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SPP Document 208

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Iloco, Jericho Jon G.

Arc 4106

SPP doc 208_ADC

Standard professional practice for Architectural Design Competition (ADC)

The Philippines commonly practice architectural design competition that aims:

 To promote design innovation

 To promote design creativity
 To promote design excellence in terms of architecture
 To provide opportunities for established architects and also for emerging architects or
architectural firms.
Architectural design competitions break down into one main goal: to help architects/firms show
their talents and secure contracts for significant projects.

Rationale of SPP - 208 (ADC)

These principles intended:

 To guide and help the project proponent, owners and competitors involved in the
 To strike a balance between the needs and expectations of sponsors and the owner of
the project also for the aspiring participants of the design competition
OWNER – entity/ individual responsible for organizing and financing design competition to
achieve outstanding architectural design for a specific project or development concept.

 Inviting architects by submitting design proposals in accordance with the guidelines,

topic, and requirements for the competition.

 Panel of individuals that evaluate entries submitted for the competition. The majority of
them are registered and licensed architect who can bring their professional expertise to
assess the architectural aspect of the entries.

 It may not be an architect but they can be a part of the panel as long as it represents the
owner’s intention.
Those who are part of the panel, might be a juror or lay jurors must be nominated by the owner
and must approved by the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects


- Who oversees and manages the processes in terms of ADC on behalf of the owner. They are
responsible for ensuring the competition is conducted based on the established guidelines and
standards. The approval of IAPOA helps to increase credibility and professionalism when it
comes to the role of professional advisors.

 They provide information and expertise for the juror. They can assist jurors during the
design competition to ensure that the jurors can access or interpret the technical
information relevant to the competition.

 With the approval of the professional advisor they can assist the professional advisor
and the juror in terms of logistical and administrative aspects of organizing and
conducting the design competition.
-coordinating submission, communicating with the participant, and other administrative
function that is necessary to ensure the smooth flow or operation of the competition.
The detailed program and documents outlined the objectives requirements and specifications
of the architectural competition.

 Providing architects or participants with detailed programs to promote clear

understanding and expectations when it comes to their design proposal.
 Detailed guidelines on how to prepare and submit the design entries such as format,
deadlines, site plan, architectural drawing, and documents that dictate where the
project located and other requirements.
 It is important for the architect to know the context in which their design will be
 Entry forms- documents that provide the essential information with the design proposal
of the participant that will help the organizer to track and monitor the participants as
well as their entries submission.
 Official envelopes and labels- to submit design entries securely and ensure proper
identification to maintain integrity and anonymity of the competition until the judging
process ends.
Those conditions are prepared by the professional advisor.


 The committee is appointed by the IAPOA national president to oversee all the design
competitions. Setting standards, to provide guidance and ensure that the ADC is
conducted within the IAPOA jurisdiction if it adheres to professional and ethical
 The committee helps to maintain the integrity and professionalism of architectural
competition in the Philippines.

Project ADC for actual projects proposed for implementation
- This competition aims to select the best architectural design for real construction
- The chosen entry is typically expected to be build and implemented as a physical
structure. The design will be put into reality.
- Government buildings, museums, cultural centers and other public facilities.
Ideas competition set as a design and planning exercise to elucidate a problem.
- Competitions of ideas, conducted as design and planning exercises rather than
immediate implementation.
- Organized to explore innovative concepts often without specific commitment to building
the proposed design.
- Focus on generating creative solutions and brainstorming new concepts and also
exploring visionary ideas with regard with particular architectural challenge.
- Aiming to spark creativity and innovation addressing complex issues.
- Unlike project adc, not necessarily the construction of the winning design instead this
competition may lead to discussion or research and development of the vision or
concept that informs future projects or planning innitiative.
- Winning design serves as inspiration and basis for future architectural development.
Project ADCs may be conducted in a single-stage or two-stage manner
(single - stage vs two-stage project )

- Single stage that all aspects of the competition from the submission initial design
proposal up to the selection of the winning design occurs in a single round or stage.
Architects and other professionals submit complete design proposals and the evaluation
and selection process will follow.
- Two-stage are divided into two stages, participants will submit entries and it will be
evaluated by the jurors then the selection of limited number of participants who
proceed to the second stage. (screening) the chosen entries will be developed and
enhanced to finally choose the final winner.
It may either be open or limited by invitation.
- There are ADC that the participation is open to all qualified architects and design
professionals who meet the criteria from the competition organizer.
- Limited, only a selected group of architects are invited to participate
- The competition organizer can choose specific firms based on their expertise and
reputation in the field. This limited approach is commonly used when it comes to highly
specialized and complex projects where a limited number of experts are sought after.
- Project ADCs shall be further classified according to the degree of complexity based on
project classifications under SPP document 202
- Level of complexity varies in accordance with the SPP 202 which dictates a framework
for categorizing projects into different complexity levels, it will vary by size, scope,
budget, and technical requirements. The degree of complexity can dictate the level of
expertise and resources that will be provided by the architects or design professionals
who participate in ADC.
IAPOA Approval
1. Written approval of the draft conditions is required before the announcement is made
by the owner having an architectural design competition.

- Draft conditions (preliminary set of guidelines, rules, and documents) include

competition timetable, registration fee if required, and composition of the panel of
- The draft conditions are provided by the owner and are to be submitted to IAPOA for
approval. IAPOA needs to review the documents to ensure that the condition is aligned
with professional standards and guidelines. It helps to maintain the quality and fairness
of the architectural design competition.

2. Notice of a national architectural design competition

- The notice is the official announcement of an architectural design competition.
- The notice must specify where and how the interested participant can obtain the ADC
documents including the program, instructions, site plan, and other relevant
The ADC conditions:

 The identity of the participants is confidential and disclosed by the judges until the
final judgment.
- To ensure anonymity it is necessary to implement rigorous measures.
- Assigning unique identification numbers to each entry.
- Ensuring all the submissions do not contain information that directly reveals the identity
of the participants.
- The program of requirements must be uniform to ensure fairness and equal opportunity
for the participants as they all receive the same set of guidelines and requirements.

 The ADC conditions, whether single or two-stage, open or limited, shall be stated
- What is the purpose
- What are the intentions of owner
- What is the nature of the problem to be solved, issues to address
- All the requirements, specifications, and submission guidelines

 A clear distinction shall be made between the mandatory requirements of the

conditions and requirements that permit freedom of interpretation, which should be as
wide as possible.

 All competition entries shall be submitted in a manner to be prescribed in the


 All the details needed to be specific and not open to misinterpretation.

- Information is important for the competitors to deliver and develop the design proposal

 Supplementary information and instructions approved by the jury may be issued by

the owner to all competitors selected to proceed to the second stage of a two-stage
-for the two-stage competition, those are instructions that are typically provided for
competitors who are chosen to proceed to the second stage. It includes clarification of
additional details that will help participants in refining and enhancing their design.
 The condition shall state the number, nature, scale, and dimensions of the
documents, plans, or models required and the terms of acceptance of such
documents or models.

- To ensure that the organizer will receive the necessary documents and materials for
evaluation and judging.
- Make sure the types of documents and materials expected such as architectural
drawings, site plans, elevations, written narrative, and other relevant materials.
- Scale and dimensions are crucial to ensure the consistency of presentation and
- Size requirements must be clearly stated

 Where an estimate of cost is required, it must be presented in standard form as set

out in the conditions.
- Estimates involve a standard form of presentation to ensure consistency and
comparability among the submissions.

Professional Advisor

 Should be appointed and paid for by the owner and approved by the IAPOA ADC
 His role is the supervision of the conduct of the ADC and the preparation of the
 His function includes ensuring that the ADC timetable is adhered to, supervising the
receipt of competitor’s questions, the dispatch of replies to all competitors, and the
receipt of competition entries, and safeguarding the anonymity of competitors at all
 He will assist the jury and will be present during its deliberations but he will have no
vote. His responsibilities will be limited to the organization and the conduct of the
The Jury

 the jury shall be set up before the official announcement of the competition. Their
names are those of the reserve members of the jury shall be stated in the conditions.
 The jurors are appointed by the owner and approved by the IAPOA, which shall assist
the owner in the selection of the jury members.
 The jury shall be composed of the smallest reasonable number of persons and in any
event should be an odd number and should not exceed seven.
- Odd numbers are common in competition, it is required to avoid ties when it comes to
- To ensure having a clear majority when making decisions about the winning design.
- Maximum is seven, to ensure efficiency and focus.
 The majority of the jurors shall be architects.
- Must be 4 out of 7 juror members should be architects.
- Architects can bring professional expertise and insights
- To ensure that the design proposal was assessed technically and at the same time
addressed from architectural perspectives.
- To ensure correct conduct of the competition, at least one of the architects of the jurors
should represent IAPOA to maintain integrity and interest of the architectural profession
in the evaluation process.
 There should not be more than one representative of the owner included in the juror.
 It is essential that all jurors be present at all meetings of the jury.
 Each juror shall see the conditions before they are made available to competitors.
 The jury shall make a separate vote on each design submitted. The list of architectural
design competition awards including the jury’s report to the owner shall be signed by all
jurors before the jury is dissolved and one copy of this document shall be sent to the
 In a two-stage competition, the same jury should judge both stages of the competition.
 In no case may a competition that has received IAPOA approval as a single-stage
competition proceed to a second stage except with IAPOA approval of the conditions
and the arrangements for payment of honoraria to the competitors involved, over and
above the prize money provided for in the original ADC.
 Any drawings, photographs, models, or other documents not required under the
regulations shall be excluded by the jury before it examines a competitor’s entry.
- To ensure that the focus of the evaluation is on the essential materials and
criteria specified in the conditions.
 The jury shall disqualify any design that does not conform to the mandatory
requirements, instructions, or conditions for the ADC.
 The jury makes awards. The awards shall be final and made public by a date agreed on
with the IAPOA and stated in the competitions. The jury, when distributing the awards,
should make full use of the amount set aside for prizes in the ADC conditions.
 The fees and travel and subsistence expenses of the jury members shall be paid by the


 No member of the jury will be allowed to take part in the competition, either directly or
indirectly, nor be commissioned with work connected with the prize-winning design
either directly or indirectly.
- Jury members are not allowed to submit entries or be involved in any way that could
influence the competition outcome.
-it also specifies that no jury member is commissioned to work on the prize-winning
-the rule is to ensure the integrity of the judging process.
 No member of the promoting body any associate or employee, nor any person
concerned with the preparation or organization of the ADC will be eligible to compete or
assist a competitor.
- None of these individuals can participate as competitors or assist a competitor.
- Including the organizer to ensure and maintain the transparency of the competition.
- Ensure that the process is conducted objectively without due influence from closely
associated when it comes in competition or its organization.

Prizes, honoraria, mentions

 The conditions must state the amount and number of prizes. The prizes awarded must
be related to the size and complexity of the project, the amount of work involved and
the expense incurred by competitors.
 It is important for the owner to allot adequate prize money to compensate all the
competitors for their work. For ideas competition only, it may be the sole remuneration
received by the first (1st) prize winner.
 The owner undertakes to accept the decisions of the jury and to pay the prizes allotted
within one month of the official announcement of the ADC results.
 Each participant in a limited ADC by invitation shall receive an honorarium in addition to
the prizes awarded.
- Honorarium, this is a form of payment to recognize their efforts and contribution
in competition even if they do not win a prize. To compensate the competitors
for their time and creativity.
 In two-stage competitions, a reasonable honorarium shall be paid to each of the
competitors selected to take part in the second stage. This sum shall be stated in the
conditions and shall be in addition to the prizes awarded.
- To reimburse competitors for their additional work and effort for the second
stage of the competition.
- The amount of honorarium must be clearly specified.
 The conditions shall state the use to which the owner will put the winning design.
 ADC-generated designs may not be used or altered in any way except by agreement
with the author. The owner or his agents are not free to pick out portions of the entries
to compose another design due to applicable ownership and copyright provisions.
 In the project ADCs, the award of first prize places the owner under an obligation to
entrust the author of the design with the commission of the project.
 If the winning design competitor is unable to satisfy the jury of his ability to carry out
the design work, the jury may require the winner to collaborate with another architect
of the winning competitor’s choice, duly approved by the jury and owner.
 In project ADCs, provisions shall be made in the ADC conditions for the first prize winner
to receive compensation of a further sum equal to the amount of the first prize, if no
contract has been signed within 12 months of the announcement of the jury’s award.
-if the entity who is responsible for the competition does not initiate the project within
this time frame, the first prize winner is eligible for this further compensation.
 In compensating the first prize winner, the owner does not acquire the right to carry out
the project except with the collaboration of its author.
- It clarifies that the owner can only proceed with the project in collaboration with
the author or the original designer of the winning design.
 In an ideas competition, if the owner decides to make use of all or part of the winning
scheme, he should do so with the collaboration must be acceptable to the latter.


 The author of any design shall retain the copyright of his work; no alterations may be
without his written consent.
 The design awarded first place can only be used by the owner upon his commissioning
the author to carry out the design preparation for the project.
 No other design may be used wholly or in part by the owner except by agreement with
the author concerned.
 As a general rule, the owner’s right to use the ADC-generated design covers one
execution only. However, the conditions may provide for repetitive work and specify the
terms thereof.
 In all cases, unless otherwise stated in the conditions, the author of any design shall
retain the sole right of reproduction by virtue of sole copyright under sec. 20(4) and 33
of RA 9266.

Registration of competitors

 As soon as they have received details of the architectural design competition, all
competitors shall register with the owner.
 Registration implies acceptance of the conditions of the ADC.
 The owner shall issue to all the competitors all the necessary documentation for
preparing their designs.
 Where the furnishing of such documentation is conditional on payment of a deposit
unless otherwise stated, such a deposit shall be returned to competitors who submit a
bonafide design.

 The owner shall insure the competitors’ designs from the time when he assumes
responsibility for them and for the duration of his responsibility. The amount of such
insurance shall be stated in the conditions.
Exhibitions and entries

 All designs, including those disqualified by the jury, shall be exhibited, as a general rule,
for at least two weeks, together with a copy of the signed report of the jury.
 The exhibition shall be open to the public free of charge.
 The owner shall notify in a timely manner, all registered competitors of the date and
place of the public exhibition and the result of the ADC, and send them a copy of the
jury’s report.
 He shall similarly inform IAPOA, that photographs of the winning designs shall be sent to
the IAPOA with a view to possible publication.
Return of projects

 All drawings and plans, other than those which have received prizes or have been
purchased and are retained by the owner, shall be destroyed at the end of the public
exhibition unless provisions are made to the contrary in the conditions for the ADC.

 Where models are required, these will be returned to the author/s at the expense of the
owner within a month of the close of the public exhibition.

Alternate dispute resolution (ADR) of litigation

 Since no regulations, however well drawn up, can preclude the possibility of dispute,
provisions for ADR must be included in the ADC conditions and must precede any
form of litigation.
-taking process of legal actions
-dispute can’t be avoided

 The jurors are the sole arbiters at all stages, up to the final prize-giving.
- Jurors have the role of becoming the sole arbiters at all stages up to the final prize
-Arbiters, and decision makers related to disputes that may arise during the course
of the competition.
-To ensure that the dispute is addressed and resolved within the framework of the
competition rules and guidelines.

 In the event of a dispute, not related to the adjudication process or awarding of the
prizes, the matter shall be settled by an arbitration process approved by the IAPOA,
and without initial recourse to any form of litigation.

 The expenses resulting from any conciliation, mediation, or arbitration, procedure

should be shared by the two interested parties to the ADR proceeding.
- both parties in the dispute involved are responsible for covering the cost
associated with the ADR process.
- the co-sharing approach encourages that both parties will participate actively in
the process and promote fairness in allocation of expenses.

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