Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12
Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12
Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12
In the United States the federal Food and Drug Act of 1906 was the
result of a long and stormy campaign led by Dr. Harvey
Washington Wiley. This law defined food adulteration and the
misbranding of products; it provided regulations covering the interstate
movement of food and penalties for violations. The 1906 act was
superseded in 1938 by the more rigorous Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
administered since 1940 by the Food and Drug Administration (now
within the Dept. of Health and Human Services). The FDA is charged
with enforcing truthful and informative labeling of essential
commodities, maintaining staff laboratories, and formulating
definitions and standards promoting fair dealing in the interests of the
consumer. The 1938 act broadened the definitions of adulteration,
misbranding, and lack of informative labeling; it provided for factory
inspections; and it increased the penalties for violations. It was
amended in 1958 and 1962 to define and regulate food additives and
food coloring. The federal law controls traffic from one state to another
and is supplemented by local regulations that require food handlers to
be licensed, thereby discouraging the spread of disease; it provides for
the inspection by health officers of meat and other foods, of
restaurants, and of dairies and cold storage methods. Imported goods
that violate the provisions of the act may be denied admittance to the
United States and if not removed within a given time may be destroyed.
(i) Adulteration of dyes in fat: Heat 1mL of fat with a mixture of 1mL
of conc. Sulphuric Acid and 4mL of Acetic Acid. Appearance of
pink or red color indicates presence of dye in fat.
(ii) Adulteration of argemone oil in edible oils: To small amount of oil
in a test-tube, add few drops of conc. HNO3 and shake it well.
Appearance of red color in the acid layer indicates presence of
argemone oil.
The required analysis for adulterants in food stuffs has been made.
Selection of wholesome and non-adulterated food is essential for daily
life to make sure that such foods do not cause any health hazard. It is
not possible to ensure wholesome food only on visual examination
when the toxic contaminants are present in ppm level. However, visual
examination of the food before purchase makes sure to ensure absence
of insects, visual fungus, foreign matters, etc. Therefore, due care taken
by the consumer at the time of purchase of food after thoroughly
examining can be of great help. Secondly, label declaration on packed
food is very important for knowing the ingredients and nutritional
value. It also helps in checking the freshness of the food and the period
of best before use. The consumer should avoid taking food from an
unhygienic place and food being prepared under unhygienic conditions.
Such types of food may cause various diseases. Consumption of cut
fruits being sold in unhygienic conditions should be avoided. It is always
better to buy certified food from reputed shops.
1. Website