(Examples of brand names: Dymadon, Febridol, Panadol, Panamax,
Paralgin, Panadol Osteo)
* Paracetamol should not be given to children under 6 months of age unless under medical supervision.
The information in this sheet has been obtained from various sources and has been reviewed by the Australian Rheumatology
Association. It is intended as an educational aid and does not cover all possible uses, actions, precautions, side effects, or
interactions of the medicines mentioned. This information is not intended as medical advice for individual problems nor for making an
individual assessment of the risks and benefits of taking a particular medicine. It can be reproduced in its entirety but cannot be
altered without permission from the ARA. The NHMRC publication: How to present the evidence for consumers: preparation of
consumer publications (2000) was used as a guide in developing this publication.