Anticancer Substances of Mushroom Origin
Anticancer Substances of Mushroom Origin
Anticancer Substances of Mushroom Origin
The present status of investigations about the anticancer activity which is inherent to medicinal mushrooms, as well as their bio-
medical potential and future prospects are discussed. Mushroom products and extracts possess promising immunomodulating and
anticancer effects, so the main biologically active substances of mushrooms responsible for immunomodulation and direct cytoto-
xicity toward cancer cell lines (including rarely mentioned groups of anticancer mushroom proteins), and the mechanisms of their
antitumor action were analyzed. The existing to date clinical trials of mushroom substances are mentioned. Mushroom anticancer
extracts, obtained by the different solvents, are outlined. Modern approaches of cancer treatment with implication of mushroom
products, including DNA vaccinotherapy with mushroom immunomodulatory adjuvants, creation of prodrugs with mushroom
lectins that can recognize glycoconjugates on the cancer cell surface, development of nanovectors etc. are discussed. The future
prospects of mushroom anticancer substances application, including chemical modification of polysaccharides and terpenoids, gene
engineering of proteins, and implementation of vaccines are reviewed.
Key Words: mushrooms, anticancer substances, extracts, vaccinotherapy.
Polysaccharides and polysaccharide-protein observed. Patients who had been treated with tegafur
complexes in combination with lentinan, during 1, 2, and 3 years
Biologically active polysaccharides were detected (1 mg twice a week or 2 mg once a week administered
in fruiting bodies, mycelial mass and cultural broth intravenously) showed survival rate increases by 19.5;
of Macromycetes. Mushroom polysaccharides pre- 10.4, and 6.5%, respectively. Similar results were ob-
vent carcinogenesis and metastasis, and, in addition, tained in case of progressive and relapsing rectal can-
display immune cell-mediated anticancer activity [7]. cer [11]. At the same time, administration of lentinan
Polysaccharides with antitumor activity belong pre- in combination with anticancer drugs mitomycin C and
dominantly to glucans with β-(1→3) bonds in the main 5-fluorouracil didn’t lead to any positive results. If com-
chain and with β-(1→3) bond side branches, wherein bined lentinan with radiotherapy and surgery, a positive
side branches are essential for occurrence of biologi- effect was achieved in treatment of lung, breast, and
cal activity. Furthermore, it was demonstrated [8] that gastric cancer [11]. Adverse reactions and toxicity
high-molecular weight polysaccharides are more ef- of lentinan were observed in rare cases [4].
ficient than low-molecular. It is generally recognized The structure and anticancer activity of schizophyl-
that application of mushroom polysaccharides can lan (see Table 1) are similar to lentinan [8]. Schizo-
be an additional remedy for cancer patient’s treat- phyllan is a (1→3)-β-glucan in linear linkage with
ment, but it is reasonable to combine such agents (1→6)-β-glucopyranoside branches, bonded to every
with traditional methods of therapy like surgery, third or fourth residue [12]. Schizophyllan restores and
chemo- and radiotherapy [3]. In such combination enhances cellular immunity in the tumor-bearing host
polysaccharides, polysaccharide-protein complexes, by functioning as a T-cell adjuvant and macrophage
and mushroom extracts have an ability to reduce side activator; it also induces the gene expression of cyto-
effects of conventional cancer treatments [8]. Worth kines [12]. In in vivo studies [12] schizophyllan inhibits
to note, that clinical trials of mushroom origin drugs solid Sarcoma 180 and increases survival of mice when
are sufficiently expensive and long-term. Therefore, injected by intraperitoneal or intravenous route, but has
there are plenty investigations of medicinal mushroom low antitumor activity by subcutaneous route. It also has
anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo, but, to the best no effect on the survival of mice bearing Sarcoma 37,
of our knowledge, read by the number polysaccharides Ehrlich’s carcinoma, or Yoshida sarcoma [12]. Clinical
and polysaccharide-protein complexes have passed studies with schizophyllan in combination with con-
clinical trials (Table 1). Mentioned in the Table 1 sub- ventional chemotherapy (tegafur or mitomycin C and
stances have undergone clinical trials I–III phases 5-fluorouracil) in a randomized study of 367 patients
in Japan, China, and USA. Initial phases of clinical tri- with recurrent and inoperable gastric cancer resulted
als have shown anticancer activity of these drugs and in a significant increase in median survival [8]. Recently
absence of short-term or long-term toxicity, as well [8]. it has also been shown, that schizophyllan increases
Table 1. Mushroom antitumor polysaccharide and polysaccharide-protein overall survival of patients with head and neck can-
complexes which have passed clinical trials cers [8]. In a randomized study, schizophyllan, in com-
Origin bination with radiotherapy, significantly prolonged the
Taxa Trade name Chemical structure Ref.
of isolation
Grifola fron- Fruiting bodies D and MD- β-D-glucan [7]
overall survival of stage II cervical cancer patients but
dosa and mycelium fractions not stage III [8]. Schizophyllan is currently produced
Lentinus Fruiting bodies Lentinan β-D-glucan [8] commercially by several Japanese pharmaceutical
edodes companies and approved for clinical use in Japan.
Schizophyllum Cultured broth Schizophyllan β-D-glucan [8]
commune Two different polysaccharide fractions with anti-
Trametes ver- Mycelial mass PSP, PSK Polysaccharide- [8] cancer properties were obtained from mycelial mass
sicolor (Krestin) protein complexes of basidiomycete T. versicolor. PSK (krestin) is a β-D-
Lentinan (see Table 1) is a water-soluble antican- glucan-protein complex which was obtained by Japan
cer polysaccharide, which was isolated from fruiting company “Kureha Kagaku Koguo K.K.” by the method
bodies of L. edodes by Chihara et al. [9] in 1969. of hot water extraction [13]. Mechanism of krestin anti-
Lentinan has a molecular weight 500 kDa, the main cancer activity involves the following actions: recovery
chain consists of glucose, connected with β-(1→3) from immunosuppression induced by humoral factors
bonds, and side chains, connected with main chain such as TGF-β or as a result of surgery and chemo-
by β-(1→6) bonds. Lentinan binds to lymphocyte therapy; activation of antitumor immune responses
cell surface or to specific proteins of blood serum including maturation of dendritic cells, correction
which activate macrophage, T-killers, and other ef- of Th1/Th2 imbalance, promotion of IL-15 production
fector cells that, in turn, enhance antibody, IL-1, IL-2, by monocytes; and enhancement of the antitumor
and IFN-γ production. Lentinan completely inhibits effect of chemotherapy by induction of apoptosis
the growth of subcutaneously transplanted in mice and inhibition of metastasis through direct actions
Sarcoma-180 [4]. In clinical trials [10] after the admini- on tumor cells [14].
stration of tegafur to patients, suffering from gastric The researchers of the Shanghai University (China)
cancer, the survival rates increased during the first have isolated the substance named PSP (consists
and second years at the same level (2.9%), though of 90% polysaccharide and 10% of protein, mo-
during the third year an increase in survival rate was not lecular weight is about 100 kDa) from mycelial mass
60 Experimental Oncology 36, 58–66, 2014 (June)
of T. versicolor Cov-1 [13]. The protein part is com- Mushroom anticancer proteins
posed of asparagines and glutamic acid, the main Mushroom polysaccharides are the most exten-
component of polysaccharide is glucose in the main sively investigated among all the bioactive substances
chain, which is bonded with α-(1→4) and β-(1→3) of mushrooms. However, bioactive proteins constitute
glycoside linkages. The chemical structure of PSP another important part of functional components
is similar to PSK, but the former contains fucose, and in mushrooms, which also attract increasing attention
the latter — arabinose and rhamnose [15]. due to their pharmaceutical potential and possibility
970 patients took part in clinical trial of PSP has been to apply protein engineering with specified properties.
performed by Yang et al. [15]. 485 tumor patients were Mushroom proteins with anticancer activity can be di-
given PSP along with chemo- and radiotherapy in this vided by two groups: proteins with direct antiprolifera-
research; control tests were made of 211 cases; random tive activity on cancer cells and immunomodulating
groups were selected for forward-expecting and dou- proteins. Lectins form a group which can possess
ble-blind control tests from the remaining 274 cases. both mechanisms of action. Cancer cell lines Hep
Various kinds of cancer were involved in the study: gas- G2 and MCF-7 have been used the most frequently
tric (162 cases), esophagus (172 cases), and primary for examination of mushroom proteins antiproliferative
pathogenic lung cancer (151 cases). Tested group was activity in vitro (Table 2).
treated with 3 g of PSP daily over two periods with dura- Table 2. Cytotoxicity of mushroom proteins against tumor cell lines
tion of one month. The number of cases of increased ІС50 for tumor cell lines, μM
Protein group Taxa Ref.
natural killer cell activity, of increased IL-2, and CD4+/ Hep G2 MCF-7
Lectin Pholiota adiposa 2.1 3.2 [17]
CD8+ ratio was more than observed in the control group. Hericium erinaceum 56.1 76.5 [18]
Addition of PSP lowered side effects of chemo- and Russula lepida 1.6 0.9 [19]
Russula delica 0.88 0.52 [20]
radiotherapy, appreciable relief was evident especially Laccase Tricholoma mongolicum 0.65 1.4 [21]
in the cases of poor appetite, weakness, tiredness, dry- Clitocybe maxima 12.3 3.0 [22]
ness of mouth and throat, and pain. Quality of tumorous Abortiporus biennis 12.5 6.7 [23]
Agrocybe cylindracea 5.6 6.5 [24]
patients’ life improved on parameters of body weight Hericium coralloides > 60.0 [25]
and Karnofsky’s evaluation. Ribosome inac- Hypsizigus marmoreus 0.15 5.0 [26]
Polysaccharide fractions of G. frondosa were tivating protein
also extensively investigated. D-fraction of hot water Lectins are multivalent proteins or glycoproteins
deproteinated extract from both the fruiting bodies of nonimmune origin, which can specifically reco-
and mycelia of G. frondosa consists predominantly gnize and reversibly bind to carbohydrate moiety
of β-D-glucan with 1→6 bonds in the main chain and of glycoconjugates without disturbing the covalent
1→4 branches or 1→3 bonds in the main chain and structure of any recognized glycoside ligand [27]. Bio-
1→6 branches [8]. Mechanism of D-fraction action logical role of lectins is very diverse: they participate
includes activation of macrophages, which, in turn, in the mobilization and transportation of sugars, cell
increase the production of cytokines. D-fraction recognition, growth regulation, and differentiation,
of G. frondosa appears to inactivate glyoxalase I in in vi- as well as in the process of the penetration of parasitic
tro studies, an enzyme believed to metabolize chemo- fungi into a host organism and in the relation between
therapeutic compounds used against cancer cells thus the fungal organism and a higher plant in the process
potentially enhancing their bioavailability [8]. The MD- of mycorrhization [27]. Lectins are probably the most
fraction has been obtained by further purification of the extensively investigated of all the mushroom pro-
D-fraction and showed a superior anti-cancer effect. teins. It is worth to note that owing to unique capacity
The MD-fraction can induce cancer cell apoptosis of specifically binding to glycoconjugates, mushroom
via activation of the BAK-1 gene [16]. The combina- lectins find applications in study of the modifications
tion of IFN-α2b and the MD-fraction has been shown in membrane glycoconjugates and cancer formation,
to have a synergistic effect that triggers DNA-depen- sorting of mutant and tumor cells, diagnostics, and
dent protein kinase activation and induces cancer creation of prodrugs. Apart from cell agglutinating
cell arrest at the G1 cell cycle checkpoint. The D- and activity, some lectins possess mitogenic activity toward
MD-fractions are undergoing phase I/II clinical trials certain cell types, e. g., immune cells, and/or direct
in the United States and Japan [16]. antiproliferative activity toward tumor cells [28].
There are some methods of anticancer activity Among lectins with direct cytotoxicity against can-
and clinical quality intensification for polysaccharide cer cells mention may be made of ricin B-like lectin
remedies. Thus, carboxymethylated, hydroxylated, from Clitocybe nebularis that can recognize human
formylmethylated, aminethylated and sulfated pro- blood group A determinant carbohydrates and pos-
ducts have been designed to improve the biological sesses antiproliferative activity specific to human
activity by chemical modification. Particularly, the line- leukemic T cells [28]. Belonging to the same type
ar (1→3)-α-glucans from Amanita muscaria and Ag- glycoprotein lectin from fruiting bodies of G. frondosa
rocybe cylindracea have little antitumor activity, but is cytotoxic against HeLa cells [29]. Lectins from
the carboxymethylated linear (1→3)-α-glucan showed Polyporus adusta and Ganoderma carpense exhibit
high potent antitumor activity against Sarcoma 180 and both mitogenic activity toward spleen cells and an-
immunomodulatory activity in mice [12]. tiproliferative activity toward cancer cells [29]. Anti-
Experimental Oncology 36, 58–66, 2014 (June) 61
proliferative activity of some lectins toward human cell tion, recently was found that some mushroom laccases
lines Hep G2 and MCF-7 is summarized in the Table 2. possess direct cytotoxicity in vitro, particularly toward
At the same time, some mushroom lectins appertain Hep G2 and MCF-7 cell lines (see Table 2). Laccases
to a new family of bioactive proteins which is referred (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase) form a class
to as fungal immunomodulatory proteins. Thus, a fun- of ligninolytic enzymes which demonstrate a rather
gal immunomodulatory lectin referred to as fve from low degree of specificity with regard to the reducing
Flammulina velutipes demonstrated potent adjuvant substrate: they catalyze the oxidation of ortho- and
properties enhancing T-helper type 1 antigen-specific para-diphenols and aromatic amines by removing
and peripheral blood lymphocyte immune responses, an electron and a proton from a hydroxyl group
thus leading to strong antitumor effect [29]. It also to generate a free radical [29]. It is likely that cytoto-
was shown that fve could enhance INF-γ production xicity of laccases can be associated with their capacity
via the p38-mitogen activated protein kinase signaling to oxidize wide range of substrates.
pathway which is considered being the key factor for Recently was shown that antiproliferative activity can
antitumor activity of fve in vivo. be attributed to enzymes which inactivate ribosomes
Another immunomodulatory lectin was isolated by eliminating one or more adenosine residues from
from the fruiting bodies of A. cylindracea and showed rRNA [28]. During the past decade, mushroom ribosome
a six-fold increase in mitogenic response when mouse inactivating proteins were isolated from several species
splenocytes were incubated with 2 μM of aforemen- including Calvatia caelata, F. velutipes, H. marmoreus,
tioned lectin [29]. Bolesatine is a toxic glycoprotein Lyophyllum shimeiji, and Pleurotus tuber-regium [28].
from Boletus satanas with hemagglutinating activity Thus, calcaelin from C. caelata demonstated anti-mito-
which displays biphasic action: mitogenic activity to- genic activity toward spleen cells and anti-proliferative
ward human and rat lymphocytes at low doses and in- activity toward breast cancer cells [29].
hibiting effect at higher doses. It also elicits the release Ribonucleases distinct from ubiquitin-like peptides
of IL-1 and IL-2 in supernatants from mononuclear and proteins were isolated from several mushroom
cell cultures [30]. Lectin from Volvariella volvacea species. One of RNase was isolated from Pleurotus
expresses mitogenic activity toward human peripheral sajor-caju; it exerts an antiproliferative action on hepa-
lymphocytes, inhibits generation of bovine serum toma and leukemia cells, and anti-mitogenic action
albumin-induced Arthus reaction, and stimulates on mouse spleen cells [29].
transcriptional expression of IL-3, IL-4, IFN-γ, TNF-α, Ubiquitin-conjugated proteins including cell cycle
lymphotoxin, and IL 2-receptor [29]. regulatory proteins, p53 tumor suppressor, the trans-
Lin et al. [29] isolated an immunomodulatory criptional regulator NF-κB and its inhibitor, numerous
protein of non-lectin origin GMI from Ganoderma mi- transcription factors, and the mos protooncogen,
crosporum and investigated its activity in suppressing are targets for degradation by the 26S proteasome.
tumor invasion and metastasis. It was found that GMI, The ubiquitin-mediated pathway regulates cell-cycle
in a dose-dependent manner, inhibits EGF mediated progression, signal transcription regulation, receptor
migration and invasion in A549 cells by several path- down-regulation, endocytosis, immune response,
ways such as inhibiting EGF-induced phosphorylation, development, and apoptosis. Defects in ubiquitin-
EGF-induced activation of Cdc42 GTPase, activation mediated events may be involved in the development
of EGF receptor and Ala pathway kinases. of pathological conditions including malignant trans-
Hemolysin is an agent or a substance that causes formation [29]. Particularly, ubiquitin-like peptide from
the destruction of red blood cells, thereby liberating the mushroom C. caelata demonstrates anti-mitogenic
hemoglobin [31]. Thereby, hemolysin can be distin- activity toward mouse splenocytes and antiproliferative
guished similarly to lectin namely by interaction with activity toward human breast cancer cells [29]. Similarly,
red blood cells. Few hemolytic proteins isolated from the ubiquitin-like peptide from A. cylindracea exerts
mushrooms, among them hemolysins from Pleurotus immunostimulating and antiproliferative activities [29].
ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Antifungal protein lentin was isolated from fruiting
and Amanita phalloides, exhibited potential anti-proli- bodies of L. edodes. It was shown [33] that lentin
ferative activity on several cancer cell lines in vitro [32]. exhibited cytotoxicity toward cell line L1210 with
Thus, phallolysin from A. phalloides is cytotoxic to HeLa IC50 0.2 μM supposedly via inhibition of translation.
cells and ascites tumor cells (the mouse sarcoma Cytotoxic terpenoids from mushrooms
P43), P. ostreatus hemolysin possess antiproliferative Terpenoid is any of a class of hydrocarbons that
activities against HT-1080 and MCF-7 cells, P. eryngii consist of terpenes attached to an oxygen-containing
hemolysin reduces the viability of L1210 cells, finally, group [31]. In turn, terpene is any from the class of hy-
nebrodeolysin from P. nebrodensis showed strong drocarbons consisting of two or more isoprene (C5H8)
cytotoxicity against Lu-04, Bre-04, HepG2, L929 and units joined together [31].
HeLa cells with apoptosis induction in L929 and HeLa Numerous investigations are devoted to cytotoxic
cells [32]. activity of basidiomycete Ganoderma lucidum triter-
Laccases deserve special interest among mush- penoids (containing 6 isoprene units). More than
room enzymes because of their potent role in the bio- 150 triterpenoids were isolated from fruiting bodi-
degradation of lignin and phenolic pollutants. In addi- es of the genus Ganoderma [34]. Polyoxygenated
62 Experimental Oncology 36, 58–66, 2014 (June)
ganoderic triterpene acids T, V, W, X, Y, and Z with la- at the doses ranging from 3.75 to 7.5 mg/kg during
nostane skeleton, isolated from G. lucidum, exhibited 5 days [43]. Complete regressions were also observed
cytotoxic activity in vitro toward HTC cell line [35]. It was in individual animals with MV522 and HT-29. HMAF
shown [36] that triterpenoid fraction from the fruiting passed successfully clinical trial phase I [44], though
bodies of G. lucidum contains ganoderic acid F and during the phase II the lack of efficiency was re-
exhibits anticancer and antimetastatic activity through vealed [45, 46], and subsequent studies have stopped.
inhibition of angiogenesis which was induced by tumor. Anticancer activity of mushroom steroids,
Triterpene enriched fraction from G. lucidum mycelium phenols, and dietary fiber
inhibited the growth of Huh-7 cells with IC50 about Among mushroom steroids the glycosylated form
100 μg/ml, though showed low toxicity (IC50 > 1 mg/ml) of ergosterol peroxide from the methanol extract
for normal hepatocytes [37]. This fraction inhibited of Cordyceps sinensis was found [47] to be an inhibitor
protein kinase C, but activated other protein kinases of proliferation of K562, Jurkat, WM-1341, HL-60, and
(which is usually occurs during mitosis) and arrested RPMI-8226 tumor cell lines.
cell cycle in G2 phase in the hepatoma cells, however Anticancer sterol from Sarcodon aspratus selec-
it didn’t have such effect in normal hepatocytes [37]. tively suppressed the growth of HT29 cancer cells, but
Previously it was shown that the mechanism of this not WI38 normal human fibroblasts [48]. Investigations
fraction cytotoxicity for tumor cells includes oxidative of anticancer mechanism have shown that aforemen-
stress [38]. Three triterpene aldehydes with lanostane tioned sterol induces expression of the cyclin-depen-
skeleton were derivated from fruiting bodies of G. luci- dent kinase inhibitor 1A, thus causing cell cycle arrest
dum and named lucialdehydes A, B, and C [39]. Luci- and apoptosis in HT29 cells.
aldehydes B and C exhibited cytotoxicity toward LLC, Phenols can possess anticancer activity as pre-
T-47D, Sarcoma 180 and Sarcoma Meth-A cell lines. ventive agent with antioxidant properties and also
Lucialdehyde C revealed the highest cytotoxicity to- can exhibit direct cytotoxicity toward cancer cells.
ward tested cells with ED50 10.7, 4.7, 7.1, and 3.8 mg/l, Thus, hericenones A and B from Hericium erinaceum
respectively. It was elucidated [40], that intracellular demonstrated complete growth inhibition of HeLa cells
triterpenoids from G. lucidum can be produced pre- at the concentrations of 100 μg/ml and 6.3 μg/ml re-
dominantly on the latter stages of submerged fermen- spectively [49]. It was suggested, that potent cyto-
tation, have different composition and cytotoxicity toxicity of hericenone B may be due to γ-lactam and
toward K562 cells. its N-substituent.
Mushroom terpenoids can be cytotoxic not Mushroom cell walls contain high molecular weight
only for cancer cells, but also for normal cells; materials which cannot be digested or absorbed by hu-
therefore creation of semisynthetic analogues with man intestine, but absorb carcinogenic substances
specified properties is a promising approach. Thus, (heavy metals, free radicals, etc.): chitin, homo- and
in 1963 as a result of screening from about 600 mush- heteropolysaccharides [4].
rooms it was determined [41] that Lampteromyces Quantitative and qualitative composition of fungal
japonicus has a high anticancer activity associated mycelia depends on various cultivation conditions,
with toxic substance lamterol. Cytotoxic tricyclic ses- especially on the substrate for cultivation. Synthetic
quiterpene (containing 3 isoprene units) illudin S easily accessible media can suppress generation
(lamterol) can be also synthesized by Omphalotus of some valuable secondary metabolites [50]. In this
olearius [4]. It is believed that illudin S undergoes aspect the selection of the cultivation media is one
activation by glutathione. The activated form is then of the important stages for obtaining of biologically
capable of covalently bind to DNA which halts DNA active substances of fungal mycelia. The most pre-
replication [4] and leads to cell death in interphase ferred can be considered natural substrates — wastes
G1-S [42]. Illudin S itself is too toxic to be used of agriculture [51].
as a clinical drug. Consequently, a semisynthetic illudin
analog HMAF, that demonstrated a superior therapeu- ANTICANCER EXTRACTS FROM
tic profile and lower toxicity, employed in clinical trials. MUSHROOMS
In vitro investigations of HMAF have shown that IC50 for The above substances having antitumor activity
cancer cell lines ranging from 160 nM in sensitive were extracted from the fungi with various solvents.
MCF-7 to 17 μM in relatively insensitive B16 cells [43]. Ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, and hot water ex-
In vivo antitumor activity was consistent with in vitro tracts of fruiting bodies and mycelia are often used
sensitivity. HMAF was very effective in human tumor in preclinical studies of mushroom antitumor activity
xenograft models, including MX-1, MV522, and HT-29, in vitro and in vivo. Occasionally anticancer activity
but not B16 or P388 [43]. Thus, complete regression of other extracts (acetone, ether, chloroform, cold
recorded in 29 of 30 animals bearing MX-1 tumors af- water, etc.) has been tested.
ter administration of HMAF intravenously at the doses The first demonstration of mushroom extract an-
of 3–7.5 mg/kg daily for 5 days. Extensive tumor titumor activity has been conducted in 1957 by Lucas
shrinkage was also observed with MV522, and sig- et al. [52] using extracts from the fruiting bodies of Bo-
nificant tumor growth inhibition was obtained with letus edulis and other holobasidiomycetes against
HT-29 when animals received intraperitoneal injections Sarcoma-180.
Experimental Oncology 36, 58–66, 2014 (June) 63
Ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, and, in some nanoparticles: when exposed to sunlight flavins absorb
cases, culture liquid extraction of 12 medicinal mush- photons of energy and can act in reduction-oxidation
rooms were screened for their effect on the viability reactions. Obtained nanoparticles showed cytotoxicity
of HPAF-II and PL45 cell lines with various treatment against A-549, K-562, HeLa, and MDA-MB cancer
doses (50–500 μg/ml) [65]. The best results were cells and no effect against Vero normal cells.
obtained for Cyathus striatus culture luquid extract,
even at lower concentrations (1–50 μg/ml) it showed
Analysis of literature data has shown that antican-
a significant decrease in cell viability.
cer activity of mushroom products provoked increasing
To the best of our knowledge, there was no posi-
interest of researchers. The most abundant amount
tive evidence of anticancer activity attributed to cold
of investigations among anticancer substances
water extracts of medicinal mushrooms. Thus, cold
of mushroom origin are attached to polysaccharides,
water extract of Agaricus brasiliensis didn’t influence
polysaccharide-protein complexes, lectins and
intestinal immunoglobulin A level or TNF-α, IFN-γ, and
terpenoids. Only a few of substances has passed
IL-10 levels in serum of experimentally immunode-
initial phases of clinical trials: D- and MD-fractions
pressed mice with cyclophosphamide [66]. Though,
of G. frondosa, PSP and PSK from T. versicolor, len-
cold water extracts of medicinal mushrooms can cause
tinan from L. edodes, schizophyllan from S. commune,
other effects, such as hepatoprotective [67].
and HMAF from L. japonicus.
NOVEL APPROACHES OF CANCER Mushroom lectins are a group of proteins which
TREATMENT USING MUSHROOM can possess as immunomodulating as well as direct
PRODUCTS cytotoxic activity toward cancer cells. It is also possible
Vaccinotherapy to use specificity of lectins to glucoconjugate in order
Vaccine preparations with preventive properties to study the modifications in membrane glucoconju-
against liver and cervical cancer associated with gates and cancer formation, sorting of mutant and tu-
hepatitis B and human papillomatosis infections were mor cells, diagnostics, and creation of prodrugs. There
developed in Belgium and USA [68]. At the same time, are some rarely mentioned anticancer mushroom
to date there is no vaccine on commercial scale aimed proteins as hemolysin proteins, enzyme laccase, ribo-
to cure existing tumors, metastases or relapses. Addi- some inactivating proteins, and ubiquitin-conjugated
tion of immunomodulating substances of natural and proteins which display direct cytotoxic activity in vitro.
synthetic origin to vaccines can sufficiently enhance Proteins can be a convenient tool for medical treatment
their anticancer properties. because of the possibility of genetic engineering and
Thus, there were substantiated doses and schemes large-scale amplification.
of L. edodes polysaccharide fraction administra- Anticancer activity of ethanol, methanol, ethyl
tion along and design of it combination with vac- acetate, and hot water extracts of fruiting bodies and
cine on the basis of autological glycopeptides mycelia from mushrooms of different ecological and
of Ehrlich’s carcinoma, Sarcoma 37, LLC, L1210, and systematical groups was established. Some examples
B16 cell lines [68]. Such preparations enhance cyto- of mushroom extracts investigations are provided.
lytic activity of lymphocytes, metabolic activity of peri- Substances contained in mushrooms may be able
toneal macrophages, and cytolytic activity of blood to interfere with tumor through a variety of mecha-
serum in the presence of complement in intact animals nisms, e.g., by enhancing the host’s antioxidant
and in Sarcoma 37 bearing animals. capacity or by absorption of carcinogens. Yet other
An immunomodulating protein Ling Zhi-8 from my- mushroom constituents may inhibit promotion or pro-
celia of G. lucidum with stimulatory activity on dendritic gression of cancer by exerting direct cytotoxic effects
cells was recently identified [69]. The large-scale am- on tumor cells, by interfering with tumor angioge-
plification of recombinant protein Ling Zhi-8 has been nesis, or by upregulating immune and/or non-immune
achieved in a patented yeast system. It was shown [69] tumor-suppressive mechanisms. When combined with
that aforementioned protein significantly increases traditional anticancer treatment, mushroom products
the efficacy of a cancer DNA vaccine in a preclinical were shown to lower side effects.
tumor model. Vaccinotherapy is a new direction in cancer treat-
Nanovectors for drug delivery ment and prevention. In this aspect mushroom im-
Nowadays preparation of nanoparticles using munomodulating adjuvants can be an efficient com-
“green” chemistry and bioprocess approach is advan- ponent of traditional and DNA vaccines.
tageous over physical and chemical methods owing Creation of nanovectors for drug delivery and
to its environmental significance. In this aspect, living diagnostic is also a new approach in cancer therapy.
organisms are highly potential for the production Mushroom mycelia can be an ecologically clean and
of nanoparticles. Irregular shaped gold nanoparticles efficient reductant in conversion of ions to nanopar-
were synthesized by photo-irradiation technique using ticles with selective cytotoxicity toward cancer cells.
Pleurotus florida as a reductant [70]. It was suggested REFERENCES
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