Icici Ie Ahmedabad 27 07 2020 PDF
Icici Ie Ahmedabad 27 07 2020 PDF
Icici Ie Ahmedabad 27 07 2020 PDF
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Gehlot sends
another note
Khattar: Weekend
AUGUST5 for session on lockdowns serve
July 31; Cong
no purpose, must
attacks Gov
isolate for 14 days
THE ASHOK Gehlot government
‘AS LONG AS has sent a fresh recommenda- A WEEKEND lockdown serves
J&K REMAINS tion to Governor Kalraj Mishra
asking for a session of the
no purpose in the fight against
the novel coronavirus, Haryana
UT, I WILL NOT Rajasthan Assembly on July 31. Chief Minister Manohar Lal
CONTEST The Governor had returned an Khattar said on Sunday. His gov-
earlier recommendation by the ernment was making continu-
ASSEMBLY government,askingforclarifica- ous efforts to rebuild confidence
ELECTIONS’ tions on six specific points. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Minister of State for Defence Shripad Yesso Naik, Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, in the people, and there were no
The fresh recommendation Army Chief General M M Naravane, Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh and Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria paid tribute at plans to impose any more lock-
For first time since J&K was sent late on Saturday night, the National War Memorial, on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas, in New Delhi on Sunday. PTI REPORT,PAGE9 downs, the Chief Minister said.
was split, Omar Abdullah after the cabinet met for a sec- The Covid-19 situation in
breaks his silence ond time earlier in the evening. Haryanawasundercontrol,case
“Allquerieshavebeenanswered MANN KI BAAT numberswerebetterthanmany
THE IDEAS PAGE in the latest recommendation, other states, and near normalcy CM Manohar Lal Khattar at
PAGE 7 through which we have sought had returned across the state, the Idea Exchange, Sunday
an Assembly session from July Khattar said at an online Idea
31,” a Congress leader said. Exchange with The Indian
Until late on Sunday night, Express. then yes, of course a weekend
RajBhavanhadnotrespondedto “A lockdown will not serve lockdown can be imposed. But if
EXPERT the fresh recommendation. In a anypurposeunlessitisimposed we actually want to achieve re-
EXPLAINS video released in the evening as for a 14-day period. Imposing a sults, then a weekend lockdown
Rukmini part of the Congress's 'Speak Up lockdown over the weekend or serves no purpose,” he said.
Banerji For Democracy' campaign, Chief fortwodaysmerelygivestheim- Several states have imposed
From The Indian Express panel
of specialists, exclusive insight
Minister Gehlot said he hoped
the Governor would act soon.
‘Ourconduct,speechmustalwaysseek Army displayed deeds of valour,
when India demonstrated her
done,” the Chief Minister said.
short-duration or localised lock-
downs as the country as a whole
“Until now, we have not re- toboostmorale,honourof oursoldiers’ ‘Hazards of might, the whole world “Unless we isolate an in- wentintoaphased'Unlock'from
ceived a reply,” Gehlot said. “The Corona are watched... It was the victory of fected person for a continuous June 8. In BJP-ruled Uttar
Governorisalong-timepolitician, main locked in conflict with the far from high morale and bravery of our 14-day period, they will con- Pradesh, a range of restrictions
sociable and vyavahar-kushal PLA in Ladakh, with the disen- being over’ armed forces in the truest sense tinue to infect others. If we want come into effect every weekend.
(well mannered), so I hope that NEW DELHI, JULY 26 gagement process stalled by the of the term.” to work only on perceptions, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
hegivesustheordersoon,andwe Chinese reluctance to step back However,“thesedays,battles
will call the Assembly.” The gov- NEEDLESS ENMITY with every- from several places in the high- — which means, to the wicked, are fought not just on borders;
ernmentwouldliketheHouseto one comes naturally to the altitude border area. enmitywithoneandallfornorea- theyarefoughtwithinthecoun-
How is the prolonged discuss the Covid-19 crisis, the wicked, Prime Minister Back in 1999, Modi said, son comes naturally. People with try too, on many fronts simulta- TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE
closure of schools affecting “ruined economy” due to the Narendra Modi said in his Mann Pakistan had embarked upon its such a disposition keep thinking neously,”thePrimeMinistersaid.
Azad, Leftists
credit scheme, 43% of ● disbursals ■ Maharashtra
■ Tamil Nadu
ANCHOR With cardboard partitions, Surat’s diamond hub reinvents the wheel
Katargam and Varachha turning masks and sanitisers. “Working in mind the risk factor for work- Data collated from Gujarat's tainingpolishedstonesthatpass
KAMAAL SAIYED hotspots. on the wheels is an intricate job ers, who are like our family Covid bulletin showed 11,672 through several hands before
SURAT, JULY 26 The outbreak has prompted and each usually has four dia- members, we have fixed card- cases and 359 deaths in Surat till reaching the market have come
theSuratMunicipalCorporation mond polishers. One of them board from cartons as partitions Sunday. However, The Indian under the scanner for making
FROM PUTTING up makeshift (SMC) to register cases and pe- works on the table (the top) of on each wheel to enable at least Express had reported on July 21 handlersvulnerabletoinfection.
cardboard partitions at emery nalise around 100 factories for the diamond, the second on the two polishers to work,” he says. aboutanunexplainedmismatch The way out: ultraviolet light as
wheelswherediamondsarepol- not maintaining social distanc- crown, the third on the girdle Today, Virani’s factory has between the death toll provided disinfectant, although there are
ished to using UV light as disin- ingnorms.Amongthecurbs,the and the fourth on the pavilion over 150 emery wheels engag- by the district and the state. Till safety concerns over direct skin
fectant for paper sachets that SMC has directed companies to (the bottom),” says Virani. ing 600 workers in two batches July 24, the gap was 186 with the exposure.
passthroughmultiplehands,the deploy only 50 per cent of their All of these are parts that of 300 each on alternate days, districtreporting521deathsand Ravi Ghelani, a trader in
diamond hub of Surat is finding workforce at a time. needtobepolishedtoadd value, who cut rough diamonds thestate'sofficialdashboardlog- Varachha, is among those who
new solutions in a desperate bid Butownerssaythishasledto he says. bought from the bigger players ging only 335. hasstartedusingUVlightstodis-
to revive business in a labour- multiple choke points in facto- “We were ready to abide by intosmallerstonesof lowercarat InVarachha,meanwhile,dia- infect the sachets. “Since the sa-
intensive industry amid strin- ries—attheemerywheel,forex- the SOPs but maintaining social value, and polish them. mond factories in Hirabaug and chets are made of paper, the reg-
gent Covid curbs. ample, says Bhupat Virani, who distancing was a problem. It be- “We are surviving somehow Sneh Mudra Estate have also ular use of sanitiser can damage
According to industry esti- owns the B Virani Diamond comes hard for a single polisher in this tough situation,” says started using cardboard parti- them. Many traders have pur-
mates, over 1,700 workers in the Estate in Varachha. to work alone... it takes more Workers at the emery wheel inside a diamond factory in Virani, adding that his unit em- tions to optimise the number of chased the UV lights,” says
diamond business have tested The SMC has allowed only time and labour cost, and pro- Surat. Hanif Malek ployed 1,000 polishers before polishers at the wheels. Ghelani.
positive, with the hubs of one worker at each wheel, with duction goes down. So keeping the virus struck. Similarly, paper sachets con- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
■ CUSTOMIZABLE InthefirstweekofJune,amessagepoppedupinaninter-agencygroupfordisastermanagementofwhich
The spread of Covid-19
Indian Express
neededabystander. and hoping for herd
★★★★★ ■4.6
REDMI EARBUDS S HOW MASKS STOPPED We look at the findings of a recent survey
REVIEW VIRUS TRANSMISSION on Covid-19, what it doesn’t tell us about
Find out if these are the Face-covering policy in the spread of the disease, and the benefits
SCANTHISQRCODETO wireless earphones to a US salon apparently and dangers of herd immunity.
get under Rs 2,000 stopped transmission
Death toll at 2,345
with 21 more
Ahmedabad 25,692 1,575 163
virus in a day
Surat 11,672 359 299
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Vadodara 4,194 76 92
AHMEDABAD, JULY 26 Bhavnagar 1,191 21 31
Gandhinagar 1,278 39 19
AS MANY as 1,110 fresh cases of
Covid-19 were reported in Rajkot 1,408 24 72
GujaratonSunday,takingtheto- Chhota Udepur 156 3 22
tal tally to one short of 56,000. Patan 499 23 22
The death toll reached 2,345
with21moresuccumbingtothe Valsad 540 5 15
virus in a day. Porbandar 41 2 2
OnSunday,Suratreported12 Mehsana 725 17 18
deaths and a total of 299 cases —
201 from the municipal corpo- Morbi 190 6 10
ration and 98 from the district Kutch 448 16 20
areas.AmongCovid-19fatalities, Gir Somnath 307 2 18
city areas reported 7.
Vadodara reported a total of Junagadh 744 9 20
92 new Covid-19 cases — 79 Sabarkantha 382 8 14
fromcityand13fromruralareas Anand 417 13 11
— and 2 deaths, one each from Panchmahal 415 18 18
city and rural.
Bharuch 745 11 19
Tribal districts of Chhota
14-year-old boy
among 4 booked
Fee order kept in 13 arrested for
not allowing Securities and Exchange Board of India
Notice is hereby given that the share Certificates as mentioned below
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attempt at forced conversion it said. gar and their needs will be taken citizenship will begin soon”.
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ince independence, we haven't really trust- petitiveness is determined by the two holy grails of
ed our people or their expertise, our price and quality. What will be worth seeing in come
resources, our home-grown industries or years is whether this 'idea' will be applicable to all
even our brilliant entrepreneurs. In short, we didn't the sectors or only a select few, depending upon the
trust ourselves. In the early years since independ- availability of resources and expertise in the country.
ence, we entrusted public sector units to oversee 'Vocal for Local' strategy should be aimed towards
many of our development works in various fields, but protecting industries without leading to 'protection-
when that failed, we took to globalisation in 1991. ism'.
Globalisation opened us to foreign direct invest- Though the idea and ambition to create India as
ments (FDI), MNCs and foreigners, in turn leading to a promising manufacturing centre compared with
a capital-based growth system which was jobless, China is worth the appreciation, Indian Inc. won't be
faceless and ruthless. Thereafter, we allowed the in a condition to provide any benefit unless price
imports of subsidised Chinese goods thereby invit- competitiveness can be created and sustained -
ing job losses and economic inequalities within our only then can we attract investment from domestic
country. This put several industries out of business and foreign players. Thus, the key consideration for
as the Chinese imports reduced the demand for a self-reliant India should be to build and create
indigenous products. This made people subsist on businesses that are competitive and able to forge a
government doles rather than being valuable con- strong value chain via brand, package, price and
tributors to the country. channels.
Our long dependence on imports, even for basic If implemented correctly,
necessities, has cast a shadow on our commitment
towards local industries. Why to import at all when 'Vocal for Local' strategy will not just
we can produce and manufacture on our own? Don't create job opportunities but will also
we trust our capabilities and expertise? Don't we generate a lot of confidence among our
have the resources to make at least the necessary local industries.
products on our own? The lesser the imports, the
lesser is our dependence on a country like China,
which cannot be trusted anymore. Think of the pos-
sibilities that this attitude towards going 'swadeshi'
might open for us - not just increased job opportuni-
ties but our assertion on being self-reliant will also
generate a lot of confidence among our local indus-
The world is currently faced with the existential
threat from COVID-19 as economies continue tum-
bling down. In such a scenario, it is very essential to
spread awareness regarding the benefits of going
'swadeshi' or self-reliant. Seeing the plight of our
industries and emerging business opportunities due
to COVID-19, the Indian Prime Minister announced
last month to go 'Vocal for Local', signalling a strong
push for self-reliance to revive those local industries
that were taken for granted. On May 12, announcing
the Rs 20 lakh crore AtmaNirbhar package in an
address to the nation, Prime Minister Modi had said,
"Friends, the Corona crisis has also explained to us
the importance of Local manufacturing, Local mar-
ket and Local supply chain. In times of crisis, this
Local has fulfilled our demand, this Local has saved
us. Local is not just the need, it is our responsibility
While the 'Vocal for Local' is a brilliant idea, we
have to realise that over the past 70 years, the world
has changed radically. To create a globally competi-
tive product, we need to have access to globally
competitive resources coupled with globally com-
petitive synergies, only then the resolution of 'Vocal
for Local' will truly succeed in its true essence. The
global market today is an intricate web of tightly
interdependent value chains, wherein market com-
Gone to the dogs
A bizarre and unscientific policy is behind the
menace of stray dogs all over India
my environment, most notably the menac- AWBIhasfinally beenreturnedtoitsrightful timate that barely 10 per cent of India’s dogs
ing stray dogs. A month back, I was mauled home, Animal Husbandry, which is under have been sterilised and immunised out of a
HE POLITICAL, LEGAL and constitutional issues raised by the unfolding by a rabid dog in a park. The canine also bit a Giriraj Singh, who is more concerned about possible60million.SincetheABCruleswere
Rajasthan drama will requirecarefuldisentangling. But a few things areal- three-year-old child, two pet dogs and three cows and Hindutva. actually passed by the Ministry of Culture, it
ready clear: There is evident bad faith on all sides, a shadow over the cred- security guards. On my neighbourhood Gandhi’sirongripoverherfiefdomisstill isamootpointwhethertheministryhadthe
ibility of every player. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot tried to stamp out the WhatsAppgroup,thereareseveralhorrorsto- evident.EventhefieryGirirajSinghconfesses authority in the first place to pass laws on a
rebellion within by bizarre acts of heavyhandedness like the sedition no- riesof elderlypersonsandchildrenbeingbit- his ministry has really no effective powers. subject which it lacked domain knowledge.
tenbystraydogs,apparentlyunusuallyfrisky His private secretary wonders why I should TheABCoffersnoscientificmethodforasys-
tice served by his government to his own deputy, which became the trigger for the cur-
because their usual biscuit feeders were ab- be apprehensive about retaliation from the tematic vaccination drive and stabilising the
rentunravelling.TheSachinPilotcampof dissentingMLAshastakenrecoursetoanuned- sent during the lockdown. ferocious dog lobby — after all, even he had country’s canine population. ABC rules con-
ifying cloak-and-dagger resort politics. Governor Kalraj Mishra, by sitting on the chief But in the eyes of the Animal Welfare an FIR filed against him by these vigilantes. traveneallIndianstatemunicipalActs,which
minister’s demand forafloor test—the mosttransparentway of settlingdoubtsabout the Board of India (AWBI), the victims are really Myvisitwasintheaftermathof arecentnear- mandate removal of straying animals from
government’s continuing viability — is inviting accusations of partisanship. The Courts — the dogs. An AWBI circular actually com- unanimous proposal from the residents of streetsandpublicplaces,bothfortheprotec-
both the high court, which has stayed disqualification proceedings against the 19 MLAs ments that a person getting in the way of a EastNizamuddintotheirwelfareassociation tion of people and animals.
dog “can be perceived as an example of to ensure that the number of feeding spots Unsurprisingly, India has by far the high-
by the assembly Speaker and framed 13 questions that recast the matter as one that in-
provocation”. A dog which bites human be- for stray dogs be cut down from a staggering est number of rabies cases in the world
volves larger questions of freedom of expression and basic structure of the Constitution, ingsrepeatedlycannotnecessarilybetermed 33 — in a community of some 270 houses — (around 33 per cent), followed by Congo. In
and the Supreme Court which has so far played along — have scarred their own record a nuisance and a vet is liable to be sued if he to a reasonable 10. (Ironically, the dogs are contrast, our neighbouring countries have
when it comes to protecting and seen to be protecting dissent. putsthebitingdogtosleepathismaster’sre- largely fed by paid employees of a woman performed fairly well by adopting scientific
And yet, the 13 questions framed by the Rajasthan High Court strike a chord. This is so quest. The consequence of such a perverse wholivesinafarmhousemilesawayfromthe principles. Our “humanistic” ABC rules miss
because of a political culture defined by an anti-defection law which, in its zeal to prevent law is that some time back, the owner of a colonyandseldomvisits.Likemanydogfeed- the rabies component entirely and do not
rabid Great Dane simply threw his dog over ers, who shoulder none of the responsibility even mention re-immunisation. According
“aaya ram, gaya ram” politics or horse trading, has shrunk the open spaces within parties,
the Sunder Nagar nursery wall, where it bit whichgoesalongwithfeedingananimal,she to a conservative WHO estimate, there are
excessively empowering the party high command at the cost of the freedoms of legisla- and infected many other canines and hu- perhapsassumesshehasearnedherplacein 20,000annualrabiesdeathsinIndia.Butun-
tors. In the backdrop is also the trend of brute electoral majorities, which makes dissent mans. Citing AWBI rules, stray dog feeders heaven by her presumed charity.) like COVID-19 mortalities, there is little con-
within thepoliticalbehemothasimportantas,if notmorevitalthan,theoppositionwith- frequently threaten residents who object to The proposal to cut down the feeding cern over these recurring deaths, mostly of
out. In this context, the high court’s prodding could open up space for a wider delibera- dog bowls at their doorsteps with an FIR The AWBI, despite all its spots evoked an angry and threatening children. According to government records,
tion on some vital issues — on what “defection” means, and where the line is to be drawn charging“criminalintimidation’’.Smallwon- phone call from Maneka Gandhi’s sister, there were six million dog bites in 2017.
lofty claims, has not
between “crossing over” and intra-party dissent. Can the “expression of dissatisfaction or der that most Resident Welfare Associations Ambika Shukla, who even complained that The AWBI alone cannot be blamed.
are reluctant to tanglewiththe vocal andag- compiled data on the dog theelderlyinourcolonyweredemonstrating Judicial overreach and judicial procrastina-
disillusionment and the strongly worded opinion against the party leadership”, be seen
gressivedogmindersintheirneighbourhood. population and vaccinations aggressive behaviour by walking around tion are also at fault. In 2010, Justice V K Jain
asconductfallingundertheambitof Para2(1)(a)of theTenthScheduleof theConstitution, Maneka Gandhi, the formidable animal with sticks.(Theobvious reason, self-protec- of the Delhi High Court overturned the com-
in the last two decades. Two
which deals with an MP or MLA who “has voluntarily given up his membership of such rights activist, has almost single-handedly tion, eluded her.) My repeated efforts over binedwisdomof thecountry’sciviclawsand
political party”? After all, the 19 rebel MLAs insist that they remainwith the Congress, de- framedandstilloverseesthecountry’sbizarre
internal reviews by the the last two years to get an idea from those disregarded the recommendation of the
spite their grievanceswith Gehlot’sleadership.Thehighcourt’squestionsalsoproblema- policy for dogs for some two decades. Environment Ministry have who have appointed themselves the apostle of ahimsa, Mahatma Gandhi, whose
tise the party whip and its applicability. Officialdom and her political superiors have acknowledged the failure of guardians of the colony’s stray dogs of the well-consideredopinionontheadvisabilityof
discreetly distanced themselves, despite the the Animal Birth Control actualpopulationandthenumberwhowere the elimination of stray dogs is a matter of
In 1992, a five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court in Kihoto Hollohan up-
impracticalityandunscientificnatureof pro- sterilised and vaccinated proved futile. record. Justice Jain’s order on feeding stray
held the constitutional validity of the Tenth Schedule and cast a specific prohibition on grammeswithacavalierdisregardforhealth
(ABC) (dogs) rules, and Gandhi’s formidable army of dog feeders, dogs and forbiddingthe municipality to pick
courts intervening in disqualification matters ahead of the Speaker’s ruling. As the mat- issues and human suffering. pointed out fashioning themselves in her mould, are ac- themupopenedaPandora’sbox.In2012,the
ter comes up again before the Supreme Court today, therefore, there is existing jurispru- When she was first appointed MoS misappropriation of funds countable to no one. Karnataka High Court decreed that the au-
dence and law, and uncharted territory ahead. The process that has begun with the Environment in 1989, Gandhi persuaded by some animal welfare I recount my neighbourhood’s tale be- thorities did, in fact, have a right to remove
Rajasthan HC’s 13 questions could lead to less opacity and greater openness in the build- then Prime Minister V P Singh to hand to her cause it is a microcosm of what is happening stray dogs or practice euthanasia in cases
theAnimalWelfareBoardof India(AWBI)and organisations patronised by inthecountrytoday.TheAWBI,despiteallits where human lives needed protection. But
ing blocks of parliamentary democracy. But treading into the inner lives of parties could
detach it from its real home, the Animal the AWBI. Experts estimate loftyclaims,hasnotcompileddataonthedog after eight years, the Supreme Court is in no
also be fraught with risks — it is a slippery slope from reform to imperilling autonomy. Husbandry and Dairying portfolio. This pe- that barely 10 per cent of population and vaccinations in the last two hurry to pass an order, which could greatly
culiarpracticecontinuedandsheretainedthe India’s dogs have been decades. Two internal reviews by the envi- benefit our unprotected street children.
control of the board as minister of ronment ministry have acknowledged the
sterilised and immunised
Environment, Social Justice and failure of the Animal Birth Control (ABC ) The writer is consulting editor,
Empowerment, Culture, and Statistics and out of a possible 60 million. (dogs) rules, and pointed out misappropria- The Indian Express
An Indian first
Dadabhai Naoroji strove to be inclusive. Today’s
majoritarian nationalism represents a betrayal of
the principles he bequeathed to India
of the city at the time —and honoured by
was received by millhands in Ahmedabad.
at the head of a roaring procession down
Chandni Chowk. In Amritsar, Sikh granthis
Dinyar Patel Golden Temple.
DADABHAINAOROJIWASanIndianfirst.He Congresssessionandwelcomeitspresident,
was the first modern Indian economic Muslim poets recited Urdu couplets and
thinker,thefirstIndianelectedtotheBritish Hinduwomensungbhajans.Anditwashere
Parliament, and the first leader to establish in Lahore that Naoroji declared to Congress
swaraj as the goal of the Congress. But delegatesthattheywereIndiansfirst—that
Naoroji was an Indian first in another im- theywere“aboveall”Indiansinspiteoftheir
portant way. Throughout his career, he differing backgrounds.
stressed on an Indian national identity The Indian press issued a fairly unani-
whichoverrodereligious,caste,classoreth- mous verdict: These demonstrations re-
nic differences. “Whether I am a Hindu, a vealed the power of inclusive politics. A
Muhammadan,aParsi,aChristian,orofany Bengalipaperdeclared,“thistimetheHindu,
othercreed,IamaboveallanIndian,”hetold the Musalman, the Sikh, the Bengali, the
the Congress in 1893. Hindustani, the Mahratti, the Parsi, the
Overacenturyafterhisdeath,Indiaisin Panjabi and the Madrasi have spoken with
critical need of remembering Naoroji’s one voice.” Newspapers also offered a stark
brandofnationalism.Inallhispoliticalactiv- repudiation to the charge that a minority
ities, the Grand Old Man of India, as he was member could not represent the country.
known, strove to be inclusive. Today’s stark “The fact can no longer be denied by the
C R Sasikumar
majoritarianism,underthebannerof avery mostprejudicedAnglo-Indian…[who]will
different form of nationalism, represents a find it difficult in future to forget that Mr.
striking betrayal of the principles that Dadabhai is the real representative of the
Naoroji bequeathed to India. whole of India.” Those words were written
AsaParsi,amemberofasmallbuthighly in the columns of the Mahratta, Bal
influential community, Naoroji was espe- Gangadhar Tilak’s paper. Some cartoons
If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to explained@indianexpress.com
United Kingdom
How Covid has hit learning
What has the prolonged absence from school meant for children? A look at how learning loss happens,
how it’s different this time, and what is the way forward when schools do reopen
2,394,513 1,385,685 Rukmini Banerji
343,592 434,200 From The Indian Express panel
Chile South Africa of specialists, exclusive insight
When did Sikhism reach Afghanistan? AfghanSikhs and Hindus started the exodus got citizenship and the rest are living as
DIVYA GOYAL Sikhism founder Guru Nanak visited and left the country,” Inderjeet Singh writes. refugees or on long-term visas. Most are liv-
LUDHIANA, JULY 26 Afghanistan in the early 16th century and UndertheMujahideen,therewerewide- inginDelhifollowedbyPunjabandHaryana.”
laid the foundations. As per the history of spreadkidnappings,extortion,propertygrab-
SINCEAterrorattackbyanISgunmankilled his travels recorded in the earliest janam- bing incidents, religious persecution, which How many are left in Afghanistan?
25SikhsatGurdwaraHarRaiSahibinKabul sakhis, it was during his fourth udaasi (trav- becamethetriggerpointforexodus.Afterthe Not more than 700. Chhabol Singh,
on March 25, the small Sikh and Hindu els) during 1519-21, with his companion Taliban took over, persecution continued. member, managing committee, Gurdwara
communities in Afghanistan have made Bhai Mardana, that Guru Nanak reached Dashmesh Pita Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji
multiple appeals to the Indian government Afghanistan and visited present-day Kabul, Where did those who moved out settle? Singh Sabha Karte Parwan, Kabul, said,
for “immediate evacuation”. A look at these Kandahar, Jalalabad, Sultanpur. All these “TheAfghangovernment(inthemonths “There are around 650 Sikhs (90-100 fam-
communities’ history in Afghanistan: places now have gurdwaras. The seventh before the Mujahideen took over entire ilies) and nearly 50 Hindus left here... No
Sikh Guru Har Rai too played a pivotal role Kabul) issued speedy passports under a one wants to live here now after the gurd-
When did Hinduism reach in sending Sikh missionaries to Kabul . scheme called Aab Gang pilgrimage pass- wara attack in Kabul on March 25.”
Afghanistan? “Several documents record the thriving port. The Indian Embassy set up an on-the- “The attack was the final nail in the cof-
AccordingtohistorianInderjeetSingh,au- trade of Hindus and Sikhs in Afghan society go visa department... Some 50,000 people fin... Gurdwaras are also homes for Sikhs in
thorofAfghanHindusandSikhs:AHistoryofA but today 99 per cent of them have left the left Afghanistan under this scheme and Afghanistanasmostofthemdon’thavetheir
Thousand Years, Hindu rulers once reigned country. Afghanistan now refuses to ac- came to India,” said Inderjeet Singh. ownhouses.Also,SikhsinAfghanistantook
over Eastern Afghanistan including Kabul. knowledge them as their natives but they From India, many moved to other coun- heartfromtheCitizenshipAmendmentAct
“Islam entered Afghanistan in the 7th cen- have made contribution to their mother- tries.“ThemajorityofAfghanHindusarenow inIndia,knowingthatgettingIndiancitizen-
tury.TheZunbildynastyisbelievedtobethe land despite a turbulent journey. Can an settled in Germany and Sikhs in the UK. shipwouldbeeasier,”saidKhajinderSingh.
earliest Hindus who ruled over Kandahar to Afghan be a Hindu or a Sikh? History says, Others live in Austria, Belgium, Holland,
Ghazni of Afghanistan, from 600 to 780 AD. YES,” Singh writes in his book. A gurdwara at Karte Parwan in Kabul. Pritpal Singh France,CanadaandtheUS,”saidPritpalSingh, Will the CAA help them?
Later the Hindu Shahi dynasty ruled. They an Afghan Sikh settled in London and direc- TheCAA,2019,whichreducestheperiod
werereplacedonlybytheendofthe10thcen- When did they leave, and why? tor of the documentary Mission Afghanistan. of mandatory stay in India from 11 years to
tury by Ghaznavids, who maintained Hindu Singhsaidtherewereatleast3lakhSikhs Jalalabad was hit by rockets fired by the theColdWar.TheUSanditsalliesstartedpro- five years for minorities from three coun-
forces,” Singh said. “It was only in 1504 that and Hindus in Afghanistan until the 1970s. Mujahideen and 17 Sikhs were killed. viding weapons to Mujahideen to fight a How many Afghan Sikhs are in India? tries including Afghanistan, will help those
Mughal Emperor Babur captured Kabul… In 1988, a man with an AK-47 stormed a An exodus started in 1992 when the proxywaragainsttheSovietoccupation.The Khajinder Singh, head of the Afghan Afghan Sikhs and Hindus who moved to
Babur used to refer to Kabul as ‘Hindustan’s gurdwarainJalalabadandgunneddown13 Mujahideentookover.“TheSovietinterven- Sovietswithdrewin1989…TheMujahideen Hindu Sikh Welfare Society in Delhi, said, Indiabeforethecutoff dateof December31,
own market’ and the province of Kabul re- Sikhs and four Afghan soldiers. In 1989, tion,whichstartedin1979,lastedforadecade captured Kabul in 1992 and deposed “Approximately, there are 18,000 Afghan 2014. The rules for CAA, however, are yet to
mained with Hindustan until 1738.” Gurdwara Guru Teg Bahadur Singh in and Afghanistan became a battleground for President Najibullah… A large number of Sikhs living in India, of whom 50-60% have be framed by the Home Ministry.
report from
NEW HANDBOOK Bihar Chief Secy
A GROUP of doctors in Homoeopathic medical colleges un-
der the Ayush Ministry have come out with a handbook on
corruption, arguments
Homoeopathicmanagement of Covid-19.The book,prepared
by a team headed by Amar Bodhi, Associate Professor in Dr B
R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre in
PATNA, JULY 26 on sentence to begin
Delhi, has the working model for managing an epidemic, THEPATNAHighCourthasasked fluence with public servant) of
guidelines for selection of potency and dose of medicine, and the Bihar Chief Secretary to file EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE thePreventionof CorruptionAct.
details of 15 Covid patients treated and cured by byAugust13adetailedreporton NEW DELHI, JULY 26 The court is scheduled to
Homoeopathic medicine, including their symptoms, proce- the status of the distribution of hearargumentsonthequantum
dures and method of treatment. The doctors have submitted grains after the mid-day meal A DELHI court has convicted for- of sentence on July 29.
a project before the Central government seeking permission schemewasdiscontinueddueto merSamataPartypresident Jaya The court has mentioned in
for clinical tests of the medicines even for critical patients. schools being shut as per lock- Jaitlyand twoothersinacorrup- theJuly21orderameetingatthe
down protocols. The order came tion case filed in 2001 in the officialresidenceofthenthende-
who joined Congress: girl on board an NDRF rescue boat plying on the swollen Burhi Gandak river in flood-affected
Bihar on Sunday. Nearly 15 lakh people have been affected by floods in 11 districts of Bihar,
and at least 10 have lost their lives, the disaster management department said. ANI
taken suo motu cognizance of a
report in The Indian Express,
which had highlighted that chil-
Samata Party leader Gopal
Pacherwal and Major General
(retd) S P Murugai guilty of cor-
“company and his product” and
“offered a sum of Rs 2 lakh” to
Vote against Gehlot govt dren in Bhagalpur district had
ruption andcriminalconspiracy.
They were chargesheeted af-
dover the money to accused
The party said it will inter- continuance of the mid-day ter Tehelka.com aired the sting was bribe money”.
DEEPMUKHERJEE vene in a BJP leader’s plea in the ‘LONG LEGAL PROCESS… WILL BE TRAUMATIC FOR COMPLAINANT’ meal scheme as schools were operation,whichshowedtheac- The court found that it was
Prince William infuriated Prince Harry when he told his younger brother he should move
slowly in his relationship with Meghan Markle, fearing that he was being “blindsided by lust,”
Finding Freedom, a new book on the Windsors, says. Harry was angered by what he perceived
as William’s snobby tone in the about the actress when they were dating, the book claims.
jority Malaysia has long
been a favoured destina-
tion for Rohingya
consulate in Chengdu Undeclaredanemergencyanda
lockdown in a border town after
a person suspected of being in-
Muslims seeking a better
life after escaping a 2017
military crackdown in
as deadline nears fectedwiththenovelcoronavirus
returned from South Korea after
Kim Jong Un held an
emergency meeting of the
ruling party last week
Myanmar and, more re- media said on Sunday.
cently, refugee camps in If confirmed, it would be the
Bangladesh. Malaysia’s firstcaseofficiallyacknowledged with the vicious virus returned
coastguard said 25 peo- by North Korean authorities. on July 19 after illegally crossing
ple had tried to swim to Kimconvenedanemergency thedemarcationline,”KCNAsaid.
shore late on Saturday politburomeetinginresponseto KCNAdidnotsayiftheperson
when their boat was near whathecalleda“criticalsituation had been tested, but said an “un-
the west coast of the is- in which the vicious virus could certainresultwasmadefromsev-
land but only one besaidtohaveenteredthecoun- eral medical check-ups of the se-
reached land. try”, state-run KCNA reported. cretion of that person’s upper
A person who defected to respiratory organ and blood”,
FRANCE A removal van stands inside the US consulate as security South Korea three years ago re- promptingofficialstoquarantine
Churchvolunteer personnel guards the front gate in Chengdu, Sichuan turned across the fortified bor- thepersonandinvestigateanyone
province, China, on Sunday. Reuters
HURRICANE HANNA BATTERS TEXAS COAST der to the town of Kaesong this
monthwithsymptomsof Covid-
19, KCNA reported.
One analyst said the an-
incathedral already their worst in decades A flooded street in Corpus Christi, Texas, Saturday. Hurricane Hanna battered the south Texas “An emergency event hap- only because North Korea was
FRENCH AUTHORITIES MARTIN QUIN POLLARD amid disputes over trade and coast with blistering winds and crashing waves into the early hours of Sunday, leaving a pened in Kaesong City where a for the first time reporting a sus-
detained and charged a CHENGDU, JULY 26 technology, the Covid-19 pan- large area already badly hit by Covid-19 bracing for torrential downpours and potential flash runaway who went to the south pected coronavirus case but also
repentant church volun- demic, China’s territorial claims floods. A disaster declaration was issued for 32 counties in Texas. AP three years ago, a person who is because it suggested it was ap-
teer Sunday after he told STAFF OF the US consulate in in the South China Sea and its suspected to have been infected pealing for help.
investigators that he was Chengdu made final efforts to clampdown on Hong Kong.
clear the premises on Sunday as Police asked people to move
‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’ host Regis Philbin dies
responsible for an arson
attack that badly dam- security remained tight outside,
ahead of a Monday closure or-
on when crowds formed out-
side the consulate, as onlook-
Kabul writes
aged a 15th-century
Gothic cathedral. The dered by Beijing as China-US re-
lations continue to worsen.
ers took photos and videos of
what they expected would be DAVID BAUDER
by Philbin’s eponymous syndi-
He was host of the prime-
time game show, “Who Wants
to UN over
man was earlier ques-
tioned and then released A mini tourist atmosphere
prevailed outside the facility on
the last time to see the com-
pound in US hands. The street
NEW YORK, JULY 26 was in the first 15 minutes, when
to Be a Millionaire,” briefly tele-
vision’s most popular show at
‘violation’ of
after the July 18 blaze
that destroyed the or- a tree-lined street on a hot
Sunday, as onlookers shared
was closed to traffic, except for
consular or police vehicles let
REGIS PHILBIN, the genial host
Lee” from 1985-2000 — or Kelly
the turn of the century. It gener-
territory by Pak
gan, shattered stained-
glass windows, and sidewalk space with dozens of through by police. viewers over morning coffee for Ripa — on “Live! with Regis and in its first two years — ABC had
blackened the insides of uniformed and plainclothes po- China on Friday ordered the decades and helped himself and Kelly”from2001untilhis2011re- said it was the most profitable YOSHITA SINGH
the Cathedral of St. Peter lice opposite the entrance. closure of the Chengdu con- some fans strike it rich with the He was 88 years old tirement — bantered about the showinTVhistory—andhelped UNITED NATIONS, JULY 26
and St. Paul of the west- Consulate closures in sulate in the southwestern pro- game show “Who Wants to Be a eventsoftheday.Viewerslaughed make Philbin himself a million-
ern French city of Houston and Chengdu have es- vide of Sichuan. That means an Millionaire”, has died at 88. atPhilbin’smockindignationover aire many times over. It also AFGHANISTAN HAS written to
Nantes. His motive re- calated a sharp deterioration in evacuation deadline of 10 am on Philbin died of natural causes toastatementfromhisfamilypro- not getting the best seat at a made his question to contest- the UN Security Council over
mained unclear. ties between the world’s two Monday, according to the editor Fridaynight,justoveramonthbe- videdbyspokesmanLewisKay. restaurantthenightbefore,orbe- ants, “Is that your final answer?” continued “violations” of its ter-
biggest economies, which were of a state-run tabloid. REUTERS fore his 89th birthday, according Celebrities routinely stopped ing henpecked by his partner. a national catchphrase. AP ritorybyPakistanimilitaryforces
and said it will ask the 15-nation
UN body to take necessary
measures and actions to end
them if the situation is not de-
New Delhi: Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) investors invested
Rs 2,336 crore in equities but pulled out Rs 2,422 crore from the
debt segment, leading to net outflows of Rs 86 crore from Indian
markets between July 1-24, according to depositories data. PTI
‘PRIVATE TRANSFERS EXPECTED TO SLOW TO $55-60 BILLION IN FY21’ Non-personal data governance:
‘RemittancestoIndialikelytodecline25%; Why draft framework by govt
fallinoilpricestohitflowfromGulfregion’ incomes of migrant workers and on education, and reduce child
panel has no penal provisions
flows and increase data-sharing
opportunities”, Venkatesh
India decided to adopt the final
laws on the same, Gopalakrish-
nan, the chairperson of the com-
‘INDIA LARGEST RECIPIENT OF REMITTANCES’ hence remittance flows to India.
India’s forex reserves have
labour in disadvantaged house-
holds. A fall in remittances affect A GOVERNMENT committee on
Krishnamoorthy, country man-
ager for BSA, a Microsoft-estab-
mittee said during the webinar.
■AUBSreportsaidIndiais ■India’sCAD,excluding risen to the fifth largest in the families’abilitytospendonthese non-personal data, headed by lishedtradegroupofcommercial sonal data governance frame-
REMITTANCES TO India are esti- thelargestrecipientof remittances,wouldhave world ($516 billion), and seem in areasasmoreoftheirfinanceswill Infosys co-founder Kris Gopala- software makers, said. work,therefore,hasnopenalpro-
matedtodeclinesharplybyabout remittances(invalueterms) beenahigh$101billion(3.5% reasonable shape, based on a re- bedirectedtosolvefoodshortages krishnan, last Thursday said that In cases of dispute between visionsmentionedsofar.Though
25 per cent in FY2021 amid the intheworIdandreceived of GDP)asagainst$25billion serve adequacy metric to with- andimmediatelivelihoodsneeds. all non-personal raw two entities on it does say that there should be a
economic crisis induced by the nearly$76billionof flows (0.9%of GDP)withtransfers stand volatility due to global risk “For the first time since FY04, data must be shared whether a non-per- “minimumthresholdofanonym-
COVID-19 pandemic and shut- (2.7%of GDP)inFY20 inFY20,itadded aversion. Forex reserves cover 86 we estimate the economy to reg- between companies sonal data set should ity”basedon“acceptablestanda-
down,accordingtoaglobalbank- per cent of external debt as of ister a small surplus in the CAB of for a healthy innova- be shared or not, the rds”,thestandardshavenotbeen
ing group. “Based on an analysis, FY20,upfrom68percentinFY14 0.4 per cent of GDP in FY21. The tionecosystemtode- non-personal data defined in the draft suggestions.
we expect private transfers to as lockdown and the decline in would have been a high $101 bil- butbelow138percentasofFY08 surplusshouldbeledbyweakdo- velop. In a webinar, authority will be the “Webelievethatthenon-per-
slow to $55-60 billion in FY21 on globaltradearesettohittheglobal lion (3.5 per cent of GDP) as (the year before the credit crisis). mestic demand and lower oil the committee ex- adjudicating author- sonal data should be freely avail-
ayear-on-yearbasis,”Swissbank- economicgrowth.Kerala—which against$25billion(0.9percentof Import cover for reserves is 15 prices leading to a collapse in im- plained various as- ity.Dependingonthe ableforinnovation.Thoughsecur-
ing group UBS said. is one of the largest recipients of GDP) with transfers in FY20, the months,muchbetterthan7mon- ports rather than a strong export pects of non-per- sourceofthedataand ityofalldatawillbetheobligation
Indiaisthelargestrecipientof remittancesinIndia—isexpected report said. “Going forward, the thsinFY13&14.4monthsinFY08. recovery.Wedon’texpectthesur- sonal data, such as the various whetheritisanonymisedinaway of the non-personal data author-
remittances(invalueterms)inthe to witness a decline in remit- recentsharpfallinglobalcrudeoil AsperarecentWorldBankre- plusCABtrendtobesustainedfor kindsofdatawhichcanbeshared thatnoindividualcanbere-iden- ity, other standards and rules on
worIdandreceivednearly$76bil- tances. The projected fall, which priceswillaffectGulfCooperation port,remittancestolowandmid- long,” the report said. betweencompaniesandwhythe tified from the data set, the three securitywillcomeintoplacewith
lionof flows(2.7percentof GDP) would be the sharpest decline in Council(GCC)growth(62percent dle-incomecountries(LMICs)are Risingcrudeprices,gradualre- draft suggestion does not make a categories have been divided. practice, and will evolve over
in FY20. These flows help boost recent history, is largely due to a share in remittance inflows).” projected to decline by 19.7 per covery in domestic demand and mentionoftheexactpenalprovi- time,” Parminder Jeet Singh, a
household income, support pri- fallinthewagesandemployment AccordingtotheUBSanalysis, cent to $445 billion, representing onlyamodestrecoveryinexports sions. The nine-member panel Whatarepublic,community,& member of the committee said.
vateconsumptionandaddstabil- of migrant workers, who tend to every 10 per cent decrease in oil alossofacrucialfinancinglifeline couldreversethetrend.“Weesti- had, while releasing the draft re- privatenon-personaldatasets?
ity to current account balance bemorevulnerabletolossof em- prices reduces remittances to for many vulnerable households. mate CAB to swing to a deficit of port, kept time till August 13 for All data collected by govern- Whataretheglobalstandards
(CAB), UBS said in a report. ployment and wages during an Indiaby7percentinthelongrun. Studiesshowthatremittances 0.3 per cent of GDP in FY22, the public to send suggestions. mentanditsagenciessuchascen- onnon-personaldata?
Many Indians working in the economic crisis in a host country. Similarly,weakeconomicoutlook alleviate poverty in LMICs, im- though still lower than the sus- sus, data collected by municipal In May 2019, the European
Gulf region had recently lost jobs India’scurrentaccountdeficit of the United States would ad- prove nutritional outcomes, are tainable range on below trend Whatisnon-personaldata? corporations on the total tax re- Union (EU) came out with a reg-
and more layoffs are in the offing (CAD), excluding remittances, verselyaffectemploymentand/or associated with higher spending GDP growth,” it added In its most basic form, non- ceiptsinaparticularperiodorany ulation framework for the free
personal data is any set of data informationcollectedduringexe- flow of non-personal data in the
which does not contain person- cutionofallpubliclyfundedwor- EU, in which it suggested that
Puri sells HDFC
Bank stake worth
GAIL officials opposing unbundling of marketing, allyidentifiableinformation.This
ks has been kept under the um-
member states of the Union
‘1,474 untraceable risky exporters may face stern action’ Review of Customs exemptions, laws:
Masummoned’ PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA IGST refund is suspended in all such cases where
porter in a two-stage verification
withhardly3-4documentsasper CBIC invites suggestions from stakeholders
NEWDELHI,JULY26 requirement, sources added. The CBIC has invited com- “In this context, suggestions
New Delhi: An Indian court
there is adverse report post-verification about the Data analytics by CBIC’s PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA ments on the same by August 21. are invited in respect of review of
hassummonedAlibabaand THE REVENUE department is exporter or his suppliers, as per sources Directorate General of Risk NEWDELHI,JULY26 A comprehensive review would existing Customs exemption no-
itsfounderJackMainacase planningsternactionagainst1,474 Management (DGARM) which is be undertaken by September. tifications in prescribed format
inwhichaformeremployee ‘risky exporters’ who were un- followedbyfield-levelverification KICKSTARTINGTHEprocesstore- Finance Minister Nirmala below. The suggestions may in-
in India says he was wrong- traceablebutclaimedGSTrefunds So far, IGST refunds of more is available to genuine exporters byCGSTofficershavefound1,474 view existing exemptions and Sitharaman in the FY21 Budget clude: The need for review of a
fully fired after objecting to worthRs2,029crore,sourcessaid. than Rs 1.37 lakh crore have been to resolve refund related issues, ‘risky’ exporters including 7 Star laws of Customs, the Central had announced that a review of particular notification, Amend-
what he saw as censorship Integrated GST (IGST) refund disbursedandonlyaboutRs2,026 theysaid,addingCustomsofficials ExporterswhotriedtoclaimIGST BoardofIndirectTaxes(CBIC)has existing Customs exemption no- ment in wording of the notifica-
and fake news on company is suspended in all such cases crore is pending, which is being have been sensitised to expedite refundof Rs2,029crorewereun- invited suggestions from stake- tifications would be undertaken tion for bringing clarity, Conso-
apps, documents seen by where there is adverse report processedasperlaw,sourcessaid. refunds to genuine exporters in traceable at their declared place holdersonaligningtheruleswith to identify those notifications lidation of similar entries and
Reuters showed. REUTERS post-verification about the ex- A grievance redressal mecha- these difficult COVID-19 days. ofbusinessandthereforetheirre- the needs of changing times and which may have outlived their Extent of use of the notification,”
porter or his suppliers, they said. nismwitha24x7mobilehelpline The CBIC verifies each ex- fund has been rejected. ease of doing business. utility or have become outdated. the CBIC said.
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VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23)
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Whenwalkingthroughthe’valleyofshadows’,remember,ashadowis___bya____.-Austin You may see PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
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Answer: When walking through the ’valley of shadows’, remember, a shadow is cast by a Genius take care. public arena.
Vol. LIII No. 150 RNI No. 15048/1968. Printed and Published by Hareshkumar K Bhagdev on behalf of The Indian Express Private Limited. Published at : 3rd Floor, Sambhav House, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 015.
Phone (Board) : 26872481- 82- 83, Fax No. 26873950. Printed at : Bhaskar Print Planet, Survey No. 148P, Changodar-Bavla Highway, Tal. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad. Chairman of the Board : Viveck Goenka, Chief Editor : Raj Kamal Jha, Editor : Unni Rajen Shanker, Editor : (Gujarat) Leena Misra *
(*Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act) Copyright : The Indian Express Private Limited. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited. The Indian Express®