Research Proposal Valenzuela, Stephen Cuzon-M2K4
Research Proposal Valenzuela, Stephen Cuzon-M2K4
Research Proposal Valenzuela, Stephen Cuzon-M2K4
JUNE 2023
on the educational background of the student and its school itself and its
teachers to improve this skill in English. One of these interventions is the Self-
second language also helps students adapt more easily to a different culture,
and the ability to communicate with those who speak other languages can be
with desperate and immediate need for remedial programs sided by an overall
note that the Philippines ranks second to the last in writing proficiency
(Cerrera, 2017). He added that the factor that needs to be seriously addressed
Assessment and intervention should actually start with the teachers who will
Among the factors that may contribute to the low level of writing
Dölek from Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University. There is a significant difference
between the students with high and low socioeconomic status, in favor of the
Additionally, from the study of Hyde (2005), he found moderate gender effects
for written expression and spelling across age groups, indicating a consistent
gender gap in written expression from ages 7-19 in their sample. Moreover,
based on the study of Bobby R. Schwark in 2017, the use of SRSD model has
been a successful tool for increasing the writing skills high school students
about sex and socio-economic status that affects writing proficiency, but no
studies have been done in using SRSD model through online learning among
settings like Philippines for the better specification of the actual role of EFL
writing instructions. The researcher hopes that this study will be significant for
proficiency. The findings of this study will also help curriculum analysts to
will be aware in their writing proficiency level and they can practice
This study will assess the writing proficiency of Senior High School
learners in President Roxas National High School through the use of Self-
regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model in online learning.
Conceptual Framework
Mediator Variables
1.1 sex
1.2 socio-economic status
Theoretical Framework
Research Design
The researcher will write a letter from the office of the Principal in
President Roxas National High School. The researcher is a teacher in
President Roxas National High School and he himself will identify the
respondents of his study. Respondents are given pre-test about writing
proficiency without undergoing SRSD model of instruction through online
learning. They will be given also post-test about writing proficiency right after
the implementation of SRSD model in online learning. After retrieval of tests,
the data will be screened, encoded, tabulated, and analyzed.
Ethical considerations
Statistical Tools
De La Paz, S., & Graham, S. (2002). Explicitly teaching strategies, skills, and
knowledge: Writing instruction in middle school classrooms. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 94, 687–698.
Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2005). Writing better: Effective strategies for
teaching students with learning difficulties. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes
Publishing Co.
Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies to improve
writing of adolescents in middle and high schools – A report to Carnegie
Corporation of New York. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent
Education. Available at
Hagaman, J., Luschen, K., & Reid, R. (2010). The RAP on reading
comprehension. Teaching Exceptional Children, 43(1), 22–29.
Harris, K., Graham, S., Mason, L., & Friedlander, B. (2008). Powerful writing
strategies for all students. Baltimore: Brookes.
Lenz, B. K., Ellis, E. S., & Scanlon, D. (1996). Teaching learning strategies to
adolescents and adults with learning disabilities. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed,
Male Female
Socio-economic Status:
Task 1
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for
your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
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