able to visualize groups of 5 quickly and think of
To what degree
numbers between 5 and 20 as five and some more. Students could show me any number I asked them with the tally marks. I
did students
also would flash numbers via ten frames and they could do it too. Therefore, students were able to successfully use craft sticks
achieve lesson
(tally marks), ten-frame display cards (dots), tally cards, and graphing activities to show their understanding.
To what degree did Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
focus students w/ILP/504
achieve lesson
objectives? For my English Learner, she did For my second focus student, they were The third focus student was a little
comprehend what tally marks were and able to understand the concept quickly, quieter at first and when asked
how to use them, but she did have many but their production of work was slow. I questions it took them a while to feel
questions and asked for clarification a few needed to work one-on-one with them to comfortable answering. I noticed during
times. see if they fully understood the concept the whole group he was a little confused
and if they could show me with their work. and sometimes needed extra guidance
I made sure to answer those questions and They were able to complete the activity when using the popsicle sticks. However,
help review with her any questions or and show understanding once I did work during independent work, he was able to
unsure concepts. one-on-one. answer the questions correctly on the
iPad and seemed to have no trouble at
What would you do I think having the song was super helpful when teaching this lesson. Students enjoyed singing along as we worked through
tally marks. Since it can be difficult to get everyone’s attention while using the popsicle sticks, I would probably try teaching
differently next
this hands-on activity in smaller groups so I can better work with students and see them in action as they show me different
numbers on their math mat.
What were the Three top lesson strengths were having that tally marks song, asking constant questions, and having students work
independently on their iPads. In the past I have also tried using paper and pencil tally marks cut and glue, but I found that
three top Lesson
using the iPads was much more successful.
What were three Three top areas of improvement for this lesson were that perhaps in the future try working in smaller groups when it comes to
popsicle sticks so that students do not get as distracted. Another would be not to have students sit for so long because they get
top areas for
tired and want to move and thus lose focus, and the last would be to keep the lesson a little shorter or adapt the independent
activity to better fit the student.
What are the next Next steps would be to do a follow-up lesson to see if students still understand how tally marks work and how we can use
steps? them in our everyday life.
Other Comments/Notes
All parts of this form should be transcribed (typed; not hand-written) into a single document
and submitted to the course instructor. Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized
on the NT ILP as appropriate.
POP Cycle, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project,
2017. Page 3 of 3