BN - Computersvslearning - Int - TN - 550860 Lesson Plan
BN - Computersvslearning - Int - TN - 550860 Lesson Plan
BN - Computersvslearning - Int - TN - 550860 Lesson Plan
Activities: key words, understanding the text, a. First ask students to read the statements and circle
business language, discussion, presentation the key words. Then have them scan the article for the
about technology and job automation information related to each statement and underline it.
Then to write their answers. Ask students to compare
Groups: Whole class, one-to-one, pair work their answers before checking with the whole class.
or small groups
1. True (Suddenly deprived of my tech, I was unable
to find my way)
Overview: This article shares examples of 2. False (technology can be an impediment to
how relying on technology makes us worse at
learning. Only through effort and repetition, without
learning and remembering things.
shortcuts, can we truly retain useful knowledge.)
3. True (It can … generate realistic-sounding
1. Warmer 4. False (It’s maybe simpler to ask whether the
student is cheating themselves, to which the
a. Ask students to discuss the questions. Then ask answer is surely yes.)
students to feed back to the rest of the class. Draw a 5. False (“10,000 hours rule” – the amount of
diagram of technology-related vocabulary on the board intensive practice supposedly needed to
with students’ suggestions. If students are unsure or master something)
incorrect, either provide a correction or assign dictionary 6. True (how knowledge escapes over time if not
consultants to check words. Possible phrases: use consciously remembered – and “spaced learning”,
a virtual map, use GPS, go on social media, post on repetition over regular intervals)
social media, send a text, make/have/get/receive a 7. False (“GPT-3 can just make up facts that aren’t
video/voice call, order food/groceries online, shop true and say other things that are nonsense,”
online, use an online dating app, find a ride online, use he said.)
a search engine, find a recipe online, etc.
4. Business language
2. Key words
a. Ask students to find the expressions in the mentioned
a. Ask students to complete the task individually and paragraphs and compare their answers with a
then compare their answers in small groups before classmate before checking with the whole class. Check
eliciting examples from the whole class. You can understanding by asking the class to come up with their
also ask half the students to complete 1–6 and the own very simple definition for each expression.
other half to complete 7–12 and then work together
to check and share their answers. If students need Key:
support, encourage them to do complete the activity 1. lean [lean on]
methodically by first reading the definition and 2. stoop [stoop to]
example sentence, identifying the part of speech and 3. create [create waves]
then looking at each word in the word pool. 4. practice, perfect [practice makes perfect]
D •
1. Don’t stoop to lying in the interview!
2. They’re leaning too heavily on their website
for sales.
3. Customers are creating waves online with
awful reviews.
4. Just keep on trying, practice makes perfect.
5. Discussion questions