Reimagining IBDP Assessments & Feedback With ChatGPT

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Reimagining IBDP

Assessments &
Feedback with ChatGPT
20+ prompts to design assessments, provide
feedback and engage students with AI

About this resource

"Assessment is the bridge between teaching and learning." - Dylan Wiliam

Packed with 20+ practical and actionable AI prompts, this resource is crafted to
guide IBDP educators in effectively integrating ChatGPT into their assessment
and feedback strategies. Its purpose is to explore and demonstrate the
possibilities of AI in education, particularly in creating assessments, offering
feedback, and engaging students.

Here's what you'll find inside:

ChatGPT prompts for assessment and learning: Discover tried and tested
prompts to create assessments, provide students with valuable feedback,
and empower them to drive their own learning. The prompts are tailored for
both educators and students, making them a versatile tool for enhancing the
educational experience
Assessment strategies and ethical guidance: Discover strategies and
creative ideas for differentiating assessments, delivering effective feedback,
engaging students with ChatGPT in meaningful ways, and ensuring the
ethical use of AI in education.

Keep an eye out for two icons as you navigate through this resource.

This icon indicates that there's a hyperlinked text that takes you directly to
a live ChatGPT session – just a click away from experiencing AI in action.

This icon highlights helpful tips and insights about the prompt or its
implementation, giving you extra guidance and ideas for effectively using
these resources in your teaching.

You can dive into this resource at your own pace, or head straight to the prompt
templates, designed to streamline your assessment strategies. We hope that this
guide helps you and your students reimagine IBDP assessments and feedback!
Table of contents

Impact of AI on IBDP assessments & feedback

Designing IBDP assessments with ChatGP
Crafting AI-driven exam-style assessments
Creating in-class assessments
Feedback and feedforward with ChatGPT
Engaging students with ChatGPT
ChatGPT: Every student’s study buddy
ChatGPT: A student’s dialogue partner
ChatGPT: A student’s quick feedback tool
Ethical and responsible use of ChatGPT
Academic malpractic
Citing and referencing AI
Recognising AI’s boundaries
Impact of AI on IBDP
assessments & feedback
In the IBDP, AI is redefining traditional assessment and feedback
methods for both educators and students. Educators can leverage AI
to create robust exam-style assessments and to provide immediate,
personalised feedback, a boon in larger classes. AI's data-driven
insights can also help educators tailor their teaching strategies and
curriculum based on student learning patterns and performance.
On the student side, AI can significantly boost engagement and learning
through interactive tools like adaptive quizzes, enhancing motivation
and participation. It can provide instant, constructive feedback, aiding in
the quick correction of their mistakes, and support the development of
personalised learning pathways, aligning with each student's unique
pace and learning style.

Designing IBDP
assessments with ChatGPT
Crafting AI-driven exam-style assessments
If you struggle to find exam papers that students haven’t already seen and spend hours
making exam papers from scratch, then this section has you covered! We will focus
here on how to design assessments that mirror the rigour and format of IBDP exams.

Here, we outline the basic key elements for constructing a prompt:

01 Persona: Define the role you want ChatGPT to assume. This helps the AI
generate content aligned with the pedagogical standards of the IBDP.

02 Level: Indicate whether your students are SL or HL to ensure the

assessment has the right degree of depth and difficulty.

03 Topic: Decide which topic or topics you want the assessment to focus on.

04 Question format: State the desired format for the questions, such as multiple-
choice, short answer, essay, data analysis, etc

05 Sample questions: Include sample questions from a past paper to guide

ChatGPT in getting the format, question style, and length right.

06 Markscheme: If you prompt it, ChatGPT will provide you with a markscheme!

Here is a template that incorporates all key elements in one prompt:

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Create an assessment for <SL/
HL><subject> students focussing on <topic>. Here is a challenging sample <question
format> question for you to understand the format and level of difficulty: <sample question>.
Create an assessment with <number> similar questions and make sure that you follow
the standard format for IBDP <subject> <question format> questions. Provide a
detailed markscheme for each of the questions.
Using the above template, you can seamlessly input the desired
persona, level, sample questions, and topic to generate an
assessment task for your students.


You are an experienced IBDP <biology> educator. Create an

assessment for <SL><biology> students focussing on <membrane
transport>. Here is a challenging sample <MCQ> question for you
to understand the format and level of difficulty:
Question Format

<In the experiments performed by Meselson and Stahl, E. coli were

grown for many generations in 15N then for one generation in 14N.
What results for the DNA of the last generation showed that replication
was semi-conservative?

a. Both strands containing only 15N

b. Both strands containing only 14N

c. One strand containing only 15N and one stand containing only 14N 

d. Both strands containing a mixture of 15N and 14N in equal amounts

Answer C>

Sample Question

Create an assessment with 10 similar questions.

Provide a detailed markscheme for each of the questions.

Click here to see ChatGPT’s response!

A few important points to keep in mind:

01 The output quality is influenced by the version of ChatGPT you use. For

instance, ChatGPT 4 typically provides more refined results compared

to its predecessor, 3.5.

02 If you’re working with ChatGPT 3.5, introduce marking rubrics or students’

work one at a time to get the most cohesive and detailed outputs.

03 Even if you specify a word count for an assessment, it may not meet

your requirements. Don't hesitate to correct the bot!

04 For Group 2 subjects, be specific in your prompt. ChatGPT may not

always equate Language B with a foreign language. Mention the

proficiency level (e.g., A2 to B1 for ab initio, B1 or B2 for SL, and B2 or

C1 for HL) to get the most accurate lesson plans.

05 Assessment formats vary across DP subjects. When creating prompts for

IBDP-style assessments, you might need to adjust the elements - not all

elements are necessary for every subject.

06 You may find it challenging to create papers where supplementary

material is required (like maps in geography, graphs in economics or

diagrams in science).

07 The beauty of ChatGPT is its interactive nature. Don’t hesitate to ask

follow-up questions to refine your assessments

Considering some common exam-style question formats in DP subjects, we have
created some subject-specific assessments. Click on the links to see how the prompt

has been adapted to suit the unique requirements of the assessments.

Prompt 1: Prompt 2:

To create a reading comprehension To create listening comprehensions

for Language B: English for Language B: English

For this particular prompt, you can

copy-paste the text into a text-to-

speech software that will read it out

Prompt 3:
to your students. Also, if you are a

Prompt to create short-answer teacher of another language, don’t

hesitate to translate your prompt to

questions for Physics
your teaching language.

Prompt 4: Prompt 5:

Prompt to create short-response Prompt to create extended-

questions for Psychology response questions for Math

Prompt 6: Prompt 7:

Prompt to create a data-based Prompt to create structured essay

question for Biology questions for ESS

Creating in-class
Because assessment always starts in the classroom, let’s focus on how to use
AI to design meaningful in-class assessment tasks. Whether you are
evaluating student understanding of a topic or honing the vital skills
necessary to ace the DP exams, this section provides insights and actionable
prompts for incorporating AI seamlessly into your teaching approach.

Prompts to check for understanding

This section offers prompts to design a variety of engaging tasks to
gauge your students' understanding of key concepts, providing you with
unique approaches to quick formative assessments.
Here are prompts to create:
Prompt 1: Prompt 2:
Cloze exercises Exit ticket activities
You are an experienced IBDP <subject> You are an experienced IBDP <subject>
educator. Create a cloze exercise to assess educator. Create a 5-minute exit ticket activity
student’s understanding of <topic>. to assess students' understanding of <topic>.

Prompt 3: Prompt 4:
Escape room assessments M isconception checks activities
You are an experienced IBDP <subject> You are an experienced IBDP <subject>
educator. Create an escape room educator. Create an assessment activity
assessment task on <topic> to test students' based on <number> misconceptions to
understanding of the topic. check students' understanding of <topic>.

Prompt 5:
Other assessment methods
You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Brainstorm 5 alternative assessment methods
to assess students’ understanding of <topic>.
Prompts to assess subject-specific skills

Each IBDP subject formally assesses a distinct set of skills, as detailed in the

subject guides. Tailoring assessments to develop these specific skills—such as

critical thinking, scientific knowledge, and research skills—not only aligns with

curriculum standards but also aids in developing ATL-focused assessments.

Here are 2 prompts to get you started:

Prompt 1:

To assess subject-specific skill

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Create a <number> minute activity

to test students' application of <skill> in the context of the topic <topic>.

Click here to see a task to assess critical thinking skills for psychology students.

Prompt 2:

To create stimulus-based activities

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Suggest an assessment task for <SL/

HL> students based on a stimulus that will assess their application of <topic>.

Click here to see an activity based on a stimulus for visual arts students.

Prompts to create differentiated assessments

Differentiating assessments is crucial as it acknowledges and caters to the individual

needs of students, thereby enhancing learning by addressing diverse abilities. AI is

particularly effective in customising assessments, ensuring that each student receives

support that is specifically tailored to their unique learning requirements. In this section,

we have created 5 prompts to ensure that your students receive tailored support.
Prompt 1:

To scaffold age-appropriate reading (ESL)

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Rewrite the following resource for a student

with a reading age of <age> years old. Produce a list of keywords with simple definitions to go

with the text as well as a simple summary of the resource.

<insert material here>

Click here to see how the topic of stem cells in Biology has been adapted for ESL students.

Prompt 2:
To support reading skills (ESL)

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Generate a set of vocabulary

exercises and comprehension questions based on the following resource to help
students with a low le el of English to further their understanding of the topic. 

<insert material here>

Click here to see how the topic of stem cells in Biology has been scaffolded for ESL students.

Prompt 3:

To create differentiated tasks

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Create 3 differentiated tasks (one easy, one

medium and one hard) for <SL/HL> students to assess their understanding of <topic>.

Click here to see how tasks to assess psychology students on neuroplasticity have been

created based on different levels of achievement.

Prompt 4:

To create scaffolding templates for IAs/EE

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. Write a scaffolding template with instructions on
sections of the IB <extended essay/subject internal assessment>, with explicit instructions on

language choices and argumentation, for an <extended essay/internal assessment> in <subject>.

Click here to explore a scaffolding template for a theatre director's notebook

For the EE, ChatGPT may provide a section for the abstract which is no longer a requirement. Don't hesitate to
correct it! It may also advise students to include their names and candidate number. That should not be the case: IA
and EE submissions must be anonymous!
Feedback and feedforward
with ChatGPT
Here, we'll guide you on developing prompts that lead to insightful and constructive
feedback from ChatGPT, fostering your students' development. While ChatGPT doesn't
replace your expert judgement, it will significantly ease your workload!

Below are the key elements for constructing a feedback prompt:

01 Persona: Define the role you want ChatGPT to assume. This helps the AI
generate content aligned with the pedagogical standards of the IBDP.

02 Task instructions: Include details of the task that your students completed,
providing context for the assessment.

03 Student work: Paste the student work you wish to evaluate. For better
accuracy, it's recommended to paste student responses individually.

04 Rubric: Provide the details of your marking rubric to guide ChatGPT in

aligning its feedback with your assessment criteria.

Do not forget to anonymise the students’ work!

H ere is a template that incorporates all key elements in one prompt:

You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. You have given your
students this assessment task: <paste student work here>

Here is the work submitted by a student: 

<paste student work here>

Can you provide feedback that identifies how the student has met the
requirements of the marking rubric?

Here is the marking rubric:

<paste student work here>

Click here to see the prompt in action for a Language B:
French paper 1 style assessment.

For more accuracy, you can paste a marked example to give

ChatGPT a marking standard.

Here are 2 more templates illustrating different ways to give feedback

and feedforward to your students.

Prompt 1:
To give feedback: 3 stars and a wish
You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. You have given your students this
assessment task: <paste instructions here>.

Here is the work submitted by a student. Can you analyse this piece of work and
provide formative feedback in the form of 3 stars and a wish?

<paste student response here>

Prompt 2:
To share feedforward strategies
You are an experienced IBDP <subject> educator. You have given your students this
assessment task: <paste instructions here>.

Here is the work submitted by a student. Can you analyse this piece of work and provide
feedforward to this student?

<paste student response here>

Check out the feedback and feedforward provided by ChatGPT on

two Paper 1 style responses from our psychology students' work!
Student response 1 Student response 2
Engaging students
with ChatGPT
Our students are using ChatGPT, whether we like it or not. In this section,
let’s explore how they can use AI as a meaningful tool to support their
learning while fostering self-management and reflection skills.

The following prompts are student-facing ones you can share with your
class as revision or homework tasks.

ChatGPT: Every student’s study buddy

ChatGPT can facilitate a self-directed, personalised learning experience,
empowering students to take charge of their study path. Share these prompts
with your students to enable them to engage with ChatGPT for creating
efficient revision materials and adaptive quizzes across any subject.

Prompt 1: Prompt 2:
To create revision flashcards To create information summaries
I am an IBDP <subject> <HL/SL> student. I am an IBDP <subject> <HL/SL> student.
Create <number> revision flashcards to Use the information below to create a
support my revision of <topic> based on summary of the key information that I
the following information.
need to remember. 

<copy paste lesson information> <copy paste lesson information>

Prompt 3: Prompt 4:
To generate adaptive MCQs To generate short-answer questions
You are an IBDP <subject> educator and I You are an IBDP <subject> educator and I am
am an IBDP <subject> <HL/SL> student. an IBDP <subject> <HL/SL> student. Create
Create an adaptive and interactive quiz that an adaptive and interactive set of short-
increases or decreases in difficulty based on answer questions that increase or decrease in
my responses, on <topic>. The quiz should difficulty based on my responses on <topic>.
be <number> questions in total and once There should be <number> questions in total
the quiz is over, please provide me with a and once they are over, please provide me
list of my strengths and weaknesses. with a list of my strengths and weaknesses.
ChatGPT: A student’s dialogue partner

ChatGPT can mimic anyone from book characters to scientists, offering a

unique, interactive learning tool for DP students. Below are some group-
specific examples you can share with your students.

01 Group 1 (Language and literature): ChatGPT can assume the roles of

authors or characters, enabling students to delve deeper into literary texts
through interactive discussions.

02 Group 2 (Language acquisition): As a conversational partner in the target

language, ChatGPT offers students valuable speaking practice, acting as a native
speaker to enhance language fluency.

03 Group 3 (Individuals and societies): In subjects like History, ChatGPT can

role-play historical figures or experts, fostering critical engagement and a
deeper understanding of historical events and perspectives.

04 Group 4 (Sciences): ChatGPT can be a virtual lab assistant or any famous

scientist, guiding students through experiment protocols, and data analysis, and
offering support in scientific inquiries.

05 Group 6 (The Arts): For creative projects, ChatGPT helps as a research assistant,
suggesting creative ideas and materials, and aiding in the planning of artistic

06 Core (TOK): ChatGPT becomes a partner in Socratic dialogue, challenging

students' thinking and helping them construct and refine their arguments in TOK.
Click to explore these conversations between an IBDP :

Geography student and the head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Nestl

TOK student and teacher on whether we need custodians of knowledg

TOK student interviews J. Robert Oppenheimer in 1944 about the ethics of scienc

Music student interviews Steve Reich about the origins and meanings of minimalis

Visual arts student travels back in time to interview Paul Klee in 1930 about his ar

History student interviews Khrushchev, Castro and Kennedy about the Cuba Missile Crisi

Film student interviews David Lynch about creativity and what his films mean

ChatGPT: A student’s quick feedback tool

While ChatGPT will help educators generate insightful feedback, it can also be

used by students to get immediate feedback on their work and learning

before they get to the teacher.

Prompt 1:

Prompt to check for grammatical errors

Assess the spelling and grammar of this piece of work. Make suggestions where you feel

the grammar and spelling are inadequate. 

<copy and paste work here>

Prompt 2:

To get targeted feedback

I am an IBDP <subject> <SL/HL> student. I have just written a <response/essay/IA, etc.>.

Here is my work. Can you provide me with feedback on <the accuracy of my facts/the

structure of my response/the quality of my language, etc.>?

<copy and paste work here>

Ethical and responsible
use of ChatGPT
Ethical and responsible use of ChatGPT in the classroom requires understanding and
adherence to certain guidelines. Students must be aware of the ethical limits of using
AI to support their work. This section provides direction for educators and students to
responsibly navigate the use of ChatGPT.

Academic malpractice
When submitting work to the IB, the use of AI tools is acceptable, but students must
reference them. Failing to mention it can be construed as a case of academic
malpractice and result in the student losing their Diploma. While tools like Turnitin
are available to detect academic misconduct, teachers are often best equipped to
identify it. Here is some basic guidance to avoid the unreferenced use of ChatGPT
Ensure the submitted work aligns in quality with the student's other submission
Regularly monitor and discuss the progress of the work with student
Conduct viva voces: if a student can articulate the content of their work, they are
likely the author

Citing and referencing AI

Just like any other resource, AI-generated pictures, graphs or tools must be
appropriately referenced by students when used. Here is how students can
appropriately reference the use of AI (using Harvard referencing):

In text: (NAME OF AI TOOL, year)

Example: (OpenAI ChatGPT, 2023) in brackets after the sentence/paragraph in

which it was used.

Reference list: NAME OF AI TOOL, year.”[Title of the response or question]”. In

ChatGPT. Retrieved on [date] from [URL]

Example: OpenAI, 2023. “Harvard Referencing for ChatGPT”. In ChatGPT.

Retrieved on 22 November 2023, from ChatOpenAi

Recognising AI’s boundaries

It is also important that educators clearly articulate to students the limitations of AI:

AI can be biased. At the end of the day, it relies on information it has gathered
from the Internet, where certain communities or languages are underrepresented

AI can be wrong. Although it is getting better, it is occasionally inaccurate and has
been known to invent facts and people

The information generated by ChatGPT is only as good as the prompt provided by
the user. It is therefore important to teach students the art of crafting good prompts

AI’s writing style is often unnatural. Whilst this can be adjusted through careful
prompting, it will likely not capture the authenticity of students’ voices

AI, and particularly ChatGPT, struggles to sustain the quality of the output with very
long prompts. It works better with shorter chunks of text.

Just like every other tool available for learning, AI needs to be used selectively
and critically.

AI can also be a valuable tool for

20+ ChatGPT Prompts
creating inquiry-based lesson for Effective IBDP
g for d
experi learnin
Lesson Planning

plans. If you’re looking for Promp

t 1:
instru ction stra

practical prompts to integrate

tegies Promp
t 2:
You are
an exp
erience Research
educato d IBDP -focused
r. Sugges <subje exploratio
ta ct>
plan tha
t you wou <timeframe> n
ld emplo lesson You are
<topic/ an exp
subtop y for the erience
ic> in IB topic educato d IBDP
<SL/HL Diplom r. Propos <subje
>, based focused e a <tim ct>
effectiv on Joh a <subje eframe

the core, ATLs, and more into

e direct n Hattie’s ct> for <su > research
instruc 7 steps student bject> -
tion less of s centred <HL/SL
ons. Sugges on the >
t 5 rese <topic/
as well arch subtop
as activitie questions on ic>.
s to dev this
research elop stud topic
skills. ents'
t 3:

your lesson planning process, be

approach Promp
t 4:
You are
an exp
erience Tech-in
educato d IBDP fused les
r. How <subje son pla
inquiry would
you utili
ct> n
methods se stud You are
over a ent-led an exp
session <timefra erience
to delve me> educato d IBDP
in <subje into the r. Can you <subje
ct> <HL <topic/ on <to ct>
subtop plan a

sure to check out our resource!

/SL>? ic> pic/sub <timefra
technol using one me> lesson
ogy too specific
experie l to enh
nce of ance the
<subje learnin
ct> <HL g
Promp /SL> stud
t 5: ents?
mpt 6:
You are
an exp
erience Simula
educato d IBDP tion/rol
r. Could <subje activity e-playing
you pro ct>
proble vide me design
m-base with a
that stud d learnin You are
ents cou g scenar an exp
<timefra ld com io erience
me> bas plete in educato d IBDP
<subje ed on <to r. Conc <subje
ct> <HL pic/sub simulat eive ct>
/SL>? topic> ion or role a <timeframe

Download here
-playing >
for <su activity
bject> tailored
spotlig <HL/SL
hting the > student
<topic/ s,
Have you seen Toddle AI?
As you navigate your way through generative AI, we're excited to introduce

you to Toddle AI, designed specifically to be the ultimate assistant for every

IBDP educator. Toddle AI is trained to understand the nuances of the IBDP

and will help educators deliver future-ready learning.

The first release of Toddle AI helps teachers:

Lesson planning Progress reports Writing Assistant

Sign up for a free walkthrough to learn how Toddle AI can help you

reclaim your time and elevate your practice!

Let's have a chat

Don't just take our word for it!

Here's a sneak peek at the lesson plan

Toddle AI created when we asked it to

generate ideas for developing research

skills within the context of the 'Genes'

topic in Biology!

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