EoR Module 4
EoR Module 4
EoR Module 4
This module introduces you to the research methods you can use in your
chosen study and help you explain how you will conduct it. It is important that as you
decide on the method you are going to use, you should think through the research
problem carefully, analyse critically the adequacy and effectiveness of the method,
and take into account the nature of the problem and purposes of the study. This
module will guide you through these processes.
LESSON TITLE Classification of Research Methods
DURATION / HOURS 6 hours (2 weeks)
Self- instructional module in Elements of Research/GV Darao
The research method describes the process followed in
collecting and analysing data. Two general approaches may be
described to distinguish the different processes:
“A school survey to
determine or assess the (1) DESCRIPTIVE METHOD
Reading readiness of Used to describe systematically the facts and
Junior High School
students in the Surigao characteristics of a given population of area of interest,
del Sur Division” factually, and accurately (Soliven, 2001).
Purpose of using the descriptive method:
“Oral language
To identify problems or justify current conditions
competencies of College
Instructors in the and practices
Department of General
To make comparisons and evaluations
Teacher Training”
To determine what others are doing with similar
problems or situations and benefit from their
experience in making future plans and
“A study investigating the not lend themselves to the experimental method and
relationship between controlled manipulation
students’ learning style
and their academic Permits the measurement of several variables and their
performance” interrelationships simultaneously and in a realistic
“ Success in graduate
school based on
intercorrelation patterns
of various variables in
the undergraduate
Self- instructional module in Elements of Research/GV Darao
To identify factors characterizing college
students having either excellent of below
average grades in the major and minor
subjects, using the scholastic and
demographic profiles.
To determine the attributes of effective
instructors as measured by their
performance evaluations and other data
in their personnel files as well as other
school-related factors.
All Grade VI pupils currently enrolled this Academic Year 2020-
2021 in St. Michael College Elementary Department were taken as
the population of the studyto maintain the reliability and validity of the
data gathered through a questionnaire.
The distribution of respondents per section in Table 1. show the
distribution in equal percentages per section. With this number of
pupils per class, the teacher can be able to easily identify the learning
modalities of her pupils making it easier to facilitate the class.
Table 1
These are several data gathering devices which you can use
in your study:
(1) OBSERVATION. This will help you determine what is
occurring or what individuals are doing.
(2) INTERVIEW or DIRECT METHOD. This is an oral type
of questionnaire to determine the perceptions of
individuals or groups.
carefully planned and printed items given to
respondents in order to elicit answers to questions in the
(4) SURVEYS. These are administered to assess opinions,
perceptions and attitudes.
(5) DOCUMENTS. This entails analysis of records
The questionnaire was the main instrument used in gathering data for this
study. It was constructed after available materials and articles were submitted
to the adviser for corrections and suggestions. After the correction, it was
again showed to the adviser for final approval before it was floated to the
The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part I dealt with the profile of the
respondents; Part II dealt with the assessment of the perceptual strengths of
the respondents to determine their learning styles such as visual, auditory,
tactile, and kinaesthetic.
Validation of Instrument
To ensure the reliability of the instrument, the questionnaire was
validated to the pupils and teachers of Magasang Elementary School.
This school is not included in the study. The purpose of the Pre-Test
of the questionnaire was to improve some of the items included in the
instrument. Based on the result of the dry run, the questionnaire was
clearly understood and accepted. The opinion of the teachers
teaching English and pupils was considered.
The improved instrument was submitted to the adviser for
comments and suggestions, and then the questionnaires were
administered after the final draft was prepared.
After you are able to determine the validity of your instrument, you
now are ready to ask permission and approval from the head of the
institution / agency where the research respondents are. You must
indicate the date when you are going to administer the questionnaire,
when to retrieve and when to return it. Once you are given permission,
you may administer the instruments to the respondents.
Outline the general plan for collecting the data like survey
procedures and interview and observation procedures; then, provide
a general outline of the schedule you expect to follow.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher sought permission from the Schools Division
Superintendent through the District Supervisor and Principal in order to
authorize the distribution of the questionnaire to the pupil-respondents.
The researcher asked the help fo the class adviser of each section to
administer the instrument to the pupils, informal and unscheduled interviews,
and observations to parents were conducted to reinforce the data gathered.
The pupil respondents and the teachers were very accommodating
which made the retrieval rate of one hundred percent. Thus, there
TREATMENT OF DATA must be clearly described and the formula must be illustrated
and explained.
Specify the procedures you will use, and label them
accurately (e.g. z-test, t-test, Pearson rank, Anova, etc). If
coding procedures are to be used (as in the case of qualitative
research), describe in reasonable detail. This labelling is helpful
in communicating your precise intentions to the reader, and it
helps you and the reader to evaluate these intentions.
Provide a well thought-out rationale for your decision to use
the design, methodology, and analyses you have selected.
Treatment of Data
All data that will be gathered by the instrument will be tallied,
tabulated, analysed, and interpreted accordingly. The data will be
treated in the following:
1. Percentage. This will be used to determine what proportion of
the respondents belongs to a specific category.
Formula: % = F x 100
Where: % is percentage
F is Frequency
N is Total number of respondents
100 is constant value
2. Mean. This will be used to determine the mean age and the
final weight of each item on the perceptual strengths of
Formula: X = ∑FX
Where: X is Mean
∑ is summation symbol
F is Frequency
X is weight of each item
N is Number of Cases
Typically includes samples of instruments, letters of
permission, and list of terms.
Proponent(s) / Author(s)
Extracted from:
Educational Research Writing Made Easy by Bueno, David C., pages 5-6.
Research Locale or
Setting of the Study
The study was conducted in Barangay Barretto, Olongapo City specifically in Barretto
II Elementary School during the Academic Year XXXX.
The Barretto II Elementary School as part of Olongapo District III , is conscious of the
commitment to every learner to a culture of excellence in public service, with a profound faith
in God, inspired by the caring leaders of the Department of Education….
Theoretical Framework
“Every child is unique.” Conventional learning theories and traditional teaching methods tend
to overlook, or even ignore this basic truth.
Learning style is one aspect of child’s innate uniqueness so we must learn to recognize,
acknowledge, and respect every child’s individual learning style. Recent studies reveal that, when
teacher develop and expand their instructional methods and techniques according to the individual
learning styles of their students, there is a marked increase in performance and achievement, and
a decrease in discipline problems in as little as six to eight weeks (Tendero, 1998).
This study is anchored on the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Theory, which is developed
and internationally acclaimed by Dr. Kenneth and Rita Dunn. They define learning style as, “the way
in which each individual learner begins to concentrate on, process, absorb and retain new and
difficult information.” This includes the different approaches or ways of learning.
These learning strategies are classified as to: Visual, Auditory, Tactile and Kinesthetic. The
theoretical foundations of these learning style models were: (a) Personal learning style is the
biological and developmental set of characteristics that make the identical instructional
environments, methods and resources effective for some learners and ineffective for others; (b)
Most people have learning style preferences, but the learning style preferences of each individual
differ significantly from each other; (c) The stronger the preferences, the more important it is to
provide compatible instructional strategies; and (d) Accommodating individual learning style
preference through complementary educational, instructional…
Contrary to older schools of thought, all students do not learn most efficiently in the same
manner, Some students do, indeed, learn best through the repetitive drill that characterizes our
schools, but perhaps as many as 88 percent learn better through other mechanisms, according to
Dunn and Dunn (1994)….
For this research, a model based on the Dunn and Dunn theory was chosen, as best
describing the range of learning styles… it is considered by the researcher to be the best fit of those
issues raised in relevant research, and the most appropriate to the conditions and situations
relevant to learning.
This study follows the input-process-output model of the research process. The inputs as
shown in Figure 2 include the profile of the respondents in terms of gender and monthly income of
the family. The process involves the gathering of data using questionnaire for the perceptual
strengths of the respondents, interview, and observation. Analysis of the gathered data is
statistically treated using percentage, mean, and Chi-square test. The desired output will be
improved teaching and learning process and ultimately the Mathematics performance of the
respondents. Figure 3 relates the perceptual strengths and Mathematics performance of the pupils.”
Definition of Terms
For a clearer understanding of the terms used in the study, the following are defined
Auditory Learners. These refer to the pupils who can learn best through verbal
lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory
learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed
and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard.
Kinesthetic Learners. These learners need to be physically involved in the entire process
Perceptual Strengths. These refer to the learning modalities of pupils such as auditory
(listening attentively), kinaesthetic (personally or physically involved), tactile (doodling, taking notes,
Angelika de la Cruz
Bagsac, Madrid, Surigao del Sur
Personal Data
Age : 24
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Date of Birth : January 1, 1996
Place of Birth : Madrid, Surigao del Sur
Father’s Name : Angelo de la Cruz
Mother’s Name : Erika de la Cruz