New Vocab Log 1

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Part 1.

Vocabulary Log 1
Part of Arabic Definition form the dictionary
New word
speech meaning
1. Reliable Adjectiv ‫موثوق‬ able to be trusted to do or
provide what is needed
2. Addition Noun ‫إضافة‬ something or someone more
that is included : something
or someone that is added

3. Conclusion Noun ‫خاتمة‬ the last part of something

4. Examine Verb ‫يفحص‬ to look at (something)

closely and carefully in order
to learn more about it

the state of looking or being

Resemblance Noun ‫تشابه‬
like someone or something

6. Remarkable Adjectiv ‫مميز‬ unusual or surprising

7. Observation Noun ‫مالحظة‬ a statement about something
you have noticed

8. Inhabit verb ‫يقطن‬ to live in (a place)

9. Parallelism Noun ‫مواز‬ the fact of being similar in

development or form

10. Summarize Verb ‫يلخص‬ to tell (information) again using

fewer words

11. Encourage Verb ‫يشجع‬ to make (someone) more

determined, hopeful, or confident

12. Anecdote Noun ‫طرفة‬ a short story about an interesting

or funny event or occurrence

Part 2. Vocabulary practice – Writing your sentences using new words.

Write 6 sentences using the words from your log. In every sentence, there should be 2 new words.
Highlight new words in the sentence with red colour.

1. The reliable addition of information is crucial for accurate results.

2. We need to examine the evidence thoroughly before coming to a conclusion.

3. The resemblance between the twins was so remarkable.

4. The scientist made an observation about the species that inhabit the forest.
5. Parallelism and summarize are linguistic concepts used to create balance and succinctly
convey information.

6. She shared an encouraging anecdote with the group.

Check that there are no spelling mistakes in your log.

Check that your own sentences have correct grammar.

When you finish your log, save it as a PDF file.

Then go back to Moodle, click on the link Vocabulary Log 1 (Week 2),
and submit your file there.

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