Pattern in Ilustrator
Pattern in Ilustrator
Pattern in Ilustrator
In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create a simple yet trending geometric pattern in Illustrator. First we will create a
repeating shape and then we will move it using the Smart Guides . Finally, we have a modern pattern that we can easily
recolor. Using this technique, you can create many patterns in Adobe Illustrator.
Now take the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a square in height and width of 600 px . Now go back to the Swatches panel and
select the pattern we created.
Step 15. Using a pattern (pattern)
Now let's see how you can change the color of this pattern. To do this, select our square, which is filled with the pattern and go
to Editing> Edit Colors> Recolor Artwork (Edit> Edit Colors> Recolor Artwork) . In the window that opens, select
the Edit section .
After that, click on the Link harmony colors chain , located in the center and slightly to the right.
Now you can move the circles and with this simple movement the color of our pattern will change.