Siemens - Sitrans FX330 - Fi01 - en
Siemens - Sitrans FX330 - Fi01 - en
Siemens - Sitrans FX330 - Fi01 - en
Flow Measurement
■ Overview classic
Flow calculator
Pressure sensor
Flowmeter sensor
Flowmeter with integrated
SITRANS FX vortex flowmeter are designed for use in industrial pressure and temperature
applications and optimally suited to the demands in auxiliary compensation
supply systems.
The proven principle of vortex flowmeters is suitable for mea-
surement of liquids, gases and vapors unaffected by conductiv-
ity, viscosity, temperature and pressure.
■ Benefits
System accuracy of ±1.5 %
• Integrated pressure and temperature compensation
• Temperature compensation for saturated steam included as
standard The SITRANS FX330 in flange design is available with integrated
reduction of nominal diameter for space-saving installations and
• High measuring accuracy large measuring spans. About 90% of all vortex flowmeters are
• Maintenance-free sensor ordered one size smaller than the line diameter in order to in-
• Non-wearing, fully welded stainless steel construction with crease the flow speed and to get a wider measuring range.
high resistance to corrosion, pressure and temperature Here, the line has to be reduced before and widened after the
sensor, typically including 20x DN inlet and 5x DN outlet run.
• SIL2 certified according to IEC 61508 Edition 2 With the reduction and widening of nominal diameter included in
• Use in hazardous areas the sensor, it is no longer necessary. To compensate the non-ex-
• Integrated reduction of nominal diameter for space-saving istent straight inlet run between reduction and the vortex bluff
and economic installation and large measuring ranges body, these devices are specially calibrated and linearized.
• Redundant data management: Easy exchange of electronics A new feature of the SITRANS FX330 is the advanced signal pro-
without loss of calibration and configuration data cessing and filtering called AVFD (Advanced Vortex Frequency
Detection): Interferences and disturbances in the measuring
• FAD (Free Air Delivery) functionality
signal are suppressed, signals outside from the relevant fre-
• Gross and net heat calculation to support advanced energy quency band are filtered out.
Redundant data management prevents loss of calibration and
• Remote version with cable length up to 50 m (164 ft) configuration data when changing electronics or display.
(in preparation)
By default, all SITRANS FX330 meters are factory-calibrated
Even the basic version of the vortex flowmeter SITRANS FX330 (traceable to international standards) and pre-set according to
is equipped with temperature compensation for saturated steam customer specifications. The SITRANS FX330 also comes with
applications. With the optional pressure sensor the SITRANS an installation wizard to ease installation; e.g. in a steam appli-
FX330 has integrated density compensation for calculation of cation it will only show related settings.
corrected volume and mass (online density compensation). The
density compensation for calculation of corrected volume and Developed according to the standard IEC 61508 edition 2, the
mass is based on the standards of NIST for gases and IAPWS SITRANS FX330 can be used in safety-related application with
for steam. classification SIL2 for continuous volume flow measurement.
Higher measuring accuracy with the use of compact
measuring systems
With the classic installation of a vortex flowmeter and separate
pressure and temperature sensor as well as flow calculator, all
errors occurring in the measuring chain must be taken into ac-
count when determining system accuracy. This can result in a
measuring error between ± 3 to 5 %.
Using a vortex flowmeter with integrated pressure and tempera-
ture compensation such as the SITRANS FX330 allows you not
only to lower installation costs but also increase the measuring
accuracy of the measuring point. In this case the accuracy is ±
1.5 % of the measured value.
Flow Measurement
■ Application ■ Design
• Measurement of saturated steam and superheated steam SITRANS FX330 SITRANS FX330
• Steam boiler monitoring Flange Sandwich
• Heat metering of steam and hot water
• Measurement of consumption of industrial gases
• Measurement of consumption in compressed air systems
• Monitoring of compressor output
• Evaluation of Free Air Delivery (FAD)
• SIP and CIP processes in the food, beverage and pharmaceu-
3 tical industries
• Measuring of conductive and non-conductive liquids
Flange version with integrated tem- All advantages of the flange version
• Safety-related measurement in SIL applications (SIL2) perature compensation as standard in a space-saving sandwich design;
for saturated steam and optional centering rings guarantee an easy
Gross and net heat quantity calculation pressure compensation for super- installation without any offset.
The SITRANS FX330 was designed for applications in auxiliary heated steam, gases and wet gases.
and supply service lines, such as internal monitoring of energy Integrated reduction of nominal diam- Integrated reduction of nominal diam-
flows for saturated and superheated steam or hot water. eter for space-saving and economic eter not available
Equipped with temperature sensor as standard, the device can installations plus large measuring
be installed as heat meter in the feed line directly connected with
an external temperature sensor in the return line. The gross and Also in remote design with field housing and connection cable up to 50 m
net heat calculation can be fed into a DCS to support advanced (164 ft) (in preparation)
energy management. With shut off valve allowing
• exchange and calibration of pressure sensor
When it comes to energy, the most accurate measurement of • pressure and leak testing of pipeline without interrupting the process
consumption is essential. By combining flow, temperature and
pressure measurements in one device, SITRANS FX330 pro-
vides the basis for a precise mass flow calculation. ■ Function
In steam applications, the software even determines the en- Vortex flowmeters are used to measure the flow of gases, vapors
thalpy - the heat content - of the steam. Therefore, SITRANS and liquids in completely filled pipes. The measuring principle is
FX330 is able to calculate the gross heat quantity. based on the principle of the Karman vortex street. Inside the
In case net heat quantity consumption of process is asked for, a measuring sensor vortices are shed from a bluff body and are
single temperature sensor can be added to the return line. detected by a sensor located behind. The frequency f of the vor-
SITRANS FX330 uses the readings to calculate the amount of tex shedding is proportional to the flow velocity v.
heat consumed. The nondimensional Strouhal number S describes the relation-
The SITRANS FX330 thereby proves itself to be a reliable part- shipbetween vortex frequency f, width b of the bluff body and
ner. the mean flow velocity v:
f = (S . v) / b
The vortex frequency is recorded at the sensor and evaluated at
the converter.
b b
Functional principle
Flow Measurement
■ Configuration
Available combinations of sensors and connection size for SITRANS FX330 in flanged design are shown in the table below.
SITRANS FX330 Flanged (7ME2610-...)
Sensor size Connection EN 1092-1, EN 1092-1, EN 1092-1, EN 1092-1, EN 1092-1, EN 1092-1, ANSI B16.5, ANSI B16.5, ANSI B16.5,
size Form B1/B2, Form B1/B2, Form B1/B2, Form B1/B2, Form B1/B2, Form B1/B2, class 150 class 300 class 600
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 63 PN 100
DN15 DN 15 - - - • - • • • •
DN 25 - - - • - • • • •
DN 40 - - - • - • • • •
DN 25 DN 25
DN 40
DN 50 - • - • • • • • •
DN 40 DN 40 - - - • - • • • •
DN 50 - • - • • • • • •
DN 80 - • - • • • • • •
DN 50 DN 50 - • - • • • • • •
DN 80 - • - • • • • • •
DN 100 - • - • • • • • •
DN 80 DN 80 - • - • • • • • •
DN 100 - • - • • • • • •
DN 150 - • - • • • • • •
DN 100 DN 100 - • - • • • • • •
DN 150 - • - • • • • • •
DN 200 • • • • - - • • -
DN 150 DN 150 - • - • • • • • •
DN 200 • • • • - - • • -
DN 250 • • • • - - • • -
DN 200 DN 200 • • • • - - • • -
DN 250 • • • • - - • • -
DN 300 • • • • - - • • -
DN 250 DN 250 • • • • - - • • -
DN 300 • • • • - - • • -
DN 300 DN 300 • • • • - - • • -
• available
- not available
Flow Measurement
■ Technical specifications
Range of application Flow measurement of liquids, gases For detailed information see operat-
and vapors ing instructions "Intended use"
Mode of operation Installation conditions
Measuring principle Karman vortex street Inlet run
Primary measured value • Volume flow • For undisturbed flow profile, after ≥ 15 x DN
• Mass flow pipe section with reducer, after 1 x
• Corrected volume flow 90° pipe bend
• Density • After 2 x 90° pipe bend ≥ 30 x DN
• Temperature • After 2 x 90° three-dimensional pipe ≥ 40 x DN
• Pressure bend
3 Design
• Heat energy • After control valves
• Before flow conditioner
≥ 50 x DN
≥ 2 x DN
• After flow conditioner ≥ 8 x DN
• Compact and remote version Cable length up to 50 m (164 ft) Outlet run ≥ 5 x DN
(in preparation)
Sensor Flange version Sandwich version
Sensor and process connections
• Integrated temperature measure- • •
• Standard 1.4404/316L
• Option Hastelloy C22 on request
• Reduction of nominal diameter •
• Pressure and temperature compen- • • Transmitter housing Aluminum
sation • Standard Aluminum die-cast, two-layer coating
• Isolation valve • (epoxy/polyester)
• Dual measuring device • • • Option Die-cast aluminum with finish for
advanced requirements
Display 4-line graphical display (backlit) with
control keys Pressure sensor gasket
• Standard FPM
Operation • Via local display (languages:
German, English, French) • Option FFKM
Flow Measurement
DN 25 (1") 1B Ex approval
DN 40 (1½") 1C Without Ex approval A
DN 25 (1") DN 25 (1") 2B ATEX II2 G Ex ia B
DN 40 (1½") 2C ATEX II2 G Ex d C
DN 50 (2") 2D ATEX II3 G Ex nA D
DN 40 (1½") DN 40 (1½") 2K ATEX II2 D Ex tb E
DN 50 (2") 2 L QPS IS Class I Div.1 F
DN 80 (3") 2M QPS XP Class I Div.1 G
DN 50 (2") DN 50 (2") 2R QPS NI Class I Div. 2 H
DN 80 (3") 2 S QPS DIP Class I, III Div. 1 J
DN 100 (4") 2 T IECEx II2 G Ex ia K
DN 80 (3") DN 80 (3") 3 L IECEx II2 G Ex d L
DN 100 (4") 3M IECEx II3 G Ex nA M
DN 150 (6") 3R IECEx II2 D Ex tb N
DN 100 (4") DN 100 (4") 3 S Pressure sensor and gasket material
DN 150 (6") 3 T Without pressure sensor A
DN 200 (8") 3Q With pressure sensor and gasket material FPM
DN 150 (6") DN 150 (6") 4M (Viton), Range:
DN 200 (8") 4 P 1 bar (14.5 psi) B
DN 250 (10") 4Q 2 bar (29 psi) C
DN 200 (8") DN 200 (8") 4 T 4 bar (58 psi) D
DN 250 (10") 4U 6 bar (87 psi) E
DN 300 (12") 4 V 10 bar (145 psi) F
DN 250 (10") DN 250 (10") 4W 16 bar (232 psi) G
DN 300 (12") 4 Y 25 bar (363 psi) H
DN 300 (12") DN 300 (12") 5 E 40 bar (580 psi) J
Process connection and pressure rate 60 bar (870 psi) K
EN 1092-1 Form B1 100 bar (1450 psi) L
PN 10 DN 200 ... 300 A With pressure sensor and gasket material FFKM
(Kalrez), Range:
PN 16 DN 50 ... 300 B
1 bar (14.5 psi) M
PN 25 DN 200 ... 300 C
2 bar (29 psi) N
PN 40 DN 15 ... 300 D
4 bar (58 psi) P
PN 63 DN 50 ... 150 E
6 bar (87 psi) Q
PN 100 DN 15 ... 150 F
10 bar (145 psi) R
16 bar (232 psi) S
Class 150 ½ ... 12" J
25 bar (363 psi) T
Class 300 ½ ... 12" K
40 bar (580 psi) U
Class 600 ½ ... 6" L
60 bar (870 psi) V
System design
100 bar (1450 psi) W
Compact version No cable 0
Software version
Remote version (in prepa- Cable length with 1
ration) Order code L.. Standard - Uncompensated for gases, steam and 0
liquids including temperature compensation for sat-
Transmitter housing urated steam
Aluminum 0 Standard + Heat meter for saturated steam and 1
Aluminum, silicon free 1 water
Dual version, aluminum 6 Density compensation for steam + Heat meter for 2
saturated and superheated steam
Dual version, aluminum, silicon free 7
Density compensation for gases, wet gases and 3
mixed gases + FAD
Flow Measurement
DN 25 (1") 2B 1 bar (14.5 psi) B
DN 40 (1½") 2K 2 bar (29 psi) C
DN 50 (2") 2R 4 bar (58 psi) D
DN 80 (3") 3 L 6 bar (87 psi) E
DN 100 (4") 3 S 10 bar (145 psi) F
Pressure rating 16 bar (232 psi) G
EN 1092-1 25 bar (363 psi) H
PN 16 DN 15 ... 100 B 40 bar (580 psi) J
PN 25 DN 15 ... 100 C 60 bar (870 psi) K
PN 40 DN 15 ... 100 D 100 bar (1450 psi) L
PN 63 DN 15 ... 100 E With pressure sensor and gasket material FFKM
(Kalrez), Range:
PN 100 DN 15 ... 100 F
1 bar (14.5 psi) M
ANSI B16.5
2 bar (29 psi) N
Class 150 ½ ... 4" J
4 bar (58 psi) P
Class 300 ½ ... 4" K
6 bar (87 psi) Q
Class 600 ½ ... 4" L
10 bar (145 psi) R
System design
16 bar (232 psi) S
Compact version No cable 0
25 bar (363 psi) T
Remote version Cable length with Order 1
(in preparation) code L.. 40 bar (580 psi) U
Transmitter housing 60 bar (870 psi) V
Aluminum 0 100 bar (1450 psi) W
Aluminum, silicon free 1 Software version
Communication Standard - Uncompensated for gases, steam and 0
liquids including temperature compensation for sat-
HART 0 urated steam
PROFIBUS PA 1 Standard + Heat meter for saturated steam and 1
FOUNDATION Fieldbus 2 water
Ex approval Density compensation for steam + Heat meter for 2
saturated and superheated steam
Without Ex approval A
Density compensation for gases, wet gases and 3
ATEX II2 G Ex ia B
mixed gases + FAD
ATEX II3 G Ex nA D Additional information Order code
ATEX II2 D Ex tb E Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify as mini-
mum Order code Y40, Y41, Y42 and Y45 and plain
QPS IS Class I Div.1 F text.
QPS XP Class I Div.1 G Application data
QPS NI Class I Div. 2 H Medium: Specify medium (Liquid, gas, steam or cus- Y40
QPS DIP Class I, III Div. 1 J tomer-specific)
IECEx II2 G Ex ia K Temperature: Specify operating temperature with unit Y41
IECEx II2 G Ex d L Pressure: Specify operating pressure with unit Y42
IECEx II3 G Ex nA M Density (only for customer-specified medium): Specify Y43
IECEx II2 D Ex tb N density with unit
Viscosity (only for customer-specified medium): Spec- Y44
ify viscosity with unit
Flow rate: Specify max. flow rate with units Y45
Operating instruction
Description Article No.
English A5E2100423
Flow Measurement
Flow Measurement
DN 15 / ANSI ½" A
Cover gasket O-ring KRH-16000300 DN 25 / ANSI 1" B
Front Cover (non Ex) KRH-16002000 DN 40 / ANSI 1½" C
Front Cover (Ex) KRH-16002500 DN 50 / ANSI 2" D
Back Cover KRH-16003000 DN 80 / ANSI 3" E
Converter housing gasket, 59,35,5-2-N KRH-16000400 DN 100 / ANSI 4" F
O-ring DN 150 / ANSI 6" G
• 20 x 1, FPM (DIN 3771) KRH-17001100
DN 200 / ANSI 8" H
• 10 x 2, NBR KRH-17001000
DN 250 / ANSI 10" J
DUBOX plug 5 pole, linear, RM2 KRH-17000800
DN 300 / ANSI 12" K
Cable feed through 10 pole (non Ex) KRH-16000500
Pressure rating
Shut-off valve KRH-17004000
PN 10 A
Centering rings for Sandwich-Version
• DN 15 KRH-17006000 PN 16 B
• DN 25 KRH-17006001 PN 25 C
• DN 40 KRH-17006002
PN 40 D
• DN 50 KRH-17006003
• DN 50 (300 lbs, 600 lbs) KRH-17006004 PN 63 E
• DN 50 (JIS 10K, 16K, 20K) KRH-17006005 PN 100 F
• DN 80 KRH-17006006
Class 150 J
• DN 100 KRH-17006007
Class 300 K
Wall housing incl. Neck (incl. Screws, Gaskets and KRH-16112002
cable glands) Class 600 L
Sensor replacement kit including seal disc, socket,
pickup and O-rings (for pickup and pressure screw) Additional information Order code
• DN 15 KRH-16111100 Please add “-Z“ to Article No. and specify Order
• DN 15 Conical KRH-16111110 code.
• DN 25 KRH-16111150 Certificates
• DN 25 Conical KRH-16111160
Certificate of compliance to EN 10204-2.1 C10
• DN 40 KRH-16111200
• DN 50 KRH-16111210 Material certification of pressure bearing parts to C12
EN 10204-3.1
• DN 80 KRH-16111220
• DN 100 KRH-16111230 Material in accordance with C13
• DN 150 ... DN 300 KRH-16111300 NACE MR0175/ISO 15156
Pressure sensor replacement kit including pressure PMI of pressure bearing parts + C14
sensor with calibration certificate, DUBOX plug and Inspection certificate according to EN 10204-3.1
O-rings Material certificate of pressure bearing parts accord- C15
• 1 bar KRH-16111350 ing to EN 10204-3.1 + PMI
• 2 bar KRH-16111370 Cleaning
• 4 bar KRH-16111400
• 6 bar KRH-16111401 Free of oil and grease (wetted parts) K46
• 10 bar KRH-16111402 Free of oil and grease (wetted parts) + K48
• 16 bar KRH-16111403 Inspection certificate according to EN 10204-3.1
• 25 bar KRH-16111404
• 40 bar KRH-16111405
• 60 bar KRH-16111406
• 100 bar KRH-16111407
SITRANS FX300 upgrade kit (in preparation)
Flow Measurement
■ Dimensional drawings
Compact version
a c
H 3
D l
SITRANS FX330 (Vortex), Flanged version with pressure sensor, SITRANS FX330 (Vortex), Flanged version with pressure sensor,
front view side view
Flow Measurement
25 40 28.5 (1.12) 17.3 (0.68) - 115 (4.53) 200 (7.87) 358.4 (14.1) 169.3 (6.67) 7.3 (16.09) 7.9 (17.42)
25 100 28.5 (1.12) 17.3 (0.68) - 140 (5.51) 200 (7.87) 358.4 (14.1) 169.3 (6.67) 9.3 (20.50) 9.9 (21.83)
40 40 43.1 (1.70) 28.5 (1.12) 17.3 (0.68) 150 (5.91) 200 (7.87) 362.3 (14.3) 169.5 (6.67) 10.2 (22.49) 10.8 (23.81)
40 100 42.5 (1.67) 28.5 (1.12) 17.3 (0.68) 170 (6.69) 200 (7.87) 362.3 (14.3) 169.5 (6.67) 14.2 (31.31) 14.8 (32.63)
50 16 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 28.5 (1.12) 165 (6.50) 200 (7.87) 368.3 (14.5) 169.3 (6.67) 12.1 (26.68) 12.7 (28.00)
50 40 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 28.5 (1.12) 165 (6.50) 200 (7.87) 368.3 (14.5) 169.3 (6.67) 12.3 (27.12) 12.9 (28.44)
50 63 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 28.5 (1.12) 180 (7.09) 200 (7.87) 368.3 (14.5) 169.3 (6.67) 16.3 (35.94) 16.9 (37.26)
50 100 53.9 (2.12) 42.5 (1.67) 28.5 (1.12) 195 (7.68) 200 (7.87) 368.3 (14.5) 169.3 (6.67) 17.8 (39.24) 18.4 (40.57)
80 16 82.5 (3.25) 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 200 (7.87) 200 (7.87) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 16.8 (37.04) 17.4 (38.36)
80 40 82.5 (3.25) 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 200 (7.87) 200 (7.87) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 18.8 (41.45) 19.4 (42.77)
80 63 81.7 (3.22) 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 215 (8.46) 200 (7.87) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 22.8 (50.27) 23.4 (51.59)
80 100 80.9 (3.19) 54.5 (2.15) 42.5 (1.67) 230 (9.06) 200 (7.87) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 26.8 (59.08) 27.4 (60.41)
100 16 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 54.5 (2.15) 220 (8.66) 250 (9.84) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.75) 21.4 (47.18) 22 (48.50)
100 40 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 54.5 (2.15) 235 (9.25) 250 (9.84) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.75) 24.4 (53.79) 25 (55.12)
100 63 106 (4.17) 80.9 (3.19) 54.5 (2.15) 250 (9.84) 250 (9.84) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.75) 29.4 (64.82) 30 (66.14)
100 100 104 (4.09) 80.9 (3.19) 54.5 (2.15) 265 (10.43) 250 (9.84) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.75) 35.4 (78.04) 36 (79.37)
150 16 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 285 (11.22) 300 (11.81) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 35.2 (77.60) 35.8 (78.93)
150 40 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 300 (11.81) 300 (11.81) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 41.2 (90.83) 41.8 (92.15)
150 63 157 (6.18) 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 345 (13.58) 300 (11.81) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 59.2 (130.51) 59.8 (131.84)
150 100 154 (6.06) 107 (4.21) 80.9 (3.19) 355 (13.98) 300 (11.81) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 67.2 (148.15) 67.8 (149.47)
200 10 207 (8.15) 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 340 (13.39) 300 (11.81) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (7.98) 37.8 (83.33) 38.4 (84.66)
200 16 207 (8.15) 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 340 (13.39) 300 (11.81) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (7.98) 37.8 (83.33) 38.4 (84.66)
200 25 207 (8.15) 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 360 (14.17) 300 (11.81) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (7.98) 46.8 (103.18) 47.4 (104.50)
200 40 207 (8.15) 159 (6.26) 107 (4.21) 375 (14.76) 300 (11.81) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (7.98) 54.8 (120.81) 55.4 (122.14)
250 10 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 159.3 (6.27) 395 (15.55) 380 (14.96) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 57.4 (126.55) 58.0 (127.87)
250 16 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 159.3 (6.27) 405 (15.94) 380 (14.96) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 58.4 (128.75) 59.0 (130.07)
250 25 259 (10.20) 207 (8.15) 159.3 (6.27) 425 (16.73) 380 (14.96) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 74.4 (164.02) 75.0 (165.35)
250 40 259 (10.20) 207 (8.15) 159.3 (6.27) 450 (17.72) 380 (14.96) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 92.4 (203.71) 93.0 (205.03)
300 10 310 (12.20) 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 445 (17.52) 450 (17.72) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.04) 75.7 (166.89) 76.3 (168.21)
300 16 310 (12.20) 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 460 (18.11) 450 (17.72) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.04) 82.2 (181.22) 82.8 (182.54)
300 25 308 (12.13) 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 485 (19.09) 450 (17.72) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.04) 98.7 (217.60) 99.3 (218.92)
300 40 308 (12.13) 260 (10.24) 207 (8.15) 515 (20.28) 450 (17.72) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.04) 127.5 (281.09) 128.1 (282.41)
FR - single reduction
F2R - double reduction
Flow Measurement
½ 600 14 (0.55) - - 95 (3.7) 200 (7.9) 358.8 (14.2) 169.3 (6.67) 5.1 (11.24) 5.7 (12.57)
1 150 27 (1.1) 15.8 (0.62) - 110 (4.3) 200 (7.9) 358.4 (14.1) 169.3 (6.67) 6.2 (13.67) 6.8 (14.99)
1 300 27 (1.1) 15.8 (0.62) - 125 (4.9) 200 (7.9) 358.4 (14.1) 169.3 (6.67) 7.2 (15.87) 7.8 (17.20)
1 600 24 (1.0) 15.8 (0.62) - 125 (4.9) 200 (7.9) 358.4 (14.1) 169.3 (6.67) 7.5 (16.53) 8.1 (17.86)
1½ 150 41 (1.6) 26.6 (1.1) 15.8 (0.6) 125 (4.9) 200 (7.9) 362.3 (14.3) 169.5 (6.67) 8.3 (18.30) 8.9 (19.62)
1½ 300 41 (1.6) 26.6 (1.1) 15.8 (0.6) 155 (6.1) 200 (7.9) 362.3 (14.3) 169.5 (6.67) 10.4 (22.93) 11 (24.25)
1½ 600 38 (1.5) 26.6 (1.1) 15.8 (0.6) 155 (6.1) 200 (7.9) 362.3 (14.3) 169.5 (6.67) 11.4 (25.13) 12 (26.46)
2 150 53 (2.1) 40.9 (1.6) 26.6 (1.1) 150 (5.9) 200 (7.9) 368.3 (14.5) 169.5 (6.67) 11 (24.25) 11.6 (25.57)
2 300 53 (2.1) 40.9 (1.6) 26.6 (1.1) 165 (6.5) 200 (7.9) 368.3 (14.5) 169.5 (6.67) 12.4 (27.34) 13 (28.66)
2 600 49 (1.9) 40.9 (1.6) 26.6 (1.1) 165 (6.5) 200 (7.9) 368.3 (14.5) 169.5 (6.67) 13.9 (30.64) 14.5 (31.97)
3 150 78 (3.1) 52.6 (2.1) 40.9 (1.6) 190 (7.5) 200 (7.9) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 19.8 (43.65) 20.4 (44.97)
3 300 78 (3.1) 52.6 (2.1) 40.9 (1.6) 210 (8.3) 200 (7.9) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 22.8 (50.27) 23.4 (51.59)
3 600 74 (2.9) 52.6 (2.1) 40.9 (1.6) 210 (8.3) 200 (7.9) 380.3 (15.0) 169.3 (6.67) 23.8 (52.47) 24.4 (53.79)
4 150 102 (4.0) 78 (3.1) 52.6 (2.1) 230 (9.1) 250 (9.8) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.76) 23.4 (51.59) 24 (52.91)
4 300 102 (4.0) 78 (3.1) 52.6 (2.1) 255 (10) 250 (9.8) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.76) 31.4 (69.23) 32 (70.55)
4 600 97 (3.8) 78 (3.1) 52.6 (2.1) 275 (11) 250 (9.8) 396.8 (15.7) 171.5 (6.76) 40.4 (89.07) 41 (90.39)
6 150 154 (6.1) 102 (4.0) 78.0 (3.1) 280 (11) 300 (12) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 36.2 (79.81) 36.8 (81.13)
6 300 154 (6.1) 102 (4.0) 78.0 (3.1) 320 (13) 300 (12) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 51.2 (112.88) 51.8 (114.20)
6 600 146 (5.8) 102 (4.0) 78.0 (3.1) 355 (14) 300 (12) 416.3 (16.4) 191.5 (7.54) 76.2 (167.99) 76.8 (169.31)
8 150 203 (8.0) 154 (6.1) 102 (4.0) 345 (14) 300 (12) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (8.0) 50.0 (110.23) 50.6 (111.55)
8 300 203 (8.0) 154 (6.1) 102 (4.0) 380 (15) 300 (12) 442.1 (17.4) 202.8 (8.0) 74.8 (164.91) 75.4 (166.23)
10 150 255 (10.0) 203 (8.0) 154 (6.1) 405 (16) 380 (15) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 74.4 (164.02) 75.0 (165.35)
10 300 255 (10.0) 203 (8.0) 154 (6.1) 455 (18) 380 (15) 468.8 (18.5) 229.5 (9.04) 106.4 (234.57) 107.0 (235.89)
12 150 305 (12.0) 255 (10.0) 203 (8.0) 485 (19) 450 (18) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.0) 106.4 (234.35) 107.0 (235.67)
12 300 305 (12.0) 255 (10.0) 203 (8.0) 520 (21) 450 (18) 492.8 (19.4) 255 (10.0) 151.4 (333.56) 152.0 (334.88)
FR - single reduction
F2R - double reduction
Flow Measurement
SITRANS FX330 (Vortex), Sandwich version with pressure sensor, SITRANS FX330 (Vortex), Sandwich version with pressure sensor,
front view side view
Sandwich version EN
Size Pressure Dimensions [mm (inch)] Weight [kg (lb)]
DN PN a b c d D L H l Flowmeter Flowmeter
(without pres- (with pressure
sure sensor) sensor)
15 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 16 (0.63) 45 (1.77) 65 (2.56) 265 (10.43) 174.25 (6.86) 3.5 (7.72) 4.1 (9.04)
25 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 24 (0.94) 65 (2.56) 65 (2.56) 265 (10.43) 174.25 (6.86) 4.3 (9.48) 4.9 (10.80)
40 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 38 (1.50) 82 (3.23) 65 (2.56) 270 (10.63) 174.5 (6.87) 4.9 (10.80) 5.5 (12.13)
50 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 50 (1.97) 102 (4.02) 65 (2.56) 275 (10.83) 174.5 (6.87) 6 (13.23) 6.6 (14.55)
80 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 74 (2.91) 135 (5.31) 65 (2.56) 290 (11.42) 174.25 (6.86) 8.2 (18.08) 8.8 (19.40)
100 16 ... 100 133 (5.24) 105 (4.13) 179 (7.05) 97 (3.82) 158 (6.22) 65 (2.56) 310 (12.20) 176.5 (6.95) 9.5 (20.94) 10.1 (22.27)
Flow Measurement
g h
f l
Dimension a F1/2R
Flanged version
DN 15 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300
½" 1" 1½" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12"
F1R1) [mm] - 315.7 315.2 319.2 325.2 337.2 353.7 373.2 398.9 425.7
F1R1) [inch] - 12.4 12.4 12.6 12.8 13.3 13.9 14.7 15.7 16.8
F2R [mm] - - 315.7 315.2 319.2 325.2 337.2 353.7 373.2 398.9
F2R2) [inch] - - 12.4 12.4 12.6 12.8 13.3 13.9 14.7 15.7
Dimension b ... n
b c d e f g h j k l m n
[mm] 139 108 276 191 105 97 72 108 9 72 97 226
[inch] 5.46 4.25 10.9 7.53 4.14 3.82 2.84 4.25 0.35 2.84 3.82 8.90
Flow Measurement
3 40
80 3" 7.74 108.37 7.74 108.37
100 4" 13.30 186.22 13.30 186.21
150 6" 30.13 421.86 30.13 421.86
200 8" 56.60 792.42 56.60 792.42
250 10" 90.48 1 266.8 90.48 1 266.8
300 12" 131.41 1 839.8 131.41 1 839.8
Values based on water at 20 °C (68 °F)
Size Qmin Qmax Qmin Qmax
DN to EN 1092-1 DN to ANSI B16.5 EN 1092-1 [m3/h] EN 1092-1 [m3/h] ANSI B16.5 [m3/h] ANS B16.5 [m3/h]
15 ½" 6.80 25.33 6.72 24.70
25 1" 10.20 81.43 10.20 81.43
40 1½" 25.35 326.63 25.35 326.63
50 2" 43.89 565.49 43.89 565.49
80 3" 96.14 1 238.64 96.14 1 238.6
100 4" 165.19 2 128.27 165.19 2 128.27
150 6" 374.23 4 821.60 374.23 4 821.6
200 8" 702.95 9 056.8 702.95 9 056.8
250 10" 1 123.7 14 478.0 1 123.7 14 478.0
300 12" 1 632.1 21 028.0 1 632.1 21 028.0
Values based on air at 20 °C (68 °F) and 1.013 barabs (14.7 psiabs)
Flow Measurement
Flow Measurement