Ie Lucknow 08 12 2023

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2 quit Maharashtra

Indian envoy met former Navy men on panel: ‘Govt wants

Qatar death row after PM-Emir talks us to gather data to
back Maratha quota’

No equitable treatment, US gave

appeal against death sentence to 8

NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 inputs, Canada didn’t: Jaishankar INWHATHAStriggeredresigna-
tions in the Maharashtra State
● vsfairness

FOR THE first time since eight that we are not having equitable Backward Class Commission, a THE MARATHA commu-
former Indian Navy personnel EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE treatment?” quasi-judicial authority, the nity has long been de-
werehandeddeathsentencesby NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 “Insofar as the US is con- Eknath Shinde-led government manding reservation in
a Qatari court in October, the cerned, certain inputs were has asked it to “ascertain exis- jobs and educational in-
Indian ambassador in Doha met DRAWINGAdistinctionbetween givento usaspartof oursecurity tence of exceptional circum- stitutions. With raging
them in prison on December 3. theallegationslevelledbytheUS cooperation with the United stancesandor extraordinary sit- protests in several parts
This consular access was and Canada — of assassination States.Thoseinputswereof con- uationsinthecontextof Maratha of the state, the Shinde
granted just a couple of days af- plots against Khalistan sepa- cern to us because they related communityjustifyingexceeding government promised to
ter Prime Minister Narendra ratists in their countries — to the nexus of organised crime, of the limit of 50% reservation as revisit the issue after the
Modi met Qatar’s Emir Sheikh External Affairs Minister S S Jaishankar speaks in Rajya trafficking and other matters. laid down in the judgements of Supreme Court struck it
3 UNION MINISTERS Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani on Jaishankar told Rajya Sabha on Sabha on Thursday. ANI Because it has a bearing on our the Supreme Court.” down in May 2021. But
RESIGN AFTER the sidelines of the COP28 sum- Thursdaythattherewasnoques- own national security, it was de- The Terms of Reference, ap- the urgency by the politi-
ASSEMBLY WINS mitinDubaionDecember1.The tion of “equitable treatment” as cided to institute an inquiry into pended to a letter by Shinde to cal executive is being re-
two leaders had discussed bilat- PM NarendraModiwith the US had provided “inputs” to by CPI(M) MP John Brittas dur- the matter and an inquiry com- MSBCCChairman,onNovember sented by the quasi-judi-
ARTICLE 370 CASE: eral partnership and the “well- QatarEmir SheikhTamimbin India, while Canada had not. ing Question Hour. Referring to mittee has been constituted. 13 , is being interpreted by some ciary authority asked to
SUPREME COURT being of the Indian community” HamadAl-Thaniduring Jaishankar was replying to a news reports about the two Insofar as Canada is concerned, members of the Commission as examine if the reserva-
RULING ON MONDAY CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 COP28 inDubailastweek. PTI supplementary question asked cases, Brittas asked: “Is it a fact CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 almost asking it to obtain data to tion is justified.
PAGE 6 justify quota for the Maratha
community. Two of its nine
members resigned in just the functioningof thepanel.Laxman
last week, one more said he was Hake, who too stepped down,

NCP’s Nawab Malik contemplating resignation — all

of them complaining of “grow-
ing interference”.
as the reason for his resignation.

takes treasury bench Onemember,BalajiKillarikar,

who resigned recently, cited the
“biased” and “agenda-driven”
Another member, Justice (re-
tired) Chandralal Meshram told
seat, Fadnavis objects

NCP MLA and former minister

Nawab Malik, out on bail in an
alleged money laundering case,
created a stir Thursday morning
in the Maharashtra Legislative
Assembly when he sat on a
treasury bench seat, leading to Out on bail, Nawab Malik in
speculation that he had aligned Nagpur on Thursday. PTI
with the Ajit Pawar faction, part
of the ruling alliance.
Later in the day, Malik was include Malik in the ruling al-
also seen sitting in the Vidhan liance in view of the pending
Bhavan office of the Ajit Pawar case and charges against him.
faction. “Former Minister and
Taking exception to Malik’s Memberof LegislativeAssembly PM Narendra Modi greets party MPs during the BJP
presence in the House, Deputy Nawab Malik came to the legis- Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy with Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge and party leaders Sonia Gandhi, parliamentary party meeting in New Delhi on Thursday. ANI
Chief Minister and BJP leader laturetoday(Thursday)andpar- Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra during the swearing-in ceremony in Hyderabad on Thursday. AP
Devendra Fadnavis wrote a let- ticipated in the proceedings. He
ter to colleague and Deputy hasarighttodosobeingamem-
Keep up teamwork to
Chief MinisterAjitPawar,stating
it would be “inappropriate” to
ber of the Legislative Assembly. I
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Revanth takes oath as Telangana CM, face Lok Sabha test,
NewsClick probe: clears Cong’s ‘6 guarantees’ in 1st step Modi tells BJP MPs
Protect identity of 5 Party’s Dalit face in state is Deputy CM; Long journey of tribal after Assembly wins
‘potential witnesses’, 10 other ministers also sworn in
face in Cabinet: Naxal to LIZ MATHEW
power, it could win only seven

police tell Delhi court SREENIVAS JANYALA

lawyer to 3-term MLA NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 was 18 per cent. The BJP govern-
ments went to the voters for re-
THEBESTOFBOTHSIDES HAILING THE BJP’sdecisiveelec- election 39 times and won 22
erties of these witnesses are in CONGRESS LEADER A Revanth toral wins in Madhya Pradesh, times, making the success rate
MAHENDER SINGH danger… In such a scenario, the Reddy on Thursday took charge A fortnightly column, which RAHUL V PISHARODY Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan as 56 per cent. For the regional par-
MANRAL IO has requested to keep secret as the chief minister of offers not this-versus-that, HYDERABAD, DECEMBER 7 the outcome of “teamwork”, ties, it has been 18 of 36 times
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 and confidential the identity of Telangana and announced the but the best of both sides, Prime Minister Narendra Modi which means the success rate
all the witnesses,” a source said. implementation of the party’s to inform the debate ALONG WITH the new urged party members Thursday was 50 per cent,” Modi was
THE DELHI Police has moved an “So far, police have ques- six pre-poll promises. He was 2024: AN ELECTION Telangana Chief Minister A tocontinuetheteamworktoface quoted as saying at the meeting.
application before a Delhi court tioned around 60 people associ- administered the oath of office FORETOLD? Revanth Reddy, 11 ministers future challenges, including the This, he said, shows that the
to protect the identities of five atedwithNewsClick,”thesource by Governor Tamilisai were sworn in at L B Stadium in approaching Lok Sabha elec- theory of the BJP being robust at
“potentialwitnesses”initsprobe said, adding that these included Soundararajan along with the Race is still open... Hyderabad Thursday, but the tions, sources said. theCentrebutweakinthestates
against news portal NewsClick journalists. state’s first Dalit Deputy CM by Yogendra Yadav loudest cheer rose from the Citing data from recent elec- iswrong.TheINDIAblocleaders,
and its founder and editor-in- Reached for comment, Delhi Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu and 10 gathering when the name of Seethakka at swearing-in tion results, Modi, while ad- he said, have been arguing that
chief Prabir Purkayastha. Police spokesperson Suman other Cabinet ministers. ... A never-before Dansari Anasuya, popularly ceremony. Video grab dressing the BJP parliamentary the BJP will not come to power
The investigation officer (IO) Nalwa declined to speak on the Among those who attended known as Seethakka, was called party which met for the first in the states. He said the
moved the application before a matter. On August 17, Delhi the event at the L B Stadium
pro-incumbency to take her oath of office. time after the Assembly elec- Congress could return to power
by Pradeep Gupta
Patiala House court earlier this Police registered an FIR against were Congress Parliamentary The52-year-oldNaxalturned Seethakka joined the tions in five states, said the BJP for the third time only once out
month after recording the state- Purkayastha, rights activist Party chairperson Sonia Gandhi, THEIDEASPAGE 11 politician Seethakka, who be- Janashakti Naxal group and took has become the most trusted of seven attempts while the BJP
ments of the five “potential wit- Gautam Navlakha, placed under Congress president Mallikarjun longs to the tribal community, is a gun in her hand when she was andpreferredchoicefortheelec- could do it at least 10 of 17 times.
nesses”underSection164ofCrPC. house arrest in the Elgar Kharge, Wayanad MP Rahul a three-time legislator from the just 14. Born into a poor Gotti torate in the country. “Theregionalpartiesgotsuch
“The IO has informed the Parishad-Maoist link case, and Gandhi, party general secretary Pradesh CM Sukhvinder Singh Mulugu (ST-reserved) con- Koyatribalfamily,shedecidedto “An analysis of the poll data an opportunity 15 times but re-
court that the case is sensitive in US-based businessman Neville Priyanka Gandhi, Karnataka CM Sukhu. stituency.Sheislikelytobeallot- fight for the cause of the sup- showed that of the 40 times that turned to power for the third
nature and has international Roy Singham. Siddaramiah and his deputy D K After taking oath, the CM tedtheportfolioof theScheduled pressed and deprived sections, Congressstategovernmentshad time in a state nine times,” he
ramifications…Thelivesandlib- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Shivakumar, and Himachal CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Tribes (ST) welfare ministry. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 sought the mandate to return to CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

ANCHOR Tinder murder case: 5 yrs later, a grieving father relives the pain
case in Jaipur on May 3, 2018. Police Inspector Gur Singh, the current SHO at husband and father. He got mar- Rajasthan’s Sri Ganganagar dis-
DEEP MUKHERJEE Thesameday,theJaipurPolice Bhupendra Singh, who investi- Manak Chowk police station, ried in 2015. As he left home on trict, were waiting to overpower
JAIPUR, DECEMBER 7 arrested Priya Seth, 31, Dikshant gated the case as SHO of says at the time of the murder, May 2, 2018, he promised to be him there.
Kamra, 25 and Lakshya Walia, 27, Jhotwara police station in Jaipur, Priya already had three FIRs reg- back in an hour.” SHO Singh says, “The trio re-
RAMESHWARPRASADSharma’s for his murder. On November 23 says, “Dushyant lived a double istered against her — one under The father adds, “Dushyant trieved Dushyant’s ID cards and
eyeswellupasheopenshiswal- this year, District and Sessions life. While he was married and the Immoral Traffic(Prevention) called a few hours later and said realised that he was not the
let to show the three passport- judge Ajeet Kumar Hinger con- had a son, he had a Tinder pro- Act, thesecond for allegedly cut- one of his company’s trucks was wealthy businessman he pre-
size photographs kept inside. victed the trio of murdering file under a different name, in ting open an ATM kiosk and the beingheldhostagebysomepeo- tended to be on Tinder.”
The first is of his infant son, Dushyantinwhathascometobe which he pretended to be a third for allegedly blackmailing ple who were demanding Rs 8- Sharma recalls, “The next
who died of an illness. The sec- knownastheTindermurdercase. wealthy businessman from a former partner. 10 lakh for its release. He told me morning(May3,2018),Igotacall
ond is of his youngest son who They were sentenced to life im- Gurgaon. He had matched with He says Dushyant, an engi- he would be back after settling fromhisphone.Hesoundedvery
wasstudyingcharteredaccount- prisonment a day later. Priya on Tinder. She was then in neer with a private company, in- the matter. His phone was scared.Hesaid,‘Papa,thesepeo-
ancy when he died in an acci- Sitting in his chamber at a a live-in relationship with teractedwithPriyausinghisfake switchedoffafterthat.Welooked ple will kill me. They are asking
dent in 2012. government office in Jaipur, Dikshant, who she met on a dat- identity, before meeting her. for him all night but in vain.” for Rs 10 lakh.’ It was then that I
WhatSharma, 64, findsmost where he is a contractual em- ing app. Dikshant was a strug- They met again on May 2, 2018. ThepolicesaidDushyantmet heard a woman’s voice. After
difficult to talk about is the third ployeesinceretirement,Sharma gling model with a debt of Sharma rues, “I don’t even Priya late on May 2, 2018, and abusingme,shetoldmetotrans-
photo in his wallet — Dushyant, says he is still in the dark about aroundRs 21 lakh.They planned Victim Dushyant Sharma and his murderer Priya Seth. know what Tinder is…I cannot they went toher rented house in ferRs10lakhtohisaccountin20
28, his second son, whose body how Dushyant ended up being to kidnapsomeoneanddemand (Right) His father Rameshwar Prasad Sharma. Deep Mukherjee understand why Dushyant was his car. He was unaware that minutes if I wanted him alive.”
was found stuffed inside a suit- murdered. a fat ransom.” on Tinder. He was a loving son, DikshantandLakshya,bothfrom CONTINUED ON PAGE 2


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vs Senthilkumar’s: Indian envoy met ex-Navy men on Qatar death row living in Qatar. court in Qatar, was accepted in have been identified as Captain
● Police ask
court to protect
● 2 quit Maharashtra panel
The Indian Express he was also The protests led by Manoj

Why DMK lost no

India was given a round of the last week of November. Navtej Singh Gill, Captain contemplating resignation. “We JarangePatilforMarathareserva-
consular access to the detainees While two hearings on the Birendra Kumar Verma, Captain identity of 5 arenotgovernmentservants.We tion and the relentless pressure
on November 7, but this was the appeal were held earlier, the Saurabh Vasisht, Commander are not supposed to work based on the government from the
first time that the Indian ambas- third hearing was held on Amit Nagpal, Commander ‘potential ongovernmentorders.Ihaveyet community had forced it to en-

time pulling its MP sador, Vipul, got an opportunity

to meet them.
Thursday. After the Court of
Appeal issues its decision, the
case will go to the Court of
Purnendu Tiwari, Commander
Sugunakar Pakala, Commander
The FIR against Purkayastha
thinking about resigning. I will
discuss with some seniors and
trust the task afresh to MSBCC.
Butanothermemberof thecom-
matter and extending all legal Cassation. According to the MEA, the includes allegations of attempts take a call in the next two-three the commission’s stamp to cross
which has not been exposed to and consular assistance... Our The Indian nationals, all em- Qatar court judgment remains to show Kashmir and Arunachal days,” he said. the50%reservationmark.Hewas
ARUN JANARDHANAN these Dravidian principles. ambassador got consular access ployees of Doha-based Dahra confidential, and has been Pradesh as “not parts of India”; A fourth member, who did referringtothesituationthathas
CHENNAI, NOVEMBER 7 So, no sooner had the BJP to meet all eight of them in Global, were taken into custody shared with the legal team. discrediting the government’s not wish to be named, told The arisenafterthefive-judgeconsti-
picked on Senthilkumar's re- prison on December 3,” the in August 2022. The charges Days after the verdict, which fight against Covid-19; funding Indian Express that in the tution bench of the Supreme
THE TIMING of DMK Lok Sabha marksandsaidthattheyshowed Ministry of External Affairs’ offi- against them were not made India had called “deeply shock- the farmers’ agitation and “put- December1meetingofthecom- Court had in May 2021 struck
MP D N V Senthilkumar S's re- the Opposition's “divisive” cial spokesperson, Arindam public by Qatari authorities. ing”, External Affairs Minister S ting up a spirited defence of le- mission,thedissentingmembers down Maratha reservation for
marks, which were expunged agenda – this time along North- Bagchi, said on Thursday. According to a report in the Jaishankar had met their family gal cases” against Chinese tele- disapproved collection of data having breached the 50% ceiling
from Parliament records, could South lines – swift intervention This comes weeks after the Financial Times, they were membersandassuredthemthat com companies. only on Marathas, and instead asspecifiedintheIndraSawhney
not have been worse. They fol- came from DMK president and Indian government appealed charged with spying for Israel. the government attached “the On October 3, Purkayastha pushed for collecting data of all judgement in 1992.
lowed a disheartening loss for Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K against the death penalty Sources said the Indians had highest importance” to the case. and NewsClick’s HR head Amit communities. “The government In his resignation letter,
the Congress in the Hindi heart- Stalin. handed to the eight men, on the beenworkingintheirprivateca- Inadditiontogovernmentef- Chakraborty were arrested after wants a report from the Killarikarsaidthat“toresolvethe
land states, where the BJP kept A senior leader said that it alleged charge of espionage, by pacitywithDahraGlobaltoover- forts, the families of the eight the Special Cell conducted Commissiononapre-decidedas- situation, it is better to have a
bringinguptheSanatanDharma was a decisive moment for a Qatar court on October 26. The seethe inductionof Italian small have also submitted a mercy searches across Delhi-NCR and sumption that Marathas are comprehensive caste-based so-
row triggered by another DMK Stalin, who had steadfastly appeal, filed before an appellate stealth submarines U2I2. They plea to the Emir of Qatar. Mumbai on thepremises of over backward.Thisisanindependent cio-economic survey of
leader. stayed away when son 40 journalists, technicians and commission, which will collect Maharashtrastatewhichwillen-
However, that was not the Udhayanidhi's remarks were contributorsassociatedwiththe and analyse the data and only ableeverysectionofsocietytore-
only reason the DMK rushed to
distance itself from
flayed by the BJP, leaving the de-
fending to other DMK leaders.
● NCP’s Nawab Malik takes treasury bench seat news portal.
“Police are also likely to send
then a conclusion on the back-
wardness of the community will
alise their own socio-economic
Senthilkumar's statement, even “This time, Stalin immediately would like to clarify that we have him. It is the right of every party whosesideheison.NawabMalik over 400 electronic devices – be drawn. How can the govern- and backward classes need to be
as it had stood by Udhayanidhi asked DMK organisational sec- absolutelynopersonalenmity or todecideonwhomitwantstoin- will goand sitin the House. After cell-phones, hard disks, pen mentaskthecommissiontogive informedhonestly,withauthen-
Stalin when he called for “erad- retaryRSBharathitothoroughly grudgeagainstthem.However,in clude in its fold. However, con- that, everything will be clear. We drives to the Indian Computer data to include a particular com- ticandreliableinformation,apart
ication of Sanatan Dharma”. look at Senthilkumar's speech. view of the accusations that he is stituentsof thealliancealsoneed have been given an office in the Emergency Response Team munity into backward classes?” from vote politics, as regards to
The latter hewed close to the After receiving a detailed brief- facing,webelievethatitwouldbe to take into consideration that legislaturepremises.TheSpeaker (CERT-in), the national nodal the member said. their claim of reservation and
Dravidian ideology that derives ing, he personally called the MP, inappropriatetotakehimintoour theirdecisionsdonothurttheal- has given that office. There is no agency, CFSL, Hyderabad, CFSL, The ToR also asked the panel other similar demands.
from the egalitarian ideals of reprimanded him for his choice alliance,”Fadnavissaidinhisletter liance. It is for this reason that we faction issue because the NCP is ChandigarhandCFSL,Delhi,”the to “collect fresh quantifiable and The Opposition parties in the
Periyar and C N Annadurai; the of words, and demanded an im- to Pawar, addressing him as NCP are against this.” ours.” source said. other data and information and state have been constantly de-
former, party leaders say, made mediate public apology,” the president. He also took a swipe at the SpeakingontheMalikseatal- The FIR alleged that the “ac- also scrutinize and inspect the mandingthestategovernmentto
an off-the-cuff, throwaway leader said. Malik and Fadnavis share an previous Uddhav Thackeray-led lotment issue, Ajit Pawar said, cusedhavealsoconspiredtodis- dataandinformationcollectedin work with the Centre for raising
statement that the party would The DMK leader said Stalin uneasy relationship and, in the MVA government for retaining “The Speaker of the Legislative ruptsuppliesandservicesessen- thepast…fordeterminingtheso- thereservationceilingabove50%.
have found hard to justify – not wanted to send “a clear mes- past, have hurled serious allega- Malikasacabinetministerdespite Assembly has the right to decide tial to the life of community in cial and educational backward- With BJP at the Centre, and in al-
the least to its INDIA partners, sage” to all party members and tions against each other. Malik, his arrest. where anyone should sit in the India and abet damage and de- ness of Maratha community and liance with the NCP (Ajit Pawar
whichhavebeensentbacktothe leaders to measure their words, who was arrested by the “We can’t identify with the House.” structionof property by protrac- theirinclusioninthelastof back- faction) and Shiv Sena (Shinde
drawingboardafterSunday'sre- keeping in mind their responsi- EnforcementDirectorateinMarch then Chief Minister and the Vidhan Bhavan officials said tion of farmers’ protest through wardclasses,byapplyingthecri- faction)inMaharashtra,thestate
sults and which have been bilityandsensitivity,particularly 2022 in an alleged money laun- Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi al- since the two NCP factions were such illegal foreign funding.” teriaandparametersdetermined governmenthas,forthefirsttime,
bruised time and again by the when in the public arena. dering case, spent 18 months in liance,whichkepthimasaminis- notrecognisedbytheSpeakeryet, It also mentioned “secret in- as above”. expressed willingness to jointly
BJP on this tricky territory. Senthilkumar was speaking in jail before being granted bail on terevenwhenhewaschargedfor there was no question of having putshavebeenreceivedthatfor- In this context, the fourth work with the Centre for grant-
The Dravidian movement the Lok Sabha. medicalgroundsbytheSupreme having dealing with traitors. I separateseatingarrangementsfor eign funds in crores have been memberalsopointedoutthatthe ing reservation to Marathas.
has always grappled with this “Young DMK leaders are Court in August this year. hope you will understand our MLAs belonging to the two fac- infused illegally in India by earlier report of the commission Deputy Chief Minister and
challenge, of balancing its ratio- strong in their opinions. But a Fadnavisaid,“Heisoutonbail sentiments,”theletterbyFadnavis tions. Indian and foreign entities inim- under Justice (Retired) M G BharatiyaJanataParty(BJP)leader
nalist, secular ethos with the de- distinction between ideologi- only on medical grounds. If the stated. Earlier, Shiv Sena UBT mem- ical to India in pursuance of a Gaikwadonthebackwardnessof Devendra Fadnavis had, in the
mands of the democratic cally driven statements and off- charges against him are not Asked which of the NCP fac- ber and Leader of Opposition in conspiracy with the intention to theMarathacommunitywasnot past, said the government will
process. This challenge is even hand remarks should be recog- proved, you must welcome him tionwasMalikgoingtosidewith, the Legislative Council Ambadas disrupt sovereignty and territo- acceptedbytheapexcourt.“Itis- study the Bihar caste survey pro-
tougher now that the DMK is nised by a Member of back.Butweareoftheclearopin- AjitPawarfactionchief whipAnil Danve, without naming Malik, rial integrity of India, to cause n’t fair on the government’s part cedure. But no one from the gov-
seeking to be part of a national Parliament,” another DMK ionthatitwillnotberighttomake Patil said, “Nawab Malik himself targetedtheBJPforlettinghimsit disaffection against India, and to now to dictate to us what they ernmenttalkedaboutraisingthe
umbrella that has to cater to a leader said. FULLREPORT him part of our alliance, when will reveal who he is with. Also, intheLegislativeAssemblytreas- threaten the unity, integrity, se- want to hear,” he said. 50% reservation ceiling.
broader, diverse electorate, therearesuchallegationsagainst our national president will tell us ury benches. curity of India”. In his letter to the Chairman The Maratha agitation in
of the Commission dated Maharashtra led by social ac-
November 13, Chief Minister tivist Manoj Jarange Patil forced
● Modi to BJP MPs ● Long journey of tribal face in Cabinet: Naxal to lawyer to 3-term MLA Shinderequestedthepaneltoex- the state government to speed
amine the request for inclusion up the process of granting OBC
said, adding that the BJP has re- or Adarniya Modiji because peo- shesaid,andfelt“inspired”bythe fully from the Mulugu seat that Pradesh state – A case study of Expressthatinherthirdtermasan of the Maratha community as a certificates to Marathas. It has
turned to power seven times in ple know him as “Modi” and armed Naxal movement around year. She was first elected from GottiKoyatribesinWarangaland MLA she would focus on tackling backward class. Attached to his led to protests from OBCs who
states like Gujarat. addingadjectiveswoulddistance her.Butby1997,afterspending11 Mulugu in 2009. In the first polls Khammam districts”. the menace of growing unem- letter,thedetailed10-pointTerms have warned of agitation if their
“This again proves that our him from people. years underground and in the held after the formation of It was during the Covid pan- ployment, making efforts to gen- of Reference require the panel to share of reservation is reduced.
policies are good and our inten- “Iamasmallkaryakartaofthe forests, Seethakka was disillu- Telangana in 2014, she lost to demic that Seethakka came to erate jobs in both the public and determine the criteria and pa- The state government’s curative
tionisright,”hesaid,accordingto party and people consider me sioned with the path of violence Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS, limelight. As the authorities en- privatesectorsinherconstituency. rameterstoascertainsocial,edu- petition in the Supreme Court
BJP sources. partof theirfamily.Don’taddad- and decided to lay down arms to astheBharatRashtraSamithiwas forced lockdown restricting peo- She said the setting up of the skill cational and economic, back- regarding Marathas reservation
Modialsocitedaresearcher’s jectives like Shree or Adaraniya join the mainstream. formerly called) candidate ple to their homes, she realised development centres in Mulugu wardness and to define is pending and it needs the data
observationthatMadhyaPradesh becausetheyknowmeasModi,” Shethenstartedpursuinged- Azmeera Chandulal. that people residing in the re- wouldsparelocalyouthsfromthe exceptionalcircumstancesandor on backwardness of Marathas
had achieved development on he was learnt to have said. ucation and secured a degree in Three years later, she joined motest tribal villages in her con- troubleoftravellingtoHyderabad. extraordinarysituationstobeap- in the state from the commis-
differentfrontswhenevertheBJP Sources said he also under- lawwhileworkingforanNGOfor the Congress along with Revanth stituency were more vulnerable This time, Seethakka won the plied for reservation benefits. sion.
was in power. linedthathisgovernment’sfocus herlivelihood.Whilepractisingas Reddy, who was her colleague in to hunger and poverty. She was Muluguseatbyover33,000votes
“If you do an analysis of the onaspirationaldistrictsfordevel- a lawyer in the Warangal district the TDP, and won the seat in the seentraversingtheforestsonfoot against the BRS candidate and
gional party or the coalition gov-
opment paid off in the electoral
tests for the BJP.
court, she found her calling in of-
2018 polls as its candidate.
Even as her political life flour-
or by a tractor or a two-wheeler,
to bring food and groceries to vil-
person, Bade Nagajyothi, the
●Tinder murder case: 5 yrs later, a
ernments, BJP has been the best “HepointedoutthattheBJP’s andneedy,especiallytribalswho ished, Seethakka did not quit her lagers. Although her rivals called daughter of late Maoist leader grieving father relives the pain
performing party. People love its performanceintheseaspirational facedharassmentfromthepolice. pursuitof education.In2022,she her moves “publicity stunts”, she Bade Nageshwara Rao and ex-
governancerecord,decisionmak- districts has been extremely Stepping up her plan to serve completed a PhD in political sci- maintained that ensuring “food, MaoistRajeshwari.Duringherin- “I told her (Priya) that I could evidence in the prosecution’s
ing and transparency,” he said, good. Since it is leading to devel- theweakersections,she tookthe ence from Osmania University. clothesandshelter”forlocaltrib- teractions with children, arrange Rs 3 lakh by breaking an case against the trio.
adding that the party has pre- opment of the area, we have to plunge into politics in 2004. She Her thesis was on “Social exclu- als remained her priority. Seethakka often underlines the FD. She threatened to kill SHO Singh says, “Priya be-
sented an alternate model not keepthefocusonthem.Infact,he joined the Telugu Desam Party sion and deprivation of migrant AheadoftherecentAssembly significance of education in life, Dushyant if I disconnected the longs to Pali district and had
just to India but to the entire said the last village (in terms of (TDP) and contested unsuccess- tribals of erstwhile Andhra election,SeethakkatoldTheIndian drawing from her experience. call. I arranged Rs 3 lakh but re- come to Jaipur to study in col-
worldwithitsSabkaSaath,Sabka development)ishisfirstpriority,” alised that I needed his PAN card lege... Soon after shifting to
Vikas, Sabka Vishwas slogan. saidoneoftheMPswhoattended to make the deposit. So Priya Jaipur, she got enamoured with
“Anti incumbency is not ap-
plicable to us. And the real win-
the meeting.
Modi also asked the MPs to
● After taking oath as Telangana CM, Revanth clears Cong’s ‘6 guarantees’ sent a photo of his PAN card on
WhatsApp from his number.
high living standards and got
drawn to a life of crime.”
ner is the party karyakarta and participate actively in the ongo- posted on X in Telugu, nate Gaddam Prasad Kumar and that the Cabinet had instructed in our five-year term we will im- After the transfer, she switched The Sharma couple live with
our teamwork,” he said. ing Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a “Congratulations to my fellow Damodar Raja Narsimha are the government officials to release a plement all the manifesto ab- off the phone,” he says. the pain of losing their last sur-
Earlier, he was welcomed at programmetoreachouttobene- friendswhohavebeenappointed other two Dalit faces. Besides white paper on the state's fi- solutely 100%,” said the minister. After they lost contact with viving child.
themeetingwithastandingova- ficiariesof governmentschemes, as ministers in the Telangana Seethakka, the other woman in nances,furnishinginformationon The newly elected MLAs will Dushyant’s kidnappers, the “At times, I cannot sleep at
tionandchantsof“Modijikaswa- thePM-JANMANprogrammefor People'sGovernment.Letusded- the Cabinet is Konda Surekha. the previous Bharat Rashtra takeoathonDecember9afterthe Sharmaswenttothepolice.SHO night. My wife Vijayanti has
gathai”.HewasfelicitatedbyBJP the particularly vulnerable tribal icate ourselves to the aspirations TheCongress’sstrongholdsof Samithi (BRS) government’s ex- Governor appoints the Pro Tem Singh says, “Dushyant’s call been shattered since the inci-
president J P Nadda. groups and extremely backward oftheimmortals(martyrs),theas- erstwhile Khammam and penditurefrom2014toDecember Speaker.Itwillbefollowedbythe records helped us locate his dent. The only lights in our lives
Sources said Modi told the as well as the Vishwakarma pro- pirations of the people and the Nalgonda districts are also repre- 7onallstategovernmentdepart- election of the Speaker and the phone, which led us to the three are Dushyant’s wife and our
MPsnottoaddresshimasModiji gramme. overall development of the state sented.WhileNageswaraRaoand mentsandthepurposesforwhich Governor's address. accused. That’s how we found grandson. We have discovered a
with collective efforts. Let's keep Srinivasa Reddy are from the expenditure was incurred. Earlier in the day, before the his body, which was stuffed in- daughter in her. Our grandson is
the state at the top of the country Khammam, Uttam and Venkat “We told officials to give a white swearing-inceremonybegan,the side a suitcase abandoned on a in school. I live only to see him
● Jaishankar in all fields."
Reddy come from Nalgonda.
After the oath ceremony,
ple and you,” he said.
fence outside the CM’s office-
cum-residence, Pragathi Bhavan,
Dushyant had been strangled,
grow up. Vijayanti and I keep
seeing glimpses of our sons in
no specific evidence or inputs American soil. three Reddys in the Cabinet: chaired his first Cabinet meeting On December 9, Sonia which will now be renamed before being stabbed fatally.” him,” says Sharma.
were provided to us. So the Jaishankar said an inquiry Uttam Kumar Reddy, at the newly built Secretariat. Gandhi’s birthday, the govern- Jyotiba Phule Praja Bhavan, was Thethreeaccusedweretrying He says while he attended all
question of equitable treatment committee had been set up to Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, and Apart from approving the “six ment would implement two poll removed. This was among the to flee from Jaipur in Dushyant’s the case hearings, he couldn’t
to two countries, one of whom probe the US case. KhammamstrongmanPonguleti guarantees” the Congress had guarantees — free travel for promisesRevanthhadmadedur- car when they were arrested late bear to stand for too long in the
who has provided inputs and This Delhi response is very SrinivasaReddy.TheOBCfacesin made in the run-up to the elec- women in state-run RTC buses ing campaigning saying “prajala on May 3, 2018. They had pur- courtroom.
one of whom has not, does not different from the manner in the Cabinet are Prabhakar and tions,Revanthalsosignedafileap- and increasing the insurance rajyam (people’s government)” chasedafakenumberplatetofool Sharma adds, “In the court, I
arise,” Jaishankar said. which it responded to Canadian SurekhawhiletheSTcommunity provingtheemploymentof adif- amount to Rs 10 lakh under the willprevailiftheCongressisvoted the police, says the SHO, adding would see the three accused sit-
In an indictment filed by the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is represented by Naxal-turned- ferently abled woman, T K Rajini, Rajiv Arogyasri health scheme. topower.Revanthwillholdregu- thattheaccusednevershowedre- ting on benches. I couldn’t bear
US Department of Justice last “credible allegations” about a politician Dansari Anasuya, pop- whom he had promised a job “The remaining guarantees, we lar praja darbars here, the first of morse for killing Dushyant. the sight of them. The verdict
month, an Indian citizen and an potential link of Indian govern- ularlyknownas“Seethakka”.The while campaigning in Achampet aretryingtosecurethedatawhich which is scheduled for Friday. Sharma says after he de- makes me feel like I have finally
unnamed Indian official have ment agents to the killing of CabinethasoneBrahmin,Kamma in Nagarkurnool district. Rajini is required to implement and we However, the CM has not indi- posited the ransom in his son’s got justicefor Dushyant…I don’t
been accused of being involved Canada-based Khalistan sepa- andVelamafaceeachinDSridhar will be allotted a job at a district are here, for the people of cated yet if he will move there account, the accused withdrew know why they killed him even
in a foiled plot to assassinate ratist Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Babu, Nageswara Rao, and collector’s office of her choosing. Telangana, all the guarantees in from his home in Hyderabad's around Rs 25,000 from the ATM after I had arranged some of the
Khalistan separatist June. India had called the alle- Krishna Rao respectively. Apart Following the Cabinet meet- the literal sense will be imple- Jubilee Hills neighbourhood. — the maximum daily with- money…If only they had spared
Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on gations “absurd and motivated”. fromVikramarka,Speaker-desig- ing, Sridhar Babu told reporters mentedinatimeframeworkand —WITHPTIINPUTS drawal limit. That too served as his life.”





2 days after
‘suicide’, BEO
booked for
abetment sentencedtolifein

TWO DAYS after the headmas-

ter of a government school died
allegedly by suicide in
2 aides of Dubey were also accused; both died during trial
Sultanpur district, a case was
registered on Thursday against curredinGursahaiganj(Kannauj)
the local Block Education EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE andaboybelongingtoaminority
Officer (BEO) on the basis of a LUCKNOW,DECEMBER7 Anupam communitydied.Agroupoflocal
complaint by the family mem- Dubey is residents allegedly attacked the
bers of the deceased. A KANPUR court on Thursday lodged in father and son, leading to the
The family alleged that the sentenced gangster-politician Mathura jail death of the former. Dubey sus-
headmaster, Surya Prakash Anupam Dubey to life imprison- tained injuries in the incident.
Dwivedi (52), consumed a poi- ment in connection with Dubey suspected that Yadav,
sonous substance after he was the murder of a Government and stood third. who was posted as local inspec-
“admonished” by BEO Manojit Railway Police (GRP) inspector A total of 18 witnesses were torintheareaatthetime,wasin-
Rao, police said. in 1996. examinedbythecourtinthecase, volved in getting his father killed
The case was filed under IPC Dubey is an accused in the saidDistrictGovernmentCounsel by local residents and in the en-
sections 306 (abetment of sui- case,alongwithtwoofhisassoci- (Crime), Kanpur, Dileep Awasthi, mity, killed the police officer on
cide) and 506 (criminal intimi- ates — Kumar alias Bailiya and whoarguedonbehalfofthestate May 14, 1996 in a moving train
dation) against Rao, the BEO for Kaushal — who both died during in the case. with his two associates.”
Kurwar block, who on the course of the trial. Anorderissuedbythecourtof A statement issued by the
Wednesday was attached to
the Basic Shiksha Adhikari's of-
fice. Rao is also facing a
IN CONVERSATION ThecasedatesbacktoMay14,
1996, when in a moving passen-
ger train, GRP Inspector Ram
Additional District and Sessions
Judge (Kanpur Nagar) Ram Avtar
Prasad read, “Accused Anupam
Uttar Pradesh police said that
Dubey has a total of 63 cases
magisterial inquiry. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a meeting in New Delhi on Thursday. @PMOIndia Niwas Yadav was killed by the Dubey is found guilty under IPC encroachment of land and extor-
Dwivedi, who was the three accused under the GRP’s section302andissentencedtolife tion.“Seeinghiscriminalpast,the
headmaster of a junior high Anwarganj police outpost limits. imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1 Farrukahabadpolicewrotetothe
school at Ravania Chitta village The case, under IPC section 302 lakh.”Thecourtalsoorderedthat governmentandgothimmarked
under Kurwar Block, allegedly
consumed a poisonous sub-
stance on Monday evening and
Ramotsav events aimed at raising awareness (murder),wasregisteredatGRP’s
transferred to Farrukhabad.
half of the fine amount will be
given to the family of Ram
Niwas Yadav.
as a mafia. The gang run by him
was marked as 'D-47' gang and
died during treatment at King
George’s Medical University in
Lucknow on Tuesday. Members
on Ramayana among youngsters: State govt Dubey is currently lodged in
Mathura jail in connection with
DGC (Crime), Kanpur, Dileep
Dubey harboured enmity with
bers were opened. Action under
of a teachers’ association, “The contests are designed inspired by the Ramayana, said Ayodhya. “As part of the 14 this year, he surrendered in RamNiwasYadavashesuspected of the Allahabad High Court had
Dwivedi’s family members and EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE not only to celebrate the the spokesperson. Ramotsav initiative, a portion of connectionwiththemurdercase himofbeinginvolvedinthekilling given its nod to the action,” said
some residents of the village al- LUCKNOW, DECEMBER 7 grandeur of the moment, but “Additionally, the govern- the budget will be dedicated to of a contractor in Farrukhabad. of his father, Mahesh Dubey. thestatement.Itaddedthatprop-
leged that the headmaster was alsoto spirituallyenrichthenew ment aims at enhancing the inspiring the youths through Dubey contested the 2017 Around six months before the ertiesand assets worth Rs 113.13
driven to take the extreme step THE UTTAR Pradesh govern- generation, fostering a profound cultural landscape of Ayodhya various avenues such as compe- state Assembly elections from murder,thefather-sonweretrav- crore amassed through crimi-
by BEO Rao and the family re- ment on Thursday announced connection between them and by installing Ramayana- titions, sculpture, and painting,” Sawaijpur seat in Hardoi on a elling in their car when an acci- nal activities by Dubey have
fused to cremate the body until that it “aims to inculcate the the enduring values embodied themed artifacts at different said the statement. Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) ticket dent involving their vehicle oc- been seized.
an inquiry was ordered against ideals of Lord Shri Ram in by Shri Ram,” said a govern- ghats and locations. The work It said that Rs 4 crore is ear-
him. The cremation was done the state's children through the ment spokesperson. of creating artifacts is proposed marked for holding competi-
on Thursday after the case events to be held as part of The government plans to to be done by international and tions, while Rs 2.5 crore will be On way to watch procession, 2 minor girls drown in drain
was registered. Ramotsav 2024.” host a range of competitions, in- nationallevel artists through the allocated for sculpture and
Station House Officer, A series of competitions en- cluding painting, writing, Uttar Pradesh State Lalit Kala painting endeavors. “The pro- Agra: Two girls, aged five and on Wednesday evening. Deputy their families after they slipped
Kurwar, G S Pal said, “A team compassing diverse aspects of costume design, and Academy,Lucknow,”thegovern- gramme is designed to instil in seven,drownedaftertheyslipped Commissioner of Police (West) and fell into the drain. A search
has been formed and further the Ramayana, such as painting, Ramayana singing, in basic and ment said in a statement. the youth a profound awareness and fell into a drain while going Sonam Kumar said Nisha, 7, and operationwas launched imme-
investigation is on. The post- writing, costumes, and singing, secondary-level schools across Theculturedepartmentisal- of theRamayanaandatthesame towatchaweddingprocessionin Alfiza, 5, died after falling into a diately. They were declared
mortem report was not conclu- will be organised as part of Uttar Pradesh. locating approximately Rs 100 time providing an enlightening Agra,policesaidonThursday.The drain when they went to see the dead upon arrival by doctors at
sive and viscera has been pre- Ramotsav celebrations, said These competitions would crore for the organisation of the and enriching experience to its incidenthappenedinDhanauliin wedding procession. A boy ac- the S N Medical College and
served for further analysis.” officials. revolve around diverse themes consecration ceremony in viewers,” it added. the Malpura police station area companying the girls informed Hospital in Agra. PTI

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

What a strange time An additional factor
this is. Friends are is introduced into
being unpredictable your horoscope
and events are no today — the need to
longer running true to form. pay for your plans. You’re on
For every tie or association the crest of a wave, but a
which now enters your life, strong nerve is necessary to
another could come into being carry you forward. Don’t let
next month. The only distractions get you down.
difference will be that they’ll After all, you still have much to
be growing gradually softer. achieve that is so worthwhile.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
It’s difficult to think You can think about
of a busier time but, what you need to do
when all the planets next. You could use
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson are occupying such
distinctive positions in your
your time to bring
family and domestic affairs
horoscope, you must pace into the open. The Moon
yourself properly. Stretch indicates that you could be
yourself by all means, but somewhat volatile, but that
relax as well. And in matters of you are also entitled to insist
the heart, put your feelings only on the highest standards.
first, social pressures second.
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Whoever you are,
1 Piggy is holding up another 2 Nothing disturbs bees like
Rewards for recent whatever you have
animal (9) being overweight (5)
endeavours will been through, and
8 Spaniard or anyone else with a 3 Not the only thing a poor come your way no matter how much
present (5) painter cannot draw (6) before long. You has been stirred up, you must
9 Allow freedom where a 4 Fair description of all but the should end the week feeling understand that what happens
document is concerned (7) fastest runners? (8) wealthier, wiser and more to you is part of an unfolding
10 Firs do make attractive 5 It goes round some hemmed secure. If you’re aware of the pattern. Recent events have
features in Norway (6) gingham (6) affection that others feel for given you the chance to
you, you will also feel more move a little closer towards
11 She may get up late (6) 6 Any girl so mistreated might loved. And that in turn will your destiny.
12 Stop in front of a humble react thus (7) encourage success in other
building (8) 7 Expression of annoyance for areas of your life. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
15 Point on missile launched your immediate occupation (9) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23)
Being mistress, or
master, of your own
from submarine grating (8) 11 Accepted in error and You’re such a future, is more
18 Doesn’t become the worse for fainted (6,3) worrier, but never important to you
drink (6) 13 Fair verdict on an improved give way to negative than it once was. You should
20 Made miserable to a certain performance (3,2,3) thoughts. Don’t make an almighty effort to
extent by death (6) 14 Disapproving expression, and allow events close to home attain your major ambitions,
a sinister one (7) to undermine you, but both professional and
21 Jewish father (7) understand that it’s getting otherwise. And, if you have a
22 Cruel disorder in the 16 Wish to reside in style (6) to grips with intimate and chance to put a loved one’s
stomach (5) 17 Artistic piecework (6) family affairs that will set mind at rest, please do so
23 Trace idea that is wrong and 19 Lift up a broken axle on old you up for the future. without delay.
root it out (9) car model (5) Bury your head in the sand
no longer. AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Solutions Crossword5228Across: 1Legatee,4Cedar,7Into,8Accustom,10 The next few days
Deliberate,12Roasts,13Salome,15Manofdeeds,18Hospital,19Mean,20Ruins,21 LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) may be emotionally
AdjustsDown:1Laird,2Getclear,3Escort,4Courtcards,5Date,6Romance,9 Your mind seems to challenging, but you
Obituaries,11Homeless,12Rancher,14Sonata,16Sands,17Asti be cluttered up with should not run away
so many thoughts, from difficulties. The truth is
it’s hard to know that other people will be
what to do next. The sages offering you very good advice,
of old used to talk about together with a totally new

DifficultyLevel1s the virtues of emptying way of looking at yourself. You

Instructions the mind of all trivia, but can now concentrate on
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, then that’s easier said than boosting your self-esteem.
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 done. Whatever the case,
PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)

theanswerforthegivenquip. do try to make some time

mustappearineachofthe for yourself. Inspiration begins
IwasintheROTC.Ofcourse,ROTCstoodfor‘Runningoffto___’.-JayLeno(6) nineverticalcolumns,in to take over from
eachoftheninehorizontal VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) purely routine
EGTAA ELOOTC rowsandineachofthe There is still tension and mundane
nineboxes. around, but you can considerations. A world cruise
afford to take a deep would suit you down to the
breath and plan for ground. Failing that, how
TANKS EEGLND a future free from certain about a spot of spiritual
DifficultyLevel imaginary worries. The next investigation? In other
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; week could bring its share of words, you have a choice
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; mystery, so have your answers between a trip into outer
- Jay Leno 5s=VeryHard; ready — and get a grip on space and an exploration
Answer: I was in the ROTC. Of course, ROTC stood for ‘Running off to Canada’. 6s=Genius the facts. of inner space.

GST fraud case
in Noida: Police
arrest 4 more,
COP28 enters 2nd
recover data of
250 bogus firms week, but all complex

GAUTAM BUDDHA Nagar police

Thursday arrested four more
issues unresolved
ating the pace of climate action.
But the UAE has had some
persons in connection with its DUBAI, DECEMBER 7 more concrete success in mobil-
ongoing investigation into a GST ising money for different cli-
fraud case. The police have re- AFTER A week of high-decibel mate-related purposes. At least
covered 54 SIM cards, 41 forged declarations, pledges and $83 billionhas been promised in
stamps,18forgedAadhaarcards, speeches, the COP28 climate the first week, including a $30
16forgedPANcards,and20bank meeting entered the second billion private investment vehi-
chequebooks among other week of negotiations on EXPRESSATCOP28 cle unveiled by the UAE for fi-
items from the accused. Thursday with all difficult issues nancing a “new climate econ-
A total of 29 people have yet to be addressed. isexpectedonFriday.Ministerial omy” that aims to mobilise $250
been arrested so far in the case. So far, there has been only interventions are expected to be billion in investments by 2030.
Officials said that those arrested onedraftontheGlobalStocktake sought immediately thereafter Importantly,$3.5billionhave
are part of the extended team of (GST), the review exercise man- to resolve the key differences. been announced for the Green
the larger group, allegedly run- dated by the 2015 Paris Hosts UAE managed to get a Climate Fund at this COP, taking
ning the scam. “Earlier, we ar-
rested 25 miscreants and our
teams had been raiding in sev-
TO THE RESCUE Agreement to be carried out this
year, which is the most impor-
tant agenda of this meeting.
few things moving in the first
week, the most important of
them being the operationalisa-
the second round of capitalisa-
tion of this largest and most im-
eral districts to arrest the gang Army’s Madras Regiment personnel during a rescue and relief operation in a flooded area in Chennai on Wednesday. PTI The GST is meant to decide tion and initial capitalisation of instrument to $12.8 billion to be
members. During interrogation on theenhanced climateactions the Loss and Damage Fund that spent on green projects over the
and with the help of evidence, to be taken henceforth to make is meant to help developing next four years.
we arrested four more people. up for the lack of adequate ef- countries recover from climate However, this is still a small
We recovered data of 250 bogus
companies, used to fraudulently
claim Input Tax Credit. Along
Supreme Court asks Centre & Assam forts till now.
It is under this GST that all
contentious issues — fossil fuel
The UAE has also been mak-
ing a big deal of the nine pledges
fraction of the money required
for all sorts of climate actions es-
timatedtobeintherangeof sev-
accounts, linked to these ac-
cused have been frozen so far,”
said Harish Chander, Deputy
govt to give estimate of illegal migrants phase-out, renewable energy
tripling, methane emission re-
ductions and several others —
are supposed to be discussed. As
that have been made so far on
eraltrillionsof dollarseveryyear.
The developed countries are
now claiming that they met the
$100 billion per year target last
Commissioner of Police (DCP)
Apex court directs Home Ministry to sons who came into Assam be-
tween January 1, 1966 and
out and the steps which the
union government intends to
of now, there is wide divergence
in the position of countries on
climate change and health.
These pledges are voluntary as-
year.By next year, thedeveloped
countries have to come to an
the help of fake firms, would
file affidavit on or before December 12 March 25, 1971”. The affidavit
should also provide details on
take with estimated timelinesto
complete the exercise of border
each of these issues. Though
Thursday is officially a day off,
sociations of countries and do
not have any legal sanctity. Such
agreement on a new climate fi-
nance goal, larger than $100 bil-
raisee-waybillstoavailinputtax “whiletheargumentsraisingthe “how many persons have been fencing”. negotiators will continue to pledges at previous COPs have lion per year, that has to be de-
credit (ITC) or GST refund from ANANTHAKRISHNAN G constitutional challenge form detected to be foreigners by an Thecourtalsoaskedthestate workinformally,andanewdraft not had much impact in acceler- livered from 2025 onwards.
the government. ITC is the GST NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 the core of the controversy, sub- order of the Foreigners Tribunal government to share data nec-
paid by a taxable person on any missionshavebeenurged...inre- undertheForeigners(Tribunals) essary for the purposes of com-
purchase of goods or services
that are used or will be used for
A FIVE-JUDGE Constitution
bench of the Supreme Court,
gard to the impact of illegal im-
migration into Assam both on
the demographics and cultural
period January 1, 1966 and
March 25, 1971”.
pliance of its order and added
that the Centre and Assam gov-
Popping painkiller Meftal at
will? Govt issues safety alert
As far as the shell companies constitutional validityof Section fabric of the state”. The court directed that the Earlier in the day, Solicitor
are concerned some even pre- 6A of the Citizenship Act, 1955, It said “the provisions of governments provide details on General Tushar Mehta, appear-
sented papers showing import- on Thursday asked the Centre Section6Aof theCitizenshipAct, “the estimated inflow of illegal ingfortheCentreandtheAssam
export business with firms and the Assam government to 1955 can broadly be bifurcated migrants into India, including government while defending
based in countries like provide details on the “esti- into three time periods: the pe- but not confined to the state of section 6A, said “the concerns known and that they take care to of individuals, potentially deadly
Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, matedinflowof illegalmigrants” riod prior to January 1, 1966; the Assam, after March 25, 1971”. raised by the petitioners” about EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE assess a patient while prescribing andcausedbycertainmedications.
ThailandandthePhilippines,the to Assam and other northeast- period between January 1, 1966 Inrespectof personswhoare the ground realities following il- NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 a limited dosage. Many doctors It is characterised by fever, skin
DCP further said. ern states after March 25, 1971, and March 25, 1971; and the pe- alleged to haveenteredIndia, in- legal immigration “are confirmedthattheyhadn’tseense- rash,lymphadenopathy,haemato-
The arrested accused have and the status of border fencing. riod from March 26, 1971”, and cluding Assam, after March 25, true...Thereisaserious...ongoing NEXT TIME you pop a Meftal, a vereadversereactionsduringtheir logical abnormalities and internal
been identified as Rahul Nigam The bench, presided by Chief addedthattheprovisionsmakeit 1971, the court directed that de- problem, but 6A is confined to a commonly used non-steroidal practice but cautioned that reac- organ involvement and manifests
(29), Piyush Kumar Gupta (36), Justiceof IndiaDYChandrachud, abundantly clear that confer- tails be provided on “(a) the to- particularperiodof timeandde- anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), tions to the drug depended on the two to eight weeks after the drug
both residents of Shahdara in directed the Union Home mentof deemedcitizenshipdoes tal number of foreigners tri- claring it to be unconstitutional togetridof your pain, do so after individual patient. The real prob- has been taken. Vigilance in med-
Delhi, Dilip Sharma (29) from Ministrytofiletheaffidavitonor not extend to persons who en- bunals which have been set up would not be the solution”. consulting a doctor on dosage lem is unregulated overuse of the ication usage is crucial to prevent
Indralok and Rakesh Kumar (47) before December 12. The hear- teredIndiaafterMarch26,1971”. bytheUniongovernment(b)the Mehta submitted that “for- and clarifying whether you need drug. Despite being a prescription this severe reaction.
from Pitampura. Piyush is an ingwillresumeonDecember12. The bench, also comprising total number of cases which eigners tribunals are function- it at all. medication, mefenamic acid is Says Dr Surabhi Siddhartha,
MBA from Delhi University. Section 6A of the Citizenship Justices Surya Kant, M M have beendisposedof(c)thetotal ing, maybe their number needs The Indian Pharmacopoeia widely used in India for various Consultant Obstetrician and
DCP Chander said the gang Act was introduced in 1985 fol- Sundresh, J B Pardiwala and numberof caseswhicharepend- to be increased” and added that Commission (IPC) has issued a purposes,includingrelievingmen- Gynaecologist, Motherhood
used to makefakebillsworth Rs. lowing the signing of the Assam Manoj Misra, said that “at this ingasof date(d)theaveragetime “for post-1971 influx, steps need drug safety alert about the com- strual pains, headaches and mus- Hospital,Mumbai,“Aftertherecent
70 lakh to 80 lakh every day. “A Accord between the stage we are of the considered taken for disposal of cases (e) the to be taken”. mon painkiller, saying its con- cle and joint pain, with its use also drug safety alert by the IPC on
person named Nishant Agarwal Government of India and agitat- view that it will be necessary for number of cases pending before Delineatingthestatusofthose stituent, mefenamic acid, triggers prevalentamongchildrenforhigh mefenamic acid, it's crucial to un-
has been identified as the team ing groups in the state. It says the court to have certain data- theGauhatiHighCourt”. who crossed over to India before severe allergic reactions like the fever. Sold as Meftal, Mefkind, derstand that DRESS syndrome
leader, who helped in floating that all those who came to based disclosures by the Union It also asked the government 1966, S-G Mehta referred to an DRESS syndrome, which affects Mefanorm and Ibuclin P, mefe- linkedtothismedicationcancause
bogus companies, with the data Assam between January 1, 1966 government in the Ministry of to appraise it about “the steps undertaking given by the then your internal organs. namic acid shares similarities symptomslikeskinrash,highfever,
he accessed from the gangs as- and March 25, 1971 from Home Affairs”. which have been taken by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, “Healthcare professionals, pa- with medications like ibuprofen swollenlymphnodesandcompli-
sociated with an earlier case, in Bangladesh and since then are It also asked the Central and Union government at an admin- Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, to the tients and consumers are advised and aspirin. cationsininternalorgans.Thealert
which 25 were arrested. It residents of Assam can register stategovernmenttofurnishdata istrative level to deal with illegal governmentof IndiaonFebruary tocloselymonitorthepossibilityof emphasises vigilant monitoring
caused a loss of exchequer's for citizenship. on the “number of persons to immigrationinto the territory of 8, 1972 to take back all refugees the above adverse drug reactions DRESS Syndrome and reporting of adverse drug re-
money,” said Chander. Hearing petitions which said whom citizenship has been India, particularly the state of who had taken shelter in India (ADR) associated with the use of DRESS syndrome (Drug Rash actions for patient safety. If using
Nishant is currently ab- the provision had led to large- granted under the provisions of Assam.Detailsshallbefurnished since March 25, 1971. the above suspected drug,” the with Eosinophilia and Systemic mefenamic acid, consult a health-
sconding and may have relo- scale illegal immigration into Section 6A(2), namely with ref- in regard to the extent of border FULLREPORTON alert said. But doctors say the side Symptoms) is a severe allergic re- careprofessionalpromptlyforpo-
cated to Mumbai. Assam, the bench said that erence to the time period of per- fencing which has been carried effects are extremely rare, already actionaffectingaround10percent tential alternatives.”

Form panel to find KERALA

reasons for frequent resigns as Major
road accidents: HC to Thiruvananthapuram:
Cardinal George Alencherry on

J&K administration Thursday stepped down as the

head of Kerala's Syro-Malabar
Church — one of the 23 eastern
churches in full communion with
5 KILLED IN ACCIDENT Rome. Bishop Sebastian
Vaniyapurackal, a bishop at the
Srinagar: A cab carrying a church'sheadquartersinKochi,will
THE JAMMU & Kashmir and group of people from takechargeastheadministratorof
LadakhHighCourtinSrinagaron Srinagar to Kargil on thechurchuntilanewmajorarch-
Thursday asked the Union Thursday fell from a moun- bishopiselectedin2024.TheMajor
Territory administration to con- tain highway in Ganderbal Archbishop's exit from the highest
stituteanexpertcommitteetoas- district of Jammu and office in the Kerala church came in
certain reasons behind frequent Kashmir,killingfivepersons, thewakeofturbulentdaysmarked
roadaccidentsalongtheJammu- said officials. The accident by protests over the implementa-
Srinagar and Batote-Doda- tookplaceinSonamargarea, tionof uniformholymass.
Kishtwar national highways, be- where the passenger cab ENS
sides Mughal Road connecting skidded off the "slippery"
Jammuprovince'sPoonchdistrict mountainousZojilaPassroad
with Shopian in Kashmir. ontheSrinagar-LehHighway,
A division bench comprising due to the recent snowfall,
ChiefJusticeNKotiswarSinghand the officials said. ENS
Justice Moksha Khajuria Kazmi,
(PIL),hasorderedmembersofthe Jammu'sPW(R&B),andProfessor
expert committee to inspect the GMBhat,formerheadofGeology
two national highways and the departmentofJammuUniversity,
road concerned, and submit a re- whoisalso anexpertinlandslides
porton the same byor before the on national highways. The direc-
first week of February 2024. The tionshavecomeinthreePILsfiled
bench has fixed the next hearing byIntikhabAhmedQazi,AsifIqbal
on February 13. Naik, and Bar Association Doda.
According to the High Court, According to sources, more
theexpertcommitteewillinclude people die in road accidents than
aprofessorwithexpertiseinroad militant violence in J&K. More
safety from IIT Jammu, an engi- than 580 people have died and
neer (to be nominated by) chief over 5,500 were injured in road
engineerof projectSAMPARK,an accidents till August this year;
executive engineer (to be nomi- against 805 dead and 8,372
nated by) chief engineer of injured in 2022.

Manipur partially lifts liquor prohibition

Guwahati: The Manipur govern- Manipur has officially been a
ment has withdrawn long- ‘dry state’ since 1991 with the
standingliquorprohibitionrules passing of theLiquorProhibition
from a large portion of the state Act, with exemption granted to
through a notification issued on Scheduled Caste (SC) and
Wednesday, ending the state’s Scheduled Tribe (ST) communi-
status as a ‘dry state’ after more ties to brew liquor for traditional
than three decades. purposes. ENS



08 DEC
On this day 5042496W Rfn Santosh Thapa of
5/1 Gorkha Rifles made the supreme sacrifice
during 'OP PAWAN',Sri Lankaon 08Dec 1987
in a true act of valour and courage. The brave
soldier will always be remembered for his
enthusiasm. To this brave heart we pledge that we shall
always be guided by his immortal spirit and make his name
08 DEC 1971
L/Nk Kul Bahadur Rai, Rfn Jai Prasad Limbu and Rfn Project Implementation Unit, Gandhinagar (Health & Family Welfare Dept.)
Chandra Bahadur Limbuof 1/11 Gorkha Rifles (BATALIK) had NOTICE PIU - 132/2023-24 (reinvited 77/01/2023-24)
made the supreme sacrifice during'OP CACTUS LILY' in erst- Online tenders for Health Care facilities Civil works of Various District Gujarat as below are invited
while East Pakistan on 08 Dec 1971 in a true act of valour. by the Superintending Engineer, Project Implementation Unit, NRHM/PIU Building 4th Floor, Civil
The brave soldiers will always be remembered for their Hospital Campus, Gandhinagar-382012, Ph.079-23231434, 23231393
enthusiasm. To these brave hearts we pledge that we shall
Sr Name of Work Est. Cost (1) Tender Fee Approved Time ID No.
always be guided by their immortal spirit and do their names
No. in Lacs (2) EMD (Rs.) Regst. Class Limit in
(BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE) 1 Construction of new hospital, 5194.23 (1) Rs.30,000/- AA Class & 12 9052
Building ar Tharad Ta. Tharad (2) Rs.5194900/- Special
District Banaskantha Building
64, Subhash Chandra Bose Marg, Cantt Kanpur-208004
NOTICE INVITING TENDER Pre Bid Dtd.: 13-12-2023 up to 12.00 Hrs.
Online tender through two bid system are invited from experienced firms through the On Line Submission Dtd.: 19-12-2023 upto 18.00 hrs.
Government e-procurement The details of
tender is as under. Submission of Tender Fee, EMD & Other Original Documents on dtd.: 19-12-2023 Online
S. NIT NO. Name of work and location
Last Date of Estimated (Documents shall have to be Scanned & put up Online. The Original Documents shall have to be
No. Uploading cost of
Tender tender (Rs.) submitted within 7 Days through R.P.A.D. Only)
MUMBAi MeTroPoLiTAn reGion deVeLoPMenT AUTHoriTY
(A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking)
2 CBK/Engg/ Provision of Channel for Surface 28.12.2023 45,00,000/- Bid Opening of tender dtd.: 20-12-2023 upto 12.00 hrs. INF/1930/23-24
K-1693/1 Water
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E) , Mumbai - 400051 4 CBK/Engg/ Provision of Shops in Sy No. 487 28.12.2023 48,00,000/-
Tel : 022-26590001/04, Fax : 022-26591264 Email : K-1693/2 (10 No. Market) Cantt. Kanpur
The detail may be obtain from and
e-Tender noTice
Name of Work : MMRDA/4/MMRP/CA-222 : Architectural finishing and plumbing works
L.No.: CBK/Engg/K-1693 Dated.: 07.12.2023 IDES, CEO, Kanpur Cantt
including interior fitouts, façade etc. along with Part Design, Fabrication, Supply and Erection of Keishampat Junction, Imphal-795001
Pre-Engineered Structure including Entry-Exit Structures for 07 elevated stations viz. Corporate Office:- Electricity Complex, Patta No. 1293 under 87(2),
Garodia Nagar, Pant Nagar, Laxmi Nagar, Shreyas Cinema, Godrej Company, Vikhroli Metro
& Surya Nagar of Line-4 corridor [Wadala-Ghatkopar-Mulund-Thane-Kasarvadavali] of Mumbai IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f LfU³fe ´fdSX¿fQ, IYf³f´fbSX Khwai Bazar, Keishampat, Imphal-795001, Manipur, INDIA
Fax : +91385 2450702 Tele: +91385 2450050
Metro Rail Project of MMRDA.
¶fÔ¦f»ff ³fÔ0 64, Àfb·ff¿f ¨f³Qi ¶fûÀf ¸ff¦fÊ I f³f´fbS I` ¯M-208004 No. 4/Procurement/33KV(Line)/2023/MSPCL(PURCH)/ 2417-24 Imphal, the 06.12.2023
Estimated Cost Cost of Blank Earnest Bid document download Last Date
Excluding GST
Tender Form Money of Online
(per each) In Rs. Deposit (Rs.) Date/Time (From) Date/Time (To) submission
Rs. 5,900/- Rs. 13/12/2023 30/01/2024 30/01/2024 LfU³fe ´fdS¿fQ, I f³f´fbS ¸fZÔ 01 VfeVf¸f EUÔ 1 ³fe¸f I f ´fZO À±ff³f-EASR ûÀfÊ The Managing Director, Manipur State Power Company Ltd (MSPCL) invites bids online submission from the
(Including GST) 2,36,98,532/- 12:01 Hrs 15:00 Hrs 15:00 Hrs
• Contract Period : 20 (Months) including Monsoon + 24 months DLP WfgdÀ´fM»f IZ ´ffÀf ¨füI I` ¯M I f³f´fbS ¸fZÔ þ`Àff W`, þWfh W`Ô' IZ Af²ffS ´fS manufacturers of the following equipment/materials.
Specific- Particulars Qnty. Cost of Last date of online sub- Due date of Due date of
e-Tender can be downloaded from e-Tendering portal: ³fe»ff¸fe Af¸fÔdÂf°f I e þf°fe W`Ü ³fe»ff¸fe I e Àf¸fÀ°f d³f¹f¸f U Vf°fZÊ ation No Tender mission of Bid through Opening of Techno- Opening of
electronically mode Commercial Bid Financial Bid
app. any additional information, corrigendum and help for uploading and downloading the e-
Tender , may be availed by contacting MMRDA’s e-tendering service desk at the following id : U https://eacution. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, or call us on 0120- ÀfZ ´fif~ I e þf ÀfI °fe W`ÔÜ ³fe»ff¸fe I û d¶f³ff dI Àfe Àfc¨f³ff IZ ÀUeIÈ °f U 4/7/23 Supply and delivery of 10m long
steel Tubular Pole (410-SP-48)
upto 5.00 p.m
at 2.00 p.m.
at 11.00 a.m.
4001005/002, 022-2659 7445. For further information if required you may please contact
Shri. Satyajit Salve Designation: Executive Engineer, Metro PIU on telephone No : AÀUeIÈ °f I S³fZ I f Ad²fI fS ¸fb£¹f Ad²fVff¿fe Ad²fI fSe/I` ¯M ¶fûOÊ I û (IS 2713/80)

Bidding Document can be downloaded from the tender portal All
022-24063701 and Email ID:
Sd/- ÀfbS dÃf°f W`Ü correspondence/communication shall be made to: Managing Director, Manipur State Power Company

Date : 08/12/2023 Director (Works) (A³fbþ ¦fû¹f»f) ¸fb0Ad²f0Ad²f0, Lf0´fdSX0, IYf³f´fbSX Limited, Keishampat, Imphal 795001, Manipur, India, Telephone No. 0385 245 0050, Fax No. 0385
Place : Mumbai MMRDA 2450702. For further details including amendments/modification/corrigendum/ change in bidding programme,
if any, please visit tender portal regularly.
(Ng. Subhachandra Singh)
Managing Director, MSPCL

Project Implementation Unit, Gandhinagar (Health & Family Welfare Dept.)
NOTICE PIU - 130/2023-24
Online tenders for Health Care facilities Civil works of Various District Gujarat as below are invited
by the Superintending Engineer, Project Implementation Unit, NRHM/PIU Building 4th Floor, Civil
Hospital Campus, Gandhinagar-382012, Ph.079-23231434, 23231393
Sr Name of Work Est. Cost (1) Tender Fee Approved Time ID No.
No. in Lacs (2) EMD (Rs.) Regst. Class Limit in
(Rs.) Months
1 Construction of new hospital, 20232.75 (1) Rs.30,000/- AA Class & 24 9054
Building at 425 Beded Hospital (2) Rs.20233000/- Special
at Mansa District Gandhinagar Building
2 Construction of 424 Beded 19609.34 (1) Rs.30,000/- AA Class & 24
B. No. 64, Subhash Chandra Bose Marg, Kanpur-04 Teaching Hospital Ta. Palitana (2) Rs.19609000/- Special
Open auction for MG Park. All the terms & conditions of auction from e-chhawani District Bhavnagar Building
module can be obtained. The Chief Executive Officer/Cantt. Category-1
Board reserves the right to accept or rejected without any notice. The contract of
work detailed in the table given below:- Pre Bid Dtd.: 21-12-2023 up to 12.00 Hrs.
NO. MONEY EMD Time of Auction On Line Submission Dtd.: 29-12-2023 upto 18.00 hrs.
1 CBK/RS/ Collection of Entry fee & Parking fee of ` 1,00,000/- 21-12-2023
K-1688/1 Mahatma Gandhi Park at Kanpur Cantt. for a at 1500 hrs.
Submission of Tender Fee, EMD & Other Original Documents on dtd.: 29-12-2023 Online
Period of 01 years extendable upto 02 years. (Documents shall have to be Scanned & put up Online. The Original Documents shall have to be
For any query, pls. write to ( or contact on the above submitted within 7 Days through R.P.A.D. Only)
mentioned address.
(Anuj Goel) Bid Opening of tender dtd.: 30-12-2023 upto 12.00 hrs. INF/1931/23-24
Chief Executive Officer,
L.NO.: CBK/RS/K-1688 Dated: 07.12.2023 Cantonment Board, Kanpur

CXØfSX ´fiQZVf ´fiQc¿f¯f d³f¹fÔÂf¯f ¶fûOXÊ

Bank of Baroda, a Govt. of India undertaking, invites offline applications from interested
candidates who are either Ex-banker with a minimum of 3 years of experience in rural
banking in any Nationalized Bank, with maximum age of 64 years* or Candidate of 21-
45 years* age group with minimum qualification as graduation and computer knowledge
for appointment as BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT SUPERVISOR on contract basis
ÃfZÂfe¹f IYf¹ffÊ»f¹f: 34E, d³fIYMX ÀfÔ°f °fb»fÀfe ´fd¶»fIY ÀIcY»f, ¦fZMX ³fÔ0-2,
at Kanpur Dehat, Auraiya, Jalaun, Kannauj & Unnao Distt. in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
9 Vacancies in Kanpur Dehat
Bd³QSXf ³f¦fSX, d¨f»»ff SXûOX, ¶ffhQf
1 Vacancy in Auraiya / Kanpur Dehat
1 Vacancy in Jalaun
´f¹ffÊUSX¯fe¹f ÀUeIÈYd°f WXZ°fb Af¹fûdþ°f IYe þf³fZ Uf»fe »fûIY Àfb³fUfBÊ IZY Àfc¨f³ff
No. of Vacancies
1 Vacancy in Kannauj
1 Vacancy in Unnao
ÀfUÊÀff²ffS¯f I û Àfcd¨f°f dI ¹ff þf°ff W` dI ´f¹ffÊUS¯fe¹f ÀUeIÈ d°f WZ°fb »fûI Àfb³fUfBÊ IZ Àf¸¶f³²f ¸fZÔ ´fiÀ°ffU Cq´fiq ´fiQc¿f¯f d³f¹fÔÂf¯f ¶fûOÊ, »fJ³fD I û
Rs. 15,000 - 25,000 (Conditions applied)
´fif~ WbE W`Ô dþÀfÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f »fûI Àfb³fUfBÊ I f Af¹fûþ³f d³f¸³fd»fdJ°f I f¹fÊIi ¸f IZ A³fbÀffS dI ¹ff þf³ff ´fiÀ°ffdU°f W`Ü
Monthly Remuneration Fixed Component Variable Component IiY. ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff EUÔ AfUZQIY IYf ´fiûþZ¢MX IYf ³ff¸f ´fdSX¹fûþ³ff À±f»f IYf ÃfZÂfRY»f À±ff³f dQ³ffÔIY U
ÀfÔ ³ff¸f ´f°ff Àf¸f¹f
Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 10,000/-
Last Date of Receipt of Application : 29-12-2023 *Age as of the date of notification
1. ¸f`ÀfÀfÊ Sfg¹f»f ¸fZ¦ffMZI ´fif0d»f0 AU¹fÀI Jd³fþ ¦ffMf ³fÔq- 93, J¯O ÃfZÂfR »f 1.012 WZ0 °fWÀfe»f Àf·ff¦ffS 10.01.2024
Address for Sending Application : Bank of Baroda, Regional Office, Kanpur Dehat Region, (ßfe ¶fÔM e A¦fiUf»f ´fbÂf ßfe S¸fZVf d¶fd»OÔ¦f ÀMû³f ³fÔ0-16, ¦fif¸f ¶fSe, Ãf¸f°ff 32,384.00 ÀfQS, þ³f´fQ- 12:00 ¶fþZ
FI Department, 118/330, 2nd Floor, Kaushalpuri, Gumti No. 5, Kanpur - 208012
For any queries or clarification email us on :
¨f³Qi A¦fiUf»f) d³f0-Àfe-2/37, (¦fiZ³ffBM, J¯Of, °fWÀfe»f U þb³f´fQ- §f³f ¸fe0/U¿fÊ ¸fWû¶ffÜ
Date : 08-12-2023 Regional Manager
dUI fÀf ¸ffIZ ÊM , I ¸f»ff ³f¦fS, ¶fû»OS, ¶»ffÀM ¸fWû¶ff (C0´fi0)Ü
þ³f´fQ- Af¦fSf, C0´fi0Ü (d¦f˜e)
IN THE DEBTS RECOVERY APPELLATE TRIBUNAL,ALLAHABAD 2. ¸f`ÀfÀfÊ ßfe SfþZ³Qi Ib ¸ffS ´ff¯OZ¹f AU¹fÀI Jd³fþ AfSfþe ³fÔ0- 93. J¯O ÃfZÂfR »f 1.012 WZ0 °fWÀfe»f Àf·ff¦ffS 10.01.2024
MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GOVT. OF INDIA ´fbÂf ßfe dVfU ¦fû´ff»f d³f0-AfþfQ d¶fd»OÔ¦f ÀMû³f ³fÔ0-18, ¦fif¸f- ¶fSe, Ãf¸f°ff 32,384.00 ÀfQS þ³f´fQ- 12:30 ¶fþZ
TAGORE TOWN, ALLAHABAD) ³f¦fS, I ¶fSBÊ, °fWÀfe»f U þ³f´fQ (¦fiZ³ffBM, J¯Of, °fWÀfe»f-ÀfQS, þ³f´fQ- §f³f ¸fe0/U¿fÊ ¸fWû¶ffÜ
REF NO................. Date. 04.12.2023 ¸fWû¶ff, C0´fi0Ü ¶fû»OS, d¦f˜e ¸fWû¶ff (C0´fi0)Ü
(Summons to the parties through publication with rules 26(8) ¶»ffÀM)
as amended up to under Section 18 of the Securitization and 3. ¸f`ÀfÀfÊ ßfe¸f°fe ¸fe³fc ¦fb~f, C´fJd³fþ Àff²ffS¯f J¯O ³fÔ0- 30/10, ¦fif¸f- ÃfZÂfR »f 20.242 WZ0 °fWÀfe»f Àf·ff¦ffS 11.01.2024
Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
Security InterestAct, 2002 as amended up to date).
d³fUfdÀf³fe ¸fWfSfþ´fbS , I f³f´fbS ¶ff»fc/¸füS¸f ¸fb»fÀfe, °fWÀfe»f ¸füQfWf, Ãf¸f°ff 1,21,452.00 ¸füQWf, þ³f´fQ- 02:00 ¶fþZ
³f¦fS, C0´fi0Ü þ³f´fQ- W¸feS´fbS , C0´fi0Ü §f³f ¸fe0/U¿fÊ W¸feS´fbS Ü
APPEAL DY. No 1075 OF 2022
CANARA BANK......................... Appellant ¶fûOÊ õfSf ´f¹ffÊUS¯f U³f EUÔ þ»fUf¹fb ´fdSU°fʳf ¸fÔÂff»f¹f ·ffS°f ÀfSI fS õfSf þfSe Ad²fÀfc¨f³ff ÀfÔ£¹ff-EÀf.Aû. 1533 dQ³ffÔI
Versus 14-09-2006 ¹f±ff ÀfÔVfûd²f°f-EÀf.Aû. 3067 (BÊ) dQ³ffÔI 01-12-2009 IZ A³fb´ff»f³f ¸fZÔ C´fSûö ´fdS¹fûþ³ff I e »fûI Àfb³fUfBÊ C´fSûö
SHRI OM PRAKASH PANDEY & ORS.............RESPONDENTS Àfc¨fe ¸fZÔ AÔdI °f Ud¯fÊ°f À±ff³f, dQ³ffÔI EUÔ Àf¸f¹f IZ A³fbÀffS Af¹fûdþ°f I e þf¹fZ¦feÜ Cö ´fdS¹fûþ³ff I e »fûI Àfb³fUfBÊ WZ°fb þ³f°ff IZ
To. ÀfbÓffU, dU¨ffS, MeI f EUÔ dM´´fd¯f¹ffÔ AfdQ Af¸fÔdÂf°f dI ¹fZ þf°fZ W`Ü ´fdS¹fûþ³ff ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f BÊ.AfBÊ.E. EUÔ ÀfÔdÃf~ Ad·f»fZJ d³f¸³ffÔdI °f
1. Smt. Meera Omar, W/o Un-Known, R/o- 26/31, Etawa Bazar, I f¹ffÊ»f¹fûÔ ¸fZÔ C´f»f¶²f W`Ü
Kanpur Nagar,U.P.
2. Smt. Priya Gupta W/o Shri Gulab Chandra Gupta, R/o-
1- dþ»ffd²fI fSe, I f¹ffÊ»f¹f þ³f´fQ- ¸fWû¶ff/W¸feS´fbS Ü
26/31, Etawa Bazar, Kanpur Nagar, U.P. 2- ¸fWf´fi¶f³²fI dþ»ff Côû¦f IZ ³Qi, þ³f´fQ-¸fWû¶ff/W¸feS´fbS Ü

Take Notice that the Appellant has filed an appeal

3- ÃfZÂfe¹f I f¹ffÊ»f¹f Cq´fiq ´fiQc¿f¯f d³f¹f³Âf¯f ¶fûOÊ, 34E, d³fI M ÀfÔ°f °fb»fÀfe ´fd¶»fI ÀIc »f, ¦fZM ³fÔ0-2, Bd³QSf ³f¦fS, d¨f»»ff SûO, ¶ffhQfÜ
against the order dated- 23.09.2022 passed in S.A. No. 39 4- C0´fi0 ´fiQc¿f¯f d³f¹f³Âf¯f ¶fûOÊ Me0Àfe0- 12 Ue, dU·fcd°f J¯O, ¦fû¸f°fe ³f¦fS, »fJ³fD Ü
of 2012 by the Debts Recovery Tribunal at Allahabad, the 5- I f¹ffÊ»f¹f dþ»ff ´fÔ¨ff¹f°f, þ³f´fQ- ¸fWû¶ff/W¸feS´fbS Ü
above mentioned Appeal has been listed for appearance and 6- ÃfZÂfe¹f I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ¸f²¹f ÃfZÂf, ´f¹ffÊUS¯f EUÔ U³f ¸fÔÂff»f¹f ·ffS°f ÀfSI fS, ´fÔ¨f¸f°f»f IZ ³Qie¹f ·fU³f, ÀfZ¢MS-E¨f A»fe¦fÔþ »fJ³fD Ü
further proceedings before the appellate Tribunal at A°f: Àf¸fÀ°f ÀfUÊ Àff²ffS¯f I û BÀf Af¸f Àfc¨f³ff IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ Àfcd¨f°f dI ¹ff þf°ff W` dI Cö ´fiÀ°ffdU°f AU¹fÀI Jd³fþ d¶fd»OÔ¦f ÀMû³f
Allahabad on 04.03.2024 at 10:30 A.M. you may appear
before this Apeallate Tribunal on the date either in person or
(¦fiZ³ffBM, J¯Of, ¶fû»OS, ¶»ffÀM (d¦f˜e)) EUÔ C´fJd³fþ Àff²ffS¯f ¶ff»fc / ¸füS¸f J³f³f ´fdS¹fûþ³ff I e ´f¹ffÊUS¯fe¹f ÀUeIÈ d°f ÀfZ Àf¸¶fd³²f°f
I arrive at a conclusion
not an assumption. through legal practitioner duly appointed by you for this ´fiI S¯f IZ d³fÀ°ffS¯f WZ°fb C´fSûö Ud¯fÊ°f À±ff³f, dQ³ffÔI EUÔ Àf¸f¹f IZ A³fbÀffS Af¹fûdþ°f »fûI Àfb³fUfBÊ ¸fZÔ C´fdÀ±f°f WûI S A´f³fZ AfÃfZ´f /
Inform your opinion with
detailed analysis.
purpose Take notice that in default of your appearance on ÀfbÓffU ´fiÀ°fb°f I S ÀfI °fZ W` A±fUf ÀfbÓffU EUÔ Af´fdØf¹ffÔ AfdQ d»fdJ°f ø ´f ÀfZ ´fiI fVf³f I e d°fd±f ÀfZ 30 dQ³f IZ A³QS C´fSûö Ud¯fÊ°f
the date fixed, the appeal will be heard ex-parte. I f¹ffÊ»f¹f ´fS ´fiZd¿f°f I S ÀfI °fZ W`Ü
Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, WÀ°ff./-ÃfZÂfe¹f Ad²fIYfSXe
The Indian Express.
For the Indian Intelligent.

DRDO espionage: Pune Global military aviation market TV actor held for ‘shooting neighbour’ in UP
felling of a tree on his farm, ASP trees on his farm but the police
court rejects scientist to grow to $60 bn by ’30: CDS PRESS TRUST OF INDA
Dharam Singh Marchal said.
As the argument escalated,
did not take any action, the
police said.

Kurulkar’s bail petition ‘Military, civil aviation must reduce import dependency’
FILM AND TV serial actor
Bhupinder Singh and his three
Singh pulled out his licensed
revolver and allegedly shot
Gurdeep, his sons Govind and
Taking a serious note of the
alleged police negligence in the
matter, the Superintendent of
tion with her, as stated by ATS. aides have been arrested for al- Amrik, Marchal said. Police has suspended Badhapur
CHANDAN HAYGUNDE Following a complaint filed tlefield of the future. legedly firing at his neighbours, Govind (23) died on the SHO Sumit Rathi, Inspector
PUNE, DECEMBER 7 by Col Pradeep Rana of the AMRITA NAYAK DUTTA Speaking to journalists on leading to the death of one and spot, while the two others were Yasin and Constable Krishna
DRDO's vigilance wing, the ATS NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 the sidelines of the event, HAL injuries to two others, police seriously injured and admitted Kumar, the ASP said.
A COURT in Pune on Thursday personnel initiated a probe CMD CB Ananthakrishnan said said on Thursday. Three police- to the district hospital, he added. Noting that Circle Officer
rejectedthebailapplicationfiled against Kurulkar and subse- CHIEF OF Defence Staff General HAL is trying to maximise in- men have been suspended over The police arrested the ac- Sangram Singh showed laxity
by DRDO scientist Pradeep quently arrested him. Kurulkar Anil Chauhan on Thursday said digenously designed and devel- alleged negligence in the mat- cused Bhupendra and his three in connection with the case, the
Kurulkar (59) in the espionage was then the head of DRDO's the Indian defence industry oped avionics to 75-80 per cent ter, they said. associates on Monday, the SP has handed over the inquiry
case.Thecourtobservedthatthe Research and Development should exploit opportunities on in the next five years from the The incident took place in ASP said. to ASP Dharam Singh Marchal,
offence allegedly committed by Establishment (Engineers) - R & offer from the global military current 40-45 per cent being Kuakheda village of the In their complaint, the vic- they added.
Kurulkar is serious in nature and DE (E) laboratory. DRDO sus- aviation market, which is ex- used in the Light Combat Badhapur area here on Sunday tims claimed that they had sub- Singh, a native of Kuakheda
that prima-facie there is evi- pended Kurulkar from service a pected to grow to up to $60 bil- Aircraft (LCA) Tejas and Light when the actor had an alterca- mitted a letter to the police on village, has earlier acted in
dence against him. few days after his arrest. lion by 2030. Combat Helicopter (LCH) tion with his neighbour November 19 complaining of some films and TV serials, the
Kurulkar was arrested by the Meanwhile,ATSnamed‘Zara Speaking at the inaugural Dhruv. Gurdeep, a farmer, over the Singh's attempts to cut the police said.
Puneunitof MaharashtraATSon Dasgupta’asawantedaccusedin session of the two-day Avionics “I am proud to mention here
May 3 under sections of the thiscase.OnJune30,ATSfiledthe Expo-2023 organised by that we have achieved self-re-
Official Secrets Act pertaining to chargesheet(comprisingsixvol- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited liance in most of the avionics GOVT. OF ODISHA
spying and wrongful communi- umes and 1,835 pages) against here, General Chauhan said the CDS General Anil Chauhan systems, which is mission com- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER
cation with a woman Pakistani Kurulkarbeforethespecialcourt. aviation sector was on the cusp at Avionics Expo-2023 in puters, navigation systems, RURAL WORKS CIRCLE: KEONJHAR
IntelligenceOperative(PIO),iden- ATSattachedwithitdetailsof the of an unprecedented growth. New Delhi on Thursday. ANI communication systems and O-1735 Tel. 06766-285301 (O), email:
tifyingherselfas“ZaraDasgupta”, WhatsApp chats between He asked the military and the display systems,” he said, eProcurement Notice for Bridge Works under BSY
inasuspectedcaseof honeytrap. Kurulkar and Zara, which were civil aviation sector to come to- adding that more than 50 per Identification No. Bridge Online NCB No. 403
No. 4449 / Date: 05.12.2023
According to ATS, the DRDO allegedly retrieved from his cell gether to reduce import de- solved through indigenous so- cent of the avionics systems go- 1. Name of the work : Construction of Bridge Works under BSY in the District of Keonjhar.
had received information about phone.ATSalsosubmittedtothe pendency. lutions with global uncertain- ing into the indigenous LCA 2. No. of work : 04 (Four) Nos.
the accused illegally contacting court a sealed envelope carrying “Global aviation military ties like Covid and the Russia Tejas, advanced light helicop- 3. Estimated Cost : As per Annexure in NIT.
a Pakistan-based operative. some ‘confidential’ documents market is projected to grow to and Ukraine war, leading to dis- ter Dhruv and light utility heli- 4. Class of Contractor (Eligible) : As per Annexure in NIT.
5. Period of Completion : As per Annexure in NIT.
Subsequently,asper‘procedure’, pertaining to the probe. the tune of $60 billion by 2030 ruptions in supply chains copters are indigenous.
6. Other details :
variouse-devicesusedbytheac- On August 2, defence lawyer at a compounded annual across the world. “Because of the strong in-
Procurement Officer Bid Identification Availability of tender On- Last Date & Time Date & Time of Opening of
cused,includingcellphones,lap- Rhishikesh Ganu had applied for growth of 5 per cent in the next He said a remote-controlled digenous capabilities, we are No. line for bidding of seeking Tender Tender in O/O S.E.N.E.R.W.
topanddesktopharddiscs,were Kurulkar'sbailinthespecialcourt, 10 years or so. This market pro- communication, data transmis- able to offer our platforms such Clarification Circle, Keonjhar
From To Technical Bid Financial Bid
seized by DRDO officials ‘on claiming that the information he vides us a window of opportu- sion required for manned and as ALH, LCA to foreign cus- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
February 24, 2023’ for forensic isallegedtohavesharedwithaPIO nity that needs to be exploited unmanned teaming will drive tomers with customisation as Chief Construction Bridge Dt. 13.12.23 Dt. 27.12.23 Dt. Dt. 28.12.23 Will be
Engineer, Rural Works Online NCB at up to 26.12.23 up to at intimated later
investigation. Then a probe by was not ‘classified’ and ‘incrimi- by believing in the mantra newer trends in the avionics per the requirement of the end Circle, Keonjhar No. 403 11.00 A.M. 5.00 P.M. 5.00 P.M. 11.00 A.M.
the DRDO’s ‘internal standing nating’, but was available in pub- ‘Make for India and Make for sector. user,” he said. He also said that  Further details can be seen from the website:
committee’andaforensicreport lic domain. Rejecting Kurulkar's World’,” he said. He said the avionics system countries like Nigeria, Sd/-
Chief Construction Engineer,
revealed that Kurulkar was al- bailplea,specialjudgeVRKachare Noting that the Indian de- will have to be capable of col- Philippines, Argentina and R.W. Circle, Keonjhar
legedly in constant touch with observedthatsomedatafromhis fence industry has the poten- lecting, processing and dissem- Egypt have shown interest in OIPR-25177/11/0041/2324

the PIO through ‘WhatsApp cellphoneisyettoberecovered. tial to drive the country's eco- inating information in real time LCA Tejas and talks are on with
messages, voice and video calls’ FULLREPORTON nomic goals, the CDS said to help make decisions when it these countries on the possibil-
— and shared sensitive informa- India’s challenges have to be re- comes to the data-driven bat- ity of procuring the aircraft.
CIN No.: L64202DL2000GOI107905
Date: 07-12-2023
E-Tender No.: RailTel/Tender/OT/NR/NTP/ The APTRANSCO invites bids online for 1) Spec.No. PMM12-e-53/2023:
2023-24/DSC/05, dated 07.12.2023 RailTel/ I Siddharth Singh S/O Hav
Northern Region invites E-Tender for “Supply, Supply of 132kV Metering PTs-20Nos.,2) Spec. No. PMM12-e-54/2023: Dhananjay Kumar residing
Installation, Testing, Commissioning of MPLS Supply of 400kV Polymer IVTs (Creepage-31mm/kV) - 3Nos.Time & at,Village and Post - Khapra,
Network & Creation/Up-gradation of PoP at availability of tenders: 1st & 2nd tenders 07.12.2023 at 5:00PM, Website:
various locations of Northern Region of RailTel Distt- Munger, State Bihar PIN Contact No. CE/Transmission:
and Integration with existing MPLS and 813212 that my father Army
Transmission Network”. Tender Notice & Tender 0866-2429230.
Records mentioned my Date of
Document is available on RO. NO. 2521PP/Dt. 07.12.2023 Sd/- CHIEF ENGINEER, TRANSMISSION
and can be downloaded from e-Tendering birth 09/04/2013 are wrong My
portal All future correct Date of birth
corrigendum/ addendum will be uploaded on 09/03/2015 vide affidavit No BS
RailTel’s website & e-Tendering Portal only.
082161 dated 03/10/23 before


holder of Indian passport No.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Assistant M2960771 issued at AbuDhabi
Professors through Direct Recruitment & Lateral Entry under the control on 18-12-2014 resident of
Director of Medical Education, Vijayawada. Eligibility criteria and detailed 296/47, Shaganj Chowk,
guidelines are available on the web site Interested Lucknow 226003 UP,and
GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA candidates are requested to attend through Walk in Recruitment on
presently residing at ABU
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER, 18.12.2023 & 20.12.2023 between 10.30 AM to 2.00 PM @ O/o the Director
DHABI,U.A.E. do hereby
BALANGIR (R&B) CIRCLE : BALANGIR of Medical Education, Old GGH campus, Hanumanpeta, Vijayawada.
change my name from SHEKH
Mail ID:- Dated: 07.12.2023 Sd/- M.SRINIVASA RAO AQEEL ZAHOOR to AQEEL
B-1386 e-Procurement Notice A.P.M.S.RECRUITMENT BOARD,
AHMAD with immediate
BID IDENTIFICATION No: CCE (R&B) BGR/29/2023-24 effect.
RO No : 2522PP/CL/ADVT/1/1/2021-22 MANGALAGIRI.
Letter No- 6654 // Dtd. 04.12.2023 0060110090-1
The Chief Construction Engineer, Balangir (R&B) Circle, Balangir on behalf of
Governor of Odisha invites percentage rate composite bid in double cover system I, Syed Mohd Qumber Rizvi S/O
in ONLINE MODE for the construction of works detailed in the table below from “A” GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Faheem Haider Rizvi have
Class Contractors registered with the State Governments and contractors of OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER, changed my name to Qumber
equivalent Grade/ Class registered with Central Government/ MES/ Railways for
execution of Civil works. The proof of registration from the appropriate authority BALANGIR (R&B) CIRCLE : BALANGIR Rizvi vide affidavit dated
shall be enclosed along with the bid. Mail ID:- December 4, 2023 at Lucknow.
1. Nature of Work : Building Work B-1386 e-Procurement Notice 0050232108-1
2. No. of tender : Building Work- 1 Nos. BID IDENTIFICATION No: CCE (R&B) BGR/29/2023-24
3. Tender Cost : Rs. 10,000/- Letter No- 6654 // Dtd. 04.12.2023
4. Class of Contractor : “A” The Chief Construction Engineer, Balangir (R&B) Circle, Balangir on behalf of
5. Date & Time of sale & Receipt of : From Dt. 07.12.2023, 10.00 A.M. to Governor of Odisha invites percentage rate composite bid in double cover system ''IMPORTANT''
Bids Dt. 21.12.2023 up to 05.00 P.M. in ONLINE MODE for the construction of works detailed in the table below from “A” Whilst care is taken prior to
Class Contractors registered with the State Governments and contractors of acceptance of advertising
6. Date of opening Bid : Dt. 22.12.2023 at 11.00 A.M.
equivalent Grade/ Class registered with Central Government/ MES/ Railways for copy, it is not possible to verify
7. The bidders have to participate in ONLINE bidding only. Further details can be seen execution of Civil works. The proof of registration from the appropriate authority its contents. The Indian
from the website All future corrigendum will be available shall be enclosed along with the bid. Express (P) Limited cannot be
on ONLINE MODE only. held responsible for such
1. Nature of Work : Building Work
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Balangir (R&B) Circle, Balangir 2. No. of tender : Building Work- 1 Nos. damage incurred as a result of
3. Tender Cost : Rs. 10,000/- transactions with companies,
OIPR- 34131/11/0043/2324 associations or individuals
4. Class of Contractor : “A” advertising in its newspapers
5. Date & Time of sale & Receipt of : From Dt. 07.12.2023, 10.00 A.M. to or Publications. We therefore
Bids Dt. 21.12.2023 up to 05.00 P.M. recommend that readers
make necessary inquiries
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from the website All future corrigendum will be available with advertisers or otherwise
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Balangir (R&B) Circle, Balangir
OIPR- 34131/11/0043/2324
Form No. URC-2
Advertisement giving notice about registration under Part I of Chapter XXI [Pursuant to
section 374(b) of the companies Act, 2013 and rule 4(1) of the companies (Authorised to
Register) Rules, 2014]

1.Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of sub-section (2) of section 366 of the
Companies Act, 2013, an application has been made to the Registrar at Corporate
Bhawan, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Plot No. 9 (P), Sector-1, CDA, Cuttack-753014, that M/s
Falcon Holdings a partnership firm may be registered under Part I of Chapter XXI of the
Companies Act 2013, as a company limited by shares.

2.The principal objects of the company are mas follows:

 To act and to perform all the functions of a holding company in all its branches and to
co-ordinate the policy and administration of any subsidiary company or companies
wherever incorporated or carrying on business or of any group of companies of which
the Company or any subsidiary company is a member or which are in any manner
controlled directly or indirectly by the Company. TAMILNADU TEXTBOOK AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
“EVK Sampath Maaligai” No.68, College Road Chennai- 600 006.
 To invest in and hold controlling shares in as well as manage equity investments in its Phone: 044 – 28275852 | Fax No:044 - 28224493 | E-mail :
subsidiary companies as well as other Companies that may be subscribed to or Notice Inviting E-Tender
registered by the Company in accordance with any statutes, rules and regulations to Rc.No.10508/PUR-1/2023 Date:07.12.2023
which the company may be subject to in due course of its existence. 1 Six Description of E-Tender Supply and delivery of Crayons, Geometry Box, Wooden Colour Pencil,
Rain Coat, Woollen Sweater & Ankle Boots Boys and Girls studying
in Hill area & Non Hill Area in Govt & Govt Aided Schools in TamilNadu
for the year 2024 - 2025.
 To provide consultancy, planning and advisory services to any entity, whether profit
2 Pre-Bid meeting date, time & Crayons 15/12/2023 2.00 p.m.
oriented or not, in relation to its operations, procurement, application and management of Place: TamilNadu Textbook and Educational
Wooden Colour Pencil 15/12/2023 3.00 p.m.
its funds. Services Corporation, Chennai-6
Geometry Box 15/12/2023 4.00 p.m.
Raincoat 16/12/2023 2.00 p.m.
3.A copy of the draft memorandum and articles of association of the proposed company Woollen Sweater 16/12/2023 3.00 p.m.
may be inspected at the office at A/22, Falcon House, Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar, Dist: Ankle Boots 16/12/2023 4.00 p.m.
Khurda, Odisha-761006. 3 Last Date and Time for 26.12.2023 & 27.12.2023 up to 5 p.m.
Submission of E-Tender (for details please refer to the website)

4.Notice is hereby given that any person objecting to this application may communicate 4 E-Tender opening date, time & Crayons 28/12/2023 11.00 a.m.
Place: TamilNadu Textbook and Educational
their objection in writing to the Registrar at Corporate Bhawan, 2nd and 3rd Floor, Plot Services Corporation Chennai-6
Wooden Colour Pencil 28/12/2023 3.00 p.m.

No. 9 (P), Sector-1, CDA, Cuttack-753014, within twenty one days from the date of Geometry Box 28/12/2023 5.00 p.m.

publication of this notice, with a copy to the company at its registered office. Raincoat 27/12/2023 11.00 a.m.
Woollen Sweater 27/12/2023 3.00 p.m.

Ankle Boots 27/12/2023 5.00 p.m.

5 E-Tender Document and other details are a)
available in the Websites and can be b)
Dated this 7th of December, 2023 For Falcon Holding downloaded free of cost

Sd/- Managing Director
Tara Ranjan Patnaik Tender Inviting Authority
(Partner) Tamilnadu Textbook and Educational
DIPR/6554/TENDER/2023 Services Corporation, Chennai-6



Winter Session

Dhankhar after
criticism for Nirmala:13.5crpeoplemovedoutof Haryana BJP MP
greeting PM
seeks law against
thesamequarter(July-September more than 29 consecutive
live-in relationships
A DAY after social media posts, MAHENDER SINGH 2023),theworld’sthirdandfourth months, which indicates sus-
including by Congress leaders, MANRAL largest economies have con- tainedgrowthof manufacturing. Suggests making parental consent
criticised him for bowing and NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 tracted – Germany contracted “If you look at the major
greeting PM Narendra Modi at 0.4%andJapancontractedby2.1%. economies like the US, Australia, mandatory for love marriages

an event, Vice President Jagdeep UNION FINANCE Minister Emerging economies, which are Eurozone, Brazil, China, South
Dhankhar on Thursday said Nirmala Sitharaman on largely the engine of growth for Korea they have seen a contrac-

bowing to say “namaskar” was Thursday said around 13.5 crore theworld,Vietnamgrewby5.33%, tionary manufacturing terrain,” LIZ MATHEW
his habit, irrespective of who people have moved out of “mul- Malaysiaby3.3%andThailandby the minister said. NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7
was in front of him. tidimensional” poverty in the just about 1.5%,” she said. “As per the BCG (Boston Focus on
When the Rajya Sabha con- last five years and India contin- “…For India to have reached Consulting Group) report, Made TERMING LIVE-IN relationships ● UCC Bill
vened for the day on Thursday ues to maintain the momentum 7.6% in the second quarter, it’s a in India products are increas- a “dangerous and harmful dis-
morning, Dhankhar entered the of the fastest-growing major verysignificantnumber.Overthe inglybeingseenintheAmerican ease that is affecting society”, a THE BJP MP's demand
House and greeted MPs by bow- economy, with all sectors con- lasteightyears,Indiahasbecome supermarket. While US goods BJP MP from Haryana on comes amid reports that
ingwithfoldedhands,asheusu- tributing significantly to eco- the fifth largest economy from imports from China have de- Thursday sought the govern- a five-member
ally does. He then quipped that nomic activities. being the tenth largest in 2015. clined by 10%, those imported ment to “make a law to protect committee, headed by
these days he had to keep an eye Replying to a short-duration The activities are all across the from India have risen by 40% the Indian culture from becom- former Supreme Court
on how much and whom he discussion in Rajya Sabha on the economy, it’s not just one sector from 2018 to 2022... The focus ing like the western one”. judge Justice Ranjana
should bow to, as someone may state of the economy, that is doing well. The service hasbeenoninfrastructurebuild- The BJP MP from Bhiwani- Prakash Desai, has sug-
put the visuals on social media Sitharaman highlighted the var- sector and the software services ing and our schemes in this re- Mahendragarh, Dharambir gested in its report on the
and question the strength of ious achievements of the are doing very well. All sectors spect have also helped states Singh, said in the Lok Sabha that Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
his spine. Narendra Modi government are significantly doing well. spend much more on building it has been a part of Indian cul- that registration of live-in
“Bowing and saying na- since May 2014. “The second Becauseof theMakeinIndiapro- capital assets,” she said. ture to “seek the permission and relationships be made
maskar is my habit. I don’t see quarter growth was very high, it gramme and also because of the The minister further in- support of parents for marriage mandatory. The Union
who is in front of me,” he said. is the highest in the world. We PM’s production-linked incen- formed theHousethatdirecttax in the family and it has helped in government is likely to
Avideoof Dhankhargreeting continuously maintain that mo- tive scheme, the manufacturing collection grew by 21.82% this protecting relationships”. use it as a template for
Modi as leaders arrived at mentum of being the fastest- sector is also significantly con- year till November 9 and “I want to bring to the notice drafting its own UCC Bill,
Parliament for a function to pay growing economy,” she said. tributing to the economy. The monthly GST collections sta- of the government and which is expected to
tribute to Dr B R Ambedkar on QuotingNitiAayog's2022re- manufacturing sector has regis- bilised at Rs 1.6 lakh crore in a Parliament a very serious issue. come up later. The
his death anniversary on port on poverty, she said 13.5 teredthehighestgrowthof 13.9% sign of economic growth. Indian culture is known for its Uttarakhand govern-
December6wentviral.Congress crore Indians have escaped mul- in the second quarter of this Dismissing assertions on the philosophy of 'Vasudhaiva ment was expected to
leader Supriya Shrinate posted tidimensional poverty. year,” Sitharaman said. employment front, Sitharaman Kutumbakam(worldisonefam- hold a special session to
the clip on ‘X’ on Wednesday Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman speaks in Rajya Sabha Comparing the growth of the She said the Purchasing said the unemployment ratehas ily)’ and brotherhood. Our social discuss and pass the
night, writing “Vice President during the Winter Session proceedings on Thursday. PTI Indianeconomywithothercoun- Managers Index (PMI) has been declined to 10% from 17.8% in fabric is different from others in report, but the rescue op-
of India”. tries, the minister said, “During in expansionary territory for 2017-18. the world. The whole world is eration for the 41 people
impressed by our unity in diver- trapped in the Silkyara
sity," the MP said. tunnel delayed the

Bill to set up central “A large section of society

even to this day gives priority to
meeting, sources said.

tribal university in relatives.Thebrideandthegroom

seek the consent of the parents
and arranged marriages are
has emerged and this social evil
is called “live-in relationship”.
Under this, two persons, man or

Telangana clears LS basedonamatchof severalcom-

dividual values and likes as well
woman, live together without
marriage, he said.
“Such relationships are very
asfamilybackgrounds...Marriage commoninwesternnations,but
Selfie points in colleges to honour PM, is considered a sacred relation- this evil is fast spreading in our
shipthatcontinuesforsevengen- society and the consequences
clicking not mandatory, says Pradhan erations... Divorce rate is about arehorrible. Recently,thecaseof
1.1% in India as compared with Shraddha (Walkar) and Aftab
America, which has a rate of (Poonawala) had come to light
DIVYA A about 40%,” he said while raising in which both were in a live-in
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 the issue in the zero hour. relationship," he said, referring
Singh attributed the recent to the gruesome murder of
AMID JIBES by Opposition MPs increase in divorce rate to “love Shraddha Walkar allegedly by
over the University Grants marriages”. her live-in partner in Delhi. The
Commission’s recent letter ask- “Therefore, it is my sugges- MP said that the number of such
ingcollegestosetupselfiepoints tion that the consent of mother cases have been increasing al-
withPM NarendraModi’simage and father of the bride and the most every day.
inthebackground,theLokSabha Dharmendra Pradhan in Lok groom be made mandatory in "...Hatred and evils are
on Thursday passed a Bill to es- Sabha on Thursday. PTI love marriages because in large spreading in society. If this (live-
tablishaCentralTribalUniversity partsof thecountrymarriagesdo in relationships) continues, our
in Telangana. not happen in the same 'gotra' culture will die and there will be
The Central Universities alleged PM Modi was leaving no and due to love marriages, there no difference between us and
(Amendment) Bill, 2023 was stone unturned to save his “flail- arealotof conflictsinthevillages. others,” he warned.
passed by a voice vote, with the
House rejecting the amend-
ments moved by Opposition
ing image” in the run-up to the
Lok Sabha polls.
HOUSE VISIT Scores of families are destroyed
in these conflicts, therefore the
consent of both the families is
The MP then asked the gov-
ernment to draft a law against
live-in relationships so that “this
members. During a debate on Pradhansaid:“Wehavebeensee- Persons with disabilities during a visit to Parliament on Thursday. PTI important,” the MP said. dangerous disease can be eradi-
the Bill, a BJP MP also suggested ing since childhood that pictures Singh said a “new disease” cated from society”.
the word “tribal” be removed in of President, PM and Mahatma
line with the PM’s aim to rid the Gandhi are on the walls in the
country of “all signs of slavery”.
In his reply to the debate,
Union Education Minister
schools and offices. Now, when
we are putting selfie points with
BJP’s Bidhuri, BSP’s Danish Ali Ministers at Overseas 2017-2021

63% of those
Dharmendra Pradhan said the
university will promote higher
education and research among
us proud globally... what is your
problem? If you don't want to
click selfies, don’t.... It is not
appear before privileges panel Friends of BJP events who cleared
tribal communities, including in
and customs, and technology.
mandatory...,” he added.
MP Satyapal Singh suggested
The matter was referred to
and other Opposition MPs
as part of tradition to UPSC Mains
On the “selfie points”,
Pradhan said colleges were
that tribal universities in the
country not have the prefix THE LOK Sabha Privileges
BJPMPNishikantDubeyaccused meet diaspora: EAM were from
asked to set up such points with
the PM’s pictures “because he
“tribal”, saying there was a need
to reconsider such a “division”.
Committee probing the com-
plaints around BJP MP Ramesh
Ali of “instigating” Bidhuri into
making the communal slurs. engg stream
has made the country proud “On August 15, PM Modi had Bidhuri’s use of communal slurs Ali had later written to the EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
globally”. But clicking the selfies listed ‘Panch Pran’ targets and against BSP MP Danish Ali in the Ramesh Bidhuri, Danish Ali Speaker,askingforthefootageof NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7
was not mandatory, he added. one of them was that we will get House in September took oral the exchange to be sent to panel EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
The UGC last week asked ridof allsignsof slavery,”hesaid. evidence from both MPs on members.Hehadalsoexpressed DURING OFFICIAL foreign trips, NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7
universities and colleges across Samajwadi Party leader S T Thursday, it is learnt. the records, during a discussion anguish over being treated as a Union ministers do attend
the country to set up the selfie Hasanruedthattheannualbudget Having got detailed re- on the Chandrayaan-3 mission co-accusedratherthansomeone events organised by Overseas OF THE 4,371 candidates recom-
points at strategic locations in forAligarhMuslimUniversityand sponses from both MPs, the 14- in the special session of who was wronged. Friends of BJP, a group affiliated mended in the Civil Services
their campuses to raise aware- Jamia Millia Islamia was slashed member committee headed by Parliament on September 21. In the summons, the panel with the BJP, as meeting mem- (main) examination from 2017-
ness about India’s achievements by 15% in the past few years. “It is BJP’sSunilKumarSinghwillnow Defence Minister Rajnath had asked Bidhuri and Ali to ap- bers of the diaspora is part of S Jaishankar speaks in Rajya 2021, 2,783 or 63% belonged to
in various fields. a good thing that a central tribal prepare a report on the matter. Singh, who was present in Lok pear before to present oral evi- “our tradition”, External Affairs Sabha on Thursday. PTI the engineering stream, accord-
Criticising the Centre, the university is established but the The row erupted after Sabha during the exchange, had dence on complaints by various Minister S Jaishankar said ing to Government data tabled
Leader of the Congress in Lok budget of existing good universi- Bidhuri made the remarks, later apologised to the House for members regarding their im- Thursday. in the Rajya Sabha Thursday.
Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury tiesshouldn’tbereduced,”hesaid. expunged by the Speaker from Bidhuri's remarks soon after. proper conduct in House. Jaishankarwasrespondingto he said. The data, from the Ministry
Trinamool Congress MP Saket According to its website, of Personnel, Public Grievances
Gokhale who asked if Ministers Overseas Friends of BJP was and Pensions, was tabled by
Far-flung location pushing 29% of HC judge posts vacant, 122 attendedOverseasFriendsof BJP
events and meetings.
ize the enthusiasm and energy”
Minister of State Jitendra Singh
in response to a question by BJP

CAPFs away from housing proposals being processed: Govt “I am very confident that
many ministers would have at-
of the Indian diaspora who sup-
port the BJP. Initially started in
the US and theUK, the group has
MP Sushil Kumar Modi.
Around 1,033 or 23% of the
New Delhi: A Parliamentary Committee on Home Affairs self doneso.Andthereasonwhy branches in nearly 40 countries, Mainswerefromthehumanities
Committee has found that para- headed by BJP’s Rajya Sabha “As regards the High Courts,” he continuous and collaborative we have done so is, when we go the website said. stream, 315 had science back-
military personnel are not ac- memberBrijlal.“…Noteveryone EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE said, “against the sanctioned process between the Executive abroad,wemeetmembersof the Among the group’s main ob- ground,and240candidateswere
cepting the accommodation al- is requiring accommodations as NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 strength of 1,114 judges, 790 and Judiciary, Meghwal said: Indian community. It is part of jectives, according to the web- fromthemedicalsciencestream.
lotted to them due to “location families of many CAPF person- judges are working and 324 “The Chief Justice of the High our tradition. The Modi govern- site, are “to spread a positive Therewere3,337withBachelor’s
disadvantage”, and has advised nel prefer to stay in one place for CALLING THE appointment of posts of judges are vacant.” Court is required to initiate the mentvaluestheIndiandiaspora. message of the BJP Government degrees and 1,034 with a higher
construction of dwelling units at pursuing the education of their judges“acontinuousandcollab- He said that of the total 292 proposal to fill up the vacancy of We know that they make an in India led by Prime Minister qualification, the data showed.
a place having urban amenities. children, whereas the personnel orative process” between the proposals from different HC a HC judge six months prior to enormous contribution to the Narendra Modi”. According to the data, 75% of
“The committee notes that are on the move from one place Executive and the Judiciary, Law Collegiums this year, 110 judges the occurrence of vacancy. image and to the profile that Gokhale’s question came as thecandidatesrecommendedin
the housing requirement of the to another,” the report said. MinisterArjunRamMeghwalon had been appointed, 60 recom- However, this timeline is often Indiahastoday,”Jaishankarsaid. Jaishankar,whilerespondingtoa the exam were men and 25%
CAPFs has been a sticky issue... It “The committee recom- Thursday informed the Rajya mendations had been remitted not adhered to by the High He added that the govern- question by Congress’s Syed women. Out of the various
is observed that due to location mends that the MHA draw a Sabha that 324 of the 1,114 sanc- to the High Courts on the advice Courts.” ment treated all members of the Naseer Hussain, said Union mediums of writing of the rec-
disadvantage owing to their dis- roadmapinconsultationwiththe tionedpostsof HighCourtjudges of the Supreme Court Collegium “All the names recom- diaspora with respect. “If mem- Ministers made 220 foreign vis- ommended candidates, the top
tance from adequate urban Ministry of Housing and Urban were vacant and the and, as on December 4, 122 pro- mended by the High Court bers of the community happen its since 2020. In his written re- five were Assamese, Bengali,
amenities such as educational Affairs/CAPFsetcforlocatingcon- Government is in the process of posals were “at various stages of Collegium are sent with the to belong to political parties or ply to Hussain, Jaishankar said Gujarati, Hindi and Kannada.
institutions, medical facilities struction of dwelling units at a filling up 122 of these. processing”. views of the Government to the have political affiliations, that is the visits were a means to foster Political science and interna-
etc., the personnel are unwilling Replying to a question by For the remaining vacancies, Supreme Court Collegium for a fact of life. Primary purpose for closer ties with other countries tional relations topped the list of
to accept the accommodations thatthefamiliesof theCAPFper- Congress MP Shaktisinh Gohil the Government is yet to receive advice. Government, however, which ministers go is official andservenationalinterest.More optionalsubjectschosenbythese
offered to them as they are lo- sonnel do not face difficulties in on the vacancies in the judiciary, recommendations from the re- appoints only those persons as business. Ministers discharge than a hundred (101) memo- candidates in 2021, 2020 and
cated in semi-urban or far-flung accessing them,” the committee Meghwal said the Supreme spective HC Collegiums, he said. judges of High Courts who are their official responsibility fully randaof understandingorMoUs 2019. In 2018 and 2017, the top
areas,” stated the report of the said in its report tabled in the Court was functioning with its In his written reply, calling recommended by SC satisfactorily and it is visible in weresignedwithdifferentcoun- optionalsubjectsweresociology
Parliamentary Standing Rajya Sabha on Thursday. ENS full sanctioned strength of 34. the appointment of judges a Collegium,” he said. the results of the foreign policy,” triessince2020, thereply stated. and geography, respectively.





Presidentacceptsresignationof on pleas challenging
3MinisterswhoareMLAsnow abrogation of Art 370
any, could only have been made
through a political process.
VIKAS PATHAK NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 The Centre submitted that
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 the erstwhile state of J&K had
THE SUPREME Court will pro- fully surrendereditssovereignty
PRESIDENTDROUPADIMurmu,as nounce on December 11, 2023, totheUnionof Indiauponacces-
advisedbythePrimeMinister,late its verdict on petitions challeng- sion and the petitioners who
Thursday accepted the resigna- ing the constitutional validity of have challenged the changes
tionsofUnionministersNarendra changes made by the Centre in made to Article 370 “are confus-
SinghTomar(Agriculture),Prahlad 2019 to Article 370 of the inginternalsovereigntywithau-
SinghPatel(MoS,FoodProcessing Constitutionandthereorganisa- tonomy”.
Industries and Jal Shakti) and tion of the erstwhile state of Countering the argument of
RenukaSingh(MoSTribalAffairs), Jammu and Kashmir into two the petitioners on how the
TOUR TRADITION who won their seats in the re-
(From left) Union Ministers Narendra Singh Tomar, Prahlad Singh Patel and Renuka Singh Union Territories — Jammu and
Kashmir, and Ladakh.
Parliament could assume the
roleof ConstituentAssembly,the
RASHTRIYA SWAYAMSEVAK Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan even as the BJP is yet to announce A five-judge Constitution government said the words
BhagwatisscheduledtovisitDeraRadhaSoamiSatsang,Beas, itschief ministerialchoices.Apart With all eyes on the party’s nounced. While there was buzz son won for the Congress. On bench presided by Chief Justice ‘ConstituentAssembly’inArticle
and meet its head Gurinder Singh Dhillon on Friday. He had from these three, there are many choices for the chief ministerial that she hosted a dinner for Wednesday, Chouhan was inter- of IndiaDYChandrachudhadre- 370(3) can be read only as
visited the Dera in October 2018 too, ahead of the 2019 Lok other CM hopefuls, including posts in Madhya Pradesh, MLAs Monday night, people actingwithpeopleinChhindwara, served its verdict on as many as ‘Legislative Assembly’.
Sabha polls. His visit ahead of the 2024 general election is be- someMPswhoputintheirpapers Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, the close to her said no dinner was wheretheBJPlostsevenseats. 23 petitions in the matter on TheCentrealsotoldthecourt
ing closely watched.Bhagwat is on a three-day visit to Punjab, aftertheresultscameout. BJP is expected to announce the hospted, and that it was just that InChhattisgarh,manytheories September 5 after hearing it for that the Union Territory status
where he has held marathon meetings with around 20 RSS Arjun Munda will now be names of observers to the three 28 MLAs individually met her at arefloatingaroundinpoliticalcir- 16 days. The bench also com- forJammuandKashmirisatem-
leaders from the state, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh. Minister of Agriculture and states by Friday, sources in the different times of the day. cles, as political leaders and ob- prised Justices S K Kaul, Sanjeev porary measure and that its
Farmers Welfare, in addition to party say. MP Chief Minister Shivraj serversarecluelessabouttheBJP’s Khanna, B R Gavai and Surya statehood will be restored.
his existing portfolio; Shobha The party is tongue-tied on SinghChouhan hasbegunto tour choicefortheCM’spost.Therewas Kant. In the course of the hearing,
VERSE REPLY Karandlaje,Ministerof State,will
alsobeassignedthechargeof the
its choices for the posts, and
party leaders and members in
parts of the state where the BJP,
which won a landslide victory in
buzz that members of the Sahu
The petitioners who com-
menced arguments on August 2
the court wondered if the peti-
tioners were trying to say that
UNION FINANCE Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday Minister of State in Ministry of the states are also clueless about thestate,didnotdowell,purport- ten to the BJP leadership to make argued that the provision that the changes made were beyond
briefly switched to Tamil to counter the charges by the south- Food Processing Industries; and who would find favour with the edlyto‘ensure’alandslidevictory Arun Sao the CM, and that there grantedspecialstatustoJ&Kwas the amending powers of
ern states that they have been discriminated against by the Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister top leadership. forthepartyinthestateintheLok werethosewhoweregangingup meant to be temporary only un- Parliament.
Centre in disbursal of resources. During a discussion in Rajya of State, will be Minister of State Former Rajasthan Chief Sabha polls. Chouhan was in against Renuka Singh, quietly til the Constituent Assembly for The bench also sought to
Sabha on the state of economy, Sitharaman was explaining in Ministry of Jal Shakti, in addi- MinisterVasundharaRajewasin Sheopur in the Chambal region – spreading word that she ‘would the erstwhile state took a deci- know why the provision was
the mechanism of GST and the direct taxes when CPM MP tion to his existing portfolios. Delhi Thursday where she met where the BJP lost two seats – notbeagoodchoice’.Securityhad sion one way or the other. placed in Part XXI of the
John Brittas intervened to point out that a “huge amount was Bharti Pravin Pawar, Minister of party chief JP Nadda. Newly- Thursday, and will be in been increased outside the resi- They alsocontended thatthe Constitution which deals with
going to Centre on account of duties and surcharges”. State, will be Minister of State in elected BJP MLAs were already RaghogarhtownnearGunaFriday, dence of Renuka Singh, a tribal core issue to be decided is “temporary, transitional and
Sitharaman chose to reply with a Tamil verse: “Thadukkula the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, in queuing up in Jaipur to meet her tointeractwithpeopleinthecon- leader, sparking speculation that whether Parliament could have special provisions”.
paancha paaila paaiva (If I address one issue, you will jump to additiontoherexistingportfolio. after the results were an- stituency that Digvijaya Singh’s shecouldbetheparty’schoice. assumedtheroleof thestateleg- Whenthepetitionersreferred
another one).” When Brittas said he does not understand islaturetomaketheamendment to the Brexit referendum in the
Tamil, the minister, in a lighter vein, said: “Unnakku Tamil when there was an understand- United Kingdom, the court also
puriyon (You understand Tamil).” In Jaipur jostling, ing between the Government of said that seeking public opinion
IndiaandtheStatethattherewill inaconstitutionaldemocracylike
Raje camp smells
be a Constituent Assembly India has to be through estab-
whose recommendation is lishedinstitutionsandthereisno
rat as son accused mandatory to touch Article 370. question of referendum under
QUOTING MAHATMA Gandhi on his vision of a Constitution Given this, the Parliament can- the country’s Constitution.
alignedwiththewillof thepeople,formerPresidentRamnath of ‘resort politics’ not say by a resolution that it is Thecourtalsosaidthattrans-
KovindonThursdaydrewparallelswiththepresentsayingthe the Constituent Assembly, they fer of sovereignty to the domin-
Constitution resonates with the aspirations of the nation. HAMZA KHAN argued, adding that after the ion of India by acceding states,
Referencing the abrogation of Article 370 in J&K, Kovind as- JAIPUR, DECEMBER 7 Constituent Assembly for J&K including Jammu and Kashmir,
sertedthatitalignswiththeConstitutionalprinciples.Hewas ceasedtoexistin1957,therewas was not conditional but ab-
speaking at the launch of 'Naye Bharat ka Samaveda', a collec- AS THE wait for a new Chief no constitutional process left to solute, as is reflected in Article 1
tion highlighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speeches Minister continues in Rajasthan, touch Article 370 and changes, if of the Indian Constitution.
pertainingtotheConstitution.Thebook,launchedbytheIndira thefatherofaBJPMLAhasalleged
GandhiNationalCentrefortheArts,comprises32speechesby that his son was taken to a resort
the PM, with the inaugural speech dating back to January 24,
2010, marking the Constitution's 60th anniversary.
and sequestered there by former
Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje’s
UGC okays norms
even as sources in Raje camp
termed the entire thing as a con-
spiracy to malign her image.
for short-term skill
Release Centre’s aid
Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan during his visit to Sheopur district, Thursday. PTI
development courses
to SDRF in advance,
Raje onDecember 4 butafter the
meeting dropped him off at the
resort on the outskirts of Jaipur.
Chouhan reverts to battle EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
for the successful students com-
pleting the short-term skill de-
velopment course. The HEI may

mode as Delhi dawdles

He said there was “nothing collaborate with the relevant

PM tells MHA suspicious” but questioned why

Lalit was taken to a resort when
the family has a home in Jaipur.
Commission (UGC) on Thursday
approved the guidelines for the
sector skills councils/awarding
bodies and industries to gain
credibility, access to placement
varied,manyareasof thesestates Moreover, he claimed that Lalit Chouhanistellingpartywork- Modi,UnionHomeMinisterAmit introduction of short-term skill opportunities, funding schemes
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE have been inundated, affecting wantedtogotothepartyofficeaf- ANAND MOHAN J ers the BJP is fully behind them Shah and party president J P development courses in higher and training , and ensure up to
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 standingcrops,theministersaid. terwards but was stopped from BHOPAL, DECEMBER 7 andpromisingbeneficiariesofhis Nadda, as have another Union educational institutes. The date course content,” said UGC
"To help the state govern- doing so. He said he reached the government's winning Ladli minister-turned-MLA Narendra guideline has been prepared in Chairman Mamidala Jagadesh
PRIMEMINISTERNarendraModi ments with the management of resort to collect Lalit but he too AS THE race for Chief Minister's Behna scheme that his next goal Singh Tomar, MP-turned-MLAs line with the New Education Kumar.
hasdirectedtheMinistryofHome reliefnecessitatedbythecyclonic wasstoppedbysomemen.“Ihad post in the BJP heats up in the af- istomakethem'LakhpatiBehnas RitiPathakandRakeshSingh,and Policy (NEP), 2020. As per the draft guidelines,
Affairs to release in advance the storm, PM @narendramodi Ji di- gone to bring him back but there termathof a163-out-of-230seat (millionaires)'.“Thisismydream, BJP state president V D Sharma. The objective of this guide- HEIs will offer credit-linked
secondinstalmentoftheCentre's rected the Ministry of Home were five to 10 people who said victory,abeelineof heavyweight mymission”,hesays–amessage Chouhan's 160 rallies during line is to formulate the premise short-term skill development
contribution to the SDRF --- Rs Affairs (MHA) to release in ad- they wouldn't let me in. But I also leaders from Madhya Pradesh that should also travel to Delhi, the campaign were an indicator for integrating skilling into certificate courses of 3-6
493.60 crore to Andhra Pradesh vancethecentralshareofthe2nd had10-15peopleandmanagedto have made their way to the BJP given that the 64-year-old victo- thathe,forsure,won'tbetiredout highereducationatalllevelsand months. A credit mechanism
andRs450croretoTamilNadu-- instalmentofSDRF(StateDisaster bring him back,” Hemraj said. central leadership in Delhi. rious CM has been kept hanging of the race – even if retirement for introducing short-term in- willbeusedbyHEIstodesignthe
- in view of the floods caused by Response Fund) of Rs 493.60 He said including Lalit, there Outgoing CM Shivraj Singh by the party over his new role. comes.Inmoresignsofthesame, dustry-relevant courses (certifi- course structure. A short-term
cyclone Michaung, Union crore to Andhra Pradesh and Rs were five MLAs at the resort Chouhan,though,hastakenadif- Meanwhile, his rivals too are the serving CM has been busy cate courses) in the Higher skill development course in any
Minister Amit Shah said. 450croretoTamilNadu,"hesaid. from Jhalawar and Baran dis- ferent route. Yet to visit Delhi, he movingabouttheirpiecesonthe from the get-go after the results. Educational Institutes (HEIs) to stream will have to be at least 12
In a post on X, Shah said the The central government had tricts. The others are Kanwarlal has,inhiswords,thrownhimself power chess board. Post-results, His speeches during this bridge the skill gap, and to pro- credits and a maximum of 30
PMhasalsoapprovedthefirstur- already released the first instal- (MLA of Anta, Baran district), back into campaigning mode — UnionministerPrahladPateland Mission 29 tour have been high vide holistic and specialised ed- credits. The short-term skill de-
banfloodmitigationprojectofRs ment of the same amount to the Radheyshyam Bairwa (Baran for'Mission29',ortheBJP'sstated BJP national general secretary onnationalistrhetoric.“Breaking ucation with a focus on practical velopment course must have a
561.29crorefor'IntegratedUrban two states, he added. "I pray for Atru, Baran), Kaluram (Dag, resolve to win all the 29 Lok Kailash Vijayvargiya, both now the necks of Chinese soldiers training, enabling individuals to greater focus on practical learn-
Flood Management activities for the safety and well-being of all Jhalawar), and Govind Prasad Sabha seats in the state in 2024. MLAs and in contention for CM who dare intrude into our terri- acquire hands-on experience. ing.
Chennai Basin Project' under the those affected. We stand with (Manohar Thana, Jhalawar). His starting point is unmiss- post,havebeenquietontheLadli tory",abolitionof Article370and Anyone who has passed the UGC also emphasised that
NationalDisasterMitigationFund theminthiscrucialhourandwill However,Kanwarlalclaimedit able too – MP Congress chief Behna scheme, while talking of Ram Mandir are some of the 10+2/ senior secondary exam or the maximum student intake in
(NDMF),whichalsoincludescen- ensure the situation normalises was a conspiracy to malign Kamal Nath's turf of the Madhya Pradesh win in the themes of Chouhan's speeches. its equivalent will be eligible for one short-term skill develop-
tral assistance of Rs 500 crore. at the earliest," Shah said. DushyantSingh’sname.Amidthe Chhindwara,whichwasthelone samebreathastheBJP'svictories Chouhan's leap of faith admissiontoanyundergraduate ment course should not exceed
The severe cyclonic storm Michaung left behind a trail developments,Dushyantalsotook Lok Sabha seat won by the in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. though is not without a safety programme of the HEI. 60 for each cohort, and the min-
Michaung has affected Tamil of destructioninAndhraPradesh, tosocialmediatoshareimagesof Congress in 2019, and where all Thetwohavebeencampedin net: as he talks about the party's “The HEIs may develop a imumfaculty-studentratioshall
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. damaging770-kmroads,uproot- himspeakinginParliamentevery the 7 Assembly segments were Delhi, and have had meetings victory, the veteran leader never plan to facilitate employment be 1:30 or whatever is applica-
Though the extent of damage is ing trees and killing livestock. day,implyinghehasbeeninDelhi. won by the Congress this time. with Prime Minister Narendra forgets to mention the PM. opportunities and internships ble in the respective HEI.

How Bihar Public Service


Sudha Murty delivers talk at Rashtrapati Bhavan Commission tackled cheating

Murty, a well-known author, there was no ladies toilet in col-
DIVYA A philanthropist, and chairperson lege because no lady will opt for discrepancies in the elevation of lims could be tampered and an-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 of the Infosys Foundation, said, engineering. SANTOSH SINGH 184 employees to the Bihar swers changed using fluid. “We
“I decided to opt for engineering I realised if I have to do this PATNA, DECEMBER 7 Administrative Services. alsofound,insomecasesinMains
“I AM a teacher, I require a in the year 1968, despite coming journey, I am on my own, Murty This marks the first time the papers, that some answer sheets
podiumnotachair,”saidphilan- from a small town called Hubli said, recalling a shloka from the THE BIHAR Public Service BPSCisconductinganexamother were same, suggesting answers
thropistandauthorSudhaMurty, in Karnataka and a very ortho- Bhagavad Gita, ‘Aatmahi Commission (BPSC) Thursday than the state service exams. werewrittenpost-exam,”hesaid.
whilespeakingattheRashtrapati dox family known as the aatmahi’, which implied one began conducting the second Speaking to The Indian Express, its Tocounterthese,theBPSCput
Bhavan (RB) on Thursday. Madhava Brahmins.” should not depend on anyone. “I phase of the government teach- chaiperson Atul Prasad said: in place what it described as an
Murty’stalkwasfirstamongase- “That means their girls will did very well, including in weld- ers recruitment exams (TRE-II), “WhenIjoinedthecommissionin “antiviral” method for the first
ries initiated by President not do any of such things,” she ing and electrical, because I fig- after the first phase went off August 2022, my first task was to phaseoftheteachersrecruitment
Droupadi Murmu’s office that said. “They will either opt for BA ured one has to put their mind smoothlyearlierthisyear.Itisfor hold prelims of the 67th BPSC exam(TRE-I).Thisinvolvedcalling
delve into the stories of women and get married or if they are 100 per cent into the job,” she the first time that the state gov- combined services examination all those taking the exams inside
Padma awardees wherein they very insistent, they may go for said. She eventually completed ernment has entrusted the BPSC thathadtobecancelledafterapa- thehallonehourbeforeitstarts.
talk about their struggles and MBBS and get married and they her MTech, and also became a with conducting the teachers' perleakinMay.Whilewesuccess- “Earlier, question sets were
successes, said an official from will be employed as school part of her husband Narayana exams, taken by 8.5 lakh candi- fully conducted the exam in openedintheofficeof thecentre
the Rashtrapati Bhavan. PresidentDroupadiMurmuwithInfosysFoundation teachers, bank clerks or post of- Murty’sentrepreneurialjourney dates vying for 1.2 lakh posts. September2022,wespoketothe superintendent an hour before
“With this programme, we ChairpersonSudhaMurtyatRashtrapatiBhavan,Thursday. PTI fice.Thatwasarigidsociety,”she to establish and set up IT major, Several exams conducted by Economic Offences Unit (EOU) exam.Now,weopenthoseinthe
aim to develop informal interac- said, recalling her early years at Infosys. the BPSC in the past have been thathadbeeninvestigatingthelat- examhallinthepresenceof aspi-
tions at Rashtrapati Bhavan, and the lecture. Murty received the Padma marred by allegationsof corrup- estandpreviouspaperleakcases. rants. No examinee is then al-
form bonds with these trailblaz- participateintheseinspirational ics. We strive to engage a broad Talking about the day when Bhushan award in 2023 for her tion, paper leaks and delays, Wewantedtoplugthegaps.” lowed to leave the hall,” he said.
ingwomenachievers,”theRBof- seminars. spectrumof audiences,ensuring she told her parents that she contribution in the field of social prompting it to put in place safe- The commission identified To fix the OMR sheets’ issues,
ficial said, adding that the aim is “Each session of ‘Her Story that the impact of these experi- wanted to do engineering, she work. The next talk in the series guards. In 2005, the then BPSC that the bags in which question the BPSC decided to put its one-
to encourage college students, My Story’ has been thoughtfully ences is felt far and wide,” the said it was as if a bomb had been will be held in January, even chairperson Ramsinghasan papers were supplied had been timesealonallofthem.According
particularly female students planned to correspond with the Rashtrapati Bhavan said in a dropped. “It is a man’s domain,” thoughthespeakerhasnotbeen Singh and six others were ar- cuttopilferquestionsets,andalso to officials, any tampering with
from Delhi-based colleges to Padma recipients’ skills and top- statement. she was told. It was a time when finalised yet. rested on corruption charges for the OMR sheet used for the pre- this seal is easily identifiable.



You and I come by road or rail, but
economists travel on infrastructure.

COP & the new abnormal

Indications are that new trends in air quality have links
with climate change. Climate meet must help join dots

FARM DOS & DON’TS Gufran Beig

Bring urea under the nutrient-based subsidy regime.
COP28 IS UNDERWAY in Dubai and the Advanced Studies. Despite November 2023 atively calm wind conditions during
Extend subsidy on a per-hectare basis

global focus is on climate change. A debate having the lowest stubble-burning count in November 2023 with limited and weaker
HENARENDRAMODIgovernmentcantakecreditforinsulatingIndianfarm- on fossil fuels has been raging at the climate the last several years, the monthly share of western disturbances not having much im-
ersfromthevolatilityininternationalpricesof fertilisersandtheirrawmate- meet. Air pollution’s relationship with cli- stubble burning in Delhi’s PM 2.5 was at the pact beyond two to three days. There were
matechangeiscomplexandasaresult,there highest (>15 per cent) with a peak of 43 per no frequent spells of rain, unlike in earlier
rials over the last two years or so. Take urea, which was being imported into
is often less engagement with the former. cent on November 3. The model's results in- years. This, coupled with the mainly dry
Indiaat$900-1,000pertonneinNovember-January2021-22.Itdroppedtobe- However, if humans keep burning fossil fu- dicate that even relatively low amounts of weather, helped in the accumulation of pol-
low $300 towards June-July 2023, but has again risen to about $400. Landed prices of im- elsandbiofuels,airpollutionwillworsenand stubbleburningmadeabigimpactonDelhi’s lution with little dispersion. The north-
ported di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) similarly peaked at $950-960 per tonne in July so will climate change. At the end of the day, air quality in this peak fire month. On the north-west wind speed for a prolonged pe-
2022 and fell to an average $440 a year later, only to climb to $595 levels now. All through cleaner air will lead to a healthier planet. It contrary, November 2022 was the least pol- riod facilitated the transport of
thesefluctuations,themaximumretailprice(MRP)of ureahasbeenkeptunchangedatRs should be a global priority. luted in almost a decade and a higher biomass-burning particles into Delhi and
India’svibrantcapitalcitywitnesseddan- amount of stubble burning did not make a surrounding regions.
5,628pertonne.EventheMRPsof theso-calleddecontrolledfertilisershavebeenfrozen—
gerously poor levels of air quality in big impact. This is a paradox scientists ought Once the pollution particles were in
atRs27,000/tonneforDAP,Rs29,400-29,500forcomplexessuchas10:26:26and12:32:16, November 2023, to a degree not seen in sev- to answer for the benefit of policymakers. Delhi,theholdingcapacitywasatanall-time
and Rs 33,000-34,000 for muriate of potash (MOP) — with companies simply “told” not to eral years. The haze across Delhi was thick, The answer lies in unintended shifts in high due to the cooler, dryer and calmer lo-
charge more. and it felt as though the city was enveloped weather patterns. In India and across the calenvironment.Thisdoesnotmeanthatthe
These price controls, formal or otherwise, have no doubt ensured adequate supplies byadarkmushroomcloud.Itsufferedanun- globe, unusual natural changes are wreak- impact of other sources was insignificant.
of fertiliserandshieldedfarmersfromtheglobalpriceshocksposttheRussia-Ukrainewar. equalled PM2.5 level (monthly average) of ing havoc on communities that previously The best indigenous AQ modeldata suggests
But they have come at a cost. The Centre's fertiliser subsidy outgo, which was Rs 81,124 243ug/m3,thehighest since2018andanas- never faced such events. Climate scientists that on average, the transport sector con-
tonishing leap of more than 50 per cent over callita“newnormal”butIwillcallitthenew tributed about 30 per cent of PM2.5 in
crore in 2019-20, has shot up to Rs 1,53,758 crore in 2021-22, Rs 2,51,339 crore in 2022-
last year’s monthly average of 155 ug/m3. abnormal.Althoughmoreresearchisneeded November 2023 and around 43 per cent
23 and a budgeted Rs1,75,100 crore thisyear thatis likely to be overshot. Fiscal unsustain- The AQI was in the “severe” category for a
Although terms like ENSO, to firmly establish such connections, there from other internal sources.
ability apart, there is the environmental cost from farmers applying too much nitrogen record 15 days this November. The rains on La Nina or El Nino are are enough indications to believe that the Whileextremeweatherandchangingcli-
and probably even phosphorus at the expense of all other nutrients. Agricultural scien- November 9 and 10 broke the smog canopy, talked about in the context new trends not only in Delhi’s air quality but mate patterns are taking a heavier toll on the
tists consider the ideal nitrogen:phosphorus:potassium ratio for Indian soils at 4:2:1. For which extended from Punjab and Haryana of the monsoon, their across India have links with climate change. planetasawhole,thefrequencyofseverepol-
the recent kharif cropping season, this ratio was estimated at close to 11:5:1. It shows to Delhi at a transport height of around 900- More complex is the fact that these natural lution has regional impacts, threatening
950mb, reducing the “severity” of pollution.
applications are broadening shocks are not uniform and their impact dif- health and food security. That is precisely the
that farmers today have little incentive to use MOP and other potassium-containing fer- of late. In 2022, the
This was the scenario at a time when fers from one climatic zone to another. reason that I brought up COP28 at the start of
tilisers costing more than urea and DAP. It would be even worse with respect to sulphur stubble burning counts in North India — un- unprecedented triple dip in Although terms like ENSO, La Nina or El this article. The climate meet is equally rele-
and micronutrients. The impact of such imbalanced nutrient use on crop productivity, derstood to be responsible for the deteriora- Nino are talked about in the context of the vantfortheairqualitycommunityandpeople
La Nina played a decisive
produce quality and soil health in the medium and long run is something that should tion in Delhi’s air quality in this period — monsoon, their applications are broadening as a whole.
concern policymakers. dipped significantly, by around 20-30 per role in preventing North of late. In 2022, the unprecedented triple dip Emergency episodes, in all probability,
Therearetwothingsthatthegovernmentmustdosoonerthanlater.Thefirstistobring centcomparedtolastyear.Thecontrolmeas- India from undergoing inLaNinaplayedadecisiveroleinpreventing are set to increase unless several drastic, sci-
urea under the nutrient-based subsidy regime. Decontrol its MRP along with all other fer-
ures in Delhi under the Graded Response winter stagnation conditions North India from undergoing winter stagna- ence-backed steps are taken to target the
Action Plant (GRAP) and other measures as a result of which tion conditions because of which pollutants emissionsatthesource—thisshouldinvolve
tilisersthataretechnicallyalreadydecontrolled.Oncedecontrolled—if necessary,instages were also stringent. There is no reason to be- gettrappedinair—theairqualityimprovedas using an air shed approach to address the
— a per-tonne subsidy can be given on each fertiliser (including urea) linked to its nutrient lieve that local emissions rose by more than pollutants get trapped in air a result, and the city experienced its cleanest root cause of deteriorating air. The earlier
content.Farmerswill,then,startlookingbeyondurea.Thesecondstepistoextendthesub- 50percentinoneyear.Thequestion,then,is: — the air quality improved winter in nearly a decade. This year has seen we move from cosmetic quick fixes and
sidy on a per-hectare basis. The government should let farmers buy any kind of fertiliser Why the November pollution haze? as a result, and the city the opposite so far. La Nina has gone, and we geoengineering, the better.
using this money. It will also force companies to come out with new value-for-money fer- Another curious data point came from have entered the El Nino period. We are not
experienced its cleanest
tiliser products that are crop-, soil- and agro climatic region- specific. the advanced version of the NIA-SAFAR sure what surprises are in store. The writer is Chair Professor, NIAS, IISc-
model run by the National Institute of winter in nearly a decade. Contrary to last year, Delhi witnessed rel- Campus, Bengaluru and Founder, SAFAR

Disruption caused by floods should be a wake-up call. Drainage
systems must be upgraded, construction plans reviewed MAN IN A MAN’S WORLD
YCLONE MICHAUNG HAS disrupted life in Chennai. But the problems for
Tamil Nadu's capital began two days before the cyclone made its landfall in
Andhra Pradesh on December 5. Heavy rainfall caused floods, submerging
‘Animal’ is not just banal. Its provocations are tepid and boring
houses and halting communication services, at least 20 people have lost
their lives. Several localities continue to be under water more than 48 hours after the Pooja Pillai
rains abated, power outages have sparked protests and shortages of essentials including
drinking water, milk and diesel have added to a growing sense of desperation across the
city. The state government claims it acted more promptly than in the 2015 floods, which THE SINS of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal his father Balbir to roleplay one of the mo- love and life.
claimed more than 400 lives in Chennai. It has also said that waters from the reservoirs are many: It glorifies violent masculinity, vi- mentswhenheletshissondown,hetellsthe Sadly,VangaisnogeniusandAnimal isno
were released after people living in low-lying areas were relocated to shelters. But the olates the dignity of women characters and older man, “You’re the greatest father. But masterpiece. In fact, in focusing exclusively
is far too reliant for humour on jokes about you were never the best father.” We are ex- on the performance of violence without ad-
administration needs to do much more than react after the elements have had their say.
sexandscratchyunderwear.Butitsworstsin pected to believe that this contradiction is equately explaining how any man can reach
People being electrocuted by loose cable wires in one of India's premier metros, which isthatitdarestobetheonethingthatnofilm what lies at the heart of Ranvijay’s fanatical such levels of psychopathy as to slaughter
the government wants to develop into a smart city, should be seen as intolerable. should be — boring. filial devotion and leads to the violent trajec- hundreds and feel no remorse, he outs him-
The Chennai district administration has placed a large measure of the blame on the On the wafer-thin premise of a son’s un- tory of his life, but it never quite comes off. self as being ill-equipped to tell this story. In
sea pushingbackthewaterthroughthe canals.That's a facileargument.High tidesarepar hinged love for his emotionally withholding We are never shown a convincing explana- the hands of filmmakers like Quentin
for the courseincoastalcities.TamilNadu'scapitalislocated in a rain-shadow area,which father, Vanga has constructed a 201-minute tion for how Balbir is the “greatest” father Tarantino, David Fincher and, closer home,
homage to his favourite directors, Ranbir while not being the “best” (Balbir lands a Ram Gopal Varma and Anurag Kashyap, vio-
gets most of its precipitation from the northeast monsoon, including cyclonic storms. In
Kapoor’sbodyhairandmoresunglassesthan few slaps on his son but, unfortunately, it’s lence is a tool, used to tell stories of greed,
recent years, Chennai, like several parts of the country, has been experiencing short-du- you’re likely to see on Lenskart dot com. not like we haven’t seen worse fathers in grief and fear — in Animal, it is the whole
ration spells of intense rainfall. That's the biggest challenge for the city’s planners. The There is an early 2000s music-video quality Hindi cinema). story. It makes one wonder what proportion
TamilNadugovernmentisconstructingastormwaterdrainagesystemacrossChennaiand to the whole film, especially to the much- The other way in which the film has tried of thereactionshailingthefilmandthedirec-
the city administration has claimed that the areas with the new drains escaped flooding. vaunted action sequences — the stylised slo- to distinguish itself from the herd is through tor rests on pre-release hype.
The Rs 4,500 crore project has been on since 2017 and by all accounts, nearly two-thirds mo, perfectly toned bodies in tight suits and, its self-awareness. With lines that establish Animal takes the age-old, but still prom-
above all, the loud, often deliberately incon- In focusing exclusively on the superiority of “alpha men” and reduce ising premise of a man’s daddy issues and
of Chennai remains to be connected with the new network. The suffering caused by the
gruentmusicthatjostleswithKapoorforthe the performance of violence women to objects of male violence defined squanders it with poorly realised characters
latest floods should push the state government to expedite the drainage revamp system.
audience’s attention. It makes Animal feel without adequately by their capacity to carry healthy babies, and an unwarranted faith in the filmmaker’s
More will need to be done to build the flood-prone city's defences. After the 2015 floods, less like a movie and more like something Animal isnot only aware of its transgressions ability to provoke. This timidity is, in fact, the
experts had reasoned that planners should re-think construction projects on wetlands.
explaining how any man can
that might have played on MTV or VH1. of the moral codes of our enlightened (some most disappointingthingabout Animal —af-
These sponges soak up water and recharge aquifers — they can therefore also mitigate Animal is only the most recent movie in reach such levels of would say “woke”) times, it is constantly, ter promising to provoke, it cannot even
Chennai's other pressing problem, drinking water shortage. There is, however, very lit- the last couple of years that features an ul- psychopathy as to slaughter gleefully drawing attention to this. It is the bring itself to commit to that. Its attitude to
tle evidence that the city authorities have heeded this advice. tra-macho, “alpha” male in the lead, revel- hundreds and feel no filmmakingequivalentof thebombasticdec- sex is juvenile and the scenes that suppos-
ling in an orgy of violence to, somehow, hit a laration: “I’m not here to make friends”. edly prove the protagonist’s virility are
In the past five years, meteorological agencies have stepped up to the challenge of is- remorse, he outs himself as
chord with the masses of film viewers. But There is a history here, familiar to those ridiculously tame. The gore is aestheticised
suing timely cyclone alerts. City planners need to act now. The Chennai floods triggered the film tries to set itself apart from the oth- being ill-equipped to tell this who followed the polarising reactions to the and even the admittedly loathsome scene
by the rainfall induced by cyclone Michaung should be a wake-up call. ers in two key ways. The first is by attempt- story. In the hands of filmmaker’slast,KabirSingh(2019),aremake where Ranvijay asks a woman to prove her
ing todelveintothe psychology of itsprotag- filmmakers like Quentin of his Telugu debut Arjun Reddy (2017). The love by licking his boots cannot bring itself
onist — Ranvijay could never get his father’s arguments — both for and against. Just like to go to the only end possible in a film that
love, attention, validation and therefore he
Tarantino, David Fincher backthen,thistimetoocriticshave,correctly, supposedly shows a man’s descent into bes-

KIM’S TEARS became what he did. In an interview about

the film, Vanga claimed that the film is really
the story of fathers and sons and that its plot
and, closer home, Ram
Gopal Varma and Anurag
Kashyap, violence is a tool,
picked on the film’s troubling, misogynistic
world view and celebration of violence as
major weaknesses, while the opposing side
tiality. Because that would require artistic
honesty to admit that this is not the “toxic
love story” of a boy and his father, but a cau-
has been shaped by the longing for absentee — the so-called “Vanga stans” — have used tionary tale about what living in a “man’s
As he emotionally blackmails women into having children, fathers that he saw in his friends. Yet, any
used to tell stories of greed, precisely these things to shore up their world” does to men.
there is something familiar about North Korea’s dictator such analysis remains superficial. In a scene grief and fear — in Animal, it belief that the film depicts a singular

at the end of the film, where Ranvijay asks is the whole story. directorial vision rooted in the realities of
N AN AGE of Animals and alpha men, a manipulative softboi has emerged from
theunlikeliestof quarters.SupremeLeaderof NorthKorea,dictatorandall-around
Bond villain, Kim Jong-un, was moved to tears over the fate of communism in his
mographic demand, though, couched as it was in the rhetoric of the importance of moth-
ers, was also a textbook example of gaslighting.
A US SPY IN DELHI the Sikh Students Federation creating
violence and terrorism in the capital
Chatty, Secretary General of the Islamic con-
ference, said that the foreign ministers
which is staring at a genuine population crisis. But in the latter, women are neither blamed A DELHI-BASED US diplomat, Harry L this week. This could be a possible reaction would discuss a report on the conflict, and
norheldresponsibleforthesituation—atleastnotasopenlyasKimhasdone.Butthen,what Weatherbee,hasleftIndiaafterthediscovery to the alleged police entry into Sisganj it was possible that new ideals for peace
choicedoesadictatorhave?Hecannot,afterall,admitthataccordingtomostexperts,thede- of his alleged involvement in the espionage gurdwara and to show solidarity with would arise.
network, which was recently busted by the RanjitSingh,anallegedkillerof theNirankari
clineinfertilityinNorthKoreaislikelyaresultof hispolicies.Theprolongedeconomiccrisis
has meant that most couples cannot afford more than one child. And years of forced family
Intelligence Bureau. A retired Air Vice
Marshal,his retiredMajor-Generalbrother, a
Baba who was arrested by the CBI a few
days ago. The Sikh Students Federation
planning measures come with their own traumas. Addressing these structural issues re- retired Lt Colonel and a rich Delhi Military has announced December 8 as the day AT LEAST 104 people were killed when two
quires a system that is more responsive and nuanced, not the tears of a dictator. contractor have been arrested for passing vi- of solidarity. Spanish airliners collided in heavy fog on
There is, of course, something most Indian women will recognise in Kim's outburst. tal defence secrets to foreign powers. the runway before takeoff. Transportation
Generation after generation, conservative family members have framed attempts at con- Weatherbee was asked to leave the country
within 24 hours.
FOR PEACE IN THE GULF Minister Enrique Baron said 23 passengers
and eight of the nine crew members
trol in the language of duty. “All mothers should fulfil their responsibility and duty to soci-
THE ISLAMIC FOREIGN ministers’ confer- of the Iberia 121 aircraft headed for
ety and families,” could easily be a post by the patriarch in a family WhatsApp group. And
the tears of partners and in-laws are among the most standard coercive tools in families. WARNING FOR CENTRE ence is expected to renew its efforts to end
the Gulf War, but after the first day of busi-
Rome survived the crash. He said 61 pas-
sengers and one crew member died when
There'sonethingtobesaidfortheIndianfamilyovertheNorthKoreandictatorthough:At THE PUNJAB GOVERNMENT has alerted ness, neither Iran nor Iraq gave any hint that the Iberia plane was hit by a Spanish
least the parivar doesn't pretend to be communist. Delhi about the possibility of extremists of they were ready for a compromise. Habib domestic airline plane.




“China-EU summit coincides with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of
the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership... China hopes this summit
will play a significant role in carrying forward past achievements and setting the
stage for future developments...” — GLOBAL TIMES, CHINA

Laughter in
A fortnightly column, which offers not this-versus-that, but the best of both sides, to inform the debate the House
Let’s bring back some wit to
parliamentary debates. Let’s not
take ourselves too seriously
Lohia said. To which, Nehru smiled and
replied: “I am glad the honourable mem-
ber has at last accepted what I have been
trying to tell him for so many years: that I
am a man of the people!”
Prime Minister Nehru was on the re-
ceiving end as well. In 1962, on telling
Parliament that the China-occupied Aksai
ZERO HOUR Chin was an area where “not a blade of
grass grows”, Mahavir Tyagi, a senior
by Derek O’Brien Congress MP, pointed to his own bald pate
and exclaimed: “Not a hair grows on my
EARLIER THIS WEEK, I was making a head. Does it mean I cut it off and give it to
speech in Parliament on the “state of the China too?” The laughter eased the tense
country’s economy”. I was comparing the situation in the House.
Union government’s progress on eco- When Tathagata Satpathy, member
nomic parameters with that of my state from Dhenkanal, was participating in the
— West Bengal. Serious economic data discussion on the Indian Economic
was being tabled when the Chairman of Council Management Bill, 2012 in May of
the House playfully interrupted: “It is be- that year, the Chairman interrupted him
C R Sasikumar cause you had a good governor for three and this is what followed. Satpathy: “Sir,
years”. He, of course, was referring to him- do you not want me to speak?” Chairman:
self! With tongue firmly in cheek I re- “You speak, but you have to be short.”
Do the BJP’s emphatic wins in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan torted, “Let me confirm, sir, that is the only Satpathy: “Sir, I am very short. I would like
and Chhattisgarh mean that 2024 is an election foretold? reason all this (progress) happened in
Bengal”. We all had a good laugh — the
to be actually six feet and two inches, but
I am very short!” Fun.
Treasury and Opposition benches to- While speaking on the need to set up
gether. The debate progressed robustly. an inquiry against persons in high author-

A never-before
In the cutthroat political colosseum, ity who have allegations against them,

2024 race let’s bring back some wit into

Parliamentary debates. We have our dif-
ferences, but let’s not take ourselves too
seriously. Nothing like friendly banter to
Bhupesh Gupta of the CPI was interrupted
by Biju Patnaik of the BJD. Gupta re-
sponded by saying: “Mr Biju Patnaik is a
pastmaster. He himself has been the sub-

is still open pro-incumbency

cool off a heated exchange. Here are some ject of so many commissions of inquiry.
other nuggets of humour that have oc- He should not be afraid of it. He is the man
curred in Parliament over the years. Enjoy. who has faced commissions of inquiry
One of the wittiest members was the like a soldier in the Second World War. For
rotund Piloo Mody who, on disagreeing him, a commission of inquiry means ele-
with a minister’s speech, stood up and vation to the Union Cabinet.”
Never mind BJP’s hat-trick. Cold, hard numbers In current circumstances, who can stop Narendra showed his back to him. The minister Speaking on the Appropriation Bill, K P
complained to the presiding officer, who Mohanan of the Loktantrik Janata Dal
show Opposition is still in the game Modi from winning a third term in 2024? asked for an explanation. Mody replied: stated, “I am approaching the whole situ-
“Mr Speaker Sir, I have no front, no back, ation from the point of view of a layman.”
Congress in Rajasthan (24-0 in 2019) and natedbythe“If youvote,Iwillwork”attitude, no flanks. I am round all over. So how His statement was met by West Bengal
0 for the BJP and 9 for the Congress in PMModihaspreferredasaturationapproach. could I have shown my back to the min- MP Nirmal Chatterjee’s snark, who said,
Telangana (4-3 in 2019). In all, it would When it comes to governance, the Modi way ister?” The House exploded in laughter. “That is the definition of a Member of
mean 46 seats for the BJP (loss of 19) and is not to see where electoral gains lie — it is to Madhavrao Scindia responded to the Parliament."
28 seats for the Congress (gain of 22). If see where real impact can be made. Railway Budget by commenting on the M P Kaushik was speaking on the
we merge the votes of the INDIA partners, It is due to this trust and track record that Janata government’s performance with Indira Gandhi National Open University
there would be 38 seats for the BJP and PM Modi has endeared himself to the poor, “There is a well-known saying that you Bill when the timer bell rang. Kaushik re-
36 for INDIA. I am not saying that this is downtrodden, youngsters, farmers and can fool some people all the time and you quested an extension of three minutes
Yogendra Yadav the likely outcome. But this notional cal-
culation puts to rest the idea that the BJP Pradeep Gupta women.Whenheunequivocallysaidthatthe
can fool all the people some of the time…”
Parvathaneni Upendra quickly jumped in
from the Deputy Chairman saying, “This
bell gives a complete full stop, not even a
has sealed its victory. it connected with people. When he high- to say, “As you are doing now!” Perhaps a semicolon.” The Chair retorted, “I wish it
ON THE EVE of the 2004 Lok Sabha elec- Let us now consider the obvious ar- THE BJP’S PHENOMENAL victory in Madhya lighted how his government has boosted bit prematurely, as Scindia continued his has the same effect on everyone. For some
tions, I had written an article, ‘Never Mind gument that the Lok Sabha outcome may Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh as well growth, it connected with youngsters. From remark, “but you cannot fool all the peo- people, it acts as an incentive.”
the Pollsters, the Race is Still Open’ (The not replicate the Vidhan Sabha verdict. as the surge in Telangana has once again smoke-free kitchens to representation in ple all the time, and the Janata Party learnt PS: The “Wit and Humour” page on the
Hindu, March 15, 2004). It made a limited That’s true. We have seen a reversal in demonstrated the unparalleled connect Parliament and state assemblies, for the this the hard way.” Rajya Sabha website reads “Feature under
point: Notwithstanding the hype about the BJP’s favour in 2019 and for the Prime Minister Modi has with the people of women of India, Narendra Modi is their sole Once, legendary socialist leader Ram Development”. Now this is not funny!
“India Shining”, a dispassionate look at Congress in 2004. But this argument cuts the nation — a bond which transcends geog- leader, and they are his suraksha kavach. Manohar Lohia told the House that Nehru
electoral numbers showed that a defeat both ways. If the BJP can look to improve raphies, caste, creed, community, language Therecentelectoralcycleisyetanotherre- wasn’t an aristocratic as was portrayed. “I The writer is Member of Parliament and
for the BJP was a possibility. Something upon its position in the next few months, and gender. minder that the best politics is the politics of can prove that the Prime Minister’s grand- Leader, All India Trinamool Congress
similar needs to be said now in the wake so can the Congress. You can choose UnderPMModi,thenationisseeingapro- development and the undisputed champion father was a chaprasi in the Mughal court,” Parliamentary Party (Rajya Sabha)
of the hype around BJP’s hat-trick in the which of these scenarios is more likely, incumbency sentiment never seen before in of this brand of politics is Narendra Modi. His
three assembly elections: Never mind the but the outcome of the recent elections India’s history. It must be noted that post- election speeches did not deviate from the
darbari media, the race is still open. is no basis to close any of these. The idea Independence, Congress governments were coremessaging—development,development
Let me clarify what I am not saying. that the BJP is bound to improve its votes returningtopowerbecausetheirpoliticalop- and more development. The issues he raised
There is no doubt that the outcome in in the run-up to the national elections ponentswerestructurallyincapableof coun- formed a connect, whether it be the lack of
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and draws upon the misplaced parallel with
Chhattisgarh is a setback for the Congress, 2019 when Balakot intervened between
teringthemintermsofsizeorresources.After housing in Chhattisgarh, better irrigation in
1989, when India’s political atmosphere Rajasthan, a double-engine government in
and all those who wish to see restoration these two polls. opened up, the dominant trend was anti-in- MadhyaPradesh,tonameafew.PMModiex-
of democracy in 2024. The BJP’s victory in Let us for a moment assume that the
three north Indian states does over- BJP improves further during the next few
cumbency. The UPA’s track record of retain- plained that a vote for Congress is a vote for
ing power was equally mixed — their wins in perpetuatingafewdynastiesbutavoteforthe
TELANGANA MODEL sonwhenitcouldfindothercapableof-
ficers for the post? Looking at the Modi
shadow the Congress’ historic comeback months and sweeps the three Hindi states states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and BJP is a vote for furthering the aspirations of THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Telangana government’s roadblocks to frustrate
in Telangana. It creates favourable optics in the Lok Sabha just as it did last time. Haryana in 2009 were more due to frag- every child. A lot of muck was thrown at him, chance’ (IE, December 7). Despite its the duly elected government, the mo-
for the BJP in the run-up to the national Assume further that this sweep extends mented Opposition, a fact seen in the vote- names were called, but the PM kept his elec- shrinking presence in the Hindi heart- tive behind the extension becomes ev-
polls. But this does not translate into cold to states like Gujarat, Delhi and Haryana. share numbers. toraldiscoursefreefromsuchnegativity.This land, the Congress party has wrested ident. It wants the chemistry between
numbers. The outcome of these four Does that settle the national contest? Not Compare this with the BJP: In 2019, PM is also something which must be lauded. Telangana from one of its strongest re- its bureaucrats to continue till the Lok
states does not change the electoral cal- really, as the BJP had already reached sat- ModibecamethefirstsittingPMsincePandit This sentiment towards PM Modi’s own gional political parties, the Bharatiya Sabha elections to keep the local gov-
culus as it stood before the results. I just uration level in these states. A sweep here Nehru who headed a clear majority govern- popularity was evident when the Axis My RashtriyaSamiti(BRS).Thisisagreatop- ernment embroiled in administrative
don’t see how these reverses for the is necessary but not sufficient for the BJP. ment and returned to power after complet- Indiateamcoveredthelengthandbreadthof portunityforthegrandoldpartytopres- squabbles. This can seriously impede
Opposition close the 2024 contest. The Opposition’s game plan for 2024 is ing a full term. Those who believed 2014 was thesefivepollingstatesandinterviewedover ent good governance in Telangana and AAP’s performance and give the BJP
Let us start by counting votes. Before not dependent on these states. anaberrationwereshocked toseethe tallyof 1.32 lakh people. Our numbers were rightly regain its glory. The BJP presented its enoughammunitiontotargettheparty.
we conclude that a 3-1 victory for the BJP Look at the big picture. In 2019, the the BJP rise even further in 2019. BJP has re- predictedforallthestates(atrackrecordthat Gujarat model before 2014 and proved Kamal Laddha, Bengaluru
is a ringing endorsement BJP won 303 seats, just tained state governments isunparalleled),andincase the party’s competence. Consequently,
of the regime by the vot- 30 seats above the ma- and that too with very con- of Madhya Pradesh, it won both assembly elections and the THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘Thegovern-
ers, let us add up votes of jority mark. The BJP vincing numbers in key Telangana, and Mizoram, Lok Sabha elections in 2014. Congress ment’sbureaucrat’(IE,December7).The
both the leading parties Before we conclude that faces significant deple- states like Uttar Pradesh The recent electoral cycle the projection was spot on. should take a leaf of this book. significance of the word “extension”
for these states. Of the a 3-1 victory for the BJP tions in its unprece- (where it bucked a 40-year is yet another reminder Even in the cases of Muhammad Hassan, Mumbai needs to be understood in its entirety to
12.29 crore votes polled, is a ringing dented tally in Bengal trend),Gujarat(whereitset that the best politics is RajasthanandChhattisgarh, cometoanylogicalconclusion.Itreflects
the BJP secured 4.82
crore, while the Congress
endorsement of the (where it faces a melt-
down), Karnataka
a record of seven consecu-
tive Assembly poll wins),
the politics of the current mandates were
not out of the realm of pos-
QUALITY IN INDIA the mindset of an institution and pro-
had 4.92 crore (5.06 crore, regime by the voters, let (where, going by as- Uttarakhand,Haryana,Goa, development and the sibility.AsperAxisMyIndia THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Bigger & Thisdoesn’tjuststraintheconstitutional
if you include all INDIA us add up votes of both sembly election results Assam and Tripura. In undisputed champion of projections, the BJP would better’ (IE, December 7). It is encourag- conceptionbut,reaffirmsthewillingness
parties). Except in MP, the the leading parties for for BJP-JDS combine, Maharashtra and Bihar, too, this brand of politics is cross the majority mark ingto see that our GDP is steadily rising. of its leadership to fulfill the interpreta-
margin of the BJP’s victory Congress would gain 10 the verdict had been in with 100 and 46 seats re- Inourmarchtobecomethethirdlargest tion of our Constitution. More impor-
is very small in terms of
these states. Of the 12.29 seats), Maharashtra favour of the NDA and BJP.
Narendra Modi. His spectively in Rajasthan and economy, adherence to timely supplies tantly, for any change to happen, it is es-
popular votes. Congress’s crore votes polled, the (where it faces the This pro-incumbency is election speeches did not Chhattisgarh, though we and maintenance of quality must not sential to focus on the goals that
lead over the BJP in BJP secured 4.82 crore, MVA), Bihar (pitted based on solid grounds and deviate from the core hadgivenCongressanedge. be ignored. Recently, some companies demonstrate better course and pattern,
Telangana is large enough while the Congress had against a new is linked to two dominant messaging — For a government that failed quality checks. We are also aware favouring the power balance between
to make up for its deficit Mahagathbandhan) sentiments—trustandtrack hascompletednineyearsat of the deaths of many children in the old and new schools of thought.
in the rest. So the BJP has
4.92 crore (5.06 crore, and Uttar Pradesh record. Today, when people development, theCentreandisinpowerin African countries due to allegedly de- Rajesh Raj, New Delhi
not received a massive if you include all (even a repeat of the across India say “Modi hai development and several states, such an elec- fective medicine exported from
popular endorsement in
the latest round.
INDIA parties). 2022 Assembly results
would mean a loss of 10
toh mumkin hai”, we are
seeing the unprecedented
more development. toralperformanceisunique.
In Chhattisgarh, the BJP re-
Himachal Pradesh. Stringent quality
checks must be conducted by internal
Let us convert these seats to BJP). Add to it trustthatpeoplehaveinthe ceivedthehighest-evervote quality control inspectors and inde- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Ideology,
votes into parliamentary near-certain but minor Prime Minister’s words and shareanypartyhasreceived pendent experts before putting the the day after’ (IE, December 7). The ide-
seats. We have a surprise in store. These losses in Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, intent. Today, 140 crore Indians are aware since2003.InMadhyaPradesh,theBJPenjoys products in the supply chain. The repu- ologicalconfusioninCongressnotwith-
states have 83 seats in the Lok Sabha, of Telangana and Assam. Put any number that this is a man who will never lie or make aneightpercentgapfromCongress.Theseare tation of the country should never be standing, the underlying reason for re-
which BJP had as many as 65 and to these losses for the BJP and it is sure false promises. linked to a strong belief in PM Modi and the compromised on such counts. peatedBJPwinsisthatavastmajorityof
Congress secured only 6 seats in the last to exceed 30. The hard question is: Second is the exemplary track record in confidencethathewillcontinuetodeliver.And, Subhash Vaid, New Delhi Indiansaretodayfirmlysoldontheidea
Lok Sabha elections. Suppose the citizens Where can the BJP possibly add to its governance—somethingwhichPMModihas with PM Modi’s call to work towards a hat- of Hindutva. It may exist in varying de-
of these states vote exactly the same way 2019 tally and make up for these losses?
next year as they did in the recent assem- I am not saying that there is no way
gained after 22 years’ experience as the head trick,itiscertainthattheBJPisstatingthatthe
of state and central governments. Very few 2024 elections will not be between PM Modi
COST OF EXTENSION grees for different sections but for each,
it evokes a strong sense of identity,
bly elections, the net gainer will be the BJP can contain its losses or make up leaders have such a rich experience. Firmly and the Opposition — it will be the people of THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The gov- mostly in confrontation with all the
Congress, not the BJP. Even after this hat- for them. I am simply pointing to the rooted in the principle of “Sabka saath, sabka India who will decide. I have always main- ernment’sbureaucrat’(IE,December7). “others” and at the time of voting, this
trick, the BJP’s performance is way below writing on the wall, written in cold elec- vikas”, PM Modi has shown how governance tained that in the convoluted dance of Indian TheSupremeCourt’sapprovalof theex- trounces all other justifications. Till this
its post-Pulwama support in 2019. If we toral numbers, as it stands today: 2024 is can be compassionate, inclusive, just and fu- politics,itisneeyat(intention)andneeti(policy) tension of the Delhi chief secretary’s idea of confrontational identity politics
add up assembly-wise votes for each par- not a done deal. Not yet. Unless the turistic.Hiskeyschemeshaveaddressedprob- which decides niyati (fate). The question is, in term by six months was likely based on has run its course, and some watershed
liamentary seat, the tally will be 24 for Opposition surrenders to this psycholog- lems that were unaddressed for decades, be current circumstances, who can stop Naren- technicalities, but the question posed event forces people to rethink, it seems
BJP and 5 for the Congress in Madhya ical warfare and gives a walkover before it banking the unbanked, providing electric- dra Modi from a record third term in office? during the hearing remains relevant: no other political message will work.
Pradesh (compared to 28-1 in 2019), 8 for the match begins. ity to villages left in the dark, drinking water whywastheCentrestuckwithoneper- Rahul Gaur, Gurgaon
BJP and 3 for the Congress in Chhattisgarh and housing for all or improved connectivity The writer is chairman and managing
(9-2 in 2019), 14 for BJP and 11 for The writer is member, Swaraj India in remote areas. In a political climate domi- director, Axis My India



If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

Google Gemini: what is it, and is it better than ChatGPT 4?

feels less like a smart piece of software and Python, Java, C++ and Go”. Gemini Nano will manage on-device “When we integrate these models with
NANDAGOPAL RAJAN more like something useful and intuitive — tasks, and is already available on Pixel 8 Pro, products like Bard, we have additional tech-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 an expert helper or assistant”. Why does Gemini come in three sizes? powering new features like Summarise in niquestoimprovetheaccuracyof responses.”
Gemini has been built from scratch as a They will cater to different needs. the Recorder app and Smart Reply via On safety, Google said it is adding “new
GOOGLE GEMINI, a new multimodal gen- collaborative effort by teams across Google. Gemini Ultra, the largest and most capa- Gboard, starting with WhatsApp. protections to account for Gemini’s multi-
eral AI model, which the tech giant calls its It is also multimodal, which means it can ble model, will be for highly complex tasks. modal capabilities”, and is considering po-
most powerful yet, is now available to users work, understand, and operate across text, Since this model is still completing trust and Will Gemini also impact Google search? tentialrisksand workingto testandmitigate
around the world through Bard, some de- code, audio, image, and video. By contrast, safetychecks,itisavailableonlytoselectcus- Google says Gemini will be rolled out for them at each stage of development.
veloper platforms, and even the new Google ChatGPT cannot work on video at the mo- tomers, developers, partners, and safety and more products and services like Search, Ads, The company claims it has the “most
Pixel 8 Pro phones. ment, at least not natively. responsibility experts for early experimen- Chrome and Duet AI. It is already starting to comprehensive safety evaluations of any
comes in three sizes — Ultra
EXPLAINED Itisalsomuchmorepower-
tation and feedback. It will be rolled out to
developers and enterprise customers early
experiment with Gemini in Search, “where
it’s making Search Generative Experience
Google AI model to date, including for bias
(which is yet to be launched), TECH claimsGeminiUltra’sperform- next year. (SGE)fasterforusers,witha40%reductionin group of external experts and partners to
Pro,andNano—isbeingseenas ance“exceedscurrentstate-of- Google has termed Gemini its largest Gemini Pro will be best at scaling across a latency in English in the US, alongside im- stress-test models across a range of issues.
Google’s answer toChatGPT,whichhasbeen the-artresultson30ofthe32widely-usedac- and most capable AI model. Blog.Google wide range of tasks and is now available in provements in quality”.
ahead of the game so far when it comes to ademic benchmarks” used in large language Bard for regular users across the world. On So is Gemini better than ChatGPT 4?
generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). model (LLM) research and development. Bard, it has a “specifically tuned version of How does Gemini address issues of At the moment it is hard to say, but
Gemini Ultra is the first model to outper- ethics for testing both world knowledge and GeminiProinEnglishformoreadvancedrea- hallucination and safety? Gemini does seem to be more flexible. Its
So what is Google Gemini? form human experts on massive multitask problem-solving abilities, Google said. soning, planning, understanding and more”. EliCollins,VP,Product,GoogleDeepMind, ability to work with video, and on devices
Demis Hassabis, CEO and co-founder of language understanding (MMLU), which Also, Gemini can “understand, explain Developers and enterprise customers will be told The Indian Express that while they have withoutInternetgiveitanedge.Anotherfac-
the AI research lab Google DeepMind, said uses a combination of 57 subjects such as andgeneratehigh-qualitycodeintheworld’s able to access Gemini Pro via the Gemini API done a lot of work on improving factuality in tor is that Gemini is now free to use, while
Gemini gets close to the vision of “AI that math, physics, history, law, medicine, and most popular programming languages, like inGoogleAIStudioorGoogleCloudVertexAI. Gemini, the LLM can still hallucinate. ChatGPT4 is only for paying users.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres invoked the
rarely used provision over the crisis in Gaza
The melody in India-Italy ties
After a decade of setbacks, New Delhi and Rome have worked hard to repair relations. Italy’s changing
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 views on China have added a strategic dimension to the ties, based on ancient links and thriving trade
AMID ISRAEL’S relentless assaults on the
Gaza Strip, United Nations Secretary- The stakes
General Antonio Guterres has invoked With Italy, India had a bilateral trade of
Article 99 of the UN Charter to call for a USD 13.229 billion in 2021-22, a more than
ceasefire. 50%increaseoverthepreviousfinancialyear.
Guterres wrote on X: “Facing a severe Italy is India’s 4th largest trading partner in
risk of collapse of the humanitarian sys- the EU. Over 600 large Italian companies are
teminGaza,IurgetheCounciltohelpavert activeinIndia,coveringvariedsectors.Italian
a humanitarian catastrophe & appeal for brands such as Fiat and Piaggio to the recent
a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared.” Nowheresafein Gaza:Guterres Reuters Shubhajit Roy Ferrero Roche, KinderJoy, Tic Tac, etc. are
household names in India.
What is Article 99 of the UN Charter? Strategically, Italy wants to partner with
The UN Charter is the founding docu- Occupied Palestine Territory.” Guterres LAST WEEK, the hashtag #Melodi trended India in the defence sector. In 2016, following
ment of the United Nations. It empowers said that he has repeatedly condemned widely on social media, after Prime Minister a corporate reorganisation, AgustaWestland
the UN to take action in a range of situa- the October 7 Hamas attacks that led to Narendra Modi responded to a post on X by merged into Leonardo SpA, Finmeccanica’s
tions. Article 99 states: “The Secretary- more than 1,200 deaths. hisItaliancounterpartGiorgiaMeloni.Meloni newname,asitshelicopterdivision.ThenChief
General may bring to the attention of the SinceIsrael’smilitaryoperationbegan, had posted a selfie with Modi, taken on the of Army Staff, General MM Naravane visited
Security Council any matter which in his morethan15,000people—40%of whom sidelines of the COP28 meet in Dubai, saying ItalyfromJuly7-9,2021.Hisvisittookplaceaf-
opinionmaythreatenthemaintenanceof werechildren—havebeenkilled.Thecol- “Good friends at COP28”. Meloni also added ter 14 years and at the Service Chief Level, the
international peace and security.” The lapse of Gaza’s healthcare system, diffi- #Melodi, a combination of the two leaders’ The selfie posted by Meloni, during the leaders’ visit to COP28. X/@GiorgiaMeloni interactionoccurredaftermorethanadecade.
SecurityCouncilisoneof theprincipalor- culties in extending humanitarian relief, names. Modi reposted the picture, writing: The Italian Defence Minister conveyed Italy’s
gansoftheUN,withfivepermanentmem- and issues of displacement were men- “Meeting friends is always a delight.” desireto“rebootdefencerelationswithIndia”.
bercountriesand10non-permanentones. tioned — a result of the “constant bom- The bonhomie represents the new har- The case blew up, with then Prime attheVaticanfromSeptember2-5,2016,she Dr. Matteo Perego Di Cremnago, Italian
A 1945 report of the Preparatory bardment by the Israel Defense Forces”. mony in India-Italy ties, coming after some MinisterialcandidateNarendra Modiraising met her Italian counterpart Paolo Gentiloni, MinisterofStateforDefence,ledtheItaliandel-
Commission of the UN said of Article 99: “Nowhere is safe in Gaza,” he wrote. rough years. it in his poll campaign in the run-up to the and the two sides decided to celebrate the egation in the Aero India Show in February
“…The responsibility it confers upon the “This is urgent. The civilian population Lok Sabha elections in 2014. 70th year of diplomatic ties. In 2018, this cel- 2023. With Leonardo again back in play, the
Secretary-General will require the exer- must be spared from greater harm. With History Withthetrialpending,thetwomenwere ebrationwasobservedthroughaseriesof cul- Italian defence major is trying to rebuild ties.
cise of the highest qualities of political a humanitarian ceasefire, the means of India and Italy are ancient civilisations allowed to return to Italy. In 2015, the two tural events. External Affairs minister S
judgment, tact and integrity.” The UNSC survival can be restored, and humanitar- withlinksgoingback2,000years.Italianport countries took the case to the Permanent Jaishankar visited Rome in December 2019 Rethink by Italy on China
president is obligated to call a meeting ian assistance can be delivered in a safe cities were important trading posts on the Court of Arbitration (PCA) in Hague. andmetthenPrimeMinisterGiuseppeConte. In 2019, during Chinese President Xi
following its invocation. and timely manner...” spice route. The Venetian merchant Marco The PCA ordered Italy to pay compensa- PM Modi and PM Conte co-chaired a Jinping’s visit to Rome, Italy became the first
PolotraveledtoIndiainthe13thcenturyand tion to India “for loss of life” and the cases Virtual Summit between India and Italy on G7countrytojointheBRI,inthehopesofChina
When was Article 99 invoked earlier? What happens now? wrote about his experiences. were closed after Italy paid the agreed November 6, 2020. At this, the 2020-2025 serving as a market for Italian products and
Past examples include the upheaval AccordingtoaReuters report,theUAE Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore vis- amount of Rs 100 million. Finally, the case Action Plan was adopted, setting the ambi- ChineseinvestmentboostingItalianeconomy.
in the Republic of the Congo in 1960 af- gave the UNSC a brief draft resolution itedItalyinMay-June1926,avisitarrangedby was closed in 2021. tious agenda for an enhanced partnership But the BRI would not meet Italian hopes and
terBelgium’scolonialruleended.In1961, basedonthislettertodemandan“imme- Carlo Formichi, a Professor of Sanskrit at the AGUSTAWESTLAND ALLEGATIONS: betweenthecountries.Modipaidhisfirstof- expectations.“SinceItalyjoinedtheBRI,itsex-
Tunisia demanded it when its former diatehumanitarianceasefire”.“Diplomats University of Rome. Mahatma Gandhi visited In 2011-12, an investigation by the Italian ficial visit to Italy in October 2021 to attend portstoChinahaveincreasedfrom14.5billion
colonial ruler France launched an attack. said the UAE aims to put the text to a vote RomeinDecember1931onhiswaybackfrom attorneygeneral’sofficeintoallegedunethical the G20 leaders’ summit. On the sidelines of euros to 18.5 billion euros, while Chinese ex-
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric on Friday when the Council is due to be the Round Table Conference in London. Lea- dealings by the state-backed defence major theSummit,hehelda bilateralmeetingwith ports to Italy have grown far more dramati-
said the Secretary-General may address briefedbyGuterres...Tobeadopted,ares- ders of the Indian freedom struggle read the Finmeccanicawidenedtoincludecorruption then PM Mario Draghi. cally,from33.5billioneurosto50.9billioneu-
the Security Council on Gaza this week, olutionneedsatleastninevotesinfavour works of the Italian revolutionary Mazzini. in an over Rs 3,500-crore deal signed with OnMarch2-3,2023,PMMelonipaidastate ros.Similarly,ChineseFDIinItalyalsodropped
and described his action as “a very dra- and no vetoes by the five permanent Indian troops, under the British Indian Army, India by the group’s subsidiary Agu- visit to India following her election win in from$650millionin2019tojust$33millionin
matic constitutional move”. members — the United States, Russia, were deployed in Italy during World War II. staWestland. The 2010 deal was a contract to September 2022. This was the first high-level 2021,”anassessmentbyDavidSacks,afellow
China, France or Britain,” it said. After Independence, political relations supply 12 AW-101 helicopters to the IAF. visitfromItalytoIndiaafterfive years.During for Asia studies at the Council on Foreign
Why has Guterres invoked Article 99? However, it is unlikely that all perma- between India and Italy were established in After the corruption allegations came to thevisit,MeloniandModihelddiscussionson Relations (CFR), said in August this year.
He spoke of the “appalling human nent members will extend unanimous 1947. Since then, there has been a regular ex- light, the issue quickly snowballed in India. promoting green economy, energy security For the past year, Meloni has indicated
suffering, physical destruction and col- support, given the US and the UK’s sup- change of visits at political and official levels, Sonia Gandhi’s Italian origins gave the BJP andtransition,defenceco-productionandco- that joining the BRI was a “big mistake” that
lective trauma across Israel and the port for Israel’s actions. including several visits by Heads of States. further ammunition to attack the Congress, innovation, and the blue economy. she intended to correct. With its five-year
already reeling under graft scandals. The major outcome of the visit was the memorandum of understanding up for re-
Decade of setbacks After the cancellation of the contract and elevation of the bilateral relationship to the newal in March 2024, Italy has conveyed its
THE ITALIAN MARINES CASE: The bi- afterwinningalegalcaseinItalyinJune2014, level of Strategic Partnership. A bridge be- position to Beijing.
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lateraltiesfacedasetbackin2012,whentwo India encashed guarantees to the tune of Rs tween Indian and Italian startup companies Thus, while Delhi and Rome view Beijing
Italian marines were accused of killing two 2,000 crore. The Italian courts in 2018 dis- wasestablished.ShewasalsotheChief Guest from different prisms and vantage points,
general studies preparation Indian fishermen in February that year. missed all charges on groundsof insufficient and Keynote Speaker at the Raisina Dialogue India-Italy ties have found another strategic
                The marines, Salvatore Girone and Massi- evidence. This verdict was upheld by the 2023. glue: that Beijing is no benign power.
 !  !    !  miliano Latorre, were guarding an Italian oil Supreme Court in Italy in 2019. WhenMelonivisited again inSeptember The improvement in ties is music to the
"  "  ! tanker off the coast of Kerala when they fired thisyearfortheG20leaders’summit,thetwo ears of both New Delhi and Rome. And while
onthefishermen’sboat.Themarinessaidthey The repair sides were on the same page for the India- the melody is most apparent under Meloni’s
       mistookthefishermenforpirates,andItalyar- Work torepair the ties started from 2018. Middle East-Europe economic corridor. term, the long and arduous process was set
   $#$%    $#$%   $#$% guedthefishermenfailedtoheedwarningsto When then External Affairs minister And, Italy’s move to pull out of China’s in motion under Conte and Draghi.
stayawayfromtheMVEnricaLexietanker.The Sushma Swaraj led an official delegation for Belt and Road Initiative has added a strate- LONGER VERSION ON
two were arrested for murder. thecanonisationceremonyof MotherTeresa gic dimension to the ties.


Mining for critical minerals: what is the auction process, why is it important?
Where are these critical mineral blocks, of mineral contents. these blocks? How does India currently get its niobium, and REEs, earlier this year. To at-
AGGAM WALIA and what rights are being auctioned? Once the licensee collects sufficient in- The two lithium blocks, one each in J&K supplies of these minerals? tract bidders, the government also speci-
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 The Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) floated formation on mineral deposits, it can apply andChhattisgarh,areupforauctionforaCL. Mines Minister Pralhad Joshi told Lok fied new royalty rates for critical minerals,
by the Ministry of Mines says the 20 blocks to the state government to convert the CL According to the NIT, the J&K block has SabhainAugustthatinFY23,Indiaimported matching global benchmarks.
TWENTYBLOCKSofcriticalmineralsarecur- arespreadovereightstates.Sevenblocksare toanML.Thelicenseehas3-5yearstocom- inferred reserves of 5.9 million tonnes (mt) 2,145tonnesoflithiumcarbonateandlithium The process to auction a second tranche
rently on auction for commercial mining by in Tamil Nadu, four in Odisha, three in Bihar, plete the prescribed level of exploration, of bauxite, which containsmorethan3,400 oxide at a cost of Rs 732 crore. Lithium car- of critical mineral blocks is expected to be-
the private sector. They contain lithium ore, twoinUP,andoneeachinGujarat,Jharkhand, failingwhichthelicencewillbewithdrawn. tonnes of lithium metal content. The block bonate contains up to 19% lithium. Lithium gin after the current round is over. It is un-
whichhasusesinbatteriesandelectricvehi- Chhattisgarh, and Jammu & Kashmir. also has more than 70,000 tonnes of tita- oxide, which is usually converted to lithium clear if the second tranche would include
cles, and another 10 of the 30 minerals that Fourof the20blocksarebeingauctioned What other clearances will be required nium metal content. hydroxide, contains 29% lithium. new lithium reserves found in Rajasthan
the government declared as “critical” in July. foraMiningLicence(ML),whichmeansthe before operations begin? The block in Chhattisgarh contains India also imported 32,000 tonnes of and Jharkhand.
ThebiddingbeganonNovember29,and licensee can begin mining immediately af- The NIT notes that of the total conces- lithium and REEs, but no drilling has been unwroughtnickelforRs6,549crore,and1.2 TheMinistryhastoldParliamentthatthe
will continue until January 22. The total ter the requisite clearances are obtained. sion area of 7,197 hectares (for 20 blocks), done to estimate total reserves. million tonnes of copper ore for Rs 27,374 Geological Survey of India has taken up 125
value of these blocks is estimated at Rs Threeof theMLblocksareinOdisha,and 17%or1,234hectaresis forestlandwithsta- Three blocks, one each in Bihar, Gujarat, crore in 2022-23. projectsinthecurrentfiscaltoexplorecritical
45,000 crore, subject to further discoveries contain deposits of nickel, copper, graphite, tus as per the PM Gatishakti portal, the and Odisha, have nickel ore. No drilling has India is 100% reliant on imports for its mineral reserves in the country. In the pre-
or revisions in inferred reserves. andmanganese;thefourthisinTamilNadu, Centre's digital platform to facilitate inte- been conducted for the blocks in Bihar and lithium and nickel demand. For copper, this ceding eight fiscal years, a total of 625 min-
This is thefirst time that rights related to and contains deposits of molybdenum. grated planning and monitoring of infra- Gujarat; the Odisha block has an inferred re- figure is 93%. eral exploration projects were undertaken.
miningof lithiumorearebeingauctionedto structure projects around the country. serveof2.05mtofnickelore,whichamounts The Ministry’s Report of the Committee on
private parties. Other minerals in the blocks What sort of rights are being auctioned The licensee has to obtain 15 approvals to 3,908 tonnes of nickel metal content. What will happen after the ongoing Identificationof CriticalMineralsreleasedin
include nickel, copper, molybdenum, and for the remaining 16 mineral blocks? andclearancesbeforeoperationscanbegin. This Odisha block is being auctioned for round of auctions is over? JunethisyearrecommendedthataCentreof
rare earth elements (REEs). All these miner- They are being auctioned for a These include forest clearance, environ- an ML. It is also the only block among the Thebiddingprocessbeganafterthegov- ExcellenceforCriticalMineralsshouldbees-
als are used in key supply chains for vehicle Composite Licence (CL), which allows the mental clearance,Gram Sabhaconsent, etc. 20 that contains deposits of copper ernment declared 30 minerals as “critical”, tablishedtoframepoliciesandincentivesfor
batteries,energystoragedevices,consumer licensee to conduct further geological ex- amounting to 6.09 mt of copper ore and and amended a key law to allow for the creating a complete value chain of critical
electronics, and vital industrial processes. ploration of the area to ascertain evidence What are the estimated reserves in 28,884 tonnes of copper metal content. mining of three critical minerals, lithium, minerals in the country.




`62,950 `83.36 $76.84 `77,300
Note: Gold, silver rates at Delhi spot market, gold per 10g, silver per 1 kg; Crude oil (Indian basket) as of December 6

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International market data till 1900 IST

No ‘spectacular announcement’ Economy to

grow at 6.5%
Diwali effect: Nov diesel
in February’s interim budget: FM in FY24: CEA consumption down 3%
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 y-o-y, petrol sales up 9.4%
NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 meet green THE INDIAN economy will grow
at 6.5 per cent in the current fis- SUKALP SHARMA FUEL CONSUMPTION (MT:milliontonnes)
THE INTERIM Budget to be pre-
sented on February1 won’t have
commitments cal ending March 31, 2024, Chief
Economic Advisor V Anantha

any “spectacular announce-

ment” as it’s just a vote-on-ac-
morally wrong’ Nageswaran said on Thursday.
This decade is going to be the
INDIA’S DIESEL consumption in
November declined year-on- Diesel
NOV 2022
7.76 MT
NOV 2023
7.53 MT
count to provide for the govern- New Delhi: Finance Minister decade of uncertainty. If the cor- year (y-o-y), even as festival de- Petrol 2.86 MT 3.13 MT 9.4%
ment’s expenditure until the Nirmala Sitharaman Thursday porate sector delays its invest- mand pushed up petrol con-
ATF 0.62 MT 0.69 MT 11.7%
formation of a new one after the said any move to levy carbon tax ment, then the virtuous cycle of sumption in the Diwali month,
general elections, Finance by developed countries to meet employment generation and according to official fuel con- OTHERS 7.86 MT 7.37 MT -6.2%
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman theirgreencommitmentswould economicgrowthwillnot mate- sumption data. Oil industry ex- TOTAL 19.10 MT 18.72 MT -2.0%
said Thursday. be morally wrong and goes rialise, Nageswaran said. ecutivessaidthatdieseldemand Source: PPAC, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
“Itisamatterof truththatthe againsttheinterestof developing "When it comes to the fi- saw a temporary hit in
February1,2024Budgetthatwill countries.Shewasreferringtothe nance ministry, our emphasis November as a sizable number
beannouncedwilljustbeavote- EuropeanUnion’sproposaltoim- has been to plan conservatively, of trucks would have not plied Planning & Analysis Cell (PPAC) sidered a proxy for oil demand,
on-accountbecauseweareinan Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at the CII Global posetaxundertheCarbonBorder both with respect to nominal for a few days given that many of the oil ministry. Diesel is the declined2percenty-o-yto18.72
election mode and election hap- Economic Forum in New Delhi on Thursday. PTI AdjustmentMechanism(CBAM). GDPgrowthassumptions,buoy- truckers tend to take a break most consumed petroleum fuel million tonnes.
pens during the coming sum- “Cross-border imposition (of ancy assumptions for revenue around the major festival. in India, accounting for around Apart from the fall in con-
mer. So the Budget that the gov- tax) and that money going to- growth, etc. And I think, when I On the other hand, use of 40percentof thecountry’sover- sumption of diesel, lower con-
ernment presents would just be set to be held around April-May, lower and middle-class people wards somebody else's green talk about being able to achieve personal vehicles usually shoots all consumption of petroleum. sumption of products like bitu-
a Budget to meet the expendi- after which the government will by exempting income tax for agenda, if anything, is not moral sixandahalf percentinrealGDP up amid Diwali festivities, ex- The transportation sector ac- men, fuel oil, and petroleum
tureof thegovernmenttillanew presentafullBudgetinJuly2024. people earning less than at all," Sitharaman told the CII growth on average, I am giving plaining the rise in petrol con- counts for over two-thirds of coke,amongothersledtothede-
government comes to play. So On February 1, Sitharaman will `5,00,000 per annum from Global Economic Policy Forum. myself enough room to surprise sumption during the month. diesel consumption in the coun- cline in overall petroleum con-
thatBudgetfollowing theBritish present an interim budget in `2,50,000perannum.Ithadalso The minister said every on the upside," he said while ad- Aviation turbine fuel (ATF) con- try. A senior official with one of sumption. On a sequential basis,
tradition is called vote-on-ac- Parliament for 2024-25, begin- raised the standard deductionto countrywillneedtogeneratere- dressing an event organised by sumption also registered robust the public sector oil marketing diesel consumption in
count. So, no spectacular an- ning April 1, 2024. `50,000 from `40,000. sources to meet the green com- industry body CII. on-year growth in the peak fes- companies (OMCs) said that November declined 1.4 per cent
nouncements are made at that The interim Budget provides Thefinanceministryhadear- mitments made globally. The economy grew 7.2 per tival travel season. Diwali was in diesel consumption is likely to from October’s level, while
time.Youmayhavetowaittillaf- for expenditure of the govern- lieraskedallthegovernmentde- CBAM as an import duty will cent in 2022-23. The Reserve November this year, while last normalise in December. petrol consumption also con-
ter the new government comes ment till the new government is partments to submit expendi- come into effect from January 1, Bank also expects growth to be year, it was in October. This is Petrol consumption in tracted slightly--by 0.4 per cent.
in. In July 2024, there will be the formed after general elections. ture proposals for the first six 2026. But from October 1 this 6.5 per cent in the current fiscal. also likely to have played a role November rose 9.4 per cent y-o- ATF consumption in November
next full Budget,” Sitharaman However, in the interim budget monthsof thenextfinancialyear year, domestic firms from seven The economy grew 7.6 per cent in year-on-year fuel consump- y to 3.13 millon tonnes, while waslargelyflatvis-à-visOctober.
said at the CII Global Economic in 2019 ahead of general elec- to avoid fund shortages before carbon-intensivesectorswerere- in the September quarter of this tion patterns. ATF consumption rose nearly 12 According to industry execu-
Policy Forum. tions that year, the government the full Budget is approved by quiredtosharedataaboutcarbon fiscal and remained the fastest- India’sNovemberdieselcon- per cent to 0.69 million tonnes tives, fuel demand in October
The Lok Sabha elections are had announced tax sops for the parliament next year. emissions with the EU. ENS growing large economy. sumption declined 3 per cent y- according to the PPAC data. was higher due to the onset of
o-y to 7.53 million tonnes, ac- Despite higher consumption of the festival season as well as in-
cording to data released on petrolandATF,overallconsump- creased demand from the agri-
More leeway Vedanta to raise Thursday by the Petroleum tionof petroleumproducts,con- culture sector.

for IT SEZ White-collar hiring dipped Hiringtrendwasstagnant

insectorssuchashospitality, $1.25 bn in debt at
12% in Oct-Nov: Report
developers to Hiring
ancillary high interest rates Tata urges govt not to lower
activity for white-collar jobs declined 12% y-o-y in
rent out space and education sectors, as per the Naukri JobSpeak Index.
Oct-Nov, largely due to lower recruitment by IT, telecom
MUMBAI, DECEMBER 7 EV import taxes as Tesla looms
andthesettingupofnew UK-HEADQUARTERED Vedanta talks said. Tata and Modi's office
RAGHAVENDRA KAMATH SECTORALHIRING refineries Resources Ltd (VRL) is in talks REUTERS did not respond to requests for
MUMBAI, DECEMBER 7 withaclutchof foreign investors NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 7 comment.
Thepharmaandinsurance to raise $1.25 billion, ahead of its Tata is also arguing that
THE COMMERCE and industry Telcom: 18% sectorsregistereda6%and debt maturity of $1 billion in TATAMOTORSispressingIndian India's EV players need more
Education: 17% 2,781 2,433 5%increase,respectively,in January 2024. The debt, which officials not to lower import government support in the early
velopers of special economic newjoboffers. would be raised at higher inter- taxesof 100%onelectricvehicles growth stage of the industry,
zones (SEZs) in the IT/ITES space, Retailing: 11% estratesthanexistingones,isex- and to protect domestic indus- pointingtoimported gasoline or
givingthemgreaterleewayinus- NewjobopeningsinAI-related pectedtobefinalisednextweek. try and its investors, as the gov- diesel cars which are still taxed
ing the built-up area within such fieldslikemachinelearning A VRL spokesperson con- ernmentreviews Tesla's plans to at up to 100% despite the indus-
SEZs for commercial (real estate) engineerandfullstackdata firmed the development, but did enterthemarket,peoplewithdi- try being well developed, said
purposes. The relaxation is sub- 2022 2023 scientistincreasedby64percent notnametheinvestors.According rect knowledge said. the first source.
ject to the developers foregoing and16percentrespectively toBloomberg,Vedantaisexpected AsIndiatriestoboostdomes- "Lower duties will hit the en-
the tax benefits proportionately, duringthetwomonthsunder tosigntheprivateloaninnextfew tic manufacturing and EV adop- The govt is working on a tire (domestic) industry," the
andrefundingthoseavailedinthe review,comparedtotheyear-ago days.Thecompanyisintalkswith tion, Tesla is proposing to set up policy to cut import taxes person said, adding "the invest-
past without interest. period,thereportsaid. Cerberus Capital for a $300 mil- anIndianfactory,butisdemand- on EVs to as low as 15% for ment climate will get vitiated."
The move follows the griev- lion loan, Davidson Kempner ing lower import taxes for elec- companies committing to Tata, one of India's biggest
anceexpressedbythesedevelop- Source: Naukri JobSpeak Index Capital Management and Varde tric cars. some local manufacturing. carmakers, started its EV busi-
ersthatwiththeprevalenceofthe Text: PTI Partnersfor$200millioneachand India is working on a new ness in 2019. Private equity firm
work-from-home mode among AresSSGforabout$100-150mil- policy to cutimport taxes on EVs TPG and Abu Dhabi state hold-
IT units in SEZs, each developer is lion. VRL is also in talks with to as low as 15% for companies when it just pushed India to ing company ADQ invested $1

Amid RBI glare, fintechs to go

leftwithunder-utilisedrealestate. Edelweiss Alternative, BlackRock committing to some local man- lower duties. billion in 2021, valuing the EV
Accordingtoanotificationlate and others, it said, adding the ufacturing. The policy could al- In meetings with Prime business at around $9 billion,
Wednesday, demarcation of a loans would be taken for three low Tesla to set up its India fac- Minister Narendra Modi's office andthesecondsourcesaidlower
portion of the built-up area yearsat18%interest.Thedisburse- tory to make its proposed and other departments, Tata has duties for foreign players could
ted on a floor-by-floor basis as a
non-processing or non-SEZ area.
slow on small personal loans ments are expected to happen in
January, sources said. Generally,
interest rates for foreign debt
$24,000 car, while importing its
more expensive models with
lower tax.
opposed the plan, arguing that
its investors made decisions as-
risk future fundraising.
India's EV market is small,
but 74% of the 72,000 electric
SEZunitsareeligiblefora15- range from 10-12% and in some Tesla'sstrategyisadeparture locals will remain unchanged, carssoldsofarthisyeararemade
year staggered income tax holi-
day, but for a large number of
AYANTI BERA & Paytm shares fall 19% on plans to cases have gone up to 15%. FE from its failed plan last year two sources with knowledge of by Tata.

recent years, because a 2020
scale down loans under `50,000
amendment to the SEZ Act re- DECEMBER 7 Mumbai: Shares of One97 secured personal loans by the
strictedthemtounitsestablished CommunicationsLtd(OCL),the Reserve Bank.
on or after April 1, 2005, and be- HITBYtheReserveBankofIndia’s parent company of Paytm, Thecompany’sstockclosed
fore April 1, 2020. For such units, (RBI)decisiontoraiseriskweights tanked 19 per cent Thursday at `661.3 apiece on Thursday,
onlytheneutralisationof domes- onunsecuredloans,digitallenders after the company announced down `152 or 18.69 per cent.
ticindirecttaxesisavailable,asis are looking to reduce their expo- it would cut its postpaid loans The share price hit the lower
available to domestic tariff area suretosmall-ticketpersonalloans. below `50,000, following the circuit of 20 per cent after it
units as well. So, the developers Anticipatinganimminentincrease increase in risk weights on un- touched `650.65 apiece. ENS
of SEZs,especiallythosehousing in funding costs, they have scaled
IT/ITES units, are finding it diffi- downdisbursaltargetsinthesub-
culttostayafloat.“Thismovewill `50,000 loans category and are 15%currently. ourgrowthprojectionsandexpect
help us... diversify our tenant planningtodiversifytheirproduct Digital lending platform disbursals to grow at around 30%
base.Theseamendmentsarego- portfolioandcustomerbase. KreditBee expects to increase its in the second half of this fiscal
ing to speed up... higher occu- As per industry estimates, ap- disbursement by 40-50% by the againstpreviousestimatesof60%,”
pancies,” said Alok Aggarwal, proximately 70-75% of the total end of this financial year, com- said the CEO of a Mumbai-based
chief executiveofficer,Brookfield advancesofdigitallendersconsist paredtoitsearlierprojectionof60- digitallendingplatform.
India Real Estate Trust. FE of small ticket loans below 70%growthindisbursement. Concerned by the unbridled
`50,000. In FY23, the company’s dis- growth in personal loans, the RBI
“Some digital lenders may re- bursements stood at `14,000 increased the risk weights on un-
DFS SECY CHAIRS MEET duce their small ticket loan port- crore, which puts the current fi- secured loans last month. The
ON FRAUD PROBES folio. They might enter into port-
folios which are more secured,”
nancial year projection between
`19,600-21,000 crore. It had ear-
move has resulted in higher capi-
tal requirements for banks and
New Delhi: DFS Secretary Vivek Jatinder Handoo, chief executive lier projected disbursement be- NBFCs,raisingthecostoffundsfor
JoshiThursdaychairedameeting officer,DigitalLendersAssociation tween`22,400-23,800crore. borrowers. Digital lenders, which
on the progress in investigation ofIndiatoldFE.Digitallendersare Manybanksandnon-banking source funds from banks and
andresolutionoflargevaluefraud expected to tighten their screen- finance companies have also NBFCs,areexpectingslowercredit
cases.OfficersfromCBI,andchief ing parameters for the first-time askedtheirfintechpartnerstocur- growth due to rise in the cost of
vigilance officers of public sector borrowers,hesaid. tail issuing tiny personal funds. Somedigitallenderswhich
banks were present. ENS Macquarie estimates the in- loans.“Ourbankingpartnerhasal- weresofarsolelyrelyingonsmall
dustry's overall loan growth will ready signaled us to go slow on ticketloans,arenowlookingtodi-
GLOBAL AVIATION BODY moderateto12%-14%,fromabove smallticketloans.Wehaverevised versifytheirbase. FE
New Delhi: Aviation Working
Group, a global aviation body
Tendering by Centre, states slows
comprising aircraftmanufactur- riod a year ago and `3,38,400 equalled Q4 of FY23 awards, in-
ers and lessors, Thursday down- ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU crore in the first quarter of FY24. dicating a clear frontloading of
graded India to negative from MUMBAI, DECEMBER 7 AccordingtoIndiaRatingsand awards in an election year. That
positive as lessors have not been Research (Ind-Ra), with general being said, Ind-Ra expects the
able to repossess their planes TENDERS ABOVE `2,500 crore electionstobeheldduringthefirst momentum to slow down ma-
from the grounded Go First. FE floated across all divisions in the quarter of FY25, tender awards terially from Q4 of FY24,” said
engineering, procurement and couldslowdownoverQ4of FY24 Prashant Tarwadi, Director,
SPICEJET EYES $100 MN construction (EPC) space grew
just at 2.2 per cent in the second
CorporateRatings, India Ratings.
Of theoveralltendersfloated,
EQUITY FUNDRAISE quarter of FY24 to `3,47,900 tum in line with historical an- water (including irrigation),
New Delhi: Budget carrier crore, signifying a slowdown in nouncementsstartingQ2ofFY25. roads and real estate segments
SpiceJet’sBoardwilldecideonthe tendering activity by the central “Awarding activity tradition- (including hospitals, hotels etc)
proposal to raise $100 million to and state governments. ally peaks in the last quarter of onacombinedbasiscontributed
infusefreshequityintotheairline There were tenders worth any fiscal year. Yet, overall around 77 percent in Q2 of FY24
in a meeting on December 11. FE `3,40,400 crore in the same pe- awardsinQ2of FY24havenearly (Q2 of FY23: 74 per cent).

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi accused the West on Thursday of supporting "genocide" by
Israel against Palestinians in Gaza, at the start of talks in Moscow with President Vladimir
Putin. Putin greeted Raisi in the Kremlin a day after visiting the UAE and Saudi Arabia.Putin
said it was very important to discuss the situation in the Middle East.


Russia, Saudi urge
UN chief invokes rare article for OPEC+ powers to
join oil cuts after
Gaza ceasefire, angers Israel
Guterres’ tenure
Putin-MbS meet
Cracks along a road in a danger to world REUTERS
the aftermath of a MOSCOW, DECEMBER 7
massive explosion at peace, says Israel
an industrial area on
the main island in
foreign minister SAUDI ARABIA and Russia, the
Mahe Thursday. Reuters on Thursday called for all OPEC+
REUTERS members to join an agreement
UNITED NATIONS, DECEMBR 7 onoutputcutsforthegoodof the
global economy only days after Vladimir Putin; Mohammed
Emergencyin UNITED NATIONS Secretary- a fractious meeting of the pro- bin Salman. Reuters
Seychellesafter GeneralAntonioGuterresmadea
rare move on Wednesday to for-
ducers’ club.
explosion, flood mally warn the Security Council VladimirPutinwenttoRiyadhin PUTINEYES5THTERM,
Nairobi: A blast at an ex-
of a global threat from the Gaza
a hastily arranged visit to meet
plosives store wrecked alerttopushthecounciltocallfor binSalman,theKremlinreleased Moscow: Russian lawmakers
buildings and caused a ceasefire within days. a joint Russian-Saudi statement on Thursday set the date of
massive damage to an in- TheUnitedArabEmiratesgave abouttheconclusionof theirdis- thecountry's2024presiden-
dustrial zone on the thecouncilabriefdraftresolution cussions. tial election for March 17,
Seychelles’ main island that would act on the letter from The Organization of the movingVladimirPutinastep
Mahe, officials said, Guterres by demanding an “im- Petroleum Exporting Countries closer to a fifth term in office.
prompting the president mediatehumanitarianceasefire” (OPEC), Russia and other allies Members of the Federation
todeclareastateof emer- intheconflictbetweenIsraeland agreed last week to new volun- Council, Russia's upper
gency on Thursday. The Palestinian militants Hamas. tarycutsof about2.2millionbar- house of parliament, voted
blast shook the island as Diplomats said the UAE aims rels per day (bpd), led by Saudi unanimously to approve a
heavy rains triggered to put the text to a vote on Friday Arabia and Russia rolling over decree setting the
flooding which killed when the council is due to be their voluntary cuts of 1.3 mil- date. AP
three people, the presi- briefedbyGuterresonGaza.Tobe lion bpd. “In the field of energy,
dent told reporters on adopted, a resolution needs at the two sides commended the
Thursday, calling for a leastninevotesinfavorandnove- closecooperationbetweenthem such an explicit public remark
minute of silence. AP toesbythefivepermanentmem- Palestinians evacuate a building hit in Israeli strikes in Rafah on Sunday. AP and the successful efforts of the from the Kremlin and the king-
bers — the United States, Russia, OPEC+ countries in enhancing dom about "joining" cuts ap-

China, France or Britain. the stability of global oil mar- peared to be an attempt to send
DeputyUSAmbassadortothe kets,” said the statement re- a message to members of the
Genocide call row: Under

RUSSIA UN, Robert Wood, said the US

It wasused Hundreds killed leased by the Kremlin. OPEC+ club who had not cut or
Girlshoots does not support any further ac-
as Israel pursues
The Russian version used the not cut enough.

time. “However, we remain fo-
cused on the difficult and sensi-
last time
● in 1971 fire, Penn chief says will Hamas in south
word “join” while an English
translationof thestatement,also
released by the Kremlin, used
Thebiggest memberof OPEC
excluded from the cuts is Iran,
the economy of which has been
school,killsself tive diplomacy geared to getting
There have been 10 in-
review policy on campus the word “adhere” to the OPEC+
1979 after the seizure of the US
Moscow: A 14-year-old flowingintoGaza,andbetterpro- been brought by the free speech in line with the US REUTERS Oil market sources said that embassy in Tehran.
girl shot a fellow pupil tection of civilians,” Wood said. Secretaries-General to the REUTERS Constitutionandthetraditionsof GAZA, DECEMBER 7
dead and wounded five “The UAE draft resolution has SecurityCouncilonthreats PENNSYLVANIA, DECEMBER 7 on-campus debate. “I want to be
other children on
Thursday before killing
herself at a school in the
the support of the Arab and OIC
(Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation) group," the UAE
to international peace. But
Article 99 was mentioned
UNIVERSITY OF Pennsylvania
President Liz Magill Wednesday
people is threatening, deeply so,”
Magill said.
tants in the Gaza Strip's biggest
Rwanda plan is the
Russian city of Bryansk,
officials said. “According
to preliminary investiga-
mission to the UN posted on X.
Palestinian UN envoy Riyad
Mansour said Arab ministers
port by then Secretary-
uation in ‘East Pakistan’ —
promised to review the univer-
sity’s code of conduct after she
faced calls to resign for declining
“It is intentionally meant to
terrify a people who have been
attacked dozens of targets, leav-
ing 350 Palestinians dead and
the rest struggling to survive in
only way: Sunak to
divided party as he
tion data, a 14-year-old woulddiscussthedraftresolution nowBangladesh.Indiahad to say whether advocating geno- forcenturies,andwerethevictims rapidlyshrinkingareasof refuge.
girl brought a pump-ac- with US officials. emergedvictoriousagainst cide was a violation of the policy. ofmassgenocideintheHolocaust. Gazans crammed into Rafah
tion shotgun to school, Guterres,inhisletter,invoked Pakistan in the 1971 war, Penn students and alumni In my view, it would be harass- on the southern border with

pushes migrant Bill

from which she fired Article 99 of the UN Charter that whichledtothecreationof steppedupcallsforMagilltostep mentorintimidation,"sheadded. Egypt, heeding Israeli leaflets
shots at her classmates," allows him to “bring to the atten- Bangladesh. down after she declined to say Magill said she and Provost and messages saying that they
Russia's Investigative tion of the Security Council any outright during a congressional John Jackson would begin a would be safe in the city after
Committeesaidinastate- matter which in his opinion may the letter to the Security Council, hearing that calling for the geno- process to evaluate and clarify successive warnings to head
ment. AP threaten the maintenance of in- adding:"TheSecretary-General's cide of Jews would violate Penn’s campus policy, saying, “We can south. Israel said militants had
ternational peace and security.” callforaceasefireisactuallyacall code of conduct. and will get this right.” fired one rocket from Rafah and REUTERS
UNITED KINGDOM to keep Hamas' reign of terror in In a video statement posted The war in Gaza has exposed 12 from the desolate area of Al LONDON, DECEMBER 7
Israel hits back Gaza." Taking to X, Israeli Foreign online, Magill said she should deepfissuresinAmericanpolitics Mawasi on Gaza's southern
Johnsondefends Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Minister Eli Cohen said that havefocusedmoreonthe“evil”of and given rise to both Mediterranean coast where it BRITISH PRIME Minister Rishi
effortstobalance ErdanaccusedGuterresof reach-
“Guterres tenure is a danger to
world peace”. (WITHPTI)
advocating genocide instead of
framing the matter as an issue of
Islamophobic and antisemitic vi-
olence and speech.
has also advised displaced peo-
ple to gather.
Sunak appealed to his
Conservative lawmakers on
health,economy Thursdaytounitebehindhisplan
London:FormerUKPrime after a revolt that once again ex-
Minister Boris Johnson posed deep divisions in his party. PrimeMinisterRishi Sunak
defended his efforts to
balance the health and
Jaguars football ex-official Spain expels 2 US Only major Western nation Sunak is facing the biggest
challenge to his year-long tenure
conferenceinLondon. Reuters
embassy staff for
economic impacts of
COVID-19 as he gave a
second day of testimony
accused of stealing $22 mn bribing officers
to join, Italy leaves China’s as he tries to stop lawmakers on
the party's right wing from re-
belling over their demand that further means that Rwanda will
lic inquiry into the gov- ASSOCIATED PRESS Amit Patel, Madrid: Spain has discreetly ex-
Belt and Road Initiative Britain should quit international
treaties to set its own migration
ernment’s response to JACKSONVILLE, DECEMBER 7 worked for pelled at least two U.S. Embassy Minister Giorgia Meloni took of- policy. His immigration minister to,” he said. “What everyone
the pandemic. Johnson Jaguars for staff accused of bribing Spanish REUTERS ficelastyear,shesaidshewanted quit on Wednesday and he is fac- should do is support this Bill.”
was grilled about his gov- THE FORMER financial manager five years. intelligence officers for secrets, ROME, DECEMBER 7 towithdrawfromthedeal,which ingquestionsastowhetherhecan Experts have said the Bill is
ernment's “Eat Out to for American footbal team, @jasrifootball, X El Pais newspaper reported on waschampionedbyPresidentXi get his key policy through a vote likely to face further court chal-
Help Out” programme, JacksonvilleJaguars,hasbeenac- Thursday, citing government ITALY HAS officially informed Jinping, saying it had brought no inparliament.SomeConservative lenges.Thedraftlegislationcomes
whichsupportedthehos- cused of stealing more than $22 sources. There was no immedi- China that it is leaving the Belt significant gains to Italy. lawmakerssaidonThursdaythat three weeks after Britain's
pitalityindustry bysubsi- million from the franchise chased or funded with the pro- ate confirmation from either and Road Initiative (BRI), dis- The 2019 accord expires in Sunak could face a leadership Supreme Court ruled that
dising restaurant meals, through its virtual credit card ceeds, the filing states. country but, asked about the missing fears the decision could March 2024 and an Italian gov- challenge with the party far be- Rwanda was not a safe place to
and delays in imposing a program between 2019 and AstatementfromtheJaguars case, Spain’s Defence Minister sour relations and damage the ernment source said Rome had hind in polls ahead of an election send migrants arriving in small
second national lock- 2023, according to a seven-page confirmed they are “Business A" Margarita Robles played down Italian economy, government sent Beijing a letter “in recent expected next year. boats on England's south coast,
down as infection rates court filing. referred to as the victim in the any impact on relations. She ac- sources said on Wednesday. days” informing China that it At a press conference in and that the plan would breach
began to rise toward the Amit Patel, who worked for documents. knowledged a judicial inquiry Italy in 2019 became the first would not be renewing the pact. Downing Street, Sunak said the British and international law.
end of 2020. PTI the Jaguars for five years starting Patel is accused of using the was underway into “irregular and so far only major Western China's foreign ministry said legislationsatisfiedalmostallthe The Rwanda scheme is at the
in 2018, is charged with one money to buy two vehicles — a conduct” at the CNI intelligence nation to join the trade and in- thattheBeltandRoadhas“enor- criticismsfromhiscolleagues,but centreof thegovernment'sstrat-
PAKISTAN count of wire fraud and one Tesla and Nissan pickup truck — agency. “Spain and the US are vestment programme, ignoring mous appeal and global influ- if the government went any fur- egytodeterillegalmigration.The
count of illegal monetary trans- a condominium in nearby Ponte friends, allies and partners,” she warnings from the United States ence”. A second Italian govern- therindisregardinghumanrights court'sdecisiondealtaheavyset-
WHOsaysmore action in documents filed in US Vedra Beach, a designer watch told reporters. that it might allow China to take ment source said Italy intended law, Rwanda would abandon the back for Sunak who is struggling
contaminated District Court in Jacksonville. If
convicted, hemayberequiredto
for $95,000, cryptocurrency and
place bets with online gambling
A U.S. official in Spain said US
Ambassador Julissa Reynoso
control of sensitive technologies
and vital infrastructure.
to maintain “excellent relations
with China” even it was no
deal. “It is the only approach be-
cause going any further, that dif-
to revive a weak economy and is
trailing the opposition Labour
syrupsfound forfeit property and assets pur- sites, according to the filing. would not comment. REUTERS However, when Prime longer part of the pact. ference is an inch, but going any party in opinion polls.

The World Health

Organization on
Thursday said several
suspension medicines
had been identified in
countries in the WHO re-
gionsof theAmericas,the
Eastern Mediterranean,
Vegas shooter who killed 3 was professor seeking UNLV job
South-East Asia and the theofficial,whospokeonthecon- the UNLV campus. Lessons portof anactiveshooter.Itwasn’t UNLV professor Kevaney
Western Pacific. The af- ASSOCIATED PRESS dition of anonymity. learnedfromthatshootinghelped immediately clear how many of Martintookcoverunderadeskin
fected products were LAS VEGAS, DECEMBER 7 Another law enforcement of- authorities to work “seamlessly” theschool’s30,000studentswere herclassroom,whereanotherfac-
manufactured by ficial identified the suspect as inreactingtotheUNLVattack,Las on campus at the time, but ulty member and three students
Pharmix Laboratories in TERRIFIED STUDENTS and pro- Anthony Polito, 67. Investigators Vegas Metropolitan Police McMahillsaidstudentshadbeen took shelter with her.“It was ter-
Pakistan, the WHO said, fessors cowered in classrooms searched an apartment in Department Sheriff Kevin gathered outside the building to rifying. I can’t even begin to ex-
and were first identified and dorms as a gunman roamed Henderson, Nevada, late McMahill said at a news confer- eat andplay games. If police had- plain,” Martin said.
in the Maldives and the floors of a University of Wednesdayaspartoftheinvesti- ence. n’t killed the attacker, “it could Whenanotherprofessorcame
Pakistan. Some of the Nevada, Las Vegas building, gationandretrievedseveralelec- The gunman opened fire have been countless additional to the room and told everyone to
tainted products have killingthreepeopleandcritically tronic devices, including Polito’s about 11:45 a.m. Wednesday on lives taken,” he said.“No student evacuate, they joined dozens of
also been found in Belize, wounding a fourth before dying cellphone, the official said. the fourth floor of the building shouldhavetofearpursuingtheir othersrushingoutofthebuilding.
Fiji and Laos. Pharmix in a shootout with police. The attack terrified a city that that houses UNLV’s Lee Business dreamsonacollegecampus,”the Martin had her students pile into
was not immediately The gunman in Wednesday’s experienced the deadliest shoot- School and then went to several sheriff said. her car and drove them off cam-
available for comment. shootingwasaprofessorwhohad ing in modern US history in other floors before he was killed Police didn’t immediately pus.“Once we got away from
Theliquidmedicinescon- unsuccessfullysoughtajobatthe October 2017, when a gunman inashootoutwithtwouniversity identify the victims, or the at- UNLV, we parked and sat in si-
tained unacceptable lev- school,alawenforcementofficial killed 60 people and wounded police detectives outside the tacker's motive. They also didn't lence,” she said. “Nobody said a
els of the contaminant with direct knowledge of the in- more than 400 after opening fire building,UNLVPoliceChiefAdam say what kind of weapon was word. We were in utter shock.”
ethylene glycol, WHO vestigation told The AP. He previ- from the window of a room at Universityof Nevada, LasVegas,students waitafterbeing Garcia said. used, although some witnesses Classes were canceled
said. REUTERS ously worked at East Carolina Mandalay Bay casino on the Las evacuatedfollowingafatalshootingon thecampus. AP Authorities gave the all-clear reported hearing as many as 20 through Friday at the
University in North Carolina, said VegasStripacoupleofmilesfrom about40minutesafterthefirstre- shots fired. university.



New Delhi: The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Thursday
formed an eight-member committee led by its president Roger Binny to accen-
tuate the growth of the Women's Premier League (WPL). —PTI

Racist term for Emotional father readies for another son’s India U-19 debut
Pak on Aussie India A and finished with 2 for 53 to enable
In 2014, he had flown with his
youngest son Musheer to Dubai
his team clinch the title. In U-19 Vinoo
Mankad Trophy, he was the highest wicket
taker with 22 wickets and also scored 438
NAUSHAD Khan couldn’t control himself to watch his eldest son Sarfaraz runs to finish fourth in the run getter cate-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE fromturningnostalgic.In2014,hehadflown make his India U-19 debut. Nine gory this season. In a recent conversation
DECEMBER 7 with his youngest son Musheer to Dubai to with this paper, Musheer had expressed his
years down the line, now,
watch his eldest son Sarfaraz make his India excitement to represent India U-19 team.
AUSTRALIA'ShomeTestseriesagainstPakistan U-19 debut. Nine years down the line, now, Naushad is in Dubai again, this “I was too small when my father took me
hasn't even started but a controversy erupted Naushadis inDubaiagain,thistimetowatch time to watch Musheer play for towatch a game in Dubai.I didn’t have much
during the warm-up game against the Prime Musheer play for India U-19 in Youth Asia understanding of cricket then, I was just
Minister'sXIwhenthescoreonthehostbroad- Cup. “When I was on the flight, I remem-
India U-19 in Youth Asia Cup happy to see my brother playing. As I grew
castreferredtothevisitorsas'Paki',aracistterm bered that day nine years back. I still have a upandwentontoplaymorecricketIrealised
for a person from Pakistan or South Asia by picture of him with Sarfaraz and then team (From left) Musheer Khan with his elder brother Sarfaraz Khan during 2014 Asia day; so we have to keep working hard,” what it means. There is still a long way to go
birthordescent.Thematterwasflaggedbyan coach Bharat Arun. Life came back full circle Cup in Dubai. 18-year-old Musheer with India under 19 team. EXPRESS Sarfaraz said. The 18-year-old Musheer has but I would like to thank everyone in
Australian journalist, who posted a TV grab for me and I am flying to Dubai again with a already represented the Mumbai Ranji Mumbai Cricket Association and National
from the Fox Cricket broadcast where the lot of pride and happiness,” Naushad says as Trophyteamlastseason.Heplayedthreefirst Cricket Academy, who took care of me.
scoreboardshowedtheracistterm.Thematch he lands in Dubai. of India A team which will play one four-day experienceof thingssothathecanlearnfrom class games with a highest score of 42. He “Andnottoforgetmyfather,it’shisdream
istakingplaceattheManukaOvalinCanberra. Musheer,apromisingtop-orderbatsman game and one intrasquad game. For Khan, mymistakestoo.Hehasthesameworkethic made his debut with his elder brother in the that we all should play good cricket.
An embarrassed Cricket Australia (CA) ten- and a left-arm spinner will make his maiden the next few weeks will be crucial. as me and we both work hard behind the team. Important is to be in the present and enjoy
dered an apology which was also quoted by India U-19 debut. His elder brother Sarfaraz Sarfaraz says he has passed on his learn- scenes.OnethingIhavetoldhimisthatthere During a recently concluded quadrangu- each day,” he had said after his selection in
journalist Daany Saeed, who had pointed out flew to South Africa a day before to be part ings to his younger brother. “I do share my is no shortcut in life and everyday is a new lar series, Musheer struck 127 off 47 balls for the India under 19 side.
the initial error.

A new angle to Mr 360 success story

ously for a Pakistan game. This was obviously
X, quoting the clarification sent by CA.
Saeed had earlier tweeted: “The choice to
ditional “PAK” is… quite a choice,” along with It’s not just about wrists, timing and anticipation — power-hitting specialist Julian Wood explains what works for Surya and others
a screengrab of the blunder.
In the warm-up fixture, Pakistan captain
ShanMasoodstruck201notoutashissidede- VADDI TANISHQ SWINGING FOR THE STANDS
clared the first innings at 391 for 9. Jordan HYDERABAD, DECEMBER 7
Buckinghamwasthepickof AustralianPrime
Minister’s XI bowlers with figures of 5/80 as LASTYEARattheT20WorldCupinAustralia, Wood on what works for other big
he dismissed Imam-ul-Haq (9), Babar Azam Surya Kumar Yadav's 40-ball 68 against hitters like Hardik Pandya, Glenn
(40),SarfarazAhmed(41),AamerJamal(5)and South Africa in Perth had lit up the tourna- Maxwell, Rinku Singh
Mir Hamza (8). ment.Thoughitcameinalosingcause,some
In reply, Australian Prime Minister’s XI of his shots against the South African quicks
reached 149 for 2 at stumps on Thursday. The had even former players at the venue shak- ‘Greatswing,goodwrists’
matchisalsosomewhatof anauditionforthe ing their heads in disbelief. His effortless off- He has a great swing of
opener'sslottoreplaceDavidWarner,whohas the-hip flicked six off pacer Lungi Ngidi's in- the bat. He also has
announcedthathewillretirefromTestcricket coming ball, bowled from over the wicket, very good wrists.
after the Pakistan series. Marcus Harris, had both the fans and experts wondering: When you make
CameronBancroftandMattRenshawarecon- How does he do it? contact, you need to
sidered prime contenders, but the first two of Magical wrists, clinical timing and in- be stable and hit against the strong
them squandered opportunities to get a big tense anticipation were seen as the reasons front side. But it is the timing of the
score after seeming to be well set. for this nonchalant hitting, but there was impact on the ball. The key is getting
Harris(49)andBancroft(53)spentconsid- more to the story. As Surya, now India's T20 stillness at the point of contact.
erable time in the middle but didn't go on. captain, takes on the same opponents in a
Renshawwasunbeatenon18atstumps.With three-match series that kicks off this week- ON MAXWELL
him was all-rounder Cameron Green, also end, it's an apt time to revisit the puzzle. ‘HittingZones’
lookingforasubstantialscoretostakeaclaim Renownedpower-hittingspecialistJulian Maxwell has superior
for a place in the playing XI after Mitchell Wood adds another layer to the debate. hand-eye
Marshtookthespotwithsomeimpressivein- While working in the United States, Wood coordination. That's
nings during the Ashes series in England ear- borrowed ideas from the training methods what he showed
lier this year, including a century at Leeds. and biomechanics research used in baseball. during the World Cup
Harris has played 14 Tests and regularly He has been associated with several county (the double hundred against
beenwiththeAustraliansideasaback-upbats- teamsandfranchisesquadshelpingbatsmen Afghanistan) when he smashed it
manasWarnerandUsmanKhawajawerethe to understand the science of hitting sixes. despite having cramps. He
first-choice opening pair. The left-hander basically hit zones as he couldn’t
played some good shots before chipping leg- move - if the ball was outside off-
spinner Abrar Ahmed straight into mid-on's When he is hitting the ball behind stump, he went off-side; anything
hands. Bancroft was trapped in front by quick the wicket, he is using the angle on middle and leg, on the leg-side.
bowler Khurram Shahzad.
Pakistan's first-choice pace attack of
brilliantly. He gets into positions ON RINKU SINGH
Shaheen Shah Afridi, Hasan Ali and where he can use the angle. He just
goes with the ball, that’s all he is ‘Heisn’tworried’
Mohammed Wasim have been rested for the
doing, be it off-side or on-side.” His thought process is
tour game. Pakistan will play three Tests
very good. He is not
JULIAN WOOD worried about the
with the first Test taking place in Perth from
December 14-18.
that puts pressure on
It’ll be followed by the second Test in
you. He worries about the process.
Melbourne fromDecember 26-30 and finally Former England coach Andy Flower says,
He has utmost belief in what he
end with the third Test at Sydney, scheduled “From the biomechanics to the principles of
does. His movements are good, his
to take place from January 3-7. Pakistan have baseball andon to thesheer joyof hitting the
plans are good and he is in a very
suffered clean-sweeps on their last five Test ball clean and hard and far, Julian is at the
good space.
tours Down Under. forefrontof afast-evolvinggameforbatsmen Batsmen like Suryakumar Yadav hit the ball with the angle, says power-hitting coach Julian Wood . PTI
and coaches alike.”
Speaking to The Indian Express, the first
thing Wood mentions when talking about from over the wicket or round, it's coming at flat wickets and lush green outfields which where they go after they are hit. Sometimes, ory, with no more than four fielders outside
Surya's innovative stroke-making is 'angle'. the batsman at a slight angle. Batsmen like allows them to get all these attributes. you can give too much data but there are the ring for 30 overs of a 50-over innings and
“When he is hitting the ball behind the Surya hit the ball with the angle. They are Itisnotalwaysaboutsixes,Suryausesan- players who go more on their gut feel. They a one ball from each end, Surya should have
wicket, he is using the angle brilliantly. He also using the pace plus adding pace to the gles to hit fours too. Earlier this year during will have a feeling. You cannot have one been able to find the boundary more easily
gets into positions where he can use the an- ball as well.” the IPL, when Mumbai Indians played Royal withouttheother.Itisaboutbalance.Youcan and regularly in the longer format. But it has
gle. He just goes with the ball, that’s all he is Challengers Bangalore at the Wankhede be given all the information in the world but not been the case.
doing, be it off-side or on-side,” he says. Using angles well Stadium, he came up against Harshal Patel, a if you cannot execute your skill, it is going to Wood compares Surya to England’s Liam
Wood rates Surya as the best hitter in Wood reckons that most Indian batsmen pacerknownforhisvariations.Encountering be very hard. The players have gut feelings Livingstone and says how having to think
contemporary Indian cricket and a potent havetheabilitytoutilisetheangleswell.“The a slower ball outside off-stump, Surya had and they have the information. It is how you more is not letting them play to their full po-
finisher in thefuture. He goesto explain how Indians have a solid foundation and great the presence of mind to wait for it and guide manage those,” the specialist says. tential in the format. “I think another exam-
Surya works on the angle of the ball that's technical abilities. But what they have done it to the fence by using the angle. Wood also explains why Surya isn't quite ple is Liam Livingstone. He struggles a bit in
storming towards him. “His contact point is is combine enough power with skill and InT20cricket,big-hittingsuperstarsoften carrying his T20 form into ODIs. For all the the50-overstuff,anddoesn'tknow whether
not in front of him or when the ball is out- touch, where they make contact with the bank on data to read the minds of bowlers supreme innings he has played in T20I to bat properly or just hit. In the T20 format
Cricket Australia (CA) issued an side off-stump; he is playing it very late. ball. One thing they are good at is going with who keep varying the pace and trajectory of cricket,Surya’sODIcareerhasn'treallytaken when he comes in with five overs to go, the
apology after a racial slur appeared on Whenyouplaytheballlate,thatclosetoyou, the angle. They don’t go against the angle.” the ball. But data alone can't make one a off. From 37 games, he averages 25.8 with a game is sort of set up for him. The longer the
their scorecard. you need space, you get inside the ball and He would also mention that Indian bats- Surya-kindof hitter. “Thereisananalystwho highest of 72 not out. That's a far cry from his format, you have options. The more options,
use the angle. Whether the ball is bowled men tend to grow up plying their trade on can give feedback on what bowlers do and T20I record where he has three 100s. In the- things can go slightly wrong.”


Sreesanth claims Gambhir called him a fixer; Legends League opens probe
Sreesanth. Then, the latter bowled a dot ball same thing in front of umpires as they tried The case got bigger when actor Vindoo
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE after which there was a flare-up between “Smile when the world is to control him.” Dara Singh was arrested.
DECEMBER 7 the two. The umpires and teammates had Later, in a statement of the social media Delhi Police alleged that the three play-
to step in to separate the duo, who are both
all about attention!” network, the pacer vented his spleen again. ers were giving signals to bookies via pre-
AS THE spat between former India crick- known to wear their hearts on their GAUTAM GAMBHIR “You are an arrogant and utterly classless decided gestures on the field. The police
eters S Sreesanth and Gautam Gambhir sleeves. individual who lacks any form of respect gave the example of a May 9 match be-
continues to simmer, Syed Kirmani, the “You are an arrogant , for those who supported you.... Anyone tween Kings XI Punjab and Rajasthan
head of the Code of Conduct & Ethics What did Legends League Cricket say? utterly classless who has experienced what I have endured Royals in Mohali, in which Sreesanth was
Committee of Legends League Cricket, said “Legends League Cricket strives to up- would never forgive you. Deep down, you bowling an over with a towel tucked into
they’ll be conducting an internal probe into hold the spirit of cricket and sportsman-
individual... Anyone who know that what you said and did was his trousers. The police said this was a sig-
the matter. ship and will conduct an internal investi- has experienced what I wrong.” nal to bookies that he would now fix an
After a heated altercation between the gation on the violation of the code of have endured would never over. (They noted that he had bowled the
two former India teammates during the conduct. Any misconduct that has occurred forgive you. Why was Gambhir allegedly calling previous over without the towel.)
game between India Capitals and Gujarat both on and off the field, including on social S SREESANTH Sreesanth a fixer? Sreesanth gave away 13 runs in that over.
Giants on Wednesday, Sreesanth posted media platforms, will be dealt with strictly. If Sreesanth’s allegations are true, then
two videos on social media revealing what The code of conduct has clearly stated that by calling him a “fixer”, Gambhir was mak- How is Sreesanth playing cricket if he
Gambhir allegedly said to him before the necessary action will be taken against play- What did Gambhir say after the Instagram videos? ing a reference to the infamous 2013 spot- was accused of spot-fixing?
ex-India batsman responded with a cryp- ers that bring disrepute to the league, the controversy? Sreesanth posted two videos, one right fixing case, which rocked the Indian In July 2015, the Patiala House court
tic post on his X handle. spirit of the game and the teams that they After the controversy, while Sreesanth after the game and another one on Premier League. dropped all charges against Sreesanth,
Here is a quick explainer on what are representing. posted two videos revealing what was said Thursday. “'Fixer, fixer, you’re a fixer… you In 2013, Delhi Police had arrested three Chandila and Chavan in the 2013 IPL spot-
Gambhir allegedly said, and what the 2013 We make our stand very clear and con- to him that prompted him to lose his tem- f**k off, fixer.' He (Gambhir) kept saying cricketers - Sreesanth, Ajit Chandila and fixing case, saying no prima facie case un-
case was all about. tinue to work towards sharing the game per, Gambhir just tweeted a cryptic mes- that,” claimed Sreesanth in an Instagram Ankeet Chavan - on charges of spot-fixing. der MCOCA (Maharashtra Control of
with millions of cricketing lovers across the sage. “Smile when the world is all about at- Live video on his handle on Thursday. “He Sreesanth was apprehended at his friend’s Organised Crime Act) was made out
What happened on the field? nation and world,” Kirmani was quoted as tention!” he wrote. kept on calling me that, on live television house. All three were playing for Rajasthan against them. Then, in March 2019, the
In the second over of Wednesday's saying by the Legends League Cricket X on the centre of the wicket. This is the lan- Royals at the time. Soon, the BCCI banned Supreme Court lifted the lifetime ban on
game, Gambhir hit a six and a four against handle. What did Sreesanth say in his guage he used on live TV. He also told the Sreesanth from playing any form of cricket. him.


Indian fencer lent a competitor her electric jacket, now she is rewarded
much of the incident. Until in November, me to just withdraw. It was in 2014, and my Olympics on Doordarshan. I loved the white ported one. The Sports Development
SHIVANI NAIK when she received a formal invite to attend dad had to rush from work buying a new mask and sword immediately but my family Authority of Tamil Nadu would chip in with
MUMBAI, DECEMBER 7 the world body FIE's annual awards in Egypt. jacket," she recalls. didn't care for sports. I decided my child a Rs 30,000reimbursement.Butitwasinthe
These are reserved for the best-ranked "They kept saying, opt out. But I told them would play this sport. Fortunately, Maria's juniors that she would often struggle.
INDIA'S FOIL fencer Maria Akshita doesn't fencers around the world, so she was Iwouldwingold.AndIwonitalso,"sherecalls. father's side was sporting," she adds. "Initially,itwasjustanextracurricularac-
quite know who precisely the competitor stumped initially. Until she was told it was Itwasamerestatechampionship,butitleftan Helena's sister-in-law, an athletics coach, tivity. Then I slowly fell in love with fencing,
was on Piste No.2 at the World the Fair Play Award, and the Indian federa- enduring memory as she resolved to help would urge her to enlist her niece into track and started winning. But weapons, masks
Championships in Milan, back in July. tion would tweet, "Respect and discipline in strandedfencersif shecould,becauseelectric & field, but she wasn't interested till she breakingiscommoninIndia,herewealways
Maria was readying to have a go on Piste sports never go unnoticed!' equipmentbreakingdownisrathercommon. heard of a female coach at JL Nehru Stadium help," she says.
No.3 next, revving herself up to battle her Accustomedtohelpingfellowfencers,and Sometimes, the spares don't function. in Chennai for fencing. "I was told immedi- Hailing from the same city as iconic CA
American opponent, the former world jun- havingreceivedherfairshareof helpinIndian It was the second World Championships ately that she had the right built. Her father, Bhavani Devi, Maria has set her goals high,
ior champion Lauren Scruggs. tournaments—andattimesnot— Mariadid- of her career for the Chennai woman, who a marine engineer, gives financial support. I but knows it's tough to break through in this
Anyone who's fenced knows how zoned n't think it was anything extraordinary. But trains at SAI, Guwahati. Her mother Helena, help her with moral support," she adds. event. She had a month-long stint abroad
into a pre-match shadow practice fencers atthecut-throatWorldswhereathletesfuri- a homemaker, who initiated Maria into the "I'dalsoseenheroinesfenceinFrenchand and her best finish has been 41st at Asian
tend to be, on the sidelines just before a face- ously guard their equipment, her simple act sport, says, "It's no big deal she helped. English movies, so I was very happy when Championships, but she is willing to brave it
off.Yet,fromthecornerof hereye,Mariasaw of helpingwasgivendueattention."Actually, Maria Akshita, a foil fencer, poses with Sometimes she's received help, so it's good things worked out for Maria in my favourite out in distant Guwahati with different food,
some anxious commotion on the adjacent wewereindifferentpools,andsherequested the FIE’s Fairplay award. to repay. There's no grudge against anyone sport," says Helena. to get better at her sport. "I was surprised to
piste. Then an official furiously approached everyone from her pool to help her with the whodoesn'thelpeither.Ultimately, youhave Maria, 5 feet 9 now has good reach and win this, and grateful for recognition. Now I
her team. When they came to her, she didn't electric jacket, but nobody did. She was sur- to be responsible for your own equipment. perfectly long strides for Foil fencing, which want to win medals. I know equipment has-
waste a minute, removed her own electric prisedandthankedmebutInevercaughther ing so scared at that time. That was the day I But the award was a good surprise." combines speed and hand movements of sles arevery stressfulinfencing,butI'll never
jacket, and lent it to the complete stranger name or country," Maria says, back home decided,I'dhelpifanyonefacedthis,"sheadds. sabre and epee. "My hand reach and lunge stop helping others," she says.
who went ahead with her bout. now with the rimmed trophy. Lending equipment - jackets, masks, Mother inspired by Olympics aregood,butIneedtoimprovemyspeedand 'Maintain distance or I might stab u'
Maria's own match got delayed as she "She was standing in the middle of the swords - can be extremely stressful, for fear Helena, who grew up in Nagercoil and technique.Itdoesn'ttakemuchtolearnkind- Maria's WhatsApp tag goofs, riffing off her
waited, and then when she resumed after piste when the officials came to me. I usually of it being broken and twice she remembers had no sporting strand in her family, how- ness though," she smiles. sport's emoticon. But when approached for
strapping on the gear, she would lose and help everyone because at 14, I remember my theborrowersnotreplacingit."ButIremem- ever caught a fancy for the eclectic sport, Aninternationalleveljacketcancostupto assistance at the biggest meet of the year,
nurse her disappointment heading home. equipment broke and I asked everyone ber when this happened to me as a teen, watching a snippet of it on television in her Rs 16,000 and the family faced some crunch Maria didn't flinch and generously parted
The 23-year-old from Chennai didn't think around,butnoonehelpedme.Irememberbe- coaches, officials,opponents aroundme told school days. "Those days we only saw bits of when she moved from domestic gear to im- with her gear.

Can City paper over cracks?


India left playing

catch up in 4-1
Pep Guardiola is the doctor of the tweak and fix, but this could be the most challenging of all his seasons in England
loss to Spain

COMPOSURE AND sticking to a structure are


prerequisitesforsustainedsuccessinhockey, leaderboard, after arguably the worst per- Manchester City attempted just
even at age-group levels, and Spain did it formance of the Pep Guardiola era, against two shots against Villa, with both
much better than India to run away 4-1 win- Aston Villa, howls of a crisis at Manchester of those coming in the 11th minute
ners in a pool encounter at the FIH Hockey City are intensifying. As horrendous as they — the fewest shots ever attempted
Men’s Junior World Cup in Kuala Lumpur on were in Villa Park, only a novice would write by a Pep Guardiola team in a match
Thursday.Thescorelinemaybeabitmislead- off last season’s treble-winners at this junc- within Europe’s big-five leagues.
ing as India came back into the contest just tureoftheseason,fourgamesstillforthemid- The 22 from Aston Villa was the
beforehalf-timeandgaveasgoodastheygot season break. There is the resounding solace joint-most faced by a Guardiola
till halfway intothe third quarter, but the fast of recent past too, but even the staunchest of side in the same period.
startSpaingotmeantIndiawerealwaysplay- City supporters would not feign their club is

ing catch-up. Indian custodian Mohith wading through a semi-crisis.
Manchester City are winless
Shashikumar made some impressive saves Eventheirinscrutablemanager—u-turn-
in their last four Premier
to keep the margin of defeat to reasonable ing from his conviction that his club is still
League matches (D3 L1),
proportions. destined to win the league—admitted that
equalling their longest run
Inthefinalanalysis,theSpanishcoltswere his side is “struggling” and “needs to find so-
without a league victory under Pep
more clinical when and where it mattered lutions” if they are to defend the title for a
Guardiola (also four games in
most,insidethetwostrikingcircles.Theirgoal- record third time.
March-April 2017).
keeper, Jan Capellades, made some excellent It has been a season—stalled no less by
saveswhenevertheIndianshadaclearshotat injuries to key personnel, departure of some
goal. He was only beaten on a penalty corner of his trusted on-field lieutenants, impeded turnfromsuspensionsandinjuries.Stonesand
whenhewasshortof support–oneof hisde- by untimely suspension of key players and Rodri would immediately make them an in-
fendersejectedastheytooklongerthantheal- the new recruits not yet blending into his domitable group. So would talisman de
lotted40secondstoputontheirdefensivegear style—where what could have gone wrong Bruyne. The latter’s creative prowess renders
and get into position, and another shown the have gone abominably wrong. It’s a testa- City another dimension, even if he is not the
green card for arguing with the umpire. Even ment to City’s deep bench that they have control-metronomethatGuardiolacravesfor.
without any teammates to guard the post, managed to not utterly falter. But that supe- Butit’sstillpresumptuoustowriteCityoff.Last
CapelladesalmostsavedRohit’sdrag-flicktwo rior strength on the reserves is the reason season, they overturned an eight-point gap
minutes into the second half. there is less sympathy towards City. andwontheleaguewiththreegamesinhand.
The European outfit showed impressive In2018-19,theywere10behindLiverpool,only
speed, ball control and ability to go past de- Midfield, the central woe to snatch the title in the final stretch.
fenderstokeeptheIndiandefenceunderpres- In explaining the deepest woe, Guardiola Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola speaks to Julian Alvarez (R) and Erling Haaland during the 1-0 loss to Villa. Reuters Even witha depleted side, they could still
sure.InakyZalduawasaconstantthorninthe dwelledonhismidfieldbeforetheVillagame. push or glory. And it’s during the second half
side, creating several chances, while Verdiell “The midfield players are completely op- that Guardiola usually comes up with path-
PolCabreandAndreasRafigottwogoalseach. posite to what we have the last seasons.” heart of his midfield. with ragged ends that featured a centre-back Ahole-riddenmidfieldtaxesthebackline. breaking solutions to his problems. The
Both players got one of their strikes via a For all the gifted forwards, the soul of any But how does a team overflowing with returning from an injury (John Stones, adept Understandably, despite possessing a stack transformation of Stones into a defensive-
penaltycorner,showingthatcoachPuigTorras’ Guardiola is his midfield. Everything origi- talent depend on one-man? It would not manning the midfield but not quite starting of high-classdefenders,theyhaveshippedin playmaker is a classic case.
teamhadoptionswhenitcametodrag-flicks. nates from them, the control and vision, the havematteredlastyear,becauseCitystillhad there),astrikerastheeight(JulianAlvarez)and 17 goals, the most they have since 2009-10. Besides, there is quality and experience
They also showed more intensity from tempoandpace.Everythingisdesignedwith Ilkay Gündogan, who could offer the control a right-back (Rico Lewis) as the holding mid- Some of them have been unusually error- on the field and bench. Guardiola empha-
the first whistle and were ahead inside the them in mind, and it’s the reason he chooses and calmness, could modulate the game’s fielder. The plan, to say mildly, went kaput. prone too, like the usually dependable Josko sized that belief: “Over many years together,
first minute, probably before any Indian his midfielders carefully, and has harnessed flow, recycle possession smartly and kill the It’s where City’s transfer policies too has Gvardiol against Arsenal and Nathan Ake. we were able to find a way to win games,
playerhadeventouchedtheball.Aslickpass- thefinestoutof someexemplarymidfielders. game, if need be, with a thousand boring back-fired, rare as it has been. None of Mateo ManuelAkanjiisslowlyadjustingtothelevel sometimesplayinggood,sometimesnot,but
ing move, that involved quick interchanges It’snotcreativitythathelooksasaprerog- passes. To an extent, so was Riyad Mahrez. In Kovacic, Matheus Nunes or Kalvin Phillips while Kyle Walker seems to have a few yards always we found a way to do it. It’s my duty,
between five Spanish players, pulled the ative for his midfield, but control and compo- the absence, Guardiola was forced to rejig have made slow progress. In fact, the recent of pace. my job, to find a way to (improve) the situa-
Indian defence out of position, allowing sure. This season City’s midfield has looked the midfield, and the iteration at Villa Park additions have been antithetical to the con- But once the midfield cracks are ironed tion,” he said.
Verdiell Pol to find the target with a rasping more chaotic than probably any other side was arguably the weakest. ventional Guardiola ideals. out, they would be a stingier group. He is the doctor of the tweak and fix, but
reversehit.ItwasallSpainintheopeningex- Guardiola has coached. The best players suited to man his mid- No one embodies this more than Doku, thiscouldbethemostchallengingofallhissea-
changes andIndiawere hard-pressed to stay TheabsenceofRodri,themidfieldsupremo field were deputized on the wings— the jet-toed winger, City’s most potent Passing storm? sons in England, perhaps the one that would
in the game. The lead was doubled early in due to suspensions in different phases of the Bernardo Silva and Phil Foden, which would threat this season, but his directness has Is it a full-blown crisis or a passing storm? define him. To say this after a treble-winning
the second quarter when Rafi’s drag-flick campaign has only exacerbated their fallibili- nothavebeenthecasehadDokubeenfitand threatened City’s midfield equilibrium. How It is a passing storm that has the potential to season,afterwinningfiveofthelastsixleague
was too quick and accurate for the goal- ties.Allthreeof theirdefeatsintheleaguethis Jack Grealish, like Rodri, not suspended. Guardiola finds this balance would be cen- transform into a hurricane. But City would be titlesinEngland,onlytellsofGuardiola’spow-
keeper and the defender on the post. season have come when he was absent at the The aftermath was a stitched-up midfield tral to City’s comeback hopes. considerably relieved once their regulars re- ers to keep redefining himself.

Advani beats Avinash, Kumar shocks fifth seed
enters knockouts Christophersen
WorldchampionPankajAdvanicrushedthe India'sKarthikeyaGulshanKumarproduced
challenge of Delhi's Avinash Kumar to move a thrilling performance to stun fifth seed
into the men's 6-Red snooker knockouts in Mads Christophersen of Denmark to reach
the National Billiards & Snooker the men's singles quarterfinals of the
Championships in Chennai on Thursday. Guwahati Masters Super 100 badminton
PSPB's Advani, who clinched a record 26th tournament here Thursday. The 23-year-old
ISBFworldtitleinDohalastmonth,produced Karthikeya defeated Christophersen 21-18,
astellarshowtowin4-2,includingabreakof 21-15 in 36 minutes. The opening game was
47 in the third frame to enter the round of 32 a close affair as the lead changed hands on
attheNehruIndoorStadium.Advanihadbe- multipleinstancestillKarthikeyagrabbedfive

Want to do personal
gun his campaign in style on Wednesday,
trumpingSufyanAhmedof Karnataka4-0in
straight points, moving from 12-15 down to
I-League: Deccan FC
best in Paris: Jena
aGroupAencounter,earningbreaksof 41,44
and 34.
to draw level at 17-17, the Indian shuttler
move to second spot
Sreenidi Deccan FC preserved their second
Javelin thrower Kishore Kumar Jena made a Steph Curry scored 22 of his 31 points in the second half. AP placeinthetableafteragoallessdrawwithReal
meteoric rise this year which he capped with Rahm set to join LIV Arctos acquires KashmirFCintheirI-Leaguematchhereatthe
an Asian Games silver medal but he wants to TRC Stadium on Thursday. Deccan now have
remain grounded, just looking ahead to pro- on deal worth $600mn Curry, Warriors close door on Blazers minority stake in PSG 17 points from nine matches, while the
duce yet another personal best in next year's Kashmirsideslidtofourthwith14pointsfrom
Paris Olympics. A late bloomer, the 28-year- Two-time Major champion Jon Rahm is ex- StephenCurrysaved22ofhisgame-high31pointsforthesecondhalf,cappedbyaclinch- U.S. private equity group Arctos Partners eight matches. A good result was mandatory
old Jena improved his performance by nearly pected to sign a massive deal to join LIV Golf, ing 3-pointer with 10 seconds remaining, and the Golden State Warriors rallied past the have acquired a minority common equity for Deccan after their 1-2 defeat in their last
10metresinoneyear.Afterrecording78.05m anotherhitforthePGATourasitracestheclock visiting Portland Trail Blazers 110-106 on Wednesday night. Draymond Green missed a stake in Paris Saint-Germain, the Ligue 1 match against Mohammedan Sporting.
to finish third in the National Open tofinalizeanagreementtoallywiththeSaudi- triple-double by one assist and three Warriors came off the bench for 12 or more points club announced on Thursday. PSG said Deccanmadefourchangestothestartingline-
Championships in October last year, he pro- backedleague,TheWallStreetJournalreported asGoldenStatereturnedfromathree-daybreaktooutlasttheTrailBlazersintheirfirstof Arctos's investment will go towards grow- up and one of those -- midfielder Ibrahim
ducedhispersonalbestof87.54mtowinasil- Thursday.LIValreadyenticedDustinJohnson, three meetings this month. In his first game since suffering a torn ligament in his right ing the club's operations and supporting Sissoko -- had the first chance of the match in
ver in the Hangzhou Asian Games. "I don't BrooksKoepka,BrysonDeChambeauandoth- thumbonopeningnight,AnferneeSimonspouredin28pointsandShaedonSharpehad their real estate initiatives, including the the fifth minute. But his volley off a lofted ball
want to set any target of the distance which I ersfromthePGATourwithhugepaydays,but 26pointsfortheTrailBlazers,wholostdespiteoutscoringGoldenState48-30on3-point- stadium and training centre. The Financial fromLalbiaklianadidnottroubletheKashmir
will throw in the season ahead. I just want to adding Rahm -- the No. 3 player in the world ers.WithCurrygoing1-for-6andKlayThompson0-for-4,theWarriorswerejust2-for-16 Times reported Arctos would buy a 12.5% goalkeeper. The next to try his luck from dis-
throw my personal best in Paris," he said. "He andanimmenselypopularplayeramongfans from long range in the first half en route to a 55-48 deficit. Portland went on to lead by as stake which values PSG at $4.32 billion). tance was Rilwan Hassan who cut in from the
(Chopra)ismyidol,whateverthegoodthings -- would be a severe hit for the tour. The Wall many as 11 before Curry ignited a rally with 17 points in the third quarter, getting the Qatar Sports Investments (QSI) will con- left and unleashed his effort but the outcome
happening in Indian athletics is because of Street Journal reported the Rahm defection Warriors within arm's length and setting up his late heroics. tinue to have full control of the club and its was similar. The second half was an even
him," said Jena. could be announced this week. decision-making. tighter as chances were few and far between.

VOL. XXII No. 174 Registration No. DL-26003/2001 R.N.I. No. UPENG/2001/5674. Printed and published by R. C. Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited. Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, C-26, Amousi Industrial Area, Lucknow and publishedat 1/8,
Vivek Khand, Gomti Nagar, 9 Lucknow - 226010. Chairman of the Board: Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor: Raj Kamal Jha, Editor: Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor (Lucknow) : Rakesh Sinha* (*Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act) website: The Indian
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