Cancers 1316412
Cancers 1316412
Cancers 1316412
1 Université Clermont Auvergne, Institut Universitaire de Technologie, UMR INSERM-UCA, U1240, Imagerie
Moléculaire et Stratégies Théranostiques, F-63000 Clermont Ferrand, France
2 Université Clermont Auvergne, Faculté de médecine, UMR INSERM-UCA, U1240, Imagerie Moléculaire et
1. Introduction
The Permeability-glycoprotein (P-gp) was discovered about forty years ago, first as
a membrane transporter at the origin of chemoresistance in cancer [1]. In reality, P-gp is
part of a wide class of “ATP-binding cassette” (ABC) superfamily transporters proteins,
called “Multidrug Resistance” (MDR). MDR proteins, and the P-gp in particular, were
highly conserved during evolution and are ubiquitous. In fact, they are naturally ex-
pressed in a wide variety of living organisms from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, such as
bacteria, protozoa, fish, Drosophila and mammals [2–6]. In human, MDR proteins are com-
monly studied because of their involvement in tumoral multidrug resistance mechanisms
[7,8]. Indeed, MDR proteins act as xenobiotics transmembrane efflux pumps, recognizing
a large panel of substrates with different structures and properties, such as various pollu-
tants and drugs [9–11]. These pumps establish a veritable cellular defense network exhib-
iting a protective role against external aggressions. At present, MDR transporters are con-
sidered to be the essential part of the innate cellular defense system, also called the
“chemoimmunity” network, which presents various characteristics reminiscent of classi-
cal immunology [12]. This system is particularly complex because one single MDR trans-
porter can recognize a wide variety of substrates and one anticancer agent can also be the
target of several transporters. Thus, MDR proteins have been identified as one of the main
causes of tumoral cells cross-resistance against anticancer drugs. Indeed, many conven-
tional chemotherapeutic agents such as anthracyclines, taxanes or vinca-alkaloids, and/or
targeted therapeutics such as Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors or Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase
inhibitors (anti-PARPs) are expelled out of cells by MDR transporters [13–15], and many
tumoral types overexpress several MDR transporters. The main identified MDR proteins
presenting a clinical involvement are (i) the P-gp encoded by ABCB1, (ii) the MDR-associ-
ated proteins (MRP) encoded by ABCC genes such as MRP1 (ABCC1) or MRP7 (ABCC10)
and (iii) the Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP) encoded by ABCG2 gene [8,16].
Numerous biological mechanisms can lead to the development of chemoresistance,
among which MDR mediated drug efflux is the most frequently described [17]. Likewise,
high expression of MDR proteins is often associated with aggressive subtypes and low
disease-free survival in breast tumors [18]. Thereby, their clinical relevance reside in their
predictive value on tumoral drug resistance, directly linked to the prognosis of the disease
[19,20]. Thus, the interest of considering the P-gp expression level in tumours to optimize
patients treatment orientation was highlighted in several studies [19,21,22]. However, the
P-gp expression level is not frequently evaluated in clinical practice, which can be in part
attributed to one specific issue, namely the lack of relevant analytical tools [8].
The Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is a breast cancer subtype immunohisto-
chemically negative for the estrogen receptor (ER) and for the progesterone receptor (PR),
and associated with the absence of HER2 protein overexpression and/or HER2 gene am-
plification [23]. This heterogeneous and aggressive disease accounts for 15 to 20% of breast
cancers and is associated with poor prognosis and drug resistance [17,24,25]. Despite co-
lossal efforts made on TNBC treatments, only 20% of patients present a pathologic com-
plete response after treatment while others are most likely to present an early recurrence
or develop a metastatic disease [26]. As a matter of fact, TNBC tumors are firstly particu-
larly sensitive to chemotherapy, but a high proportion becomes resistant during treatment
and presents difficulties to achieve complete pathological response. This phenomenon is
called the “triple negative paradox” and explains why TNBC represents a relevant study
model for cancer cell drug resistance [17,27].
In the last few years, the works of our research group were focused on optimizing
TNBC treatment in correlation with resistance mechanisms mediated by MDR proteins.
Indeed, we highlighted the relay overexpression of BCRP and P-gp MDR proteins, on
SUM1315 monolayer TNBC cell cultures, after exposure to the PARP inhibitor Olaparib
[28]. Our group develops various in vitro preclinical tools i.e. TNBC cancer spheroids
mimicking avascular small-size micro-tumors [29–32], notably for realising High-
Throughput drug Screening or modelling the distribution of small molecules of interest
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 21
2. Experimental Section
LightSpot®-FL-1 chemical synthesis achievement
Commercially available reagents and solvents were used without further purification
for the synthesis and characterization of LightSpot®-FL-1, as previously described [34].
Briefly, LightSpot®-FL-1 was obtained by coupling an amine bearing P-gp inhibitor de-
rivative with the commercial amine reactive N-hydroxysuccinimidyl ester of the BODIPY-
FL fluorophore (CAS 146616-66-2, Interchim, Montluçon, France). After the coupling re-
action proceeded, a preparative High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) pu-
rification (Shimadzu Inc. system, Kyoto, Japan) was performed to afford LightSpot®-FL-
1 in good yield (>70%). LightSpot®-FL-1 was isolated in a >96% purity based on HPLC-
UV-DAD analysis, and fully characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 2-dimension COSY and
HSQC NMR, and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Excitation and emission maxima
were determined from LightSpot®-FL-1 solutions in ethanol at 505 and 510 nm, respec-
tively. Pure dry aliquots of LightSpot®-FL-1 were stored at -20°C and were adequately
used to prepare 1.0 mM stock solutions in DMSO for biological experiments.
LightSpot®-FL-1 and anti-P-gp co-staining analysis on monolayer and suspension cell cultures
LightSpot®-FL-1 staining was realised as previously described for SUM1315, MDA-
MB-231, HCC1937, SW527 and DU4475 cell lines, before realising the anti-P-gp im-
munostaining. For this, cells were incubated with clone F4 anti P-gp monoclonal mouse
antibody (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA, catalogue # MA5-13854 diluted at 1/75) for one
hour. Three successive washes were then carried out in D-PBS before incubating cells with
secondary goat anti-Mouse AlexaFluor™647nm antibody (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA,
USA, catalogue #A21236 diluted at 1/800). Cells were finally imaged with Cytation™3MV
(BioTek®, Winooski, VT, USA) fluorescent microscopy module (M=40X - fluorescence fil-
ters = GFP, LED=10, Time Exposure=200 ms, Gain=10 / Cy 5, LED=10, Time Expo-
sure=1,840 ms, Gain=16). GFP and Cy5 cells mean fluorescence intensity were calculated
with Gen5 3.08 software (BioTek®, cellular analysis, Primary Mask set on GFP filter,
Threshold=4,000, Minimal Size=5 µm, Maximal size=100 µm). For DU4475 cells presenting
the strongest signals among tested cell lines, a colocalization study was made with Coloc
2 plugin of ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA). This allowed to calculate
Pearson's correlation and Mander's overlap coefficients between GFP and Cy5 acquired
fluorescent intensity was measured with Gen5 3.08 software (BioTek®, cellular analysis on
GFP filter, Threshold=5,000, Minimal Size=100 µm, Maximal size=500 µm).
P-gp expression level measure in SUM1315 monolayer cell line and in spheroid models after
Olaparib treatment
Olaparib (Carbosynth, Compton, catalogue #FO33122) was solubilised in DMSO to
prepare 50 mM stock solution. Dilutions were prepared in Ham’s F-12 medium for final
treatment concentrations of 0.5, 5 or 50µM. The final DMSO concentration remained con-
stant at 0.1% in all tested conditions.
For SUM1315 monolayer culture, cells were seeded in ibiTreat 8 Well µ-Slides
(Ibidi®, Gräfelfing, Germany) at a concentration of 50,000 cells per well and maintained
in humid incubator until 60% of confluency. Cells were exposed for 3 hours to 0.5, 5 or 50
µM of Olaparib and then fixed for 10 minutes with PFA 4%. This drug was solubilized in
DMSO and the final DMSO concentration was maintained at 0.1% in treated and un-
treated conditions. For each Olaparib concentration, PFA fixed cells were then stained
with 1 µM LightSpot®-FL-1 or with anti-P-gp immunostaining as previously described
above. For the immunostaining, goat anti-mouse primary antibody (Invitrogen, Carlsbad,
CA, USA, catalogue # MA5-13854 diluted at 1/75) was coupled with AlexaFluor™568mn
(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Images were acquired with Cytation™3MV (BioTek®,
Winooski, VT, USA) fluorescent microscopy module (M=40X - fluorescence filters = GFP,
LED=10, Time Exposure=200ms, Gain=10 / Texas Red, LED=10, Time Exposure=2 200 ms,
Gain=16). Fluorescence intensities of GFP and Texas Red signals were calculated with
Gen5 3.08 software (BioTek®, cellular analysis, threshold=4,000 for GFP signal and 3 100
for Texas Red signal, Minimal Size=50 µm, Maximal size=100 µm).
SUM1315 spheroids were exposed for 3 or 6 hours with 0.5, 5 or 50µM of Olaparib.
In parallel, 0.1% DMSO controls were also realised. After treatment, spheroids were fixed
in 4%PFA solution and incubated for 90 minutes with LightSpot®-FL-1 diluted at 1µM.
They were then washed during 90 minutes in D-PBS and observed with Cytation™3MV
(BioTek®, Winooski, VT, USA) fluorescent microscopy module (M=4X - fluorescence filter
= GFP, LED=10, Time Exposure=150ms, Gain=4). Spheroid global fluorescent intensity
was measured with Gen5 3.08 software (BioTek®, cellular analysis on GFP filter, Thresh-
old=5,000, Minimal Size=100 µm, Maximal size=500 µm).
Statistical analysis
Results were presented as mean ± standard deviation. All experiments were per-
formed independently on at least three separate occasions. Unpaired 2-sided Student’s t
test or ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison were used to evaluate statistical signifi-
cance. Results were considered statistically different when P<0.05 (*). The strongest differ-
ences were noted as follows: p < 0.01 (**), p < 0.001 (***), p < 0.0001 (****) and p < 0.00001
(*****). Non-significant results were noted as “ns”.
3. Results
a) Synthesis and characterization of LightSpot®-FL-1 probe
The structure of LightSpot®-FL-1 presents a peptidic moiety, which acts as a P-gp
ligand, conjugated via an amide bond to the cell-permeant, bright and photostable BOD-
IPY-FL fluorophore (Figure 1). The amide bond was formed by reaction of an amine bear-
ing peptidic P-gp ligand with BODIPY-FL succinimidyl ester. Subsequent HPLC purifica-
tion led to LightSpot®-FL-1 in good yield (>70%) and excellent purity (>96%). After full
characterization, excitation and emission maxima were determined from LightSpot®-FL-
1 solutions in ethanol at 505 and 510 nm, respectively.
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 21
Figure 1. Chemical structure of LightSpot®-FL-1: a peptidic P-gp ligand (black) conjugated to the
BODIPY-FL fluorophore (green).
b) LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe selectively targets P-gp in DU4475 and SUM1315 TNBC
cell line
LightSpot®-FL-1 kinetic uptake by flow cytometry
To assess the impact of the BODIPY-FL conjugation on the ligand moiety spatio-tem-
poral cellular distribution, the ability of LightSpot®-FL-1 to penetrate and subsist in cells
was evaluated by flow cytometry.
For this, two TNBC cell line models were used, the suspension DU4475 and the mon-
olayer SUM1315 cell cultures in which the P-gp is naturally overexpressed [28,35]. Both
cell lines were exposed to 1 µM LightSpot®-FL-1 for 1 hour. LightSpot®-FL-1 intracellular
fluorescence intensity was measured overtime, during cell exposure and after washes re-
moving the unbound LightSpot®-F-L1 (Fig. 2 a, b). In both cell lines, a rapid LightSpot®-
FL-1 uptake was detected in the first 15 minutes with a mean fluorescence intensity from
127 FU to 5.0x103 FU and from 8 FU to 39.5x103 FU for DU4475 and SUM1315 cells, respec-
tively. Then, the intracellular LightSpot®-FL-1 rate was stabilised in both cells, with
4.8x103 FU for DU4475 cells (Fig. 2a) and 46.4 x10 3 FU for SUM1315 after 60 minutes (Fig.
2b). After LightSpot®-FL-1 rate stabilisation, cells were washed to eliminate unbound
LightSpot®-FL-1. After this step, intracellular LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescence was again
measured in each cell line, corresponding to intracellular LightSpot®-FL-1 specifically
bound on its P-gp target. Thereby, a clear decrease of LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescence inten-
sity was detected in both cell lines with 2.9 x10 3 FU for DU4475 cells and 23.2x103 FU for
SUM1315 cells, 5 minutes after the wash step. The LightSpot®-FL-1 maintenance in the
cells was then followed in each cell line. In DU4475 cells, linked LightSpot®-FL-1 rate
remained relatively stable in time with 1.9x103 FU after 1 hour and 1.6x103 FU after 2 hours
(Fig. 2a). However, for SUM1315 cells, the intracellular LightSpot®-FL-1 rate continued to
decrease to 12.9x103 FU after 1 hour and to 6.3x103 FU after 2 hours (Fig. 2b). These results
showed that the intracellular fluoroprobe LightSpot®-FL-1 was maintained in both cells
line over time
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 21
Figure 2. LightSpot®-FL-1 kinetic uptake in DU4475 and SUM1315 TNBC cell lines. DU4475 (a) and
SUM1315 (b) TNBC cells were exposed to 1 µM LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe and the cellular
fluorescence intensity (Fluorescence Units: FU) was measured at different times by flow cytometry
analysis. After 1 hour of exposure, DU4475 (a) and SUM1315 (b) cells were washed with culture
medium (cell wash step) and the cellular fluorescence intensity was again measured at different
times by flow cytometry upon 2 hours after cell wash step. During all the experiment time, un-
stained cells were parallelly analysed as control values.
Figure 3. LightSpot®-FL-1 staining comparison between living and fixed DU4475 and SUM1315
TNBC cell lines. Living (a) or fixed (b) DU4475 cells and living (d) or fixed (e) SUM1315 cells were
stained with the LightSpot®-FL-1 probe at 1 µM (green signal). In parallel, a nuclear counterstaining
was also carried out using Hoechst33258 for fixed DU4475 (c) and SUM1315 (f) cells conditions
(merged pictures presenting LightSpot®-FL-1 signal in green and nuclear staining in blue). All pic-
tures were acquired with the Cytation™3MV (BioTek®, M = 4X, scale bar = 50 µm). For each exper-
imental condition, LightSpot®-FL-1 global cell fluorescent intensity was measured with Gen5 soft-
ware (BioTek®) for DU4475 (g) and SUM1315 (h) cells.
by line profiles drawn on DU4475 and SUM1315 merged picture (Fig. 4 g). Moreover, the
colocalization of LightSpot®-FL-1 and anti-P-gp staining on DU4475 was also confirmed
by Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis reaching 92.1%, and by Mander’s overlap co-
efficient reaching 100.0%, attesting of similar signal distribution
Figure 4. P-gp targeting comparison between LightSpot®-FL-1 staining and anti-P-gp im-
munostaining on DU4475 and SUM1315 TNBC cell lines. Co-staining was carried out combining
LightSpot®-FL-1 (green GFP signal) on DU4475 (a) and SUM1315 cells (c) with an anti-P-gp im-
munostaining (red Cy5 signal) on DU4475 (b) and SUM1315 cells (d). Merged pictures are presented
for DU4475 (e) and SUM1315 (g) cells (picture taken on a different field is presented for DU4475
cells). A line profile was drawn on a merged picture superposing both LightSpot®-FL-1 and anti-
Pgp immunostaining signals on DU4475 cells. The fluorescence intensity spectra across the line were
studied with the line profile graphic (g). All pictures were acquired with the Cytation™3MV (Bio-
Tek®, M = 4X, scale bar = 50 µm).
c) LightSpot®-FL-1 allows sensitive detection and quantification of basal P-gp expression level in
various TNBC cell lines
The performance of the cell-permeant fluorescent probe LightSpot®-FL-1 was then
checked by the quantification of P-gp expression level, on five various TNBC cell lines
DU4475, SW527, HCC1937, MDA-MB-231 and SUM1315, in comparison with the anti-P-
gp immunostaining reference method (Fig.4).
In all TNBC studied models, P-gp signal quantification was proportional between
LightSpot®-FL-1 labelling and anti-P-gp labelling (Fig. 5a). Indeed, fluorescence intensi-
ties of LightSpot®-FL-1 labelling were of 20.7±3.1x103 FU, 11.7±2.9 x103 FU, 7.6±1.7 x103
FU, 8.4±1.1 x103 FU, 7.4±1.1 x103 FU for DU4475, SW527, HCC1937, MDA-MB-231 and
SUM1315 cell lines, respectively (Fig. 5 a). Likewise, anti-P-gp immunofluorescence inten-
sities were of 19.9±4.2 x103 FU, 10.6±1.8 x103 FU, 8.5±0.6 x103 FU, 6.9±0.8 x103 FU and 6.9±0.9
x103 FU for DU4475, SW527, HCC1937, MDA-MB-231 and SUM1315 cell lines, respec-
tively (Fig. 5 a). Moreover, fluorescence signal intensities correlation was studied for all
cell lines giving a R² determination coefficient of 0.9943, attesting a strong correspondence
between intensities of LightSpot®-FL-1 tracer and anti-P-gp signals (Fig. 5 b). These re-
sults showed a strong intensity correlation between the LightSpot®-FL-1 staining and the
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21
Figure 5: P-gp level quantification comparison after co-staining with LightSpot®-FL-1 staining
and anti-P-gp immunostaining on several Triple Negative Breast Cancer cell lines. Co-staining
was carried out combining LightSpot®-FL-1 staining with an anti-P-gp immunostaining on five dif-
ferent TNBC cell lines i.e. DU4475, SW527, HCC1937, MDA-MB-231 and SUM1315. For each cell
lines, (a) both LightSpot-FL staining (green bares) and anti-P-gp immunostaining (red bares) fluo-
rescence intensities were measured using the Gen5 software (BioTek®). Correlation between both
stainings was evaluated (b)with the correlation line and the R² coefficient of determination.
e) The cell-permeant LightSpot®-FL-1 detects and quantifies basal and induced P-gp expression
in SUM1315 spheroid cell masses models
The LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe is able to penetrate into cells and cell masses.
Thus, its performance for the detection and quantification of P-gp level was also analysed
in SUM1315 models. Firstly, to develop a LightSpot®-FL-1 staining protocol with this
model, SUM1315 spheroids were incubated with 1 µM LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe
for 2 h. Then, four washes in D-PBS were carried out to remove unfixed and unspecific
fluorescent compound from spheroids. At the end of LightSpot®-FL-1 incubation, the
mean signal fluorescence intensity quantified in spheroids was of 49.7±7.7x103 FU (Fig.
7f). Then, green-fluorescent intensity staining decreased across each washing (Fig. 7a-e).
Indeed, the mean fluorescent LightSpot®-FL-1 intensity significantly decreased to
36.3±10.2x103 FU after 1 wash (p=10-6, compared to values before washes), to 21.9±11.8x103
FU after 2 washes (p=10-6, compared to values after 1 wash), to 13.4±7.2x103 FU after 3
washes (p=10-4, compared to values after 2 washes) and stabilized to 10.7±2.2x103 FU after
4 washes (p=0.1, compared to values after 2 washes). These results suggested that with
these spheroids models, at least 3 washes are required after LightSpot®-FL-1 staining to
remove excess and unspecific fluorescent compound.
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 21
4. Discussion
The development of tumoral Multidrug Resistance profile represents a real obstacle
in cancer treatment, frequently leading to therapeutic failure [8]. This is a phenomenon in
which tumor cells become resistant to multiple structurally and functionally different
drugs during treatment [36]. This profile generally appears after initial tumoral exposure
to anticancer agents and mostly requires to increase treatment doses or adapt treatment
strategy [37]. Various molecular mechanisms are involved in Multidrug Resistance in-
cluding membrane efflux established by MDR proteins [7]. Particularly, the P-gp is the
most studied member of this family and is associated with tumoral resistance to a wide
range of anticancer drugs. Indeed, its expression is often upregulated in tumors, confer-
ring to cancer cells the ability to expulse therapeutic agents and thus limit / evade chem-
otherapy mediated cell death. That is why the study of tumoral chemoresistance estab-
lished by the P-gp is a relevant field to optimize cancer treatment and to limit therapeutic
failure risks [20]. Indeed, the relationship between P-gp expression and treatment efficacy
is widely validated for a large variety of cancer types such as lung, bladder, ovarian, and
breast cancers. This is especially of interest for aggressive and challenging tumoral sub-
types such as TNBC. This breast cancer sub-group is commonly associated with a high
rate of residual disease after treatment that increases the risk of relapse in the first 5 years
after treatment [38]. One principal cause of therapeutic failure in TNBC treatment is pri-
mary or acquired Multidrug Resistance profile that can include chemoresistance con-
ferred by the P-gp [39]. Several studies already demonstrated a significant P-gp overex-
pression after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy that was higher for patients presenting an un-
completed pathological response [40,41]. In addition, it has been highlighted that the up-
regulation of P-gp expression after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer patients
was associated with metastatic spread of lymph nodes [42]. Moreover, others studies al-
ready described the P-gp as a predictive factor of treatment outcomes [21,22]. However,
this protein is very rarely used in clinics as a predictive biomarker for the prognosis of the
pathology, certainly because of the lack of efficient tools allowing to detect its presence in
clinical samples.
Nowadays, two approaches allow to evaluate the P-gp expression level, at the pre-
clinical step. Firstly (i), the evaluation of the P-gp involvement in the xenobiotics efflux
mechanisms can be indirectly studied via competitive fluorescent P-gp substrates such as
rhodamine 123, among many others [43,44]. For this approach, the flow cytometry is
mainly used, requiring expressly living cells in suspension. Secondly (ii), the direct P-gp
quantification can be made with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, specific antibod-
ies immunostaining using western-blotting, immunocytochemistry or immunohisto-
chemistry methodologies [5,45]. These approaches can be applied on cells in suspension
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
or in monolayer and on tissue sections and allowed to specifically detect and localize the
P-gp. However, these approaches present antibodies penetration difficulties inside cells
and/or cell masses and imply expensive and time-consuming experimentations. Thus they
only target extracellular membrane P-gp, and not the intra cellular part [45]. Indeed, the
P-gp located on organelle membranes such as endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes also
plays an important role in cellular drug resistance that must not be underestimated
[46,47]. Therefore, all of these methodologies present limited interest for routine clinical
applications. Thereby, the simple, direct, reliable, and cost-effective detection and quanti-
fication of P-gp in tumor cells, and more particularly in tumoral masses, represents a rel-
evant challenge for optimizing treatment efficacy and patient care while limiting thera-
peutic failure risk.
Fluorescence microscopy based on molecularly targeted imaging agents may have
the potential to overcome such a challenge. Indeed, it provides a way to assess proteins
location and expression level in biological samples with subcellular resolution and good
sensitivity. As a consequence, over the last decade, there has been a remarkable growth in
the development and use of small-molecule fluorescent probes in the biological sciences,
and particularly in oncology for cancer detection, staging and characterization. In partic-
ular, it is well documented that this approach could complement biopsy-based histo-
pathological diagnosis [48]. Small-molecules fluorescent probes typically consist in a tar-
get-specific ligand conjugated through a linker to a small organic fluorophore for detec-
tion in the biological sample. Thus, considering the construction of a P-gp targeted fluo-
rescent probe, we designed LightSpot®-FL-1, a peptidic P-gp inhibitor derivative conju-
gated to the cell-permeant, bright and photostable BODIPY-FL fluorophore (Figure 1). The
peptidic moiety derives from a series of peptidomimetic P-gp ligands, previously identi-
fied as potent and selective non-competitive inhibitors, which reversibly binds to the in-
tracellular domain of the P-gp [49]. From there, we reasoned that such ligands were good
candidates to yield an efficient P-gp fluorescent probe after conjugation to a fluorophore.
LightSpot®-FL-1 was designed to penetrate inside cells and/or cell masses to specif-
ically label P-gp, thus allowing its direct localization and quantification. Different TNBC
cell models were used to evaluate LightSpot®-FL-1 as an efficient P-gp probe: DU4475 in
suspension cell line, SW527, HCC1937, MDA-MB-231 and SUM1315 monolayer cell lines
and SUM1315 spheroids.
Firstly, the ability of LightSpot®-FL-1 to penetrate and subsist inside cells was
checked by flow cytometry analysis using TNBC SUM1315 and DU4475 cells. Especially,
within the first 15 min after cell exposure to the fluorescent probe, a cellular fluorescence
intensity increase of 40-fold for DU4475 and 5,000-fold for SUM1315 cells was observed,
followed by a stabilisation of the fluorescent signal in both cell lines (Figure 2). This sug-
gest a quick LightSpot®-FL-1 uptake and its binding to its P-gp target. Then, the cell wash-
ing step led to the successful removal of non-specifically bound LightSpot®-FL-1 part.
Indeed, after 5 min of washing, a clear decrease of cell fluorescence intensity of 30.9% for
DU4475 and of 50.0% for SUM1315 cells, was detected. However, a part of the fluorescent
LightSpot®-FL-1 probe was clearly retained in cells, even after two hours of washing. This
part corresponds to 33.3% and 13.6% of the fluorescent tracer signal measured before the
washing step, for DU4475 and SUM1315 cells, respectively (Figure 2). These results indi-
cated that the Light-Spot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe quickly penetrates and specifically per-
sists in cells.
Thereafter, the P-gp selective localisation, detection, and quantification by Light-
Spot®-FL-1 staining was demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy. For this demonstra-
tion, both TNBC cell models DU4475 and SUM1315 (living or fixed) were exposed to 1
µM of the fluorescent probe during one hour before a D-PBS wash for one other hour, in
order to expel excess markers out of cells. This staining applied on both living and fixed
TNBC cells highlighted same membrane and cytoplasmic distribution of the LightSpot®-
FL-1 compound with an absence of cell nucleus accumulation (Figure 3). In addition, these
results showed 99.5% and 94.4% fluorescent staining intensities similarities between
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 21
living and fixed cell conditions, for DU4475 and SUM1315 cells, respectively (Figure 3).
This demonstrated that LightSpot®-FL-1 staining can be carried out on both fresh or fixed
cells giving same signal distribution and intensity. This property may turn out to be par-
ticularly of interest for the staining of precious clinical samples. The following experi-
ments were carried out on fixed TNBC cell models.
In order to validate P-gp sensitive detection and quantification with the LightSpot®-
FL-1 probe, the FL-1 marking was compared to an anti-P-gp immunofluorescent staining
using the anti-P-gp F4 clone antibodies. These experiments firstly realised on DU4475 and
SUM1315 cells highlighted a similar staining signal and cellular distribution on both
TNBC models (Figure 4). Strong colocalization between the two labelling was also ob-
tained on DU4475 cells with a Pearson’s coefficient of 92.1% and Mander’s overlap coeffi-
cient of 100.0% which highlighted a strong spatial correlation between the two signals.
Then, signal fluorescent intensities of both labelling were also compared for others TNBC
cell lines. The correlation between the two signals for the five TNBC cell lines presented a
coefficient determination R² of 0.99 (Figure 5). All these results demonstrated strong sim-
ilarities between LightSpot®-FL-1 staining and anti-P-gp immunostaining signals locali-
sations and intensities. These experiments allowed to stratify several TNBC cell lines ac-
cording to their P-gp level of expression and are consistent with the literature [35]. Thus,
this innovant fluorescent probe turns out to be very efficient for the localisation and the
quantification of the P-gp on TNBC monolayer cell cultures.
Otherwise, the ability of the LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent probe to quantify P-gp in-
duction of expression was also checked. Indeed, our previous works had already high-
lighted the induction of P-gp expression in SUM1315 cell line after exposure to 50 µM
Olaparib PARP inhibitor, using western blotting methodology [28]. Thereby, for these ex-
periments, the TNBC SUM1315 cell line cultured in monolayer was also used as model
after their exposure with increasing Olaparib doses (10, 50 and 100 µM) during 3h. As
previously, the LightSpot®-Fl-1 staining was realised alongside an anti-P-gp im-
munostaining. Firstly, a non-significant increase of P-gp expression level was noted after
10 µM Olaparib exposure, with 2.8% and 5.7% of increase for immunostaining and Light-
Spot®-FL-1 staining, respectively, in comparison to DMSO control condition (Figure 6).
In contrast, in presence of 50 and 100 µM of Olaparib, a significant increase of P-gp level
was measured with the two methodologies. Indeed, for the immunostaining, this increase
was of 11.4% for both 50 and 100 µM Olaparib concentrations compared to DMSO control
condition. In contrast, for the LightSpot®-FL-1 staining, the P-gp level increased more
strongly up to 55.1% after high concentration Olaparib exposure, compared to 0.1%
DMSO control (Figure 6). These results suggest that the LightSpot®-FL-1 seems to be more
sensitive for the detection of P-gp overexpression level, in comparison to immunostaining
method. This increased sensitivity allowed by the cell-permeant LightSpot®-FL-1 tracer
might probably be due to the quantification of P-gp expressed on intracellular organelles
such as lysosomes [50].
The innovative LightSpot®-FL-1 tracer presents the ability to penetrate a cell mass.
Thus, their performance for P-gp detection and quantification in cell masses was then an-
alysed using SUM1315 spheroid models. Firstly, the P-gp staining method in SUM1315
spheroids was developed. Indeed, after 90 min of SUM1315 spheroids incubation with 1
µM LightSpot®-FL-1 probe, homogeneous distribution of intense green signal was de-
tected on all spheroid area. In order to remove unspecific tracer accumulation, spheroids
were then severally washed allowing a clear drop of spheroid green-fluorescent signal of
27.0% after one wash, 66.1% after two washes and 73.0% after 3 washes (Figure 7). Inter-
estingly, upon this step, a stable signal persisted inside spheroid models with a similarity
of 80.0% (no significant difference observed) despite an additional fourth washing step.
Thus, these data allowed us to determine optimal conditions to directly detect and quan-
tify P-gp expression level inside SUM1315 spheroid models. As previously seen on mon-
olayer cell cultures, LightSpot®-FL-1 probe ability to detect changes in P-gp expression
level after drug exposure was assessed on SUM1315 spheroids. In these conditions, no
Cancers 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 21
significant increase of P-gp expression level was detected after a 3h-short time Olaparib
exposition with 2.4%, 4.8 and 10.2% of P-gp expression variation for 10, 50 and 100 µM
Olaparib doses, respectively, in comparison to DMSO controls (Figure 7). However, after
a longer Olaparib exposure of 6h, LightSpot®-FL-1 compound allowed to detect signifi-
cant P-gp expression level increase of 33.3%, 30.7% and 30.7% for 10, 50 and 100 µM
Olaparib, respectively, in comparison to DMSO controls (Figure 7). These results high-
lighted the added-value of LightSpot®-FL-1 tracer to detect and quantify drug-induced
overexpression of P-gp in fixed cell masses such as spheroid models.
The present works allowed the development of the new LightSpot®-FL-1 fluorescent
probe for the specific localization and quantification of the P-gp chemoresistance protein
inside in vitro preclinical TNBC models. Especially, this innovative tool turned out to be
very effective to directly detect and measure the basal or induced expression level of the
P-gp on both monolayer cultures and spheroid models. One of the added-values of the
LightSpot®-FL-1 is its ability to specifically detect the P-gp on fresh and also fixed cell
models. This ability would be particularly interesting for precious biological samples and
allow to eliminate P-gp expression level modifications during experiments bias. Moreo-
ver, we demonstrated that this new approach is more sensitive for the detection of P-gp
expression level changes than classic immunofluorescence methods. This performance
may probably be due to the ability of the LightSpot®-FL-1 probe to detect not only the
plasma membrane P-gp, but also the intracellular P-gp expressed at the membrane orga-
nelles [46,47]. Indeed, the P-gp is expressed not only at the plasmid membrane level, but
also, according to the literature, it is transiently present on intracellular organelle mem-
branes such as endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and endosome/lysosome vesicles
[46]. In fact, all these organelles are involved during the synthesis and the traffic of the P-
gp. However, the P-gp is maintained on lysosome membrane, playing an important role
for tumoral chemoresistance by lysosomal drug sequestration and degradation [50,51].
Thereby, this approach would be more complete for the detection of the global P-gp cell
expression level. For this, other works are currently in progress to characterise more pre-
cisely the intracellular LightSpot®-FL-1 staining. All these characteristics make the Light-
Spot®-FL-1 probe very effective for the quantification and the localization of the P-gp in-
side multicellular biological structures. Especially, this innovative tool is very promising
to improve studies of the P-gp and for the clinical diagnosis of tumoral chemoresistance
established by this protein. More specifically, the LightSpot®-FL-1 may help to re-intro-
duce the tumoral P-gp expression level as a predictive biomarker of therapeutic failure or
cancer relapse. This new clinical approach may turn out to be very useful to improve tu-
mors treatment that is all the most important for challenging cancer subtypes such as
TNBC. In this field, our current works are focused on the development of the LightSpot®-
FL-1 probe on clinical samples for the evaluation of tumoral chemoresistance.
6. Patents
These present works follow the international patent filing # PCT/EP2020/077694 from
October 2, 2020, by UCA/INSERM/BIOMARQUEURS [34].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.G., P.D., C.D., E.M. and M.B.; methodology,
A.G., P.D., C.D., E.M. and M.B.; validation, A.G., P.D., C.D., E.M. and M.B.; formal analy-
sis, A.G., P.D. and M.R.; investigation, A.G., P.D. and M.R.; data curation, A.G., P.D. and
M.R.; writing—original draft preparation, A.G., P.D. and M.B.; writing—review and edit-
ing, A.G., P.D., C.D., E.M. and M.B.. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: These works were partially funded by I-SITE CAP 20-25 Hub Innovergne – Cler-
mont Auvergne University “ResLight project” - 2021.
Acknowledgments: Our thanks to the CICS (Centre d’Imagerie Cellulaire Santé) from
Clermont Auvergne University for the flow cytometry analysis, and to the Biological Re-
source Center of Jean Perrin Comprehensive Cancer Center for the nitrogen storage of all
cell lines used in these works.
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