Centella Asiatica

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Available Online at www.ijptb.com Lepcha EL. et al. Int. J. Pharm. Technol. Biotechnol.

2020; 7(3):01-17



Medicinal Value of Centella Asiatic: A REVIEW ARTICLE

Enjey Lhamu Lepcha, Nisha A Bhatt, Amandeep Singh*
Dev Bhoomi Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Amandeep Singh


As the world is advancing in researches related to plants, there are many plants which are being proved to
have many therapeutic and pharmacological uses and are beneficial to the medicinal industry. Many plants
are not known widely despite of having wide range of therapeutic use since they are still in their infancy
stage in the research process. One such plant is Centella asiatica. The main objective of this article is to
provide knowledge about the plant Centella asiatica. There are many common names but most commonly
they are known as Indian Pennywort (common name), Gotukola or Mandukparni (both Hindi names). This
article solely focuses on the therapeutic uses, history, pharmacognostic study, side effects and various
marketed formulations of the concerned plant. Centella asiatica contains triterpenoid, saponins as its primary
chemical constituent which is believed to be responsible for its wide range of therapeutic uses of this plant.
The plant is locally known to be anti-biotic and anti-septic, but apart from that it is also known for curing
various skin conditions such as leprosy, gastrointestinal diseases like diarrhea, gonorrhea and also various
other illnesses.
Keywords: - Centella asiatica, Gotukola, Pharmacognostic studies, Therapeutic uses, Interactions, Side
INTRODUCTIO are also used in to make many traditional dishes.
One of the widespread diseases, gastric ulcer, is Since ancient times the herb is being used
supposed to be due to an imbalance between medicinally in the region of India, Sri Lanka,
aggressive and protective factors [1]. China, Nepal, Thailand and Madagascar. The
Centella asiatica is a small perennial herbaceous mostly used therapeutic activity of this herb is for
plant from the wetlands of Asia which when treating various skin problems and to heal
consumed can have remarkable effects on the wounds. Centella asiatica, also known as
body. Centella asiatica is commonly known as Hydrocotyle asiatica, in ancient times in India
Indian Pennywort which is widely native to the was majorly confused with Bacopa monnieri as
wetlands of Asia. They are also mostly found both of the plants were sold under the local name
growing in marshy areas and water logged places. ‘brahmi’. Later Centella asiatica was started
The plant belongs to the family of Apiaceae[1-3]. being called as ‘jalbrahmi’ in order to eradicate
Centella asiatica is a widely known and used any type of confusion between the two plants.
medicinal herb and in many Asian countries they In the International Market of Medicinal Plant
*Corresponding Author: Trade, Centella asiatica is one of the important
Amandeep Singh
Dev Bhoomi Institute of Pharmacy and Research, medicinal plants, according to the receipts
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
submitted by Export and Import Bank of India.
E.Mail: dean.pharmacy@dbgidoon.ac.in
Article Published: July-Sept 2020 Centella asiatica is a creeper herb with reddish-
Available Online at www.ijptb.com Lepcha EL. et al. Int. J. Pharm. Technol. Biotechnol. 2020; 7(3):01-17

green to greenish thin stolons and has the ability month of April as they grow they are transferred
to attain height up to 15cm. Centella asiatica was into bigger pots. After almost two months they are
included in the Indian Pharmacopoeia in the 19 transferred into fields as they start sprouting and
century. Since many medicinal properties need a bigger space to grow and start spreading.
continued being proven it was gradually They grow in warm temperate and tropical places
introduced in many other pharmacopoeias such as and require a decent amount of moisture to grow.
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Dutch It is considered to be a major rejuvinative,
Pharmacopoeia, German Pharmacopoeia, Chinese restortative, it helps to build energy reserves,
Pharmacopoeia, Martindale European calms the mind, improves circulation to the
Pharmacopeia, Homoopathisches Arzneibuch and central nervous system, improving concentration
many more. and memory. It also helps to improve the immune
What Is Centella Asiatica? system, concentration and memory. They can be
Gotukola is a very ancient herb which is used in formulated into gels, creams, capsules
the Ayurvedic System of Medicine to treat a supplements, ointments and other forms to help
variety of skin diseases, burns, scars, wounds, as with several ailments ranging from anxiety to
an antipyretic, diuretic, rheumatic and many more. cardiovascular conditions. The high concentration
It is a perennial creeper herb which is found in the of unique triterpenoid compound also known as
wetlands of mainland Asia. During summers they saponins found in it is the reason behind the
are grown outside. They are mainly propagated plant’s power.[16]
through seed system during the month of March. Pharmacognostic Study:
They are first grown in small pots. During the
Table1: Synonyms of Centella asiatica
Region/Language Vernacular name Region/Language Vernacular name
Hindi Gotukola,Mandhukparni, Khulakhudi, Sanskrit Bheki,Supriya, Bhekapaarni,
Brahma-manduki. Tvasthi.
Marathi Karinga, Karivana. Tamil Babassa, Vallarai.
Urdu Brahmi Bengal Tholkuri, Thankuni.
Gujrati Barmi, Moti brami. Assam Manimuni.
Biological Source:
It is obtained from the aerial parts of the plant Table2: Kingdome classification
Centella asiatica belonging to the family Kingdom: Plantae.

Apiaceae (previously known as Umbelliferae). Clade: Tracheophytes.

Clade: Angiosperms.
Geographical Source:
Clade: Eudicots.
Centella asiatica is usually grown in temperate
Clade: Asterids.
and tropical regions with wet and marshy Order: Apiales.
surrounding. This plant is mostly native to Indian Family: Apiales.
subcontinent, Southeastern US and Southeast Genus: Centella.

Asia. Species: C. asiatica.

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The countries where this plant grows is India, rooted suckers. The seeds should be planted in
Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Pacific, small pots before transferring them to the field.
South Africa, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The plantings are usually done in the month of
In India it is grown almost in all the states with February-March. After a month i.e., in April it is
wetlands. It mostly thrives in summer climate and transferred into a new and bigger pot for letting its
requires huge amount of water for its growth. The roots grow. The land is ready by ploughing and
major states where Gotukola grows are in North harrowing and the newly sprouted plants are
Indian states like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh transferred into the field n the month of June.
and almost all the North-Eastern states like These plants can grow under direct sun and also
Sikkim, Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, under shade. They are able to tolerate heavy shade
etc. and also few South Indian states like Tamil and still grow well. As the plant start growing it
Nadu, Maharasthra.[17] requires continuous weeding and hoeing. Despite
Description: of requirement of huge amount of water there
Color: leaves are green, stems are reddish-green to should be no water logging in the field during
green in color; flowers are white or crimson in monsoon season. During dryer season irrigation
color. should be done continuously and needs a drainage
Odor: spicy/fragrant. system during rainy season.
Taste: bitter/sweet. Tobacco cut-worms and grasshoppers affect the
Size: leaves are around 2cm; the height of the foliage during summers. Such pests can be
stems grows up to 15cm; the flowers are less than controlled by spraying neem seed oil, keiseigur,
3mm in size. pyrethrum or fertilizer for plant include
Shape: stem is glabrous and thin; leaves are vermicompost, wood ash, oil cakes and poultry
circular or reniform and dentate; petiole is long manure. Light irrigation should be done
with hairy ends and smooth upper surface; fruits immediately after plantation which further ensures
are oblong. better establishment of the plants for its further
growth. Light irrigation is necessarily done at an
interval of every 5-6 days interval after the
plantation of the seed. After the plants start
sprouting irrigation is provided whenever
While harvesting Gotukola the parts usually used
Figure1:. Stems and Leaves
are leaves and stems, therefore the plants are cut
Cultivation, Collection and Preparation:
at the base carefully removing the leaves and
The plant naturally grows in marshy and wet areas
vines. The dirt or mud stuck on the leaves is
with enough water and loose sandy loam and
gently washed off with cold or normal water.
clayey soil. They are propagated by seeds and
They are usually harvested when it is bright green

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and healthy looking. Mostly Gotukola is  Betulinic acid.

cultivated and harvested for its leaves rather than  Terminolic acid.
the stem and vine. The method of drying of  Rosmarinic acid.
Gotukola leaves affects the final product and also  Ginsenosides.
its efficacy. Before the process of drying the  Other triterpenoids.
leaves of the plant should be washed properly and  Notoginsenoside ST-4 and Fe.
the leaves should be placed properly in a shaded  The alkaloid hydrochotine.
area with good ventilation.  8-acetoxy-1,9-pentadecadiene-4,6-diyn-3-ol.
Chemical constituents:  Apogenin.
The leaves and stem of Centella asiatica mostly  Irbic acid and other phenolic acids.
contains:  Kaempferol and Castilliferol.
 Asiatic acid: it is the major constituent of  Quercetin.
Gotukola (1-8%). Asiatic acid contains 26.7%  Chlorogenic acid.
of the total triterpenoid in Gotukola. Also  Vitamin C in minute amount (0.25%).
contains its glycoside form Asiaticoside.  Beta-carotene, trans-leutin, trans-neoxanthin,
 Centellasaponins: saponin containing rans-violaxanthin and other unidentified
chemicals – Centellosaponin B and carotenoid structures.
Centellosaponin C. it also contains  Anthocyanins.
Centellosides A and Centellosides B. The  Campesterol and stigmasterol.
plant contains about 0.0063%-0.0084% of  Hydroxybenzoic acid.
Centellasaponins.  Vanillic acid.
 Madecassic acid: it is a natural triterpene. Also  p-coumaric acid.
contains its glycoside form Madecassoside  Rutin.
which isan isomer of Asiaticoside B. The plant  Apigenin.
has about 1.78% of Madecasssic acid.  Castillicetin.
 Madasiatic acid: it is also a terpenoid found in  Myricetin.
Gotukola. The plant contains about 0.008% of History of Gotukola:
Madasiatic acid. Gotukola being a plant native to parts of Asia and
 Thankuniside and Isothankuniside: they are Northern Australia has been a part of traditional
glycosides found in minute quantity in the medicines for centuries. This plant has been used
plant. in ancient Ayurvedic medicine system, Unani
 Brahmoside and Brahminoside. medicine as well as in Chinese medicine system
 Ursolic acid: triterpnoid. because of its healing properties. This herb has
 Centellin and Centellicin. been studied since 17th century and has proven to
 Cetel centellin. be a very useful drug in many ailments. So far the
 Asiaticin. herb shows potential results not only when

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ingested orally but also via topical application and wounds. Dried herb is used as diuretic and also to
intramuscular injections.[16] lower high blood pressure and also in urinary tract
In ancient times Gotukola was widely used to treat infections.
wounds as it showed anti-microbial and anti- Pharmacodynamics:
bacterial activity. In Ayurvedic System of
Medicine, it was also used to treat various  Absorption: According to a study, it was
digestive disorders such as diarrhea and found that Madecassoside, Asiatic acid,
gonorrhea. In the 1800’s, in Chinese Medicine Asiaticoside and Madecassic acid showed a
System it was found Gotukola was also used to bioavailability of 30%-50%.
treat leprosy. In India, it was also used for  Distribution: A Gotukola preparation,
revitalizing the nerves and brain cells, for this use Madecassol showed that the peak plasma
of Gotukola it is known as ‘Brain food’ in India. levels reached after 2-4 hours of oral
For thousands of years, Gotukola has been used to ingestion, topical application or intramuscular
treat asthma, skin disorders, body aches and injectionaccording to a report submitted by
ulcers, for improving memory and intellect, as a Bosse et al. Asiatic acid binds to human serum
nervine tonic, in treatment of elephantitis, kidney albumin, particularly the IIA subdomain.[17]
troubles, leprosy and also in various culinary  Metabolism: A study mentioned in ‘The
dishes. comparative steady-state bioavailability of the
Leaf extract of this herb is taken orally in order to active ingredients of Madecassol by W.R.
cure diseases like dysentery and mental stress. In Rush, G.R. Murray and D.J. Graham’ proved
traditional Chinese medicine this herb is used for that in 12 volunteers asiaticoside is converted
dysentery, diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice, scabies, to asiatic acid in vivo by hydrolytic cleavage
fractures, tonsillitis, measles, and nosebleeds and of the sugar moiety.
in urinary difficulties and as endocrine tonic.  Elimination: After ingestion, injection or
Historically it was known as ‘Snow plant’ for the application Madecassol is predominantly
reason of its cooling properties. In Nepal this herb eliminated in the feces after 24-76 hours, with
is used traditionally in the treatment of a little unspecified quantity that is metabolized
rheumatism, leprosy, poor memory and by the kidney.
indigestion.[8] Medicinal Uses:
In China, the infusion of Centella is known as  Anxiolytic and sedative
‘miracle of elixirs’ as it is known that a Chinese Gotukola can have a positive effect on anxiety
herbalist Chang-li-yun lived up to the age of 256 issue as it lowers the stress hormone cortisol and
years and married 24 times attributing to the fact increases serotonin and dopamine levels in the
that he drank Centella infusion every day. The body. It effectively decreases the frequency and
crushed leaf and root extracts are applied topically severity of anxiety attacks and episodes in a group
to the affected area in order to kill germs from

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of subjects who suffered from some form of GAD In cardiac tissue Madecassoside shows anti-
(General Anxiety Disorder). inflammatory effects in immune cells. The oral
In humans who are given oral supplement of ingestion of Madecassoside showed changes in
Gotukola anxiety reduction has been reported. blood pressure and heart rate. Madecassoside
This activity is seen due to the presence of shows active effects.
saponin in the plant. The anxiolytic activity is due In blood pressure Asiatic acid has shown to
to the drug binding to cholecystokinin receptors reduce slightly and acutely reduce systolic and
which is a group of G-protein coupled receptors diastolic blood pressure when 30mg/kg is
which bind to the peptide hormone administered. Taking Gotukola orally has proven
cholecystokinin or gastrin. to improve blood circulation by relieving the
In a research conducted by Bradwejn et al tension and anxiety in the arteries and blood
anxiolytic property of the drug was studied by vessels. Gotukola is able to regulate blood
performing a double placebo controlled trial on pressure and reduce strain in the cardiovascular
Acoustic Startle Response (ASR), an instrument system, thereby protecting the heart and prevents
to measure levels of anxiety. After 30 and 60 diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and
minutes of ingestion, subjects who consumed 12g strokes from occurring. Ingestion of Gotukola has
dose of Gotukola experienced a decrease in their also proven to help increase circulation and
ASR. Although Centella shows significant decrease fluid retention in people suffering from
decrease in anxiety, the exact mechanism of diabetes whose blood vessels have been damaged
action remains unclear. According to the research by their disease.[12]
conducted in animal study in 2016 it was proved In chronic venous insufficiency, this is a
that Gotukola had an anti-anxiety effect on mice circulation disorder which is caused by the
which was deprived from sleep for 72 hours. obstruction or reflux of blood flow in the veins.
In Indian literature, Centella asiatica is described This disorder is caused by various abnormalities
to possess CNS effect such as nervine tonic, of the venous wall and valves. This results in the
stimulant, sedative, tranquilizer and rejuvinant. formation of varicose veins and also venous
The chemicals in Gotukola namely Brahmoside ulcers. Centella asiaticaose has been used in
and Brahminoside is responsible for its sedative various circulatory disorders since ancient times.
action.[6] Topical application and oral ingestion of Gotukola
Gotukola has helps prevent nervous disorders. is said to relieve varicose veins and venous
 Cardiovascular effects hypertension. It works by strengthening the
The plant showed strong cardio protective activity weakened veins, maintenance of connective
by limiting ischemia – reperfusion induced tissues, in treatment of scleroderma; stimulate the
myocardial infarction in rats, by using its formation of hyaluronidase and chondroitin,
alcoholic extract. stabilizing connective tissue growth as well as
balancing the connective tissue.

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In clotting Gotukola helps prevent blood clotting Gotukola has been used as an anti-infective since
and as a herbal remedy may aid in alleviating the ancient times in traditional medicines they are
symptoms of thrombosis, which is defined as applied topically on the wounds by making a paste
blood clotting in the blood vessel. or dried extract is used. Gotukola is believed to
 Anti-depressant: reduce bacterial contamination, promoting
Orally ingested Centella asiatica tablets of 250mg fibrinolysis and also reducing inflammation on the
-750mg showed significant changes in behavior. wounded area.
The changes recorded in individuals showed an An extract of this plant containing Madecassic
increase in calmness, contentment and alertness. acid, Asiaticoside and Asiatic acid has been
In a review study conducted in 2016 on people proven to accelerate wound healing even though it
with generalized anxiety and depressive disorder cicatrises. The Asiaticoside is responsible for
showed that when the individuals ingested proliferation of fibroblasts and promote positive
Gotukola instead of their regular anti-depressant wound healing.[24]
medication for a period of 60 days later self- Wound healing was more prominently reported
reported decreased anxiety, stress and depression. with gel products of Centella asiatica extract.
The result was attributed with behavioral changes Centella asiatica extracts also have been
along with changes positive effect on body recognized for its anti-oxidative property which
temperature, body weight and heart rate. The plays a huge role in its wound healing property.
effect of Gotukola as anti-depressant has been The glycoside derivate of Gotukola, Asiaticoside
accredited to the presence of total triterpenes is known for its anti-oxidative property. It heals
which causes significant decrease in the the wounds by keratinizing and thickening the
corticosterone level in the serum.[10] skin around the wound to treat the infection as
The anti-inflammatory property of Gotukola can well as increases the tensile strength of the newly
lower the signs of depression and despair. It is formed and healed skin.
also known to enhance spirituality, thus it is In various researches Asiatic acid and Madecassic
sometimes also referred o as the ‘Herb of acid is known to have collagen producing
Enlightenment’. properties which promotes the healing of scars left
 Wound healing and scar minimizing: behind by various wounds. Centella asiatica has
A research conducted on rats in 2015 showed that also been used to reduce stretch marks when used
the dressings which contained Gotukola showed in combination with Vitamin E, rosehip oil etc.
significant healing on different types of wounds. While this combination therapy has shown many
The types of wounds that showed promising results and is proven to be highly effective there
results are blunt force trauma, clean cut wounds are no studies to prove the individual efficacy of
and also infected tissues. Although the research Centella asiatica when used in isolation.
showed incredibly positive result further research
is required to confirm the end results.

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 Skin care: mice conducted in 2012, Gotukola extract was

Gotukola is rich in anti-oxidants and contain found to have a positive feedback on behavioral
saponin which improves the appearance of skin. abnormalities in mice suffering from Alzheimer’s
Many cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are disease. The extract of the Gotukola herb showed
interested in it because of its ability to reduce the to have a good effect on protecting the brain cells
appearance of scars, wrinkles and other blemishes. from toxicity which could further enhance the
According to research, Gotukola is also effective power of memory in individuals with or without
in the treatment of burns, wounds and Alzheimer’s disease. There are many more
hypertrophic scars. Some studies also suggest that researches to be conducted to prove its potential
the use of Gotukola or its components may be effect to act as a first choice Ayurvedic drug for
useful in the treatment of psoriasis and the treatment of Alzheimer’s condition.
scleroderma.[4] According to a study published by ‘K. Nalini,
Gotukola is a common ingredient of cosmetics A.R. Aroor, K.S. Karnath and A. Rao – Effect of
applied to skin photo aging also in cellulite and Centella asiatica fresh leaf aqueous extract on
striate. Gotukola can also inhibit cell learning and memory and biogenic and amine
reproduction. Although not potent, Gotukola can turnover in albino rats (1992)’ showed that
be used as an herbal aid in providing relief from aqueous extract of the herb had positive effect on
symptoms of psoriasis which is a hyper the learning and memory and it also decreased the
proliferative skin disorder. levels of dopamine, norepinehrine and 5-HT and
 Memory enhancer: its metabolites in the brain.
A research study based in the ‘Evidence Based The drug has showed improvement in learning,
Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Journal’ memory and concentration in children with
shows that according to the Ayurvedic System of learning disability.[7]
Medicine, Gotukola is one of the most important  Anti-leprotic and anti-tuberculosis:
herb for nerve and brain cells and is capable of Centella asiatica has been used in the treatment of
increasing intelligence, longevity and memory. leprosy in Chinese medication since the 1800’s.
The Gotukola extract has been traditionally used The traditional use of Centella asiatica as an anti-
to improve memory in India as Ayurvedic leprotic is due to its effect in increases the cerebral
treatment. Studies done on lab rats confirm that it levels of GABA. The chemical responsible for
has memory enhancing property, and therefore treatment of leprosy is Asiaticoside. Asiaticoside
can slow down the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, showed increase in RBC level when a clinical trial
schizophrenia and dementia. was conducted on normal adults. Oral
Centella asiatica has shown to enhance memory administration of Centella asiatica and
and nerve function which shows that this plant can Asiaticoside proved to be efficacious against
be used as a suitable drug in treatment of leprosy. [21]In a clinical study conducted for
Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study on treatment of leprosy with Asiaticoside for one

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year showed improvement in the patient faster as The alcoholic extract of the whole plant Centella
compared to dapsone & showed good tolerance to asiatica is proven to have anti-protozoal activity
the drug derived from Centella asiatica and the against Entamoeba histolytica which can be a
therapeutic effect was comparable to dapsone as it possible treatment for various amoebic diseases
showed similar results. such as dysentery, chronic nondysentric colitis,
The glycoside derivative of Centella asiatica, toxic megacolon, perianal ulceration and more.
Asiaticoside is also proven to have anti- This healing property of Gotukola can also be
tuberculosis effect. In a research study, when a held responsible for the treatment of bladder
drug derived from Centella asiatica was injected wounds caused by parasitic infection called
to test subjects inoculated with Mycobacterium it schistosomiasis by injecting Gotukola.[17]
showed decrease in size and number of tubercular The most important activity of Gotukola in
lesions present in lungs. treatment of gastrointestinal diseases is the
 Circulation: treatment to gastric ulcers. In a research report, it
Centella asiatica plays two very important role in was shown that extracts of Centella asiatica
the circulatory system: showed to have protective and therapeutic effect
i) Firstly, the plant extract can protect on the mucosal layer of stomach and helped to
and strengthen the wall of blood reverse the gastric mucosal damage. This research
vessels and capillaries, which prevent also showed that when Centella asiatica extract
leakage and optimize the circulatory was administered orally in doses of 200 and
system. 600mg/kg twice daily for five days produced
ii) Secondly, it stimulates the flow of therapeutic effect towards cold restraint stress-
blood which increases the oxygenation induced gastric ulcer, pyloric ligation induced
in different parts of the body and peptic ulcer and aspirin induced gastric ulcers. It
important organ systems. This also treated the mucosal layer by presumably
alleviates the problems caused due to strengthening the gastric mucosal barrier and also
poor blood circulation such as by reducing the damaging effects of free radicals
swelling, leg heaviness and pain. to the mucosal layer. The extracts of Centella
 Gastrointestinal diseases: asiatica increased the levels of GABA in the brain
Traditionally, Centella asiatica leaves have been and protecting the individual from cold restraint
used as a remedy for severe pain in the stomach stress-induced ulcers. No effects were seen on
which we now link to gastric ulcers. This offensive acid- pepsin secretion by Gotukola
treatment is still considered viable and the anti- extracts, but showed prominent decrease in cell
inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of the shedding which indicated fortification of mucosal
leaves can clearly improve the health of the gut barrier. Asiaticosides have been proven to have
and the colon. anti-inflammatory activity which further aid the
healing of the mucosal ulcers.

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 Radioprotection: effects on breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer,

In previous studies, Centella asiatica has been prostate cancer, liver cancer and melanoma.[20]
suggested to be useful in preventing radiation  Detoxifier:
induced behavioral change during clinical Gotukola has long been known as a mild diuretic
radiotherapy. A sub lethal dose of Co 60 gamma and can, therefore stimulate the release of excess
radiation was introduced to test the radioactive toxins, salts, water and even fat from the body
property of the plant extract which proved that a through urination. This release helps ease tension
dose of 100mg/kg significantly increased the of the kidneys and generally removes toxins
survival time of the mice. The animals that were quickly while keeping our energy up and our fluid
treated with Centella asiatica extracts differed in balance even. A research study conducted on
body weight from those animals which only animal study in 2017, Gotukola proved to be
received radiation.[13] beneficial in suppressing the toxic side effects of
 Boosts cognition: antibiotics like isoniazid, which is an antibiotic
The extract of Centella asiatica has a positive used to treat tuberculosis.
impact on the circulatory system, thereby Side Effects:
oxygenating more of the brain and allowing Gotukola has very few side effects since it is very
cognition to improve. The anti-oxidant property well tolerated. It is recorded in very few cases to
effects of this herb are also somewhat responsible, cause headaches, upset stomach and dizziness.
as they can stimulate neural pathways by Doctors usually recommend starting with a low
eliminating plaque and free radicals from the dose and gradually increasing the dose to lower
brain. Gotukola has an anxiolytic activity that the possibility of potential side effect of the drug.
helps relieve stress, enhance mood, induce sleep, Usually Gotukola is recommended not to be taken
thereby calming the nervous system. For those for more than two to six weeks at a time. The
suffering from disorders like epilepsy, it can have patient should take some interval before resuming
a profound effect on the quality of life and the Gotukola intake since it can reduce the risk of side
severity of condition if taken regularly. effects.
 Anti-cancer and cytotoxic activity: Application of topical preparation of Gotukola has
A new study has evaluated that the methanolic the potential to cause skin irritation, therefore a
extract of Centella asiatica had the ability of patch test is always recommended before starting
inducing cell apoptosis in different cancer cell topical use of Centella asiatica.
lines. The Centella asiatica extract induced Various side effects of Gotukola are:
apoptosis of cells by nuclear condensation in cell,
weakening mitochondrial membrane potential, - Nausea.
increase in annexin staining and induction in DNA - Vomiting.
breaks reactivity. Asiatic acid and other extracts - Upset stomach.
of Centella asiatica was found to have anti-cancer - Itching.

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- Sensitivity to sunlight (photosensitivity). Recommended dose is to take 500 mg of Gotukola

- Allergic contact dermatitis when used extract twice a day for at least 14 days at a time.
topically. In cases of extreme anxiety disorders up to 2000
- Burning. mg of Gotukola extract per day is recommended
- Drowsiness, sleepiness. but it is also advised to counsel with a health-care
- High blood sugar (hyperglycemia). provider first.
- Hypercholesterolemia. iv) As an anti-depressant:
- Hypertriglyceridemia. Recommended dose is to take 500 mg of Gotukola
- Dark urine (sign of liver problem). twice a day for up to two weeks at a time. Just like
- Low fever. in serious case of anxiety, in serious cases of
- Nausea. depression a person can take up to 2000 mg per
- Stomach pain. day.[10]
- Loss of appetite. v) To improve circulation:
- Clay colored stool (another indication of liver Recommended dosage is to take 60 to 100 mg of
problems). Gotukola extract for three times a day for a week,
- Yellowing of the skin and eyes (indication of especially if the person is making any flight travel.
liver problems). Massaging of affected area with a topical cream
Dosage: containing 1% Gotukola extract can also be taken
Dosage of Centella asiatica is different for into consideration.
various illnesses. For general use of Gotukola the Skin Patch Test:
dosing varies from person to person. It is used Before applying any topical preparation of
recommended to take 20 – 30mg twice a day. Gotukola a skin patch test is necessary as it can
Few of the dosage system according to their sometimes cause itching, redness and allergies. To
function are as follows: test the topical preparation, rub a coin sized
i) To help boost cognitive function: amount on the inside of your forearm. If there is
Recommended dose is 750 to 1000 mg of no visible irritation or inflammation within the
Gotukola per day for up to 14 days at a time. next 24 hours after application, the topical
ii) In treatment of Alzheimer’s preparation is safe to be used elsewhere on the
disease: skin.
Recommended dose is to take 30 to 60 drops of vi) To ease insomnia:
liquid extract of Centella asiatica at least 3 times Recommended dose to treat insomnia is to take
a day. Different manufacturers have different 300 to 680 mg of Centella asiatica extract 3 times
dosing instructions depending on the daily for at least up to two weeks at a time.
concentration of the liquid extract so it is advised
to always follow the directions in the bottle. vii) To reduce stretch marks and
iii) To reduce anxiety: scars:

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology 11

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In order to reduce stretch marks first a Skin Patch sometimes cause itching, redness and allergies. To
Test should be conducted to check if there is any test the topical preparation, rub a coin sized
irritation, redness or inflammation in the applied amount on the inside of your forearm. If there is
area. no visible irritation or inflammation within the
For stretch marks, apply a topical cream next 24 hours after application, the topical
containing 1 percent Gotukola extract to the preparation is safe to be used elsewhere on the
affected area several times a day.[14] skin.
viii) To promote wound healing: ix) To relieve joint pain:
A Skin Patch Test is necessary before applying a Recommended dose for joint pain is to take 300 to
topical preparation of Centella asiatica. 700 mg of Centella asiatica extract for at least
Application of ointment containing 1% of two weeks at a time for three times a day.
Centella asiatica is preferred on the affected area x) To detoxify:
several times a day depending on the size and To have a detoxifying effect you need to take 30
severity of the wound. to 60 mg of liquid extract of Gotukola for three
If the affected wound is deep then consulting with times a day daily for up to two weeks at a time.
a health care provider is preferred before applying Different manufacturers have different dosage
the ointment on the wound.[28] instructions depending on the concentration of
Skin Patch Test: Gotukola in their product, so it is recommended to
Before applying any topical preparation of follow the direction of use on the bottle.
Gotukola a skin patch test is necessary as it can
Table3: Marketed Preparations and their Uses [20-29]

Herbal Hills. Memory enhancer, improve cognitive function.

Gotukola Powder

Horbaach. Herbal supplement, daily balance and mental


Gotukola liquid extract.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology 12
Available Online at www.ijptb.com Lepcha EL. et al. Int. J. Pharm. Technol. Biotechnol. 2020; 7(3):01-17

Cha Flora Tea. Protector of blood veins, relieve stress, helps in

varicose veins and tired legs and reduces cellulite.

Centella asiatica tea.

Omved, India. Removes scars, blemishes

Gotukola night cream.

ACURE. Removes blemishes,

Gotukola day cream.

Anastore, France. Venous insufficiency, wound healing, anxiolytic,

anti-depressant, anti- oxidant.

Gotukola dry extract.

The Himalaya Drug Company, Mental alertness, focus,

USA. memory enhancer, cognitive

Himalaya Mindcare Capsules

Available Online at www.ijptb.com Lepcha EL. et al. Int. J. Pharm. Technol. Biotechnol. 2020; 7(3):01-17

Organic India, India. Helps calm mind, ease stress, powerful

adaptogenic, nervine tonic, for insomnia, brain
Claims to be Vegan, Gluten free and GMO free.

Gotukola capsules by Organic India.

Nature’s Way. Used for longetivity,

vitality, Homeopathic

Gotukola capsules.

Herbal medicine has seen an exponential growth flow and oxygen. When clot is formed in the blood
over the last decade and since they show lesser side vessel for a long period of time it may result in
effects than allopathic medication, herbal medicines damage, destruction or even necrosis of the
and herbal supplements have seen an increase in localized tissue in that area. Formation of thrombus
demand even for many serious neurodegenerative occurs from fibrinogen by thrombin and is lysed by
illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, plasmin, which is activated from plasminogen by
ADHD, schizophrenia and many more. tissue plasminogen activator. In this study it was
Centella asiatica also known as Gotukola is known proved through various experimental methods that
to contain asiatic acid and asiaticoside as its main the plant Centella asiatica and its extracts showed
chemical constituents. In the case of Alzheimer’s potential thrombolytic activity.
disease Gotukola extract works by inhibiting beta – Plants which provide antioxidant properties have
amyloid cell death in-vitro, suggesting a possible started being prioritized over allopathic medications
role for Gotukola in the treatment and prevention of since they contain many additives which can have
Alzheimer’s disease and beta – amyloid toxicity. adverse effect on human health. Anti-oxidants
Gotukola has been proven to be potential herb drug present in plants also provide health – promoting
which is useful in increasing intelligence, longevity ingredients and benefits in human diet which is also
and memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease responsible for the prevention and treatment of
and dementia. radical mediated disorders. In this study it was
One of the major causes of blood circulation proved that the plant Gotukola and its extracts
problem is the formation of clot (thrombus) in the showed anti-oxidant properties.
blood vessels and blocking the flow of blood in that Various pre-clinical and clinical studies on
locations depriving the tissues of its normal blood Gotukola found oral and treatment of controlled
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biotechnology 14
Available Online at www.ijptb.com Lepcha EL. et al. Int. J. Pharm. Technol. Biotechnol. 2020; 7(3):01-17

doses of Centella asiatica to assist with antioxidant blemishes, etc. Gotukola is also a ‘cure-all’ herb as
production and alleviate slow wound healing. An it has also been proven to improve blood
in- vivo and in-vitro study of Gotukola found that it circulation, decrease anxiety, as an antidepressant,
was able to decrease the side effects of radiotherapy cytotoxic activity, lowering of blood pressure,
such as nausea and vomiting. A study was also treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia,
conducted on rats who were exposed to radiation ADHD, schizophrenia, decrease side effects of
and were given Gotukola prior to radiation showed radiotherapy as well as cardioprotective.
that they experienced less side effects of radiation Most of the pharmacological activities of Gotukola
as compared to those rats that were exposed only to has been proven due to the presence triterpenoids ,
the radiation without Gotukola. Later when glycosides and saponins. The main constituents
Gotukola was administered on the remaining rats which shows huge pharmacological action are –
they also showed improvement in the side effects Asiatic acid, Madecassic acid, Asiaticoside,
and also had an increased life span. Madecassoside, etc.
A study by Mato et al. suggested that due to the The above mentioned chemicals are the main
high concentration of antioxidant in Gotukola it reason for Gotukola’s huge range of activity. With
improved physicality in healthy elderly as found in further development in the research sector, more
a series of test performed over a period of two researches should be done on Gotukola for its
months. The test volunteers were asked o perform a pharmacological uses and more unknown used yet
series of physical strength tests while taking to be identified.
controlled doses of the herb. At the end of the test REFERENCES
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