Finale Chemistry Assignment
Finale Chemistry Assignment
Finale Chemistry Assignment
Signature of Principal
Signature of Signature of
External Examiner Internal Examiner
In the accomplishment of this project successfully, many people have best
owned upon me their blessings and the heart pledged support, this time I
am utilizing to thank all the people who have been concerned with project.
Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete this project with
success. Then I would like to thank my principal and chemistry teacher
:Ramakant Mishra whose valuable guidance has been the ones that helped
me patch this project and make it full proof success. His suggestions and
his instructions have served as the major contributor towards
Then I would Like to Thank My parents and Classmates who have helped
me with their Valuable Suggestion.
I would Like to Thank Our La b Attendant Swapan Sen who has helped me a lot .
1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgement
3. Introduction
4. Theory
5. Activity
Apparatus required
6. Bibliography
The Objective of this project is to study some of the common food
adulterants presents in different food stuffs
Food is one of the basic necessities for sustenance of life. Pure, fresh and healthy diet is most
essential for the health of the people. It is no wonder to say that community health is national
Adulteration of food-stuffs was so rampant, widespread and persistent that nothing short of a
somewhat drastic remedy in the form of a comprehensive legislation became the need of the hour.
To check this kind of anti- social evil a concerted and determined onslaught was launched by the
Government by introduction of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Bill in the Parliament to
herald an era of much needed hope and relief for the consumers at large.
About the middle of the 19th century chemical and microsomal knowledge had reached the stage
that food substances could be analysed , and the subject of food adulteration began to be studied
from the standpoint of the rights and welfare of the consumer. In 1860 the first food law framed
in the interest of the purchaser was passed. That law, lacking sufficient means of enforcement,
remained largely ineffective until 1872, when administrative officials were appointed and penalties
for violation provided.
In the United States the federal Food and Drug Act of 1906 was the result of a long and stormy
campaign led by Dr . Harvey Washington Wiley. This law defined food adulteration and the
misbranding of products; it provided regulations covering the interstate movement of food and
penalties for violations. The 1906 act was superseded in 1938 by the more rigorous Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act administered since 1940 by the Food and Drug Administration (now within
the Dept.of Health and Human Services).
The FDA is charged with enforcing truthful and informative labelling of essential commodities,
maintaining staff laboratories, and formulating definitions and standards promoting fair dealing
in the interests of the consumer. The 1938 act broadened the definitions of adulteration,
misbranding, and lack of informative labelling; it provided for factory inspections; and it
increased the penalties for violations. It was amended in 1958 and 1962 to define and regulate
food additives and food colouring. The federal law controls traffic from one state to
another and is supplemented by local regulations that require food handlers to be licensed, thereby
discouraging the spread of disease; it provides for the inspection by health officers of meat and
other foods, of restaurants, and of dairies and cold storage methods. Imported goods
that violate the provisions of the act may be denied admittance to the United States and if not
removed within a given time may be destroyed.
‘Adulteration of food-stuffs and other goods’ is now included in the Concurrent List (III) in
the Constitution of India. It has, therefore, become possible for the Central Government to enact
all India legislation on this subject. The Bill replaces all local food adulteration laws where
they exist and also applies to those States where there are no local laws on the subject. Among
others, it provides for —
1. A Central Food Laboratory to which food samples can be referred to for final opinion
in disputed cases (clause 4),
2. A Central Committee for Food Standards consisting of representatives of Central and
State Governments to a division matters arising from the administration of the Act
(clause 3)
3. The vesting in the Central Government of the rule-making power regarding standards
of quality for the articles of food and certain other matters (clause 22).
ACT 37 OF 1954:
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Bill was passed by both the house of Parliament and
received the assent of the President on 29th
September, 1954. It came into force on first June,
(37 of
Procedure: Common adulterants present in ghee and oil are dyes and
argemone oil.
These are detected as follows:
Procedure: Common adulterants present in chili powder, turmeric powder and pepper are red
coloured lead salts, yellow lead salts and dried papaya seeds respectively. They are detected as
2. Books:
• Comprehensive Practical
• Pradeep’s New Course
Chemistry NCERT Class XII