CLC 12-Combined Final Capstone Proposal Ref

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CLC 12 - Final Capstone Proposal and Reflection

Name: Jacob Tran

Topic: Self-Improvement- Diet (Nutrition), Exercise, Body Composition
Focus Area: Project
Inquiry Question: What is a healthy way to maintain my muscle mass while lowering my body
fat %? Who/What’s available to help me and keep me on track?
Presentation Method: Powerpoint / Talk through website
Presentation Time & Date: January 19, 2024 11:15-11:35

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

My capstone project is focused on self-improvement, mainly focusing on the physical aspects. My goal is
to lower my body fat % while maintaining muscle. I will focus my research on Diet (Nutrition) and certain
exercises. I would like to keep a strict diet and a workout plan just to stay in a routine. I’ve always loved
working out but ate whatever I wanted so now I would really love to focus on the more holistic side of
things and see what a proper nutrious diet can do for my body. I will be going to my close family friend
Tony, who is a Certified Personal Trainer / Nutritionist, a Pro bodybuilder, and is an ALLMAX nutrition
sponsored athlete. This is going to be something difficult just eating a strict diet and a boring diet is very
hard I would like to see the best ways to make things I like to eat a healthier option.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness & Well-being: I got into a routine where I eat healthier and workout
Responsibility following a plan which is bettering my well-being.
Self-Regulations: I tried my best regulate myself from giving in to food
cravings to get the best results. I also understand that it will be hard and
sometimes I will make a mistake
Social Responsibility Building-Relationships: I connected with fellow trainers at my gym and
built some new relationships with fellow people at my gym.
Solving Problems in peaceful ways: Doing this wasn’t going to be easy, I
ran into problems and plateaus, but I listened to many different opinions
and advice and took different strategies to get over the hiccups along the
Critical Thinking Develop and Design: Along the way I was and still tracking my progress
and throughout when I started seeing less progress I would adapt and
change my diet and assess my progress to do this.
Questions and Investigate: I asked questions that helped me by asking
educated and certified people and used the info they give me to come up
with an answer.
Creative Thinking Generating Ideas: I asked the people around me to help with ideas and
new ways to help my journey.
Developing Ideas: Even if I don’t reach my goals, I understand that this
journey is educational, and I was productive
Communication Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review: I worked with other students
and gym people to make plans and inquire for problem solving when
Explain/recount and reflect on experiences and accomplishments:
I will reflect on the processes of my learning and share what I have learnt
with others to help and spread info.
Personal & Cultural Identity Personal strengths and Abilities: I know my strengths and weakness and
used that to work on my weakness and used my strengths to the best of
my abilities.
Personal Values and Choices: I understood what is important to me and
stayed true to myself and did not let others push me to do things I don’t
feel comfortable with.

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)

I will need to be able to connect to the TV and maybe like a table

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

I will be bringing my laptop and maybe some things I used along the way to help my journey

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

I am nowhere near to where I would like my body to me but that was my expectation it was to see how far I
could get with a proper routine and I'm happy for how far I've come but I between now and my
presentation day I will add weakly progress still just so when I present it is the most accurate progress

4) References and explanation of sources:

Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.

These are my sources but for most of my information I went to my mentor Tony Ngo which I do have some
notes if the info he has told me.
Cataldo, D., & Blair, M. (2015). Protein intake for optimal muscle maintenance - ACSM. ACSM Organization.
Frysh, P. (2023, June 6). Caloric deficit: What to know. WebMD.
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. (2022, March 31). The Truth About Supplements: 5 Things
You Should KnowThe Truth About Supplements: 5 Things You Should Know.

YouTube. (2018). The Best Workout Split for MAXIMUM Muscle Gains. YouTube. Retrieved September 29,
2023, from

YouTube. (2022). How To Calculate A Calorie Deficit For Weight Loss | Nutritionist Explains |
Myprotein. YouTube. Retrieved September 29, 2023, from

YouTube. (2018). The Best Science-Based Diet for Fat Loss (ALL MEALS SHOWN!). YouTube. Retrieved November 1,
2023, from
Shoulder Dropset. (2023). Instagram. Retrieved November 1, 2023, from
Ryse Supp. (2023a). When you don’t want to fully cheat on prep here is @ruff_diesel go to shake! Instagram.
Retrieved November 1, 2023, from

Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions

(Please give specific detailed answers.)

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?
Throughout this journey I have learnt a lot not only information but a lot about myself. I learned that nutrition
is like 30-40% of working-out to be healthy. A lot of it is related to what you eat. No matter how hard you train
or how long, if your diet is not right your body won't look the way you want it to look. I learned that diets that
work for others might not work for you same goes for the workouts we do our body's all respond differently,
and we need to find what works for us. I learnt that I could push myself to pass limits I've never hit, which I'm
really proud of. I learnt that I could adapt to new things fast. Another thing I learnt was that recovery is just as
important as training.
2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school? How is it relevant to the

This project is relevant to me because I haven’t always liked the way I look, and I loved to work out, but I
didn’t see much progress. So, I wanted to see if I could follow a routine and focus on my nutrition and working
out at the same time. This is relevant to the school because at school for sports we do weight room and push
each other to better ourselves and I'm doing that on my own time too. This could be relevant to the
community by inspiring people to work out. A lot of people are intimated by the gym but seeing other
kids/teens doing it can inspire them to do it.
3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?
My capstone has changed my routine and now if I miss the gym or eat really unhealthily, I feel off or like know
I could do better and not be doing that. It also just helped me as a person live a more balanced and healthier
lifestyle. My capstone also let me learn a lot of new information that I can take with me for the rest of my life.
4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of how I was able to get into a routine and really push myself to see how far I could go. Doing
this wasn’t easy but i’m proud of how far i’ve came in the time i’ve had. I haven’t reached my end goal but I
set smaller goals along the way and i’m proud of the progress i’ve made.
5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?
The most difficult thing was finding the right diet for me or nutrition. Everyone’s body works differently, and
some diets weren’t working for me. So, I searched online and asked some people from my gym, and they said
that it’s not a certain diet for example like a low carb diet or like no sugar diet or things like that. But for
someone who doesn’t train to be pro or something the best diet I realized was eating what you want in
moderation it’s “healthy” and setting Marco nutrient goals for example my daily calorie intake was 1800 and I
had to get 200g of protein and 120g of carbs and 50g of fat I could eat what I wanted as long as I met those
goals and didn’t go over. I found this work for me I wasn’t hating or didn’t feel like I was on a vigorous diet, but
I was getting result I wanted.
6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?
I think one thing I would change is time I feel like if I had more time or put more time I could really see/show
more results because 2 months isn’t a lot of time for significant changes in your body. If I where to do this
again I definitely would have started sooner.
7. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?
I would say do something you are interested in that last thing you want is to feel like you're doing a 2
month long school project that your just doing to pass the course. Your capstone should be something you
enjoy doing and that even if it wasn’t for capstone, you would still be interested in doing your topic. I
would also say manage your time well especially if you have to create something out of your capstone
time flies by so fast and those 2-3 months go by before you even know it use your class time and make
time do it at home too. The most important thing would be just having fun, try your best, and do
something you enjoy.

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