Forensic MCQ Points
Forensic MCQ Points
Forensic MCQ Points
chloral hydrate.
Opium, Pethidine.
8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).
9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added
13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.
28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18
30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a
separate existence.
34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.
40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.
41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual
44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8
47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.
48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18
years. Eruption of temporary teeth is completed by 2 to 2.5 years.
55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose
56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.
59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper
63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.
69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.
70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,
he is presumed to be dead.
71 Infanticide means unlawful destruction of child below 1 year of age.
75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years
offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is
87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this
89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-
17 years
110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to
carbolic acid.
113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.
(All 'D's)
116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.
125 Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishbale with death,
126 In civil cases, a reasonable sum for travelling expenses is generally tendered
when the summons is served. This is known as conduct money. It is paid by the
127 Hair cells are of special interest in cell sexing since both Barr body and Y
128 Nails, hairs and long bones are preserved in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.
132 Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the
134 Strong sulphuric acid when thrown on the face of a person is known as "Vitreol
135 Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.
137 Richochette bullet is one which strikes any other surface before striking the
138 The pulmonary lesion in the injury of air blast is called "Blast lung".
141 The commission of sexual assalut upon a dead body is called "Necrophily".
145 'Gyroget' are cartridges or miniature rockets driven by solid fuel, which produces
148 Document means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by
Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of
fat, the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct,
150 Hurt is defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity caused to any person.
151 Injury includes every inquiry other than a trial, conducted by a Magistrate or
152Investigation includes all the proceedings for the collection of evidence conducted by a Police officer
or by any person other than a magistrate who is authorised by a magistrate on his behalf.
153 Jury means a body of persons sworn to render verdict in a court of justice. It is
composed of uneven number and not less than 7 and more than 9 persons.
154 Metropolitan area means any area in the state comprising a city or a town whose
155 Offence means any act of omission made punishable by law for the time being in force.
158 Summons case means a case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment
159 Testimony means the evidence, oral or written, of a witness under under oath.
160 Warrant means a written authority under "hand and seal". It is used for the arrest
162 Taylor gave a formula on rate of decomposition of dead body in air, water and
166 Last organ to putrefy in mate is prostate whereas in female it is ungravid uteus.
194 In oath taking, a medical man does not require to keep his hands on a holy book.
196 Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal
198 Fracture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the greater horn.
199 In a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, heart at postmortem will be flabby.
204 Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre.
205 Mode of death from obstruction of air passages from within is anoxic anoxia.
208 Long bones are preserved inpoisoning due to arsenic, lead or antimony.
211 Macroscopically and microscopically, there will not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial
infarction death up to 8 hours.
216 The rigor mortis disappears in the order of eyelids, neck, thorax, lower lumbs (in the order of
218 After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation.
220 It is a criminal offence in India, for a person to drive a motor vehicle after
consuming alcohol.
229 Visceras obtained from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are
230 In strychnine poisoning, rigor mortis sets in early and lasts shortly.
234 Rigor mortis sets early in cases with deaths due to apoplexy.
237 The presence of blackening, tatooing and scortching in a shotgun injury indicates distance of fire
upto 3 feet.
241 Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range.
243 Fracture of middle cranial fossa causes injury to VII and VIII cranial nerves.
247 A female has more sternal index, ischiopubic index and sciatic notch index.
249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol
concentration of 150-300
254 Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture.
256 When a patient is injured or dies due to some unintentional act during treatment
chloral hydrate.
Opium, Pethidine.
8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).
9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added
13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.
28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18
30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a
separate existence.
34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.
40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.
41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual
44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8
47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.
48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18
55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose
after death in 3-10 years.
56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.
59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper
63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.
69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.
70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,
he is presumed to be dead.
75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years
offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is
1:1.31 Histologically, reticulum fibres in an abrasion are seen on 8 days
87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this
89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-
96 Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of
17 years
110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to
carbolic acid.
113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.
(All 'D's)
116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.
125 Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishbale with death,
126 In civil cases, a reasonable sum for travelling expenses is generally tendered
when the summons is served. This is known as conduct money. It is paid by the
party that has called his as a witness.
127 Hair cells are of special interest in cell sexing since both Barr body and Y
128 Nails, hairs and long bones are preserved in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.
132 Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the
134 Strong sulphuric acid when thrown on the face of a person is known as "Vitreol
135 Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.
137 Richochette bullet is one which strikes any other surface before striking the
138 The pulmonary lesion in the injury of air blast is called "Blast lung".
141 The commission of sexual assalut upon a dead body is called "Necrophily".
143 Malpraxis is defined as want of reasonable skill and or willful negligence on the
145 'Gyroget' are cartridges or miniature rockets driven by solid fuel, which produces
Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of
fat, the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct,
150 Hurt is defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity caused to any person.
151 Injury includes every inquiry other than a trial, conducted by a Magistrate or
152Investigation includes all the proceedings for the collection of evidence conducted by a Police officer
or by any person other than a magistrate who is authorised by a magistrate on his behalf.
153 Jury means a body of persons sworn to render verdict in a court of justice. It is
composed of uneven number and not less than 7 and more than 9 persons.
154 Metropolitan area means any area in the state comprising a city or a town whose
155 Offence means any act of omission made punishable by law for the time being in force.
158 Summons case means a case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment
159 Testimony means the evidence, oral or written, of a witness under under oath.
160 Warrant means a written authority under "hand and seal". It is used for the arrest
162 Taylor gave a formula on rate of decomposition of dead body in air, water and
194 In oath taking, a medical man does not require to keep his hands on a holy book.
195 Thanatology is science that deals with death.
196 Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal
198 Fracture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the greater horn.
199 In a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, heart at postmortem will be flabby.
204 Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre.
205 Mode of death from obstruction of air passages from within is anoxic anoxia.
208 Long bones are preserved inpoisoning due to arsenic, lead or antimony.
211 Macroscopically and microscopically, there will not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial
infarction death up to 8 hours.
216 The rigor mortis disappears in the order of eyelids, neck, thorax, lower lumbs (in the order of
218 After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation.
220 It is a criminal offence in India, for a person to drive a motor vehicle after
consuming alcohol.
229 Visceras obtained from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are
230 In strychnine poisoning, rigor mortis sets in early and lasts shortly.
234 Rigor mortis sets early in cases with deaths due to apoplexy.
237 The presence of blackening, tatooing and scortching in a shotgun injury indicates distance of fire
upto 3 feet.
241 Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range.
243 Fracture of middle cranial fossa causes injury to VII and VIII cranial nerves.
249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol
concentration of 150-300
254 Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture.
256 When a patient is injured or dies due to some unintentional act during treatment
chloral hydrate.
Opium, Pethidine.
8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).
9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added
13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.
28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18
30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a
separate existence.
34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.
40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.
41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual
44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8
47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.
48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18
55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose
56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.
59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper
63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.
69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.
70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,
he is presumed to be dead.
75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years
offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is
87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this
89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-
96 Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of
17 years
110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to
carbolic acid.
111 Overlying is a type of smothering.
113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.
(All 'D's)
116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.
123 Arborescent