Course Brochure-1
Course Brochure-1
Course Brochure-1
How to Apply
About This Course Eligible candidates are requested to apply online through the
Anthropogenic activities are getting affected by various IIRS website
geological (earthquakes, volcanoes, carbonate dissolution, only on or before June 9, 2023 (17:30 hrs). Candidates are
tectonic movement etc.) and manmade causes (extraction advised to fill their correct and active e-mail addresses in the
of underground natural resources, overloading effect etc.) application form as all correspondence will be made by the
which result into geometrical changes (land displacement Institute through email only. No separate communication will
and deformation) on the earth surface. Due to these be made. The Institute shall not be responsible for the failure
geometrical changes, every year a huge amount of loss of of candidates with respect to visiting their e-mails on any
property and lives takes place across the world. Therefore, ground.
it is of utmost importance to monitor such land
deformations in a robust way. Modern space based
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems acquire the remote Course Fee and Accommodation
sensing images all over the earth surface in all weather There is NO course fee for the nominated candidates. A
and illumination conditions. Advanced SAR interferometry Nomination Form (available with the online application) duly Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)
(InSAR) gives the opportunity to detect and track land signed by the Head of the Organization/ Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
deformation in long time series with great accuracy (up to Institution/University/College or his/her authorized Department of Space, Government of India
few mm) over large areas. This course is designed to representative needs to be submitted with the online 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun, India
process SAR datasets in an open source computational application. Accommodation of selected candidates will be
environment to detect land deformation in time-series. provided in IIRS Hostel/Guest House.
Mode of Training Eligibility Criteria and Prerequisite
This in-person training will consists of theory lectures and
Candidates having P.G. Deg. in Science/ Engineering (Civil
practical by senior and experienced faculty of the institute
using state-of-the-art hardware and software facilities. Engg./ Comp. Sci. & Eng./ Electron. & Commun. Engg./ Earth
Everyday, lectures will be in the forenoon and practical Sci./ Earthquake Engg./ Geo-Engg./ Mining Engg./ Petroleum
hands on in the afternoon sessions. More focus will be on Engg./ Architecture/ Planning / Geology/ Geoscience/
practical hands on and demonstrations for better Geophysics/ Physics/ Mathematics/ Remote Sensing/
understanding of the course content by the participants. The Highlights of the Course Geoinformatics or equivalent) can apply in the course. The
entire SAR data processing will be done in open source candidates should have the basic knowledge of remotely
software environment for deformation studies such as land First Week sensed images, SAR remote sensing, python programming,
slides, land subsidence, earthquake deformation etc. Linux operating system, mathematics and statistics.
o Characteristics of Microwaves radiation; radar working Candidates nominated by the govt. organizations &
principle; Radar in Remote Sensing professionals working in the field of SAR remote sensing will
Target Groups o Interaction of Microwaves with atmosphere and targets on be given preference for admission.
the earth surface
The course will be targeted at researchers / working level
professional / project leaders / academicians working in the o SAR system parameters; Nature of SAR Images; SAR
field of SAR remote sensing and highly interested in image geometries and acquisition modes; Overview of Contact Detail
processing time-series SAR data in open sources software SAR Polarimetry and backscattering processes For any further course related query, please contact:
environment for SAR interferometric applications for land
deformation studies. o Overview of Linux OS; Installation of softwares and their Mr. Hari Shankar Dr. Arijit Roy
dependencies for SAR data processing (Course Coordinator) (Course Director )
o SAR time-series data download; Interferometric
Application Deadline processing chains in SNAP & ISCE SAR Processors