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Forensic MCQ Points

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1. Pin – point pupils = Opium

2. Dilatation of pupils = Dhatura, Cyanide

3. Constriction of pupils = Opium, phenol, organo-phosphorus, physostigmine,

chloral hydrate.

4. Cumulative poisons are: Barbiturates, and methyl alcohol

5. Habit forming poisons are: Caffeine and Nicotine.

6. Addiction drugs are: Alcohol, Barbiturates, Coccaine, Cannabis, Chloral hydrate,

Opium, Pethidine.

7. Hemodialysis is good value in: Salicylate, methanol, barbiturate, and aspirin

(except kerosene oil and diazephem)

8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).

9. Increased anion gap is seen in Salicylate poisoning, lactic acidosis, starvation.

10. Ideal suicide poison = Cyanide

11. Ideal homicide poison = Thallium, fluoride compounds.

12. Commonly used homicidal poisons: Arsenic, aconite

13. Commonly used suicidal poisons: Endrine, Opium, Barbiturates, Organophosphorus


14. Poison resembling cholera = Arsenic

15. Poison resembling tetanus = Strychnine

16. Poison resembling natural death = Thallium

17. Poison resembling fading measles = Arsenic

18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi-nitro compounds.

Tests for detecting poisons:

Arsenic = Marsh’s test, Reinsch’s test

Opium = Marquis test

Alcohol = Mc’evan’s test

Datura = Mydriatic test

Phenol = Green urine.



1 The Percentage of blood alcohol in the stage of "dead drunk" is 0.5%.

2 Pisiform gets ossified by 12 yrs of age.

3 By 14 yrs. patella gets ossified.

4 Anterior fontanelle closes by 18 months of age.

5 The height of a child is double of birth height by 4 years of age,

6 Under IPC, a person below 7 years is not criminally responsible.

7 Fatal period of Datura poisoning is 24 hours.

8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1-2 hours.

9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added

as preservative in concentration of 50 mg/10ml.

10 Critical level of alcohol in blood is 0.15%.

11 The minimum age for giving consent for surgery is 18 years.

12 In fractured ends of bone, soft provisional callus is formed by 15 hours.

13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.

14 Indian Medical Council Act was enacted in 1956.

15 Mental retardation is I.Q. Below 70.

16 Ratio between ethyl alcohol in blood to urine is 1:1.33

17 Gas rigidity appears after 72 hours.

18 Marbling is noticed by 36 hours.

19 Full development of rigor mortis takes about 12 hours.

20 In exhumation, 6-7 samples of earth are collected.

21 Intercourse with wife below 15 years of age is considerable rape.

22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1-5 hours.

23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1-3 hours.

24 Hypostasis is mottled within first 3 hours of death.

25 Killing range of a militry rifle is 3000 yards.

26 Juvenile offender is a person under 16 years

27 The dispersion of pellets is seen usually at distance beyond 10 feet.

28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18

29 Dispersion of pellets in shotgun injury is calculated as dispersion in inches = 1.5

times the dispersion in yards.

30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a

separate existence.

31 A bruise showing bluish black discolouration is 4 days old.

32 The upper limit of safety for carbon monoxide in air is 0.01%.

33 Rh positivity in India is 93%.

34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.

35 Fatal dose of opium is 2 gm.

36 The range of an air rifle is about 90 yards.

37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6-12 years of age.

38 Basisphenoid unites the basi-occiput at the age to 22 years.

39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6-7 years.

40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.

41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual

maturity is gained at 14 years of age.

42 The degree of accuracy in determining sex from long bones is 80%.

43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18-24 hours.

44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8

45 Colliquative liquefaction is seen within 1 week after death.

46 A contusion assumes green colour by 6 days.

47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.

48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18
years. Eruption of temporary teeth is completed by 2 to 2.5 years.

49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X-ray usually by 16 weeks.

50 Child below 12 years is not required to take an oath.

51 Xiphoid process unites with sternum at age of 40 years.

52 Cranial capacity is 10% less in females.

53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2-3 years.

54 Precipitin test is positive to be opium in dead body upto 10 years.

55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose

after death in 3-10 years.

56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.

57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10-12 years.

58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.

59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper

end of radius and ulna.

60 Maggots in a dead body do not appear before 48 hours.

61 Hairs become loose after 72 hours of death.

62 Epiphyseal union of sternal end of clavicle occurs at age of 22 years.

63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.

64 Saponification in drowning occurs in about 5 weeks.

65 Death ensues in about 5 mts. of complete submersion.

66 By ABO.RH, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%.

67 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age.

Gustafson's method for estimation age of adult over 21 years.

68 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours.

69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.

70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,

he is presumed to be dead.
71 Infanticide means unlawful destruction of child below 1 year of age.

72 By ABO, Rh, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%

73 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age

74 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours

75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years

76 In sin of Gomorrah, buccal swabs are useful upto 9 hours

77In most countries, breath alcohol concentration 35 mg/100 ml is considered an

offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is

1:1.31 Histologically, reticulum fibres in an abrasion are seen on 8 days

78 Widmark's formula for urine analysis of alcohol is 3/4 prq

79 Pancreas constitute 0.1% of body weight

80 Punishment for false evidence is given under section 193 of IPC

81 Length of a female larynx is about 3.8 cm

82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8-10 years.

83 Lip prints on cheiloscopy are divided into 8 patterns

84 ?gm tablet of aluminium phosphide is able to liberate 1.0 gm

85 The diameter of "human hair at 15 years of age is 0.053 ram *

86 Alcohol gaze nystagmus is produced at an average blood levels of 80 mg%

87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this

period breath analyser test may be false positive

88 Skeletal muscles constitute about 29% of body weight

89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-


90 Statutory rape is rape under 15 years of age

91 Weight for occluding internal jugular vein hanging is 2 kg

92 Majority of deaths due to Aluminium phosphide occurs in within 24 hours

93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5-1.0°C lower

94 Drowned body floats in about 12-18 hours in summer S

95 Bones constitute about 12% of body weight

96 Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of

17 years

97 In a dead body, maggots in rainy day are seen in 6 hours.

98 Arsenic, Aconite and Dhatura are generally used as homicidal poisons.

99 Ricin is the active principle of croton oil seed.

100 Abrin is the active principle of abrus precatorius.

101 Soneryl is a coloured babriturate.

102 Breath alcohol can be measured by Alcometer or Drunkometer.

103 The fatal dose of Dhatura is about one grain.

104 Physostigmine can be regarded as the specific antidote of Dhatura.

105 Amygdaline is the glucosides of vegetable origin found in cyanides.

106 The process of putrefaction can be retarded by carbon monoxide gas.

107 Euthanasia means "Mercy killing".

108 Joule burn is seen in electrocution.

109 Amyl nitrate is an antidote for poisoning due to hydrocyanic acid.

110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to

carbolic acid.

111 Overlying is a type of smothering.

112 Optic atrophy is the characteristic feature of poisoning by methyl alcohol.

113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.

(All 'D's)

114 The first permanent tooth to erupt is first molar.

115 Dying declaration can be recorded by a medical officer.

116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.

117 Privation of any member of joint is a grievous hurt.

118 Pugilistic attitude is seen in burn death due to coagulation of proteins.

119 Dying declaration should be recorded by Magistrate.

120 Nalorphine is an antidote for morphine.

121 Locard's principle states that every contact leaves a trace.

122 The strongest corrosive poison is sulphuric acid.

123 Arborescent markings are seen in lightening.

124 Before performing Postmortem examination, body should be identified by


125 Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishbale with death,

imprisonment for life or for a term exceeding two years.

126 In civil cases, a reasonable sum for travelling expenses is generally tendered

when the summons is served. This is known as conduct money. It is paid by the

party that has called his as a witness.

127 Hair cells are of special interest in cell sexing since both Barr body and Y

chromosome can be demonstrated.

128 Nails, hairs and long bones are preserved in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.

129 Postmortem fibrinous clots in heart are known as "Cardiac polyp".

130 The surest sign of death is putrefaction.

131 The rigor mortis start first at upper eye-lids.

132 Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the

surest sign of hanging.

133 Presence of soot in respiratory tract is the surest sign of burn.

134 Strong sulphuric acid when thrown on the face of a person is known as "Vitreol


135 Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.

136 Nitrocellulose or Nitroglycerine is used as a smokeless gun powder.

137 Richochette bullet is one which strikes any other surface before striking the


138 The pulmonary lesion in the injury of air blast is called "Blast lung".

139 Loss of virginity is called defloration.

140 The Buccal coitus is called "Sin of Gomorrah".

141 The commission of sexual assalut upon a dead body is called "Necrophily".

142 "Testamentary capcity" is the capacity of a person to make a valid will.

143 Malpraxis is defined as want of reasonable skill and or willful negligence on the

part of doctor resulting in deterioration of patients' health or his death.

144 Copper sulphate is used as an antidote to phsophorus.

145 'Gyroget' are cartridges or miniature rockets driven by solid fuel, which produces

considerable heat and smokeless gas on burning.

146 Forensic means courts of law.

147 Deposition means a statement on oath made by a witness in a judicial proceeding.

It is taken down in writing and signed by the witness and magistrate.

148 Document means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by

means of letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means.


Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of

fat, the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct,

indirect or hearsay), documentary & circumstantial.

150 Hurt is defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity caused to any person.

151 Injury includes every inquiry other than a trial, conducted by a Magistrate or


152Investigation includes all the proceedings for the collection of evidence conducted by a Police officer
or by any person other than a magistrate who is authorised by a magistrate on his behalf.

153 Jury means a body of persons sworn to render verdict in a court of justice. It is

composed of uneven number and not less than 7 and more than 9 persons.

154 Metropolitan area means any area in the state comprising a city or a town whose

population exceeds one millin.

155 Offence means any act of omission made punishable by law for the time being in force.

156 Perjury means wilful utterance of falsehood under oath.

157 Plantiff is one who brings an action in a court of law.

158 Summons case means a case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment

for a term not exceeding two years

159 Testimony means the evidence, oral or written, of a witness under under oath.
160 Warrant means a written authority under "hand and seal". It is used for the arrest

of persons or for their forcible production in a court of law

161 Traumatic rupture of hymen is seen on posterolateral aspect.

162 Taylor gave a formula on rate of decomposition of dead body in air, water and


163 Most reliable method of determining personal identity is Dactylography.

164 Contre-Coupe injury is seen in head injury.

165 Strychnine acts on anterior horn cells.

166 Last organ to putrefy in mate is prostate whereas in female it is ungravid uteus.

167 In Carboluria, urine turns green on exposure to air.

168 Cyanide poisoning produces cherry red colour.

169 McEwen's sign is seen in alcoholism.

170 Cutis anserina is seen in drowning.

171 Shaking palsy or 'mad Hatters' is seen with mercury poisoning.

172 Poison which can be detected in burnt bodies in arsenic.

173 Cepahlic index helps in identification of race.

174 Tentative cuts are seen in suicides.

175 Pugilistic attitude is seen in antemortem or postmortem burns.

176 Death in police custody is investigated by Magistrate.

177 Precipitin test is used to identify human blood in stains.

178 Gelsimium is a spinal cord poison.

179 Desferroxamine is antidote used in iron poisoning.

180 Spalding's sign is seen in maceration.

181 Impotence is inability to perform the sexual act.

182 Smack is crude form of heroin.

183 Ganja is obtained from flowering tops.

184 Stomach may be greenish in poisoning due to nitric acid.

185 Lines of Zahn are present in antemortem clots.

186 Conium is a peripheral poison.

187 Emphysema aqueosum is seen in wet drowning.

188 Formication (Magnan's symptom) is seen in cocaine dependence.

189 Rigor mortis is simulated by cadaveric spasm.

190 Thorn apple is Datura stramonium.

191 Dirt collar is seen in fire arm entry wound.

192 Apoplexy is cerebral congestion.

193 Feminine of impotence is frigidity.

194 In oath taking, a medical man does not require to keep his hands on a holy book.

195 Thanatology is science that deals with death.

196 Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal

temperature with 0.67.

197 Dichotomy is related to splitting of fees.

198 Fracture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the greater horn.

199 In a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, heart at postmortem will be flabby.

200 Punctate basophilia is seen in lead poisoning.

201 Felony is a category of rape, murder or burglary.

202 Testamentary capacity is related to will.

203 McNaughten was an accused.

204 Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre.

205 Mode of death from obstruction of air passages from within is anoxic anoxia.

206 Brain may be preserved in normal saline or rectified spirit.

207 CSF is preserved in poisoning due to alcohol.

208 Long bones are preserved inpoisoning due to arsenic, lead or antimony.

209 Exhumation is usually done in the early morning.

210 In India, Exhumation is done for Mohammadans and Christians.

211 Macroscopically and microscopically, there will not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial
infarction death up to 8 hours.

212 Foamy liver is due to bubbing up of gas.

213 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase level is low in CML.

214 The essential lesion of coronary atherosclerosis is found in intima.

215 The classical site of ischaemic colitis is splenic flexure.

216 The rigor mortis disappears in the order of eyelids, neck, thorax, lower lumbs (in the order of

217 Primary relaxation is stage of somatic death.

218 After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation.

219 Species of origin of blood is determined by precipitin test.

220 It is a criminal offence in India, for a person to drive a motor vehicle after

consuming alcohol.

221 Dum dum bullet is so called because tip is chiselled off.

222 Cyanides mainly affect Cytochrome oxidase.

223 In electrocution, death is most often due to ventricular fibrillation.

224 Le facies sympathique is seen in hanging.

225 The characteristic sign of Korsakoff psychosis is amnesia.

226 Aconite is most commonly used as a homicidal poison.

227 Alcohol is maximally absorbed from small intestine.

228 Absolute alcohol has 99.95% alcohol.

229 Visceras obtained from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are

preserved is suprasaturated saline.

230 In strychnine poisoning, rigor mortis sets in early and lasts shortly.

231 A short barreled rifle is called carbine.

232 The most fragile bone in skull to get fractured is temporal

233 The most common type of skull fracture is fissure.

234 Rigor mortis sets early in cases with deaths due to apoplexy.

235 In cadaveric spasm, stage of primary relaxation is missing.

236 Heat stiffening is due to exposure of body to temperature above 75°C.

237 The presence of blackening, tatooing and scortching in a shotgun injury indicates distance of fire
upto 3 feet.

238 Lucid interval is seen in extradural haemorrhage and insanity.

239 In forgeries, oxalic acid is used as ink remover solution.

240 Pond fracture (of skull) is found in children.

241 Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range.

242 Olive oil is used in stomach wash in carbolic acid poisoning.

243 Fracture of middle cranial fossa causes injury to VII and VIII cranial nerves.

244 Histologically amyloid deposits always begin intercellularly.

245 Ischiopubic index is significantly more in females.

246 Unconsciousness occurs immediately after head injury due to concussion.

247 A female has more sternal index, ischiopubic index and sciatic notch index.

248 Ewings postulates refer to accidents as a cause of death.

249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol
concentration of 150-300

250 Dinitro compounds poisoning resembles thyrotoxicosis.

251 Aconite is known as Sweet poison.

252 CuSO4 is antidote of Phosphorus.

253 Foder's test compares weight of lungs to the body.

254 Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture.

255 Gaping of deep incised wound is dependent on cleavage lines of Langer.

256 When a patient is injured or dies due to some unintentional act during treatment

by a doctor or agent of the doctor or known as therapeutic misadventure.

257 Glass blowers shakes are seen with poisoning due to


1. Pin – point pupils = Opium

2. Dilatation of pupils = Dhatura, Cyanide

3. Constriction of pupils = Opium, phenol, organo-phosphorus, physostigmine,

chloral hydrate.

4. Cumulative poisons are: Barbiturates, and methyl alcohol

5. Habit forming poisons are: Caffeine and Nicotine.

6. Addiction drugs are: Alcohol, Barbiturates, Coccaine, Cannabis, Chloral hydrate,

Opium, Pethidine.

7. Hemodialysis is good value in: Salicylate, methanol, barbiturate, and aspirin

(except kerosene oil and diazephem)

8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).

9. Increased anion gap is seen in Salicylate poisoning, lactic acidosis, starvation.

10. Ideal suicide poison = Cyanide

11. Ideal homicide poison = Thallium, fluoride compounds.

12. Commonly used homicidal poisons: Arsenic, aconite

13. Commonly used suicidal poisons: Endrine, Opium, Barbiturates, Organophosphorus


14. Poison resembling cholera = Arsenic

15. Poison resembling tetanus = Strychnine

16. Poison resembling natural death = Thallium

17. Poison resembling fading measles = Arsenic

18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi-nitro compounds.

Tests for detecting poisons:

Arsenic = Marsh’s test, Reinsch’s test

Opium = Marquis test

Alcohol = Mc’evan’s test

Datura = Mydriatic test

Phenol = Green urine.



1 The Percentage of blood alcohol in the stage of "dead drunk" is 0.5%.

2 Pisiform gets ossified by 12 yrs of age.

3 By 14 yrs. patella gets ossified.

4 Anterior fontanelle closes by 18 months of age.

5 The height of a child is double of birth height by 4 years of age,

6 Under IPC, a person below 7 years is not criminally responsible.

7 Fatal period of Datura poisoning is 24 hours.

8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1-2 hours.

9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added

as preservative in concentration of 50 mg/10ml.

10 Critical level of alcohol in blood is 0.15%.

11 The minimum age for giving consent for surgery is 18 years.

12 In fractured ends of bone, soft provisional callus is formed by 15 hours.

13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.

14 Indian Medical Council Act was enacted in 1956.

15 Mental retardation is I.Q. Below 70.

16 Ratio between ethyl alcohol in blood to urine is 1:1.33

17 Gas rigidity appears after 72 hours.

18 Marbling is noticed by 36 hours.

19 Full development of rigor mortis takes about 12 hours.

20 In exhumation, 6-7 samples of earth are collected.

21 Intercourse with wife below 15 years of age is considerable rape.

22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1-5 hours.

23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1-3 hours.

24 Hypostasis is mottled within first 3 hours of death.

25 Killing range of a militry rifle is 3000 yards.

26 Juvenile offender is a person under 16 years

27 The dispersion of pellets is seen usually at distance beyond 10 feet.

28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18

29 Dispersion of pellets in shotgun injury is calculated as dispersion in inches = 1.5

times the dispersion in yards.

30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a
separate existence.

31 A bruise showing bluish black discolouration is 4 days old.

32 The upper limit of safety for carbon monoxide in air is 0.01%.

33 Rh positivity in India is 93%.

34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.

35 Fatal dose of opium is 2 gm.

36 The range of an air rifle is about 90 yards.

37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6-12 years of age.

38 Basisphenoid unites the basi-occiput at the age to 22 years.

39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6-7 years.

40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.

41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual

maturity is gained at 14 years of age.

42 The degree of accuracy in determining sex from long bones is 80%.

43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18-24 hours.

44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8

45 Colliquative liquefaction is seen within 1 week after death.

46 A contusion assumes green colour by 6 days.

47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.

48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18

years. Eruption of temporary teeth is completed by 2 to 2.5 years.

49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X-ray usually by 16 weeks.

50 Child below 12 years is not required to take an oath.

51 Xiphoid process unites with sternum at age of 40 years.

52 Cranial capacity is 10% less in females.

53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2-3 years.

54 Precipitin test is positive to be opium in dead body upto 10 years.

55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose
after death in 3-10 years.

56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.

57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10-12 years.

58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.

59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper

end of radius and ulna.

60 Maggots in a dead body do not appear before 48 hours.

61 Hairs become loose after 72 hours of death.

62 Epiphyseal union of sternal end of clavicle occurs at age of 22 years.

63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.

64 Saponification in drowning occurs in about 5 weeks.

65 Death ensues in about 5 mts. of complete submersion.

66 By ABO.RH, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%.

67 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age.

Gustafson's method for estimation age of adult over 21 years.

68 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours.

69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.

70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,

he is presumed to be dead.

71 Infanticide means unlawful destruction of child below 1 year of age.

72 By ABO, Rh, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%

73 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age

74 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours

75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years

76 In sin of Gomorrah, buccal swabs are useful upto 9 hours

77In most countries, breath alcohol concentration 35 mg/100 ml is considered an

offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is
1:1.31 Histologically, reticulum fibres in an abrasion are seen on 8 days

78 Widmark's formula for urine analysis of alcohol is 3/4 prq

79 Pancreas constitute 0.1% of body weight

80 Punishment for false evidence is given under section 193 of IPC

81 Length of a female larynx is about 3.8 cm

82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8-10 years.

83 Lip prints on cheiloscopy are divided into 8 patterns

84 ?gm tablet of aluminium phosphide is able to liberate 1.0 gm

85 The diameter of "human hair at 15 years of age is 0.053 ram *

86 Alcohol gaze nystagmus is produced at an average blood levels of 80 mg%

87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this

period breath analyser test may be false positive

88 Skeletal muscles constitute about 29% of body weight

89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-


90 Statutory rape is rape under 15 years of age

91 Weight for occluding internal jugular vein hanging is 2 kg

92 Majority of deaths due to Aluminium phosphide occurs in within 24 hours

93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5-1.0°C lower

94 Drowned body floats in about 12-18 hours in summer S

95 Bones constitute about 12% of body weight

96 Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of

17 years

97 In a dead body, maggots in rainy day are seen in 6 hours.

98 Arsenic, Aconite and Dhatura are generally used as homicidal poisons.

99 Ricin is the active principle of croton oil seed.

100 Abrin is the active principle of abrus precatorius.

101 Soneryl is a coloured babriturate.

102 Breath alcohol can be measured by Alcometer or Drunkometer.

103 The fatal dose of Dhatura is about one grain.

104 Physostigmine can be regarded as the specific antidote of Dhatura.

105 Amygdaline is the glucosides of vegetable origin found in cyanides.

106 The process of putrefaction can be retarded by carbon monoxide gas.

107 Euthanasia means "Mercy killing".

108 Joule burn is seen in electrocution.

109 Amyl nitrate is an antidote for poisoning due to hydrocyanic acid.

110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to

carbolic acid.

111 Overlying is a type of smothering.

112 Optic atrophy is the characteristic feature of poisoning by methyl alcohol.

113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.

(All 'D's)

114 The first permanent tooth to erupt is first molar.

115 Dying declaration can be recorded by a medical officer.

116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.

117 Privation of any member of joint is a grievous hurt.

118 Pugilistic attitude is seen in burn death due to coagulation of proteins.

119 Dying declaration should be recorded by Magistrate.

120 Nalorphine is an antidote for morphine.

121 Locard's principle states that every contact leaves a trace.

122 The strongest corrosive poison is sulphuric acid.

123 Arborescent markings are seen in lightening.

124 Before performing Postmortem examination, body should be identified by


125 Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishbale with death,

imprisonment for life or for a term exceeding two years.

126 In civil cases, a reasonable sum for travelling expenses is generally tendered

when the summons is served. This is known as conduct money. It is paid by the
party that has called his as a witness.

127 Hair cells are of special interest in cell sexing since both Barr body and Y

chromosome can be demonstrated.

128 Nails, hairs and long bones are preserved in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.

129 Postmortem fibrinous clots in heart are known as "Cardiac polyp".

130 The surest sign of death is putrefaction.

131 The rigor mortis start first at upper eye-lids.

132 Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the

surest sign of hanging.

133 Presence of soot in respiratory tract is the surest sign of burn.

134 Strong sulphuric acid when thrown on the face of a person is known as "Vitreol


135 Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.

136 Nitrocellulose or Nitroglycerine is used as a smokeless gun powder.

137 Richochette bullet is one which strikes any other surface before striking the


138 The pulmonary lesion in the injury of air blast is called "Blast lung".

139 Loss of virginity is called defloration.

140 The Buccal coitus is called "Sin of Gomorrah".

141 The commission of sexual assalut upon a dead body is called "Necrophily".

142 "Testamentary capcity" is the capacity of a person to make a valid will.

143 Malpraxis is defined as want of reasonable skill and or willful negligence on the

part of doctor resulting in deterioration of patients' health or his death.

144 Copper sulphate is used as an antidote to phsophorus.

145 'Gyroget' are cartridges or miniature rockets driven by solid fuel, which produces

considerable heat and smokeless gas on burning.

146 Forensic means courts of law.

147 Deposition means a statement on oath made by a witness in a judicial proceeding.

It is taken down in writing and signed by the witness and magistrate.

148 Document means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by

means of letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means.


Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of

fat, the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct,

indirect or hearsay), documentary & circumstantial.

150 Hurt is defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity caused to any person.

151 Injury includes every inquiry other than a trial, conducted by a Magistrate or


152Investigation includes all the proceedings for the collection of evidence conducted by a Police officer
or by any person other than a magistrate who is authorised by a magistrate on his behalf.

153 Jury means a body of persons sworn to render verdict in a court of justice. It is

composed of uneven number and not less than 7 and more than 9 persons.

154 Metropolitan area means any area in the state comprising a city or a town whose

population exceeds one millin.

155 Offence means any act of omission made punishable by law for the time being in force.

156 Perjury means wilful utterance of falsehood under oath.

157 Plantiff is one who brings an action in a court of law.

158 Summons case means a case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment

for a term not exceeding two years

159 Testimony means the evidence, oral or written, of a witness under under oath.

160 Warrant means a written authority under "hand and seal". It is used for the arrest

of persons or for their forcible production in a court of law

161 Traumatic rupture of hymen is seen on posterolateral aspect.

162 Taylor gave a formula on rate of decomposition of dead body in air, water and


163 Most reliable method of determining personal identity is Dactylography.

164 Contre-Coupe injury is seen in head injury.

165 Strychnine acts on anterior horn cells.

166 Last organ to putrefy in mate is prostate whereas in female it is ungravid uteus.

167 In Carboluria, urine turns green on exposure to air.

168 Cyanide poisoning produces cherry red colour.

169 McEwen's sign is seen in alcoholism.

170 Cutis anserina is seen in drowning.

171 Shaking palsy or 'mad Hatters' is seen with mercury poisoning.

172 Poison which can be detected in burnt bodies in arsenic.

173 Cepahlic index helps in identification of race.

174 Tentative cuts are seen in suicides.

175 Pugilistic attitude is seen in antemortem or postmortem burns.

176 Death in police custody is investigated by Magistrate.

177 Precipitin test is used to identify human blood in stains.

178 Gelsimium is a spinal cord poison.

179 Desferroxamine is antidote used in iron poisoning.

180 Spalding's sign is seen in maceration.

181 Impotence is inability to perform the sexual act.

182 Smack is crude form of heroin.

183 Ganja is obtained from flowering tops.

184 Stomach may be greenish in poisoning due to nitric acid.

185 Lines of Zahn are present in antemortem clots.

186 Conium is a peripheral poison.

187 Emphysema aqueosum is seen in wet drowning.

188 Formication (Magnan's symptom) is seen in cocaine dependence.

189 Rigor mortis is simulated by cadaveric spasm.

190 Thorn apple is Datura stramonium.

191 Dirt collar is seen in fire arm entry wound.

192 Apoplexy is cerebral congestion.

193 Feminine of impotence is frigidity.

194 In oath taking, a medical man does not require to keep his hands on a holy book.
195 Thanatology is science that deals with death.

196 Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal

temperature with 0.67.

197 Dichotomy is related to splitting of fees.

198 Fracture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the greater horn.

199 In a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, heart at postmortem will be flabby.

200 Punctate basophilia is seen in lead poisoning.

201 Felony is a category of rape, murder or burglary.

202 Testamentary capacity is related to will.

203 McNaughten was an accused.

204 Accepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is Heimlich manoeuvre.

205 Mode of death from obstruction of air passages from within is anoxic anoxia.

206 Brain may be preserved in normal saline or rectified spirit.

207 CSF is preserved in poisoning due to alcohol.

208 Long bones are preserved inpoisoning due to arsenic, lead or antimony.

209 Exhumation is usually done in the early morning.

210 In India, Exhumation is done for Mohammadans and Christians.

211 Macroscopically and microscopically, there will not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial
infarction death up to 8 hours.

212 Foamy liver is due to bubbing up of gas.

213 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase level is low in CML.

214 The essential lesion of coronary atherosclerosis is found in intima.

215 The classical site of ischaemic colitis is splenic flexure.

216 The rigor mortis disappears in the order of eyelids, neck, thorax, lower lumbs (in the order of

217 Primary relaxation is stage of somatic death.

218 After death, the onset of putrefaction is in the stage of secondary relaxation.

219 Species of origin of blood is determined by precipitin test.

220 It is a criminal offence in India, for a person to drive a motor vehicle after
consuming alcohol.

221 Dum dum bullet is so called because tip is chiselled off.

222 Cyanides mainly affect Cytochrome oxidase.

223 In electrocution, death is most often due to ventricular fibrillation.

224 Le facies sympathique is seen in hanging.

225 The characteristic sign of Korsakoff psychosis is amnesia.

226 Aconite is most commonly used as a homicidal poison.

227 Alcohol is maximally absorbed from small intestine.

228 Absolute alcohol has 99.95% alcohol.

229 Visceras obtained from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are

preserved is suprasaturated saline.

230 In strychnine poisoning, rigor mortis sets in early and lasts shortly.

231 A short barreled rifle is called carbine.

232 The most fragile bone in skull to get fractured is temporal

233 The most common type of skull fracture is fissure.

234 Rigor mortis sets early in cases with deaths due to apoplexy.

235 In cadaveric spasm, stage of primary relaxation is missing.

236 Heat stiffening is due to exposure of body to temperature above 75°C.

237 The presence of blackening, tatooing and scortching in a shotgun injury indicates distance of fire
upto 3 feet.

238 Lucid interval is seen in extradural haemorrhage and insanity.

239 In forgeries, oxalic acid is used as ink remover solution.

240 Pond fracture (of skull) is found in children.

241 Blasting effect is usually seen in a firearm injury from point blank range.

242 Olive oil is used in stomach wash in carbolic acid poisoning.

243 Fracture of middle cranial fossa causes injury to VII and VIII cranial nerves.

244 Histologically amyloid deposits always begin intercellularly.

245 Ischiopubic index is significantly more in females.

246 Unconsciousness occurs immediately after head injury due to concussion.

247 A female has more sternal index, ischiopubic index and sciatic notch index.

248 Ewings postulates refer to accidents as a cause of death.

249 Loss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient with blood alcohol
concentration of 150-300

250 Dinitro compounds poisoning resembles thyrotoxicosis.

251 Aconite is known as Sweet poison.

252 CuSO4 is antidote of Phosphorus.

253 Foder's test compares weight of lungs to the body.

254 Diaphanus test denotes that after death, finger webs lose their lusture.

255 Gaping of deep incised wound is dependent on cleavage lines of Langer.

256 When a patient is injured or dies due to some unintentional act during treatment

by a doctor or agent of the doctor or known as therapeutic misadventure.

257 Glass blowers shakes are seen with poisoning due to


1. Pin – point pupils = Opium

2. Dilatation of pupils = Dhatura, Cyanide

3. Constriction of pupils = Opium, phenol, organo-phosphorus, physostigmine,

chloral hydrate.

4. Cumulative poisons are: Barbiturates, and methyl alcohol

5. Habit forming poisons are: Caffeine and Nicotine.

6. Addiction drugs are: Alcohol, Barbiturates, Coccaine, Cannabis, Chloral hydrate,

Opium, Pethidine.

7. Hemodialysis is good value in: Salicylate, methanol, barbiturate, and aspirin

(except kerosene oil and diazephem)

8. 1st sign of intra-uterine death: Gas shadow in aorta (as early as 12 hours).

9. Increased anion gap is seen in Salicylate poisoning, lactic acidosis, starvation.

10. Ideal suicide poison = Cyanide

11. Ideal homicide poison = Thallium, fluoride compounds.

12. Commonly used homicidal poisons: Arsenic, aconite

13. Commonly used suicidal poisons: Endrine, Opium, Barbiturates, Organophosphorus


14. Poison resembling cholera = Arsenic

15. Poison resembling tetanus = Strychnine

16. Poison resembling natural death = Thallium

17. Poison resembling fading measles = Arsenic

18. Poison resembling thyrotoxicosis = Bi-nitro compounds.

Tests for detecting poisons:

Arsenic = Marsh’s test, Reinsch’s test

Opium = Marquis test

Alcohol = Mc’evan’s test

Datura = Mydriatic test

Phenol = Green urine.



1 The Percentage of blood alcohol in the stage of "dead drunk" is 0.5%.

2 Pisiform gets ossified by 12 yrs of age.

3 By 14 yrs. patella gets ossified.

4 Anterior fontanelle closes by 18 months of age.

5 The height of a child is double of birth height by 4 years of age,

6 Under IPC, a person below 7 years is not criminally responsible.

7 Fatal period of Datura poisoning is 24 hours.

8 In India, rigor mortis sets within 1-2 hours.

9 While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added

as preservative in concentration of 50 mg/10ml.

10 Critical level of alcohol in blood is 0.15%.

11 The minimum age for giving consent for surgery is 18 years.

12 In fractured ends of bone, soft provisional callus is formed by 15 hours.

13 The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.

14 Indian Medical Council Act was enacted in 1956.

15 Mental retardation is I.Q. Below 70.

16 Ratio between ethyl alcohol in blood to urine is 1:1.33

17 Gas rigidity appears after 72 hours.

18 Marbling is noticed by 36 hours.

19 Full development of rigor mortis takes about 12 hours.

20 In exhumation, 6-7 samples of earth are collected.

21 Intercourse with wife below 15 years of age is considerable rape.

22 Fatal period of aconite isusually 1-5 hours.

23 Cooling of body is gradual upto 1-3 hours.

24 Hypostasis is mottled within first 3 hours of death.

25 Killing range of a militry rifle is 3000 yards.

26 Juvenile offender is a person under 16 years

27 The dispersion of pellets is seen usually at distance beyond 10 feet.

28 In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18

29 Dispersion of pellets in shotgun injury is calculated as dispersion in inches = 1.5

times the dispersion in yards.

30 An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a

separate existence.

31 A bruise showing bluish black discolouration is 4 days old.

32 The upper limit of safety for carbon monoxide in air is 0.01%.

33 Rh positivity in India is 93%.

34 In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.

35 Fatal dose of opium is 2 gm.

36 The range of an air rifle is about 90 yards.

37 Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6-12 years of age.

38 Basisphenoid unites the basi-occiput at the age to 22 years.

39 First permanent molar appears at age of 6-7 years.

40 Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.

41 Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual

maturity is gained at 14 years of age.

42 The degree of accuracy in determining sex from long bones is 80%.

43 Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18-24 hours.

44 Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8

45 Colliquative liquefaction is seen within 1 week after death.

46 A contusion assumes green colour by 6 days.

47 Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.

48 Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the age of 18

years. Eruption of temporary teeth is completed by 2 to 2.5 years.

49 Foetal parts can be detected on plain X-ray usually by 16 weeks.

50 Child below 12 years is not required to take an oath.

51 Xiphoid process unites with sternum at age of 40 years.

52 Cranial capacity is 10% less in females.

53 Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2-3 years.

54 Precipitin test is positive to be opium in dead body upto 10 years.

55 After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to decompose

after death in 3-10 years.

56 Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as more than 100 years. The rate of
cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and in next 6 hours as1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of
suspended animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.

57 Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10-12 years.

58 The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.

59 The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper

end of radius and ulna.

60 Maggots in a dead body do not appear before 48 hours.

61 Hairs become loose after 72 hours of death.

62 Epiphyseal union of sternal end of clavicle occurs at age of 22 years.

63 Washer woman's hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.

64 Saponification in drowning occurs in about 5 weeks.

65 Death ensues in about 5 mts. of complete submersion.

66 By ABO.RH, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%.

67 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age.

Gustafson's method for estimation age of adult over 21 years.

68 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours.

69 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.

70 If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for 7 hears,

he is presumed to be dead.

71 Infanticide means unlawful destruction of child below 1 year of age.

72 By ABO, Rh, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%

73 Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age

74 In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours

75 The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years

76 In sin of Gomorrah, buccal swabs are useful upto 9 hours

77In most countries, breath alcohol concentration 35 mg/100 ml is considered an

offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine is constant and is

1:1.31 Histologically, reticulum fibres in an abrasion are seen on 8 days

78 Widmark's formula for urine analysis of alcohol is 3/4 prq

79 Pancreas constitute 0.1% of body weight

80 Punishment for false evidence is given under section 193 of IPC

81 Length of a female larynx is about 3.8 cm

82 Calcification of third molar begins at 8-10 years.

83 Lip prints on cheiloscopy are divided into 8 patterns

84 ?gm tablet of aluminium phosphide is able to liberate 1.0 gm

85 The diameter of "human hair at 15 years of age is 0.053 ram *

86 Alcohol gaze nystagmus is produced at an average blood levels of 80 mg%

87 The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and within this

period breath analyser test may be false positive

88 Skeletal muscles constitute about 29% of body weight

89 Term 'under the influence' of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-


90 Statutory rape is rape under 15 years of age

91 Weight for occluding internal jugular vein hanging is 2 kg

92 Majority of deaths due to Aluminium phosphide occurs in within 24 hours

93 During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5-1.0°C lower

94 Drowned body floats in about 12-18 hours in summer S

95 Bones constitute about 12% of body weight

96 Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of

17 years

97 In a dead body, maggots in rainy day are seen in 6 hours.

98 Arsenic, Aconite and Dhatura are generally used as homicidal poisons.

99 Ricin is the active principle of croton oil seed.

100 Abrin is the active principle of abrus precatorius.

101 Soneryl is a coloured babriturate.

102 Breath alcohol can be measured by Alcometer or Drunkometer.

103 The fatal dose of Dhatura is about one grain.

104 Physostigmine can be regarded as the specific antidote of Dhatura.

105 Amygdaline is the glucosides of vegetable origin found in cyanides.

106 The process of putrefaction can be retarded by carbon monoxide gas.

107 Euthanasia means "Mercy killing".

108 Joule burn is seen in electrocution.

109 Amyl nitrate is an antidote for poisoning due to hydrocyanic acid.

110 Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to

carbolic acid.
111 Overlying is a type of smothering.

112 Optic atrophy is the characteristic feature of poisoning by methyl alcohol.

113 Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning.

(All 'D's)

114 The first permanent tooth to erupt is first molar.

115 Dying declaration can be recorded by a medical officer.

116 Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.

117 Privation of any member of joint is a grievous hurt.

118 Pugilistic attitude is seen in burn death due to coagulation of proteins.

119 Dying declaration should be recorded by Magistrate.

120 Nalorphine is an antidote for morphine.

121 Locard's principle states that every contact leaves a trace.

122 The strongest corrosive poison is sulphuric acid.

123 Arborescent

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