Magnetism and matter
Magnetism and matter
Magnetism and matter
, _-f;:1/-. -----------
Iron Bar NI
1 S Iron Bar N '
Due to their odd shapes anJ " eak attract mg po'w er natural
magnets are rarely used. Now a days piece::. of 1wn and other matenab /""::: --~
of suitable shapes and s11es ,lrL' made magnets either b) rubbmg them S N
wnh natural magnets or by pa::.~1ng J irecl current through a wire
wo und around them. ·r hL· magm:li> lh w, creat ed are cal led artificial Bar-magnet U-snape mc1g'6t
(A ) B)
magneh anJ ex ist 111 vari uw, sizes and shapes !>Ul'h as bar-magnet,
Fig. 7 2
L ·,hapc magnet or magnetic nceJ !e, etc
~, \ i
I' ' .~l\'f\<'ll 'm
I \l\ 1)-!lh' I \( ,, \\\I\ th lll\1 111g 111111 Note '' 1 ~ II i '1' n•• a 1"~ •
' ' ,,' i,<' 1 ,1 mi11111111111 11ffl'11C'l111g po11 ·1•r ,., culled the $<1 at p•e~P"lt t J~ Hf''( b,. p,., .; i>1 h;J' ..,.,Jr>r.:or 1 '"
••1, I , 1
· 't,·lll n' gion. e.r,st tho ~gM orv-;,: sis Altll go Jn ,PJr ,r rig Jnt ,.,.,.., " rt,,-, nd
Ol'II magne· c monopoles or d1S(IJv••r J 1•J1Jd ""~on f , ,._t- 1 '
nor e"< stence
(6) Consequent-pole and \ o-pole. Herc 1 , ..,,1rh, o
P2 s gf'e\lC(1'
E note that chough monopl1k, J,1 ri11t t'\,,r ind ' i
magnet there are t\\-O pole') l>f t'quJJ ,rrcngth 11,d
; region ~a opposite nature:
(a) There can be nwf!llt'/1· ,1 ,rl, 110 po/,,., t' ~
Directive-property magnetised nng c,1lled toroul ur ,oknord or
(B) mfimte length has propcrtre'i of J magnet our 110
Fig. 7.3 poles.
,) Directive Property and N-S Poles : When a magnet (b) There can be magnets wuh rwo rnmlar 110/e.\ (Ir
l· is suspended, its length becomes parallel to N-S with rhree poles). e g. due to faulty magnetlsamm
direction. The pole at the end poi111ing north is called of a bar. temporarily 1dent1cal poles at the rwo ends
rhc north pole while 1he other pointing south is called with an opposite pole or double -,rrength dt the
centre of bar (called consequent pole J m:
rhe south pole.
(3) Magnetic Axis and Magnetic Meridian : The line
Joining the two poles of a magnet is called magnetic Consequent-pole,
axis and the vertical plane passing through the axis of a
freely suspended or pivoted magnet is called magnetic ,s N s
meridian. Magnet with s1m1lar poles
Magnel with no poles (or with three poles)
---~ 21 N -~-a-~~:~~~i~-- S - - -- ---- N - ---
(A) (Bi
' ,..,,____ , .,~,J
Fig. 7.6
Effective length = 2/ Effective length = 2R (7) Repulsion is a Sure Test of Polarity : A pole oj a
Actual length = L Actual length = rrR magnet attracrs rhe opposite pole while repels similar
(A) (B) pole. However, a sure rest a/polarity is repulsion and
Fig. 7.4 not alfraction, as attraction can rake place between
(4) Magnetic Length (2/) : The distance between two opposite poles or a pole and a piece oj unmagnec,sed
poles along the axis ofa magnet is called its effective magnetic marerial due to 'induction effect .
or magnetic length. As poles are not exactly at the (8) Pole-strength m : The pole-strength of north and
ends, the effective length is lesser than the actual south poles of a magnet is conventionally represented
length of the magnet. by +m and - m respecti vely and is a scalar with
(S) Poles Exist in Pairs : In a magnet the two poles are dimension [AL] and SI unit A-m•. The pole-strength
of a magnet depends on the nature of the material of
found robe equal in strength and opposite in nature. l f the magnet, the state of magnetisacion (with an upper
a magnet is broken into number of pieces, each piece limit called saturation) and area of cross-secuon. So if
becomes a magnet with two equal and opposite poles. a given magnet is_divid~d into two equal parts such
This in tum implies that monopoles do not exist (as far ~h~~ the cross-sect1_on of each part is half that of the
as we know). 1mt1al, each part_wtl l be a magnet with half the initial
IT NI Is Nl/s N§s N/ pole~strength [Fig. 7. 7 (B)]. However, if the magnet is
cut mto twoh·equal parts such that its cro~s ·
:s -section
· .
(A) (B) remams unc anged, each part will be a maon .h
Fig. 7.5 same pole-strength [Fig. 7.7 (C)]. c, et wit
I '<l •
ran q> =[ -----
\Vlt M , sin---8
M 1 + M 2 cos 0
(10) Inverse-square Law : The force between two isolated
poles of strength 111 1 and 111 2 separated by a distance,- in
vacuum is given by :
i.e.. F= 4-I 1112
. (,/
where A is a constant of proportionality and depends
on the system of units.
[n CGS system , lo SJ (Sommerfeld In SI (Kennelly) nil
units) units Ar
A =I IA = µ o = 10- 7 I to
A =--
4Jt 4rrµ 0 111l
So F = m1 m 2 [t)J'
(r )2 de1
with ,- in cm, F in r in m, Fin N and min r in m, Fin N and min
dyne and m in A -m Wb Ql
emu wi/
Here µ 0 is a constant called permeability of free tlir
space. Though in analogy with electrostatics soml."
authors and books use Kennelly version, in this book
Sommerfeld version is adopted.
(11) Magnetic Induction : A magnet -attracts certain other
substances through the phenomenon of' magnetic
induction, i.e., by inducing opposite pole in a
magnetic material on the side facing it as shown in Fig.
7.8 (A).
\ t
, , 1 ~· 0 , ,h , nd , 11
11 t
\ ll \I l
\'\ h1h ,uh 1 HH
'ill~' \.\ ,.(,d da~~ ct
111 r o1l t f h, 1he m~gne
/1, 1/1 /l/ 1/i,! f/l 'f l(
NoH Hf'r r> 1t ,,, worthy t o notf that r,o 'u f;,1 ar;;ce,
1t1,lfH1Ptl< P ff (•< t ff1ay br v,)ry w,_Ma~ , ~1 b tar'
of rni1erH'tt· m
' ' I
\\ i
~ ~
~ nctd
Magnetic scr een ing u or r, .
Repulsion (A) · ••
(A) (B
(B) Fig. 7.16
Fig . 7.14
(5) Number of lines of Note : Superconducto
force per unit area, norm rs _also provi de perf_
area at a point , represen al to the to exclusion of lines ect magne tic scr ee~ :,
ts the magnitude of field effect . of force . This effect
is call ed M
po in t So crowded lines at that
represent a strong field wh '~ll'~
distant lines represent we ile
ak field. Further, if the lin
Lines of Force in Some
of force are equidistant
and straight the field is un
Cases of Interest
otherwise not [Fig. 7.15 ifo rm The lines of force due
(D )l to a bar magnet (magnetic
- - - - - Non uni and horse-shoe magnet dioo .c
form f i e l d s - - are shown in Fig. 7.13
-- Uniform field respectively while the lin (A) and ~
es of force produced when
and like poles face each two un\11:
other are shown in Fig . 7.1
(B) respectively. 4l.\lit.
Magnitude is Direction is If two bar magnets are
not constant Both magnitude Both magnitude placed wi th their axes par
not constant and direction are each other, the lines of alle1·..
and direction force will be as shown
not constant in Fig .· ·
(A) are constant (A) when their opposit
(B) (C) e poles face each other
(D) 7.17 (B) when their sim and as ft'!-
Fig. 7.15 ilar poles face each other.
there is only one neutr lo case \A
(6) In a region of space al point (X) on the per
where there is no magneti bisector of the axes , eq pcndiculi
there will be no lines of c field, uidistant from the tw o ma
force . This is why, at a ne in case (B) two (X and gne tswh1.e
point (where resultant utral X) on a line equidistant
field is zero) there canno fro m th~
any line of force . t be of the magnets . J\c'