13th UNESCO Youth Forum - Call For Applications
13th UNESCO Youth Forum - Call For Applications
13th UNESCO Youth Forum - Call For Applications
• In 1999, UNESCO became the first United Nations agency, at the time, to
implement a youth engagement mechanism, the Youth Forum, in the context of
the General Conference, as the Organization’s highest decision-making body.
UNESCO being an intergovernmental organization, its General Conference
consists of the representatives of the Organization’s Member States. It meets
every two years. It determines the policies and the main lines of work of the
Organization and adopts its programmes and budget.
• For 24 years now, the Youth Forum has been a space where young people can
express their views, share their challenges and propose relevant solutions.
Through the years, the Forum has undergone innovations with a view to making it
more in line with the needs and challenges of the youth. The two most recent
editions have also aimed at designing concrete solutions to strengthen youth
engagement through youth-to-youth cooperation and partnerships between
UNESCO and young people and youth organizations, highlighting the non-
governmental nature of this space.
• Should reflect the different ways in which youth engage today as active citizens:
from engagement in National Youth Councils to youth-led social enterprises,
youth-led research, advocacy and media. As an ultimate goal, youth perspectives
should contribute to Sustainable Development Goals.
• On that basis, are expected to bring new ideas and innovative solutions to the
challenges of our time.
• As such, are expected to bring their perspectives to the global debate for UNESCO
to take them into account in developing its policies and programmes.
Annex 2
The selection process will be transparent and inclusive and based on the following
From the recommendations received from National Commissions, the Secretariat will
select one youth participant per National Commission.
From recommendations received from UNESCO partners, the Secretariat will select up
to one-third of youth representatives.