u ln1ri11•I •h•mrcc-,
n • , n,h ,,,11 , l q > i , ~ c ,'ltlf" ft#I., f'i -,:
/11\" ~lilt"ri,,., ilil
rlch1 ors m ah;,H I ,_ , , t l• •"""1"1''" 411.-.-.lW>II• 1"11111" ~
11 li>i'l'r '"'" hl <'•r -..-. nhr lh, follO\\lnJ: •
'I\ lb) thi- '"'"""'' (.1.1 I
,~11 'hl"""''' nmt ,1:11::,, or• II"'"' rah, a (')
il'l 1\ pr, l'f ,h11ll,"' f.,undnllnn,._ (,H
I• l 11,,11111111. 11,111111 >tinn 111111 11, •1111:1b1hh ( \)
,11 11.lllN' 1111\' nml II• u,r, (-')
(rl 1,np lrn)!th (J)
, n, \a)'•"' C',,,,1
•*"' t I) 1\, ._.1.-.·11hc, 1,,,.... n,I ,l,l'lh ,11 t.
\ 'l ,., J,t, nmnc l~C'I'<' nl\il\ ,ll) \ fl
( ~) h, c-,111nnh.: thc, l'f"Nl,k m:l\m11 m anJ .t I •
(.S) lb ,,1nbh~h lhC' i_:mun,I "~,u k,..:-1 .uw 1
tSl 1o I'"'"'" th<' 1.,1 ml c-,;inh l'l'C'.,<UI'<'
:--11111.r, in ,uh-~urr,i.·c- ,·,plo1,i11011, : ~uh ,urt ,, c, ,
(I) #le:-01111.,1\\,lm'.< • ' Ill'.' rc,ronn:11<,lll,~ ,, Ille llr<;l <IC'{\ I
,m1hm l'l\\~rnmm,· h rndu,l.:-,.. n, 1,11 "'the ,lit' ::md It\ s.11,.J\ l .: r. ~,
(\1, lthc11"in,l.:-.:1,li11~f111<1f\'PT\'1£,mmmt'c-l,1t,m,.:-;u~ " ,-.s.: l'('C'I"•~
12 9ti r:111"11 to be- o,1,ll'k'l• ~r,·s,,f,.1mpk, "' h<· 1;ik,•n nnd tht' l.ioor:11,,1"\ J
(~l Prt hmm,:n E.,7>1or.111.11i.- Th,·,um ,,, "~hn•ni.,n. l''\l'l,lnll • "''" I
.1ph, th,.:-l.11,•,-s .:-,1<·111 .md ,,,mp.,,111,,n ,,fc-.1.::h ,-,11,tT.\lllm 'I 1h.:- ,11c- Thl' J
nnd the- £T\,1111J \\:tl.:-r 1.1hk is ,,ts,, ,k1c-m1i11~i.
( ~) L\:•t.ul."d £.\plamtio11., 1li.:- pu1p1,,::- ,,ftht-d-.in 'lro npk\11tt1N1-- 1, IMk .mn •
4S) ~OS.41..~ m .gin,'<'ring l'"'J'Cni,-s ,,fth.:- ,,,ii, in ,lil1<'R'nt str..u:t. It mdu,k,-
.ui C'\IC':11'1\ '<' N.'11~ rro-.. r;u,
piing :md 1.:,1i 1g N'th,• ,:impk, in :1 t.,1,,r..111,r,
\ n,.(h) 1) 11<', ,if,h:1ll,n, fouml:ltion,: \ ,h. ""' "' :,bti,,n. :i.:-rordnl;: IC\ krr.l.!;:'I
• \\hmr" 1tit 1 ,~n,11.-rth,111 its -1,'j'th I , ') S, \ '-" ••'" fou11d.1t1,'ll•~ ..n' I,,~ !.-dJm-'
" th,· l,m c:,t p.111 of the: \\,lll ,,r :1 ,•,,]umn \\ hkh ,h,,, s, 1'1''" 11w t.x,tn~,; , tx of 1h,
(I) ,: · •J (i,orin.(\ strip fo,,1ing i<- P"'' id,,i i,,r ., INd-b,·,mns ".\11 \ ,;tnp f,)()tuis
i1so pn,, 1JcJ for :1 nm of c,,h 'lllb "hi.:h .,n- so .::t,,,d: "1'-''''d th.\l th,·ir SJ'rr.~J i:..1v1ins,
m :rbp or ncarl~ touch c:ich Nhcr.
(:!) ,\J•rt•a./ <>r ix1 1lat,•d 'O<>ti11.~: \ ,pn-:1d l•'r 1,,,1:ii.-J N p:,d) 1,-,.,th'-!?, b p~, ,dcd i.,
;>('non indi, idu:il column. \ ,prr:1d fo,,ting i<- ctl\.'l :ir. s,Jt,:m· ,,r l'l.'c't.111gul.,r ,h'lh ,,fumf,mn
incss. Someumes. it is stepped ,,r h:nm.:ht'<l to ,pn-,1<; 111,• INd '''-'T .1 l:111;c- .,rr:i
(3) l ·0111bi11,•dfoo11ng:. \ c,,m1'in ...,i 1001111!:! sui"'•'fl" I\\,, .:,,lumn~. It is u, ...,d "h<-n the
columns an: so close 10 e~...-h othc:r th:11 their tmii\ idu:11 footm~s \\ ,,uld ,n ,·rl:ip.
- ' " I,' r;,,i,,r,r,
I IJflUif;,,,,.,, ,,,
U I----~
~ [_.i6" ~,,,..,,.,,. Snlv<t/pof"'" ,h,/v-102/ . . . .
h ~,~ /\ (c:"' holc..ir; arc dnllcd.dun ng1hc preliminary mvcsugo11on. In lhc dcuiilc<l im,c, tiy; uiurn
l,cr orholes arc: drilled 10 thoroughly invcstlgntc the sub-210il Mrill r,
)"J' n;~c: result of boring ore pr~scntcd _in the form ~fboring•log and ,ub-•,urfacc prnlllc,
,\Ul;cf" Ooriog.: An :iugcr 1s a b~rmg 1001 sh~1lr1r to one u,cd by n cnrr,cn lor lor horin e,
\\ ood It co n~1sts of a shank wi th a cross-wise hnndlc for I urnin g 11ml huvin., cc ntml
~~cd111 feed !>crew !Fig. I (a)) . _TI,c a_ugcrs can be opcrotcd mnnunll y or n~cchani c,,\l y
1' The h.,nd a ugers used 1n borm~ arc about IS to 20 cm in drnmctcr. I hc ... c me wi1,,h k h1 1
~,ncing holes upto a dcpt_h of) to _6 mi~ so~ soils ..111c hn,nd nugcr ,._ otlUchctl to 1hc \owcrc11d
,pc of obout 1R mm diameter. fhc pipe 1s provided wuh o eros~-nrm ut 1h top. lltc hole 11
'p ccd by turning the cross-arm mMually and at the same: time npplying thm<,l in th e chlwnw;.,rJ
·' 3:,on When the .1uger is filled with soil, it Is taken out. If the hole: is alrc.u.ly dri,c.11 , 1111\llhcr
,i<" r uger, known as post-hole nugcr (Pl11. I(bl] is used for toking soil " ""11'"'
0 0
fl \Vn~h Uod ng: In wash boring. the hole is drilled by first driving, a c,"lnij.. 11h11111 2 u,
long, :ind then inscning into it a hollow drill rod with a chi~c\-~hn1>cd choppini,t hit 1111h hlwc.1
scm,p4. , J \Vatcr is pumped down the hollow drill rod, which i) known n~ wnsh pi11c . W1111.:r cmc l' yc· a
0 ' "'M irong Jct through a small opening of the chopping bit. The hole is udvunc1:d hy n \:rnnh1m11lun
chopping action and the jetting action, os the drilling bit nnd the nccom1111n yi 11 ~ wi1h:r Jc.I
,s inkg.rllC the soil. The water ond the chopped soil paniclcs ri se upword th rou1>h the f\111H1l:1r
,.ice bctwccn the drill rod and the cosins- The rctum water, nlso known os wu-;h w111c1, li1 ladi.:11
I•1,:,15): l1bru11 S1111111ler
Tih 1hc soil cuuinp. his colleclCd inn 1ub through o T-shupcd pipe lixcd ut 1hc top ol 1hi: ca'lllll!,
111,(2 )1
l c:::::t:J==l
The Dcttison snrnplcr Is rnolnly used for ob1aining samples of stifl'to hnrd C:Ohc CJ.!lt.f-
,;ncl sliglt1/y cohesive snttds. 1-iowFvcr, ii cntt~ol be usyd1~or gruvclly soils, Joo11e C:Oh~~:711 , Wi..chc<l"'
snnds and sil rs below ground wnlci- rnble ond very sofl cohesive soils. "eu
The Denisott sampler givcsn snrnplc 5 1· (140 mm) tn
2 . d1ome1cr
. ond 20 inches ( 501
"'"1) I
long. Cure is ,,ceded in ~djust_ing 1hc speed ofro1n1ion, lhc pressure on drilling bh ond lite vcloct1y
ofwush worer \vhcn drill mg ,n soils ond very friable rocks.
Q.2.(b/ Describe ht tlclnil lltc dlffercnl method s of borin g for 1 ub-1 ■ rr■re I
e.t(l/or1llions. (I)
Ans. Doring f'or Explornlion : When lhe dcplh of exploatlon is large, borings arc 011
used forcxp lora1ion. A vcrticol bore hole is drilled in the ground to get lhe information about the
sub-soi/ Slrala. Samples arc 1oken from lhe bore hole and tested in a laboralory. The bore hole Joi lb)
may be used for conducling in-silu tests and for locating the water table. Extensomctcn or Fia:,.(I): Au~t'n
l'i:t,.(l) : \\~,h U11r1u~
pressure mcler may also be installed in the bore hole for lhe measurement of deformation in the
s11b-s1rn10. Rotary Drilling: In the roLsrv drill mg method, the bore hole i\ advanced hy r<,t,1111111,,1
Depending upon lhe type of soil and lhe purpose of boring, the following methods are hollow drill rod which has a cu11ingb1, al its lower end. A drill head h prc,•11dcd .11 ti•- t•p ,,I th•
used for drilling the holes. drill rod. It consists of a rotary mechanism and an arrangemenl for apply1n~ d,,wnward prcWJI
(I) Auger Boring (2) Wash Boring As the drilling rod is rotated, the cuuing bit ,hears off chips of the maluia\ pc1<<1talt.d
(3) Rotary Drilling drilling tluid under pressure is introduced through the drilling rod \0 lhe bouo111 <>I 11,~ \,, ,le 11
( II Percussion Drilling (5) Core Boring.
\ \ t
. , s,.,,.,,,,,Sol"£/! 1'1';;;;:JJJ~~~ - ;. i,ii .,.._ • ·b!ffd+ · n1
l\l _ r,'lfm,l111,
f11th1> " -'l 1h«,<,1'Jll-'"'"•m"t outt1lllh«,.:.."a1i,,111""<hc, ,""bo •11 1,,,
,,/1• .
N,. • 5 1+0,2~
"di I""''\.»"-'" ntrth,,J n,:o, ,t,,,n ~"'•l<'f lflftll IS 111 <01111,,c he IH>dc I$ Ill, I) I I, fl
(L~(b) l)<;nb< , ,...,, 11 ,,.._ 111 ,1<1· l<>I sn d F,pl?M lion lo~ in ,l<enlf
_ 'l_f_ < 2.5
\ as. tn-.SilU le".!-~ l ,inj:! A Pt'<'SS lll 't" \t('f tl' ! l hi.' rm.~_ .. ,urc lllClcr l.':1),1 1 • (8 I \)(, 11
1 bJ7.';;,Ind
:~ :3(protx-,,h, ..'hl'•U'""~1 ..--JM:t'':11cru.:-,crHl11(11g(l)I Tl ~•,1s r
',fk.".;,_W hole anJ ,1 ,. inl1>1cJ ~! •l'l'b "\.\! "•.« r pn,ssun, 11,;:;~lc 11<\lbc''.
Nc = 5x
I + 0.2 x 2
' )(
I + 0.2 x I
~">Jn.<t ch< unhncJ "alls o(rhc tx,re hole. I , che prc.s,,ur< "mcrc:1,<J, the soi l dee~ Pressc Ne = T7
,oJumdJlCJ<-fom~tron ofthcb,.\l"C~,k ,svN:uncJ b~ no11ng.thc foll m ,,n1cr lc,e1 in ~:s,•,~1 C = !IE_= 100 =50 kN/ml
«='"~•M1)sho.m> • l)'P'""' prcssun.~,,,tumcin< smun eu"c. The so il is inilially i . c
p1u-, bu< II cnlC'f' ch< pl•s<« ph>-< >I h1£h rn.-,.,,urc \ llerrhc pl~llc Sl>gc. <here is n • las1i :.
= 5~ • 7 = 385 kN/ n'
q""• "''" . l .
,n the ,olum< ,.,ch funhc< ,,,._.,.,..., ,n P"""'"'."' n,c pr<SSu«·-d<lonnauon d>1a obia~,~<ha11g, Q. J. ( IJ) Des cribe in detail Che different modes or shear railur• with neat
the ,..,., ,. 1,c, used dctcrnHn<' m,xiulus ol Jefonnauon. undcamcd s he,r strength Cd fron,.,,.n. (7)
shcln11£0rcs<sr.,n.."<'andolhacnginc<nng pn.,pcn,csofi he so,I IS : 1892-1979 descri~ngfc o• An s, Types of shear failure : Vesic cl assi fi ed che bearing capacity failures into three
of prcs:su~ meter lhc us1tgories :
(1) Ge neral S hear Failure: Fig. \(a) shows a strip footing resting on the surface ofa
e sand or a stiff clay. The figure also shows the load settlement curve for the footing, where
•~the load per unit area and s is the settlement. At a certain load intensity equal to q II the
tlemcn l i!1c reases suddenl y. A shear fa ilure occurs in th e so il at that load aiid the failure
faces extend to the ground surface. This type of fa ilure is known as general shear fai\urc. A
I ELAStc ~11c, o ~ve on the sjdes is.always observed in general shear fai lure .
lt ,~ \01 ~
Gu•rtl c,tl
,nN..SJl"Afl9 crl /J
PAfSSll RE { p ) -
~ Gu.rtl crll
Fi:-(1): PnsswrrMctcr Fii:-:( 2)
Expl~on logging is the process ofwireline logging, geophysical logging, geotechnical
logging or geological logging of a drill hole. its core, or its rock c uttings for peirophysics
perrology. The pn,cticc is usually used in the mining, minera l exp loration o r o il and natural
Se<:tion - 8
11 .~ \
Q.-1.(a) A rectangular rooting I m x 2 mis placed a t a depth or 2 min salurated
d11y h11ving unit 1t·eight of /9 kNlm' a nd un confined co mpressive s tre ngth or 100 kN/
m'. Determine the net ultimate beano, ca paci ly u•ing Skempton 's theory. (8) lcl -PU~~I~ · ~111£
Ans. Skempton 's theoo
Fii:-(1) : Tyflts ofSllur Failor<
'lnr,, ulm = CN,
C -~ •• . ,;,.,,,,,r..,.,,,,.r1J!!!P',.o,Jflltf,11J t:,:·. -~ -;"'.....,. ~+-♦ ,-:,-·1r·15,
•• - - - 0.: -.mon
- - - Jw - - The Jctcn ""1l on r r. r r u ~ ·1- ,
- ~ · ,,n nd o rd Pcnc1ration Test : Standard penetration test can be used for the
n:,.Jl.., :;:,t::,~:7-~::._~=anJ.-/>0111all)
:d~;n C:On<rctc, w · ~~:1011 of the sculcmcnl on ~ohesionless soils. IS_ : 8009 (P~ 1)-1976 gives_• chart for
, .x,ck,rs ~"' cru, l<adin~ ,~ c."~ <cttlcmc,n Qf lhc _-1ruc1_urc. 10 the width of the fooung and the
dotc,;~••"i',ulollon of sct1lemen1 per_ unol pressure as a function of
~rtl,m<■ I or ico■■dalio• o• coho1onlcs, ,011> : Sc11lcmen1s or r.0 ,,, ncu·•iion number [F1g.(l )]. The sculcment under any other pressure is computed
~ ,.,.15 ul.c pbcc 1'21hcr qu1c!J) •lie, lhe apphcitoon of 1hc load. " 0 dati0tis ~ .~ pressure.
31 ,he senlement is proponional to the intensity of
=-,,,_-..,~-~.... ,:;:n:;..~;::;:
~ ofwdJffi,;;.~ 50_;!."- ::.," no1 possible to . _,,,,,,n~c scnlemenlS are in metres per uni1 pressure in kNlm'.
· · 15 S cr.,Jlydctennin«1~•n11, lf ihe water table is at a shallow depth, the settlements are divided by the correction
~CJ<-"...., mo>"-= 'Nl"'<fl
(I) Saric roar pr■ dntio■ mr·tbod : In this method. the sand layer is d" . ,,r JI' _
,:mil ~= such~ ea:11 small b).,. ha> 'f'l"""JT131el) const:1n1 value oflhe cone"'l~Cd in, ·· ()) p1a1e Load Tcsl: The settlement of the foo1ingcan be csitmated from the settlement
~ .1, ~ ,-:aZUC' ol ~ "--~f'CSJs:on-..--r l.)f C3Ch srna.lP l~)cr 1s Jcrcrmined_ l't:s1.5tanct l:ite 1n the plalc load LCSL
~ sc:ru~
= Z~
oiC3ld'I .S:.WI l,1 \-er b ~m;ited usmg the following equation .
ao _:-:. a .
,hi: p
Q.5.( b) Describe in detail tbe conventional procedure of proportioning of
C = '-'-, oo
~ ···
o~~Ans. Conventional Method for Proportioning Footings for Equal Settlement :
m ..t,d> q = suns rone rcs,suncc. c, = mean effecti, e overt, -es of footi ngs determined by allowable bearing capacity are usually satisfactory provided the
:. a = mcn,:,s,, m pr=-<., w =::re of w lay,:r
due to the net founda . urd en Prcssu...,1, mcn1 analysis gives permissible value for selllement, otherwise footing size is revised till
H = U".i:.:l.:nc:ss o fbJ a tion Prcssu~ an, analysis results allowable settlemenL Many engineers intend to minimise the differential
c= J
The u'.>t:!.1 seG.Jeme,1 ofW enu rr IJyer is equal co Lhe sum of senlement of ind· . ~kment due to varying loads by proportioning the footing sizes such that a11 footingswil\ have
b)=. . _ _ _ •vidua,,e beari ng pressure under the service loads which can be defined as the actual load expected
- - :
:f _
1hefooting duringnormalserviceofthestructure.
\~. _
,,H, a ............ .,o,Mromww•=""';"'""'·"'~'
live load to de.ad load ratio.
t '
:~P==E: : g~
; • -::·--===...-.!.-= IJ ~
L = serviceloadofthesarnecolumn=dc.adload+0.51ivcloa d
q = all owable bearing capaci ty.
q J = design pressure for all footings excepth the one ,vith largest
live load 10 dead load ratio.
: 1f
: if
Then area of the fooling for the column with largest live load 10 dead ratio.
L1 + Ld
f ~ then q
= -,I
J Area of other footings
Service load for the footing
O1herwise, for equal senlement on cohesion less soils for different si1.ed footings.
\(1- µ2)1 \(1-l)l
L q1ll1l~f"=q28:?l~(··
,., I S =
~ i ) 1 .
'"'•J </181
WCVI D fl'
Fig.: ( I )
or ql = 8i
d ti . d' , Fm1111f-11,Ori • • •
esi red depth and gradually wuhdrawmgcumg when frc, h cc,,,1. rc: ic i, filled
So. ,fq, and o, a,cconwc1pro, urc an 001,ng '.mcnsoon of1h ~ C-O nlmllo ng r,.,
1111 g, ~
c:>' ,le have a pedestal.
s ,1..e and pern11ss1 blc press ure q for oiher (ooi,ng o f s i/,c 8 2 can be estimated LJf\~ 'rimber Pile~: limber p1h.."S arc made from tree trunk5 aflcr proper i, imnHllj!. I he
Secflon _ C ~ should be straiS!'~ sound and free from def~ . . .
~ to pr~cnt dam~~e dunng dri vin g.. ~o avoid dJma w.c: 10 1hc lop
si.ecl shoes are prov1 ded_
" Whal is 11,c n«essi1y of Pile Foundalion ? Cla u if . . pile, a metal band ora cap,. prov1ded._Sploc1ng of1imbc-r pole\,. done uso ng • po pe , lcc,,c
l,osrs .~G~~·j,.;n fh cm in demi I. . _ · Y lh c P•lc 00 <1,rr,,.,. :.a~ straps and bolts. The length of the p,pc slccve , hould be al lc:a>I fo vc um c, 1hc do, mctcr
/\n s· J'lccesslf) of pole founda11o ns : Pole fo und a11ons arc us cd •n the follo_,\! }l.,,.p,Jc.
condiiions -r,mber pit~ bclo"'. the wat.cr ~le have g~crall~ long hfc llov.C'\ cr, ab•"c the .,.,er
( I) \Vhcn the s,r:ua 31 or jusl bdo wthc ground surface is high ly comprc, ll<. these are atta_cked by inse<:15, The hfe of the umbc'. poles '."'n be ' '.'crca-..:d by pre"'1'all vn
wea k to suppon ihc load ,ransm ,ued by the structure. Slblc and v l,1, as crCOSO~ oils. 'Ti~ber piles should not be used m mannc environment "here the>< ar<
(2) When the plan of1hc s1ruc1Ure is irregular relati ve to its outl ine and load er,:,,cted by various o_rga.n_,sms. . . . . .
It would ca use non-uniform sc11lcmc111 if a shallow foundation is consiructed A d,~ "butionJ (iv) Compositt p,le, : AcompoSIIC pile IS made of two matcnals. A compo, uc pile: may
required 10 reduce diffcrcn1ial set1lemcn1. pole founc1;,i,.,; ~ ist of the lower portion of steel and ~e upper portion of cast-in sotu concrete A comJ>0'1le
(J) Pile foundarions arc required fo r 1hc transmiss ion o f structu ral load f may also have the lower portion of timber below the permanent water tabl e and the upper
waler 10 a firm s1r:11um. ' lhrougt, deciJti
_ ·on of concrete. As it is difficult to provide a proper joint between two d1s\1m1l~r matcno1 lc..
(4) Pile fou ndation are used to resist hori1.ontal forces in addition to ~u ., tr,p05ite piles are rarely used in practice.
loads in ea r1h -rctaining 51ruciurcs and tall stru ctures tha1 arc subjected 10 ho r/po" th• Vtn.icaJ (2) O an ifi CJ1 tlon Bu ed on Mode or T ran sfer o r Loads : Oascd on th e m,.J,. of
10 wind and earthquake. ,onta l forcc,l f c r of loads, the piles can be classified into th ree categories :
(5) Piles arc required when the soil condi1ions are such 1ha1 a wash oui _ (,) ,£nd-!Har/n_ ,8 eJltr.End-bearing pi les transmit th e loads 1hrougl1 their houom lip<
of so il may occur from undemcalh a shallow foundation . ' erosion or pildut ilcol umn{and tnnsmit the load through a weak material to a fo rm , 1ra111111 hcl ov.
(6) Piles arc used for the foundations of some structures, such as ,ran, . rock i• ~
w{lhin a reasonable depth, piles can be extended 10 the rocl. 11 . uh,011 ,1c
off-shore plate fo rms, which arc subjected to uplif1. m"" 0 n ""'""facity of the pile depends upan the bearing capacity of the rock. If instead of bed ruck. ;, fa irl y
(7) 111 case of expansive soils, such as black co uon so ol, whi ch ,,., 011 or , hronk ,npoa and hard ,iral!Jm of,.soil exis!f }'\ a 1rcasonable depth, poles can be c, 1c11dcd a k v.
waier contcnl changes, piles arc used 10 transfer the load below 1hc Jct,vc wnc as .,., .. into the hard strarum. End-beari ng pucs arc also known as po111t-bca nn g po le,
(8) CollapS1ble sods, such as loess'. ha ve_a breakdo wn o f slructure accom an , The ultimate load carried by the pile (Q.) is equal to the load carried by 1he point or
sudden decrease m vo,d ratio when the!c 1s an_ increase in water con1cn 1. Piles ~ c ed ~-4 .. __ end (Q,),
Classifica tio n orthe
load beyond zon :e Piles
Piles can bemo1Sturechanges
ofposS1ble in such soi ls ·
classified accordin U>cd ~ " (11) Fr1 c11on_pl!"' Fnct,on . do not reach the hard stratum 11,csc pile, mn, fcr the
. poles
the mode of transfer of load, (3) lhe melhod of conSlruclion, ( )
of soil. as described below. 4
u10 ( 1) th e material u...i lljid ~rou_gh skin fnct1on between the eml,e,lded surface o f the pile and the w rro.,nd1111!, ,o,1
se, or(S) thc d1 spl~ o n piles arc used when a hard stratum docs not exist at a rca,onablc depth I he u\11m,tc
( I) Classifica 1io11 according Jo ma t erial used: There arc four types of ii . Ii<! (Q.) carried by the pile is equal to the load transferred by skin fric11on (Q,)
Jo materials used. P CS=d.,.1 (iu)Comb,ned end bearing and fr/Cl /on piles : These piles tr ansfe r load < by a
(,) Steel Piles : S1eel piles are generally eithcrin the fonn ofth • k . ,mbination of end bearing al the boll.Om of the pile and friction alonl!, the surface n[thc pile
H-sections. Pipe s,eel piles are driven into the •ound with their ends ,c pipes, or rolled st<cl !iaft,_ The ultimaLC load carried by the pile is equal to the sum of the load carried by tl ,c p1k , .. ,nt
. prov,'d e d . h a d.
WII . po,nl
nvmg . or shoe al the lower~ end. O
pen ore osed . Piles are
(11) Coucrele Piles: Cement concrele is used in the construction of co .
and the load carried by the ski n fri ction (Q,) .
(3) Classification based on mdhod o r installation : llas ed on the m•.thd o\
Concrele piles are ei~1er precaSI o r c~st-in s_iru. Precas_t concrete piles are prepar..:'~~":r: pilcs.~ction, the piles may be classified into th_e foUowing five_catcgo n cs .
o r a caslrng yard. The rernforcemenl IS provided to resist handling and driving es padJ:Jr/ (i) Driven pries : These piles ,re drtven into the soil by applying b\o" ' o! a hca,ry
piles can also be p~estressed using high strength s1eel pretensio ned cables. r scs. racast • mer on their tops. •
A casr-rn sllu pile is conSJrucJed by making a hole in the •round and then fill' . ',h f'"
(ii) Drfren and Cas1-in-si1u piles : These piles are fonned by dri vin\; a casing, with a
concrete. A _c ast-in situ pile may be cased or uncased. A cased p~e is constructed b;r;;;,::~ a )osed bonom end into the soil. The casing is later filled with concrete . Thccas111gmay or may
SJeel casing rnto 1he ground and filling it with concrete. An uncased pile is constructed by drivi~g IJ,t be withdrawn.
IS I C ,, .,,,-simpilcS , These pi les"'~ fon nc(I bye ..~ E-~"'(rj,6"'}!!1!C-'" 0,_ §Elvcd ptJfJt!rJ, ,J,,fv .Jn]/ J()
r;1nnc it 'with
! I Bu1nfa11t 1 concrete. . .~
xc,ivnti-ng-, " ho1
,. . observed 'at 0.5, I, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 60 minu1es. The loau 111"
"' incrcn1e1H, sett le111cnl nrc
£"'"'"\ond ih;:,., p,l;s : ThCS< piles ,re screwed _"'10 lhc so_i l. ""o 11','~ulO be con11m1ed, uplo •:vice ihe' safe load or 1he load al which lhc to1al senlemc111reaches~
<:: )~1ckcl piles : These poles an: p c~cd into the soil by applyi ng a I ,,,1,cd vn\ ue. fh c;oad " remo-cd 111 !he some decremcn\S al I hour in1m al and ihe lino \
( I f n h •drn ulic jock. ' downward ~ 01111 J is recorded _4 hours afl er the enu re load has been remo ved.
wi1h thc;~~'':::~nssi~cation bas_cd on use : The piles can be classi fi ed into the I Forfb
.•. ~ ·L!., dt· endi ng upon 1he1r use. . ollowi n I
,a1c: 01 \,; L:,d b.-ari,ig p,lcs TI1<scp1lcs arc used to transfer 1hc load of the gs
suit:-i bh: , 1rn1um by end be.'l_rin g, by fncl1? 11 or by b? th . . Sl/'\Jcturc lo
. ,·,i) Compacnon ptles . TI1~e piles arc ~n ~e~ 11 11 0 loose granular soils lo.
rela1ive den si ty. The bc::i ring capJc ily of 1hc soil is in creased due to dc ns ificatio~"::::isc tli
vibr.11io~•;,, Tension piles . These piles an: in tension. These piles arc used 10 5'd I
st,ue1u~ subjected 10 hyd rostatic uplift forces or ?vertum ing forces. anch 0 , dow
( n ·) Shccl piles . Sheet piles form a continuous wall or bulkhcitd which is u
Fi!,!(IJ · l'ilc t.oml Tc,t
re r:un ing ea rth or \\':lier. . . . 5'(1 ~,
(i·) Fender piles : Fender pil es are sheet piles w hi ch are used 10 protect
siru crurc from imp3Cl of ships and vesse ls. LOA.O a - -
(,.,I Anchor p iles : Thcs~ piles nre used 10 prov ide anchorage for anchored s r<!.': 1 Loio !UI
The pi les provide resisrnnce agnmst horizonta l pnll fora sh_ee! pile wall . he,, pile
(S) Cl:1ssific:1 ri~n bnscd _on d1splriccmc~t of_s0 1I : Based on th e vo lume or
di splaced during ins131/ at1on. the piles ~ n be ~lnss1fied_into tw o categori es: the s 82
(t) o,splncement p,les: All dnv.en piles ar~ d1spl acc,~e111 piles as the soil is dis
larcrally when the pi le is insr::illcd. The s01 1ge ts den s,fied . The ,n.stall ~tion may cause hca!jb,c,
th e !,urroundin~ ground. Pr~ast concrete ~li e and closcd•end pipe piles arc high displa "G. l,OAOlt-.C
pilc:s. Steel H•p1Jes are low displacement piles. Ctnic
l "·
(ii) Non•displacement piles : Bored piles are non-d ispl::icemcnt piles. A h .
removed when 1hc hole is bored, there is no displ_acemenl of !he soil during ins!:il~!:~I
ins1olla1ion of th ese pi les causes very little change 1n th e stresses ,n the surrounding soil. · Fi:,:.(2 ) : Lu:td Sc 11lc 111 cnl l"un l'. .
ril!. (3)
_ Q.6.(b) [xp lnin lhe dc!Riled proced ur e lo co ntl ucl pile loa d lest with ne!
d,a gr:1111. . (~ Fig.(2) shows a 1ypicol load-,c11lc111cnl cur ve (Jim, line) for loading ,s "di a, 1111lnc,1il ni;
. ,Ins. Pile Load_Test : The moSI relioble me!hod for delcrmining lhe load canyinhwined from a pile load 1cs1. For nny given load, 1hc nc! pile scttlc111 c111 (., ) "g"•cn hv
cnpncl(y of a ptle ,s Jhe pile load tesl. The se1-np generally cons1s1s of two anchor piles pr 'd
wilh an another girder or a reac1ion girder at lheirtop [Fig.( I)] . The lest pi le is installed e b:," '., ·, \ . ..
1he ancho r piles in the manner in which 1he foundation pil es are 10 be install ed. The lcs~;~ where .1 , 1010_1 sc11lcmen1 lgross sculcmcn() ,
should be n! least 3 B or 2.5 m clear from 1he ancho r piles. .,, ; clas(1c scnlemen1 (rebound).
The load is applied through a hydraulic jack resting on Jhc reaclion girder, Th Fi_g.(2) also shows !he ne! sell lemcn! (chain dotted line) .
mcasurcmenl of pile movemen! arc taken wilh respect 10 a li xed reference mark. The Jes\ i F,g.(3) shows !WO load-ne! scnlcmcn! curves ob1a111ed from., pile lond 1c, 1S on two
condue1ed_nner a res! period of 3 days afle r the installation in sand y soils and a period of on ,ffcren( soils. A! Jhe ul1ima1e load lQ,), 1hc load-net seulemcll! curve become> either l111ear a>
monl h 1n 51 1(s and soft clays. The load _is applied_in equal increment of abou t 20%of1hc allowabl rve (2) or !here is a sha rp break."s in 1he curve (I), as shown in the figure . The safe load is
load. Se11le111en1 should be recorded w11l,1three dial gauges. Each singe oft he loading is mni nlnincosually taken as one-half of 1hc ul11111a1e load.
Jill lhe rate of movemenro fthe pile lop is not more than 0. 1 mm per hour in sandy soils ondO,Ol According 10 IS : 2911, 1he safe load is token as one-half of the load at which !he 10101
mm per hour in cnse of clayey so ils or n maximum of two hours ( IS : 2911 - 1979). Under c,clf lllcmcnl is equal 10 IO per cent of 1he pile diame1er (7 .5 per cent in case of under-rean,ed
rl.' • ,. ,,, ,,,,,,.,
1 r , 11,-,,I ,t "h" k th< r,,,al •• ttk,n-,,i
"h,, "" n:
,, t
J •~
,_,, ,-, ,,! • ,,.,. th< -.t, ,,_.J " " ' ' ''""'"• h,11 t,'f" •• ,•,::~~ \ "I the !,'OJ:!,,_ - > ::,"'
t ,hi< I• t,r l,,w th• ,lr pii, ,. [ th< f,011111 • ., ,,ft :t tl~n ,t b, rn tn O,.<r.
<, ', ,u,r lo\ U 11••1'• ,•oo\ I ""'"l utl,11" 11 I ', I
l ~ I . ~ r e·
(I • f
''"'"' ..~ , , ,,.,,, nt,· ,, "" ,,.,, '•'""''m" ,,,, 11,., 1 1 n,k, lh "I\' ·,
l.,,h ,,..,,. 1,,.,11111"• ,.1,1. h I I 11 1"""" ,11, n " '''
,, ~ •'•"'' 1""''-'''''• "'" " n,,,,- 1h•n:11mn1,,1 th,•r n"'""'''" • •••"••,., • 1o,,1n•1'""''"""'""µ ,,>1''- t
·"-" • '• -,, 1., " •• ,n,1,111.:-..1 It"•·"' '"I ,,,. , <ttt •h<>ulJ -.~':: °;.,
,: :,:::;~•; ,:~,•,.~:; •:11:,: )::;;,':~,;11~::,•,'; •;~.,,~•r
1' '' ""'' flllc h1J.,..,,,,.;,;~;;,~ , ore conl,.111al e•. , lhrntlng tn><:htnc') ••• •,,
, ,.,...,, ,1, .,,, l,'lht 111
,-.tp1l~1l11,111 ~
,, •• , ""''', t"lr "• • ""''"'" h• • d "'I' hommrr " d t hltt .lO 1he 1uumlot1 nt1 ,oil cott llqtttf) "'"" p»n: r«
: ,.. ,.,,. .,,,...,, ,.....,... ,inn ""'~ mm. \\ hol h the <o pae\:y or~~" '"'• Ire~"" l.1,i11c1ne1tnn reduce• cn cc1f\< st.-c1• 10 r.ru ,
nN· ,.., , , • • 1 ,....,,.,,. " • I' • ••co,,u•,t""'"'°' •
.,.11 0,, ofhenn ng c>p>tll)
H• "• 1,,.,,n~-1, \\ , •O_l '
,,, , ' .~ lb) 7. 1-" ro< l ,\ ctln ol . 1 ro,1 he»c ,n «n.10n '
_m 1.0 .. m t,.•ci,u~ h.'.IH PCr.l llffC'<;O r lo,!tOf \l rcng1h offro1.:n ,f' 1I p ...,,
~ mm O < .:m \cr w rn:. Low cohc,ion matcri olsco n1:un1r'I £ Jh 1rh r, u. ..i •
u,ccpt1blc to frosl :i.ctio n
:~cm 8. Subsurfo cc Vo ids : Bc:i.nn g op.:sut) n ' ,'."Id J
I 110·11\o.~nn~ MC'\'.., 111nnuh1 \h1ch nrc wilhin n critical depth bcnc:tlh 1hc founJJt1 · n \ t ~ ...
Ill/ 30• 120 .1600 ~hich the in Ouencc of prc:5surc 11, the soil irnm 1h1..· l
200 ~N /c m2
,1, ~~ IS 9. E~ p:111 ,i vc nnd Co ll .1p~i blc Soi ls C" I\Jr
1ircn ~1h ond bcortllg eop,ICII) "hen 1he) an: h d', 11 r, ..
■.r,,,.., a n«-1tn: h.-. nn= ra p•« IJ .
,.,-, , ,, \\ntc ,11, ..1 norc- on rh< rouo.. in~ :
,1 l (9):hon s<' due 1ocho11ges in ",ier contcm This ic::,J,tu 101,1_,. •
u i 1',lr ,ps,,u: ond ~roup • ct ton o f pi le. ;casonal welling ond d') ing cicic> ma) cous,:,011 ""''""'·" ' ' t•::: ·•c..-,, '-~
u, . \l rrlwd, of dc-,1~n1n: r.1f1 fou a d11i on . m n dctcrior:11ion of s1n1w1n." "i1h sub,1Jn1i,I K.:un,uht"< ~= ace
,o-.t d l •elun .rr«1rn: t,can n~CA fllC< I): 10. r o1e n1io l ll eo\C. 1hc po1cn1i>I 1" '" - ' . .,.:
"'"""~L 0a~ns cap.lCtr) o f cohesion lcss ,oil ond mixed . . consolidomclcr lCSl which con b<: p«fom,eJ Ill ~:co,u .,, ., "''·' " f ' I ll ·'" "'"· ---
' J~.c '"·'"'- ' the c!Tct11< c fnc,ion angle. I to"c, cr. be: ;•' tnen,~ ~h1s 1cs1tS considcr<d 11, dclem\lntn£ P"-1"":uon_ol lounJ.'1"'" ~ · ,,._, ="---= c-:-=-~--
,.-,, • :~ :h -.011 cohe,1011 pro, ,dcd that lhc cficclivc fr ic:~:.c:;:,~~ :~: ,~::~':" 011d to pro, ,de• found,11011 ol suf1"1cm op,,:••' 10 '"~.,,,::,.-.~ .-< ,,,,,o·..
n.,,wt, \\ ,d1h . r ,,ur.J., ,os ",dth aficc,; be.,ri11g CJpoc11yofcoh, . 11._Soil n cin[~rtc l\\ Cll t : (k>rm~ c,ip.,rn) of ,,,n N "<->'' •Oh :,,, ~,: • ,
,,d :1 tl,c surfact of cohc,ionlcss soil, " hcrecs,onlc'.ss soit. grcoll)· by 111s10lhn~, anous forms ol mnlor<cmcnt m the .,, ,11,\.c recol t,.,,_ ,: •
in:cm.,l lnCl,on.., proponion:il thCl\ldth o ftl tltc so,! ~e,r gco1c,11k fnbncs, ?r £r,111ulnr m,tcml, _ _
10 lc de lh . . •• founcbuon.
" '" .,nt ,hear >11a1gth ond rnroni 12 . S011 Erosio1'. "'"' See pn~c : [n.,Ston ol ,oil :m,,u,J ,:,J u:·~,-r ,o. r ,
P IS mdcpcndcntol'sccpngc: con r.:Jucc bcann~ cnp~\Cll) and can ..:~m'.)t f,.,unJ.1h~' tJ1l-.;x
:_r r•c-.,.-,!-'TcJtt.:r thc:b,
cok-,,, oo ,., /1ncJpJcil\
bonn" d ..
comr~f\,th ~ th~-;~:,:,~••. fo ~nd,i i?" . ,\ n~, (l i) Spuci n,. Pil<S should t>c ,pa,~ in_ rclll"'""h,r t,' t~- ,,, .
<' ,,_,, hc.i•mr c:,p;c , J ,d,neJ · 1 nuon JSc:tmod 1hctr bch11\ ,or 11, groups. nnd 1hc o,croll co.1011he 1,>unJltt,' " n-, ,r,_,.,~ ,, 1
r 1>,-.:J "Jcp:h, ,,ltcre 1h; 111:.!ructur,I \\Ctght cqunl, rhc". , . \\tlh rcg,irJ 10 1hc n:sult ing hen>< or CCllllP"Cllon. S1"1.:1ng ,h..,u\J t-,:,\1,k , ,·" . ' r a, -,,
l~u:'., k:1 tn£ '-'~•-•') cp.,n from the C.J>< "here th< ' tghl of displ ,ctd 1ns10ll ed 10 ,he com:.:t 1,c11<1n11io11 " i1h,•1n.tu,.is111£"4J-'-'-'""''"'"""""~"•rt~< 1•<'.,~ """"" ' :, ,,
.!.,!("J ""' ' ll!ld cJ '. ';.p; ,t>ie -., 1 ,ub;c.i tu \1,., " ' 1ruuun: supponcd For pile, founded 011 roe\., ,he m11111n11m ,-,:1"«--"~,--,ntc< sr.1<•"£" : 11m,-,. 1h, ,,en~-.: ~•k
J llu;:1,t ::. ud surrlt>r~, n,c con1r.bul1<•1t1111
1 of ,ub,urtacc ' . dio n1cl<r, 01 I 75 111n<> 1hc Jin~~ nell J111w1ut,>II ot\h< r•l< «'-'" "'"'""'-t,u,
11,,t k--, th> ~ :,
u.,-,,ccJ b) ~:>Jct to"1c, 10 o,c bc.!r,n. C.Jp>Ctl) c.1t1tuf be'"" ; ."J ~urch•rg• '°''· inch<> ,\ n opllt'." "" '.!'·'""'£
o l .• 11111''> 11>< ,h.1m««_,,1 ,he ~•k ,, 01\cn u.""' 11'» o\'. :,.,:h
c ~',c bl>col theJOW1J,,,on roo,01 d . - .., ,J I lte \\a ler1,Mc ,,tcq11,ll< r(lOII\ t,,nlm 111g 111"1""'""'""'''\ ,\--,1\\n ,,11h< ~•k<>r-
c.on::itrucuon )\.:cr>J!:'c.· . ,uuJ upllll prohk11b
:..: . . . fi~1,-;j;.u11 • :~•.d~ s£}..vutl/.HI/JC ~ly- 102 1 -- - - - -- - --
h,1rn, 1, , ,s, 1c, ul n srno lc pi l u"c"·."""'"
_"''! ~'.. - 0 . . . ' . . . [F,. g I (a)]
" '""'' '".'"'"·
(:'""' ""'""'"""'''ctl,,:1 "'.','.""'".C~''.'.'bl'.''.'t'."Yl"""'"'cl
, ,, ,t,,•,i,·, '""'" ,,s ""'" 1I,- , 1 ) If 11, rcs,dlnlll l111s 11 11 cccc111rtc1ly of c and c ,n x-and y-direcllons
~:.~:,:;•;~~;,,;.~ 1111 , , ., ; 1,~,,ih,_-r S-"'"ll p1lr< llll' a ll<l\l nhlc lu,'.J uf ,i ngl: '1~~~~ .lu11gc:~;l11ij (' Q (Q . e,, ) , Q. e; • .
1 1
111 11
...,.,,,. .. ~,-n ,h.i ,, • ,, '""'"""' t 111 a ,·l11,1,·1 or 111 n gl\rnp, 1 hm: is '"' sinipl ,"•II 11 01 i><,:ld A q = ±-1- x ±-- y
,.,,.,,.,, ,.,_. d1.1r.1, 1 11
· 1cm11cs ,,fa "''-"I< .,,,1n1,-J 1111< ,,nJ 1h,1sc ut'a gro np, Re Inti c ":ln1io11,1 •• I , )')' ~, ,
·" ,~· ,,_.._•.m,t.•ih,-r ,-.uu n:~ ,,f1h< S'"''.I' anJ ,111 the nat111-e "''.d ,c-q llcncc oft1it"h1ps dcpc:111 The "'."~'"'""' co ntuct pre.~sure shou ld be less lho'.1 th ~ allowable sod pressure 10
"''"''-'" N'JnilS _. -,_.,~ 1 t £"'up ,,1 p,1<, ,, 11,11 11,,:.:s.~nl y cqunl st,~,,.
the ui"~•I il•d (3) o,v,dc the slnb 11110 sL11ps (bands) in x-and y-direc t, ons. Each stnp ,s assum ed act
,-:.,= ·• •! ,, • ,in,-1<01»olnu:d p,k m11l11p l1<'1 h_1 1hc 1111111bcr ,,t p,k., 111 ,he group ~111n1~ bcori,:• ;,.dependent beom subJectcd to the contact pressure and the column loads.
1 0 O
_..,_,,.,, ,~r n,unpk hone the group _ec•,npa,ts the ,011 ) ." Ill the ultimate bcarin~ nly •~ <cnaig (4) Drow the shcor for~c and bend111g moment d1~g,ams for each strip
9""1' 1t:<, ~realer 1hnn II
1hc number ol 111lc._11111~ 1he ul11111 ntc bcnr 111 g ca pacity. }:?•c1ty oru,~ (5) Dctern11nc th e mod 1f,ed column loads as ex,rla,ned .belo.w.
r, lc "" ru.:l, ur ,n_ oomp.1c1 ,-.,nd or gr:wd 11 1th C(jllally stro11g 111a1cria l beneath end-bcarin It ,s gencroll y found that the strip does not satisfy statics, ,.e., the resuhant of column
l'<'ann.,, c,p:,ci 1_1 ot 1hc gn,ur 111II I'<' csscnunll)'_<"l"•l lo 1hc 1111111bcr of piles tin,~ the Uhiu,o,! ds and the rcsultonl of contact pressure are not equal and they do not act in the same li11c. The
1':'~nng .::ip.1:"t) . F.-r p,lc;, 11h1ch rel) ,,n ,k,n 1nctu111 in a deep bed of cohesive lhe llhiuiatc son is that the stri ps do not act independentl y as assumed and there is some shear transfer
u,tm1~:c ~:i.nng C3f>-1CI{) uf:l lar£C group mn) l:x' subs1:mt 1:11/y less 11 1311 the l1Ulllber na1.enal, thc \vccn ::1dJ01mng strips.
lheuhim.1rt.~~anngc:ap.1.:i() . ofp1les1iincs - - - '<- _ _ _ _ _
Ans..(iii)Con ,-cnrional Design of ~~fl Found:11i ~ns : In _Lhc_co1~ve~tionaJ method of
dcs1\:!n the r::in is .:issumed to be in finitely ngid and the pressure d1stnbut1 on is taken as Planar
- r--1+1- · Tt.:: ~ ::,._ ~ e
1 ,;;,j, , -:inini2). The :issumpuon is \':Jlid ,,hen the rafl rests 0 11 a so ft ~l~y wh ich is highl
~:,p~ibl~ ,;d ,heccccnuic,I) of the load is small. In c.1sc wh~n the soil 1s stiff or when th!
c..~...~cn1ri c1r) is !Jr-~c. the mc1hod does nur f!'"~ :iccur.:He n!su l~. Tht: elas ti c metl~od, which takes 1 -----t----·
!I , -•, -;a1
inro a.:-w unt the su ffuc:ss of the soil 311d raft. 1s mo~!.! economrc~/ and ~ccura te 111 the later case. ·,, I
~.-cord inc ro the American Concrete lnsn tu te Co11111111tee 4J6 ( 1996), the design of
m.lli sh~u ld ~ do;e using the conenrion3f method '.frhe spac~ng ofthe column_s in a strip of the
r.iri IS less than 1.751'.i. m= nnd using the simpl,f,ed ela.st,c method when 11 is greater than
t 751i, 11 hen, i. is gi, en by ]"' V ·J ~ - . . ..: -~
- l]1~
/Jik 0 !Gl 0 ·3 'flt
), = [ ~ El
11 here i = coefficient of subgrade reaction (kN/ m' ). B, = width of the strip (m),
- . 1
. l
£= modulus of elasticil) of the rail material (kN/m'), 1= moment o finert ia(m'). - ---,..j
The coefficient of su bgrade reaction of a soil is the pressure req ui red to produce a unit
f - -·- ·l!
Scltlcment of a plate. It is given by
I: = qi=
11'here q =pn,ssure (kN!m'), ==settlement (m), k = coefficient o f su bgrade reac1ion
(k\''m' )
n,e cocflicient of subgrade reaction is not a constant for a given so il. It depends upon a
camber uffacto rs, such as length, widt h, depth and shape of fo undati on.
Procedure: TI,e procedure forthe conventional design cons ists of 1he following steps:
fig. : (\ )
( I) Detem1ine th e line of act ion of all the loads ac ting o n th e rail . Th e selfweighl of the
rJli is no t conside red, as it is 1aken directly by the soil.
Let us consider the strip carrying column loads Q,, Q, and Q, in rig.\ (a). Let 8 1be the
(2) De1enninc 1he con1act pressure distribution as under.
la) lftlie resultant passes 1hrough 1he cen1re of1he rail , the contac t press ure is given by width of the strip. Let the average soil (contnct) pressure on the strip be q"". Let B the length of
q = Q!A
the strip.
r C11111,/i/t ~ /I,,;, S,1111~,dl',; Sr1 /\1tttl 1m11i:r~, .l1111' .)n} 1 25
k,,,~ I• QfC(lll,ni: wc lh1cal cd111 bouo,r,
vJ uflcr coinpkt.lon o( 1lok.ln~
1,,1J ,.,n 1h;..• $tnp .
Q.,.., f<®" 1,,,·a~ lo..,d + upwarU fo rce )
(.I,,. +cQ, • Q, +Q, • q m.B1B)
n,c 111,--J,licd "<r:lg: s,,il:~l(lr< it 'C)llby
q,,. . q,.. B1B
n•c-,_,,/untn hxtd 1nod1ric.111<'n fitctor (F) is gi ven IJ)' \ , ~ D, '°,;
e,,. Fi ~.( I ) : 0 1>cn Caisrnn
F• ~
Ad vantages of open c aisso ns are :
\ // ihc-.:\llumn l..''-'!Js .1rc mult iplcd by F for tJ13t strip. For thi s strip, th e co l
( I) T he ca isson ca n be constructed to great depths .
Ft._) 1-·Q. :ind FQ1 Un,n loads arc
(2) T he co nstruct ion cost is relative ly low.
(/II n,~ ~Jin,£ momcn1 and shCAT fo~ diagram are drawn fo r the m od jfi
•cd Colton Di sadva nc ages are ·
1,,:..!:. :ind ihC' mN1f1C'd :n erase so il pressu re ( q 0 " ) .
.n Design lh< ,ndi,i dual strips fo r1hc bending moment and shear force fo . I
Und 1n step 6,
( 1) The clearing the inspection of bottom of the caisson cannot be done.
(2) Co nc rete sea l p laced in wa ter w ill not be sati sfact ory.
I',1~ r.:111.- d..,,gncrl .:is ,:m mvened floor supported ~I co lum ns.
b ih~.Jn.1/~ ::,,1:.. ,:,,approxrm:11c.. th e ac1ual rei nforcement provided is twice the (3 ) The rate o f progress wi ll be slowed down if boulders a.re met during co nstructio n.
cornpu1cd Pne um a t ic Caisso ns: In th e case ofpneumntic caissons (Fig.(2)]. the ,,orking.chJ.rnber
1 th e bottom o f the caisso n is kep t dry by fo rc ing out wate r under air pressure. Ai r locks are
Sec tion - D }rov ided at t~e- top. T l~e cai_sson is su_nk as the excava tion proceeds. Upon reaching its final
• _ .. • . epth, th e working c,~ambe r 1s fill ed wllh concrete.
1 1 1
Q.S. \\ h:il is Uisson ? Ex pla in 1n (d e.t1 1l{tfie, diffe r e nt ty pes o r ca issons With Advantages o f pneumatic caisson are :. , \ . . .
c-:--• ,;:f..Nc hes. ( I ) Control ove r th e work a nd preparation o f foun dation fo r the smkmg of c-a.1 sson :ire
\ r..>. C:iLS.Son : A caisson is a rypc of foundatio n of lhe ~hape o f a ho ll ow prismatic~~ cttcr si nc e the wo rk is done in the dry. . . _ .
nh:.:h 1.. tiu,lt ;;,~ ,;.' the ground level and th.en s unk lo the req u1~ed ~epth as a s ing le unit. h is~ (2) Th e ca isso n ca n be sunk vertically as careful superv1s1on 1.s possible!.
'\ Jl,.:.'1.~hl d:J.mb!"f used for la~ mg fo undauons under wat~r, as in nvers, lakes, harbours etc (3) T he botto m of the c ham be r ca n be seal ed e ffectively ,,, th concrete J.S il c:i.n be
1) pcs o( Caisso ns : There arc three types of ca isson s. Th ey are ' · laced d ry.
(I) Open caissons. (4) Obstruc ti o n to sink ing, s uch as bould ers, etc. can be removed e::isily
(: J Pneun13Uc caissons.
(3) Bo., caissons.
Open Caissons: The top and bottom of the caisson [Fig.(!)] is open duri ng construction.
The-\ ma1 h,- , an) shape in plan as round, oblong, oval, rectangular etc. They are of cellular
con~truc(1on and the prm is ion of cells red uces the cost of c ons tru c tio n. T he o pen~end caisson
USU311) has J cuning edge. The cutting edge is first fabricated at rue side and the fi rst segment of
the shJ/i is built on i1. TI,e soil soil inside the shaft is removed by grab buckets and the segment
1s sunk I enically. Another segmen1 is added to the top and the process of sinking is conlinued by
e\C3\Jtrng the soil inside. After the req uired depth is reached, concrete is placed un de r wa ter on
the opcn bouom as a seal to depth that will contain the hydrostatic up/ ift pressure so as to avoid a - o.
~ .. ~ :~:
blowing in ofth< bonom whe n the water inside the caisson is pumped out. n~d.Gtdbcd
\\//1en 1he concrete seal is comple1e/y cured, the water in the ca isson can be pumped fi V,.(3): \lo, C nii.,on
OUl Fig,.(2): Pm.•u111 01ic C11hso11
,,,-;;,,,.,,,,,., - ~•··'··•"''"'" ,,,,,..,., , . ,, .. 1.. , .hil) .J/i)/
,l;;-:1'~~:,:,,_, 1
, .: -" ' h,,· h , ... f
~ 1:1 . '---.~~ ,,, ~,,,,,., .. ,, " '•'" " , ,,., "l,11111,,1 t\> ""'"" 15 "' (.1 .5
,...,,, ., , r,,_,., ,J ,~_. ,..,J,,.,,,.s ,,1 th< h,u11,1n t,,h ~ll/c,11•) t II
.' "" <'••"""' ln ih.· , ., ... ,,, " " , ·' """'' J1 •~ 1 >)1 tho hvH,>m Is ·I1 1 Sh<,
,,. , ~-' ., ,.,: , ,,, ,,n 1,,.f a•••f ,~·• h'"'" r,, ih,.' , ,,-, '°"I lhCH ""'~ '"' 1,,·: ,:: ~'.0• l'h" I) 1
,...!;:,,oN>'-' ;, ,, _,,n l ~• t,;iln,: ,n,1.i< " ''h'•"•t, fr:n ,·1, ,,111.:ro1c or \\Mcr, l~ •"1i•lc,-~~ •r
___.., ,, .:~-· ,,: ,,' •· 11,""' '" ' · •• '"'" •c bo, 'l '<I
~J\ ......~"' i,.,, ""'''"''" ... P<or
tll l'k''"",s1,,.f,, vs""ru,..,r1"'1t'"-..l:ill\O:-~' t.m
:1 fl,. . b< u-..J w ~ 1h< ,,,n,tn.,_,.,,,n ,,f 01hor l) pcs of C.1l>SO l1S arc 11 Fi11, : (21
ar< ot P05'ibl
~- ~ '" ~ (~"''"°" ~
l) 'Ill< 1:,un.la!•"" NL": ,hall b< P"-'l'-'rcJ ,n sJ,oncc of sinking. '-
ocl<"" ">"''
1:1 fe,d.C'•"''""''"" t,v ,.cn1,ns 1h< cs,ssons 01 the required depth .
1 o.""r
m>m = "'
IS very dillj
"" .(3 .) W11tcr. Jettin ·
. .g :.If the water ,w •• "''"'°"
'" =..... ,.,;, .,~- ···" ~ '"""' ;, ,,...~.
,,o N "W ,o, O,oo,o <= o<'• '"'" oo
,o . . .
,.. "''· '"'"'"""""" "''"'' -~ ·~ "'' ,=;"''·
(-' ) £xcnvntion und er cutting edge: A tilted well in a. hard cla)C)' str.1rum docs not
;iil!lltcn due lo unbroken hnrd stratum on the higher side. If dewatc.ringofthe~dt is possible.
Q., ..(a ) 0c~rribt Jh(' d,ffrrc-nt
fcundarron. . . 111. y me 1111 s :1 nc1 s hifts or WtU
method~ o f rcc fn..,excava tion
. 1 . s done u_nder th{ cuttin g edge. In case de watering is not possible. divers c::Ln be
'"" f J :lo" ;n£ m=-u= or< 1Dlen for ihc,r n:cuficalton : . . (l) ,110 loosen ihe str~ a.
( I I Rc:,ul211on ofGnabb•n~: To rect11)• th< ull._ 1h_ e h'.gher side ,s grabbed mo , ,, I
(5) I nserlln g wooden Slcc11cr under the cutting ed ge : Somet1mes v.oo<lcn sl<"p<ri
rcrcl•!•ll!' tlt< drc-J,in£. H,,wc,-cr. thi> method IS cffocuve in inll» I stoges of sinking In "by
:.itrc.i wdb•. drc,d_;1n£ d~nol '4·.-:>rl ~~sfoe1 oril) .hl~ shuch ~dcaSe.d:1. hole is m:1elc in the ~tei:~seg of ~ inserted temporaril y below the cutting edge on the lower side to avoid funhc.r tih lfiLl(a)1 -
doc lliah•U hole rs m,dr,n (b))
...,..111rt,oo1.[Fig.17.2'.! the"'"'"'"£
Thus dredging 1g er
on th< \\1th the rope of the grab.IS PUiled
SI canis done.
h~king . _
on i1hcon.,11vely, .
a hook .IS .inserted below thecutllngedge on the lo"'' side and pulled ",th- , "'""
Al!mlllll\-.1). the 1>dl ma) bcdew3lcrcd, 1fposs1ble, and open excavation may bee . be and kept strnincd [Fig.3(b)].
°"'""dichii;t,c,sidc. ""1ed
i1 c.J flg, : ( I )
(1) EtN:ntric loading: To prO\ ide gr<ater sinking effort on 1hc higher side, ccctnlric
~a lal
fi~. : l3)
(6) Pnll ini: th e well : In enrl)' slogcs of sinl.mg. pulling the ,_,11 towa«ls 1he higher
o,J n~ ,, applied b} ad1u,t1ng ~,e l.cndcdge, A suiwble pla1form is con structed on the hli:herslde I ,Inc in one or more steel roixs nround the well\\ ilh ,·crt,cal sl..:per.. packed in-b<1"~1
fur:~ .. p.. rpo,.., /f1g.(1)J. As 1he s111l.1ng progresses, heavier kentlcdgc wi th grcnler eccenlrichy de, by g . . . . . . .
.. ou/d bc required 10 rectify the 1111. 0Jlmibute 1h~ pressure over lnrger nrcns of well s1c1111ng. "qm1e d'iccll\C lF,g.{4)] .
1..-'t n11tu 11 ,
1111 1 # ,am•'·'''''• S()lvi•tl /#1/Jl'I ,,, .111/)' .]fl }/ 29
••~ ,.-,,,o,
() .tJ ,(h ) l)c sc rlh c 1h c foll1.1w l111!, : (8)
l)dllcll pie r 111111 lls ly p u .
(I:) olffcrcu t co111po11cn ls or wtll fo 1111 tl 111iu11 In d~H•il.
~!us. (I) Or ill cc l Pi er : /\ d rill ed pier 1, a large d iameter co ncrc..--tc cylinde r built in the
f o r co nstru ct io n o f ii dri lled pie r, a large d ia mete r hole is d rilled 1n the ground and
~~:•:ucntl ) filled with co nc rc1c . Th ~ diITe rcnc~ bc lwcen a d ri lled pier and a bo red pile is
I ll y of the size. Ge nern ll y. bored piles arc of dtan,eter less than or equal to 0.6 m. The ,hafts
~ •,:: lorgc th an 0 .6 m arc ge ne rall y des ignated as drill ed piers . J\ dri lled pier is a type of deep
Fis.!,: c-0 ~undnt1 o n co nstruc ted to trans fe r hea vy ax ial o r lateral load s to a deep stratum below the
nd surface .
(i) S,ru rr in,c. l h<' ,, c-11 : The wel l is stni ll cd o ~ its 1i llc~ s id e ' ~'Ill~ sui tnblc lo 'Oll
re :T\ cnl further ri ll The ,, di ~t('1n1ng i~ pro, •~cd "i th s lccp~ rs to d istri bu te the lo ~of wOol
d, , i the Jo~ rcs1 a.L!amst a. 1tm1 and no n -y1c ld1 ng base ha . ad frorn 11
P. h
o1 er en l - • v1ng driv~" Pil;
~ QI" ~
~ Sha ,n.,,pon..../lfl',;: l \ ~o cd_,.n
Soundrock- ~ l,...... ....... DC"Ul"I \_::1/ (r.s:::::dl
(1) S1.t11 gh1-1h1fi ffld-ou.1i"g piu (b) Stn.1g!i.1-1lun 1~-i.ll-1!:ar per
Fii:, : (5J
Fig, : (GJ
Koughcncd or
(c) Stn1ght..1hJA 'J1r:11h
roc k
Sbut sui,pon
ll (d) Un.!cnnmo.'1 (ur bc.ll<Jl
~ t : n d t-c:annc
(}O" ~117
,tdewal\shuranJ enJbemn&
(8) Pushing rlle wells by jarks: The lilt can be rectified by pushing the well with n
, wt.able arrangement rhrough mechanical or hydraulic jacks. Fig.(6) shows a tilled well being
pushed by a jack resting against the venically-sunk well.
(o)Shapc of4!" "bcll"
\l)SluJ>< ofdo"-«1~11·
In act ual practice, a combination of several methods discussed ubove is genernlly used. Fl ~.( t ) : T)11cs of J r\ llcll tlkrs ttml mnltrn: um ~hll\ll!!oo.
A,. Si:11111,,11•1, So /vt!d l'"/Jt11·,,, J11ly . J(}} I
I l.l1111,fo,1,1,, I.~
:..:. •gg,,,,/11• '
O ,IJ,(h) 0l' Sl' rihl' 1hc ro11ow111j.! : (8)
(I) l)rlllcll pi er 11 11cl 111' lyp cs. _
I) Oirfcrcnt co 1111rnn cnl s o r well fo umfa tlon In de ta il.
~us , (I) OrillcJ l•icl' : /\ Jrill cd pier is a large di,imell:r conc rete cy\inJcr bu 1h in th e
f o r cons tructi o n o f ~ d rill ed pie r, a large d iameter ho le is d rilled in the gro und and
r0 ~:
!:u.:ntly fi lled wit h concrete , Th~ d iffcrcnc~ be tween a drilled pier and a bo red pile is
,~- ll y oflhc size. Gc nernl ly, bored piles arc of diameter less than or equal to 0.6 m. The shafts
\nrgc th an 0 .6 m arc genera ll y designated as drilled pi ers. A drilled pier is a type o f deep
}-' ii.:.: (-' ) ~nd~ti on cons truc ted to tran sfer heavy axial or lateral load s to a deep stratum below the
n S,ru11in~ 1hr "rll ; n,c well is s1ru11 cd M ilS li lied Side wi ll, s u i1ab lc lo o und s urfo cc.
ro rf'('1 cnr fu rther 11/1 The ,, ell s1c111ing •~ pro, •~cd wi th slecp~rs I~ di s tri bute the 1
s1ru1 The ..,,her ends 1,., (1hc logs rc.s1 ag::1111 s1 :I !inn and non-y1c ld1ng base having d ~ fr0rti1h
ff 1~ f''lJ ti\len Pile .
Shc:arsuppon I
Sound rock._ ~ _ .. ,..,..,...nn11
(a) Scnight-shafl cnd-ounns pier {b) Stra.i!91t-sluf\ud,cl,,-,,\\-~ pier
Fi~.: (:i) 'Q
fi g. :(G)
Ko ug.h~·. ncd o Sufi \u ~und
SbC\ll' SUj)poC'1
~ End bann
I I I ' I
(c) Str.ught-shJ~\JJ-:,th both 4IUl& (d) UadcrTcmJcd {Of"bcllNl pin l)O- "bc.\1"')
sidcw•ll shear and cnJ banns
I I '
(8) Pushing the wells by jacks: The tilt can be rectified by pushing the well with a
suii:,b/e arrangement through mechanical or hydraulic jacks. Fig.(6) shows a tilled well being
pushed by a jack resting against the venical/y-sunk well.
In acrual practice, a combinarion of several methods discussed above is generally used. Fi~.( I ): 'l) pcs of dritlell ,,irrs :ml.I umkrr..: ~,m ~h ~(lC~.
~ r •• ~ L)nl~I-, ~ " r,. •11 i,•,I•
' .......,~,_,. , ,.,,,,,
.,, .. .
tckneS> of the eutlln S edse nnd the slope angle of the inside edge should be such
C:-r<' or<• ~""''.I"'
0 ,n O 11 1=~=""' '--'1 r1tn m~
, ., ""'" ·,t-n •1cdln,quc. ~~
but dtlfu inJc:,~nbcJ under
lh<ir J cs,gn t$
Ii) ,~;.;• Ill fou
""""::: ·111c \dl be shnr)>sunieien tl y for easy sinlun g. and ot a stmilar time should not break
11 5110111 tin g tlu ough the hnrd rock or soil. The outward edge of the cutung edge is kept
,,.,..--iu,,,sn, •'
1.-..J lrans1<1-1, 111<, <Um>unJ,ngc-orth 1110.s TI,c,< IJ pc,.,~ dlustmt 1 111 th,,1••1'l"J
1 1
Jel'elopo'.,heir • 11 1>1>"'1 from cnd-b<u;i,~~ ~:,' •~ti)••"'" pcn'.1','.;'c the 111 sideedge hns n slope o ft I l:2V
''"J ,mr-"•~ ,,n 1h< r"-r I_I ,: l<•l/n:s" 1 ""'"'"" 10 ooninbute " 0 '""' 810 th e "'P1>0,::rr~;::••' '·' \: S1ei nin ~ : rt,e walls of the well foundauon arc known as stei ning. Steining earl ier
!"'.,.., pas:, through o, crb11n1en soi ls that a
,~"':,=:::'= ~~:;."'
d to be created wi th brick or stone , but today it is mainly prepared of concrete
.., ..,.,._ :::.•~:';;.,~" •vlljn,:riM •
k>ld a,poc,~ b, 35~':;:cd-bearing straium7o~:~~;«'''"'' The steining is similarl y rcinfon:cd suitably to resist the streSSCS c:rcawl dunng the sinking
C-"'_,,"" "' '"'"·""' •hofl ""' ~nc,;:,•:nd:::~•i: :~:um [Fig l(b)). ' f well ,sell ns the design stresses. The thickness of steining normally about one-founh
same- consuvct100 . , (he "'-o
• rol< in C871'.''"8 de>ii-,n load.
<hemffllh)llC'J "i h bo
abo,-c. I
in:~~~ ,g piers
•;~:: fr::tion archcor!~l(t
ond end ,lr 4) of the dinmelcr fo r milwoy bridges. and one-tenth (1/10) of the diameter for road bndgcs.
o /11
as• socketed poer or• -Jrillcd f>ltt""h rod. sockel'' [Fig. I(c)J. · P rs may be relcrrcJ ,j 1·he thickness o f steinin g IS determined based on the followrngconsidcrauons:
.,.,.,,.. : : : : : : . ' · " " ; ; , " " """d ,.,,.,., - puers w11h a botlom bell or underre [F' . It sho uld not be extremely thi ck so thot unnecessary resistance is avoided dunng
"" ~ o r ,m~ load ont he pier top is assumed to be carrie~1~)
~:! ~(d)J ··1,he sinking of1he well
Ans.(ii)DifT<ttnl ,ompo n<nts of" <II fo u nd,u ion in d , . , asc. - It shou ld not be extre mely thin so that ii gets destroyed eitherdunng the sinking of the
/,,;ids th~-~~,!.,<;;;: : 77 1 1 ighl of
~II curb IS composed 10 support 1~/:,,; ,veil or under design londs. 1l1e stresses generated in the steining should be w1thtn p,nn1ss1ble
for~= ::Ln:~~;h!«::,
1 111
b l~~~~I~ , 1lhc\\in1ilS
FM) N" ~n("(f 10. 1 ofn "ell curb arc sand blows and 1 under design loads.
•" run,should be mnlorcc-d with the mini, M - Th e steinin g shou ld resist the more stresses generated when corrccu,·e m=urcs arc
Th -ell - - -· ''"
:•mmufmlh re,nfor.xmcm c,f7'~ J..gf m:; In case bl ast-in.,. is expecnu~:d d- 2 ~ grahde ~f c.oncrete, wit h Jwken for ti lting and shifting of the \,ell
the rop of
ro ccso the "ell curb.
cwcf/curbshoulJbccons . steel .::,plates ofmin-irn
en ed wllh unngt ck ness ~ftheint
um lhiestnkmg
ni~:"J ~-
Bollom Plug : After the si nking of the well IS finalized to the cssenu,I depth .
u ,th e ho ll ow dredge hole 31 the unders ide is concreted up to some depth. 11h1ch is known as the
IOottom Plug.
The bollom plug will increase the bearin g resisto.nce of the '"el\ evaluated andgwes long-
term slabilily lo th e well fou ndat ion. The surface of the bottom plug is crcat«I bowl-shaped lo
wruc» have an in verted arch act,on .
The bottom plug is mainly designed os a thick plate subjected to a uniform bearing
pressure under the max imum design loads. It has to e.,,,and for a mimmum ~,ght of300 mm ,bove
the top of the well c urb . Con creti ng sho uld be fmished at one stretch for the bottom plug.
\ S. Sa nd f illin g : The Dredge Hole between the top and the bottom plug is Sinje<:ted
cu.. with sa nd after s inking is fini shed. IO enhance the self-"eighl of the well. to enhance ils stability,
and to assure thnl no tens il e bending stresses nre created nt the base of the Well foundati on .
Sand filling, but is not assumed lo toke any design loads and the whole design load is
WfU fOUttQADQN assumed to be token b y the steining.
6. To\l Plu g : The Top Plu g is of M-IS cement concrete grade oDOO mm thickness
l. Curring Edge : The lowest part of the well foundation is culling edge nnd it
nboveth e snnd fillin g.
enables penetration of the bottom ofrhe well during the sinking.
. . ,:~ ,,, .,. SvlftJ,</i• r, Snlvc,I papt·r.<. ./11/y -_2n2 I _ _ . • _ _ 31
'I\ ,,cs of Dr ilk-d l'i l.'1-S : l~rd '·cd p,~rs ~~x. ~~ d~s~_ribcd under l~ f ' ! ~ t J - - -
11 6
'fhc illick ncss o f th e c ulling edge and the slo pe angle of the inside edge should be such
,_q >CS :i n:- ~1111 ~IM in .."'-71 ,~g
;;.'.rri:::~:~: :~~:::~~;~ ~~ rll\ ~:l~~'. ; .;~~:cdt~~:t
1 11
\1~ r0o 1
11 1
1iould be shorp su ffi cie ntly fo r easy si nking, a nd al a s imi1 or time should not break
""'""""~'~'.,~~:,~:~,,';,''.:,'.1.J-<nri,,_c 11icr:< _devel op thei r suppo,; fro~ ,•~:,::i~:~~•cd i~:-;" 111' "''..,\ ,:ndn•t in g 1hrough 1hc hard rock or so il. The mnward edge of the cull ing edge is kepi
- ·1 "h:t~i,,.,,11 .. orr\>eJ.. . l lH.~O"-'rl) i1tgsod is :iss11 mcd tocontn butc nothing 1o u •111:; on ~~/ 1) i1h l w h ile ,he in sid e edge has a s lo pe o f I H:2 V.
~:~~ 11J'~ .., Jl)t1 ihc pi1.·. r 1~~:l\~~ ~ ,,, I'' .,. pass th rough ov. ·b ·d
1 111
ic s lipr>oii or~~~ i: ~·• · 3 . Stciii in:; : T he wa lls o f the wel l foundation a re known :-is stei nin g. Stcin in i; earlier
:·;~:l~;- ~~~-;x.
11 5 1
r c:d 10 be c rea ted wi th b rick or stone, bu1 today it is mainl y prepared of concre te.
~:~:,;:\:~1;:l~l';~ ~,;,
~~rJt._1.·/;~~ :.:~;c for~nou ~h into nn ass i:~c~ 'b;~ ~o il s lhrn arc ~
11 11
~·idc w,111 frict ion bcl\\ ccn,if i~ pi_e r ~md beari ng :~;;:f
s~,~~us~~~~t lod
111 12
T he ste in ing is si milarly reinforced suitably to resist the stresses created during the si nking
tmil'•111,ui,m ~ 1~ .~tr, lls_~t _s ha~ :·;~'":~ 1
·:~:,(:~~l~,~~tlm e,,tl be~ring pier~· '?)I 11
(lhc wel l as wd l as the des ign stres ses. The th ickness of steining is nomrn ll y about one-fo urth
• (
,,mc:; 1 ~:',~1:~ 1
~';1~c•:: : ~~1°1::-id. \Vh~n cnrri~d in t~ ::c: ';~: ~ ~ ~ction and en:ic-i:; thll ~114 ) of th e di::unet e r for mi lway bridges. a nd one-tenth (I I 0) of the d1 :unctcr fo r road bnd gcs.
:.,'::i;~ed pier ~r :1.
··drilk'<l pie; wi lh rock soc~e1 '" ffig. I (c) J. • iers may be rcfcrr~~a Th e 1hic kness of s1ci ning 1s determined based o n !he follo,,in g,consi dcr.nions:
.l,·rn'. mni·d J~t~·rs ;re ptrs ~'' 11 \1 :-i ~Ollo m bell Or underreatn (Fi ~
B..·IJ.-.1 01 1111
f' l'\'.11cr p,{'T\.~cnrogt~ 0 f 1ht· impose oa o n1 ie pi e r op is assu med to be ca rried by ti;~1 ~:~-A . It s hOlild not be e xtre mely lhick so that unnecesS3f) n.-s1st.ince 1s av o ided duri1,g
ih c si nking o f th e we ll .
-\n s.(ii) DiffL" r c111 co mpo nc n ls of well foundalion in dct:1il : • It should nol be e:,; trcme ly thi n so th a1 it gets destroyed eithe r du rin g, the sinki ng of the
I. \\ ell C u r b : T he we/!
c urb is ~o m posed 10 suppon the we ig ht of the, II wi.:1 1or un de r des ign loads . Th e stresses gen erated in th e steining should be within pe nni ssible
IC\.ids rhsr requ,rc 10 be cv:i lu.:1 ,cd Ill the desig n ofa wel l c urb a rc sa nd blows and bl ~e Oihe • _ . .
m:i~ be resorted . for the sink ing of the well . as11ng, Whicl~l11111ts
un de1 des ign load s.
The well curb should bt.~ re inforced wilh the m in imum M- 25 g rade f / • The s teinin g sho uld rc!>ist 1he more stresses gen~raled whe n co rrl."! ct1vt." measures are
m 1n,mum remfor,x ment of 71 f.:gflm 3. In c.:1se blas ting is ex pec ted during lhe s:n:i:nc:~'~: \\iih :l\,1"-en for 111ting and shiftin g of the we ll
1111 ·'- Bollom Plu g : Afte r the si nkin g, of the well 1s fi nali zed 10 the esscn1i:i.\ depth.
fa.:-cs o f the well curb s hou/J be conse rved wi t/: stee l pla tes o f min•i mum lhi c kness~ f l e Clnal
ro Lhe top of the " e:/1 c urb . IOnin1 up the hollow dredge ho le a1 the underside is conc reted up lo some de pth. \\h 1ch ,~ known a ~ ihc
O0110m Pl ug
T he bo11om plug wi ll increase the bearing resi stance of the " ell ev:i.lu::i1cd and gives long-
term s tabi lity 10 lhe well fo und.:1ti on . The su rface of the bottom pl u g 1s cr~ated bow l-sh:ipcd 10
h:wc :-i n inve 11 cd a rc h ac1i011.
The bono m p lug is m ain ly de signed as a thick plate subjected to a um fo rm bearing
pressure unde r the ma ximum design loads. It h as 10 e:<p::md fo r ::i minim um height of300 mm above
the top o f th e well c urb . Concretin g sh ou\d b e fin ished at one s tretch for the b otto m plug.
S. S:1 nd Fill in g : The Dredge Hole between the top and the botto m pl ug is 5inj~ ted
with s ;:i, nd nf\er s ink in g is fin ish ed, to enhance the self-weight o f the we\\ . lo enh ance its stabi\i l)',
::\lld to assu re th a t no ten s ile b end in g stres ses are created o.t the base o f the Wei\ fo undation .
Sand fill in g , but is not assumed to take any desi g.n loads ::\1\d the w h ole design \oad is
~ss umc d to b e take n by the ste ini ng.
6 . T o p Plu g : Th1; Top P\ ug is o f t-.. \- 15 cement concrete grade o f 300 m m thickness
2. Cull ing Edge : The lowest part of the well found atio n is culling edge and it
well du ring 1he sinking.
en ables pe ne!ration of the bouom of rhc :1bove the s nnd fil li n g .
I ,.,,,,,,,,11 ,,,~t,
(R CC) ~I/lb contrlbutad at lhc t,,
7. W ell C 11 p : ' I he Rcl 11fnrccd Ccmcn1 C'o11crctc
well cnp con tribut es the rccruircc/ ~urf11<:e fr,r fY "r,r
1hc wdl i~ ldcnr incd ns rhc we ll ca p. The
safe ly l o the well foundatio n. >'lllir,,-, "%
lhl' pier <>r nhutmcn t nntl trnn sfcrs i ts fonds
The least rcinforcc rnent ,,. Ir~
I lw bottom of the We ll cn p is mninly kept Al 1he l,WL.
several in numf>e, a,
\I di l!O l,g 111 ' . T he longituclinn l lwrq from Well stei ning, as
i.:np ,~ ,1bo1,1
l'cn, iblc. ~hould be nnchorcl l in to lhc We ll cn p.