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Pronouns are words that help writers avoid awkward repetition of nouns. They are
used in replacement of nouns.


®Mar is taking up BS Criminology at University of Cebu; he will graduate next year.

®The crime scene was secured. The police officer cordoned it.


Antecedents are nouns or words that take the place of nouns for which pronoun stands.
The italicized word in the examples below is the antecedent of the underlined pronoun.

Before their release, the victims paid a ransom.

®While writing his notes, the police officer noticed errors in it.

The chart below shows the different kinds of pronouns with its corresponding
description and example.

Konds of Pronoum Description Examples

Personal Pronouns Are used to refer to First Person: I, me, mine, us, our, ours,
Reflexive and Intensive
particular people,
Pronouns Second Person:you,your,yours
places, and things;
specifically refer to the Third Person:he,she,it,him,her,his,
person speaking, the
person spoken to, or the hers,its,they,them,
places or thing spoken
Both have the same myself-ourselves, yourself-yourselves,
form and end in-self or
-selves,they are formed himself,herself,itself,themselves

from personal pronouns

C.Adjectives and Adverbs
Adjectives and adverbs are considered as "sentence builders" because they fortify
sentences by expanding ideas, modify nouns,pronouns,verbs,adjectives and other adverbs. They
are also termed as "structures of modifications."

Adjectives are words that qualify the meaning of a noun or pronoun by giving description
about its appearance, location, and other characterisitcs. It can answer four questions about a
noun, as exemplified below:

What Lind?
A white patrol car (what kind of car?)
Which one?
The first witness (which witness?)
How many?
Two.45 caliber pistols (how many pistols)
How much?
P100,000.00 ransom (how much ransom was paid?)

An adjective that modifies a pronoun usually follows it, or sometimes may precede
the pronoun. Consider the examples below:

They are hopeful about the positive result of the case. (after the pronoun)
Hopeful about the positive result of the case, they started to celebrate. (before
the pronoun)
↓ His brutal killing was a sad reminder for everyone. (after the pronoun)
↓ The brutal killing of his brother was a sad reminder for him. (before the

1. Follow the instruction is each statement.

1. Name three adjectives that describe a serial killer.

2. Name three adjectives that describe a criminology student.
3. Name three adjectives that describe a juvenile delinquent.
4. Name three adjectives that describe your criminology course.
5. Name three adjectives that describe a law enforcer.
6. Name three adjectives that describe a typical police station.
7. Name three adjectives that describe a criminology book.
8. Name three adjectives that describe a criminology subject.
9. Name three adjectives that describe the Philippine National Police.
10. Name three adjectives that describe your school.
Conjunctions are words used to join or connect other words in a sentence.Below are the
descriptions and examples of the three kinds of conjunctions.There are three kinds of
conjunctions,namely: Coordinating,Subordinating,and Correlative.They perform different
functions in the sentence.Refer to the discussions of each kind below.

7. is driving the patrol car.(SPO2 Rey Melicor)

8. is assigned in Cebu City Police Office.(PO4 Canete)

9. is a police officer.(Chadd)

10.Have got a gun?(Raymond)

I1. Underline the appropriate pronoun inside the parenthesis to complete each statement

1. The team leader gives (them, me, you) their specific assignment.

2. I am handing the report to (my, her, him) superior today.

3. The patrolling officers are riding on (her, his, their) new motorbikes.

4. My father is filing a complaint against (him, they, their).

5. I don't know the exact location where (them, he, it) plants the explosives.

6. (She, he,it ) is going to give her testimony in court today.

7. He fired at (them, his, him) helpless neighbors.

8. Can you tell (them, their, theirs) the way to the police station,please?

9. The brand new patrol cars are for (our, them, it) police station.

10. Can you help my mother and (me, us, ours) in convincing the witness to testify?
Adverbs are also modiefiers, as they describe words and make them more specific in a
sentence. When, an adverb modifies a verb, it can answer any of the following questions:

The SOCO Team secured the crime scene behind the building.
The victim was found dead at around 2:00 o'clock yesterday.
In what manner?
The judge officially dismissed the session.
To what extent?
The conclusion of the investigators are extremely important.

Normally,adverbs modifying adjectives and adverbs will immediately precede the word
they modify.


The investigator's analysis of the crime was quite logical.

He performed very competently in his station.

1. Fill in the blank with the appropriate adverb, base your answer from the word
inside the parenthesis.
1. He reads the report (quick)
2. The rape victim is a girl.(pretty)
3. The shoot-out was bloody.(terrible)
4. Mar is a policeman.(good)
5.You can fire this gun.(easy)
6. We have a entrapment operation today. (horrible)
7. She performs the paraffin test (good)
8. Heis a investigator.(careful)
9. He investigates the case (careful)
10.The victim screams (loud)
Demonstrative Pronouns this,that,these,those
These are used to point that,which,who,whom,whose
Relative Pronouns
Interrogative Pronoun what,which,who,whom,whose
out nouns
Indefinite Pronouns anybody, everyone, nothing, all, each,
Used to begin a nobody,someone,everybody

subordinate clause and

relate it to another idea

in the sentence

These are used to begin

a direct or indirect


Are used to refer to

persons, places, or

things often without

specifying which ones

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronoun, base your answer from the words inside
the parenthesis. Number 1 is done as an example.

1. He_is writing a technical report.(William)

2. is blue.(the stolen car)

3. are in the safe.(the counterfeit bills)

4. is running.(the snatcher)

5. are examining the crime scene.(SOCO Teaml

6. are in the crime laboratory.(the evidences)

Verbs are words or group of words that express time while showing an action, a
condition, or the fact that something exists. Every complete sentence contains at least one verb.
The examples below show the different kinds of verb with its corresponding description.
Action Vete-Make up the majority of the English verbs; they expressed either physical or mental
action-that is what someone or something does, did, or will do.

©The suspect attempted to jump over the fence.

The police officer blows his whistle incessantly.
Linking Verba- These verbs serve a more passive function, because it just simply express a
condition showing that something exist.
©John Raymond is an outstanding law enforcer.
©They are both senior officers of the Philippine National Police.
Be Vebe These are the most common linking verbs; when be verbs act as liking verbs, they
express the condition of the subject, and sometimes they merely express existence usually by
working with other words to show where the subject is located.

The suspects are inside the interrogation room.

©The suspect will be subjected to a lie polygraph test.
Examples: am, are, is, was, were, will be, was being, were being, have been, had been, and
has been

Transitive Verbe These verbs direct actions toward someone or something that is named in the
same sentence; the word toward which transitive verb directs its action is called the object of the
©He filed an affidavit of complaint.
④The medical examiner made an autopsy report of the victims.
Intransitive Verbe- These verbs do not direct action toward someone or something that is named
in the sentence; and they never have objects. '

The drug pusher escaped.

②She works for the drug syndicates.

1. Underline the verb in each sentence below.

1. The officers are marching.

2. Chadd is a handsome and snappy police officer.
3. She hangs herself in the ceiling.
4.The hired killer wore a black mask.
5. The officers are investigating the involvement of the suspect's girlfriend.
6. When will the court open the case again?
7.The C-130 crashed on the ragged terrains of the forest.
8. There are many good police officers in our country.
9. You need to take English 6B for your general requirements for Bachelor of Science
in Criminology.
10.Say NO to drugs!

11. Underline the verb in the sentence and tell whether it is transitive or
intransitive. Write the abbreviation TV (Transitive Verb) or IV (Intransitive Verb) above the
underlined answer.
1. The patrol officer was here last week.
2. They watched CSI: Miami on television last night.
3. Dave and JR studied at the Philippine Military Academy.
4. The door of the prison cell was ajar when the warden checked.
5. Thepolice officer delivered the subpoena.
6. Several fingerprints are found from the crime scene.
7. He wore false teeth and a wig to conceal his identity.
8. The con artist smiled sarcastically.
9. He pleaded for the man to stop the stabbing.
10.The highway patrol officer is keenly monitoring the traffic.
C.Prepositions,Conjunctions,and Interjections


Preposition are part of speech that express the relationship between words and
phrases of the sentence. These relationships are as follows:
The suspect was with his friend when he was arrested.

Appeal: You need to confess with all honesty.

Cause: He was given a citation for violating traffic rules.

Condition: The corpse was in a state of decomposition.

Degree: He won the case by the unanimous decision of the jury.

Destination: They went up to the attic to investigate.

Direction: The fire truck headed toward the burning building.

She killed the girl with a.45 caliber pistol.
The perimeter of the crime scene was secured by the police.
The drug laboratory was found in Mandaue City.
The Criminology students are working for a project.
We have reliable field operatives from the PDEA.
The first batch of police interns were deployed at Colon St.

early this morning.

Below are examples of common prepositions:


behind before down into

for during our across
nearby under
of afler below
lhrough ahead of
beneath from
unlil beyond inside
within cut

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