Chapter 7 Intro Conclusion
Chapter 7 Intro Conclusion
Chapter 7 Intro Conclusion
Amy Fara Edwards, Ed.D
Oxnard College
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
• explain the importance of an introduction.
• list and explain the essential elements of an introduction.
• outline the introduction.
• explain the importance of a conclusion.
• list and explain the basic elements of a conclusion.
• outline the conclusion in a speech outline.
Have you ever watched a television show and turned it off after the first scene? Why do you
think that happened? Have you ever watched an entire television show because the first scene
grabbed your attention and then you needed to see how the show ended? If you watched until
the end, it was probably because the opening scene or, in this case, the introduction, grabbed
your attention and hooked you in so you felt compelled to see what happens! If you turned the
television off, then that first scene was lackluster, or otherwise off-putting, and made you
change the channel. Speechwriting, or any writing in general, functions in this same way. The
Photo by Tomas Sobec on unsplash
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introduction is the speaker's first and only chance to make a good impression, so, if done
correctly, your speech will start strong and encourage the audience to listen to the rest.
Speech Introductions
The introduction for a speech is generally only 10 to 15 percent of the entire time the speaker
will spend speaking. This means that if your speech is supposed to be five minutes long, your
introduction should be no more than forty-five seconds. If your speech is supposed to be ten
minutes long, then your introduction should be no more than a minute and a half.
Although this is a very short amount of time, unfortunately, that 10 to 15 percent of your
speech will either get your audience interested in what you have to say or cause them to tune
you out before you’ve even gotten started. Let’s make sure you capture your audience’s
attention and learn the basic functions of the introduction.
Attention Getter
The first major purpose of an introduction is to gain your audience’s attention and get them
interested in what you have to say; you need to “hook” them in immediately. By definition, an
attention getter is the first part of the introduction using a specific strategy in order to grab an
audience’s attention. One of the biggest mistakes that novice speakers make is to assume that
people will naturally listen because the speaker is speaking. While many audiences may be
polite and not talk while you’re speaking, actually getting them to listen to what you are saying
is a completely different challenge. Let’s face it – we’ve all tuned someone out at some point
because we weren’t interested in what they had to say (never your professor, of course!). If you
don’t get the audience’s attention at the onset, it will only become more difficult as you
continue speaking.
Which type of introduction is best will depend on the type of audience and how it explicitly
(directly) connects to your topic. Do not rely on a gimmick! Here are a few specific strategies for
grabbing an audience’s attention:
James C. McCroskey and Jason J. Teven (1999) have conducted extensive research on credibility
and have determined that an individual’s credibility is composed of three factors: competence,
trustworthiness, and caring/goodwill. These factors make up a speaker's perceived knowledge
or expertise in a given subject by an audience member. Some individuals are given expert status
because of the positions they hold in society. Can you think of a person you label as credible in
our society? Maybe Oprah Winfrey or President Barack Obama? Have you ever considered that
you have never met (most likely) either of these individuals in person, but rely on their
communication and their speechmaking to know them and understand them? This means that
they have both established their ethos, their credibility, by showcasing who they are, what they
do, and what it means for you as an audience member.
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Figure 7.2: Oprah Winfrey38
As public speakers, we need to make sure that we explain to our audiences why we are credible
speakers on a given topic. People in the audience most likely do not know you, so it is your job
as the speaker to establish what the audience needs to know in order for them to believe you. I
wouldn’t believe President Obama if he told me he makes the best dessert, but I would believe
Martha Stewart. Would you?
Think of your favorite professor from a subject you don’t like very much. Is it easy to be
motivated to listen? Probably not, so rather than the professor giving up and saying, “oh well,
no one likes my subject,” they work hard to use their communication skills to capture you and
make the subject relevant to your life even if you disliked the subject walking into the class.
Have you ever taken a class that you thought you’d hate, but the professor made it so
compelling and relevant that you completely changed your mind, or even your major?
Motivating your audience to listen in the introduction is also critical to help establish a
connection between the speaker and the audience. One of the most effective means of
Photo by Mack Male is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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establishing a connection with your audience is to provide them with a brief list of reasons why
they should listen to your speech. This audience-speaker relationship starts the moment you
step to the front of the room to start speaking. What can you say that makes the audience truly
see how they are impacted by what you are about to say? For example, it might be easy for an
audience of car mechanics to be motivated to listen to a speech about lowering the costs of
fixing cars, but would they also be interested in the subject of space travel or home design as
therapeutic work? What can we say to the audience of car mechanics about home design that
will motivate them to listen? Go ahead, give it a try!
Overall, you must remember that humans are complex. Car mechanics are not only interested
in cars, just like students aren’t only interested in school. When we are drafting a speech with
the audience in mind, we must find a way to get to know the audience and craft our writing to
motivate them to listen. Remember, this is critical in the process of audience analysis. Don’t
simply assume the audience will make their own connections to the material, you must
explicitly state how your information might be useful to your audience. Tell them directly how
they might use your information themselves. It is not enough for you alone to be interested in
your topic. You need to build a bridge to the audience by explicitly connecting your topic to
their possible needs.
• Mentioning handouts if they are integrated into the actual speech prior to the
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Speech Conclusions
Have you ever noticed that so many public speakers say “that’s it” at the end of their speeches?
Usually, it is because speakers want to make sure the audience knows they are finished. Of
course, a simple “thank you” indicates the end of the speech, but we also need to craft a few
concluding statements to guarantee the audience knows this is our wrap-up. When the credits
roll on a television show, we know it is the end, but the scene right before the credits, needs to
button up the entire show. Audiences like it when things are tied up at the end, and it can also
help audiences retain the information if the speech comes to an organized conclusion. An
effective conclusion should take no more than five to ten percent of the total speaking time so
you have to end quickly and strongly!
The ultimate goal of the conclusion is to signal that the end of a speech is near. Some might
think this is a “no brainer,” but many beginner speakers don’t usually prepare their audience
for the end well enough. When a speaker just suddenly stops speaking, the audience can be left
confused and disappointed. Instead, we want to make sure that the audience is left
knowledgeable and satisfied with our speech. We always think of a conclusion sort of like
exiting a highway off-ramp. We slow down, we signal, and we figure out what is next (turn or go
straight), and we make it to our destination. Your planning can help do the same for a speech.
Photo by Patrick Perkins on unsplash
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Review Your Thesis
Here is your chance to remind the audience of “what you told them.” You can restate your
main ideas and make sure they remember the ultimate goal of the speech. A lot of time has
passed from the thesis in the introduction to this part of the conclusion, so this is your chance
to make sure the audience knows exactly what they need to know. This first step of the
conclusion is to provide a short summary of the main ideas.
Reason to Remember
This section isn’t as clear-cut as some of the others. This is your chance to get that one final
point into the speech that might not have made it into the body of the speech. For example,
you might have done a speech about making the best salsa in California, but you never told the
audience to wash their hands. You can do it here in this section of the conclusion. Or you might
have done a speech on the importance of voting in the next election, and here is a good place
to explain to the audience the best way to find their closest polling place. In this section, you
might also provide a website for the audience to go to if they want more information about
your topic.
For persuasive speeches, this item will be a call to action which is when you state the specific
actions for your audience to take. Depending on the persuasive organizational pattern used,
you may have given the audience specific steps to take action, but here in the conclusion, you
will remind them of the best way to act. For example, you might say something like, “Don’t
forget to call 818-555-1234” or you might say, “send your letter to your congressperson today!”
This step in the conclusion is your final chance to make the information relevant to the
audience and accomplish what you planned to accomplish when you started drafting your
speech. Check with your professor here because they may have more specific details for you to
Now what kind of conclusion to this chapter would it be if we didn’t offer our own summary,
a reason to remember, and a tie-back? Let’s do it!
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This chapter focused on the basic elements for writing the introduction and the conclusion. The
goal was to prepare you to be successful and offer the specific parts that need to be organized
at the beginning and the end (that was the review).
Make sure you remember some key “takeaways.” Introductions and conclusions are only
approximately ten percent of one’s speech, so speakers need to make sure they think through
these critical parts of the speech. You need to make an impression and strive to be both
competent and honest while speaking. A strong conclusion is very important because it’s a
speaker’s final chance to really explain the importance of their message and allows the speaker
to both signal the end of the speech and help the audience to remember the main ideas. As
such, speakers need to thoroughly examine how they will start and how they will finish with
power (that was the reason to remember).
Audiences tend to remember ideas that are stated at the beginning or in the end. Think about
that television show we talked about at the very start of this chapter. How many times do you
watch something on television you didn’t plan to watch? If you continue to watch, it was
because the show captured your attention. Today, we are inundated with videos. If the videos
start strong, we keep watching. If they end strong, we may become a subscriber to their
channel. You need to harness the power of the introduction and the conclusion. You are the
one who can grab and keep the audience’s attention and generate credibility and goodwill
along the way (that was the tie-back).
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Reflection Questions
1. What catches your attention when you are watching a movie? How about talking to a
friend? What typically occurs to grab your attention and encourage you to listen?
2. What method of introducing a speech do you think your audience will be most intrigued
3. How do you think a cliffhanger can be used for an informative or persuasive speech?
Why might this be a great technique?
4. How can a speaker’s attitude and demeanor change how the audience feels at the end
of a speech? How does this connect to the aspects of a conclusion?
Key Terms
Attention Getter Credibility (Ethos) Thesis
Call to Action Introduction Tie-Back
Conclusion Signposting
Baker, E. E. (1965). The immediate effects of perceived speaker disorganization on speaker
credibility and audience attitude change in persuasive speaking. Western Speech, 29,
McCroskey, J. C., & Teven, J. J. (1999). Goodwill: A reexamination of the construct and its
measurement. Communication Monographs, 66, 90–103.
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