Week 3

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Assessment-3 Question

Differentiation and Segmentation are different from

each other. Differentiation is concerned with
_________ a firm competes, while Segmentation is
concerned with _________ a firm competes

Federal Express (FedEx) has constantly attempted to

ensure reliability of its delivery. McDonald's (McD)
food chains have ensured that customers get the fast
food ordered within same time all over the world.
Which of the following aptly represent FedEx and

Differentiation would consist of creating differences in

3 the firms product and service that is industry wide
Which of the following are potential pitfalls of a
differentiation strategy?
Which of the following is not a potential pitfall of a
focused strategy?
Which of the following could possibly be an
6 organization structure used in implementing cost
The barrier to entry that helps reduce the threat of
7 new entrants for an incumbent firm using a cost-
leadership strategy would mean _______
Which of the following is less likely to be a feature of
8 the compensation adopted by a product differentiator

Which of the following is not a way in which a product

differentiator firm would differentiate itself on?

Harley Davidson positions itself as a lifestyle beyond

10 just a super bike with annual fairs, community drives
and so on. What is the strategy followed here?

Apple's iphone is a product that is differentiated based

on user experience and features. Which of the
following activities are likely to negatively impact
Apple's product differentiation?
Cost leadership focuses on ____________ where as
differentiation strategy focuses on ___________.

Bigbasket.com allows customers to order their

groceries, vegetables online and get it home delivered
13 at a convenient time. Which of the following
conditions would suggest that it is following a
differentiation strategy?

A firm offering almost same benefits to customers at a

much lower price is known as _______
Which of the following can act against a firm following
a differentiation strategy?
Correct Answer

How & Where

FedEx: Differentiation; McD: Differentiation

unique and valued by customers

Uniqueness is not valuable

New entrants would find it hard to achieve the

economies of scale or unanswered

Having a substantially lower cost compared to


Reward for cost reduction


Focused differentiation

Heavy discounts for Christmas sale

reducing cost, increasing willingness to pay

Its customers are loyal and don’t mind paying higher

than that of physical retail store

benefit parity
Uniqueness in offering isn't valued by customers

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