Empowering Digital Citizenship An Anti-Cyberbullyi
Empowering Digital Citizenship An Anti-Cyberbullyi
Empowering Digital Citizenship An Anti-Cyberbullyi
PII: S0747-5632(20)30211-9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106459
Reference: CHB 106459
Please cite this article as: Vlaanderen A., Bevelander K.E. & Kleemans M., Empowering digital
citizenship: An anti-cyberbullying intervention to increase Children's intentions to intervene on behalf of
the victim, Computers in Human Behavior (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106459.
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Anne Vlaanderen1
Kirsten E. Bevelander1,2
Mariska Kleemans1
Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Radboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud University and Medical Centre, The
Corresponding author:
Mariska Kleemans; Address: Communication Science, Radboud University. P.O. Box 9104,
6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Phone: +31 24 3615545. Email:
Declaration of Interest:
No declaration of interest
Cyberbullying rates among children are worrisome and the consequences of cyberbullying
can be detrimental. Theory-based interventions to reduce cyberbullying are lacking.
Therefore, this study examined whether an online anti-cyberbullying intervention based on
the Theory of Planned Behavior could increase children’s intention to intervene in
cyberbullying incidents on behalf of the victim. An experiment (N = 298, 10 to 12 years old)
was conducted to investigate whether the intervention could positively affect the behavioral
intention to intervene on behalf of the victim via changes in children’s attitude, subjective
norms, and perceived behavioral control. Results showed that children exposed to the anti-
cyberbullying intervention had more intentions to intervene on behalf of the cyberbully victim
compared to children who were exposed to a non-related intervention. However, no mediation
effects were found for children’s attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.
The effectiveness of the intervention in the current study shows that it is important to develop
theory-based intervention programs that also focus on the role of bystanders.
1. Introduction
Despite the benefits of social media for children, such as building and maintaining
prosocial relationships (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011; Kiriukhina, 2019; Pea et al., 2012), it also
carries risks by exposing users to cyberbullying (Shakir et al., 2019). Cyberbullying is
commonly defined as intentionally and repeatedly sending or posting electronic messages or
images with hurtful content to cause the victim harm (Kiriakidis & Kavoura, 2010; Tokunaga,
2010). Prevalence rates show that around 30% of the children report being victimized online
at least once during childhood (Ipsos, 2018; Shakir et al., 2019). Cyberbullying victimization
has been related to numerous adverse health consequences such as depression (Kiriukhina,
2019; Kowalski & Fedina, 2011; Machmutow, Perren, Sticca, & Alsaker, 2012), self-harming
behavior (Price & Dalgleish, 2010), emotional distress (Fredkove, Gower & Sieving, 2019;
Mishna, Khoury-Kassabri, Gadalla, & Daciuk, 2012) and, in extreme instances, even suicide
attempts (Schneider, O’Donnell, Stueve, & Coulter, 2012). Hence, cyberbullying is
considered to cause major societal health problems, and thus requires effective interventions.
Bystanders have proven to play a crucial role in contesting bullying (DeSmet et al.,
2014; Kozubal, Szuster, & Barlínska, 2019). For example, bystanders can intervene by
supporting victims, either directly (e.g., confronting the bully or comforting the victim) or
indirectly (e.g., talking about the bullying incidents with adults; DeSmet et al., 2012; DeSmet,
De Bourdeaudhuij, Walrave, & Vandebosch, 2019). In this way, the negative effects of
cyberbullying experiences among victims may be reduced or bullying may even stop (Pepler,
Craig, & O’Connell, 2010; Salmivalli, 2010; DeSmet et al., 2019). Previous research
regarding traditional offline bullying has shown that interventions aimed to increase
intervening behavior among bystanders were successful in reducing offline bullying
(Hawkins, Pepler, & Craig, 2001; Salmivalli, Voeten, & Poskiparta, 2011). These promising
results point to the relevance of investigating whether interventions are also effective in
increasing positive intervening behavior (e.g., defending, comforting, reporting) in online
bullying contexts. Eventually, this may lead to reduced cyberbullying prevalence rates
(DeSmet et al., 2014, 2019; Shakir et al., 2019).
The current study examines whether an online anti-cyberbullying intervention can
increase children’s intentions to intervene on behalf of the victim in a cyberbullying context.
So far, intervention studies have mainly focused on examining the effectiveness of anti-
(cyber)bullying interventions among young adolescents (i.e., 15-19-year-olds; Cleemput et
al., 2014; Espelage & Sung Hong, 2017). This study focuses on 10- to 12- year-olds, because
research has shown that the prevalence rates and impact of cyberbullying is highly
underestimated among this age group. Moreover, interventions to contest cyberbullying are
lacking among this age group (De Castro et al., 2018; Snakenborg, van Acker, & Gable, 2011;
Tokunaga, 2010). Therefore, this study develops and evaluates an anti-cyberbullying
intervention to increase intervening behavior on behalf of the victim. In addition, this study
investigates whether changes in children’s attitude, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control – following the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) – explain this
2. Literature review
2.1 The Theory of Planned Behavior in a cyberbullying context
Up to now, studies have focused primarily on the examination of determinants of
cyberbullying behavior (e.g., frequency of ICT use, poor academic performance, and social
support). In addition, previous studies have tried to develop anti-cyberbullying interventions
targeting these determinants to reduce cyberbullying intentions and behavior (Calvete et al.,
2010; Walrave & Heirman, 2011; Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004). Thus, the majority of studies
have focused on empirically testing cyberbullying determinants while falling short in using a
solid theoretical framework. As Snakenborg and colleagues stated (2011): “Most current
cyberbullying programs are based on practical beliefs about prevention and logical
approaches rather than on scientific theories” (p. 94). Furthermore, Tokunaga (2010) stated
that “the indifference of cyberbullying researchers to make use of already established theories
in new technology, mass media, and traditional bullying research is perplexing” (p. 285).
In the current study, we made use of the well-established Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB; Ajzen, 1991) to meet the calls of Snakenborg et al. (2011) and Tokunaga (2010).
The TPB states that people’s intention to perform a certain behavior is the best predictor of
their actual behavior. The behavioral intention, in turn, is predicted by three different
concepts: (1) a person’s attitude toward the behavior, (2) the subjective norm, which is a
person’s perception of what important others think of the behavior, and (3) the perceived
behavioral control, which is the perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior.
Previous research examining cyberbullying behavior showed that the TPB is an
effective and useful framework for studying cyberbullying behavior. For example, Heirman
and Walrave (2012) studied whether the TPB could be used to predict adolescents’
perpetration of cyberbullying. Overall, they found strong support for the theoretical utility of
the TPB in cyberbullying research. The theory accounted for 44.8% of the variance in
adolescent’s behavioral intention to cyberbully. Specifically, the study results showed strong
victim (McLaughlin, Arnold, & Boyd, 2005; Rigby & Johnson, 2006). Hence, we argue that
in order to increase these positive attitudes toward intervening in cyberbullying contexts,
children’s knowledge and awareness concerning the negative consequences of cyberbullying
among victims needs to be raised (Doane, Kelley, & Pearson, 2016; Wölfer et al., 2013).
Furthermore, it has been suggested that by inducing empathy toward victims of cyberbullying,
children’s attitudes toward cyberbullying should become more negative (Doane et al., 2016;
Wölfer et al., 2013). Consequently, by providing children with the knowledge and awareness
of the negative consequences of cyberbullying and by raising empathy toward victims of
cyberbullying in the intervention, we expect that children will intervene on behalf of the
H2a: Children who are exposed to the anti-cyberbullying intervention develop a
more positive attitude toward intervening in cyberbullying situations compared
to children who are exposed to a non-cyberbullying intervention.
Furthermore, based on principles of the TPB (see Figure 1, upper path), we also expect that:
H2b: The effect of the intervention on the intention to intervene in cyberbullying
situations is mediated by a positive change in attitude toward intervening in
cyberbullying situations.
knowledge about the negative norms their peers hold toward cyberbullying and making them
aware of their social responsibility during the intervention, we expect that:
H3a: Children who are exposed to the anti-cyberbullying intervention develop more
positive subjective norms toward intervening behavior in cyberbullying
situations compared to children who are exposed to a non-cyberbullying
Furthermore, based on principles of the TPB (see Figure 1, middle path), we also expect that:
H3b: The effect of the intervention on the intention to intervene in cyberbullying
situations is mediated by a positive change in subjective norms to intervene in
cyberbullying situations.
Furthermore, based on principles of the TPB (see Figure 1, lower path), we also expect that:
H4b: The effect of the intervention on the intention to intervene in cyberbullying
situations is mediated by a positive change in perceived behavioral control to
intervene in cyberbullying situations.
3. Method
3.1 Design
A repeated measures mixed-design experiment was conducted to investigate whether
an online anti-cyberbullying intervention was effective in promoting intervening behavior on
behalf of the victim among children between 10 to 12 years old. The between-factor in the
experiment was condition, with the anti-cyberbullying intervention as experimental condition
and a fake news intervention serving as the control condition. In another study, this fake news
intervention served as the experimental condition while the anti-cyberbullying condition
functioned as the control condition. The within-factor of the experiment was time with a pre-
and post-exposure measurement. Children answered a number of questions using an online
questionnaire before (pre-exposure) and three weeks after (post-exposure) the online
intervention. The post-exposure measurement was scheduled three weeks later, to avoid that
children would easily remember their answers to the pre-measurement questions. In addition,
to check the manipulation of the stimulus materials (e.g., the online anti-cyberbullying
intervention), children’s knowledge, awareness, and empathy toward cyberbully victims were
assessed immediately after being exposed to the intervention. The study received approval of
the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Radboud University. The study is
preregistered at the Open Science Framework (see osf.io/hcbw8).
3.2 Sample
Recruitment of participants involved a two-step procedure. First, schools were
approached with the request to contribute to the research. In total, five schools across The
Netherlands agreed to participate. After approval from the director of the school, information
letters were spread among all parents/caretakers of the children in grades 5 and 6. Two
information letters were created, one written for the anti-cyberbullying condition and one for
the fake news condition. This letter informed parents about the goal and procedure of the
study and the specific condition their children would be assigned to. It was emphasized that
all information would be treated confidentially. Parents were asked to give active consent for
participation of their children. Of all the parents, 52 (13.8%) did not gave permission. Prior to
the start of the experiment, children were also asked whether they wanted to participate or
not. Eight children did not want to participate. Furthermore, nineteen children were excluded
because they were not present at either the pre- or the post-exposure measurement. The final
sample consisted of 298 children (M = 10.92, SD = .70, range 10-12 years old), of whom 161
(54.0%) were girls.
A total number of sixteen classes participated in the experiment. Randomization took
place at the school level: all participating classes within one school were assigned to either the
anti-cyberbullying intervention (n = 169; 48.5% girls, Mage = 10.93, SDage = .70) or the fake
news intervention (n = 129; 61.2% girls, Mage = 10.90, SDage = .71). This procedure assured
that children from different classes within the same school were not able to exchange
information about the different interventions with each other, which could have resulted in
biased results. Power analysis using G*Power (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, & Buchner, 2007)
showed that a total of 286 children was sufficient to detect small effects (α =.05, effect size =
.37, 90% power).
3.3 Procedure
The experiment took place in March and April 2019 during school hours. The
experiment started with a short introduction to the study. After that, children received the
assent form on which they had to sign whether or not they wanted to participate. After signing
the assent form, children were directed to a website address they could find attached to the
assent form. On this website, children started with the first questionnaire (pre-exposure
measurement), which included general questions measuring their attitudes, subjective norms,
perceived behavioural control and intentions toward intervening behaviour in cyberbullying
situations. We also asked some questions about their news consumption, their knowledge and
awareness of fake news, and their self-efficacy to recognize fake news because this enabled
us to also test the fake news intervention in another, separate study.
After completing the first questionnaire, children were automatically directed to either
the anti-cyberbullying intervention or the fake news intervention (depending on the condition
their school was assigned to). Both the anti-cyberbullying intervention and the fake news
intervention were online e-learning modules in which the children had to read information
about either cyberbullying or fake news, complete tasks, answer questions, and view some
videos. The duration of both interventions was approximately 35 minutes. After exposure to
the intervention, they were automatically directed to the second questionnaire. This
questionnaire captured questions about their knowledge, awareness, and empathy toward
cyberbullying victims (manipulation check measures) and questions assessing their evaluation
of the online intervention.
Three weeks after the intervention, children filled out the online post-exposure
questionnaire during school hours. This questionnaire contained the same questions as the
pre-exposure questionnaire. Additionally, we assessed children’s social desirability biases to
be able to control for this score in the main analyses, when necessary. This last questionnaire
took approximately 15 minutes. After the last question, the researcher thanked the children for
their participation. As a token of appreciation all participating children received a certificate.
The debriefing procedure and presentation of the results took place after the data collection
was completed via an information letter to both the school and the parents of the participating
3.4 Materials
Within the experimental condition, children were exposed to an online anti-
cyberbullying intervention that aimed to increase children’s intervening behavior in
cyberbullying situations (see Figure 2). Within the control condition, children were exposed
to an online fake news intervention that was unrelated to cyberbullying. The fake news
intervention was created in such a way that it was as similar as possible to the anti-
cyberbullying intervention in terms of colors, navigation, number of questions, duration of the
intervention, number of pages and number and duration of videos. Both online interventions
were created using Gomo Learning software (2019). Gomo Learning is a cloud-based
responsive eLearning authoring tool that allows the user to create digital learning content.
The anti-cyberbullying intervention was created based on the Theory of Planned
Behavior (Ajzen, 1991). Based on this theoretical model, we aimed to increase children’s
positive attitude toward intervening, positive subjective norms toward intervening, and their
perceived behavioral control to intervene in order to increase their intentions to intervene in
cyberbullying situations by addressing knowledge, awareness and empathy competencies. As
previously mentioned, we specifically addressed knowledge, awareness, and empathy
competencies since these constructs have proven to be highly important in changing people’s
attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in bullying contexts (Espelage &
Sung Hong, 2017; Williford et al., 2013).
In order to positively change children’s attitudes toward intervening behavior, children
received knowledge about what cyberbullying actually is by providing the three-folded
cyberbullying definition of Smith et al. (2008, p. 376): “An (a) intentional act carried out by
(b) a group or individual, using (c) electronic forms of contact”. Hence, in the intervention
children were provided with knowledge about (1) the intentional character of cyberbullying,
(2) the different groups that are involved in cyberbullying (the bully, the victim, and the
bystanders), and (3) the online nature of cyberbullying. Furthermore, children’s knowledge
was targeted by providing them with a quick quiz containing three cyberbullying cases. For
each of these cases they were asked whether the story described a cyberbullying situation or
not. After children provided an answer, they received detailed feedback on why their answer
was wrong or right. Moreover, in order to change children’s attitudes, children were made
aware of the negative consequences of cyberbullying. Also, their empathy toward victims of
cyberbullying was targeted. We used two video clips for this (lasting 2.33 minutes in total). In
these clips, victims talked about their distress and negative experiences during the time they
were cyberbullied. Lastly, to change children’s attitudes, we tried to increase empathy toward
victims even further by specifically asking children to write down how they would feel when
they would be cyberbullied.
In order to positively change children’s subjective norms toward intervening behavior,
children were asked to write down how many children they thought were bystanders of
cyberbullying instances. After children wrote down a percentage, children were provided with
knowledge about how many children were actual bystanders, namely 50% (Shultz, Heilan, &
Hart, 2014), and how they themselves could be a part of this group. Furthermore, they were
given knowledge about how children of their own age thought about intervening in
cyberbullying incidents by mentioning the cool, brave, and important nature of intervening.
Moreover, to increase children’s subjective norms toward intervening behavior, we targeted
children’s empathy toward victims by exposing them to a video (lasting 1.22 minutes)
displaying children of their own age talking about how they were cyberbullied. All these
children conclude with the statement that it would have helped them a lot when their peers
would have stand up for them to stop the cyberbullying.
In order to positively change children’s perceived behavioral control toward
intervening behavior, children were provided with knowledge about how they could intervene
in cyberbullying situations. For example, during the intervention children were taught how
they could try to comfort the victim, tell their parents or caretakers when something negative
was going on online, or ask their teacher to help them when facing cyberbullying incidents
among classmates. Lastly, children were exposed to a video (lasting 1.45 minutes) that
provided them with knowledge on how they could intervene in cyberbullying, namely by
posting positive comments online on the cyberbully victims’ social media accounts.
3.5 Measures
The measures in this study either related to the manipulation check of the intervention
(i.e., whether the intervention indeed targeted knowledge, awareness, and empathy) or to the
main study (i.e., the dependent variable and potential mediators). Moreover, potential
covariates were measured as well as socially desirable behavior.
while also having more empathy toward victims of cyberbullying compared to children who
received the fake news intervention. To this end, children answered a few questions directly
after exposure to either the online anti-cyberbullying intervention or the fake news
intervention. Moreover, we measured their evaluation of the intervention to be able to provide
some general insights into how they experienced the e-learning module.
Knowledge of cyberbullying. To assess children’s knowledge toward cyberbullying,
we adapted six items from Wahab and Yahaya’s (2017) Cyber-bullying Knowledge and
Awareness Instrument (CBKAi). Children answered on a six-point scale (1 = Totally disagree
and 6 = Totally agree) regarding items such as: ‘Creating a fake account on social media just
for fun to target someone is cyberbullying’ and ‘Intentionally excluding a person from an
online group (e.g., WhatsApp group) is cyberbullying’. A principal component analysis
(PCA) of the six items was conducted. The analysis yielded one factor; all items loadings
were > .6 on this factor (Cronbach’s = .824). We calculated a mean score of all the items
assessing knowledge, representing the knowledge variable (M = 4.83; SD = 1.04).
Awareness of cyberbullying. To assess children’s awareness of cyberbullying, we
adapted five items from Wahab and Yahaya’s (2017) CBKai. Children answered on a six-
point scale (1 = Totally disagree and 6 = Totally agree) regarding the items: ‘I think most
victims of cyberbullying are anxious’, ‘I think most witnesses will intervene in cyberbullying
situations’, ‘I think most victims of cyberbullying have the tendency to commit suicide’, ‘I
think cyberbullying will stop if I do not intervene in cyberbullying’, and ‘I think most
witnesses of cyberbullying report cyberbullying to someone else’. A PCA of the five items
was conducted. The analysis yielded three factors; with all items loading > .6 on one of those
factors. However, when creating mean scores for each of the factors, Cronbach’s was too
low ( < .2) for all of the constructed variables. Therefore, we decided to include all items
separately to perform the manipulation check.
Empathy toward victims. To assess children’s empathy toward victims of
cyberbullying, we used a seven-item empathy toward victim scale (Pöyhönen, Kärnä, &
Salmivalli, 2008). Children answered on a six-point scale (1 = Totally disagree and 6 =
Totally agree). The items were translated from an offline bullying context to a cyberbullying
context. Items included for example: ‘When the cyberbullied pupil feels sad, I want to
comfort him/her’ and ‘I can see how the cyberbullied pupil is feeling bad’. A PCA of the
seven items was conducted. The analysis yielded two factors; with all items loading > .6 on
one of the two factors. The first factor represented affective empathy, consisting of items
assessing children’s emotions toward cyberbullied pupils ( = .774). The second factor
both the pre-exposure and post-exposure measurement (see Table 1). The analysis yielded
three different factors at both measurement moments. Furthermore, three items loaded < .3 on
one or more of the factors and three items double loaded on at least two factors at pre-
exposure measurement. Moreover, the Cronbach’s of the remaining three items was too low
at pre-exposure measurement, namely < .164. At post-exposure measurement, two items
loaded < .3 on one or more of the factors and two items double loaded on at least two factors.
Also, at post-exposure measurement the Cronbach’s was low, namely = .481. Therefore, we
concluded that we did not succeed in measuring children’s attitude toward intervening in
cyberbullying situations and where not able to calculate a mean score representing this
attitude. We therefore decided not to analyze attitude as a mediating variable in the main
Subjective norms toward intervening in cyberbullying situations. To assess children’s
subjective norms toward intervening in cyberbullying situations, we adapted 6 items from the
subjective norm scale of Sundstrom et al. (2018). We translated the items from a general
bystander situation to a bystander situation in a cyberbullying context. We asked children
whether their friends, teacher, parents, and others whose opinion matters to the them would
support their decision to be an active bystander in a cyberbullying situation on a visual
analogue scale (0 = Totally disagree to 100 = Totally agree). Furthermore, we asked whether
their friends chose to be an active bystander in cyberbullying situations and whether they
thought their friends would find them brave when they chose to be an active bystander. A
PCA of the six items was conducted for both the pre- and post-exposure measurements,
yielding one factor at both time-points (see Table 1). After calculating mean scores and
constructing the subjective norms variables for both the pre- and post-exposure measurement,
a difference score was created by subtracting the post-exposure measurement of subjective
norms from the pre-exposure measurement of subjective norms. This difference score was
used in the main analyses (M = -1.23, SD = 16.02).
Perceived behavioral control to intervene in cyberbullying situations. To assess
children’s perceived behavioral control toward intervening in cyberbullying situations, we
adapted items from the Defender scales (Salmivalli & Voeten, 2004). The items were
translated from an offline bullying context to a cyberbullying context. We asked children on a
visual analogue scale (0 = Very difficult for me to 100 = Very easy for me) how difficult or
easy it would be for them to (1) try to make someone else stop the cyberbullying, (2) comfort
the victim of cyberbullying, (3) encourage the victim to tell the teacher about the
cyberbullying, and (4) choose to be an active bystander when someone is cyberbullied. A
PCA of the four items was conducted for both the pre- and post-exposure measurements,
yielding one factor at both time-points (see Table 1). After calculating mean scores and
constructing the perceived behavioral control variables for both the pre- and post-exposure
measurement, a difference score was created by subtracting the post-exposure measurement
of perceived behavioral control from the pre-exposure measurement of perceived behavioral
control. This difference score was used in the main analyses (M = 1.17, SD = 17.09).
3.5.3 Covariates
Children’s sex, age, and grade were assessed as potential covariates. Moreover, we
assessed children’s media use and social desirability as potential covariates.
Media use. Children’s media use was assessed as potential covariate. Children
indicated how often they used (1) the internet (M = 6.75; SD = 1.79), (2) WhatsApp (M =
5.67; SD = 2.69), and (3) social media (M = 4.78; SD = 2.92) on a 7-point scale (0 = Never to
7 = 7 days a week).
Social desirability. Previous research has shown that cyberbullying research is highly
vulnerable to social desirability biases (DeSmet et al., 2014). The potential factor of socially
desirable behavior can lead to over- or under-reporting of cyberbullying and/or victimization
of cyberbullying. Generally, children consider cyberbullying as socially undesirable behavior
and standing up for a victim as socially desirable behavior (Akbulut & Eristi, 2011; Betts,
2016). These considerations lead studies to find a positive association between cyberbullying
and social desirability (Doane, Kelley, Chiang, & Padilla, 2013). It is, therefore, important to
control for social desirability.
We assessed children’s social desirability biases using the adapted 7-item Children’s
Social Desirability Short (CSD-S) scale from Miller et al. (2015). Items included: ‘Do you
always listen to your parents?’ and ‘Have you ever broken a rule?’. Children answered on a
six-point scale (1 = Totally disagree to 6 = Totally agree). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure
verified sampling adequacy (.750), and the Bartlett’s test of sphericity agreed that the
correlations between the items were large enough to conduct a PCA: χ2(10) = 453.19; p <
.001. Therefore, a PCA of the seven items was conducted. The analysis yielded one factor (
= .773); all items loading were > .6 on this factor. Therefore, we calculated a mean score
combining all the items in one variable measuring social desirability (M = 2.98; SD = 1.08).
4. Results
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics showed that 32.2% of the children made use of social media
every day, whereas 27.2% of the children reported to never use social media. Furthermore,
44.0% of the children made use of WhatsApp every day, opposed to 16.8% of the children
who never used WhatsApp. On average, children believed that 70.3% of all bystanders
actually intervene in cyberbullying situations, which is higher than it actually is (50%; Shultz
et al., 2014). With respect to the evaluation of the intervention, descriptive statistics showed
that children who received the anti-cyberbullying intervention thought the intervention was
interesting (M = 85.77, SD = 21.43), fun (M = 85.09, SD = 23.36), and important (M = 82.06,
SD = 26.22). Furthermore, children reported to have learned a lot from the intervention (M =
77.91, SD = 26.53), and that the intervention taught them some things they did not already
know (M = 53.01, SD = 36.03). They did not find the intervention useless (M = 10.13, SD =
23.95) or difficult (M = 22.02, SD = 25.83).
4.2.3 Covariates
With respect to potential covariates, exploratory analyses showed no significant
correlations between age, sex, internet use, social media use, and Whatsapp use and the
dependent variables. However, social desirability was significantly correlated with subjective
norms toward intervening (r = .211, p <.001), perceived behavioral control toward
intervening (r = .111, p = .025), and intention to intervene (r = .203, p <.001). Therefore, the
variable social desirability was included as a control variable in the main analyses. Besides,
based on the randomization check mentioned earlier, we also added sex as a control variable
to the main analyses.
children who were exposed to the fake news intervention. Results showed that this hypothesis
was not supported (B = .91, SE = 1.92, BC 95% CI [-2.87, 4.68], see Figure 3). Furthermore,
we expected that the effect of the intervention on children’s intention to intervene in
cyberbullying situations was mediated by a positive change in subjective norms to intervene
in cyberbullying situations (H3b). Results showed that the direct effect of the children’s
subjective norms on their intentions to intervene was significant (B = .25, boot SE = .05, BC
95% CI [0.15, .35]). However, there was no indirect effect of the intervention on children’s
intentions to intervene via subjective norms (effect = .23, boot SE = .49, CI [-.77, 1.18], see
Figure 3). Therefore, hypothesis 3b was not supported.
In hypothesis 4a, we predicted that children who were exposed to the anti-
cyberbullying intervention would develop a higher perceived behavioral control toward
intervening in cyberbullying situations compared to children who were exposed to the fake
news intervention. Results showed that this hypothesis was not supported (B = 2.12, boot SE
= 2.05, BC 95% CI [-1.91, 6.15], see Figure 3). We also tested whether the effect of the
intervention on intention to intervene in cyberbullying situations was mediated by a positive
change in perceived behavioral control to intervene in cyberbullying situations (H4b). Results
showed that the direct effect of children’s perceived behavioral control on their intentions to
intervene was significant (B = .16, boot SE = .05, BC 95% CI [0.07, .26]). However, the
results showed that the indirect effect of the intervention on children’s intentions to intervene
via their perceived behavioral control was not significant (effect = .34, boot SE = .39, CI [-
.25, 1.28], see Figure 3), implying that the hypothesis was not supported.
Figure 3. Standardized regression coefficients for the relationship between the anti-
cyberbullying intervention and intention to intervene as mediated by positive subjective
norms and higher perceived behavioral control using difference scores.
* p <.05; ** p <.001
5. Discussion
In the current study, we developed and evaluated an anti-cyberbullying intervention
that aimed to increase children’s intervening behavior on behalf of the victim. The anti-
cyberbullying intervention was successful in stimulating children’s intentions to intervene in
cyberbullying incidents. Surprisingly, we could not explain this effect by the three concepts of
the Theory of Planned Behavior nor via knowledge, awareness, or affective empathy.
Nevertheless, the increase in intentions to intervene among children who were exposed to the
cyberbullying e-learning module is important for the field of cyberbullying prevention. In
particular, the findings demonstrate the promise of low-cost, brief (35 minutes) online
cyberbullying intervention programs for children.
Our findings showed that children who perceived higher positive subjective norms had
a higher intent to intervene in online bullying contexts. In addition, we found that higher
perceived behavioral control was associated with higher intentions to intervene in
cyberbullying situations. Although these findings are in line with the TPB and previous
research (Heirman & Walrave, 2012; Pabian & Vandebosch, 2014), these concepts did not
serve as mediators. For subjective norms, involving significant others in prevention programs
to contest cyberbullying might be important. In the current intervention, children mainly
received written information about how many children of their age intervene in cyberbullying
incidents, and how they themselves can be part of this group. Previous research (Heirman &
Walrave, 2012) suggests that it could be more effective to actually expose children to how
their own peers think about intervening in order to positively change their subjective norms.
For example, children can be exposed to a video during the intervention showing peers
rejecting cyberbullying behavior and arguing in favor of intervening on behalf of a victim.
With regard to perceived behavior control, the finding that the current intervention
was not successful in targeting cognitive empathy could have played a role in the absence of a
mediating effect. Previous research showed that children need to be able to understand the
feelings and needs of a cyber victim (e.g., experiencing cognitive empathy) in order to feel
capable of helping this person (Barlinska, Szuster & Winiewski, 2018). To this end –
following the recommendations of Barlinska et al. (2018) –, future research could expose
children to videos of cyberbully victims expressing their needs and how bystanders can fulfill
these in order to strengthen children’s perceived behavioral control.
A related issue regarding our intervention is that the nature of what constitutes
cyberbullying can be ambiguous. Youth typically do not conceptualize cyberbullying as it is
defined. For example, their definitions almost always omit the components of intentionality
and repetition (Vaillancourt et al., 2008). It is because of this ambiguity that children could
experience difficulty with interpreting an event as a call to action. To be more specific, it is
possible that children did not perceive the relevant cues (e.g., hearing derogatory names),
which may have hindered them from noticing events as cyberbullying episodes (Dinkes et al.,
2009; Loewestein & Small, 2007). It is recommended to incorporate more vivid elements in
future intervention studies.
With regard to our theoretical framework, it may be useful to further investigate anti-
cyberbullying interventions in light of another theoretical framework that comprises the
concepts of the TPB. For example, the bystander intervention model of Latané and Darley
(1970) describes five steps one must take in order to become an active bystander during an
event. People have to (1) notice the event, (2) interpret the event as an emergency that
requires help, (3) accept responsibility for intervening, (4) know how to intervene or provide
help, and (5) implement intervention decisions. The three last steps of this model were
incorporated in our intervention program, whereas the first and second step were not.
Although we already found the intervention to be successful by focusing on steps three to
five, the bystander intervention model suggests that step 1 and 2 are prerequisites for an
individual to become an active bystander (Latané & Darley, 1970). Future research should
investigate whether the intervention effect is even stronger when incorporating the first two
steps. In addition, one should test which specific aspects (e.g., providing information,
exposing children to videos, let children perform tasks) are particularly effective in a
cyberbullying context to make explicit recommendations for future developments of
Another factor that may have contributed to not finding any mediation effects could be
the three-week timespan between pre- and post-exposure measurement. For example, children
could have experienced cyberbullying situations in the meantime either directly (e.g., being
victimized) or indirectly (e.g., witnessing someone being cyberbullied). By experiencing
cyberbullying incidents, it could be that children were not confident anymore in their abilities
to intervene (e.g., perceived behavioral control). Furthermore, it could be that children saw
that peers did not intervene in online bullying incidents, which could have withheld the
intervention from positively changing children’s subjective norms.
Although the TPB has proven to be a useful framework for studying cyberbullying
related behaviors (Heirman & Walrave, 2012; Pabian & Vandebosch, 2014), an important
limitation needs to be mentioned. The theory has been criticized for excluding subconscious
processes as important influences on behavior (Sheeran, Gollwitzer, & Bargh, 2013;
Sniehotta, Presseau, & Araújo-Soares, 2014). Especially with regard to intervening in
cyberbullying incidents, these processes might be relevant to investigate because several
studies have shown that subconscious processes may come into play when finding oneself in a
bystander position during bullying and cyberbullying incidents (Carter, M’Balla-Ndi, Van
Luyn, & Goldie, 2016; Van den Bos, Müller, & Van Bussel, 2009). For example, the
subconscious process of audience inhibition has proven to play an important role in bullying
bystander behavior. When finding oneself in a bystander situation, audience inhibition posits
that someone is subconsciously driven to not intervene in such a situation as a result of non-
intervening others (Carter et al., 2016). Because subconscious processes can play an
important role in explaining cyberbullying and intervening behavior, future research should
include implicit behavioral measures to further explore these processes.
This study had some practical limitations. Although the intervention was effective as a
whole in positively changing children’s intentions to intervene, it may be that specific aspects
of the intervention were especially effective in accomplishing this positive change. However,
this change remained unknown because children’s knowledge, awareness, and empathy as a
result of the intervention were only measured after the intervention. Therefore, we were not
able to give insight into the possible effect on the intervention itself nor the relationship
between these changes and the mediators of the underlying theoretical model of this study.
With respect to future research, it would be valuable to account for children’s changes in
knowledge, awareness, and empathy. These insights could provide explanations for the effect
found in our study, namely a positive change in children’s intentions to intervene on behalf of
a cyberbully victim due to exposure to the anti-cyberbullying intervention.
Second, this study did not include past cyberbullying behavior and/or cyberbullying
victimization because of the potential negative psychological effects when confronting
children with questions about cyberbullying and/or cyberbullying victimization experiences in
their past. However, it could be that the effectiveness of the intervention differs for bully
victims and bully perpetrators (De Castro et al., 2018). For example, previous research
showed that victims of both traditional bullying and cyberbullying are more inclined to help
another victim, because they sympathize more with this person (Fawzi & Goodwin, 2011). On
the contrary, being a cyberbully has proven to be an important predictor of neglecting to
intervene on behalf of a victim (Fawzi & Goodwin, 2011; Szuster, 2016). Including past
cyberbullying behavior might be relevant to assess to investigate the potential differential
effects between victims and bullies with respect to the effectiveness of interventions
Third, we were not successful in capturing the construct attitude toward intervening
behavior. During the experiment, children asked for clarification on the attitude items in the
questionnaire several times. It is plausible that we could not construct a reliable and valid
scale for attitude because the children did not understand the questions. The items used in the
questionnaire originated from an existing scale targeted at adolescents (Stevens et al., 2000).
It could be that the items were clear to adolescents, but that our target group was too young to
comprehend the items at hand. Future research should therefore try to develop an attitude
scale measuring intention to intervene specifically targeted at children.
Another limitation is that all findings rely on children’s self-reports which are
vulnerable to social desirability biases. However, due to characteristics of cyberbullying such
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